1# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""A helper request handler for request handlers that receive data."""
7import logging
9from dashboard import request_handler
10from dashboard import utils
13class PostDataHandler(request_handler.RequestHandler):
14  """Helper class to handle common functionality for dealing with slaves."""
16  def post(self):
17    """Checks the IP of the request against the white list.
19    Real sub-class handlers should override this and use
20    _CheckIpAgainstWhitelist; this is provided here for convenience in tests.
21    """
22    self._CheckIpAgainstWhitelist()
24  def _CheckIpAgainstWhitelist(self):
25    """Checks the remote address of the request against the IP whitelist.
27    Returns:
28      True if whitelisted, False otherwise.
29    """
30    whitelist = utils.GetIpWhitelist()
31    if not whitelist or self.request.remote_addr in whitelist:
32      return True
33    # Try to log some info about the post data that is not whitelisted.
34    # This could be totally bogus data, so ignore huge postdata and swallow
35    # exceptions.
36    try:
37      data_param = self.request.get('data')
38      if data_param and len(data_param) < 10000:
39        # Log the start of the data; it may give clues about who is sending
40        # the data and who to contact.
41        logging.warn('Received data: %s...', data_param[:200])
42    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
43      pass
44    self.ReportError(
45        'IP address %s not in IP whitelist!' % self.request.remote_addr, 403)
46    return False