/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package tests.support; import java.io.*; import java.lang.Thread; import java.net.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * TestWebServer is a simulated controllable test server that * can respond to requests from HTTP clients. * * The server can be controlled to change how it reacts to any * requests, and can be told to simulate various events (such as * network failure) that would happen in a real environment. */ public class Support_TestWebServer implements Support_HttpConstants { /* static class data/methods */ /* The ANDROID_LOG_TAG */ private final static String LOGTAG = "httpsv"; /** maps the recently requested URLs to the full request snapshot */ private final Map pathToRequest = new ConcurrentHashMap(); /* timeout on client connections */ int timeout = 0; /* Default socket timeout value */ final static int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5000; /* Version string (configurable) */ protected String HTTP_VERSION_STRING = "HTTP/1.1"; /* Indicator for whether this server is configured as a HTTP/1.1 * or HTTP/1.0 server */ private boolean http11 = true; /* The thread handling new requests from clients */ private AcceptThread acceptT; /* timeout on client connections */ int mTimeout; /* Server port */ int mPort; /* Switch on/off logging */ boolean mLog = false; /* If set, this will keep connections alive after a request has been * processed. */ boolean keepAlive = true; /* If set, this will cause response data to be sent in 'chunked' format */ boolean chunked = false; int maxChunkSize = 1024; /* If set, this will indicate a new redirection host */ String redirectHost = null; /* If set, this indicates the reason for redirection */ int redirectCode = -1; /* Set the number of connections the server will accept before shutdown */ int acceptLimit = 100; /* Count of number of accepted connections */ int acceptedConnections = 0; public Support_TestWebServer() { } /** * @param servePath the path to the dynamic web test data * @param contentType the type of the dynamic web test data */ public int initServer(String servePath, String contentType) throws Exception { Support_TestWebData.initDynamicTestWebData(servePath, contentType); return initServer(); } public int initServer() throws Exception { mTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; mLog = false; keepAlive = true; if (acceptT == null) { acceptT = new AcceptThread(); mPort = acceptT.init(); acceptT.start(); } return mPort; } /** * Print to the log file (if logging enabled) * @param s String to send to the log */ protected void log(String s) { if (mLog) { Logger.global.fine(s); } } /** * Set the server to be an HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 server. * This should be called prior to any requests being sent * to the server. * @param set True for the server to be HTTP/1.1, false for HTTP/1.0 */ public void setHttpVersion11(boolean set) { http11 = set; if (set) { HTTP_VERSION_STRING = "HTTP/1.1"; } else { HTTP_VERSION_STRING = "HTTP/1.0"; } } /** * Call this to determine whether server connection should remain open * @param value Set true to keep connections open after a request * completes */ public void setKeepAlive(boolean value) { keepAlive = value; } /** * Call this to indicate whether chunked data should be used * @param value Set true to make server respond with chunk encoded * content data. */ public void setChunked(boolean value) { chunked = value; } /** * Sets the maximum byte count of any chunk if the server is using * the "chunked" transfer encoding. */ public void setMaxChunkSize(int maxChunkSize) { this.maxChunkSize = maxChunkSize; } /** * Call this to specify the maximum number of sockets to accept * @param limit The number of sockets to accept */ public void setAcceptLimit(int limit) { acceptLimit = limit; } /** * Call this to indicate redirection port requirement. * When this value is set, the server will respond to a request with * a redirect code with the Location response header set to the value * specified. * @param redirect The location to be redirected to * @param code The code to send when redirecting */ public void setRedirect(String redirect, int code) { redirectHost = redirect; redirectCode = code; log("Server will redirect output to "+redirect+" code "+code); } /** * Returns a map from recently-requested paths (like "/index.html") to a * snapshot of the request data. */ public Map pathToRequest() { return pathToRequest; } public int getNumAcceptedConnections() { return acceptedConnections; } /** * Cause the thread accepting connections on the server socket to close */ public void close() { /* Stop the Accept thread */ if (acceptT != null) { log("Closing AcceptThread"+acceptT); acceptT.close(); acceptT = null; } } /** * The AcceptThread is responsible