/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package libcore.java.lang.reflect; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import junit.framework.TestCase; public final class MethodTest extends TestCase { public void test_getExceptionTypes() throws Exception { Method method = MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m1", new Class[0]); Class[] exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes(); assertEquals(1, exceptions.length); assertEquals(IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, exceptions[0]); // Check that corrupting our array doesn't affect other callers. exceptions[0] = NullPointerException.class; exceptions = method.getExceptionTypes(); assertEquals(1, exceptions.length); assertEquals(IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, exceptions[0]); } public void test_getParameterTypes() throws Exception { Class[] expectedParameters = new Class[] { Object.class }; Method method = MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m2", expectedParameters); Class[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes(); assertEquals(1, parameters.length); assertEquals(expectedParameters[0], parameters[0]); // Check that corrupting our array doesn't affect other callers. parameters[0] = String.class; parameters = method.getParameterTypes(); assertEquals(1, parameters.length); assertEquals(expectedParameters[0], parameters[0]); } public void testGetMethodWithPrivateMethodAndInterfaceMethod() throws Exception { assertEquals(InterfaceA.class, Sub.class.getMethod("a").getDeclaringClass()); } public void testGetMethodReturnsIndirectlyImplementedInterface() throws Exception { assertEquals(InterfaceA.class, ImplementsC.class.getMethod("a").getDeclaringClass()); assertEquals(InterfaceA.class, ExtendsImplementsC.class.getMethod("a").getDeclaringClass()); } public void testGetDeclaredMethodReturnsIndirectlyImplementedInterface() throws Exception { try { ImplementsC.class.getDeclaredMethod("a").getDeclaringClass(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException expected) { } try { ExtendsImplementsC.class.getDeclaredMethod("a").getDeclaringClass(); fail(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException expected) { } } public void testGetMethodWithConstructorName() throws Exception { try { MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod(""); fail(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException expected) { } } public void testGetMethodWithNullName() throws Exception { try { MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } } public void testGetMethodWithNullArgumentsArray() throws Exception { Method m1 = MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m1", (Class[]) null); assertEquals(0, m1.getParameterTypes().length); } public void testGetMethodWithNullArgument() throws Exception { try { MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m2", new Class[] { null }); fail(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException expected) { } } public void testGetMethodReturnsInheritedStaticMethod() throws Exception { Method b = Sub.class.getMethod("b"); assertEquals(void.class, b.getReturnType()); } public void testGetDeclaredMethodReturnsPrivateMethods() throws Exception { Method method = Super.class.getDeclaredMethod("a"); assertEquals(void.class, method.getReturnType()); } public void testGetDeclaredMethodDoesNotReturnSuperclassMethods() throws Exception { try { Sub.class.getDeclaredMethod("a"); fail(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException expected) { } } public void testGetDeclaredMethodDoesNotReturnImplementedInterfaceMethods() throws Exception { try { InterfaceB.class.getDeclaredMethod("a"); fail(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException expected) { } } public void testImplementedInterfaceMethodOfAnonymousClass() throws Exception { Object anonymous = new InterfaceA() { @Override public void a() { } }; Method method = anonymous.getClass().getMethod("a"); assertEquals(anonymous.getClass(), method.getDeclaringClass()); } public void testPublicMethodOfAnonymousClass() throws Exception { Object anonymous = new Object() { public void a() { } }; Method method = anonymous.getClass().getMethod("a"); assertEquals(anonymous.getClass(), method.getDeclaringClass()); } public void testGetMethodDoesNotReturnPrivateMethodOfAnonymousClass() throws Exception { Object anonymous = new Object() { private void a() { } }; try { anonymous.getClass().getMethod("a"); fail(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException expected) { } } public void testGetDeclaredMethodReturnsPrivateMethodOfAnonymousClass() throws Exception { Object anonymous = new Object() { private void a() { } }; Method method = anonymous.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("a"); assertEquals(anonymous.getClass(), method.getDeclaringClass()); } public void testEqualMethodEqualsAndHashCode() throws Exception { Method m1 = MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m1"); Method m2 = MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m1"); assertEquals(m1, m2); assertEquals(m1.hashCode(), m2.hashCode()); assertEquals(MethodTestHelper.class.getName().hashCode() ^ "m1".hashCode(), m1.hashCode()); } public void testHashCodeSpec() throws Exception { Method m1 = MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m1"); assertEquals(MethodTestHelper.class.getName().hashCode() ^ "m1".hashCode(), m1.hashCode()); } public void testDifferentMethodEqualsAndHashCode() throws Exception { Method m1 = MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m1"); Method m2 = MethodTestHelper.class.getMethod("m2", Object.class); assertFalse(m1.equals(m2)); assertFalse(m1.hashCode() == m2.hashCode()); } // http://b/1045939 public void testMethodToString() throws Exception { assertEquals("public final native void java.lang.Object.notify()", Object.class.getMethod("notify", new Class[] { }).toString()); assertEquals("public java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString()", Object.class.getMethod("toString", new Class[] { }).toString()); assertEquals("public final native void java.lang.Object.wait(long,int)" + " throws java.lang.InterruptedException", Object.class.getMethod("wait", new Class[] { long.class, int.class }).toString()); assertEquals("public boolean java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)", Object.class.getMethod("equals", new Class[] { Object.class }).toString()); assertEquals("public static java.lang.String java.lang.String.valueOf(char[])", String.class.getMethod("valueOf", new Class[] { char[].class }).toString()); assertEquals( "public java.lang.Process java.lang.Runtime.exec(java.lang.String[])" + " throws java.io.IOException", Runtime.class.getMethod("exec", new Class[] { String[].class }).toString()); // http://b/18488857 assertEquals( "public int java.lang.String.compareTo(java.lang.Object)", String.class.getMethod("compareTo", Object.class).toString()); } // Tests that the "varargs" modifier is handled correctly. // The underlying constant value for it is the same as for the "transient" field modifier. // http://b/18488857 public void testVarargsModifier() throws NoSuchMethodException { Method stringFormatMethod = String.class.getMethod( "format", new Class[] { String.class, Object[].class }); assertTrue(stringFormatMethod.isVarArgs()); assertEquals( "public static java.lang.String java.lang.String.format(" + "java.lang.String,java.lang.Object[])", stringFormatMethod.toString()); } public static class MethodTestHelper { public void m1() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { } public void m2(Object o) { } } public static class Super { private void a() {} public static void b() {} } public static interface InterfaceA { void a(); } public static abstract class Sub extends Super implements InterfaceA { } public static interface InterfaceB extends InterfaceA {} public static interface InterfaceC extends InterfaceB {} public static abstract class ImplementsC implements InterfaceC {} public static abstract class ExtendsImplementsC extends ImplementsC {} }