/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Extract histogram from image. package androidx.media.filterpacks.histogram; import androidx.media.filterfw.Filter; import androidx.media.filterfw.Frame; import androidx.media.filterfw.FrameBuffer2D; import androidx.media.filterfw.FrameType; import androidx.media.filterfw.InputPort; import androidx.media.filterfw.MffContext; import androidx.media.filterfw.OutputPort; import androidx.media.filterfw.Signature; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; /** * ChromaHistogramFilter takes in an image in HSVA format and computes a 2-D histogram with a * 2 dimensional chroma histogram based on hue (column) and saturation (row) at the top and * a 1-D value histogram in the last row. The number of bin in the value histogram equals to * the number of bins in hue. */ public final class NewChromaHistogramFilter extends Filter { private int mHueBins = 6; private int mSaturationBins = 3; private int mValueBins; private int mSaturationThreshold = 26; // 255 * 0.1 private int mValueThreshold = 51; // 255 * 0.2 public NewChromaHistogramFilter(MffContext context, String name) { super(context, name); } @Override public Signature getSignature() { FrameType imageIn = FrameType.image2D(FrameType.ELEMENT_RGBA8888, FrameType.READ_CPU); FrameType dataOut = FrameType.buffer2D(FrameType.ELEMENT_FLOAT32); return new Signature() .addInputPort("image", Signature.PORT_REQUIRED, imageIn) .addInputPort("huebins", Signature.PORT_OPTIONAL, FrameType.single(int.class)) .addInputPort("saturationbins", Signature.PORT_OPTIONAL, FrameType.single(int.class)) .addInputPort("saturationthreshold", Signature.PORT_OPTIONAL, FrameType.single(int.class)) .addInputPort("valuethreshold", Signature.PORT_OPTIONAL, FrameType.single(int.class)) .addOutputPort("histogram", Signature.PORT_REQUIRED, dataOut) .disallowOtherPorts(); } @Override public void onInputPortOpen(InputPort port) { if (port.getName().equals("huebins")) { port.bindToFieldNamed("mHueBins"); port.setAutoPullEnabled(true); } else if (port.getName().equals("saturationbins")) { port.bindToFieldNamed("mSaturationBins"); port.setAutoPullEnabled(true); } else if (port.getName().equals("saturationthreshold")) { port.bindToFieldNamed("mSaturationThreshold"); port.setAutoPullEnabled(true); } else if (port.getName().equals("valuethreshold")) { port.bindToFieldNamed("mValueThreshold"); port.setAutoPullEnabled(true); } } @Override protected void onProcess() { FrameBuffer2D imageFrame = getConnectedInputPort("image").pullFrame().asFrameImage2D(); OutputPort outPort = getConnectedOutputPort("histogram"); mValueBins = mHueBins; int[] outDims = new int[] {mHueBins, mSaturationBins + 1}; FrameBuffer2D histogramFrame = outPort.fetchAvailableFrame(outDims).asFrameBuffer2D(); ByteBuffer imageBuffer = imageFrame.lockBytes(Frame.MODE_READ); ByteBuffer histogramBuffer = histogramFrame.lockBytes(Frame.MODE_READ); histogramBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); FloatBuffer floatHistogram = histogramBuffer.asFloatBuffer(); // Run native method extractChromaHistogram(imageBuffer, floatHistogram, mHueBins, mSaturationBins, mValueBins, mSaturationThreshold, mValueThreshold); imageFrame.unlock(); histogramFrame.unlock(); outPort.pushFrame(histogramFrame); } private static native void extractChromaHistogram(ByteBuffer imageBuffer, FloatBuffer histogramBuffer, int hueBins, int saturationBins, int valueBins, int saturationThreshold, int valueThreshold); static { System.loadLibrary("smartcamera_jni"); } }