masthead.cs revision 20ef3823691b341d2a8d7c30af331371dbe8425f
1<?cs def:custom_masthead() ?>
2<a name="top"></a>
3<?cs if:!devsite ?><?cs # leave out the global header for devsite; it is in devsite template ?>
4  <!-- Header -->
5  <div id="header-wrapper">
6    <div id="header">
7      <div class="wrap" id="header-wrap">
8        <div class="col-3 logo">
9          <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>index.html">
10            <img src="<?cs var:toroot ?>assets/images/dac_logo.png"
11                srcset="<?cs var:toroot ?>assets/images/dac_logo@2x.png 2x"
12                width="123" height="25" alt="Android Developers" />
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14          <div class="btn-quicknav" id="btn-quicknav">
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16            <a href="#" class="arrow-active">Quicknav</a>
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21              <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>design/index.html"
22              zh-tw-lang="設計"
23              zh-cn-lang="设计"
24              ru-lang="Проектирование"
25              ko-lang="디자인"
26              ja-lang="設計"
27              es-lang="Diseñar"
28              >Design</a></li>
29            <li class="develop"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>develop/index.html"
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31              zh-cn-lang="开发"
32              ru-lang="Разработка"
33              ko-lang="개발"
34              ja-lang="開発"
35              es-lang="Desarrollar"
36              >Develop</a></li>
37            <li class="distribute last"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/<?cs
38              if:android.whichdoc == "offline" ?>googleplay/<?cs /if ?>index.html"
39              zh-tw-lang="發佈"
40              zh-cn-lang="分发"
41              ru-lang="Распространение"
42              ko-lang="배포"
43              ja-lang="配布"
44              es-lang="Distribuir"
45              >Distribute</a></li>
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49        <?cs # ADD SEARCH AND MENU ?>
50        <?cs call:header_search_widget() ?>
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56            <li class="about">
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61                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>auto/index.html">Auto</a></li>
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64            <li class="design">
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66                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>design/index.html">Get Started</a></li>
67                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>design/style/index.html">Style</a></li>
68                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>design/patterns/index.html">Patterns</a></li>
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71                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>design/videos/index.html">Videos</a></li>
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74            <li class="develop">
75              <ul>
76                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>training/index.html"
77                  zh-tw-lang="訓練課程"
78                  zh-cn-lang="培训"
79                  ru-lang="Курсы"
80                  ko-lang="교육"
81                  ja-lang="トレーニング"
82                  es-lang="Capacitación"
83                  >Training</a></li>
84                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>guide/index.html"
85                  zh-tw-lang="API 指南"
86                  zh-cn-lang="API 指南"
87                  ru-lang="Руководства по API"
88                  ko-lang="API 가이드"
89                  ja-lang="API ガイド"
90                  es-lang="Guías de la API"
91                  >API Guides</a></li>
92                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>reference/packages.html"
93                  zh-tw-lang="參考資源"
94                  zh-cn-lang="参考"
95                  ru-lang="Справочник"
96                  ko-lang="참조문서"
97                  ja-lang="リファレンス"
98                  es-lang="Referencia"
99                  >Reference</a></li>
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101                  zh-tw-lang="相關工具"
102                  zh-cn-lang="工具"
103                  ru-lang="Инструменты"
104                  ko-lang="도구"
105                  ja-lang="ツール"
106                  es-lang="Herramientas"
107                  >Tools</a>
108                </li>
109                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>google/index.html">Google Services</a>
110                </li>
111                <?cs if:android.hasSamples ?>
112                  <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>samples/index.html">Samples</a>
113                  </li>
114                <?cs /if ?>
115              </ul>
116            </li>
117            <li class="distribute last">
118              <ul>
119                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/googleplay/index.html">Google Play</a></li>
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122                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/engage/index.html">Engage &amp; Retain</a></li>
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124                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/tools/index.html">Tools &amp; Reference</a></li>
125                <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/stories/index.html">Developer Stories</a></li>
126              </ul>
127            </li>
