package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; public class OSUManager { public static final String TAG = "OSUMGR"; public static final boolean R2_ENABLED = true; public static final boolean R2_MOCK = true; private static final boolean MATCH_BSSID = false; private static final String KEYSTORE_FILE = "passpoint.ks"; private static final String WFA_CA_LOC = "/etc/security/wfa"; private static final String OSU_COUNT = "osu-count"; private static final String SP_NAME = "sp-name"; private static final String PROV_SUCCESS = "prov-success"; private static final String DEAUTH = "deauth"; private static final String DEAUTH_DELAY = "deauth-delay"; private static final String DEAUTH_URL = "deauth-url"; private static final String PROV_MESSAGE = "prov-message"; private static final long REMEDIATION_TIMEOUT = 120000L; // How many scan result batches to hang on to public static final int FLOW_PROVISIONING = 1; public static final int FLOW_REMEDIATION = 2; public static final int FLOW_POLICY = 3; public static final String CERT_WFA_ALIAS = "wfa-root-"; public static final String CERT_REM_ALIAS = "rem-"; public static final String CERT_POLICY_ALIAS = "pol-"; public static final String CERT_SHARED_ALIAS = "shr-"; public static final String CERT_CLT_CERT_ALIAS = "clt-"; public static final String CERT_CLT_KEY_ALIAS = "prv-"; public static final String CERT_CLT_CA_ALIAS = "aaa-"; // Preferred icon parameters private static final Set ICON_TYPES = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("image/png", "image/jpeg")); private static final int ICON_WIDTH = 64; private static final int ICON_HEIGHT = 64; public static final Locale LOCALE = java.util.Locale.getDefault(); private final WifiNetworkAdapter mWifiNetworkAdapter; private final AppBridge mAppBridge; private final Context mContext; private final IconCache mIconCache; private final SubscriptionTimer mSubscriptionTimer; private final Set mOSUSSIDs = new HashSet<>(); private final Map mOSUMap = new HashMap<>(); private final KeyStore mKeyStore; private RedirectListener mRedirectListener; private final AtomicInteger mOSUSequence = new AtomicInteger(); private OSUThread mProvisioningThread; private final Map mServiceThreads = new HashMap<>(); private volatile OSUInfo mPendingOSU; private volatile Integer mOSUNwkID; private final OSUCache mOSUCache; public OSUManager(Context context) { mContext = context; mAppBridge = new AppBridge(context); mIconCache = new IconCache(this); mWifiNetworkAdapter = new WifiNetworkAdapter(context, this); mSubscriptionTimer = new SubscriptionTimer(this, mWifiNetworkAdapter, context); mOSUCache = new OSUCache(); KeyStore ks = null; try { //ks = loadKeyStore(KEYSTORE_FILE, readCertsFromDisk(WFA_CA_LOC)); ks = loadKeyStore(new File(context.getFilesDir(), KEYSTORE_FILE), OSUSocketFactory.buildCertSet()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to initialize Passpoint keystore, OSU disabled", e); } mKeyStore = ks; } private static KeyStore loadKeyStore(File ksFile, Set diskCerts) throws IOException { try { KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); if (ksFile.exists()) { try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(ksFile)) { keyStore.load(in, null); } // Note: comparing two sets of certs does not work. boolean mismatch = false; int loadCount = 0; for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) { String alias = String.format("%s%d", CERT_WFA_ALIAS, n); Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); if (cert == null) { break; } loadCount++; boolean matched = false; Iterator iter = diskCerts.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { X509Certificate diskCert =; if (cert.equals(diskCert)) { iter.remove(); matched = true; break; } } if (!matched) { mismatch = true; break; } } if (mismatch || !diskCerts.isEmpty()) { Log.d(TAG, "Re-seeding Passpoint key store with " + diskCerts.size() + " WFA certs"); for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) { String alias = String.format("%s%d", CERT_WFA_ALIAS, n); Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); if (cert == null) { break; } else { keyStore.deleteEntry(alias); } } int index = 0; for (X509Certificate caCert : diskCerts) { keyStore.setCertificateEntry( String.format("%s%d", CERT_WFA_ALIAS, index), caCert); index++; } try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(ksFile)) {, null); } } else { Log.d(TAG, "Loaded Passpoint key store with " + loadCount + " CA certs"); Enumeration aliases = keyStore.aliases(); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { Log.d("ZXC", "KS Alias '" + aliases.nextElement() + "'"); } } } else { keyStore.load(null, null); int index = 0; for (X509Certificate caCert : diskCerts) { keyStore.setCertificateEntry( String.format("%s%d", CERT_WFA_ALIAS, index), caCert); index++; } try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(ksFile)) {, null); } Log.d(TAG, "Initialized Passpoint key store with " + diskCerts.size() + " CA certs"); } return keyStore; } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) { throw new IOException(gse); } } private static Set readCertsFromDisk(String dir) throws CertificateException { Set certs = new HashSet<>(); CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); File caDir = new File(dir); File[] certFiles = caDir.listFiles(); if (certFiles != null) { for (File certFile : certFiles) { try { try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(certFile)) { Certificate cert = certFactory.generateCertificate(in); if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) { certs.add((X509Certificate) cert); } } } catch (CertificateException | IOException e) { /* Ignore */ } } } return certs; } public KeyStore getKeyStore() { return mKeyStore; } private static class OSUThread extends Thread { private final OSUClient mOSUClient; private final OSUManager mOSUManager; private final HomeSP mHomeSP; private final String mSpName; private final int mFlowType; private final KeyManager mKeyManager; private final long mLaunchTime; private final Object mLock = new Object(); private boolean mLocalAddressSet; private Network mNetwork; private OSUThread(OSUInfo osuInfo, OSUManager osuManager, KeyManager km) throws MalformedURLException { mOSUClient = new OSUClient(osuInfo, osuManager.getKeyStore()); mOSUManager = osuManager; mHomeSP = null; mSpName = osuInfo.getName(LOCALE); mFlowType = FLOW_PROVISIONING; mKeyManager = km; mLaunchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); setDaemon(true); setName("OSU Client Thread"); } private OSUThread(String osuURL, OSUManager osuManager, KeyManager km, HomeSP homeSP, int flowType) throws MalformedURLException { mOSUClient = new OSUClient(osuURL, osuManager.getKeyStore()); mOSUManager = osuManager; mHomeSP = homeSP; mSpName = homeSP.getFriendlyName(); mFlowType = flowType; mKeyManager = km; mLaunchTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); setDaemon(true); setName("OSU Client Thread"); } public long getLaunchTime() { return mLaunchTime; } private void connect(Network network) { synchronized (mLock) { mNetwork = network; mLocalAddressSet = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } Log.d(TAG, "Client notified..."); } @Override public void run() { Log.d(TAG, mFlowType + "-" + getName() + " running."); Network network; synchronized (mLock) { while (!mLocalAddressSet) { try { mLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { /**/ } Log.d(TAG, "OSU Thread running..."); } network = mNetwork; } if (network == null) { Log.d(TAG, "Association failed, exiting OSU flow"); mOSUManager.provisioningFailed(mSpName, "Network cannot be reached", mHomeSP, mFlowType); return; } Log.d(TAG, "OSU SSID Associated at " + network.toString()); try { if (mFlowType == FLOW_PROVISIONING) { mOSUClient.provision(mOSUManager, network, mKeyManager); } else { mOSUClient.remediate(mOSUManager, network, mKeyManager, mHomeSP, mFlowType); } } catch (Throwable t) { Log.w(TAG, "OSU flow failed: " + t, t); mOSUManager.provisioningFailed(mSpName, t.getMessage(), mHomeSP, mFlowType); } } } /* public void startOSU() { registerUserInputListener(new UserInputListener() { @Override public void requestUserInput(URL target, Network network, URL endRedirect) { Log.d(TAG, "Browser to " + target + ", land at " + endRedirect); final Intent intent = new Intent( ConnectivityManager.ACTION_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_SIGN_IN); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_NETWORK, network); intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_CAPTIVE_PORTAL, new CaptivePortal(new ICaptivePortal.Stub() { @Override public void appResponse(int response) { } })); //intent.setData(Uri.parse(target.toString())); !!! Doesn't work! intent.putExtra(ConnectivityManager.EXTRA_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_URL, target.toString()); intent.setFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mContext.startActivityAsUser(intent, UserHandle.CURRENT); } @Override public String operationStatus(String spIdentity, OSUOperationStatus status, String message) { Log.d(TAG, "OSU OP Status: " + status + ", message " + message); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OSU_NOTIFICATION); intent.putExtra(SP_NAME, spIdentity); intent.putExtra(PROV_SUCCESS, status == OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningSuccess); if (message != null) { intent.putExtra(PROV_MESSAGE, message); } intent.setFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mContext.startActivityAsUser(intent, UserHandle.CURRENT); return null; } @Override public void deAuthNotification(String spIdentity, boolean ess, int delay, URL url) { Log.i(TAG, "De-authentication imminent for " + (ess ? "ess" : "bss") + ", redirect to " + url); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OSU_NOTIFICATION); intent.putExtra(SP_NAME, spIdentity); intent.putExtra(DEAUTH, ess); intent.putExtra(DEAUTH_DELAY, delay); intent.putExtra(DEAUTH_URL, url.toString()); intent.setFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mContext.startActivityAsUser(intent, UserHandle.CURRENT); } }); addOSUListener(new OSUListener() { @Override public void osuNotification(int count) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OSU_NOTIFICATION); intent.putExtra(OSU_COUNT, count); intent.setFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mContext.startActivityAsUser(intent, UserHandle.CURRENT); } }); mWifiNetworkAdapter.initialize(); mSubscriptionTimer.checkUpdates(); } */ public List getAvailableOSUs() { synchronized (mOSUMap) { List completeOSUs = new ArrayList<>(); for (OSUInfo osuInfo : mOSUMap.values()) { if (osuInfo.getIconStatus() == OSUInfo.IconStatus.Available) { completeOSUs.add(osuInfo); } } return completeOSUs; } } public void recheckTimers() { mSubscriptionTimer.checkUpdates(); } public void setOSUSelection(int osuID) { OSUInfo selection = null; for (OSUInfo osuInfo : mOSUMap.values()) { Log.d("ZXZ", "In select: " + osuInfo + ", id " + osuInfo.getOsuID()); if (osuInfo.getOsuID() == osuID && osuInfo.getIconStatus() == OSUInfo.IconStatus.Available) { selection = osuInfo; break; } } Log.d(TAG, "Selected OSU ID " + osuID + ", matches " + selection); if (selection == null) { mPendingOSU = null; return; } mPendingOSU = selection; WifiConfiguration config = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getActiveWifiConfig(); if (config != null && bssidMatch(selection) && Utils.unquote(config.SSID).equals(selection.getSSID())) { try { // Go straight to provisioning if the network is already selected. // Also note that mOSUNwkID is left unset to leave the network around after // flow completion since it was not added by the OSU flow. initiateProvisioning(mPendingOSU, mWifiNetworkAdapter.getCurrentNetwork()); } catch (IOException ioe) { notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, ioe.getMessage(), mPendingOSU.getName(LOCALE)); } finally { mPendingOSU = null; } } else { try { mOSUNwkID = mWifiNetworkAdapter.connect(selection, mPendingOSU.getName(LOCALE)); } catch (IOException ioe) { notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, ioe.getMessage(), selection.getName(LOCALE)); } } } public void networkConfigChange(WifiConfiguration configuration) { mWifiNetworkAdapter.networkConfigChange(configuration); } public void networkConnectEvent(WifiInfo wifiInfo) { if (wifiInfo != null) { setActiveNetwork(mWifiNetworkAdapter.getActiveWifiConfig(), mWifiNetworkAdapter.getCurrentNetwork()); } } public void wifiStateChange(boolean on) { if (!on) { int current = mOSUMap.size(); mOSUMap.clear(); mOSUCache.clearAll(); mIconCache.clear(); if (current > 0) { notifyOSUCount(0); } } } private boolean bssidMatch(OSUInfo osuInfo) { if (MATCH_BSSID) { WifiInfo wifiInfo = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getConnectionInfo(); return wifiInfo != null && Utils.parseMac(wifiInfo.getBSSID()) == osuInfo.getBSSID(); } else { return true; } } public void setActiveNetwork(WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration, Network network) { Log.d(TAG, "Network change: " + network + ", cfg " + (wifiConfiguration != null ? wifiConfiguration.SSID : "-") + ", osu " + mPendingOSU); if (mPendingOSU != null && wifiConfiguration != null && network != null && bssidMatch(mPendingOSU) && Utils.unquote(wifiConfiguration.SSID).equals(mPendingOSU.getSSID())) { try { Log.d(TAG, "New network " + network + ", current OSU " + mPendingOSU); initiateProvisioning(mPendingOSU, network); } catch (IOException ioe) { notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, ioe.getMessage(), mPendingOSU.getName(LOCALE)); } finally { mPendingOSU = null; } return; } /* // !!! Hack to force start remediation at connection time else if (wifiConfiguration != null && wifiConfiguration.isPasspoint()) { HomeSP