revision 052ae3542be93d30108e742c5c21d5c45d9b7cf8
1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18Build image output_image_file from input_directory and properties_file.
20Usage:  build_image input_directory properties_file output_image_file
23import datetime
24import os
25import os.path
26import re
27import subprocess
28import sys
29import commands
30import shutil
31import tempfile
33FIXED_SALT = "aee087a5be3b982978c923f566a94613496b417f2af592639bc80d141e34dfe7"
35def RunCommand(cmd):
36  """Echo and run the given command.
38  Args:
39    cmd: the command represented as a list of strings.
40  Returns:
41    A tuple of the output and the exit code.
42  """
43  print "Running: ", " ".join(cmd)
44  p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
45  output, _ = p.communicate()
46  print "%s" % (output.rstrip(),)
47  return (output, p.returncode)
49def GetVerityTreeSize(partition_size):
50  cmd = "build_verity_tree -s %d"
51  cmd %= partition_size
52  status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
53  if status:
54    print output
55    return False, 0
56  return True, int(output)
58def GetVerityMetadataSize(partition_size):
59  cmd = "system/extras/verity/ -s %d"
60  cmd %= partition_size
61  status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
62  if status:
63    print output
64    return False, 0
65  return True, int(output)
67def AdjustPartitionSizeForVerity(partition_size):
68  """Modifies the provided partition size to account for the verity metadata.
70  This information is used to size the created image appropriately.
71  Args:
72    partition_size: the size of the partition to be verified.
73  Returns:
74    The size of the partition adjusted for verity metadata.
75  """
76  success, verity_tree_size = GetVerityTreeSize(partition_size)
77  if not success:
78    return 0
79  success, verity_metadata_size = GetVerityMetadataSize(partition_size)
80  if not success:
81    return 0
82  return partition_size - verity_tree_size - verity_metadata_size
84def BuildVerityTree(sparse_image_path, verity_image_path, prop_dict):
85  cmd = "build_verity_tree -A %s %s %s" % (
86      FIXED_SALT, sparse_image_path, verity_image_path)
87  print cmd
88  status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
89  if status:
90    print "Could not build verity tree! Error: %s" % output
91    return False
92  root, salt = output.split()
93  prop_dict["verity_root_hash"] = root
94  prop_dict["verity_salt"] = salt
95  return True
97def BuildVerityMetadata(image_size, verity_metadata_path, root_hash, salt,
98                        block_device, signer_path, key):
99  cmd_template = (
100      "system/extras/verity/ %s %s %s %s %s %s %s")
101  cmd = cmd_template % (image_size, verity_metadata_path, root_hash, salt,
102                        block_device, signer_path, key)
103  print cmd
104  status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
105  if status:
106    print "Could not build verity metadata! Error: %s" % output
107    return False
108  return True
110def Append2Simg(sparse_image_path, unsparse_image_path, error_message):
111  """Appends the unsparse image to the given sparse image.
113  Args:
114    sparse_image_path: the path to the (sparse) image
115    unsparse_image_path: the path to the (unsparse) image
116  Returns:
117    True on success, False on failure.
118  """
119  cmd = "append2simg %s %s"
120  cmd %= (sparse_image_path, unsparse_image_path)
121  print cmd
122  status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
123  if status:
124    print "%s: %s" % (error_message, output)
125    return False
126  return True
128def BuildVerifiedImage(data_image_path, verity_image_path,
129                       verity_metadata_path):
130  if not Append2Simg(data_image_path, verity_metadata_path,
131                     "Could not append verity metadata!"):
132    return False
133  if not Append2Simg(data_image_path, verity_image_path,
134                     "Could not append verity tree!"):
135    return False
136  return True
138def UnsparseImage(sparse_image_path, replace=True):
139  img_dir = os.path.dirname(sparse_image_path)
140  unsparse_image_path = "unsparse_" + os.path.basename(sparse_image_path)
141  unsparse_image_path = os.path.join(img_dir, unsparse_image_path)
142  if os.path.exists(unsparse_image_path):
143    if replace:
144      os.unlink(unsparse_image_path)
145    else:
146      return True, unsparse_image_path
147  inflate_command = ["simg2img", sparse_image_path, unsparse_image_path]
148  (_, exit_code) = RunCommand(inflate_command)
149  if exit_code != 0:
150    os.remove(unsparse_image_path)
151    return False, None
152  return True, unsparse_image_path
154def MakeVerityEnabledImage(out_file, prop_dict):
155  """Creates an image that is verifiable using dm-verity.
