/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mediaframeworktest.functional; //import android.content.Resources; import com.android.mediaframeworktest.MediaFrameworkTest; import com.android.mediaframeworktest.MediaNames; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever; import android.media.MediaPlayer; import android.media.MediaRecorder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Random; /** * Junit / Instrumentation test case for the media player api */ public class CodecTest { private static String TAG = "MediaPlayerApiTest"; private static MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer; private MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener mOnPreparedListener; private static int WAIT_FOR_COMMAND_TO_COMPLETE = 60000; //1 min max. private static boolean mInitialized = false; private static boolean mPrepareReset = false; private static Looper mLooper = null; private static final Object lock = new Object(); private static final Object prepareDone = new Object(); private static final Object videoSizeChanged = new Object(); private static final Object onCompletion = new Object(); private static boolean onPrepareSuccess = false; private static boolean onCompleteSuccess = false; public static String printCpuInfo(){ String cm = "dumpsys cpuinfo"; String cpuinfo =null; int ch; try{ Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cm); InputStream in = p.getInputStream(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(512); while ( ( ch = in.read() ) != -1 ){ sb.append((char) ch); } cpuinfo = sb.toString(); }catch (IOException e){ Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); } return cpuinfo; } public static int getDuration(String filePath) { Log.v(TAG, "getDuration - " + filePath); MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.prepare(); }catch (Exception e){} int duration = mp.getDuration(); Log.v(TAG, "Duration " + duration); mp.release(); Log.v(TAG, "release"); return duration; } public static boolean getCurrentPosition(String filePath){ Log.v(TAG, "GetCurrentPosition - " + filePath); int currentPosition = 0; long t1=0; long t2 =0; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ mp.setDataSource(filePath); Log.v(TAG, "start playback"); mp.prepare(); mp.start(); t1=SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(10000); mp.pause(); Thread.sleep(MediaNames.PAUSE_WAIT_TIME); t2=SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); }catch (Exception e){ Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); } currentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); mp.stop(); mp.release(); Log.v(TAG, "mp currentPositon = " + currentPosition + " play duration = " + (t2-t1)); //The currentposition should be within 10% of the sleep time //For the very short mp3, it should return the length instead of 10 seconds if (filePath.equals(MediaNames.SHORTMP3)){ if (currentPosition < 1000 ) return true; } if ((currentPosition < ((t2-t1) *1.2)) && (currentPosition > 0)) return true; else return false; } public static boolean seekTo(String filePath){ Log.v(TAG, "seekTo " + filePath); int currentPosition = 0; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.prepare(); mp.start(); mp.seekTo(MediaNames.SEEK_TIME); Thread.sleep(MediaNames.WAIT_TIME); currentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); }catch (Exception e){ Log.v(TAG, e.getMessage()); } mp.stop(); mp.release(); Log.v(TAG, "CurrentPosition = " + currentPosition); //The currentposition should be at least greater than the 80% of seek time if ((currentPosition > MediaNames.SEEK_TIME *0.8)) return true; else return false; } public static boolean setLooping(String filePath){ int currentPosition = 0; int duration = 0; long t1 =0; long t2 =0; Log.v (TAG, "SetLooping - " + filePath); MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.prepare(); duration = mp.getDuration(); Log.v(TAG, "setLooping duration " + duration); mp.setLooping(true); mp.start(); Thread.sleep(5000); mp.seekTo(duration - 5000); t1=SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(20000); t2=SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); Log.v(TAG, "pause"); //Bug# 1106852 - IllegalStateException will be thrown if pause is called //in here //mp.pause(); currentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); Log.v(TAG, "looping position " + currentPosition + "duration = " + (t2-t1)); }catch (Exception e){ Log.v(TAG, "Exception : " + e.toString()); } mp.stop(); mp.release(); //The current position should be within 20% of the sleep time //and should be greater than zero. if ((currentPosition < ((t2-t1-5000)*1.2)) && currentPosition > 0) return true; else return false; } public static boolean pause(String filePath) throws Exception { Log.v(TAG, "pause - " + filePath); boolean misPlaying = true; boolean pauseResult = false; long t1=0; long t2=0; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.prepare(); int duration = mp.getDuration(); mp.start(); t1=SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(5000); mp.pause(); Thread.sleep(MediaNames.PAUSE_WAIT_TIME); t2=SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); misPlaying = mp.isPlaying(); int curPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); Log.v(TAG, filePath + " pause currentPositon " + curPosition); Log.v(TAG, "isPlaying "+ misPlaying + " wait time " + (t2 - t1) ); String cpuinfo = printCpuInfo(); Log.v(TAG, cpuinfo); if ((curPosition>0) && (curPosition < ((t2-t1) * 1.3)) && (misPlaying == false)) pauseResult = true; mp.stop(); mp.release(); return pauseResult; } public static void prepareStopRelease(String filePath) throws Exception { Log.v(TAG, "prepareStopRelease" + filePath); MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.prepare(); mp.stop(); mp.release(); } public static void preparePauseRelease(String filePath) throws Exception { Log.v(TAG, "preparePauseRelease" + filePath); MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.prepare(); mp.pause(); mp.release(); } static MediaPlayer.OnVideoSizeChangedListener mOnVideoSizeChangedListener = new MediaPlayer.OnVideoSizeChangedListener() { public void onVideoSizeChanged(MediaPlayer mp, int width, int height) { synchronized (videoSizeChanged) { Log.v(TAG, "sizechanged notification received ..."); videoSizeChanged.notify(); } } }; //Register the videoSizeChanged listener public static int videoHeight(String filePath) throws Exception { Log.v(TAG, "videoHeight - " + filePath); int videoHeight = 0; synchronized (lock) { initializeMessageLooper(); try { lock.wait(WAIT_FOR_COMMAND_TO_COMPLETE); } catch(Exception e) { Log.v(TAG, "looper was interrupted."); return 0; } } try { mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(filePath); mMediaPlayer.setDisplay(MediaFrameworkTest.mSurfaceView.getHolder()); mMediaPlayer.setOnVideoSizeChangedListener(mOnVideoSizeChangedListener); synchronized (videoSizeChanged) { try { mMediaPlayer.prepare(); mMediaPlayer.start(); videoSizeChanged.wait(WAIT_FOR_COMMAND_TO_COMPLETE); } catch (Exception e) { Log.v(TAG, "wait was interrupted"); } } videoHeight = mMediaPlayer.getVideoHeight(); terminateMessageLooper(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } return videoHeight; } //Register the videoSizeChanged listener public static int videoWidth(String filePath) throws Exception { Log.v(TAG, "videoWidth - " + filePath); int videoWidth = 0; synchronized (lock) { initializeMessageLooper(); try { lock.wait(WAIT_FOR_COMMAND_TO_COMPLETE); } catch(Exception e) { Log.v(TAG, "looper was interrupted."); return 0; } } try { mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(filePath); mMediaPlayer.setDisplay(MediaFrameworkTest.mSurfaceView.getHolder()); mMediaPlayer.setOnVideoSizeChangedListener(mOnVideoSizeChangedListener); synchronized (videoSizeChanged) { try { mMediaPlayer.prepare(); mMediaPlayer.start(); videoSizeChanged.wait(WAIT_FOR_COMMAND_TO_COMPLETE); } catch (Exception e) { Log.v(TAG, "wait was interrupted"); } } videoWidth = mMediaPlayer.getVideoWidth(); terminateMessageLooper(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } return videoWidth; } //This also test the streaming video which may take a long //time to start the playback. public static boolean videoSeekTo(String filePath) throws Exception { Log.v(TAG, "videoSeekTo - " + filePath); int currentPosition = 0; int duration = 0; boolean videoResult = false; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.setDisplay(MediaFrameworkTest.mSurfaceView.getHolder()); mp.prepare(); mp.start(); if (filePath.equals(MediaNames.VIDEO_SHORT_3GP)){ mp.pause(); Thread.sleep(MediaNames.PAUSE_WAIT_TIME); mp.seekTo(0); mp.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); currentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); Log.v(TAG,"short position " + currentPosition); if (currentPosition > 100 ) return true; else return false; } Thread.sleep(5000); duration = mp.getDuration(); Log.v(TAG, "video duration " + duration); mp.pause(); Thread.sleep(MediaNames.PAUSE_WAIT_TIME); mp.seekTo(duration - 20000 ); mp.