ota_from_target_files.py revision f83400896de5e8bc2b21a0dce98382d9ed0ab537
1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18Given a target-files zipfile, produces an OTA package that installs
19that build.  An incremental OTA is produced if -i is given, otherwise
20a full OTA is produced.
22Usage:  ota_from_target_files [flags] input_target_files output_ota_package
24  --board_config  <file>
25      Deprecated.
27  -k (--package_key) <key> Key to use to sign the package (default is
28      the value of default_system_dev_certificate from the input
29      target-files's META/misc_info.txt, or
30      "build/target/product/security/testkey" if that value is not
31      specified).
33      For incremental OTAs, the default value is based on the source
34      target-file, not the target build.
36  -i  (--incremental_from)  <file>
37      Generate an incremental OTA using the given target-files zip as
38      the starting build.
40  -o  (--oem_settings)  <file>
41      Use the file to specify the expected OEM-specific properties
42      on the OEM partition of the intended device.
44  -w  (--wipe_user_data)
45      Generate an OTA package that will wipe the user data partition
46      when installed.
48  -n  (--no_prereq)
49      Omit the timestamp prereq check normally included at the top of
50      the build scripts (used for developer OTA packages which
51      legitimately need to go back and forth).
53  -e  (--extra_script)  <file>
54      Insert the contents of file at the end of the update script.
56  -a  (--aslr_mode)  <on|off>
57      Specify whether to turn on ASLR for the package (on by default).
59  -2  (--two_step)
60      Generate a 'two-step' OTA package, where recovery is updated
61      first, so that any changes made to the system partition are done
62      using the new recovery (new kernel, etc.).
64  --block
65      Generate a block-based OTA if possible.  Will fall back to a
66      file-based OTA if the target_files is older and doesn't support
67      block-based OTAs.
69  -b  (--binary)  <file>
70      Use the given binary as the update-binary in the output package,
71      instead of the binary in the build's target_files.  Use for
72      development only.
74  -t  (--worker_threads) <int>
75      Specifies the number of worker-threads that will be used when
76      generating patches for incremental updates (defaults to 3).
80import sys
82if sys.hexversion < 0x02070000:
83  print >> sys.stderr, "Python 2.7 or newer is required."
84  sys.exit(1)
86import copy
87import errno
88import os
89import re
90import subprocess
91import tempfile
92import time
93import zipfile
96  from hashlib import sha1 as sha1
97except ImportError:
98  from sha import sha as sha1
100import common
101import edify_generator
102import build_image
105OPTIONS.package_key = None
106OPTIONS.incremental_source = None
107OPTIONS.require_verbatim = set()
108OPTIONS.prohibit_verbatim = set(("system/build.prop",))
109OPTIONS.patch_threshold = 0.95
110OPTIONS.wipe_user_data = False
111OPTIONS.omit_prereq = False
112OPTIONS.extra_script = None
113OPTIONS.aslr_mode = True
114OPTIONS.worker_threads = 3
115OPTIONS.two_step = False
116OPTIONS.no_signing = False
117OPTIONS.block_based = False
118OPTIONS.updater_binary = None
119OPTIONS.oem_source = None
120OPTIONS.fallback_to_full = True
122def MostPopularKey(d, default):
123  """Given a dict, return the key corresponding to the largest
124  value.  Returns 'default' if the dict is empty."""
125  x = [(v, k) for (k, v) in d.iteritems()]
126  if not x: return default
127  x.sort()
128  return x[-1][1]
131def IsSymlink(info):
132  """Return true if the zipfile.ZipInfo object passed in represents a
133  symlink."""
134  return (info.external_attr >> 16) == 0120777
136def IsRegular(info):
137  """Return true if the zipfile.ZipInfo object passed in represents a
138  symlink."""
139  return (info.external_attr >> 28) == 010
141def ClosestFileMatch(src, tgtfiles, existing):
142  """Returns the closest file match between a source file and list
143     of potential matches.  The exact filename match is preferred,
144     then the sha1 is searched for, and finally a file with the same
145     basename is evaluated.  Rename support in the updater-binary is
146     required for the latter checks to be used."""
148  result = tgtfiles.get("path:" + src.name)
149  if result is not None:
150    return result
152  if not OPTIONS.target_info_dict.get("update_rename_support", False):
153    return None
155  if src.size < 1000:
156    return None
158  result = tgtfiles.get("sha1:" + src.sha1)
159  if result is not None and existing.get(result.name) is None:
160    return result
161  result = tgtfiles.get("file:" + src.name.split("/")[-1])
162  if result is not None and existing.get(result.name) is None:
163    return result
164  return None
166class ItemSet:
167  def __init__(self, partition, fs_config):
168    self.partition = partition
169    self.fs_config = fs_config
170    self.ITEMS = {}
172  def Get(self, name, dir=False):
173    if name not in self.ITEMS:
174      self.ITEMS[name] = Item(self, name, dir=dir)
175    return self.ITEMS[name]
177  def GetMetadata(self, input_zip):
178    # The target_files contains a record of what the uid,
179    # gid, and mode are supposed to be.
180    output = input_zip.read(self.fs_config)
182    for line in output.split("\n"):
183      if not line: continue
184      columns = line.split()
185      name, uid, gid, mode = columns[:4]
186      selabel = None
187      capabilities = None
189      # After the first 4 columns, there are a series of key=value
190      # pairs. Extract out the fields we care about.
191      for element in columns[4:]:
192        key, value = element.split("=")
193        if key == "selabel":
194          selabel = value
195        if key == "capabilities":
196          capabilities = value
198      i = self.ITEMS.get(name, None)
199      if i is not None:
200        i.uid = int(uid)
201        i.gid = int(gid)
202        i.mode = int(mode, 8)
203        i.selabel = selabel
204        i.capabilities = capabilities
205        if i.dir:
206          i.children.sort(key=lambda i: i.name)
208    # set metadata for the files generated by this script.
209    i = self.ITEMS.get("system/recovery-from-boot.p", None)
210    if i: i.uid, i.gid, i.mode, i.selabel, i.capabilities = 0, 0, 0644, None, None
211    i = self.ITEMS.get("system/etc/install-recovery.sh", None)
212    if i: i.uid, i.gid, i.mode, i.selabel, i.capabilities = 0, 0, 0544, None, None
215class Item:
216  """Items represent the metadata (user, group, mode) of files and
217  directories in the system image."""
218  def __init__(self, itemset, name, dir=False):
219    self.itemset = itemset
220    self.name = name
221    self.uid = None
222    self.gid = None
223    self.mode = None
224    self.selabel = None
225    self.capabilities = None
226    self.dir = dir
228    if name:
229      self.parent = itemset.Get(os.path.dirname(name), dir=True)
230      self.parent.children.append(self)
231    else:
232      self.parent = None
233    if dir:
234      self.children = []
236  def Dump(self, indent=0):
237    if self.uid is not None:
238      print "%s%s %d %d %o" % ("  "*indent, self.name, self.uid, self.gid, self.mode)
239    else:
240      print "%s%s %s %s %s" % ("  "*indent, self.name, self.uid, self.gid, self.mode)
241    if self.dir:
242      print "%s%s" % ("  "*indent, self.descendants)
243      print "%s%s" % ("  "*indent, self.best_subtree)
244      for i in self.children:
245        i.Dump(indent=indent+1)
247  def CountChildMetadata(self):
248    """Count up the (uid, gid, mode, selabel, capabilities) tuples for
249    all children and determine the best strategy for using set_perm_recursive and
250    set_perm to correctly chown/chmod all the files to their desired
251    values.  Recursively calls itself for all descendants.