157  Args:
158    out_file: the location to write the verifiable image at
159    prop_dict: a dictionary of properties required for image creation and
160               verification
161  Returns:
162    True on success, False otherwise.
163  """
164  # get properties
165  image_size = prop_dict["partition_size"]
166  block_dev = prop_dict["verity_block_device"]
167  signer_key = prop_dict["verity_key"] + ".pk8"
168  signer_path = prop_dict["verity_signer_cmd"]
170  # make a tempdir
171  tempdir_name = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="_verity_images")
173  # get partial image paths
174  verity_image_path = os.path.join(tempdir_name, "verity.img")
175  verity_metadata_path = os.path.join(tempdir_name, "verity_metadata.img")
177  # build the verity tree and get the root hash and salt
178  if not BuildVerityTree(out_file, verity_image_path, prop_dict):
179    shutil.rmtree(tempdir_name, ignore_errors=True)
180    return False
182  # build the metadata blocks
183  root_hash = prop_dict["verity_root_hash"]
184  salt = prop_dict["verity_salt"]
185  if not BuildVerityMetadata(image_size, verity_metadata_path, root_hash, salt,
186                             block_dev, signer_path, signer_key):
187    shutil.rmtree(tempdir_name, ignore_errors=True)
188    return False
190  # build the full verified image
191  if not BuildVerifiedImage(out_file,
192                            verity_image_path,
193                            verity_metadata_path):
194    shutil.rmtree(tempdir_name, ignore_errors=True)
195    return False
197  shutil.rmtree(tempdir_name, ignore_errors=True)
198  return True
200def BuildImage(in_dir, prop_dict, out_file):
201  """Build an image to out_file from in_dir with property prop_dict.
203  Args:
204    in_dir: path of input directory.
205    prop_dict: property dictionary.
206    out_file: path of the output image file.
208  Returns:
209    True iff the image is built successfully.
210  """
211  # system_root_image=true: build a system.img that combines the contents of
212  # /system and the ramdisk, and can be mounted at the root of the file system.
213  origin_in = in_dir
214  fs_config = prop_dict.get("fs_config")
215  if (prop_dict.get("system_root_image") == "true"
216      and prop_dict["mount_point"] == "system"):
217    in_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
218    # Change the mount point to "/"
219    prop_dict["mount_point"] = "/"
220    if fs_config:
221      # We need to merge the fs_config files of system and ramdisk.
222      fd, merged_fs_config = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="root_fs_config",
223                                              suffix=".txt")
224      os.close(fd)
225      with open(merged_fs_config, "w") as fw:
226        if "ramdisk_fs_config" in prop_dict:
227          with open(prop_dict["ramdisk_fs_config"]) as fr:
228            fw.writelines(fr.readlines())
229        with open(fs_config) as fr:
230          fw.writelines(fr.readlines())
231      fs_config = merged_fs_config
233  build_command = []
234  fs_type = prop_dict.get("fs_type", "")
235  run_fsck = False
237  fs_spans_partition = True
238  if fs_type.startswith("squash"):
239    fs_spans_partition = False
241  is_verity_partition = "verity_block_device" in prop_dict
242  verity_supported = prop_dict.get("verity") == "true"
243  # Adjust the partition size to make room for the hashes if this is to be
244  # verified.
245  if verity_supported and is_verity_partition and fs_spans_partition:
246    partition_size = int(prop_dict.get("partition_size"))
247    adjusted_size = AdjustPartitionSizeForVerity(partition_size)
248    if not adjusted_size:
249      return False
250    prop_dict["partition_size"] = str(adjusted_size)
251    prop_dict["original_partition_size"] = str(partition_size)
253  if fs_type.startswith("ext"):
254    build_command = [""]
255    if "extfs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict:
256      build_command.append(prop_dict["extfs_sparse_flag"])
257      run_fsck = True
258    build_command.extend([in_dir, out_file, fs_type,
259                          prop_dict["mount_point"]])
260    build_command.append(prop_dict["partition_size"])
261    if "journal_size" in prop_dict:
262      build_command.extend(["-j", prop_dict["journal_size"]])
263    if "timestamp" in prop_dict:
264      build_command.extend(["-T", str(prop_dict["timestamp"])])
265    if fs_config:
266      build_command.extend(["-C", fs_config])
267    if "block_list" in prop_dict:
268      build_command.extend(["-B", prop_dict["block_list"]])
269    build_command.extend(["-L", prop_dict["mount_point"]])
270    if "selinux_fc" in prop_dict:
271      build_command.append(prop_dict["selinux_fc"])
272  elif fs_type.startswith("squash"):
273    build_command = [""]
274    build_command.extend([in_dir, out_file])
275    build_command.extend(["-s"])
276    build_command.extend(["-m", prop_dict["mount_point"]])
277    if "selinux_fc" in prop_dict:
278      build_command.extend(["-c", prop_dict["selinux_fc"]])
279    if "squashfs_compressor" in prop_dict:
280      build_command.extend(["-z", prop_dict["squashfs_compressor"]])
281    if "squashfs_compressor_opt" in prop_dict:
282      build_command.extend(["-zo", prop_dict["squashfs_compressor_opt"]])
283  elif fs_type.startswith("f2fs"):
284    build_command = [""]
285    build_command.extend([out_file, prop_dict["partition_size"]])
286  else:
287    build_command = ["mkyaffs2image", "-f"]
288    if prop_dict.get("mkyaffs2_extra_flags", None):
289      build_command.extend(prop_dict["mkyaffs2_extra_flags"].split())
290    build_command.append(in_dir)
291    build_command.append(out_file)
292    if "selinux_fc" in prop_dict:
293      build_command.append(prop_dict["selinux_fc"])
294      build_command.append(prop_dict["mount_point"])
296  if in_dir != origin_in:
297    # Construct a staging directory of the root file system.
