package org.testng; import static org.testng.internal.Utils.isStringBlank; import org.testng.collections.Lists; import org.testng.collections.Maps; import org.testng.internal.Attributes; import org.testng.internal.IConfiguration; import org.testng.internal.IInvoker; import org.testng.internal.Utils; import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder; import org.testng.internal.thread.ThreadUtil; import org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter; import org.testng.reporters.TestHTMLReporter; import org.testng.reporters.TextReporter; import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite; import org.testng.xml.XmlTest; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; /** * SuiteRunner is responsible for running all the tests included in one * suite. The test start is triggered by {@link #run()} method. * * @author Cedric Beust, Apr 26, 2004 */ public class SuiteRunner implements ISuite, Serializable, IInvokedMethodListener { /* generated */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5284208932089503131L; private static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR = "test-output"; private Map m_suiteResults = Collections.synchronizedMap(Maps.newLinkedHashMap()); transient private List m_testRunners = Lists.newArrayList(); transient private Map, ISuiteListener> m_listeners = Maps.newHashMap(); transient private TestListenerAdapter m_textReporter = new TestListenerAdapter(); private String m_outputDir; // DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR; private XmlSuite m_suite; private Injector m_parentInjector; transient private List m_testListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); transient private List m_classListeners = Lists.newArrayList(); transient private ITestRunnerFactory m_tmpRunnerFactory; transient private ITestRunnerFactory m_runnerFactory; transient private boolean m_useDefaultListeners = true; // The remote host where this suite was run, or null if run locally private String m_host; // The configuration transient private IConfiguration m_configuration; transient private ITestObjectFactory m_objectFactory; transient private Boolean m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = Boolean.FALSE; transient private List m_methodInterceptors; private Map, IInvokedMethodListener> m_invokedMethodListeners; /** The list of all the methods invoked during this run */ private List m_invokedMethods = Collections.synchronizedList(Lists.newArrayList()); private List m_allTestMethods = Lists.newArrayList(); // transient private IAnnotationTransformer m_annotationTransformer = null; public SuiteRunner(IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir) { this(configuration, suite, outputDir, null); } public SuiteRunner(IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir, ITestRunnerFactory runnerFactory) { this(configuration, suite, outputDir, runnerFactory, false); } public SuiteRunner(IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir, ITestRunnerFactory runnerFactory, boolean useDefaultListeners) { this(configuration, suite, outputDir, runnerFactory, useDefaultListeners, new ArrayList() /* method interceptor */, null /* invoked method listeners */, null /* test listeners */, null /* class listeners */); } protected SuiteRunner(IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir, ITestRunnerFactory runnerFactory, boolean useDefaultListeners, List methodInterceptors, List invokedMethodListeners, List testListeners, List classListeners) { init(configuration, suite, outputDir, runnerFactory, useDefaultListeners, methodInterceptors, invokedMethodListeners, testListeners, classListeners); } private void init(IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir, ITestRunnerFactory runnerFactory, boolean useDefaultListeners, List methodInterceptors, List invokedMethodListener, List testListeners, List classListeners) { m_configuration = configuration; m_suite = suite; m_useDefaultListeners = useDefaultListeners; m_tmpRunnerFactory= runnerFactory; m_methodInterceptors = methodInterceptors != null ? methodInterceptors : new ArrayList(); setOutputDir(outputDir); m_objectFactory = m_configuration.getObjectFactory(); if(m_objectFactory == null) { m_objectFactory = suite.getObjectFactory(); } // Add our own IInvokedMethodListener m_invokedMethodListeners = Maps.newHashMap(); if (invokedMethodListener != null) { for (IInvokedMethodListener listener : invokedMethodListener) { m_invokedMethodListeners.put(listener.getClass(), listener); } } m_invokedMethodListeners.put(getClass(), this); m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = suite.skipFailedInvocationCounts(); if (null != testListeners) { m_testListeners.addAll(testListeners); } if (null != classListeners) { m_classListeners.addAll(classListeners); } m_runnerFactory = buildRunnerFactory(); // Order the tags based on their order of appearance in testng.xml List xmlTests = m_suite.getTests(); Collections.sort(xmlTests, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(XmlTest arg0, XmlTest arg1) { return arg0.getIndex() - arg1.getIndex(); } }); for (XmlTest test : xmlTests) { TestRunner tr = m_runnerFactory.newTestRunner(this, test, m_invokedMethodListeners.values(), m_classListeners); // // Install the method interceptor, if any was passed // for (IMethodInterceptor methodInterceptor : m_methodInterceptors) { tr.addMethodInterceptor(methodInterceptor); } // Reuse the same text reporter so we can accumulate all the results // (this is used to display the final suite report at the end) tr.addListener(m_textReporter); m_testRunners.add(tr); // Add the methods found in this test to our global count m_allTestMethods.addAll(Arrays.asList(tr.getAllTestMethods())); } } @Override public XmlSuite getXmlSuite() { return m_suite; } @Override public String getName() { return m_suite.getName(); } public void setObjectFactory(ITestObjectFactory objectFactory) { m_objectFactory = objectFactory; } public void setReportResults(boolean reportResults) { m_useDefaultListeners = reportResults; } private void invokeListeners(boolean start) { for (ISuiteListener sl : m_listeners.values()) { if (start) { sl.onStart(this); } else { sl.onFinish(this); } } } private void setOutputDir(String outputdir) { if (isStringBlank(outputdir) && m_useDefaultListeners) { outputdir = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIR; } m_outputDir = (null != outputdir) ? new File(outputdir).getAbsolutePath() : null; } private ITestRunnerFactory buildRunnerFactory() { ITestRunnerFactory factory = null; if (null == m_tmpRunnerFactory) { factory = new DefaultTestRunnerFactory(m_configuration, m_testListeners.toArray(new ITestListener[m_testListeners.size()]), m_useDefaultListeners, m_skipFailedInvocationCounts); } else { factory = new ProxyTestRunnerFactory( m_testListeners.toArray(new ITestListener[m_testListeners.size()]), m_tmpRunnerFactory); } return factory; } @Override public String getParallel() { return m_suite.getParallel().toString(); } public String getParentModule() { return m_suite.getParentModule(); } @Override public String getGuiceStage() { return m_suite.getGuiceStage(); } public Injector getParentInjector() { return m_parentInjector; } public void setParentInjector(Injector injector) { m_parentInjector = injector; } @Override public void run() { invokeListeners(true /* start */); try { privateRun(); } finally { invokeListeners(false /* stop */); } } private void privateRun() { // Map for unicity, Linked for guaranteed order Map beforeSuiteMethods= new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map afterSuiteMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>(); IInvoker invoker = null; // Get the invoker and find all the suite level methods for (TestRunner tr: m_testRunners) { // TODO: Code smell. Invoker should belong to SuiteRunner, not TestRunner // -- cbeust invoker = tr.getInvoker(); for (ITestNGMethod m : tr.getBeforeSuiteMethods()) { beforeSuiteMethods.put(m.getMethod(), m); } for (ITestNGMethod m : tr.getAfterSuiteMethods()) { afterSuiteMethods.put(m.getMethod(), m); } } // // Invoke beforeSuite methods (the invoker can be null // if the suite we are currently running only contains // a tag and no real tests) // if (invoker != null) { if(beforeSuiteMethods.values().size() > 0) { invoker.invokeConfigurations(null, beforeSuiteMethods.values().toArray(new ITestNGMethod[beforeSuiteMethods.size()]), m_suite, m_suite.getParameters(), null, /* no parameter values */ null /* instance */ ); } Utils.log("SuiteRunner", 3, "Created " + m_testRunners.size() + " TestRunners"); // // Run all the test runners // boolean testsInParallel = XmlSuite.ParallelMode.TESTS.equals(m_suite.getParallel()); if (!testsInParallel) { runSequentially(); } else { runInParallelTestMode(); } // SuitePlan sp = new SuitePlan(); // for (TestRunner tr : m_testRunners) { // sp.addTestPlan(tr.getTestPlan()); // } // sp.dump(); // // Invoke afterSuite methods // if (afterSuiteMethods.values().size() > 0) { invoker.invokeConfigurations(null, afterSuiteMethods.values().toArray(new ITestNGMethod[afterSuiteMethods.size()]), m_suite, m_suite.getAllParameters(), null, /* no parameter values */ null /* instance */); } } } private List m_reporters = Lists.newArrayList(); private void addReporter(IReporter listener) { m_reporters.add(listener); } void addConfigurationListener(IConfigurationListener listener) { m_configuration.addConfigurationListener(listener); } public List getReporters() { return m_reporters; } private void runSequentially() { for (TestRunner tr : m_testRunners) { runTest(tr); } } private void runTest(TestRunner tr) {; ISuiteResult sr = new SuiteResult(m_suite, tr); m_suiteResults.put(tr.getName(), sr); } /** * Implement . * Since this kind of parallelism happens at the suite level, we need a special code path * to execute it. All the other parallelism strategies are implemented at the test level * in TestRunner#createParallelWorkers (but since this method deals with just one * tag, it can't implement , which is why we're doing it here). */ private void runInParallelTestMode() { List tasks= Lists.newArrayList(m_testRunners.size()); for(TestRunner tr: m_testRunners) { tasks.add(new SuiteWorker(tr)); } ThreadUtil.execute(tasks, m_suite.getThreadCount(), m_suite.getTimeOut(XmlTest.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS), false); } private class SuiteWorker implements Runnable { private TestRunner m_testRunner; public SuiteWorker(TestRunner tr) { m_testRunner = tr; } @Override public void run() { Utils.log("[SuiteWorker]", 4, "Running XML Test '" + m_testRunner.getTest().getName() + "' in Parallel"); runTest(m_testRunner); } } /** * Registers ISuiteListeners interested in reporting the result of the current * suite. * * @param reporter */ protected void addListener(ISuiteListener reporter) { m_listeners.put(reporter.getClass(), reporter); } @Override public void addListener(ITestNGListener listener) { if (listener instanceof IInvokedMethodListener) { IInvokedMethodListener invokedMethodListener = (IInvokedMethodListener) listener; m_invokedMethodListeners.put(invokedMethodListener.getClass(), invokedMethodListener); } if (listener instanceof ISuiteListener) { addListener((ISuiteListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof IReporter) { addReporter((IReporter) listener); } if (listener instanceof IConfigurationListener) { addConfigurationListener((IConfigurationListener) listener); } } @Override public String getOutputDirectory() { return m_outputDir + File.separatorChar + getName(); } @Override public Map getResults() { return m_suiteResults; } /** * FIXME: should be removed? * * @see org.testng.ISuite#getParameter(java.lang.String) */ @Override public String getParameter(String parameterName) { return m_suite.getParameter(parameterName); } /** * @see org.testng.ISuite#getMethodsByGroups() */ @Override public Map> getMethodsByGroups() { Map> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (TestRunner tr : m_testRunners) { ITestNGMethod[] methods = tr.getAllTestMethods(); for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) { String[] groups = m.getGroups(); for (String groupName : groups) { Collection testMethods = result.get(groupName); if (null == testMethods) { testMethods = Lists.newArrayList(); result.put(groupName, testMethods); } testMethods.add(m); } } } return result; } /** * @see org.testng.ISuite#getInvokedMethods() */ @Override public Collection getInvokedMethods() { return getIncludedOrExcludedMethods(true /* included */); } /** * @see org.testng.ISuite#getExcludedMethods() */ @Override public Collection getExcludedMethods() { return getIncludedOrExcludedMethods(false/* included */); } private Collection getIncludedOrExcludedMethods(boolean included) { List result= Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestRunner tr : m_testRunners) { Collection methods = included ? tr.getInvokedMethods() : tr.getExcludedMethods(); for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) { result.add(m); } } return result; } @Override public IObjectFactory getObjectFactory() { return m_objectFactory instanceof IObjectFactory ? (IObjectFactory) m_objectFactory : null; } @Override public IObjectFactory2 getObjectFactory2() { return m_objectFactory instanceof IObjectFactory2 ? (IObjectFactory2) m_objectFactory : null; } /** * Returns the annotation finder for the given annotation type. * @return the annotation finder for the given annotation type. */ @Override public IAnnotationFinder getAnnotationFinder() { return m_configuration.getAnnotationFinder(); } public static void ppp(String s) { System.out.println("[SuiteRunner] " + s); } /** * The default implementation of {@link ITestRunnerFactory}. */ private static class DefaultTestRunnerFactory implements ITestRunnerFactory { private ITestListener[] m_failureGenerators; private boolean m_useDefaultListeners; private boolean m_skipFailedInvocationCounts; private IConfiguration m_configuration; public DefaultTestRunnerFactory(IConfiguration configuration, ITestListener[] failureListeners, boolean useDefaultListeners, boolean skipFailedInvocationCounts) { m_configuration = configuration; m_failureGenerators = failureListeners; m_useDefaultListeners = useDefaultListeners; m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = skipFailedInvocationCounts; } @Override public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest test, Collection listeners, List classListeners) { boolean skip = m_skipFailedInvocationCounts; if (! skip) { skip = test.skipFailedInvocationCounts(); } TestRunner testRunner = new TestRunner(m_configuration, suite, test, suite.getOutputDirectory(), suite.getAnnotationFinder(), skip, listeners, classListeners); if (m_useDefaultListeners) { testRunner.addListener(new TestHTMLReporter()); testRunner.addListener(new JUnitXMLReporter()); //TODO: Moved these here because maven2 has output reporters running //already, the output from these causes directories to be created with //files. This is not the desired behaviour of running tests in maven2. //Don't know what to do about this though, are people relying on these //to be added even with defaultListeners set to false? testRunner.addListener(new TextReporter(testRunner.getName(), TestRunner.getVerbose())); } for (ITestListener itl : m_failureGenerators) { testRunner.addListener(itl); } for (IConfigurationListener cl : m_configuration.getConfigurationListeners()) { testRunner.addConfigurationListener(cl); } return testRunner; } } private static class ProxyTestRunnerFactory implements ITestRunnerFactory { private ITestListener[] m_failureGenerators; private ITestRunnerFactory m_target; public ProxyTestRunnerFactory(ITestListener[] failureListeners, ITestRunnerFactory target) { m_failureGenerators = failureListeners; m_target= target; } @Override public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest test, Collection listeners, List classListeners) { TestRunner testRunner= m_target.newTestRunner(suite, test, listeners, classListeners); testRunner.addListener(new TextReporter(testRunner.getName(), TestRunner.getVerbose())); for (ITestListener itl : m_failureGenerators) { testRunner.addListener(itl); } return testRunner; } } public void setHost(String host) { m_host = host; } @Override public String getHost() { return m_host; } private SuiteRunState m_suiteState= new SuiteRunState(); /** * @see org.testng.ISuite#getSuiteState() */ @Override public SuiteRunState getSuiteState() { return m_suiteState; } public void setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(Boolean skipFailedInvocationCounts) { if (skipFailedInvocationCounts != null) { m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = skipFailedInvocationCounts; } } private IAttributes m_attributes = new Attributes(); @Override public Object getAttribute(String name) { return m_attributes.getAttribute(name); } @Override public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) { m_attributes.setAttribute(name, value); } @Override public Set getAttributeNames() { return m_attributes.getAttributeNames(); } @Override public Object removeAttribute(String name) { return m_attributes.removeAttribute(name); } ///// // implements IInvokedMethodListener // @Override public void afterInvocation(IInvokedMethod method, ITestResult testResult) { } @Override public void beforeInvocation(IInvokedMethod method, ITestResult testResult) { if (method == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Method should not be null"); } m_invokedMethods.add(method); } // // implements IInvokedMethodListener ///// @Override public List getAllInvokedMethods() { return m_invokedMethods; } @Override public List getAllMethods() { return m_allTestMethods; } }