homeSP = mWifiConfigStore.getHomeSPForConfig(wifiConfiguration); if (homeSP != null && homeSP.getSubscriptionUpdate() != null) { if (!mServiceThreads.containsKey(homeSP.getFQDN())) { try { remediate(homeSP); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to remediate: " + ioe); } } } } */ else if (wifiConfiguration == null) { mServiceThreads.clear(); } } /** * Called when an OSU has been selected and the associated network is fully connected. * * @param osuInfo The selected OSUInfo or null if the current OSU flow is cancelled externally, * e.g. WiFi is turned off or the OSU network is otherwise detected as * unreachable. * @param network The currently associated network (for the OSU SSID). * @throws IOException * @throws GeneralSecurityException */ private void initiateProvisioning(OSUInfo osuInfo, Network network) throws IOException { synchronized (mWifiNetworkAdapter) { if (mProvisioningThread != null) { mProvisioningThread.connect(null); mProvisioningThread = null; } if (mRedirectListener != null) { mRedirectListener.abort(); mRedirectListener = null; } if (osuInfo != null) { //new ConnMonitor().start(); mProvisioningThread = new OSUThread(osuInfo, this, getKeyManager(null, mKeyStore)); mProvisioningThread.start(); //mWifiNetworkAdapter.associate(osuInfo.getSSID(), // osuInfo.getBSSID(), osuInfo.getOSUProvider().getOsuNai()); mProvisioningThread.connect(network); } } } /** * @param homeSP The Home SP associated with the keying material in question. Passing * null returns a "system wide" KeyManager to support pre-provisioned certs based * on names retrieved from the ClientCertInfo request. * @return A key manager suitable for the given configuration (or pre-provisioned keys). */ private static KeyManager getKeyManager(HomeSP homeSP, KeyStore keyStore) throws IOException { return homeSP != null ? new ClientKeyManager(homeSP, keyStore) : new WiFiKeyManager(keyStore); } public boolean isOSU(String ssid) { synchronized (mOSUMap) { return mOSUSSIDs.contains(ssid); } } public void tickleIconCache(boolean all) { mIconCache.tickle(all); if (all) { synchronized (mOSUMap) { int current = mOSUMap.size(); mOSUMap.clear(); mOSUCache.clearAll(); mIconCache.clear(); if (current > 0) { notifyOSUCount(0); } } } } public void pushScanResults(Collection scanResults) { Map results = mOSUCache.pushScanResults(scanResults); if (results != null) { updateOSUInfoCache(results); } } private void updateOSUInfoCache(Map results) { Map osus = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry entry : results.entrySet()) { OSUInfo existing = mOSUMap.get(entry.getKey()); long bssid = Utils.parseMac(entry.getValue().BSSID); if (existing == null || existing.getBSSID() != bssid) { osus.put(entry.getKey(), new OSUInfo(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey().getSSID(), entry.getKey(), mOSUSequence.getAndIncrement())); } else { // Maintain existing entries. osus.put(entry.getKey(), existing); } } mOSUMap.clear(); mOSUMap.putAll(osus); mOSUSSIDs.clear(); for (OSUInfo osuInfo : mOSUMap.values()) { mOSUSSIDs.add(osuInfo.getSSID()); } if (mOSUMap.isEmpty()) { notifyOSUCount(0); } initiateIconQueries(); Log.d(TAG, "Latest (app) OSU info: " + mOSUMap); } public void iconResults(List osuInfos) { int newIcons = 0; for (OSUInfo osuInfo : osuInfos) { if (osuInfo.getIconStatus() == OSUInfo.IconStatus.Available) { newIcons++; } } if (newIcons > 0) { int count = 0; for (OSUInfo existing : mOSUMap.values()) { if (existing.getIconStatus() == OSUInfo.IconStatus.Available) { count++; } } Log.d(TAG, "Icon results for " + count + " OSUs"); notifyOSUCount(count); } } private void notifyOSUCount(int count) { mAppBridge.showOsuCount(count, getAvailableOSUs()); } private void initiateIconQueries() { for (OSUInfo osuInfo : mOSUMap.values()) { if (osuInfo.getIconStatus() == OSUInfo.IconStatus.NotQueried) { mIconCache.startIconQuery(osuInfo, osuInfo.getIconInfo(LOCALE, ICON_TYPES, ICON_WIDTH, ICON_HEIGHT)); } } } public void deauth(long bssid, boolean ess, int delay, String url) throws MalformedURLException { Log.d(TAG, String.format("De-auth imminent on %s, delay %ss to '%s'", ess ? "ess" : "bss", delay, url)); mWifiNetworkAdapter.setHoldoffTime(delay * Constants.MILLIS_IN_A_SEC, ess); HomeSP homeSP = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getCurrentSP(); String spName = homeSP != null ? homeSP.getFriendlyName() : "unknown"; mAppBridge.showDeauth(spName, ess, delay, url); } // !!! Consistently check passpoint match. // !!! Convert to a one-thread thread-pool public void wnmRemediate(long bssid, String