298    ramdisk_dir = prop_dict.get("ramdisk_dir")
299    if ramdisk_dir:
300      shutil.rmtree(in_dir)
301      shutil.copytree(ramdisk_dir, in_dir, symlinks=True)
302    staging_system = os.path.join(in_dir, "system")
303    shutil.rmtree(staging_system, ignore_errors=True)
304    shutil.copytree(origin_in, staging_system, symlinks=True)
306  reserved_blocks = prop_dict.get("has_ext4_reserved_blocks") == "true"
307  ext4fs_output = None
309  try:
310    if reserved_blocks and fs_type.startswith("ext4"):
311      (ext4fs_output, exit_code) = RunCommand(build_command)
312    else:
313      (_, exit_code) = RunCommand(build_command)
314  finally:
315    if in_dir != origin_in:
316      # Clean up temporary directories and files.
317      shutil.rmtree(in_dir, ignore_errors=True)
318      if fs_config:
319        os.remove(fs_config)
320  if exit_code != 0:
321    return False
323  # Bug: 21522719, 22023465
324  # There are some reserved blocks on ext4 FS (lesser of 4096 blocks and 2%).
325  # We need to deduct those blocks from the available space, since they are
326  # not writable even with root privilege. It only affects devices using
327  # file-based OTA and a kernel version of 3.10 or greater (currently just
328  # sprout).
329  if reserved_blocks and fs_type.startswith("ext4"):
330    assert ext4fs_output is not None
331    ext4fs_stats = re.compile(
332        r'Created filesystem with .* (?P<used_blocks>[0-9]+)/'
333        r'(?P<total_blocks>[0-9]+) blocks')
334    m = ext4fs_stats.match(ext4fs_output.strip().split('\n')[-1])
335    used_blocks = int(m.groupdict().get('used_blocks'))
336    total_blocks = int(m.groupdict().get('total_blocks'))
337    reserved_blocks = min(4096, int(total_blocks * 0.02))
338    adjusted_blocks = total_blocks - reserved_blocks
339    if used_blocks > adjusted_blocks:
340      mount_point = prop_dict.get("mount_point")
341      print("Error: Not enough room on %s (total: %d blocks, used: %d blocks, "
342            "reserved: %d blocks, available: %d blocks)" % (
343                mount_point, total_blocks, used_blocks, reserved_blocks,
344                adjusted_blocks))
345      return False
347  if not fs_spans_partition:
348    mount_point = prop_dict.get("mount_point")
349    partition_size = int(prop_dict.get("partition_size"))
350    image_size = os.stat(out_file).st_size
351    if image_size > partition_size:
352      print("Error: %s image size of %d is larger than partition size of "
353            "%d" % (mount_point, image_size, partition_size))
354      return False
355    if verity_supported and is_verity_partition:
356      if 2 * image_size - AdjustPartitionSizeForVerity(image_size) > partition_size:
357        print "Error: No more room on %s to fit verity data" % mount_point
358        return False
359    prop_dict["original_partition_size"] = prop_dict["partition_size"]
360    prop_dict["partition_size"] = str(image_size)
362  # create the verified image if this is to be verified
363  if verity_supported and is_verity_partition:
364    if not MakeVerityEnabledImage(out_file, prop_dict):
365      return False
367  if run_fsck and prop_dict.get("skip_fsck") != "true":
368    success, unsparse_image = UnsparseImage(out_file, replace=False)
369    if not success:
370      return False
372    # Run e2fsck on the inflated image file
373    e2fsck_command = ["e2fsck", "-f", "-n", unsparse_image]
374    (_, exit_code) = RunCommand(e2fsck_command)
376    os.remove(unsparse_image)
378  return exit_code == 0
381def ImagePropFromGlobalDict(glob_dict, mount_point):
382  """Build an image property dictionary from the global dictionary.