128          </ul>
129        </div><!-- /Expanded quicknav -->
130      </div><!-- end header-wrap.wrap -->
131    </div><!-- end header -->
133  <?cs if:about || wear || tv || auto ?>
134    <!-- Secondary x-nav -->
135    <div id="nav-x">
136        <div class="wrap">
137            <ul class="nav-x col-9 about" style="width:100%">
138                <li class="about"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>about/index.html"
139                  >About</a></li>
140                <li class="wear"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>wear/index.html"
141                  >Wear</a></li>
142                <li class="tv"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>tv/index.html"
143                  >TV</a></li>
144                <li class="auto"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>auto/index.html"
145                  >Auto</a></li>
146            </ul>
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149    <!-- /Sendondary x-nav ABOUT -->
153  <?cs elif:training || guide || reference || tools || develop || google || samples ?>
154    <!-- Secondary x-nav -->
155    <div id="nav-x">
156        <div class="wrap">
157            <ul class="nav-x col-9 develop" style="width:100%">
158                <li class="training"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>training/index.html"
159                  zh-tw-lang="訓練課程"
160                  zh-cn-lang="培训"
161                  ru-lang="Курсы"
162                  ko-lang="교육"
163                  ja-lang="トレーニング"
164                  es-lang="Capacitación"
165                  >Training</a></li>
166                <li class="guide"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>guide/index.html"
167                  zh-tw-lang="API 指南"
168                  zh-cn-lang="API 指南"
169                  ru-lang="Руководства по API"
170                  ko-lang="API 가이드"
171                  ja-lang="API ガイド"
172                  es-lang="Guías de la API"
173                  >API Guides</a></li>
174                <li class="reference"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>reference/packages.html"
175                  zh-tw-lang="參考資源"
176                  zh-cn-lang="参考"
177                  ru-lang="Справочник"
178                  ko-lang="참조문서"
179                  ja-lang="リファレンス"
180                  es-lang="Referencia"
181                  >Reference</a></li>
182                <li class="tools"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>sdk/index.html"
183                  zh-tw-lang="相關工具"
184                  zh-cn-lang="工具"
185                  ru-lang="Инструменты"
186                  ko-lang="도구"
187                  ja-lang="ツール"
188                  es-lang="Herramientas"
189                  >Tools</a></li>
190                <li class="google"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>google/index.html"
191                  >Google Services</a>
192                </li>
193                <?cs if:android.hasSamples ?>
194                  <li class="samples"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>samples/index.html"
195                    >Samples</a>
196                  </li>
197                <?cs /if ?>
198            </ul>
199        </div>
200    </div>
201    <!-- /Sendondary x-nav DEVELOP -->
203  <?cs elif:distribute || googleplay || essentials || users || engage || monetize || disttools || stories ?>
204    <!-- Secondary distribute x-nav -->
205    <div id="nav-x">
206        <div class="wrap">
207            <ul class="nav-x distribute">
208                <li class="googleplay"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/googleplay/index.html"
209                  >Google Play</a></li>
210                <li class="essentials"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/essentials/index.html"
211                  >Essentials</a></li>
212                <li class="users"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/users/index.html"
213                  >Get Users</a></li>
214                <li class="engage"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/engage/index.html"
215                  >Engage &amp; Retain</a></li>
216                <li class="monetize"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/monetize/index.html"
217                  >Monetize</a>
218                </li>
219                <li class="disttools"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/tools/index.html"
220                  >Tools</a>
221                </li>
222                <li class="stories"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>distribute/stories/index.html"
223                  >Stories</a>
224                </li>
225            </ul>
226            <a href="" class="developer-console-btn">Developer Console</a>
227        </div> <!-- /Secondary distribute x-nav -->
228    </div>
229    <!-- /Sendondary x-nav DISTRIBUTE -->
230  <?cs /if ?>
232    <div id="searchResults" class="wrap" style="display:none;">
233      <h2 id="searchTitle">Results</h2>
234      <div id="leftSearchControl" class="search-control">Loading...</div>
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236  </div> <!--end header-wrapper -->
238  <div id="sticky-header">
239    <div>
240      <a class="logo" href="#top"></a>
241      <a class="top" href="#top"></a>
242      <ul class="breadcrumb">
243        <?cs # More <li> elements added here with javascript ?>
244        <?cs if:!section.landing ?><li class="current"><?cs var:page.title ?></li><?cs
245        /if ?>
246      </ul>
247    </div>
248  </div>
250<?cs /if ?><?cs # end if/else !devsite ?><?cs
251/def ?>