/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.filterfw.core; import android.filterfw.core.Frame; import android.filterfw.core.NativeAllocatorTag; import android.filterfw.core.Program; import android.filterfw.core.StopWatchMap; import android.filterfw.core.VertexFrame; import android.filterfw.geometry.Quad; import android.opengl.GLES20; /** * @hide */ public class ShaderProgram extends Program { private int shaderProgramId; private int mMaxTileSize = 0; // Keep a reference to the GL environment, so that it does not get deallocated while there // are still programs living in it. private GLEnvironment mGLEnvironment; private StopWatchMap mTimer = null; private void setTimer() { mTimer = new StopWatchMap(); } // Used from native layer for creating empty wrapper only! private ShaderProgram() { } private ShaderProgram(NativeAllocatorTag tag) { } public ShaderProgram(FilterContext context, String fragmentShader) { mGLEnvironment = getGLEnvironment(context); allocate(mGLEnvironment, null, fragmentShader); if (!compileAndLink()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not compile and link shader!"); } this.setTimer(); } public ShaderProgram(FilterContext context, String vertexShader, String fragmentShader) { mGLEnvironment = getGLEnvironment(context); allocate(mGLEnvironment, vertexShader, fragmentShader); if (!compileAndLink()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not compile and link shader!"); } this.setTimer(); } public static ShaderProgram createIdentity(FilterContext context) { ShaderProgram program = nativeCreateIdentity(getGLEnvironment(context)); program.setTimer(); return program; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { deallocate(); } public GLEnvironment getGLEnvironment() { return mGLEnvironment; } @Override public void process(Frame[] inputs, Frame output) { if (mTimer.LOG_MFF_RUNNING_TIMES) { mTimer.start("glFinish"); GLES20.glFinish(); mTimer.stop("glFinish"); } // Get the GL input frames // TODO: We do the same in the NativeProgram... can we find a better way?! GLFrame[] glInputs = new GLFrame[inputs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { if (inputs[i] instanceof GLFrame) { glInputs[i] = (GLFrame)inputs[i]; } else { throw new RuntimeException("ShaderProgram got non-GL frame as input " + i + "!"); } } // Get the GL output frame GLFrame glOutput = null; if (output instanceof GLFrame) { glOutput = (GLFrame)output; } else { throw new RuntimeException("ShaderProgram got non-GL output frame!"); } // Adjust tiles to meet maximum tile size requirement if (mMaxTileSize > 0) { int xTiles = (output.getFormat().getWidth() + mMaxTileSize - 1) / mMaxTileSize; int yTiles = (output.getFormat().getHeight() + mMaxTileSize - 1) / mMaxTileSize; setShaderTileCounts(xTiles, yTiles); } // Process! if (!shaderProcess(glInputs, glOutput)) { throw new RuntimeException("Error executing ShaderProgram!"); } if (mTimer.LOG_MFF_RUNNING_TIMES) { GLES20.glFinish(); } } @Override public void setHostValue(String variableName, Object value) { if (!setUniformValue(variableName, value)) { throw new RuntimeException("Error setting uniform value for variable '" + variableName + "'!"); } } @Override public Object getHostValue(String variableName) { return getUniformValue(variableName); } public void setAttributeValues(String attributeName, float[] data, int componentCount) { if (!setShaderAttributeValues(attributeName, data, componentCount)) { throw new RuntimeException("Error setting attribute value for attribute '" + attributeName + "'!"); } } public void setAttributeValues(String attributeName, VertexFrame vertexData, int type, int componentCount, int strideInBytes, int offsetInBytes, boolean normalize) { if (!setShaderAttributeVertexFrame(attributeName, vertexData, type, componentCount, strideInBytes, offsetInBytes, normalize)) { throw new RuntimeException("Error setting attribute value for attribute '" + attributeName + "'!"); } } public void setSourceRegion(Quad region) { setSourceRegion(region.p0.x, region.p0.y, region.p1.x, region.p1.y, region.p2.x, region.p2.y, region.p3.x, region.p3.y); } public void setTargetRegion(Quad region) { setTargetRegion(region.p0.x, region.p0.y, region.p1.x, region.p1.y, region.p2.x, region.p2.y, region.p3.x, region.p3.y); } public void setSourceRect(float x, float y, float width, float height) { setSourceRegion(x, y, x + width, y, x, y + height, x + width, y + height); } public void setTargetRect(float x, float y, float width, float height) { setTargetRegion(x, y, x + width, y, x, y + height, x + width, y + height); } public void setClearsOutput(boolean clears) { if (!setShaderClearsOutput(clears)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not set clears-output flag to " + clears + "!"); } } public void setClearColor(float r, float g, float b) { if (!setShaderClearColor(r, g, b)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not set clear color to " + r + "," + g + "," + b + "!"); } } public void setBlendEnabled(boolean enable) { if (!setShaderBlendEnabled(enable)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not set Blending " + enable + "!"); } } public void setBlendFunc(int sfactor, int dfactor) { if (!setShaderBlendFunc(sfactor, dfactor)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not set BlendFunc " + sfactor +","+ dfactor + "!"); } } public void setDrawMode(int drawMode) { if (!setShaderDrawMode(drawMode)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not set GL draw-mode to " + drawMode + "!"); } } public void setVertexCount(int count) { if (!setShaderVertexCount(count)) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not set GL vertex count to " + count + "!"); } } public void setMaximumTileSize(int size) { mMaxTileSize = size; } public void beginDrawing() { if (!beginShaderDrawing()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not prepare shader-program for drawing!"); } } private static GLEnvironment getGLEnvironment(FilterContext context) { GLEnvironment result = context != null ? context.getGLEnvironment() : null; if (result == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Attempting to create ShaderProgram with no GL " + "environment in place!"); } return result; } static { System.loadLibrary("filterfw"); } private native boolean allocate(GLEnvironment glEnv, String vertexShader, String fragmentShader); private native boolean deallocate(); private native boolean compileAndLink(); private native boolean shaderProcess(GLFrame[] inputs, GLFrame output); private native boolean setUniformValue(String name, Object value); private native Object getUniformValue(String name); public native boolean setSourceRegion(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3); private native boolean setTargetRegion(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3); private static native ShaderProgram nativeCreateIdentity(GLEnvironment glEnv); private native boolean setShaderClearsOutput(boolean clears); private native boolean setShaderBlendEnabled(boolean enable); private native boolean setShaderBlendFunc(int sfactor, int dfactor); private native boolean setShaderClearColor(float r, float g, float b); private native boolean setShaderDrawMode(int drawMode); private native boolean setShaderTileCounts(int xCount, int yCount); private native boolean setShaderVertexCount(int vertexCount); private native boolean beginShaderDrawing(); private native boolean setShaderAttributeValues(String attributeName, float[] data, int componentCount); private native boolean setShaderAttributeVertexFrame(String attributeName, VertexFrame vertexData, int type, int componentCount, int strideInBytes, int offsetInBytes, boolean normalize); }