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); mp.pause(); Thread.sleep(MediaNames.PAUSE_WAIT_TIME); mp.seekTo(duration/2); mp.start(); Thread.sleep(10000); currentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); Log.v(TAG, "video currentPosition " + currentPosition); mp.release(); if (currentPosition > (duration /2 )*0.9) return true; else return false; } public static boolean seekToEnd(String filePath){ Log.v(TAG, "seekToEnd - " + filePath); int duration = 0; int currentPosition = 0; boolean isPlaying = false; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ mp.setDataSource(filePath); Log.v(TAG, "start playback"); mp.prepare(); duration = mp.getDuration(); mp.seekTo(duration - 3000); mp.start(); Thread.sleep(6000); }catch (Exception e){} isPlaying = mp.isPlaying(); currentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); Log.v(TAG, "seekToEnd currentPosition= " + currentPosition + " isPlaying = " + isPlaying); mp.stop(); mp.release(); Log.v(TAG, "duration = " + duration); if (currentPosition < 0.9 * duration || isPlaying) return false; else return true; } public static boolean shortMediaStop(String filePath){ Log.v(TAG, "shortMediaStop - " + filePath); //This test is only for the short media file int duration = 0; int currentPosition = 0; boolean isPlaying = false; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ mp.setDataSource(filePath); Log.v(TAG, "start playback"); mp.prepare(); duration = mp.getDuration(); mp.start(); Thread.sleep(10000); }catch (Exception e){} isPlaying = mp.isPlaying(); currentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); Log.v(TAG, "seekToEnd currentPosition= " + currentPosition + " isPlaying = " + isPlaying); mp.stop(); mp.release(); Log.v(TAG, "duration = " + duration); if (currentPosition > duration || isPlaying) return false; else return true; } public static boolean playToEnd(String filePath){ Log.v(TAG, "shortMediaStop - " + filePath); //This test is only for the short media file int duration = 200000; int updateDuration = 0; int currentPosition = 0; boolean isPlaying = false; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ Thread.sleep(5000); mp.setDataSource(filePath); Log.v(TAG, "start playback"); mp.prepare(); //duration = mp.getDuration(); mp.start(); Thread.sleep(50000); }catch (Exception e){} isPlaying = mp.isPlaying(); currentPosition = mp.getCurrentPosition(); //updateDuration = mp.getDuration(); Log.v(TAG, "seekToEnd currentPosition= " + currentPosition + " isPlaying = " + isPlaying); mp.stop(); mp.release(); //Log.v(TAG, "duration = " + duration); //Log.v(TAG, "Update duration = " + updateDuration); if (currentPosition > duration || isPlaying) return false; else return true; } public static boolean seektoBeforeStart(String filePath){ Log.v(TAG, "seektoBeforeStart - " + filePath); //This test is only for the short media file int duration = 0; int currentPosition = 0; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.prepare(); duration = mp.getDuration(); mp.seekTo(duration - 10000); mp.start(); currentPosition=mp.getCurrentPosition(); mp.stop(); mp.release(); }catch (Exception e){} if (currentPosition < duration/2) return false; else return true; } public static boolean mediaRecorderRecord(String filePath){ Log.v(TAG, "SoundRecording - " + filePath); //This test is only for the short media file int duration = 0; try{ MediaRecorder mRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); mRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); mRecorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); mRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); mRecorder.setOutputFile(filePath); mRecorder.prepare(); mRecorder.start(); Thread.sleep(500); mRecorder.stop(); Log.v(TAG, "sound recorded"); mRecorder.release(); }catch (Exception e){ Log.v(TAG, e.toString()); } //Verify the recorded file MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); try{ mp.setDataSource(filePath); mp.prepare(); duration = mp.getDuration(); Log.v(TAG,"Duration " + duration); mp.release(); }catch (Exception e){} //Check the record media file length is greate than zero if (duration > 0) return true; else return false; } //Test for mediaMeta Data Thumbnail public static boolean getThumbnail(String filePath, String goldenPath){ Log.v(TAG, "getThumbnail - " + filePath); int goldenHeight = 0; int goldenWidth = 0; int outputWidth = 0; int outputHeight = 0; //This test is only for the short media file try{ BitmapFactory mBitmapFactory = new BitmapFactory(); MediaMetadataRetriever mMediaMetadataRetriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever(); try { mMediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource(filePath); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } Bitmap outThumbnail = mMediaMetadataRetriever.captureFrame(); //Verify the thumbnail Bitmap goldenBitmap = mBitmapFactory.decodeFile(goldenPath); outputWidth = outThumbnail.getWidth(); outputHeight = outThumbnail.getHeight(); goldenHeight = goldenBitmap.getHeight(); goldenWidth = goldenBitmap.getWidth(); //check the image dimension if ((outputWidth != goldenWidth) || (outputHeight != goldenHeight)) return false; //Check one line of pixel int x = goldenHeight/2; for (int j=0; j