package; import android.util.Log; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * An object that contains all the parameters that are needed in refocusing * filtering function, including the range of depth levels, the disc blur radius * of each depth level, how the depth levels are grouped into layers, which * layer is in focus. * * Here by "depth", we mean inverse depth. Pixels with larger depth values * are closer to the camera. * * For a layer n, its depth interval is (@code [layerInfo[n].backDepth, * layerInfo[n].frontDepth]), where (@code backDepth<=frontDepth). * * The layers are ordered from near to far; note that near layers have larger * depth values. * * (@code focusLayer) is the index of the layer that is in focus, that is, has * zero blur. * * @author (Li Zhang) */ public class BlurStack { //private static final Log.Tag TAG = new Log.Tag("BlurStack"); private static final String TAG = "BlurStack"; /** * The cap for disc radius of blur kernels. */ private static final float MAX_DISC_RADIUS = 25.0f; /** * The minimum of the interval that is used to group depth levels into * blending layers based on the corresponding blur disk radius. */ private static final float MIN_DISK_RADIUS_STEP_SIZE = 2.0f; /** * The starting index of depth quantization level. Must be positive as zero is * reserved for invalid depth. */ private static final int MIN_DEPTH = 1; /** * The ending index of depth quantization level. It must be a power of 2. */ private static final int MAX_DEPTH = 64; /** * The scale to apply to 8-bit depthmaps. */ private static final int DEPTH_SCALE = 256 / MAX_DEPTH; /** * For each depth value {@code d} within [MIN_DEPTH,MAX_DEPTH], its blur disc * radius is saved in {@code diskRadius[d-MIN_DEPTH]}. Hence the length * {@code diskRadius} is {@code MAX_DEPTH-MIN_DEPTH+1}. */ private float[] diskRadiusArray; /** * A set of non-overlapping layers that covers all the depth levels. The * layers are ordered from front (closer to the camera) to back (farther away * from the camera). */ private LayerInfo[] layerInfo; /** * The layer in which the focal depth belongs to. For this layer, we * assume that it is a single depth layer. That is, the front depth and back * depth both equal to focal depth. */ private int focusLayer; public static float getMaxDiskRadius() { return MAX_DISC_RADIUS; } /** * Returns the blur disk radius of a depth level. * * @param depth depth level * @return the blur disk radius of the depth level */ public float getDiskRadius(int depth) { return diskRadiusArray[depth - MIN_DEPTH]; } public int getNumLayers() { return layerInfo.length; } public LayerInfo getLayerInfo(int layer) { return layerInfo[layer]; } /** * Returns the number of depths in a given layer. * * @param layer layer index * @return the number of depth levels in the layer */ public int getNumDepths(int layer) { return layerInfo[layer].frontDepth - layerInfo[layer].backDepth + 1; } public int getFocusLayer() { return focusLayer; } /** * Returns the depth given the layer and the relative depth in the layer. * * @param layer the layer index * @param relativeDepthInLayer the relative depth index relative to the back * depth of a layer * @return the depth */ public int getDepth(int layer, int relativeDepthInLayer) { return layerInfo[layer].backDepth + relativeDepthInLayer; } /** * Creates an instance of BlurStack using depth range, focal depth, desired * amount of blur at infinity, and the number of blending layers. * * @param depthTransform an object that translates between floating depth and * quantized depth. * @param focusDepth3D focus depth in 3D * @param depthOfField the range of depth values around focus depth 3D that * has zero blur. * @param blurInfinity the desired amount of blur, represented as blur radius * at infinity * @param numBlendingLayers the number of blending layers that group all the * depth levels * @return an instance of {@code BlurStack} */ public static BlurStack createFromDepthTransform( final DepthTransform depthTransform, float focusDepth3D, float depthOfField, float blurInfinity, int numBlendingLayers) { BlurStack blurStack = new BlurStack(); // Finds the front and back depth levels for the focus layer. if (depthOfField < 0) { depthOfField = -depthOfField; Log.e(TAG, "Negative depth of field"); } int frontFocalDepth = openglDepthToStackDepth( depthTransform.quantize(focusDepth3D * (1 - depthOfField))); int backFocalDepth = openglDepthToStackDepth( depthTransform.quantize(focusDepth3D * (1 + depthOfField))); // Computes blur disk radius for all the depth levels. blurStack.computeDiskRadius(depthTransform, frontFocalDepth, backFocalDepth, blurInfinity); if (numBlendingLayers >= MAX_DEPTH) { blurStack.generateOneLayerForEachDepth(frontFocalDepth, backFocalDepth); } else { // Sets