package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import*; import*; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.Log; /** * SapMessage is used for incoming and outgoing messages. * * For incoming messages * */ public class SapMessage { public static final String TAG = "SapMessage"; public static final boolean DEBUG = SapService.DEBUG; public static final boolean VERBOSE = SapService.VERBOSE; public static final boolean TEST = false; /* Message IDs - SAP specification */ public static final int ID_CONNECT_REQ = 0x00; public static final int ID_CONNECT_RESP = 0x01; public static final int ID_DISCONNECT_REQ = 0x02; public static final int ID_DISCONNECT_RESP = 0x03; public static final int ID_DISCONNECT_IND = 0x04; public static final int ID_TRANSFER_APDU_REQ = 0x05; public static final int ID_TRANSFER_APDU_RESP = 0x06; public static final int ID_TRANSFER_ATR_REQ = 0x07; public static final int ID_TRANSFER_ATR_RESP = 0x08; public static final int ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_REQ = 0x09; public static final int ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_RESP = 0x0A; public static final int ID_POWER_SIM_ON_REQ = 0x0B; public static final int ID_POWER_SIM_ON_RESP = 0x0C; public static final int ID_RESET_SIM_REQ = 0x0D; public static final int ID_RESET_SIM_RESP = 0x0E; public static final int ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_REQ = 0x0F; public static final int ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RESP = 0x10; public static final int ID_STATUS_IND = 0x11; public static final int ID_ERROR_RESP = 0x12; public static final int ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_REQ = 0x13; public static final int ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_RESP = 0x14; /* Message IDs - RIL specific unsolicited */ // First RIL message id public static final int ID_RIL_BASE = 0x100; // RIL_UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED public static final int ID_RIL_UNSOL_CONNECTED = 0x100; // A disconnect ind from RIL will be converted after handled locally public static final int ID_RIL_UNSOL_DISCONNECT_IND = 0x102; // All others public static final int ID_RIL_UNKNOWN = 0x1ff; /* Message IDs - RIL specific solicited */ public static final int ID_RIL_GET_SIM_STATUS_REQ = 0x200; // RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS /* Test signals used to set the reference ril in test mode */ public static final int ID_RIL_SIM_ACCESS_TEST_REQ = 0x201; // RIL_REQUEST_SIM_ACCESS_TEST public static final int ID_RIL_SIM_ACCESS_TEST_RESP = 0x202; /* response for RIL_REQUEST_SIM_ACCESS_TEST */ /* Parameter IDs and lengths */ public static final int PARAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE_ID = 0x00; public static final int PARAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE_LENGTH = 2; public static final int PARAM_CONNECTION_STATUS_ID = 0x01; public static final int PARAM_CONNECTION_STATUS_LENGTH = 1; public static final int PARAM_RESULT_CODE_ID = 0x02; public static final int PARAM_RESULT_CODE_LENGTH = 1; public static final int PARAM_DISCONNECT_TYPE_ID = 0x03; public static final int PARAM_DISCONNECT_TYPE_LENGTH = 1; public static final int PARAM_COMMAND_APDU_ID = 0x04; public static final int PARAM_COMMAND_APDU7816_ID = 0x10; public static final int PARAM_RESPONSE_APDU_ID = 0x05; public static final int PARAM_ATR_ID = 0x06; public static final int PARAM_CARD_READER_STATUS_ID = 0x07; public static final int PARAM_CARD_READER_STATUS_LENGTH = 1; public static final int PARAM_STATUS_CHANGE_ID = 0x08; public static final int PARAM_STATUS_CHANGE_LENGTH = 1; public static final int PARAM_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_ID = 0x09; public static final int PARAM_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_LENGTH = 1; /* Result codes */ public static final int RESULT_OK = 0x00; public static final int RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON = 0x01; public static final int RESULT_ERROR_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE = 0x02; public static final int RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_OFF = 0x03; public static final int RESULT_ERROR_CARD_REMOVED = 0x04; public static final int RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_ON = 0x05; public static final int RESULT_ERROR_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0x06; public static final int RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x07; /* Connection Status codes */ public static final int CON_STATUS_OK = 0x00; public static final int CON_STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTION = 0x01; public static final int CON_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_MSG_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED = 0x02; public static final int CON_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_MSG_SIZE_TOO_SMALL = 