253    Returns a dict of {(uid, gid, dmode, fmode, selabel, capabilities): count} counting up
254    all descendants of this node.  (dmode or fmode may be None.)  Also
255    sets the best_subtree of each directory Item to the (uid, gid,
256    dmode, fmode, selabel, capabilities) tuple that will match the most
257    descendants of that Item.
258    """
260    assert self.dir
261    d = self.descendants = {(self.uid, self.gid, self.mode, None, self.selabel, self.capabilities): 1}
262    for i in self.children:
263      if i.dir:
264        for k, v in i.CountChildMetadata().iteritems():
265          d[k] = d.get(k, 0) + v
266      else:
267        k = (i.uid, i.gid, None, i.mode, i.selabel, i.capabilities)
268        d[k] = d.get(k, 0) + 1
270    # Find the (uid, gid, dmode, fmode, selabel, capabilities)
271    # tuple that matches the most descendants.
273    # First, find the (uid, gid) pair that matches the most
274    # descendants.
275    ug = {}
276    for (uid, gid, _, _, _, _), count in d.iteritems():
277      ug[(uid, gid)] = ug.get((uid, gid), 0) + count
278    ug = MostPopularKey(ug, (0, 0))
280    # Now find the dmode, fmode, selabel, and capabilities that match
281    # the most descendants with that (uid, gid), and choose those.
282    best_dmode = (0, 0755)
283    best_fmode = (0, 0644)
284    best_selabel = (0, None)
285    best_capabilities = (0, None)
286    for k, count in d.iteritems():
287      if k[:2] != ug: continue
288      if k[2] is not None and count >= best_dmode[0]: best_dmode = (count, k[2])
289      if k[3] is not None and count >= best_fmode[0]: best_fmode = (count, k[3])
290      if k[4] is not None and count >= best_selabel[0]: best_selabel = (count, k[4])
291      if k[5] is not None and count >= best_capabilities[0]: best_capabilities = (count, k[5])
292    self.best_subtree = ug + (best_dmode[1], best_fmode[1], best_selabel[1], best_capabilities[1])
294    return d
296  def SetPermissions(self, script):
297    """Append set_perm/set_perm_recursive commands to 'script' to
298    set all permissions, users, and groups for the tree of files
299    rooted at 'self'."""
301    self.CountChildMetadata()
303    def recurse(item, current):
304      # current is the (uid, gid, dmode, fmode, selabel, capabilities) tuple that the current
305      # item (and all its children) have already been set to.  We only
306      # need to issue set_perm/set_perm_recursive commands if we're
307      # supposed to be something different.
308      if item.dir:
309        if current != item.best_subtree:
310          script.SetPermissionsRecursive("/"+item.name, *item.best_subtree)
311          current = item.best_subtree
313        if item.uid != current[0] or item.gid != current[1] or \
314           item.mode != current[2] or item.selabel != current[4] or \
315           item.capabilities != current[5]:
316          script.SetPermissions("/"+item.name, item.uid, item.gid,
317                                item.mode, item.selabel, item.capabilities)
319        for i in item.children:
320          recurse(i, current)
321      else:
322        if item.uid != current[0] or item.gid != current[1] or \
323               item.mode != current[3] or item.selabel != current[4] or \
324               item.capabilities != current[5]:
325          script.SetPermissions("/"+item.name, item.uid, item.gid,
326                                item.mode, item.selabel, item.capabilities)
328    recurse(self, (-1, -1, -1, -1, None, None))
331def CopyPartitionFiles(itemset, input_zip, output_zip=None, substitute=None):
332  """Copies files for the partition in the input zip to the output
333  zip.  Populates the Item class with their metadata, and returns a
334  list of symlinks.  output_zip may be None, in which case the copy is
335  skipped (but the other side effects still happen).  substitute is an
336  optional dict of {output filename: contents} to be output instead of
337  certain input files.
338  """
340  symlinks = []
342  partition = itemset.partition
344  for info in input_zip.infolist():
345    if info.filename.startswith(partition.upper() + "/"):
346      basefilename = info.filename[7:]
347      if IsSymlink(info):
348        symlinks.append((input_zip.read(info.filename),
349                         "/" + partition + "/" + basefilename))
350      else:
351        info2 = copy.copy(info)
352        fn = info2.filename = partition + "/" + basefilename
353        if substitute and fn in substitute and substitute[fn] is None:
354          continue
355        if output_zip is not None:
356          if substitute and fn in substitute:
357            data = substitute[fn]
358          else:
359            data = input_zip.read(info.filename)
360          output_zip.writestr(info2, data)
361        if fn.endswith("/"):
362          itemset.Get(fn[:-1], dir=True)
363        else:
364          itemset.Get(fn, dir=False)
366  symlinks.sort()
367  return symlinks
370def SignOutput(temp_zip_name, output_zip_name):
371  key_passwords = common.GetKeyPasswords([OPTIONS.package_key])
372  pw = key_passwords[OPTIONS.package_key]
374  common.SignFile(temp_zip_name, output_zip_name, OPTIONS.package_key, pw,
375                  whole_file=True)
378def AppendAssertions(script, info_dict, oem_dict = None):
379  oem_props = info_dict.get("oem_fingerprint_properties")
380  if oem_props is None:
381    device = GetBuildProp("ro.product.device", info_dict)
382    script.AssertDevice(device)
383  else:
384    if oem_dict is None:
385      raise common.ExternalError("No OEM file provided to answer expected assertions")
386    for prop in oem_props.split():
387      if oem_dict.get(prop) is None:
388        raise common.ExternalError("The OEM file is missing the property %s" % prop)
389      script.AssertOemProperty(prop, oem_dict.get(prop))
392def HasRecoveryPatch(target_files_zip):
393  try:
394    target_files_zip.getinfo("SYSTEM/recovery-from-boot.p")
395    return True
396  except KeyError:
397    return False
399def HasVendorPartition(target_files_zip):
400  try:
401    target_files_zip.getinfo("VENDOR/")
402    return True
403  except KeyError:
404    return False
406def GetOemProperty(name, oem_props, oem_dict, info_dict):
407  if oem_props is not None and name in oem_props:
408    return oem_dict[name]
409  return GetBuildProp(name, info_dict)
412def CalculateFingerprint(oem_props, oem_dict, info_dict):
413  if oem_props is None:
414    return GetBuildProp("ro.build.fingerprint", info_dict)
415  return "%s/%s/%s:%s" % (
416    GetOemProperty("ro.product.brand", oem_props, oem_dict, info_dict),
417    GetOemProperty("ro.product.name", oem_props, oem_dict, info_dict),
418    GetOemProperty("ro.product.device", oem_props, oem_dict, info_dict),
419    GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint", info_dict))
421def GetImage(which, tmpdir, info_dict):
422  # Return (mapdata, data) for the given image.  which should be
423  # "system" or "vendor".
425  assert which in ("system", "vendor")
427  path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "IMAGES", which + ".img")
428  if os.path.exists(path):
429    print "using %s.img from target-files" % (which,)
431    # This is a 'new' target-files, which already has the image in it.
432    # The image is a sparse image, though, so we need to unsparse it
433    # and extract the map data.
435    success, name = build_image.UnsparseImage(path, replace=False)
436    if not success:
437      assert False, "unsparsing " + which + ".img failed"
439    mmap = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
440    mimg = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
441    success = build_image.MappedUnsparseImage(
442        path, name, mmap.name, mimg.name)
443    if not success:
444      assert False, "creating sparse map failed"
445    os.unlink(name)
446    name = mimg.name
448    with open(mmap.name) as f:
449      mapdata = f.read()
451    try:
452      with open(name) as f:
453        data = f.read()
454    finally:
455      os.unlink(name)
457    print "unsparsed data sha1 is " + sha1(data).hexdigest()
458    return mapdata, data
460  else:
461    print "building %s.img from target-files" % (which,)
463    # This is an 'old' target-files, which does not contain images
464    # already built.  Build them.