384  Args:
385    glob_dict: the global dictionary from the build system.
386    mount_point: such as "system", "data" etc.
387  """
388  d = {}
390  # Use a fixed timestamp (01/01/2009) for all the files in an image.
391  # Bug: 24377993
392  epoch = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
393  timestamp = (datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1) - epoch).total_seconds()
394  d["timestamp"] = int(timestamp)
396  def copy_prop(src_p, dest_p):
397    if src_p in glob_dict:
398      d[dest_p] = str(glob_dict[src_p])
400  common_props = (
401      "extfs_sparse_flag",
402      "mkyaffs2_extra_flags",
403      "selinux_fc",
404      "skip_fsck",
405      "verity",
406      "verity_key",
407      "verity_signer_cmd"
408      )
409  for p in common_props:
410    copy_prop(p, p)
412  d["mount_point"] = mount_point
413  if mount_point == "system":
414    copy_prop("fs_type", "fs_type")
415    # Copy the generic sysetem fs type first, override with specific one if
416    # available.
417    copy_prop("system_fs_type", "fs_type")
418    copy_prop("system_size", "partition_size")
419    copy_prop("system_journal_size", "journal_size")
420    copy_prop("system_verity_block_device", "verity_block_device")
421    copy_prop("system_root_image", "system_root_image")
422    copy_prop("ramdisk_dir", "ramdisk_dir")
423    copy_prop("ramdisk_fs_config", "ramdisk_fs_config")
424    copy_prop("has_ext4_reserved_blocks", "has_ext4_reserved_blocks")
425    copy_prop("system_squashfs_compressor", "squashfs_compressor")
426    copy_prop("system_squashfs_compressor_opt", "squashfs_compressor_opt")
427  elif mount_point == "data":
428    # Copy the generic fs type first, override with specific one if available.
429    copy_prop("fs_type", "fs_type")
430    copy_prop("userdata_fs_type", "fs_type")
431    copy_prop("userdata_size", "partition_size")
432  elif mount_point == "cache":
433    copy_prop("cache_fs_type", "fs_type")
434    copy_prop("cache_size", "partition_size")
435  elif mount_point == "vendor":
436    copy_prop("vendor_fs_type", "fs_type")
437    copy_prop("vendor_size", "partition_size")
438    copy_prop("vendor_journal_size", "journal_size")
439    copy_prop("vendor_verity_block_device", "verity_block_device")
440    copy_prop("has_ext4_reserved_blocks", "has_ext4_reserved_blocks")
441  elif mount_point == "oem":
442    copy_prop("fs_type", "fs_type")
443    copy_prop("oem_size", "partition_size")
444    copy_prop("oem_journal_size", "journal_size")
445    copy_prop("has_ext4_reserved_blocks", "has_ext4_reserved_blocks")
447  return d
450def LoadGlobalDict(filename):
451  """Load "name=value" pairs from filename"""
452  d = {}
453  f = open(filename)
454  for line in f:
455    line = line.strip()
456    if not line or line.startswith("#"):
457      continue
458    k, v = line.split("=", 1)
459    d[k] = v
460  f.close()
461  return d
464def main(argv):
465  if len(argv) != 3:
466    print __doc__
467    sys.exit(1)
469  in_dir = argv[0]
470  glob_dict_file = argv[1]
471  out_file = argv[2]
473  glob_dict = LoadGlobalDict(glob_dict_file)
474  if "mount_point" in glob_dict:
475    # The caller knows the mount point and provides a dictionay needed by
476    # BuildImage().
477    image_properties = glob_dict
478  else:
479    image_filename = os.path.basename(out_file)
480    mount_point = ""
481    if image_filename == "system.img":
482      mount_point = "system"
483    elif image_filename == "userdata.img":
484      mount_point = "data"
485    elif image_filename == "cache.img":
486      mount_point = "cache"
487    elif image_filename == "vendor.img":
488      mount_point = "vendor"
489    elif image_filename == "oem.img":
490      mount_point = "oem"
491    else:
492      print >> sys.stderr, "error: unknown image file name ", image_filename
493      exit(1)
495    image_properties = ImagePropFromGlobalDict(glob_dict, mount_point)
497  if not BuildImage(in_dir, image_properties, out_file):
498    print >> sys.stderr, "error: failed to build %s from %s" % (out_file,
499                                                                in_dir)
500    exit(1)
503if __name__ == '__main__':
504  main(sys.argv[1:])