url, PasspointMatch match) throws IOException, SAXException { WifiConfiguration config = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getActiveWifiConfig(); HomeSP homeSP = MOManager.buildSP(config.getMoTree()); if (homeSP == null) { throw new IOException("Remediation request for unidentified Passpoint network " + config.networkId); } Network network = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getCurrentNetwork(); if (network == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to determine current network"); } WifiInfo wifiInfo = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getConnectionInfo(); if (wifiInfo == null || Utils.parseMac(wifiInfo.getBSSID()) != bssid) { throw new IOException("Mismatching BSSID"); } Log.d(TAG, "WNM Remediation on " + network.netId + " FQDN " + homeSP.getFQDN()); doRemediate(url, network, homeSP, false); } public void remediate(HomeSP homeSP, boolean policy) throws IOException, SAXException { UpdateInfo updateInfo; if (policy) { if (homeSP.getPolicy() == null) { throw new IOException("No policy object"); } updateInfo = homeSP.getPolicy().getPolicyUpdate(); } else { updateInfo = homeSP.getSubscriptionUpdate(); } switch (updateInfo.getUpdateRestriction()) { case HomeSP: { Network network = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getCurrentNetwork(); if (network == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to determine current network"); } WifiConfiguration config = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getActivePasspointNetwork(); HomeSP activeSP = MOManager.buildSP(config.getMoTree()); if (activeSP == null || !activeSP.getFQDN().equals(homeSP.getFQDN())) { throw new IOException("Remediation restricted to HomeSP"); } doRemediate(updateInfo.getURI(), network, homeSP, policy); break; } case RoamingPartner: { Network network = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getCurrentNetwork(); if (network == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to determine current network"); } WifiInfo wifiInfo = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getConnectionInfo(); if (wifiInfo == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to determine WiFi info"); } PasspointMatch match = mWifiNetworkAdapter. matchProviderWithCurrentNetwork(homeSP.getFQDN()); if (match == PasspointMatch.HomeProvider || match == PasspointMatch.RoamingProvider) { doRemediate(updateInfo.getURI(), network, homeSP, policy); } else { throw new IOException("No roaming network match: " + match); } break; } case Unrestricted: { Network network = mWifiNetworkAdapter.getCurrentNetwork(); doRemediate(updateInfo.getURI(), network, homeSP, policy); break; } } } private void doRemediate(String url, Network network, HomeSP homeSP, boolean policy) throws IOException { synchronized (mWifiNetworkAdapter) { OSUThread existing = mServiceThreads.get(homeSP.getFQDN()); if (existing != null) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - existing.getLaunchTime() > REMEDIATION_TIMEOUT) { throw new IOException("Ignoring recurring remediation request"); } else { existing.connect(null); } } try { OSUThread osuThread = new OSUThread(url, this, getKeyManager(homeSP, mKeyStore), homeSP, policy ? FLOW_POLICY : FLOW_REMEDIATION); osuThread.start(); osuThread.connect(network); mServiceThreads.put(homeSP.getFQDN(), osuThread); } catch (MalformedURLException me) { throw new IOException("Failed to start remediation: " + me); } } } public MOTree getMOTree(HomeSP homeSP) throws IOException { return mWifiNetworkAdapter.getMOTree(homeSP); } public void notifyIconReceived(long bssid, String fileName, byte[] data) { mIconCache.notifyIconReceived(bssid, fileName, data); } public void doIconQuery(long bssid, String fileName) { mWifiNetworkAdapter.doIconQuery(bssid, fileName); } protected URL prepareUserInput(String spName) throws IOException { mRedirectListener = new RedirectListener(this, spName); return mRedirectListener.getURL(); } protected boolean startUserInput(URL target, Network network) throws IOException { mRedirectListener.startService(); mWifiNetworkAdapter.launchBrowser(target, network, mRedirectListener.getURL()); return mRedirectListener.waitForUser(); } public String notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus status, String message, String spName) { if (status == OSUOperationStatus.UserInputComplete) { return null; } if (mOSUNwkID != null) { // Delete the OSU network if it was added by the OSU flow mWifiNetworkAdapter.deleteNetwork(mOSUNwkID); mOSUNwkID = null; } mAppBridge.showStatus(status, spName, message, null); return null; } public