466    import add_img_to_target_files
467    if which == "system":
468      mapdata, data = add_img_to_target_files.BuildSystem(
469          tmpdir, info_dict, sparse=False, map_file=True)
470    elif which == "vendor":
471      mapdata, data = add_img_to_target_files.BuildVendor(
472          tmpdir, info_dict, sparse=False, map_file=True)
474    print "built data sha1 is " + sha1(data).hexdigest()
475    return mapdata, data
478def WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_zip):
479  # TODO: how to determine this?  We don't know what version it will
480  # be installed on top of.  For now, we expect the API just won't
481  # change very often.
482  script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(3, OPTIONS.info_dict)
484  oem_props = OPTIONS.info_dict.get("oem_fingerprint_properties")
485  oem_dict = None
486  if oem_props is not None:
487    if OPTIONS.oem_source is None:
488      raise common.ExternalError("OEM source required for this build")
489    script.Mount("/oem")
490    oem_dict = common.LoadDictionaryFromLines(open(OPTIONS.oem_source).readlines())
492  metadata = {"post-build": CalculateFingerprint(
493                               oem_props, oem_dict, OPTIONS.info_dict),
494              "pre-device": GetOemProperty("ro.product.device", oem_props, oem_dict,
495                                         OPTIONS.info_dict),
496              "post-timestamp": GetBuildProp("ro.build.date.utc",
497                                             OPTIONS.info_dict),
498              }
500  device_specific = common.DeviceSpecificParams(
501      input_zip=input_zip,
502      input_version=OPTIONS.info_dict["recovery_api_version"],
503      output_zip=output_zip,
504      script=script,
505      input_tmp=OPTIONS.input_tmp,
506      metadata=metadata,
507      info_dict=OPTIONS.info_dict)
509  has_recovery_patch = HasRecoveryPatch(input_zip)
510  block_based = OPTIONS.block_based and has_recovery_patch
512  if not OPTIONS.omit_prereq:
513    ts = GetBuildProp("ro.build.date.utc", OPTIONS.info_dict)
514    ts_text = GetBuildProp("ro.build.date", OPTIONS.info_dict)
515    script.AssertOlderBuild(ts, ts_text)
517  AppendAssertions(script, OPTIONS.info_dict, oem_dict)
518  device_specific.FullOTA_Assertions()
520  # Two-step package strategy (in chronological order, which is *not*
521  # the order in which the generated script has things):
522  #
523  # if stage is not "2/3" or "3/3":
524  #    write recovery image to boot partition
525  #    set stage to "2/3"
526  #    reboot to boot partition and restart recovery
527  # else if stage is "2/3":
528  #    write recovery image to recovery partition
529  #    set stage to "3/3"
530  #    reboot to recovery partition and restart recovery
531  # else:
532  #    (stage must be "3/3")
533  #    set stage to ""
534  #    do normal full package installation:
535  #       wipe and install system, boot image, etc.
536  #       set up system to update recovery partition on first boot
537  #    complete script normally (allow recovery to mark itself finished and reboot)
539  recovery_img = common.GetBootableImage("recovery.img", "recovery.img",
540                                         OPTIONS.input_tmp, "RECOVERY")
541  if OPTIONS.two_step:
542    if not OPTIONS.info_dict.get("multistage_support", None):
543      assert False, "two-step packages not supported by this build"
544    fs = OPTIONS.info_dict["fstab"]["/misc"]
545    assert fs.fs_type.upper() == "EMMC", \
546        "two-step packages only supported on devices with EMMC /misc partitions"
547    bcb_dev = {"bcb_dev": fs.device}
548    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "recovery.img", recovery_img.data)
549    script.AppendExtra("""
550if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "stage") == "2/3" then
551""" % bcb_dev)
552    script.WriteRawImage("/recovery", "recovery.img")
553    script.AppendExtra("""
554set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "3/3");
555reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", "recovery");
556else if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "stage") == "3/3" then
557""" % bcb_dev)
559  device_specific.FullOTA_InstallBegin()
561  system_progress = 0.75
563  if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data:
564    system_progress -= 0.1
565  if HasVendorPartition(input_zip):
566    system_progress -= 0.1
568  if "selinux_fc" in OPTIONS.info_dict:
569    WritePolicyConfig(OPTIONS.info_dict["selinux_fc"], output_zip)
571  system_items = ItemSet("system", "META/filesystem_config.txt")
572  script.ShowProgress(system_progress, 0)
573  if block_based:
574    mapdata, data = GetImage("system", OPTIONS.input_tmp, OPTIONS.info_dict)
576    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "system.map", mapdata)
577    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "system.muimg", data)
578    script.WipeBlockDevice("/system")
579    script.WriteRawImage("/system", "system.muimg", mapfn="system.map")
580  else:
581    script.FormatPartition("/system")
582    script.Mount("/system")
583    if not has_recovery_patch:
584      script.UnpackPackageDir("recovery", "/system")
585    script.UnpackPackageDir("system", "/system")
587    symlinks = CopyPartitionFiles(system_items, input_zip, output_zip)
588    script.MakeSymlinks(symlinks)
590  boot_img = common.GetBootableImage("boot.img", "boot.img",
591                                     OPTIONS.input_tmp, "BOOT")
593  if not block_based:
594    def output_sink(fn, data):
595      common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "recovery/" + fn, data)
596      system_items.Get("system/" + fn, dir=False)
598    common.MakeRecoveryPatch(OPTIONS.input_tmp, output_sink,
599                             recovery_img, boot_img)
601    system_items.GetMetadata(input_zip)
602    system_items.Get("system").SetPermissions(script)
604  if HasVendorPartition(input_zip):
605    vendor_items = ItemSet("vendor", "META/vendor_filesystem_config.txt")
606    script.ShowProgress(0.1, 0)
608    if block_based:
609      mapdata, data = GetImage("vendor", OPTIONS.input_tmp, OPTIONS.info_dict)
611      common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "vendor.map", mapdata)
612      common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "vendor.muimg", data)
613      script.WipeBlockDevice("/vendor")
614      script.WriteRawImage("/vendor", "vendor.muimg", mapfn="vendor.map")
615    else:
616      script.FormatPartition("/vendor")
617      script.Mount("/vendor")
618      script.UnpackPackageDir("vendor", "/vendor")
620      symlinks = CopyPartitionFiles(vendor_items, input_zip, output_zip)
621      script.MakeSymlinks(symlinks)
623      vendor_items.GetMetadata(input_zip)
624      vendor_items.Get("vendor").SetPermissions(script)
626  common.CheckSize(boot_img.data, "boot.img", OPTIONS.info_dict)
627  common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img", boot_img.data)
629  script.ShowProgress(0.05, 5)
630  script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "boot.img")
632  script.ShowProgress(0.2, 10)
633  device_specific.FullOTA_InstallEnd()
635  if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None:
636    script.AppendExtra(OPTIONS.extra_script)
638  script.UnmountAll()
640  if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data:
641    script.ShowProgress(0.1, 10)
642    script.FormatPartition("/data")
644  if OPTIONS.two_step:
645    script.AppendExtra("""
646set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "");
647""" % bcb_dev)
648    script.AppendExtra("else\n")
649    script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "recovery.img")
650    script.AppendExtra("""
651set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "2/3");
652reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", "");
655""" % bcb_dev)
656  script.AddToZip(input_zip, output_zip, input_path=OPTIONS.updater_binary)
657  WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)
659def WritePolicyConfig(file_context, output_zip):
660  f = open(file_context, 'r');
661  basename = os.path.basename(file_context)
662  common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, basename, f.read())
665def WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip):
666  common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "META-INF/com/android/metadata",
667                     "".join(["%s=%s\n" % kv
668                              for kv in sorted(metadata.iteritems())]))
670def LoadPartitionFiles(z, partition):
671  """Load all the files from the given partition in a given target-files
672  ZipFile, and return a dict of {filename: File object}."""
673  out = {}
674  prefix = partition.upper() + "/"
675  for info in z.infolist():
676    if info.filename.startswith(prefix) and not IsSymlink(info):
677      basefilename = info.filename[7:]
678      fn = partition + "/" + basefilename
679      data = z.read(info.filename)
680      out[fn] = common.File(fn, data)
681  return out
684def GetBuildProp(prop, info_dict):
685  """Return the fingerprint of the build of a given target-files info_dict."""