the max variation of blur disk radius in a blending layer. float diskRadiusInterval = (blurStack.getDiskRadius(MIN_DEPTH) + blurStack.getDiskRadius(MAX_DEPTH)) / numBlendingLayers; diskRadiusInterval = Math.max(diskRadiusInterval, MIN_DISK_RADIUS_STEP_SIZE); // Computes {@code layerInfo, focusLayer}, assuming {@code diskRadius} // have been computed. blurStack.groupDepthLevelsIntoLayers(frontFocalDepth, backFocalDepth, diskRadiusInterval); } return blurStack; } @Override public String toString() { String s = "disparity range: " + MAX_DEPTH + ", " + MIN_DEPTH + "\n"; s += "focus disparity: " + layerInfo[focusLayer].frontDepth + ", " + layerInfo[focusLayer].backDepth + "\n"; s += "num of layers: " + getNumLayers() + "\n"; s += "focus layer: " + focusLayer + "\n"; for (int n = 0; n < layerInfo.length; ++n) { int front = layerInfo[n].frontDepth; int back = layerInfo[n].backDepth; s += "\nlayer " + n + " num of disparities " + (front - back + 1) + "\n"; for (int d = front; d >= back; --d) { s += "layer " + n + " disparity " + d + " disk radius " + getDiskRadius(d) + "\n"; } } return s; } /** * OpenGL depth is from 0(near) to 255(far). The depth in BlurStack is from * 1(far) to MAX_DEPTH(near). Converts from openglDepth to stackDepth. * * @param openglDepth openGL depth. * @return stackDepth stack depth. */ private static int openglDepthToStackDepth(int openglDepth) { return MAX_DEPTH - (openglDepth / DEPTH_SCALE); } /** * OpenGL depth is from 0(near) to 255(far). The depth in BlurStack is from * 1(far) to MAX_DEPTH(near). Converts from stackDepth to openglDepth. * * @param stackDepth stack depth. * @return openglDepth openGL depth. */ private static int stackDepthToOpenglDepth(int stackDepth) { return (MAX_DEPTH - stackDepth) * DEPTH_SCALE; } /** * A private constructor that forces users to use {@code createFromDepthRange} * to construct an instance of BlurStack. */ private BlurStack() {} /** * Quantizes the depth range into MAX_DEPTH levels in inverse depth space, and * for each level, computes the blur disk radius. * * @param depthTransform an object that translates between floating depth and * quantized depth. * @param frontFocalDepth front focal depth level * @param backFocalDepth back focal depth level * @param blurInfinity the amount of desired blur represented as the blur * radius at infinity */ private void computeDiskRadius(final DepthTransform depthTransform, int frontFocalDepth, int backFocalDepth, float blurInfinity) { int numLevels = MAX_DEPTH - MIN_DEPTH + 1; diskRadiusArray = new float[numLevels]; float frontFocalDepth3D = depthTransform.reconstruct(stackDepthToOpenglDepth(frontFocalDepth)); float backFocalDepth3D = depthTransform.reconstruct(stackDepthToOpenglDepth(backFocalDepth)); // Computes the blur disk radius for each depth level. for (int depth = MIN_DEPTH; depth <= MAX_DEPTH; ++depth) { float depth3D = depthTransform.reconstruct(stackDepthToOpenglDepth(depth)); float radius = 0; if (depth3D < frontFocalDepth3D) { radius = blurInfinity * (frontFocalDepth3D - depth3D) / depth3D; } else if (depth3D > backFocalDepth3D) { radius = blurInfinity * (depth3D - backFocalDepth3D) / depth3D; } diskRadiusArray[depth - MIN_DEPTH] = Math.min(radius, MAX_DISC_RADIUS); } } /** * Sets up {@code focusLayer} such that each layer contains only a single * depth, except that the focal layer contains frontFocalDepth and * backFocalDepth. * * This function computes {@code layerInfo, focusLayer}. * * @param frontFocalDepth the front depth of focal layer. * @param backFocalDepth the back depth of focal layer. */ private void generateOneLayerForEachDepth(int frontFocalDepth, int backFocalDepth) { int numLayers = MAX_DEPTH - MIN_DEPTH + 1 - (frontFocalDepth - backFocalDepth); layerInfo = new LayerInfo[numLayers]; // Pushes single depth layers in front of the focal layer to layerInfo. int layer = 0; for (int depth = MAX_DEPTH; depth > frontFocalDepth; --depth, ++layer) { layerInfo[layer] = new LayerInfo(depth); } // Pushes focal layer to layerInfo. focusLayer = layer; layerInfo[layer] = new LayerInfo(frontFocalDepth, backFocalDepth); ++layer; // Pushes single depth layers behind the focal layer to layerInfo. for (int depth = backFocalDepth - 1; depth >= MIN_DEPTH; --depth, ++layer) { layerInfo[layer] = new LayerInfo(depth); } } /** * Sets up {@code focusLayer} such that within each layer, the blur radius * variation due to depth difference is no larger than * {@code diskRadiusInterval}. * * This function computes {@code layerInfo, focusLayer}, assuming that * {@code diskRadius} have been properly initialized. * * @param frontFocalDepth the front depth of focal layer. * @param backFocalDepth the back depth of focal layer. * @diskRadiusInterval the max allowed blur disk radius difference within each * layer. */ private void groupDepthLevelsIntoLayers(int frontFocalDepth, int backFocalDepth, float diskRadiusInterval) { // Groups depth levels behind the focal depth into several layers. // The blur radius difference in each layer is no larger than // diskRadiusInterval. ArrayList layerInfoBehindFocus = groupDepthLevelsBehindFocus(backFocalDepth, diskRadiusInterval); // Groups depth levels in front of the focal depth into several layers. // The blur radius difference in each layer is no larger than {@code // diskRadiusInterval}. ArrayList layerInfoInFrontOfFocus = groupDepthLevelsInFrontOfFocus(frontFocalDepth, diskRadiusInterval); // Merges the two groups of layers into one stack of layers, plus the focus // depth layer. int numLayers = layerInfoInFrontOfFocus.size() + 1 + layerInfoBehindFocus.size(); layerInfo = new LayerInfo[numLayers]; focusLayer = layerInfoInFrontOfFocus.size(); // The merged layers is ordered from the front-most layer to the back-most // layer. for (int n = 0; n < numLayers; ++n) { if (n < layerInfoInFrontOfFocus.size()) { // Finds the corresponding layer index m in layerInfoInFrontOfFocus, // which is ordered from focal depth to front-most. int m = (layerInfoInFrontOfFocus.size() - 1) - n; layerInfo[n] = layerInfoInFrontOfFocus.get(m); } else if (n == layerInfoInFrontOfFocus.size()) { layerInfo[n] = new LayerInfo(frontFocalDepth, backFocalDepth); } else { // Finds the corresponding layer index m in layerInfoBehindFocus, which // is ordered from focal depth to back-most. int m = n - (layerInfoInFrontOfFocus.size() + 1); layerInfo[n] = layerInfoBehindFocus.get(m); } } } /** * Groups depth levels behind the focal depth into several layers. The blur * radius difference in each layer is no larger than * {@code diskRadiusInterval}. * * @param backFocalDepth the back depth of focal layer. * @param diskRadiusInterval max disk radius variation in each layer * @return layerInfo layering of depth levels behind the focal depth */ private ArrayList groupDepthLevelsBehindFocus(int backFocalDepth, float diskRadiusInterval) { // Initializes the layerInfo array with maximum capacity needed. ArrayList layerInfo = new ArrayList(diskRadiusArray.length); if (backFocalDepth == MIN_DEPTH) { return layerInfo; } // At this point, focusDepth > minDepth. // Moves to the first depth behind the focus depth and initializes a layer. int d = backFocalDepth - 1; layerInfo.add(new LayerInfo(d)); // Sets up the max radius threshold for the layer. float radiusThreshold = getDiskRadius(d) + diskRadiusInterval; // Expands the layer to include depth levels so long as the blur disk // radius within the layer is not larger than radiusThreshold. // Stops the expansion when current depth is already the minDepth. while (d > MIN_DEPTH) { // Moves to the next depth. d--; if (getDiskRadius(d) <= radiusThreshold) { // Expands the current layer by lowering its back depth. int numLayers = layerInfo.size(); layerInfo.get(numLayers - 1).backDepth = d; } else { // Generates a new single-depth layer. // Expands it in the next iteration if necessary. layerInfo.add(new LayerInfo(d)); radiusThreshold = getDiskRadius(d) + diskRadiusInterval; } } return layerInfo; } /** * Groups depth levels in front of the focal depth into several layers. The * blur radius difference in each layer is no larger than * {@code diskRadiusInterval}. * * @param frontFocalDepth the back depth of focal layer. * @param diskRadiusInterval max disk radius variation in each layer * @return layerInfo layering of depth levels behind the focal depth */ private ArrayList groupDepthLevelsInFrontOfFocus( int frontFocalDepth, float diskRadiusInterval) { // Initializes the layerInfo array with maximum capacity needed. ArrayList layerInfo = new ArrayList(diskRadiusArray.length); if (frontFocalDepth == MAX_DEPTH) { return layerInfo; } // At this point, focusDepth < maxDepth. // Moves to the first depth in front of the focus depth and initializes a // layer. int d = frontFocalDepth + 1; layerInfo.add(new LayerInfo(d)); // Sets up the max radius threshold for the layer. float radiusThreshold = getDiskRadius(d) + diskRadiusInterval; // Expands the layer to include depth levels so long as the blur disk // radius within the layer is not larger than radiusThreshold. // Stops the expansion when current depth is already the maxDepth. while (d < MAX_DEPTH) { // Moves to the next depth. d++; if (getDiskRadius(d) <= radiusThreshold) { // Expands the current layer by increasing its front depth. int numLayers = layerInfo.size(); layerInfo.get(numLayers - 1).frontDepth = d; } else { // Generates a new single-depth layer. // Expands it in the next iteration if necessary. layerInfo.add(new LayerInfo(d)); radiusThreshold = getDiskRadius(d) + diskRadiusInterval; } } return layerInfo; } }