for initiating worker threads * to handle incoming requests from clients. */ class AcceptThread extends Thread { ServerSocket ss = null; boolean running = false; /** * @param port the port to use, or 0 to let the OS choose. * Hard-coding ports is evil, so always pass 0! */ public int init() throws IOException { ss = new ServerSocket(0); ss.setSoTimeout(5000); ss.setReuseAddress(true); return ss.getLocalPort(); } /** * Main thread responding to new connections */ public synchronized void run() { running = true; while (running) { try { Socket s = ss.accept(); acceptedConnections++; if (acceptedConnections >= acceptLimit) { running = false; } new Thread(new Worker(s), "additional worker").start(); } catch (SocketException e) { log(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } log("AcceptThread terminated" + this); } // Close this socket public void close() { try { running = false; /* Stop server socket from processing further. Currently this does not cause the SocketException from ss.accept therefore the acceptLimit functionality has been added to circumvent this limitation */ ss.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* We are shutting down the server, so we expect * things to die. Don't propagate. */ log("IOException caught by server socket close"); } } } // Size of buffer for reading from the connection final static int BUF_SIZE = 2048; /* End of line byte sequence */ static final byte[] EOL = {(byte)'\r', (byte)'\n' }; /** * An immutable snapshot of an HTTP request. */ public static class Request { private final String path; private final Map headers; // TODO: include posted content? public Request(String path, Map headers) { this.path = path; this.headers = new LinkedHashMap(headers); } public String getPath() { return path; } public Map getHeaders() { return headers; } } /** * The worker thread handles all interactions with a current open * connection. If pipelining is turned on, this will allow this * thread to continuously operate on numerous requests before the * connection is closed. */ class Worker implements Support_HttpConstants, Runnable { /* buffer to use to hold request data */ byte[] buf; /* Socket to client we're handling */ private Socket s; /* Reference to current request method ID */ private int requestMethod; /* Reference to current requests test file/data */ private String testID; /* The requested path, such as "/test1" */ private String path; /* Reference to test number from testID */ private int testNum; /* Reference to whether new request has been initiated yet */ private boolean readStarted; /* Indicates whether current request has any data content */ private boolean hasContent = false; /* Request headers are stored here */ private Map headers = new LinkedHashMap(); /* Create a new worker thread */ Worker(Socket s) { this.buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; this.s = s; } public synchronized void run() { try { handleClient(); } catch (Exception e) { log("Exception during handleClient in the TestWebServer: " + e.getMessage()); } log(this+" terminated"); } /** * Zero out the buffer from last time */ private void clearBuffer() { for (int i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; i++) { buf[i] = 0; } } /** * Utility method to read a line of data from the input stream * @param is Inputstream to read * @return number of bytes read */ private int readOneLine(InputStream is) { int read = 0; clearBuffer(); try { log("Reading one line: started ="+readStarted+" avail="+is.available()); StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); while ((!readStarted) || (is.available() > 0)) { int data = is.read(); // We shouldn't get EOF but we need tdo check if (data == -1) { log("EOF returned"); return -1; } buf[read] = (byte)data; log.append((char)data); readStarted = true; if (buf[read++]==(byte)'\n') { log(log.toString()); return read; } } } catch (IOException e) { log("IOException from readOneLine"); } return read; } /** * Read a chunk of data * @param is Stream from which to read data * @param length Amount of data to read * @return number of bytes read */ private int readData(InputStream is, int length) { int read = 0; int count; // At the moment we're only expecting small data amounts byte[] buf = new byte[length]; try { while (is.available() > 0) { count = is.read(buf, read, length-read); read += count; } } catch (IOException e) { log("IOException from readData"); } return read; } /** * Read the status line from the input stream extracting method * information. * @param is Inputstream to read * @return number of bytes read */ private int parseStatusLine(InputStream is) { int index; int nread = 0; log("Parse status line"); // Check for status line first nread = readOneLine(is); // Bomb out if stream closes prematurely if (nread == -1) { requestMethod = UNKNOWN_METHOD; return -1; } if (buf[0] == (byte)'G' && buf[1] == (byte)'E' && buf[2] == (byte)'T' && buf[3] == (byte)' ') { requestMethod = GET_METHOD; log("GET request"); index = 4; } else if (buf[0] == (byte)'H' && buf[1] == (byte)'E' && buf[2] == (byte)'A' && buf[3] == (byte)'D' && buf[4] == (byte)' ') { requestMethod = HEAD_METHOD; log("HEAD request"); index = 5; } else if (buf[0] == (byte)'P' && buf[1] == (byte)'O' && buf[2] == (byte)'S' && buf[3] == (byte)'T' && buf[4] == (byte)' ') { requestMethod = POST_METHOD; log("POST request"); index = 5; } else { // Unhandled request requestMethod = UNKNOWN_METHOD; return -1; } // A valid method we understand if (requestMethod > UNKNOWN_METHOD) { // Read file name int i = index; while (buf[i] != (byte)' ') { // There should be HTTP/1.x at the end if ((buf[i] == (byte)'\n') || (buf[i] == (byte)'\r')) { requestMethod = UNKNOWN_METHOD; return -1; } i++; } path = new String(buf, 0, index, i-index); testID = path.substring(1); return nread; } return -1; } /** * Read a header from the input stream * @param is Inputstream to read * @return number of bytes read */ private int parseHeader(InputStream is) { int index = 0; int nread = 0; log("Parse a header"); // Check for status line first nread = readOneLine(is); // Bomb out if stream closes prematurely if (nread == -1) { requestMethod = UNKNOWN_METHOD; return -1; } // Read header entry 'Header: data' int i = index; while (buf[i] != (byte)':') { // There should be an entry after the header if ((buf[i] == (byte)'\n') || (buf[i] == (byte)'\r')) { return UNKNOWN_METHOD; } i++; } String headerName = new String(buf, 0, i); i++; // Over ':' while (buf[i] == ' ') { i++; } String headerValue = new String(buf, i, nread - i - 2); // drop \r\n headers.put(headerName, headerValue); return nread; } /** * Read all headers from the input stream * @param is Inputstream to read * @return number of bytes read */ private int readHeaders(InputStream is) { int nread = 0; log("Read headers"); // Headers should be terminated by empty CRLF line while (true) { int headerLen = 0; headerLen = parseHeader(is); if (headerLen == -1) return -1; nread += headerLen; if (headerLen <= 2) { return nread; } } } /** * Read content data from the input stream * @param is Inputstream to read * @return number of bytes read */ private int readContent(InputStream is) { int nread = 0; log("Read content"); String lengthString = headers.get(requestHeaders[REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH]); int length = new Integer(lengthString).intValue(); // Read content length = readData(is, length); return length; } /** * The main loop, reading requests. */ void handleClient() throws IOException { InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(s.getInputStream()); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream()); int nread = 0; /* we will only block in read for this many milliseconds * before we fail with java.io.InterruptedIOException, * at which point we will abandon the connection. */ s.setSoTimeout(mTimeout); s.setTcpNoDelay(true); do { nread = parseStatusLine(is); if (requestMethod != UNKNOWN_METHOD) { // If status line found, read any headers nread = readHeaders(is); pathToRequest().put(path, new Request(path, headers)); // Then read content (if any) // TODO handle chunked encoding from the client if (headers.get(requestHeaders[REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH]) != null) { nread = readContent(is); } } else { if (nread > 0) { /* we don't support this method */ ps.print(HTTP_VERSION_STRING + " " + HTTP_BAD_METHOD + " unsupported method type: "); ps.write(buf, 0, 5); ps.write(EOL); ps.flush(); } else { } if (!keepAlive || nread <= 0) { headers.clear(); readStarted = false; log("SOCKET CLOSED"); s.close(); return; } } // Reset test number prior to outputing data testNum = -1; // Write out the data printStatus(ps); printHeaders(ps); // Write line between headers and body psWriteEOL(ps); // Write the body if (redirectCode == -1) { switch (requestMethod) { case GET_METHOD: if ((testNum < -1) || (testNum > Support_TestWebData.tests.length - 1)) { send404(ps); } else { sendFile(ps); } break; case HEAD_METHOD: // Nothing to do break; case POST_METHOD: // Post method write body data if ((testNum > 0) || (testNum < Support_TestWebData.tests.length - 1)) { sendFile(ps); } break; default: break; } } else { // Redirecting switch (redirectCode) { case 301: // Seems 301 needs a body by neon (although spec // says SHOULD). psPrint(ps, Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_301]); break; case 302: // psPrint(ps, Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_302]); break; case 303: psPrint(ps, Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_303]); break; case 307: psPrint(ps, Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_307]); break; default: break; } } ps.flush(); // Reset for next request readStarted = false; headers.clear(); } while (keepAlive); log("SOCKET CLOSED"); s.close(); } // Print string to log and output stream void psPrint(PrintStream ps, String s) throws IOException { log(s); ps.print(s); } // Print bytes to log and output stream void psWrite(PrintStream ps, byte[] bytes, int offset, int count) throws IOException { log(new String(bytes)); ps.write(bytes, offset, count); } // Print CRLF to log and output stream void psWriteEOL(PrintStream ps) throws IOException { log("CRLF"); ps.write(EOL); } // Print status to log and output stream void printStatus(PrintStream ps) throws IOException { // Handle redirects first. if (redirectCode != -1) { log("REDIRECTING TO "+redirectHost+" status "+redirectCode); psPrint(ps, HTTP_VERSION_STRING + " " + redirectCode +" Moved permanently"); psWriteEOL(ps); psPrint(ps, "Location: " + redirectHost); psWriteEOL(ps); return; } if (testID.startsWith("test")) { testNum = Integer.valueOf(testID.substring(4))-1; } if ((testNum < -1) || (testNum > Support_TestWebData.tests.length - 1)) { psPrint(ps, HTTP_VERSION_STRING + " " + HTTP_NOT_FOUND + " not found"); psWriteEOL(ps); } else { psPrint(ps, HTTP_VERSION_STRING + " " + HTTP_OK+" OK"); psWriteEOL(ps); } log("Status sent"); } /** * Create the server response and output to the stream * @param ps The PrintStream to output response headers and data to */ void printHeaders(PrintStream ps) throws IOException { if ((testNum < -1) || (testNum > Support_TestWebData.tests.length - 1)) { // 404 status already sent return; } SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("EE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z"); df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); psPrint(ps,"Server: TestWebServer"+mPort); psWriteEOL(ps); psPrint(ps, "Date: " + df.format(new Date())); psWriteEOL(ps); psPrint(ps, "Connection: " + ((keepAlive) ? "Keep-Alive" : "Close")); psWriteEOL(ps); // Yuk, if we're not redirecting, we add the file details if (redirectCode == -1) { if (testNum == -1) { if (!Support_TestWebData.test0DataAvailable) { log("testdata was not initilaized"); return; } if (chunked) { psPrint(ps, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"); } else { psPrint(ps, "Content-length: " + Support_TestWebData.test0Data.length); } psWriteEOL(ps); psPrint(ps, "Last Modified: " + (new Date( Support_TestWebData.test0Params.testLastModified))); psWriteEOL(ps); psPrint(ps, "Content-type: " + Support_TestWebData.test0Params.testType); psWriteEOL(ps); if (Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testExp > 0) { long exp; exp = Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testExp; psPrint(ps, "expires: " + df.format(exp) + " GMT"); psWriteEOL(ps); } } else if (!Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testDir) { if (chunked) { psPrint(ps, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"); } else { psPrint(ps, "Content-length: "+Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testLength); } psWriteEOL(ps); psPrint(ps,"Last Modified: " + (new Date(Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testLastModified))); psWriteEOL(ps); psPrint(ps, "Content-type: " + Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testType); psWriteEOL(ps); if (Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testExp > 0) { long exp; exp = Support_TestWebData.testParams[testNum].testExp; psPrint(ps, "expires: " + df.format(exp) + " GMT"); psWriteEOL(ps); } } else { psPrint(ps, "Content-type: text/html"); psWriteEOL(ps); } } else { // Content-length of 301, 302, 303, 307 are the same. psPrint(ps, "Content-length: "+(Support_TestWebData.testServerResponse[Support_TestWebData.REDIRECT_301]).length()); psWriteEOL(ps); psWriteEOL(ps); } log("Headers sent"); } /** * Sends the 404 not found message * @param ps The PrintStream to write to */ void send404(PrintStream ps) throws IOException { ps.println("Not Found\n\n"+ "The requested resource was not found.\n"); } /** * Sends the data associated with the headers * @param ps The PrintStream to write to */ void sendFile(PrintStream ps) throws IOException { if (testNum == -1) { if (!Support_TestWebData.test0DataAvailable) { log("test data was not initialized"); return; } sendFile(ps, Support_TestWebData.test0Data); } else { sendFile(ps, Support_TestWebData.tests[testNum]); } } void sendFile(PrintStream ps, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { if (chunked) { int offset = 0; while (offset < bytes.length) { int chunkSize = Math.min(bytes.length - offset, maxChunkSize); psPrint(ps, Integer.toHexString(chunkSize)); psWriteEOL(ps); psWrite(ps, bytes, offset, chunkSize); psWriteEOL(ps); offset += chunkSize; } psPrint(ps, "0"); psWriteEOL(ps); psWriteEOL(ps); } else { psWrite(ps, bytes, 0, bytes.length); } } } }