686  try:
687    return info_dict.get("build.prop", {})[prop]
688  except KeyError:
689    raise common.ExternalError("couldn't find %s in build.prop" % (prop,))
691def AddToKnownPaths(filename, known_paths):
692  if filename[-1] == "/":
693    return
694  dirs = filename.split("/")[:-1]
695  while len(dirs) > 0:
696    path = "/".join(dirs)
697    if path in known_paths:
698      break;
699    known_paths.add(path)
700    dirs.pop()
702class BlockDifference:
703  def __init__(self, partition, output_zip):
704    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as src_file:
705      with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tgt_file:
706        print "building source " + partition + " image..."
707        src_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
708        src_mapdata, src_data = GetImage(partition,
709                                         OPTIONS.source_tmp,
710                                         OPTIONS.source_info_dict)
712        self.src_sha1 = sha1(src_data).hexdigest()
713        print "source " + partition + " sha1:", self.src_sha1
714        src_file.write(src_data)
716        print "building target " + partition + " image..."
717        tgt_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
718        tgt_mapdata, tgt_data = GetImage(partition,
719                                         OPTIONS.target_tmp,
720                                         OPTIONS.target_info_dict)
721        self.tgt_sha1 = sha1(tgt_data).hexdigest()
722        print "target " + partition + " sha1:", self.tgt_sha1
723        tgt_len = len(tgt_data)
724        tgt_file.write(tgt_data)
726        system_type, self.device = common.GetTypeAndDevice("/" + partition,
727                                                           OPTIONS.info_dict)
728        self.patch = common.MakePartitionPatch(src_file, tgt_file, partition)
730        TestBlockPatch(src_data, src_mapdata, self.patch.data,
731                       tgt_mapdata, self.tgt_sha1)
732        src_data = None
733        tgt_data = None
735        self.patch.AddToZip(output_zip, compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
736        self.src_mapfilename = self.patch.name + ".src.map"
737        common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, self.src_mapfilename, src_mapdata)
738        self.tgt_mapfilename = self.patch.name + ".tgt.map"
739        common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, self.tgt_mapfilename, tgt_mapdata)
741def WriteBlockIncrementalOTAPackage(target_zip, source_zip, output_zip):
742  source_version = OPTIONS.source_info_dict["recovery_api_version"]
743  target_version = OPTIONS.target_info_dict["recovery_api_version"]
745  if source_version == 0:
746    print ("WARNING: generating edify script for a source that "
747           "can't install it.")
748  script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(source_version,
749                                          OPTIONS.target_info_dict)
751  metadata = {"pre-device": GetBuildProp("ro.product.device",
752                                         OPTIONS.source_info_dict),
753              "post-timestamp": GetBuildProp("ro.build.date.utc",
754                                             OPTIONS.target_info_dict),
755              }
757  device_specific = common.DeviceSpecificParams(
758      source_zip=source_zip,
759      source_version=source_version,
760      target_zip=target_zip,
761      target_version=target_version,
762      output_zip=output_zip,
763      script=script,
764      metadata=metadata,
765      info_dict=OPTIONS.info_dict)
767  source_fp = GetBuildProp("ro.build.fingerprint", OPTIONS.source_info_dict)
768  target_fp = GetBuildProp("ro.build.fingerprint", OPTIONS.target_info_dict)
769  metadata["pre-build"] = source_fp
770  metadata["post-build"] = target_fp
772  source_boot = common.GetBootableImage(
773      "/tmp/boot.img", "boot.img", OPTIONS.source_tmp, "BOOT",
774      OPTIONS.source_info_dict)
775  target_boot = common.GetBootableImage(
776      "/tmp/boot.img", "boot.img", OPTIONS.target_tmp, "BOOT")
777  updating_boot = (not OPTIONS.two_step and
778                   (source_boot.data != target_boot.data))
780  source_recovery = common.GetBootableImage(
781      "/tmp/recovery.img", "recovery.img", OPTIONS.source_tmp, "RECOVERY",
782      OPTIONS.source_info_dict)
783  target_recovery = common.GetBootableImage(
784      "/tmp/recovery.img", "recovery.img", OPTIONS.target_tmp, "RECOVERY")
785  updating_recovery = (source_recovery.data != target_recovery.data)
787  system_diff = BlockDifference("system", output_zip)
788  if HasVendorPartition(target_zip):
789    if not HasVendorPartition(source_zip):
790      raise RuntimeError("can't generate incremental that adds /vendor")
791    vendor_diff = BlockDifference("vendor", output_zip)
793  oem_props = OPTIONS.target_info_dict.get("oem_fingerprint_properties")
794  oem_dict = None
795  if oem_props is not None:
796    if OPTIONS.oem_source is None:
797      raise common.ExternalError("OEM source required for this build")
798    script.Mount("/oem")
799    oem_dict = common.LoadDictionaryFromLines(open(OPTIONS.oem_source).readlines())
801  AppendAssertions(script, OPTIONS.target_info_dict, oem_dict)
802  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_Assertions()
804  # Two-step incremental package strategy (in chronological order,
805  # which is *not* the order in which the generated script has
806  # things):
807  #
808  # if stage is not "2/3" or "3/3":
809  #    do verification on current system
810  #    write recovery image to boot partition
811  #    set stage to "2/3"
812  #    reboot to boot partition and restart recovery
813  # else if stage is "2/3":
814  #    write recovery image to recovery partition
815  #    set stage to "3/3"
816  #    reboot to recovery partition and restart recovery
817  # else:
818  #    (stage must be "3/3")
819  #    perform update:
820  #       patch system files, etc.
821  #       force full install of new boot image
822  #       set up system to update recovery partition on first boot
823  #    complete script normally (allow recovery to mark itself finished and reboot)
825  if OPTIONS.two_step:
826    if not OPTIONS.info_dict.get("multistage_support", None):
827      assert False, "two-step packages not supported by this build"
828    fs = OPTIONS.info_dict["fstab"]["/misc"]
829    assert fs.fs_type.upper() == "EMMC", \
830        "two-step packages only supported on devices with EMMC /misc partitions"
831    bcb_dev = {"bcb_dev": fs.device}
832    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "recovery.img", target_recovery.data)
833    script.AppendExtra("""
834if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "stage") == "2/3" then
835""" % bcb_dev)
836    script.AppendExtra("sleep(20);\n");
837    script.WriteRawImage("/recovery", "recovery.img")
838    script.AppendExtra("""
839set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "3/3");
840reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", "recovery");
841else if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "stage") != "3/3" then
842""" % bcb_dev)
844  script.Print("Verifying current system...")
