package org.testng.internal; import org.testng.IExpectedExceptionsHolder; import org.testng.ITestNGMethod; import org.testng.TestException; import org.testng.annotations.IExpectedExceptionsAnnotation; import org.testng.annotations.ITestAnnotation; import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder; import java.util.Arrays; public class ExpectedExceptionsHolder { protected final IAnnotationFinder finder; protected final ITestNGMethod method; private final Class[] expectedClasses; private final IExpectedExceptionsHolder holder; protected ExpectedExceptionsHolder(IAnnotationFinder finder, ITestNGMethod method, IExpectedExceptionsHolder holder) { this.finder = finder; this.method = method; expectedClasses = findExpectedClasses(finder, method); this.holder = holder; } private static Class[] findExpectedClasses(IAnnotationFinder finder, ITestNGMethod method) { IExpectedExceptionsAnnotation expectedExceptions = finder.findAnnotation(method, IExpectedExceptionsAnnotation.class); // Old syntax if (expectedExceptions != null) { return expectedExceptions.getValue(); } // New syntax ITestAnnotation testAnnotation = finder.findAnnotation(method, ITestAnnotation.class); if (testAnnotation != null) { return testAnnotation.getExpectedExceptions(); } return new Class[0]; } /** * @param ite The exception that was just thrown * @return true if the exception that was just thrown is part of the * expected exceptions */ public boolean isExpectedException(Throwable ite) { if (!hasExpectedClasses()) { return false; } // TestException is the wrapper exception that TestNG will be throwing when an exception was // expected but not thrown if (ite.getClass() == TestException.class) { return false; } Class realExceptionClass= ite.getClass(); for (Class exception : expectedClasses) { if (exception.isAssignableFrom(realExceptionClass) && holder.isThrowableMatching(ite)) { return true; } } return false; } public Throwable wrongException(Throwable ite) { if (!hasExpectedClasses()) { return ite; } if (holder.isThrowableMatching(ite)) { return new TestException("Expected exception of " + getExpectedExceptionsPluralize() + " but got " + ite, ite); } else { return new TestException(holder.getWrongExceptionMessage(ite), ite); } } public TestException noException(ITestNGMethod testMethod) { if (!hasExpectedClasses()) { return null; } return new TestException("Method " + testMethod + " should have thrown an exception of " + getExpectedExceptionsPluralize()); } private boolean hasExpectedClasses() { return expectedClasses != null && expectedClasses.length > 0; } private String getExpectedExceptionsPluralize() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (expectedClasses.length > 1) { sb.append("any of types "); sb.append(Arrays.toString(expectedClasses)); } else { sb.append("type "); sb.append(expectedClasses[0]); } return sb.toString(); } }