/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.net.apf; import static android.system.OsConstants.*; import com.android.frameworks.servicestests.R; import android.net.apf.ApfCapabilities; import android.net.apf.ApfFilter; import android.net.apf.ApfGenerator; import android.net.apf.ApfGenerator.IllegalInstructionException; import android.net.apf.ApfGenerator.Register; import android.net.ip.IpManager; import android.net.LinkAddress; import android.net.LinkProperties; import android.os.ConditionVariable; import android.system.ErrnoException; import android.system.Os; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import libcore.io.IoUtils; import libcore.io.Streams; /** * Tests for APF program generator and interpreter. * * Build, install and run with: * runtest frameworks-services -c com.android.server.ApfTest */ public class ApfTest extends AndroidTestCase { private static final int TIMEOUT_MS = 500; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // Load up native shared library containing APF interpreter exposed via JNI. System.loadLibrary("servicestestsjni"); } // Expected return codes from APF interpreter. private final static int PASS = 1; private final static int DROP = 0; // Interpreter will just accept packets without link layer headers, so pad fake packet to at // least the minimum packet size. private final static int MIN_PKT_SIZE = 15; private void assertVerdict(int expected, byte[] program, byte[] packet, int filterAge) { assertEquals(expected, apfSimulate(program, packet, filterAge)); } private void assertPass(byte[] program, byte[] packet, int filterAge) { assertVerdict(PASS, program, packet, filterAge); } private void assertDrop(byte[] program, byte[] packet, int filterAge) { assertVerdict(DROP, program, packet, filterAge); } private void assertVerdict(int expected, ApfGenerator gen, byte[] packet, int filterAge) throws IllegalInstructionException { assertEquals(expected, apfSimulate(gen.generate(), packet, filterAge)); } private void assertPass(ApfGenerator gen, byte[] packet, int filterAge) throws IllegalInstructionException { assertVerdict(PASS, gen, packet, filterAge); } private void assertDrop(ApfGenerator gen, byte[] packet, int filterAge) throws IllegalInstructionException { assertVerdict(DROP, gen, packet, filterAge); } private void assertPass(ApfGenerator gen) throws IllegalInstructionException { assertVerdict(PASS, gen, new byte[MIN_PKT_SIZE], 0); } private void assertDrop(ApfGenerator gen) throws IllegalInstructionException { assertVerdict(DROP, gen, new byte[MIN_PKT_SIZE], 0); } /** * Test each instruction by generating a program containing the instruction, * generating bytecode for that program and running it through the * interpreter to verify it functions correctly. */ @LargeTest public void testApfInstructions() throws IllegalInstructionException { // Empty program should pass because having the program counter reach the // location immediately after the program indicates the packet should be // passed to the AP. ApfGenerator gen = new ApfGenerator(); assertPass(gen); // Test jumping to pass label. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJump(gen.PASS_LABEL); byte[] program = gen.generate(); assertEquals(1, program.length); assertEquals((14 << 3) | (0 << 1) | 0, program[0]); assertPass(program, new byte[MIN_PKT_SIZE], 0); // Test jumping to drop label. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJump(gen.DROP_LABEL); program = gen.generate(); assertEquals(2, program.length); assertEquals((14 << 3) | (1 << 1) | 0, program[0]); assertEquals(1, program[1]); assertDrop(program, new byte[15], 15); // Test jumping if equal to 0. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jumping if not equal to 0. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0NotEquals(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0NotEquals(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jumping if registers equal. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0EqualsR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jumping if registers not equal. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0NotEqualsR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0NotEqualsR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test load immediate. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test add. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addAdd(1234567890); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test subtract. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addAdd(-1234567890); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(-1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test or. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addOr(1234567890); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test and. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addAnd(123456789); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 & 123456789, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test left shift. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addLeftShift(1); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 << 1, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test right shift. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addRightShift(1); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 >> 1, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test multiply. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addMul(2); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 * 2, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test divide. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addDiv(2); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 / 2, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test divide by zero. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addDiv(0); gen.addJump(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); // Test add. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1234567890); gen.addAddR1(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test subtract. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, -1234567890); gen.addAddR1(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(-1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test or. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1234567890); gen.addOrR1(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test and. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 123456789); gen.addAndR1(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 & 123456789, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test left shift. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1); gen.addLeftShiftR1(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 << 1, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test right shift. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, -1); gen.addLeftShiftR1(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 >> 1, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test multiply. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 2); gen.addMulR1(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 * 2, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test divide. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 2); gen.addDivR1(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890 / 2, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test divide by zero. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addDivR1(); gen.addJump(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); // Test byte load. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoad8(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(45, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, new byte[]{123,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0); // Test out of bounds load. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoad8(Register.R0, 16); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen, new byte[]{123,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0); // Test half-word load. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoad16(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals((45 << 8) | 67, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, new byte[]{123,45,67,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0); // Test word load. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoad32(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals((45 << 24) | (67 << 16) | (89 << 8) | 12, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, new byte[]{123,45,67,89,12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0); // Test byte indexed load. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1); gen.addLoad8Indexed(Register.R0, 0); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(45, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, new byte[]{123,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0); // Test out of bounds indexed load. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 8); gen.addLoad8Indexed(Register.R0, 8); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen, new byte[]{123,45,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0); // Test half-word indexed load. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1); gen.addLoad16Indexed(Register.R0, 0); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals((45 << 8) | 67, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, new byte[]{123,45,67,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0); // Test word indexed load. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1); gen.addLoad32Indexed(Register.R0, 0); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals((45 << 24) | (67 << 16) | (89 << 8) | 12, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, new byte[]{123,45,67,89,12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, 0); // Test jumping if greater than. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0GreaterThan(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0GreaterThan(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jumping if less than. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0LessThan(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0LessThan(1, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jumping if any bits set. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0AnyBitsSet(3, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0AnyBitsSet(3, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 3); gen.addJumpIfR0AnyBitsSet(3, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jumping if register greater than. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0GreaterThanR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 2); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0GreaterThanR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jumping if register less than. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfR0LessThanR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0LessThanR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jumping if any bits set in register. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 3); gen.addJumpIfR0AnyBitsSetR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 3); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfR0AnyBitsSetR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 3); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 3); gen.addJumpIfR0AnyBitsSetR1(gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test load from memory. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadFromMemory(Register.R0, 0); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test store to memory. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1234567890); gen.addStoreToMemory(Register.R1, 12); gen.addLoadFromMemory(Register.R0, 12); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test filter age pre-filled memory. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadFromMemory(Register.R0, gen.FILTER_AGE_MEMORY_SLOT); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, new byte[MIN_PKT_SIZE], 1234567890); // Test packet size pre-filled memory. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadFromMemory(Register.R0, gen.PACKET_SIZE_MEMORY_SLOT); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(MIN_PKT_SIZE, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test IPv4 header size pre-filled memory. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadFromMemory(Register.R0, gen.IPV4_HEADER_SIZE_MEMORY_SLOT); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(20, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, new byte[]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x45}, 0); // Test not. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addNot(Register.R0); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(~1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test negate. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addNeg(Register.R0); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(-1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test move. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1234567890); gen.addMove(Register.R0); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addMove(Register.R1); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test swap. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R1, 1234567890); gen.addSwap(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(1234567890, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1234567890); gen.addSwap(); gen.addJumpIfR0Equals(0, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen); // Test jump if bytes not equal. gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfBytesNotEqual(Register.R0, new byte[]{123}, gen.DROP_LABEL); program = gen.generate(); assertEquals(6, program.length); assertEquals((13 << 3) | (1 << 1) | 0, program[0]); assertEquals(1, program[1]); assertEquals(((20 << 3) | (1 << 1) | 0) - 256, program[2]); assertEquals(1, program[3]); assertEquals(1, program[4]); assertEquals(123, program[5]); assertDrop(program, new byte[MIN_PKT_SIZE], 0); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfBytesNotEqual(Register.R0, new byte[]{123}, gen.DROP_LABEL); byte[] packet123 = new byte[]{0,123,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; assertPass(gen, packet123, 0); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addJumpIfBytesNotEqual(Register.R0, new byte[]{123}, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertDrop(gen, packet123, 0); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfBytesNotEqual(Register.R0, new byte[]{1,2,30,4,5}, gen.DROP_LABEL); byte[] packet12345 = new byte[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; assertDrop(gen, packet12345, 0); gen = new ApfGenerator(); gen.addLoadImmediate(Register.R0, 1); gen.addJumpIfBytesNotEqual(Register.R0, new byte[]{1,2,3,4,5}, gen.DROP_LABEL); assertPass(gen, packet12345, 0); } /** * Generate some BPF programs, translate them to APF, then run APF and BPF programs * over packet traces and verify both programs filter out the same packets. */ @LargeTest public void testApfAgainstBpf() throws Exception { String[] tcpdump_filters = new String[]{ "udp", "tcp", "icmp", "icmp6", "udp port 53", "arp", "dst", "arp or tcp or udp port 53", "net", "arp or icmp6 or portrange 53-54", "portrange 53-54 or portrange 100-50000", "tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-ack|tcp-fin) != 0 and (ip[2:2] > 57 or icmp)" }; String pcap_filename = stageFile(R.raw.apf); for (String tcpdump_filter : tcpdump_filters) { byte[] apf_program = Bpf2Apf.convert(compileToBpf(tcpdump_filter)); assertTrue("Failed to match for filter: " + tcpdump_filter, compareBpfApf(tcpdump_filter, pcap_filename, apf_program)); } } private class MockIpManagerCallback extends IpManager.Callback { private final ConditionVariable mGotApfProgram = new ConditionVariable(); private byte[] mLastApfProgram; @Override public void installPacketFilter(byte[] filter) { mLastApfProgram = filter; mGotApfProgram.open(); } public void resetApfProgramWait() { mGotApfProgram.close(); } public byte[] getApfProgram() { assertTrue(mGotApfProgram.block(TIMEOUT_MS)); return mLastApfProgram; } public void assertNoProgramUpdate() { assertFalse(mGotApfProgram.block(TIMEOUT_MS)); } } private static class TestApfFilter extends ApfFilter { public final static byte[] MOCK_MAC_ADDR = new byte[]{1,2,3,4,5,6}; private FileDescriptor mWriteSocket; public TestApfFilter(IpManager.Callback ipManagerCallback, boolean multicastFilter) throws Exception { super(new ApfCapabilities(2, 1000, ARPHRD_ETHER), NetworkInterface.getByName("lo"), ipManagerCallback, multicastFilter); } // Pretend an RA packet has been received and show it to ApfFilter. public void pretendPacketReceived(byte[] packet) throws IOException, ErrnoException { // ApfFilter's ReceiveThread will be waiting to read this. Os.write(mWriteSocket, packet, 0, packet.length); } @Override void maybeStartFilter() { mHardwareAddress = MOCK_MAC_ADDR; installNewProgramLocked(); // Create two sockets, "readSocket" and "mWriteSocket" and connect them together. FileDescriptor readSocket = new FileDescriptor(); mWriteSocket = new FileDescriptor(); try { Os.socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, mWriteSocket, readSocket); } catch (ErrnoException e) { fail(); return; } // Now pass readSocket to ReceiveThread as if it was setup to read raw RAs. // This allows us to pretend RA packets have been recieved via pretendPacketReceived(). mReceiveThread = new ReceiveThread(readSocket); mReceiveThread.start(); } @Override public void shutdown() { super.shutdown(); IoUtils.closeQuietly(mWriteSocket); } } private static final int ETH_HEADER_LEN = 14; private static final int ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET = 12; private static final byte[] ETH_BROADCAST_MAC_ADDRESS = new byte[]{ (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff, (byte) 