846  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_VerifyBegin()
848  if oem_props is None:
849    script.AssertSomeFingerprint(source_fp, target_fp)
850  else:
851    script.AssertSomeThumbprint(
852        GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint", OPTIONS.target_info_dict),
853        GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint", OPTIONS.source_info_dict))
855  if updating_boot:
856    boot_type, boot_device = common.GetTypeAndDevice("/boot", OPTIONS.info_dict)
857    d = common.Difference(target_boot, source_boot)
858    _, _, d = d.ComputePatch()
859    if d is None:
860      include_full_boot = True
861      common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img", target_boot.data)
862    else:
863      include_full_boot = False
865      print "boot      target: %d  source: %d  diff: %d" % (
866          target_boot.size, source_boot.size, len(d))
868      common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "patch/boot.img.p", d)
870      script.PatchCheck("%s:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s" %
871                        (boot_type, boot_device,
872                         source_boot.size, source_boot.sha1,
873                         target_boot.size, target_boot.sha1))
875  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_VerifyEnd()
877  if OPTIONS.two_step:
878    script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "recovery.img")
879    script.AppendExtra("""
880set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "2/3");
881reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", "");
883""" % bcb_dev)
885  script.Comment("---- start making changes here ----")
887  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_InstallBegin()
889  if HasVendorPartition(target_zip):
890    script.Print("Patching vendor image...")
891    script.ShowProgress(0.1, 0)
892    script.Syspatch(vendor_diff.device,
893                    vendor_diff.tgt_mapfilename, vendor_diff.tgt_sha1,
894                    vendor_diff.src_mapfilename, vendor_diff.src_sha1,
895                    vendor_diff.patch.name)
896    sys_progress = 0.8
897  else:
898    sys_progress = 0.9
900  script.Print("Patching system image...")
901  script.ShowProgress(sys_progress, 0)
902  script.Syspatch(system_diff.device,
903                  system_diff.tgt_mapfilename, system_diff.tgt_sha1,
904                  system_diff.src_mapfilename, system_diff.src_sha1,
905                  system_diff.patch.name)
907  if OPTIONS.two_step:
908    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img", target_boot.data)
909    script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "boot.img")
910    print "writing full boot image (forced by two-step mode)"
912  if not OPTIONS.two_step:
913    if updating_boot:
914      if include_full_boot:
915        print "boot image changed; including full."
916        script.Print("Installing boot image...")
917        script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "boot.img")
918      else:
919        # Produce the boot image by applying a patch to the current
920        # contents of the boot partition, and write it back to the
921        # partition.
922        print "boot image changed; including patch."
923        script.Print("Patching boot image...")
924        script.ShowProgress(0.1, 10)
925        script.ApplyPatch("%s:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s"
926                          % (boot_type, boot_device,
927                             source_boot.size, source_boot.sha1,
928                             target_boot.size, target_boot.sha1),
929                          "-",
930                          target_boot.size, target_boot.sha1,
931                          source_boot.sha1, "patch/boot.img.p")
932    else:
933      print "boot image unchanged; skipping."
935  # Do device-specific installation (eg, write radio image).
936  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd()
938  if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None:
939    script.AppendExtra(OPTIONS.extra_script)
941  if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data:
942    script.Print("Erasing user data...")
943    script.FormatPartition("/data")
945  if OPTIONS.two_step:
946    script.AppendExtra("""
947set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "");
950""" % bcb_dev)
952  script.SetProgress(1)
953  script.AddToZip(target_zip, output_zip, input_path=OPTIONS.updater_binary)
954  WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)
956def ParseMap(map_str):
957  x = map_str.split()
958  assert int(x[0]) == 4096
959  assert int(x[1]) == len(x)-2
960  return int(x[0]), [int(i) for i in x[2:]]
962def TestBlockPatch(src_muimg, src_map, patch_data, tgt_map, tgt_sha1):
963  src_blksize, src_regions = ParseMap(src_map)
964  tgt_blksize, tgt_regions = ParseMap(tgt_map)
966  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as src_file,\
967       tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as patch_file,\
968       tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as src_map_file,\
969       tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tgt_map_file:
971    src_total = sum(src_regions) * src_blksize
972    src_file.truncate(src_total)
973    p = 0
974    for i in range(0, len(src_regions), 2):
975      c, dc = src_regions[i:i+2]
976      src_file.write(src_muimg[p:(p+c*src_blksize)])
977      p += c*src_blksize
978      src_file.seek(dc*src_blksize, 1)
979    assert src_file.tell() == src_total
981    patch_file.write(patch_data)
983    src_map_file.write(src_map)
984    tgt_map_file.write(tgt_map)
986    src_file.flush()
987    src_map_file.flush()
988    patch_file.flush()
989    tgt_map_file.flush()
991    p = common.Run(["syspatch_host", src_file.name, src_map_file.name,
992                    patch_file.name, src_file.name, tgt_map_file.name],
993                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
994    stdoutdata, _ = p.communicate()
995    if p.returncode != 0:
996      print stdoutdata
997      raise ValueError("failed to reconstruct target system image from patch")
999    h = sha1()
1000    src_file.seek(0, 0)
1001    for i in range(0, len(tgt_regions), 2):
1002      c, dc = tgt_regions[i:i+2]
1003      h.update(src_file.read(c*tgt_blksize))
1004      src_file.seek(dc*tgt_blksize, 1)
1006    if h.hexdigest() != tgt_sha1:
1007      raise ValueError("patch reconstructed incorrect target system image")
1009  print "test of system image patch succeeded"
1012class FileDifference:
1013  def __init__(self, partition, source_zip, target_zip, output_zip):
1014    print "Loading target..."
1015    self.target_data = target_data = LoadPartitionFiles(target_zip, partition)
1016    print "Loading source..."
1017    self.source_data = source_data = LoadPartitionFiles(source_zip, partition)
1019    self.verbatim_targets = verbatim_targets = []
1020    self.patch_list = patch_list = []
1021    diffs = []
1022    self.renames = renames = {}
1023    known_paths = set()
1024    largest_source_size = 0
1026    matching_file_cache = {}
1027    for fn, sf in source_data.items():
1028      assert fn == sf.name
1029      matching_file_cache["path:" + fn] = sf
1030      if fn in target_data.keys():
1031        AddToKnownPaths(fn, known_paths)
1032      # Only allow eligibility for filename/sha matching
1033      # if there isn't a perfect path match.
