/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.databinding.tool.expr; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import android.databinding.tool.reflection.ModelAnalyzer; import android.databinding.tool.reflection.ModelClass; import android.databinding.tool.writer.WriterPackage; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class ResourceExpr extends Expr { private final static Map RESOURCE_TYPE_TO_R_OBJECT = ImmutableMap.builder() .put("colorStateList", "color ") .put("dimenOffset", "dimen ") .put("dimenSize", "dimen ") .put("intArray", "array ") .put("stateListAnimator", "animator ") .put("stringArray", "array ") .put("typedArray", "array") .build(); // lazily initialized private Map mResourceToTypeMapping; protected final String mPackage; protected final String mResourceType; protected final String mResourceId; public ResourceExpr(String packageName, String resourceType, String resourceName, List args) { super(args); if ("android".equals(packageName)) { mPackage = "android."; } else { mPackage = ""; } mResourceType = resourceType; mResourceId = resourceName; } private Map getResourceToTypeMapping(ModelAnalyzer modelAnalyzer) { if (mResourceToTypeMapping == null) { final Map imports = getModel().getImports(); mResourceToTypeMapping = ImmutableMap.builder() .put("anim", modelAnalyzer.findClass("android.view.animation.Animation", imports)) .put("animator", modelAnalyzer.findClass("android.animation.Animator", imports)) .put("colorStateList", modelAnalyzer.findClass("android.content.res.ColorStateList", imports)) .put("drawable", modelAnalyzer.findClass("android.graphics.drawable.Drawable", imports)) .put("stateListAnimator", modelAnalyzer.findClass("android.animation.StateListAnimator", imports)) .put("transition", modelAnalyzer.findClass("android.transition.Transition", imports)) .put("typedArray", modelAnalyzer.findClass("android.content.res.TypedArray", imports)) .put("interpolator", modelAnalyzer.findClass("android.view.animation.Interpolator", imports)) .put("bool", modelAnalyzer.findClass(boolean.class)) .put("color", modelAnalyzer.findClass(int.class)) .put("dimenOffset", modelAnalyzer.findClass(int.class)) .put("dimenSize", modelAnalyzer.findClass(int.class)) .put("id", modelAnalyzer.findClass(int.class)) .put("integer", modelAnalyzer.findClass(int.class)) .put("layout", modelAnalyzer.findClass(int.class)) .put("dimen", modelAnalyzer.findClass(float.class)) .put("fraction", modelAnalyzer.findClass(float.class)) .put("intArray", modelAnalyzer.findClass(int[].class)) .put("string", modelAnalyzer.findClass(String.class)) .put("stringArray", modelAnalyzer.findClass(String[].class)) .build(); } return mResourceToTypeMapping; } @Override protected ModelClass resolveType(ModelAnalyzer modelAnalyzer) { final Map mapping = getResourceToTypeMapping( modelAnalyzer); final ModelClass modelClass = mapping.get(mResourceType); if (modelClass != null) { return modelClass; } if ("plurals".equals(mResourceType)) { if (getChildren().isEmpty()) { return modelAnalyzer.findClass(int.class); } else { return modelAnalyzer.findClass(String.class); } } return modelAnalyzer.findClass(mResourceType, getModel().getImports()); } @Override protected List constructDependencies() { return constructDynamicChildrenDependencies(); } @Override protected String computeUniqueKey() { String base; if (mPackage == null) { base = "@" + mResourceType + "/" + mResourceId; } else { base = "@" + "android:" + mResourceType + "/" + mResourceId; } return sUniqueKeyJoiner.join(base, computeChildrenKey()); } public String getResourceId() { return mPackage + "R." + getResourceObject() + "." + mResourceId; } public String toJava() { final String context = "getRoot().getContext()"; final String resources = "getRoot().getResources()"; final String resourceName = mPackage + "R." + getResourceObject() + "." + mResourceId; if ("anim".equals(mResourceType)) return "android.view.animation.AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(" + context + ", " + resourceName + ")"; if ("animator".equals(mResourceType)) return "android.animation.AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(" + context + ", " + resourceName + ")"; if ("bool".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getBoolean(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("color".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getColor(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("colorStateList".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getColorStateList(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("dimen".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getDimension(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("dimenOffset".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getDimensionPixelOffset(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("dimenSize".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getDimensionPixelSize(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("drawable".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getDrawable(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("fraction".equals(mResourceType)) { String base = getChildCode(0, "1"); String pbase = getChildCode(1, "1"); return resources + ".getFraction(" + resourceName + ", " + base + ", " + pbase + ")"; } if ("id".equals(mResourceType)) return resourceName; if ("intArray".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getIntArray(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("integer".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getInteger(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("interpolator".equals(mResourceType)) return "android.view.animation.AnimationUtils.loadInterpolator(" + context + ", " + resourceName + ")"; if ("layout".equals(mResourceType)) return resourceName; if ("plurals".equals(mResourceType)) { if (getChildren().isEmpty()) { return resourceName; } else { return makeParameterCall(resourceName, "getQuantityString"); } } if ("stateListAnimator".equals(mResourceType)) return "android.animation.AnimatorInflater.loadStateListAnimator(" + context + ", " + resourceName + ")"; if ("string".equals(mResourceType)) return makeParameterCall(resourceName, "getString"); if ("stringArray".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".getStringArray(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("transition".equals(mResourceType)) return "android.transition.TransitionInflater.from(" + context + ").inflateTransition(" + resourceName + ")"; if ("typedArray".equals(mResourceType)) return resources + ".obtainTypedArray(" + resourceName + ")"; final String property = Character.toUpperCase(mResourceType.charAt(0)) + mResourceType.substring(1); return resources + ".get" + property + "(" + resourceName + ")"; } private String getChildCode(int childIndex, String defaultValue) { if (getChildren().size() <= childIndex) { return defaultValue; } else { return WriterPackage.toCode(getChildren().get(childIndex), false).generate(); } } private String makeParameterCall(String resourceName, String methodCall) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("getRoot().getResources()."); sb.append(methodCall).append("(").append(resourceName); for (Expr expr : getChildren()) { sb.append(", ").append(WriterPackage.toCode(expr, false).generate()); } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } private String getResourceObject() { String rFileObject = RESOURCE_TYPE_TO_R_OBJECT.get(mResourceType); if (rFileObject == null) { rFileObject = mResourceType; } return rFileObject; } }