0xff }; private static final int IPV4_VERSION_IHL_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + 0; private static final int IPV4_PROTOCOL_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + 9; private static final int IPV4_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + 16; private static final int IPV6_NEXT_HEADER_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + 6; private static final int IPV6_HEADER_LEN = 40; private static final int IPV6_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + 24; // The IPv6 all nodes address ff02::1 private static final byte[] IPV6_ALL_NODES_ADDRESS = new byte[]{ (byte) 0xff, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; private static final int ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + IPV6_HEADER_LEN; private static final int ICMP6_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT = 134; private static final int ICMP6_NEIGHBOR_ANNOUNCEMENT = 136; private static final int ICMP6_RA_HEADER_LEN = 16; private static final int ICMP6_RA_ROUTER_LIFETIME_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + IPV6_HEADER_LEN + 6; private static final int ICMP6_RA_CHECKSUM_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + IPV6_HEADER_LEN + 2; private static final int ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + IPV6_HEADER_LEN + ICMP6_RA_HEADER_LEN; private static final int ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_TYPE = 3; private static final int ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_LEN = 32; private static final int ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_VALID_LIFETIME_OFFSET = 4; private static final int ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_PREFERRED_LIFETIME_OFFSET = 8; // From RFC6106: Recursive DNS Server option private static final int ICMP6_RDNSS_OPTION_TYPE = 25; // From RFC6106: DNS Search List option private static final int ICMP6_DNSSL_OPTION_TYPE = 31; // From RFC4191: Route Information option private static final int ICMP6_ROUTE_INFO_OPTION_TYPE = 24; // Above three options all have the same format: private static final int ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN = 8; private static final int ICMP6_4_BYTE_LIFETIME_OFFSET = 4; private static final int ICMP6_4_BYTE_LIFETIME_LEN = 4; private static final int UDP_HEADER_LEN = 8; private static final int UDP_DESTINATION_PORT_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + 22; private static final int DHCP_CLIENT_PORT = 68; private static final int DHCP_CLIENT_MAC_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + UDP_HEADER_LEN + 48; private static int ARP_HEADER_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN; private static final byte[] ARP_IPV4_REQUEST_HEADER = new byte[]{ 0, 1, // Hardware type: Ethernet (1) 8, 0, // Protocol type: IP (0x0800) 6, // Hardware size: 6 4, // Protocol size: 4 0, 1 // Opcode: request (1) }; private static int ARP_TARGET_IP_ADDRESS_OFFSET = ETH_HEADER_LEN + 24; private static byte[] MOCK_IPV4_ADDR = new byte[]{10, 0, 0, 1}; @LargeTest public void testApfFilterIPv4() throws Exception { MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback(); ApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(ipManagerCallback, true /* multicastFilter */); byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); // Verify empty packet of 100 zero bytes is passed ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); // Verify unicast IPv4 packet is passed packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IP); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); // Verify broadcast IPv4, not DHCP to us, is dropped packet.put(ETH_BROADCAST_MAC_ADDRESS); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); packet.put(IPV4_VERSION_IHL_OFFSET, (byte)0x45); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); packet.put(IPV4_PROTOCOL_OFFSET, (byte)IPPROTO_UDP); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); packet.putShort(UDP_DESTINATION_PORT_OFFSET, (short)DHCP_CLIENT_PORT); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); // Verify broadcast IPv4 DHCP to us is passed packet.position(DHCP_CLIENT_MAC_OFFSET); packet.put(TestApfFilter.MOCK_MAC_ADDR); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); apfFilter.shutdown(); } @LargeTest public void testApfFilterIPv6() throws Exception { MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback(); ApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(ipManagerCallback, false /* multicastFilter */); byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); // Verify empty IPv6 packet is passed ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]); packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IPV6); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); // Verify empty ICMPv6 packet is passed packet.put(IPV6_NEXT_HEADER_OFFSET, (byte)IPPROTO_ICMPV6); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); // Verify empty ICMPv6 NA packet is passed packet.put(ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET, (byte)ICMP6_NEIGHBOR_ANNOUNCEMENT); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); // Verify ICMPv6 NA to ff02::1 is dropped packet.position(IPV6_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET); packet.put(IPV6_ALL_NODES_ADDRESS); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); apfFilter.shutdown(); } @LargeTest public void testApfFilterMulticast() throws Exception { MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback(); ApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(ipManagerCallback, false /* multicastFilter */); byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); // Construct IPv4 and IPv6 multicast packets. ByteBuffer mcastv4packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]); mcastv4packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IP); mcastv4packet.position(IPV4_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET); mcastv4packet.put(new