1034      if target_data.get(sf.name) is None:
1035        matching_file_cache["file:" + fn.split("/")[-1]] = sf
1036        matching_file_cache["sha:" + sf.sha1] = sf
1038    for fn in sorted(target_data.keys()):
1039      tf = target_data[fn]
1040      assert fn == tf.name
1041      sf = ClosestFileMatch(tf, matching_file_cache, renames)
1042      if sf is not None and sf.name != tf.name:
1043        print "File has moved from " + sf.name + " to " + tf.name
1044        renames[sf.name] = tf
1046      if sf is None or fn in OPTIONS.require_verbatim:
1047        # This file should be included verbatim
1048        if fn in OPTIONS.prohibit_verbatim:
1049          raise common.ExternalError("\"%s\" must be sent verbatim" % (fn,))
1050        print "send", fn, "verbatim"
1051        tf.AddToZip(output_zip)
1052        verbatim_targets.append((fn, tf.size))
1053        if fn in target_data.keys():
1054          AddToKnownPaths(fn, known_paths)
1055      elif tf.sha1 != sf.sha1:
1056        # File is different; consider sending as a patch
1057        diffs.append(common.Difference(tf, sf))
1058      else:
1059        # Target file data identical to source (may still be renamed)
1060        pass
1062    common.ComputeDifferences(diffs)
1064    for diff in diffs:
1065      tf, sf, d = diff.GetPatch()
1066      path = "/".join(tf.name.split("/")[:-1])
1067      if d is None or len(d) > tf.size * OPTIONS.patch_threshold or \
1068          path not in known_paths:
1069        # patch is almost as big as the file; don't bother patching
1070        # or a patch + rename cannot take place due to the target
1071        # directory not existing
1072        tf.AddToZip(output_zip)
1073        verbatim_targets.append((tf.name, tf.size))
1074        if sf.name in renames:
1075          del renames[sf.name]
1076        AddToKnownPaths(tf.name, known_paths)
1077      else:
1078        common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "patch/" + sf.name + ".p", d)
1079        patch_list.append((tf, sf, tf.size, common.sha1(d).hexdigest()))
1080        largest_source_size = max(largest_source_size, sf.size)
1082    self.largest_source_size = largest_source_size
1084  def EmitVerification(self, script):
1085    so_far = 0
1086    for tf, sf, size, patch_sha in self.patch_list:
1087      if tf.name != sf.name:
1088        script.SkipNextActionIfTargetExists(tf.name, tf.sha1)
1089      script.PatchCheck("/"+sf.name, tf.sha1, sf.sha1)
1090      so_far += sf.size
1091    return so_far
1093  def RemoveUnneededFiles(self, script, extras=()):
1094    script.DeleteFiles(["/"+i[0] for i in self.verbatim_targets] +
1095                       ["/"+i for i in sorted(self.source_data)
1096                              if i not in self.target_data and
1097                              i not in self.renames] +
1098                       list(extras))
1100  def TotalPatchSize(self):
1101    return sum(i[1].size for i in self.patch_list)
1103  def EmitPatches(self, script, total_patch_size, so_far):
1104    self.deferred_patch_list = deferred_patch_list = []
1105    for item in self.patch_list:
1106      tf, sf, size, _ = item
1107      if tf.name == "system/build.prop":
1108        deferred_patch_list.append(item)
1109        continue
1110      if (sf.name != tf.name):
1111        script.SkipNextActionIfTargetExists(tf.name, tf.sha1)
1112      script.ApplyPatch("/"+sf.name, "-", tf.size, tf.sha1, sf.sha1, "patch/"+sf.name+".p")
1113      so_far += tf.size
1114      script.SetProgress(so_far / total_patch_size)
1115    return so_far
1117  def EmitDeferredPatches(self, script):
1118    for item in self.deferred_patch_list:
1119      tf, sf, size, _ = item
1120      script.ApplyPatch("/"+sf.name, "-", tf.size, tf.sha1, sf.sha1, "patch/"+sf.name+".p")
1121    script.SetPermissions("/system/build.prop", 0, 0, 0644, None, None)
1123  def EmitRenames(self, script):
1124    if len(self.renames) > 0:
1125      script.Print("Renaming files...")
1126      for src, tgt in self.renames.iteritems():
1127        print "Renaming " + src + " to " + tgt.name
1128        script.RenameFile(src, tgt.name)
1133def WriteIncrementalOTAPackage(target_zip, source_zip, output_zip):
1134  target_has_recovery_patch = HasRecoveryPatch(target_zip)
1135  source_has_recovery_patch = HasRecoveryPatch(source_zip)
1137  if (OPTIONS.block_based and
1138      target_has_recovery_patch and
1139      source_has_recovery_patch):
1140    return WriteBlockIncrementalOTAPackage(target_zip, source_zip, output_zip)
1142  source_version = OPTIONS.source_info_dict["recovery_api_version"]
1143  target_version = OPTIONS.target_info_dict["recovery_api_version"]
1145  if source_version == 0:
1146    print ("WARNING: generating edify script for a source that "
1147           "can't install it.")
1148  script = edify_generator.EdifyGenerator(source_version,
1149                                          OPTIONS.target_info_dict)
1151  oem_props = OPTIONS.info_dict.get("oem_fingerprint_properties")
1152  oem_dict = None
1153  if oem_props is not None:
1154    if OPTIONS.oem_source is None:
1155      raise common.ExternalError("OEM source required for this build")
1156    script.Mount("/oem")
1157    oem_dict = common.LoadDictionaryFromLines(open(OPTIONS.oem_source).readlines())
1159  metadata = {"pre-device": GetOemProperty("ro.product.device", oem_props, oem_dict,
1160                                         OPTIONS.source_info_dict),
1161              "post-timestamp": GetBuildProp("ro.build.date.utc",
1162                                             OPTIONS.target_info_dict),
1163              }
1165  device_specific = common.DeviceSpecificParams(
1166      source_zip=source_zip,
1167      source_version=source_version,
1168      target_zip=target_zip,
1169      target_version=target_version,
1170      output_zip=output_zip,
1171      script=script,
1172      metadata=metadata,
1173      info_dict=OPTIONS.info_dict)
1175  system_diff = FileDifference("system", source_zip, target_zip, output_zip)
1176  script.Mount("/system")
1177  if HasVendorPartition(target_zip):
1178    vendor_diff = FileDifference("vendor", source_zip, target_zip, output_zip)
1179    script.Mount("/vendor")
1180  else:
1181    vendor_diff = None
1183  target_fp = CalculateFingerprint(oem_props, oem_dict, OPTIONS.target_info_dict)
1184  source_fp = CalculateFingerprint(oem_props, oem_dict, OPTIONS.source_info_dict)
1186  if oem_props is None:
1187    script.AssertSomeFingerprint(source_fp, target_fp)
1188  else:
1189    script.AssertSomeThumbprint(
1190        GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint", OPTIONS.target_info_dict),
1191        GetBuildProp("ro.build.thumbprint", OPTIONS.source_info_dict))
1193  metadata["pre-build"] = source_fp
1194  metadata["post-build"] = target_fp
1196  source_boot = common.GetBootableImage(
1197      "/tmp/boot.img", "boot.img", OPTIONS.source_tmp, "BOOT",
1198      OPTIONS.source_info_dict)
1199  target_boot = common.GetBootableImage(
1200      "/tmp/boot.img", "boot.img", OPTIONS.target_tmp, "BOOT")
1201  updating_boot = (not OPTIONS.two_step and
1202                   (source_boot.data != target_boot.data))
1204  source_recovery = common.GetBootableImage(
1205      "/tmp/recovery.img", "recovery.img", OPTIONS.source_tmp, "RECOVERY",
1206      OPTIONS.source_info_dict)
1207  target_recovery = common.GetBootableImage(
1208      "/tmp/recovery.img", "recovery.img", OPTIONS.target_tmp, "RECOVERY")
1209  updating_recovery = (source_recovery.data != target_recovery.data)
1211  # Here's how we divide up the progress bar:
1212  #  0.1 for verifying the start state (PatchCheck calls)
1213  #  0.8 for applying patches (ApplyPatch calls)
1214  #  0.1 for unpacking verbatim files, symlinking, and doing the
1215  #      device-specific commands.
1217  AppendAssertions(script, OPTIONS.target_info_dict, oem_dict)
1218  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_Assertions()
1220  # Two-step incremental package strategy (in chronological order,
1221  # which is *not* the order in which the generated script has
1222  # things):
1223  #
1224  # if stage is not "2/3" or "3/3":
1225  #    do verification on current system
1226  #    write recovery image to boot partition
1227  #    set stage to "2/3"
1228  #    reboot to boot partition and restart recovery
1229  # else if stage is "2/3":
1230  #    write recovery image to recovery partition
1231  #    set stage to "3/3"
1232  #    reboot to recovery partition and restart recovery
1233  # else:
1234  #    (stage must be "3/3")
1235  #    perform update:
1236  #       patch system files, etc.