0x03; public static final int CON_STATUS_OK_ONGOING_CALL = 0x04; /* Disconnection type */ public static final int DISC_GRACEFULL = 0x00; public static final int DISC_IMMEDIATE = 0x01; public static final int DISC_FORCED = 0x100; // Used internal only public static final int DISC_RFCOMM = 0x101; // Used internal only /* Status Change */ public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0x00; public static final int STATUS_CARD_RESET = 0x01; public static final int STATUS_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE = 0x02; public static final int STATUS_CARD_REMOVED = 0x03; public static final int STATUS_CARD_INSERTED = 0x04; public static final int STATUS_RECOVERED = 0x05; /* Transport Protocol */ public static final int TRANS_PROTO_T0 = 0x00; public static final int TRANS_PROTO_T1 = 0x01; /* Test Mode */ public static final int TEST_MODE_DISABLE = 0x00; public static final int TEST_MODE_ENABLE = 0x01; /* Used to detect uninitialized values */ public static final int INVALID_VALUE = -1; /* Stuff related to communicating with rild-bt */ static final int RESPONSE_SOLICITED = 0; static final int RESPONSE_UNSOLICITED = 1; static AtomicInteger sNextSerial = new AtomicInteger(1); // Map - HashTable is synchronized private static Map sOngoingRequests = new Hashtable(); private boolean mSendToRil = false; // set to true for messages that needs to go to the RIL private boolean mClearRilQueue = false; /* set to true for messages that needs to cause the sOngoingRequests to be cleared. */ /* Instance members */ private int mMsgType = INVALID_VALUE; // The SAP message ID private int mMaxMsgSize = INVALID_VALUE; private int mConnectionStatus = INVALID_VALUE; private int mResultCode = INVALID_VALUE; private int mDisconnectionType = INVALID_VALUE; private int mCardReaderStatus = INVALID_VALUE; private int mStatusChange = INVALID_VALUE; private int mTransportProtocol = INVALID_VALUE; private int mTestMode = INVALID_VALUE; private byte[] mApdu = null; private byte[] mApdu7816 = null; private byte[] mApduResp = null; private byte[] mAtr = null; /** * Create a SapMessage * @param msgType the SAP message type */ public SapMessage(int msgType){ this.mMsgType = msgType; } private static void resetPendingRilMessages() { int numMessages = sOngoingRequests.size(); if(numMessages != 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Clearing message queue with size: " + numMessages); sOngoingRequests.clear(); } } public static int getNumPendingRilMessages() { return sOngoingRequests.size(); } public int getMsgType() { return mMsgType; } public void setMsgType(int msgType) { this.mMsgType = msgType; } public int getMaxMsgSize() { return mMaxMsgSize; } public void setMaxMsgSize(int maxMsgSize) { this.mMaxMsgSize = maxMsgSize; } public int getConnectionStatus() { return mConnectionStatus; } public void setConnectionStatus(int connectionStatus) { this.mConnectionStatus = connectionStatus; } public int getResultCode() { return mResultCode; } public void setResultCode(int resultCode) { this.mResultCode = resultCode; } public int getDisconnectionType() { return mDisconnectionType; } public void setDisconnectionType(int disconnectionType) { this.mDisconnectionType = disconnectionType; } public int getCardReaderStatus() { return mCardReaderStatus; } public void setCardReaderStatus(int cardReaderStatus) { this.mCardReaderStatus = cardReaderStatus; } public int getStatusChange() { return mStatusChange; } public void setStatusChange(int statusChange) { this.mStatusChange = statusChange; } public int getTransportProtocol() { return mTransportProtocol; } public void setTransportProtocol(int transportProtocol) { this.mTransportProtocol = transportProtocol; } public byte[] getApdu() { return mApdu; } public void setApdu(byte[] apdu) { this.mApdu = apdu; } public byte[] getApdu7816() { return mApdu7816; } public void setApdu7816(byte[] apdu) { this.mApdu7816 = apdu; } public byte[] getApduResp() { return mApduResp; } public void setApduResp(byte[] apduResp) { this.mApduResp = apduResp; } public byte[] getAtr() { return mAtr; } public void setAtr(byte[] atr) { this.mAtr = atr; } public boolean getSendToRil() { return mSendToRil; } public void setSendToRil(boolean sendToRil) { this.mSendToRil = sendToRil; } public boolean getClearRilQueue() { return mClearRilQueue; } public void setClearRilQueue(boolean clearRilQueue) { this.mClearRilQueue = clearRilQueue; } public int getTestMode() { return mTestMode; } public void setTestMode(int testMode) { this.mTestMode = testMode; } private int getParamCount() { int paramCount = 0; if(mMaxMsgSize != INVALID_VALUE) paramCount++; if(mConnectionStatus != INVALID_VALUE) paramCount++; if(mResultCode != INVALID_VALUE) paramCount++; if(mDisconnectionType != INVALID_VALUE) paramCount++; if(mCardReaderStatus != INVALID_VALUE) paramCount++; if(mStatusChange != INVALID_VALUE) paramCount++; if(mTransportProtocol != INVALID_VALUE) paramCount++; if(mApdu != null) paramCount++; if(mApdu7816 != null) paramCount++; if(mApduResp != null) paramCount++; if(mAtr != null) paramCount++; return paramCount; } /** * Construct a SapMessage based on the incoming rfcomm request. * @param requestType The type of the request * @param is the input stream to read the data from * @return the resulting message, or null if an error occurs */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static SapMessage readMessage(int requestType, InputStream is) { SapMessage newMessage = new SapMessage(requestType); /* Read in all the parameters (if any) */ int paramCount; try { paramCount =; skip(is, 2); // Skip the 2 padding bytes if(paramCount > 0) { if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "Parsing message with paramCount: " + paramCount); if(newMessage.parseParameters(paramCount, is) == false) return null; } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); return null; } if(DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "readMessage() Read message: " + getMsgTypeName(requestType)); /* Validate parameters */ switch(requestType) { case ID_CONNECT_REQ: if(newMessage.getMaxMsgSize() == INVALID_VALUE) { Log.e(TAG, "Missing MaxMsgSize parameter in CONNECT_REQ"); return null; } break; case ID_TRANSFER_APDU_REQ: if(newMessage.getApdu() == null && newMessage.getApdu7816() == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Missing Apdu parameter in TRANSFER_APDU_REQ"); return null; } newMessage.setSendToRil(true); break; case ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_REQ: if(newMessage.getTransportProtocol() == INVALID_VALUE) { Log.e(TAG, "Missing TransportProtocol parameter in SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_REQ"); return null; } newMessage.setSendToRil(true); break; case ID_TRANSFER_ATR_REQ: /* No params */ case ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_REQ: /* No params */ case ID_POWER_SIM_ON_REQ: /* No params */ case ID_RESET_SIM_REQ: /* No params */ case ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_REQ: /* No params */ newMessage.setSendToRil(true); break; case ID_DISCONNECT_REQ: /* No params */ break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Unknown request type"); return null; } return newMessage; } /** * Blocking read of an entire array of data. * @param is the input stream to read from * @param buffer the buffer to read into - the length of the buffer will * determine how many bytes will be read. */ private static void read(InputStream is, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { int bytesToRead = buffer.length; int bytesRead = 0; int tmpBytesRead; while (bytesRead < bytesToRead) { tmpBytesRead =, bytesRead, bytesToRead-bytesRead); if(tmpBytesRead == -1) throw new IOException("EOS reached while reading a byte array."); else bytesRead += tmpBytesRead; } } /** * Skip a number of bytes in an InputStream. * @param is the input stream * @param count the number of bytes to skip * @throws IOException In case of reaching EOF or a stream error */ private static void skip(InputStream is, int count) throws IOException { for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {; // Do not use the InputStream.skip as it fails for some stream types } } /** * Read the parameters from the stream and update the relevant members. * This function will ensure that all parameters are read from the stream, even * if an error is detected. * @param count the number of parameters to read * @param is the input stream * @return True if all parameters were successfully parsed, False if an error were detected. * @throws IOException */ private boolean parseParameters(int count, InputStream is) throws IOException { int paramId; int paramLength; boolean success = true; int skipLen = 0; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { paramId =;; // Skip the reserved byte paramLength =; paramLength = paramLength << 8 |; // As per SAP spec padding should be 0-3 bytes if ((paramLength % 4) != 0) skipLen = 4 - (paramLength % 4); if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "parsing paramId: " + paramId + " with length: " + paramLength); switch(paramId) { case PARAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE_ID: if(paramLength != PARAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE_LENGTH) { Log.e(TAG, "Received PARAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE with wrong length: " + paramLength + " skipping this parameter."); skip(is, paramLength + skipLen); success = false; } else { mMaxMsgSize =; mMaxMsgSize = mMaxMsgSize << 8 |; skip(is, 4 - PARAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE_LENGTH); } break; case PARAM_COMMAND_APDU_ID: mApdu = new byte[paramLength]; read(is, mApdu); skip(is, skipLen); break; case PARAM_COMMAND_APDU7816_ID: mApdu7816 = new byte[paramLength]; read(is, mApdu7816); skip(is, skipLen); break; case PARAM_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_ID: if(paramLength != PARAM_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_LENGTH) { Log.e(TAG, "Received PARAM_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL with wrong length: " + paramLength + " skipping this parameter."); skip(is, paramLength + skipLen); success = false; } else { mTransportProtocol =; skip(is, 4 - PARAM_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_LENGTH); } break; case PARAM_CONNECTION_STATUS_ID: // not needed for server role, but used for module test if(paramLength != PARAM_CONNECTION_STATUS_LENGTH) { Log.e(TAG, "Received PARAM_CONNECTION_STATUS with wrong length: " + paramLength + " skipping this parameter."); skip(is, paramLength + skipLen); success = false; } else { mConnectionStatus =; skip(is, 4 - PARAM_CONNECTION_STATUS_LENGTH); } break; case PARAM_CARD_READER_STATUS_ID: // not needed for server role, but used for module test if(paramLength != PARAM_CARD_READER_STATUS_LENGTH) { Log.e(TAG, "Received PARAM_CARD_READER_STATUS with wrong length: " + paramLength + " skipping this parameter."); skip(is, paramLength + skipLen); success = false; } else { mCardReaderStatus =; skip(is, 4 - PARAM_CARD_READER_STATUS_LENGTH); } break; case PARAM_STATUS_CHANGE_ID: // not needed for server role, but used for module test if(paramLength != PARAM_STATUS_CHANGE_LENGTH) { Log.e(TAG, "Received PARAM_STATUS_CHANGE with wrong length: " + paramLength + " skipping this parameter."); skip(is, paramLength + skipLen); success = false; } else { mStatusChange =; skip(is, 4 - PARAM_STATUS_CHANGE_LENGTH); } break; case PARAM_RESULT_CODE_ID: // not needed for server role, but used for module test if(paramLength != PARAM_RESULT_CODE_LENGTH) { Log.e(TAG, "Received PARAM_RESULT_CODE with wrong length: " + paramLength + " skipping this parameter."); skip(is, paramLength + skipLen); success = false; } else { mResultCode =; skip(is, 4 - PARAM_RESULT_CODE_LENGTH); } break; case PARAM_DISCONNECT_TYPE_ID: // not needed for server role, but used for module test if(paramLength != PARAM_DISCONNECT_TYPE_LENGTH) { Log.e(TAG, "Received PARAM_DISCONNECT_TYPE_ID with wrong length: " + paramLength + " skipping this parameter."); skip(is, paramLength + skipLen); success = false; } else { mDisconnectionType =; skip(is, 4 - PARAM_DISCONNECT_TYPE_LENGTH); } break; case PARAM_RESPONSE_APDU_ID: // not needed for server role, but used for module test mApduResp = new byte[paramLength]; read(is, mApduResp); skip(is, skipLen); break; case PARAM_ATR_ID: // not needed for server role, but used for module test mAtr = new byte[paramLength]; read(is, mAtr); skip(is, skipLen); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Received unknown parameter ID: " + paramId + " length: " + paramLength + " skipping this parameter."); skip(is, paramLength + skipLen); } } return success; } /** * Writes a single value parameter of 1 or 2 bytes in length. * @param os The BufferedOutputStream to write to. * @param id The Parameter ID * @param value The parameter value * @param length The length of the parameter value * @throws IOException if the write to os fails */ private static void writeParameter(OutputStream os, int id, int value, int length) throws IOException { /* Parameter Header*/ os.write(id); os.write(0); os.write(0); os.write(length); switch(length) { case 1: os.write(value & 0xff); os.write(0); // Padding os.write(0); // Padding os.write(0); // padding break; case 2: os.write((value >> 8) & 0xff); os.write(value & 0xff); os.write(0); // Padding os.write(0); // padding break; default: throw new IOException("Unable to write value of length: " + length); } } /** * Writes a byte[] parameter of any length. * @param os The BufferedOutputStream to write to. * @param id The Parameter ID * @param value The byte array to write, the length will be extracted from the array. * @throws IOException if the write to os fails */ private static void writeParameter(OutputStream os, int id, byte[] value) throws IOException { /* Parameter Header*/ os.write(id); os.write(0); // reserved os.write((value.length >> 8) & 0xff); os.write(value.length & 0xff); /* Payload */ os.write(value); if (value.length % 4 != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (4 - (value.length % 4)); ++i) { os.write(0); // Padding } } } public void write(OutputStream os) throws IOException { /* Write the header */ os.write(mMsgType); os.write(getParamCount()); os.write(0); // padding os.write(0); // padding /* write the parameters */ if(mConnectionStatus != INVALID_VALUE) { writeParameter(os,PARAM_CONNECTION_STATUS_ID, mConnectionStatus, PARAM_CONNECTION_STATUS_LENGTH); } if(mMaxMsgSize != INVALID_VALUE) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE_ID, mMaxMsgSize, PARAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE_LENGTH); } if(mResultCode != INVALID_VALUE) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_RESULT_CODE_ID, mResultCode, PARAM_RESULT_CODE_LENGTH); } if(mDisconnectionType != INVALID_VALUE) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_DISCONNECT_TYPE_ID, mDisconnectionType, PARAM_DISCONNECT_TYPE_LENGTH); } if(mCardReaderStatus != INVALID_VALUE) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_CARD_READER_STATUS_ID, mCardReaderStatus, PARAM_CARD_READER_STATUS_LENGTH); } if(mStatusChange != INVALID_VALUE) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_STATUS_CHANGE_ID, mStatusChange, PARAM_STATUS_CHANGE_LENGTH); } if(mTransportProtocol != INVALID_VALUE) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_ID, mTransportProtocol, PARAM_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_LENGTH); } if(mApdu != null) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_COMMAND_APDU_ID, mApdu); } if(mApdu7816 != null) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_COMMAND_APDU7816_ID, mApdu7816); } if(mApduResp != null) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_RESPONSE_APDU_ID, mApduResp); } if(mAtr != null) { writeParameter(os, PARAM_ATR_ID, mAtr); } } /*************************************************************************** * RILD Interface message conversion functions. ***************************************************************************/ /** * We use this function to * @param length * @param rawOut * @throws IOException */ private void writeLength(int length, CodedOutputStreamMicro out) throws IOException { byte[] dataLength = new byte[4]; dataLength[0] = dataLength[1] = 0; dataLength[2] = (byte)((length >> 8) & 0xff); dataLength[3] = (byte)((length) & 0xff); out.writeRawBytes(dataLength); } /** * Write this SAP message as a rild compatible protobuf message. * Solicited Requests are formed as follows: * int type - the rild-bt type * int serial - an number incrementing for each message. */ public void writeReqToStream(CodedOutputStreamMicro out) throws IOException { int rilSerial = sNextSerial.getAndIncrement(); SapApi.MsgHeader msg = new MsgHeader(); /* Common variables for all requests */ msg.setToken(rilSerial); msg.setType(SapApi.REQUEST); msg.setError(SapApi.RIL_E_UNUSED); switch(mMsgType) { case ID_CONNECT_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_REQ(); reqMsg.setMaxMessageSize(mMaxMsgSize); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT); msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } case ID_DISCONNECT_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_DISCONNECT_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_DISCONNECT_REQ(); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_DISCONNECT); msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } case ID_TRANSFER_APDU_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_REQ(); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU); if(mApdu != null) { reqMsg.setType(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_REQ.RIL_TYPE_APDU); reqMsg.setCommand(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(mApdu)); } else if (mApdu7816 != null) { reqMsg.setType(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_REQ.RIL_TYPE_APDU7816); reqMsg.setCommand(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(mApdu7816)); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Missing Apdu parameter in TRANSFER_APDU_REQ"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } case ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_REQ(); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL); if(mTransportProtocol == TRANS_PROTO_T0) { reqMsg.setProtocol(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_REQ.t0); } else if(mTransportProtocol == TRANS_PROTO_T1) { reqMsg.setProtocol(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_REQ.t1); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Missing or invalid TransportProtocol parameter in"+ " SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_REQ: "+ mTransportProtocol ); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } case ID_TRANSFER_ATR_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_REQ(); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR); msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } case ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_REQ(); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER); reqMsg.setState(false); msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } case ID_POWER_SIM_ON_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_REQ(); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER); reqMsg.setState(true); msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } case ID_RESET_SIM_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM_REQ(); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM); msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } case ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_REQ: { SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_REQ reqMsg = new RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_REQ(); msg.setId(SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS); msg.setPayload(ByteStringMicro.copyFrom(reqMsg.toByteArray())); writeLength(msg.getSerializedSize(), out); msg.writeTo(out); break; } default: Log.e(TAG, "Unknown request type"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /* Update the ongoing requests queue */ if(mClearRilQueue == true) { resetPendingRilMessages(); } // No need to synchronize this, as the HashList is already doing this. sOngoingRequests.put(rilSerial, mMsgType); out.flush(); } public static SapMessage newInstance(MsgHeader msg) throws IOException { return new SapMessage(msg); } private SapMessage(MsgHeader msg) throws IOException { // All header members are "required" hence the hasXxxx() is not needed for those try{ switch(msg.getType()){ case SapApi.UNSOL_RESPONSE: createUnsolicited(msg); break; case SapApi.RESPONSE: createSolicited(msg); break; default: throw new IOException("Wrong msg header received: Type: " + msg.getType()); } } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferMicroException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error occured parsing a RIL message", e); throw new IOException("Error occured parsing a RIL message"); } } private void createUnsolicited(MsgHeader msg) throws IOException, InvalidProtocolBufferMicroException { switch(msg.getId()) { // TODO: // Not sure when we use these? case RIL_UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED: // if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "RIL_UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED received, ignoring"); // msgType = ID_RIL_UNSOL_CONNECTED; // break; case SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_STATUS: { if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "RIL_SIM_SAP_STATUS_IND received"); RIL_SIM_SAP_STATUS_IND indMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_STATUS_IND.parseFrom(msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_STATUS_IND; if(indMsg.hasStatusChange()) { setStatusChange(indMsg.getStatusChange()); if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "RIL_UNSOL_SIM_SAP_STATUS_IND received value = " + mStatusChange); } else { if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "Wrong number of parameters in SAP_STATUS_IND, ignoring..."); mMsgType = ID_RIL_UNKNOWN; } break; } case SapApi.RIL_SIM_SAP_DISCONNECT: { if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "RIL_SIM_SAP_DISCONNECT_IND received"); RIL_SIM_SAP_DISCONNECT_IND indMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_DISCONNECT_IND.parseFrom(msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_RIL_UNSOL_DISCONNECT_IND; // don't use ID_DISCONNECT_IND; if(indMsg.hasDisconnectType()) { setDisconnectionType(indMsg.getDisconnectType()); if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "RIL_UNSOL_SIM_SAP_STATUS_IND received value = " + mDisconnectionType); } else { if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "Wrong number of parameters in SAP_STATUS_IND, ignoring..."); mMsgType = ID_RIL_UNKNOWN; } break; } default: if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "Unused unsolicited message received, ignoring: " + msg.getId()); mMsgType = ID_RIL_UNKNOWN; } } private void createSolicited(MsgHeader msg) throws IOException, InvalidProtocolBufferMicroException{ /* re-evaluate if we should just ignore these - we could simply catch the exception? */ if(msg.hasToken() == false) throw new IOException("Token is missing"); if(msg.hasError() == false) throw new IOException("Error code is missing"); int serial = msg.getToken(); int error = msg.getError(); Integer reqType = null; reqType = sOngoingRequests.remove(serial); if(VERBOSE) Log.i(TAG, "RIL SOLICITED serial: " + serial + ", error: " + error + " SapReqType: " + ((reqType== null)?"null":getMsgTypeName(reqType))); if(reqType == null) { /* This can happen if we get a resp. for a canceled request caused by a power off, * reset or disconnect */ Log.w(TAG, "Solicited response received on a command not initiated - ignoring."); return; } mResultCode = mapRilErrorCode(error); switch(reqType) { case ID_CONNECT_REQ: { RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_RSP resMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_RSP.parseFrom(msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_CONNECT_RESP; if(resMsg.hasMaxMessageSize()) { mMaxMsgSize = resMsg.getMaxMessageSize(); } switch(resMsg.getResponse()) { case RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_RSP.RIL_E_SUCCESS: mConnectionStatus = CON_STATUS_OK; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_RSP.RIL_E_SAP_CONNECT_OK_CALL_ONGOING: mConnectionStatus = CON_STATUS_OK_ONGOING_CALL; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_RSP.RIL_E_SAP_CONNECT_FAILURE: mConnectionStatus = CON_STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTION; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_RSP.RIL_E_SAP_MSG_SIZE_TOO_LARGE: mConnectionStatus = CON_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_MSG_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_CONNECT_RSP.RIL_E_SAP_MSG_SIZE_TOO_SMALL: mConnectionStatus = CON_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_MSG_SIZE_TOO_SMALL; break; default: mConnectionStatus = CON_STATUS_ERROR_CONNECTION; // Cannot happen! break; } mResultCode = INVALID_VALUE; if(VERBOSE) Log.v(TAG, " ID_CONNECT_REQ: mMaxMsgSize: " + mMaxMsgSize + " mConnectionStatus: " + mConnectionStatus); break; } case ID_DISCONNECT_REQ: mMsgType = ID_DISCONNECT_RESP; mResultCode = INVALID_VALUE; break; case ID_TRANSFER_APDU_REQ: { RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_RSP resMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_RSP.parseFrom(msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_TRANSFER_APDU_RESP; switch(resMsg.getResponse()) { case RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_RSP.RIL_E_SUCCESS: mResultCode = RESULT_OK; /* resMsg.getType is unused as the client knows the type of request used. */ if(resMsg.hasApduResponse()){ mApduResp = resMsg.getApduResponse().toByteArray(); } break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_RSP.RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ABSENT: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_OFF: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_OFF; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_APDU_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_NOT_READY: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_REMOVED; break; default: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; } break; } case ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_REQ: { RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_RSP resMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_RSP.parseFrom( msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_RESP; switch(resMsg.getResponse()) { case RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_RSP.RIL_E_SUCCESS: mResultCode = RESULT_OK; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_RSP.RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ABSENT: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_OFF: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_OFF; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_SET_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_NOT_READY: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_REMOVED; break; default: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } break; } case ID_TRANSFER_ATR_REQ: { RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_RSP resMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_RSP.parseFrom(msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType =ID_TRANSFER_ATR_RESP; if(resMsg.hasAtr()) { mAtr = resMsg.getAtr().toByteArray(); } switch(resMsg.getResponse()) { case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_RSP.RIL_E_SUCCESS: mResultCode = RESULT_OK; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_RSP.RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ABSENT: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_OFF: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_OFF; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_ON: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_ON; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_ATR_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE; break; default: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; } break; } case ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_REQ: { RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP resMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.parseFrom(msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_RESP; switch(resMsg.getResponse()) { case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_SUCCESS: mResultCode = RESULT_OK; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ABSENT: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_OFF: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_OFF; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_ON: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_ON; break; default: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; } break; } case ID_POWER_SIM_ON_REQ: { RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP resMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.parseFrom(msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_POWER_SIM_ON_RESP; switch(resMsg.getResponse()) { case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_SUCCESS: mResultCode = RESULT_OK; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ABSENT: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_OFF: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_OFF; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_POWER_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_ON: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_ON; break; default: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; } break; } case