void provisioningFailed(String spName, String message, HomeSP homeSP, int flowType) { synchronized (mWifiNetworkAdapter) { switch (flowType) { case FLOW_PROVISIONING: mProvisioningThread = null; if (mRedirectListener != null) { mRedirectListener.abort(); mRedirectListener = null; } break; case FLOW_REMEDIATION: case FLOW_POLICY: mServiceThreads.remove(homeSP.getFQDN()); if (mServiceThreads.isEmpty() && mRedirectListener != null) { mRedirectListener.abort(); mRedirectListener = null; } break; } } notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, message, spName); } public void provisioningComplete(OSUInfo osuInfo, MOData moData, Map> certs, PrivateKey privateKey, Network osuNetwork) { synchronized (mWifiNetworkAdapter) { mProvisioningThread = null; } try { Log.d("ZXZ", "MOTree.toXML: " + moData.getMOTree().toXml()); HomeSP homeSP = mWifiNetworkAdapter.addSP(moData.getMOTree()); Integer spNwk = mWifiNetworkAdapter.addNetwork(homeSP, certs, privateKey, osuNetwork); if (spNwk == null) { notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, "Failed to save network configuration", osuInfo.getName(LOCALE)); mWifiNetworkAdapter.removeSP(homeSP.getFQDN()); } else { Set rootCerts = OSUSocketFactory.getRootCerts(mKeyStore); X509Certificate remCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Remediation); X509Certificate polCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Policy); if (privateKey != null) { X509Certificate cltCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Client); mKeyStore.setKeyEntry(CERT_CLT_KEY_ALIAS + homeSP, privateKey.getEncoded(), new X509Certificate[]{cltCert}); mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_CLT_CERT_ALIAS, cltCert); } boolean usingShared = false; int newCerts = 0; if (remCert != null) { if (!rootCerts.contains(remCert)) { if (remCert.equals(polCert)) { mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_SHARED_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert); usingShared = true; newCerts++; } else { mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_REM_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert); newCerts++; } } } if (!usingShared && polCert != null) { if (!rootCerts.contains(polCert)) { mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_POLICY_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert); newCerts++; } } if (newCerts > 0) { try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(KEYSTORE_FILE)) {, null); } } notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningSuccess, null, osuInfo.getName(LOCALE)); Log.d(TAG, "Provisioning complete."); } } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException | SAXException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to provision: " + e, e); notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, e.toString(), osuInfo.getName(LOCALE)); } } private static X509Certificate getCert(Map> certMap, OSUCertType certType) { List certs = certMap.get(certType); if (certs == null || certs.isEmpty()) { return null; } return certs.iterator().next(); } public void spDeleted(String fqdn) { int count = deleteCerts(mKeyStore, fqdn, CERT_REM_ALIAS, CERT_POLICY_ALIAS, CERT_SHARED_ALIAS); if (count > 0) { try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(KEYSTORE_FILE)) {, null); } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to remove certs from key store: " + e); } } } private static int deleteCerts(KeyStore keyStore, String fqdn, String... prefixes) { int count = 0; for (String prefix : prefixes) { try { String alias = prefix + fqdn; Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); if (cert != null) { keyStore.deleteEntry(alias); count++; } } catch (KeyStoreException kse) { /**/ } } return count; } public void remediationComplete(HomeSP homeSP, Collection mods, Map> certs, PrivateKey privateKey) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { HomeSP altSP = mWifiNetworkAdapter.modifySP(homeSP, mods); X509Certificate caCert = null; List clientCerts = null; if (certs != null) { List certList = certs.get(OSUCertType.AAA); caCert = certList != null && !certList.isEmpty() ? certList.iterator().next() : null; clientCerts = certs.get(OSUCertType.Client); } if (altSP != null || certs != null) { if (altSP == null) { altSP = homeSP; // No MO mods, only certs and key } mWifiNetworkAdapter.updateNetwork(altSP, caCert, clientCerts, privateKey); } notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningSuccess, null, homeSP.getFriendlyName()); } protected OMADMAdapter getOMADMAdapter() { return OMADMAdapter.getInstance(mContext); } }