1237  #       force full install of new boot image
1238  #       set up system to update recovery partition on first boot
1239  #    complete script normally (allow recovery to mark itself finished and reboot)
1241  if OPTIONS.two_step:
1242    if not OPTIONS.info_dict.get("multistage_support", None):
1243      assert False, "two-step packages not supported by this build"
1244    fs = OPTIONS.info_dict["fstab"]["/misc"]
1245    assert fs.fs_type.upper() == "EMMC", \
1246        "two-step packages only supported on devices with EMMC /misc partitions"
1247    bcb_dev = {"bcb_dev": fs.device}
1248    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "recovery.img", target_recovery.data)
1249    script.AppendExtra("""
1250if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "stage") == "2/3" then
1251""" % bcb_dev)
1252    script.AppendExtra("sleep(20);\n");
1253    script.WriteRawImage("/recovery", "recovery.img")
1254    script.AppendExtra("""
1255set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "3/3");
1256reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", "recovery");
1257else if get_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "stage") != "3/3" then
1258""" % bcb_dev)
1260  script.Print("Verifying current system...")
1262  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_VerifyBegin()
1264  script.ShowProgress(0.1, 0)
1265  so_far = system_diff.EmitVerification(script)
1266  if vendor_diff:
1267    so_far += vendor_diff.EmitVerification(script)
1269  if updating_boot:
1270    d = common.Difference(target_boot, source_boot)
1271    _, _, d = d.ComputePatch()
1272    print "boot      target: %d  source: %d  diff: %d" % (
1273        target_boot.size, source_boot.size, len(d))
1275    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "patch/boot.img.p", d)
1277    boot_type, boot_device = common.GetTypeAndDevice("/boot", OPTIONS.info_dict)
1279    script.PatchCheck("%s:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s" %
1280                      (boot_type, boot_device,
1281                       source_boot.size, source_boot.sha1,
1282                       target_boot.size, target_boot.sha1))
1283    so_far += source_boot.size
1285  size = []
1286  if system_diff.patch_list: size.append(system_diff.largest_source_size)
1287  if vendor_diff:
1288    if vendor_diff.patch_list: size.append(vendor_diff.largest_source_size)
1289  if size or updating_recovery or updating_boot:
1290    script.CacheFreeSpaceCheck(max(size))
1292  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_VerifyEnd()
1294  if OPTIONS.two_step:
1295    script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "recovery.img")
1296    script.AppendExtra("""
1297set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "2/3");
1298reboot_now("%(bcb_dev)s", "");
1300""" % bcb_dev)
1302  script.Comment("---- start making changes here ----")
1304  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_InstallBegin()
1306  if OPTIONS.two_step:
1307    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "boot.img", target_boot.data)
1308    script.WriteRawImage("/boot", "boot.img")
1309    print "writing full boot image (forced by two-step mode)"
1311  script.Print("Removing unneeded files...")
1312  system_diff.RemoveUnneededFiles(script, ("/system/recovery.img",))
1313  if vendor_diff:
1314    vendor_diff.RemoveUnneededFiles(script)
1316  script.ShowProgress(0.8, 0)
1317  total_patch_size = 1.0 + system_diff.TotalPatchSize()
1318  if vendor_diff:
1319    total_patch_size += vendor_diff.TotalPatchSize()
1320  if updating_boot:
1321    total_patch_size += target_boot.size
1323  script.Print("Patching system files...")
1324  so_far = system_diff.EmitPatches(script, total_patch_size, 0)
1325  if vendor_diff:
1326    script.Print("Patching vendor files...")
1327    so_far = vendor_diff.EmitPatches(script, total_patch_size, so_far)
1329  if not OPTIONS.two_step:
1330    if updating_boot:
1331      # Produce the boot image by applying a patch to the current
1332      # contents of the boot partition, and write it back to the
1333      # partition.
1334      script.Print("Patching boot image...")
1335      script.ApplyPatch("%s:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s"
1336                        % (boot_type, boot_device,
1337                           source_boot.size, source_boot.sha1,
1338                           target_boot.size, target_boot.sha1),
1339                        "-",
1340                        target_boot.size, target_boot.sha1,
1341                        source_boot.sha1, "patch/boot.img.p")
1342      so_far += target_boot.size
1343      script.SetProgress(so_far / total_patch_size)
1344      print "boot image changed; including."
1345    else:
1346      print "boot image unchanged; skipping."
1348  system_items = ItemSet("system", "META/filesystem_config.txt")
1349  if vendor_diff:
1350    vendor_items = ItemSet("vendor", "META/vendor_filesystem_config.txt")
1352  if updating_recovery:
1353    # Recovery is generated as a patch using both the boot image
1354    # (which contains the same linux kernel as recovery) and the file
1355    # /system/etc/recovery-resource.dat (which contains all the images
1356    # used in the recovery UI) as sources.  This lets us minimize the
1357    # size of the patch, which must be included in every OTA package.
1358    #
1359    # For older builds where recovery-resource.dat is not present, we
1360    # use only the boot image as the source.
1362    if not target_has_recovery_patch:
1363      def output_sink(fn, data):
1364        common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "recovery/" + fn, data)
1365        system_items.Get("system/" + fn, dir=False)
1367      common.MakeRecoveryPatch(OPTIONS.target_tmp, output_sink,
1368                               target_recovery, target_boot)
1369      script.DeleteFiles(["/system/recovery-from-boot.p",
1370                          "/system/etc/install-recovery.sh"])
1371    print "recovery image changed; including as patch from boot."
1372  else:
1373    print "recovery image unchanged; skipping."
1375  script.ShowProgress(0.1, 10)
1377  target_symlinks = CopyPartitionFiles(system_items, target_zip, None)
1378  if vendor_diff:
1379    target_symlinks.extend(CopyPartitionFiles(vendor_items, target_zip, None))
1381  temp_script = script.MakeTemporary()
1382  system_items.GetMetadata(target_zip)
1383  system_items.Get("system").SetPermissions(temp_script)
1384  if vendor_diff:
1385    vendor_items.GetMetadata(target_zip)
1386    vendor_items.Get("vendor").SetPermissions(temp_script)
1388  # Note that this call will mess up the trees of Items, so make sure
1389  # we're done with them.
1390  source_symlinks = CopyPartitionFiles(system_items, source_zip, None)
1391  if vendor_diff:
1392    source_symlinks.extend(CopyPartitionFiles(vendor_items, source_zip, None))
1394  target_symlinks_d = dict([(i[1], i[0]) for i in target_symlinks])
1395  source_symlinks_d = dict([(i[1], i[0]) for i in source_symlinks])
1397  # Delete all the symlinks in source that aren't in target.  This
1398  # needs to happen before verbatim files are unpacked, in case a
1399  # symlink in the source is replaced by a real file in the target.
1400  to_delete = []
1401  for dest, link in source_symlinks:
1402    if link not in target_symlinks_d:
1403      to_delete.append(link)
1404  script.DeleteFiles(to_delete)
1406  if system_diff.verbatim_targets:
1407    script.Print("Unpacking new system files...")
1408    script.UnpackPackageDir("system", "/system")
1409  if vendor_diff and vendor_diff.verbatim_targets:
1410    script.Print("Unpacking new vendor files...")
1411    script.UnpackPackageDir("vendor", "/vendor")
1413  if updating_recovery and not target_has_recovery_patch:
1414    script.Print("Unpacking new recovery...")
1415    script.UnpackPackageDir("recovery", "/system")
1417  system_diff.EmitRenames(script)
1418  if vendor_diff:
1419    vendor_diff.EmitRenames(script)
1421  script.Print("Symlinks and permissions...")
1423  # Create all the symlinks that don't already exist, or point to
1424  # somewhere different than what we want.  Delete each symlink before
1425  # creating it, since the 'symlink' command won't overwrite.
1426  to_create = []
1427  for dest, link in target_symlinks:
1428    if link in source_symlinks_d:
1429      if dest != source_symlinks_d[link]:
1430        to_create.append((dest, link))
1431    else:
1432      to_create.append((dest, link))
1433  script.DeleteFiles([i[1] for i in to_create])
1434  script.MakeSymlinks(to_create)
1436  # Now that the symlinks are created, we can set all the
1437  # permissions.