ID_RESET_SIM_REQ: { RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM_RSP resMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM_RSP.parseFrom(msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_RESET_SIM_RESP; switch(resMsg.getResponse()) { case RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM_RSP.RIL_E_SUCCESS: mResultCode = RESULT_OK; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM_RSP.RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ABSENT: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_RESET_SIM_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_ALREADY_POWERED_OFF: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_CARD_POWERED_OFF; break; default: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; } break; } case ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_REQ: { RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RSP resMsg = RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RSP.parseFrom( msg.getPayload().toByteArray()); mMsgType = ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RESP; switch(resMsg.getResponse()) { case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RSP.RIL_E_SUCCESS: mResultCode = RESULT_OK; if(resMsg.hasCardReaderStatus()) { mCardReaderStatus = resMsg.getCardReaderStatus(); } else { mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE; } break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RSP.RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; case RIL_SIM_SAP_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RSP.RIL_E_SIM_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE; break; default: mResultCode = RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; break; } break; } case ID_RIL_SIM_ACCESS_TEST_REQ: // TODO: implement in RILD mMsgType = ID_RIL_SIM_ACCESS_TEST_RESP; break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Unknown request type: " + reqType); } } /* Map from RIL header error codes to SAP error codes */ private static int mapRilErrorCode(int rilErrorCode) { switch(rilErrorCode) { case SapApi.RIL_E_SUCCESS: return RESULT_OK; case SapApi.RIL_E_CANCELLED: return RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; case SapApi.RIL_E_GENERIC_FAILURE: return RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; case SapApi.RIL_E_RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE: return RESULT_ERROR_CARD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE; case SapApi.RIL_E_INVALID_PARAMETER: return RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; case SapApi.RIL_E_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED: return RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; default: return RESULT_ERROR_NO_REASON; } } public static String getMsgTypeName(int msgType) { if(DEBUG || VERBOSE) { switch (msgType) { case ID_CONNECT_REQ: return "ID_CONNECT_REQ"; case ID_CONNECT_RESP: return "ID_CONNECT_RESP"; case ID_DISCONNECT_REQ: return "ID_DISCONNECT_REQ"; case ID_DISCONNECT_RESP: return "ID_DISCONNECT_RESP"; case ID_DISCONNECT_IND: return "ID_DISCONNECT_IND"; case ID_TRANSFER_APDU_REQ: return "ID_TRANSFER_APDU_REQ"; case ID_TRANSFER_APDU_RESP: return "ID_TRANSFER_APDU_RESP"; case ID_TRANSFER_ATR_REQ: return "ID_TRANSFER_ATR_REQ"; case ID_TRANSFER_ATR_RESP: return "ID_TRANSFER_ATR_RESP"; case ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_REQ: return "ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_REQ"; case ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_RESP: return "ID_POWER_SIM_OFF_RESP"; case ID_POWER_SIM_ON_REQ: return "ID_POWER_SIM_ON_REQ"; case ID_POWER_SIM_ON_RESP: return "ID_POWER_SIM_ON_RESP"; case ID_RESET_SIM_REQ: return "ID_RESET_SIM_REQ"; case ID_RESET_SIM_RESP: return "ID_RESET_SIM_RESP"; case ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_REQ: return "ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_REQ"; case ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RESP: return "ID_TRANSFER_CARD_READER_STATUS_RESP"; case ID_STATUS_IND: return "ID_STATUS_IND"; case ID_ERROR_RESP: return "ID_ERROR_RESP"; case ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_REQ: return "ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_REQ"; case ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_RESP: return "ID_SET_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_RESP"; case ID_RIL_UNSOL_CONNECTED: return "ID_RIL_UNSOL_CONNECTED"; case ID_RIL_UNKNOWN: return "ID_RIL_UNKNOWN"; case ID_RIL_GET_SIM_STATUS_REQ: return "ID_RIL_GET_SIM_STATUS_REQ"; case ID_RIL_SIM_ACCESS_TEST_REQ: return "ID_RIL_SIM_ACCESS_TEST_REQ"; case ID_RIL_SIM_ACCESS_TEST_RESP: return "ID_RIL_SIM_ACCESS_TEST_RESP"; default: return "Unknown Message Type (" + msgType + ")"; } } else { return null; } } }