byte[]{(byte)224,0,0,1}); ByteBuffer mcastv6packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]); mcastv6packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IPV6); mcastv6packet.put(IPV6_NEXT_HEADER_OFFSET, (byte)IPPROTO_UDP); mcastv6packet.position(IPV6_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET); mcastv6packet.put(new byte[]{(byte)0xff,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,(byte)0xfb}); // Construct IPv4 broadcast packet. ByteBuffer bcastv4packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]); bcastv4packet.put(ETH_BROADCAST_MAC_ADDRESS); bcastv4packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IP); bcastv4packet.position(IPV4_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET); bcastv4packet.put(new byte[]{(byte)192,(byte)0,(byte)2,(byte)63}); // Verify initially disabled multicast filter is off assertPass(program, bcastv4packet.array(), 0); assertPass(program, mcastv4packet.array(), 0); assertPass(program, mcastv6packet.array(), 0); // Turn on multicast filter and verify it works ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait(); apfFilter.setMulticastFilter(true); program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); assertDrop(program, bcastv4packet.array(), 0); assertDrop(program, mcastv4packet.array(), 0); assertDrop(program, mcastv6packet.array(), 0); // Turn off multicast filter and verify it's off ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait(); apfFilter.setMulticastFilter(false); program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); assertPass(program, bcastv4packet.array(), 0); assertPass(program, mcastv4packet.array(), 0); assertPass(program, mcastv6packet.array(), 0); // Verify it can be initialized to on ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait(); apfFilter.shutdown(); apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(ipManagerCallback, true /* multicastFilter */); program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); assertDrop(program, bcastv4packet.array(), 0); assertDrop(program, mcastv4packet.array(), 0); assertDrop(program, mcastv6packet.array(), 0); // Verify that ICMPv6 multicast is not dropped. mcastv6packet.put(IPV6_NEXT_HEADER_OFFSET, (byte)IPPROTO_ICMPV6); assertPass(program, mcastv6packet.array(), 0); apfFilter.shutdown(); } private void verifyArpFilter(MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback, ApfFilter apfFilter, LinkProperties linkProperties, int filterResult) { ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait(); apfFilter.setLinkProperties(linkProperties); byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]); packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_ARP); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); packet.position(ARP_HEADER_OFFSET); packet.put(ARP_IPV4_REQUEST_HEADER); assertVerdict(filterResult, program, packet.array(), 0); packet.position(ARP_TARGET_IP_ADDRESS_OFFSET); packet.put(MOCK_IPV4_ADDR); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); } @LargeTest public void testApfFilterArp() throws Exception { MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback(); ApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(ipManagerCallback, false /* multicastFilter */); byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); // Verify initially ARP filter is off ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[100]); packet.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_ARP); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); packet.position(ARP_HEADER_OFFSET); packet.put(ARP_IPV4_REQUEST_HEADER); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); packet.position(ARP_TARGET_IP_ADDRESS_OFFSET); packet.put(MOCK_IPV4_ADDR); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); // Inform ApfFilter of our address and verify ARP filtering is on LinkProperties lp = new LinkProperties(); assertTrue(lp.addLinkAddress( new LinkAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(MOCK_IPV4_ADDR), 24))); verifyArpFilter(ipManagerCallback, apfFilter, lp, DROP); // Inform ApfFilter of loss of IP and verify ARP filtering is off verifyArpFilter(ipManagerCallback, apfFilter, new LinkProperties(), PASS); apfFilter.shutdown(); } // Verify that the last program pushed to the IpManager.Callback properly filters the // given packet for the given lifetime. private void verifyRaLifetime(MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback, ByteBuffer packet, int lifetime) { byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); // Verify new program should drop RA for 1/6th its lifetime assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), lifetime/6); assertPass(program, packet.array(), lifetime/6 + 1); assertPass(program, packet.array(), lifetime); // Verify RA checksum is ignored packet.putShort(ICMP6_RA_CHECKSUM_OFFSET, (short)12345); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); packet.putShort(ICMP6_RA_CHECKSUM_OFFSET, (short)-12345); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); // Verify other changes to RA make it not match filter packet.put(0, (byte)-1); assertPass(program, packet.array(), 0); packet.put(0, (byte)0); assertDrop(program, packet.array(), 0); } // Test that when ApfFilter is shown the given packet, it generates a program to filter it // for the given lifetime. private void testRaLifetime(TestApfFilter apfFilter, MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback, ByteBuffer packet, int lifetime) throws IOException, ErrnoException { // Verify new program generated if ApfFilter witnesses RA ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait(); apfFilter.pretendPacketReceived(packet.array()); ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); verifyRaLifetime(ipManagerCallback, packet, lifetime); } private void assertInvalidRa(TestApfFilter apfFilter, MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback, ByteBuffer packet) throws IOException, ErrnoException { ipManagerCallback.resetApfProgramWait(); apfFilter.pretendPacketReceived(packet.array()); ipManagerCallback.assertNoProgramUpdate(); } @LargeTest public void testApfFilterRa() throws Exception { MockIpManagerCallback ipManagerCallback = new MockIpManagerCallback(); TestApfFilter apfFilter = new TestApfFilter(ipManagerCallback, true /* multicastFilter */); byte[] program = ipManagerCallback.getApfProgram(); // Verify RA is passed the first time ByteBuffer basePacket = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET]); basePacket.putShort(ETH_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET, (short)ETH_P_IPV6); basePacket.put(IPV6_NEXT_HEADER_OFFSET, (byte)IPPROTO_ICMPV6); basePacket.put(ICMP6_TYPE_OFFSET, (byte)ICMP6_ROUTER_ADVERTISEMENT); basePacket.putShort(ICMP6_RA_ROUTER_LIFETIME_OFFSET, (short)1000); basePacket.position(IPV6_DEST_ADDR_OFFSET); basePacket.put(IPV6_ALL_NODES_ADDRESS); assertPass(program, basePacket.array(), 0); testRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, basePacket, 1000); // Ensure zero-length options cause the packet to be silently skipped. // Do this before we test other packets. http://b/29586253 ByteBuffer zeroLengthOptionPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap( new byte[ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN]); basePacket.clear(); zeroLengthOptionPacket.put(basePacket); zeroLengthOptionPacket.put((byte)ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_TYPE); zeroLengthOptionPacket.put((byte)0); assertInvalidRa(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, zeroLengthOptionPacket); // Generate several RAs with different options and lifetimes, and verify when // ApfFilter is shown these packets, it generates programs to filter them for the // appropriate lifetime. ByteBuffer prefixOptionPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap( new byte[ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_LEN]); basePacket.clear(); prefixOptionPacket.put(basePacket); prefixOptionPacket.put((byte)ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_TYPE); prefixOptionPacket.put((byte)(ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_LEN / 8)); prefixOptionPacket.putInt( ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_PREFERRED_LIFETIME_OFFSET, 100); prefixOptionPacket.putInt( ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_PREFIX_OPTION_VALID_LIFETIME_OFFSET, 200); testRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, prefixOptionPacket, 100); ByteBuffer rdnssOptionPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap( new byte[ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN]); basePacket.clear(); rdnssOptionPacket.put(basePacket); rdnssOptionPacket.put((byte)ICMP6_RDNSS_OPTION_TYPE); rdnssOptionPacket.put((byte)(ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN / 8)); rdnssOptionPacket.putInt( ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_4_BYTE_LIFETIME_OFFSET, 300); testRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, rdnssOptionPacket, 300); ByteBuffer routeInfoOptionPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap( new byte[ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN]); basePacket.clear(); routeInfoOptionPacket.put(basePacket); routeInfoOptionPacket.put((byte)ICMP6_ROUTE_INFO_OPTION_TYPE); routeInfoOptionPacket.put((byte)(ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN / 8)); routeInfoOptionPacket.putInt( ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_4_BYTE_LIFETIME_OFFSET, 400); testRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, routeInfoOptionPacket, 400); ByteBuffer dnsslOptionPacket = ByteBuffer.wrap( new byte[ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN]); basePacket.clear(); dnsslOptionPacket.put(basePacket); dnsslOptionPacket.put((byte)ICMP6_DNSSL_OPTION_TYPE); dnsslOptionPacket.put((byte)(ICMP6_4_BYTE_OPTION_LEN / 8)); dnsslOptionPacket.putInt( ICMP6_RA_OPTION_OFFSET + ICMP6_4_BYTE_LIFETIME_OFFSET, 2000); // Note that lifetime of 2000 will be ignored in favor of shorter // route lifetime of 1000. testRaLifetime(apfFilter, ipManagerCallback, dnsslOptionPacket, 1000); // Verify that current program filters all five RAs: verifyRaLifetime(ipManagerCallback, basePacket, 1000); verifyRaLifetime(ipManagerCallback, prefixOptionPacket, 100); verifyRaLifetime(ipManagerCallback, rdnssOptionPacket, 300); verifyRaLifetime(ipManagerCallback, routeInfoOptionPacket, 400); verifyRaLifetime(ipManagerCallback, dnsslOptionPacket, 1000); apfFilter.shutdown(); } /** * Stage a file for testing, i.e. make it native accessible. Given a resource ID, * copy that resource into the app's data directory and return the path to it. */ private String stageFile(int rawId) throws Exception { File file = new File(getContext().getFilesDir(), "staged_file"); new File(file.getParent()).mkdirs(); InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { in = getContext().getResources().openRawResource(rawId); out = new FileOutputStream(file); Streams.copy(in, out); } finally { if (in != null) in.close(); if (out != null) out.close(); } return file.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * Call the APF interpreter the run {@code program} on {@code packet} pretending the * filter was installed {@code filter_age} seconds ago. */ private native static int apfSimulate(byte[] program, byte[] packet, int filter_age); /** * Compile a tcpdump human-readable filter (e.g. "icmp" or "tcp port 54") into a BPF * prorgam and return a human-readable dump of the BPF program identical to "tcpdump -d". */ private native static String compileToBpf(String filter); /** * Open packet capture file {@code pcap_filename} and filter the packets using tcpdump * human-readable filter (e.g. "icmp" or "tcp port 54") compiled to a BPF program and * at the same time using APF program {@code apf_program}. Return {@code true} if * both APF and BPF programs filter out exactly the same packets. */ private native static boolean compareBpfApf(String filter, String pcap_filename, byte[] apf_program); }