1438  script.AppendScript(temp_script)
1440  # Do device-specific installation (eg, write radio image).
1441  device_specific.IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd()
1443  if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None:
1444    script.AppendExtra(OPTIONS.extra_script)
1446  # Patch the build.prop file last, so if something fails but the
1447  # device can still come up, it appears to be the old build and will
1448  # get set the OTA package again to retry.
1449  script.Print("Patching remaining system files...")
1450  system_diff.EmitDeferredPatches(script)
1452  if OPTIONS.wipe_user_data:
1453    script.Print("Erasing user data...")
1454    script.FormatPartition("/data")
1456  if OPTIONS.two_step:
1457    script.AppendExtra("""
1458set_stage("%(bcb_dev)s", "");
1461""" % bcb_dev)
1463  script.AddToZip(target_zip, output_zip, input_path=OPTIONS.updater_binary)
1464  WriteMetadata(metadata, output_zip)
1467def main(argv):
1469  def option_handler(o, a):
1470    if o == "--board_config":
1471      pass   # deprecated
1472    elif o in ("-k", "--package_key"):
1473      OPTIONS.package_key = a
1474    elif o in ("-i", "--incremental_from"):
1475      OPTIONS.incremental_source = a
1476    elif o in ("-w", "--wipe_user_data"):
1477      OPTIONS.wipe_user_data = True
1478    elif o in ("-n", "--no_prereq"):
1479      OPTIONS.omit_prereq = True
1480    elif o in ("-o", "--oem_settings"):
1481      OPTIONS.oem_source = a
1482    elif o in ("-e", "--extra_script"):
1483      OPTIONS.extra_script = a
1484    elif o in ("-a", "--aslr_mode"):
1485      if a in ("on", "On", "true", "True", "yes", "Yes"):
1486        OPTIONS.aslr_mode = True
1487      else:
1488        OPTIONS.aslr_mode = False
1489    elif o in ("-t", "--worker_threads"):
1490      if a.isdigit():
1491        OPTIONS.worker_threads = int(a)
1492      else:
1493        raise ValueError("Cannot parse value %r for option %r - only "
1494                         "integers are allowed." % (a, o))
1495    elif o in ("-2", "--two_step"):
1496      OPTIONS.two_step = True
1497    elif o == "--no_signing":
1498      OPTIONS.no_signing = True
1499    elif o == "--block":
1500      OPTIONS.block_based = True
1501    elif o in ("-b", "--binary"):
1502      OPTIONS.updater_binary = a
1503    elif o in ("--no_fallback_to_full",):
1504      OPTIONS.fallback_to_full = False
1505    else:
1506      return False
1507    return True
1509  args = common.ParseOptions(argv, __doc__,
1510                             extra_opts="b:k:i:d:wne:t:a:2o:",
1511                             extra_long_opts=["board_config=",
1512                                              "package_key=",
1513                                              "incremental_from=",
1514                                              "wipe_user_data",
1515                                              "no_prereq",
1516                                              "extra_script=",
1517                                              "worker_threads=",
1518                                              "aslr_mode=",
1519                                              "two_step",
1520                                              "no_signing",
1521                                              "block",
1522                                              "binary=",
1523                                              "oem_settings=",
1524                                              "no_fallback_to_full",
1525                                              ],
1526                             extra_option_handler=option_handler)
1528  if len(args) != 2:
1529    common.Usage(__doc__)
1530    sys.exit(1)
1532  if OPTIONS.extra_script is not None:
1533    OPTIONS.extra_script = open(OPTIONS.extra_script).read()
1535  print "unzipping target target-files..."
1536  OPTIONS.input_tmp, input_zip = common.UnzipTemp(args[0])
1538  OPTIONS.target_tmp = OPTIONS.input_tmp
1539  OPTIONS.info_dict = common.LoadInfoDict(input_zip)
1541  # If this image was originally labelled with SELinux contexts, make sure we
1542  # also apply the labels in our new image. During building, the "file_contexts"
1543  # is in the out/ directory tree, but for repacking from target-files.zip it's
1544  # in the root directory of the ramdisk.
1545  if "selinux_fc" in OPTIONS.info_dict:
1546    OPTIONS.info_dict["selinux_fc"] = os.path.join(OPTIONS.input_tmp, "BOOT", "RAMDISK",
1547        "file_contexts")
1549  if OPTIONS.verbose:
1550    print "--- target info ---"
1551    common.DumpInfoDict(OPTIONS.info_dict)
1553  # If the caller explicitly specified the device-specific extensions
1554  # path via -s/--device_specific, use that.  Otherwise, use
1555  # META/releasetools.py if it is present in the target target_files.
1556  # Otherwise, take the path of the file from 'tool_extensions' in the
1557  # info dict and look for that in the local filesystem, relative to
1558  # the current directory.
1560  if OPTIONS.device_specific is None:
1561    from_input = os.path.join(OPTIONS.input_tmp, "META", "releasetools.py")
1562    if os.path.exists(from_input):
1563      print "(using device-specific extensions from target_files)"
1564      OPTIONS.device_specific = from_input
1565    else:
1566      OPTIONS.device_specific = OPTIONS.info_dict.get("tool_extensions", None)
1568  if OPTIONS.device_specific is not None:
1569    OPTIONS.device_specific = os.path.abspath(OPTIONS.device_specific)
1571  while True:
1573    if OPTIONS.no_signing:
1574      if os.path.exists(args[1]): os.unlink(args[1])
1575      output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(args[1], "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
1576    else:
1577      temp_zip_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
1578      output_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(temp_zip_file, "w",
1579                                   compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
1581    if OPTIONS.incremental_source is None:
1582      WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_zip)
1583      if OPTIONS.package_key is None:
1584        OPTIONS.package_key = OPTIONS.info_dict.get(
1585            "default_system_dev_certificate",
1586            "build/target/product/security/testkey")
1587      break
1589    else:
1590      print "unzipping source target-files..."
1591      OPTIONS.source_tmp, source_zip = common.UnzipTemp(OPTIONS.incremental_source)
1592      OPTIONS.target_info_dict = OPTIONS.info_dict
1593      OPTIONS.source_info_dict = common.LoadInfoDict(source_zip)
1594      if "selinux_fc" in OPTIONS.source_info_dict:
1595        OPTIONS.source_info_dict["selinux_fc"] = os.path.join(OPTIONS.source_tmp, "BOOT", "RAMDISK",
1596                                                              "file_contexts")
1597      if OPTIONS.package_key is None:
1598        OPTIONS.package_key = OPTIONS.source_info_dict.get(
1599            "default_system_dev_certificate",
1600            "build/target/product/security/testkey")
1601      if OPTIONS.verbose:
1602        print "--- source info ---"
1603        common.DumpInfoDict(OPTIONS.source_info_dict)
1604      try:
1605        WriteIncrementalOTAPackage(input_zip, source_zip, output_zip)
1606        break
1607      except ValueError:
1608        if not OPTIONS.fallback_to_full: raise
1609        print "--- failed to build incremental; falling back to full ---"
1610        OPTIONS.incremental_source = None
1611        output_zip.close()
1613  output_zip.close()
1615  if not OPTIONS.no_signing:
1616    SignOutput(temp_zip_file.name, args[1])
1617    temp_zip_file.close()
1619  common.Cleanup()
1621  print "done."
1624if __name__ == '__main__':
1625  try:
1626    common.CloseInheritedPipes()
1627    main(sys.argv[1:])
1628  except common.ExternalError, e:
1629    print
1630    print "   ERROR: %s" % (e,)
1631    print
1632    sys.exit(1)