3 *******************************************************************************
4 * Copyright (C) 2012-2015, International Business Machines
5 * Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * CollationKeys.java, ported from collationkeys.h/.cpp
8 *
9 * C++ version created on: 2012sep02
10 * created by: Markus W. Scherer
11 */
13package android.icu.impl.coll;
15import android.icu.text.Collator;
18 * @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android
19 */
20public final class CollationKeys /* all methods are static */ {
22    // Java porting note: C++ SortKeyByteSink class extends a common class ByteSink,
23    // which is not available in Java. We don't need a super class created for implementing
24    // collation features.
25    public static abstract class SortKeyByteSink {
26        protected byte[] buffer_;
27        // protected int capacity_; == buffer_.length
28        private int appended_ = 0;
29        // not used in Java -- private int ignore_ = 0;
31        public SortKeyByteSink(byte[] dest) {
32            buffer_ = dest;
33        }
35        /**
36         * Needed in Java for when we write to the buffer directly.
37         * In C++, the SortKeyByteSink is a subclass of ByteSink and lower-level code can write to that.
38         * TODO: Can we make Java SortKeyByteSink have-a ByteArrayWrapper and write through to it?
39         * Or maybe create interface ByteSink, have SortKeyByteSink implement it, and have BOCSU write to that??
40         */
41        public void setBufferAndAppended(byte[] dest, int app) {
42            buffer_ = dest;
43            appended_ = app;
44        }
46        /* not used in Java -- public void IgnoreBytes(int numIgnore) {
47            ignore_ = numIgnore;
48        } */
50        /**
51         * @param bytes
52         *            the array of byte
53         * @param n
54         *            the length of bytes to be appended
55         */
56        public void Append(byte[] bytes, int n) {
57            if (n <= 0 || bytes == null) {
58                return;
59            }
61            /* not used in Java -- if (ignore_ > 0) {
62                int ignoreRest = ignore_ - n;
63                if (ignoreRest >= 0) {
64                    ignore_ = ignoreRest;
65                    return;
66                } else {
67                    start = ignore_;
68                    n = -ignoreRest;
69                    ignore_ = 0;
70                }
71            } */
73            int length = appended_;
74            appended_ += n;
76            int available = buffer_.length - length;
77            if (n <= available) {
78                System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buffer_, length, n);
79            } else {
80                AppendBeyondCapacity(bytes, 0, n, length);
81            }
82        }
84        public void Append(int b) {
85            /* not used in Java -- if (ignore_ > 0) {
86                --ignore_;
87            } else */ {
88                if (appended_ < buffer_.length || Resize(1, appended_)) {
89                    buffer_[appended_] = (byte) b;
90                }
91                ++appended_;
92            }
93        }
95        // Java porting note: This method is not used by collator implementation.
96        //
97        // virtual char *GetAppendBuffer(int min_capacity,
98        // int desired_capacity_hint,
99        // char *scratch, int scratch_capacity,
100        // int *result_capacity);
102        public int NumberOfBytesAppended() {
103            return appended_;
104        }
106        public int GetRemainingCapacity() {
107            return /* not used in Java -- ignore_ + */ buffer_.length - appended_;
108        }
110        public boolean Overflowed() {
111            return appended_ > buffer_.length;
112        }
114        /* not used in Java -- public boolean IsOk() {
115            return true;
116        } */
118        /**
119         * @param bytes
120         *            the array of byte
121         * @param start
122         *            the start index within the array to be appended
123         * @param n
124         *            the length of bytes to be appended
125         * @param length
126         *            the length of buffer required to store the entire data (i.e. already appended
127         *            bytes + bytes to be appended by this method)
128         */
129        protected abstract void AppendBeyondCapacity(byte[] bytes, int start, int n, int length);
131        protected abstract boolean Resize(int appendCapacity, int length);
132    }
134    public static class LevelCallback {
135        /**
136         * @param level
137         *            The next level about to be written to the ByteSink.
138         * @return true if the level is to be written (the base class implementation always returns
139         *         true)
140         */
141        boolean needToWrite(int level) {
142            return true;
143        }
144    }
145    public static final LevelCallback SIMPLE_LEVEL_FALLBACK = new LevelCallback();
147    private static final class SortKeyLevel {
148        private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 40;
150        byte[] buffer = new byte[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
151        int len = 0;
152        // not used in Java -- private static final boolean ok = true;  // In C++ "ok" is reset when memory allocations fail.
154        SortKeyLevel() {
155        }
157        /* not used in Java -- boolean isOk() {
158            return ok;
159        } */
161        boolean isEmpty() {
162            return len == 0;
163        }
165        int length() {
166            return len;
167        }
169        // Java porting note: Java uses this instead of C++ operator [] overload
170        // uint8_t operator[](int index)
171        byte getAt(int index) {
172            return buffer[index];
173        }
175        byte[] data() {
176            return buffer;
177        }
179        void appendByte(int b) {
180            if (len < buffer.length || ensureCapacity(1)) {
181                buffer[len++] = (byte) b;
182            }
183        }
185        void appendWeight16(int w) {
186            assert ((w & 0xffff) != 0);
187            byte b0 = (byte) (w >>> 8);
188            byte b1 = (byte) w;
189            int appendLength = (b1 == 0) ? 1 : 2;
190            if ((len + appendLength) <= buffer.length || ensureCapacity(appendLength)) {
191                buffer[len++] = b0;
192                if (b1 != 0) {
193                    buffer[len++] = b1;
194                }
195            }
196        }
198        void appendWeight32(long w) {
199            assert (w != 0);
200            byte[] bytes = new byte[] { (byte) (w >>> 24), (byte) (w >>> 16), (byte) (w >>> 8),
201                    (byte) w };
202            int appendLength = (bytes[1] == 0) ? 1 : (bytes[2] == 0) ? 2 : (bytes[3] == 0) ? 3 : 4;
203            if ((len + appendLength) <= buffer.length || ensureCapacity(appendLength)) {
204                buffer[len++] = bytes[0];
205                if (bytes[1] != 0) {
206                    buffer[len++] = bytes[1];
207                    if (bytes[2] != 0) {
208                        buffer[len++] = bytes[2];
209                        if (bytes[3] != 0) {
210                            buffer[len++] = bytes[3];
211                        }
212                    }
213                }
214            }
215        }
217        void appendReverseWeight16(int w) {
218            assert ((w & 0xffff) != 0);
219            byte b0 = (byte) (w >>> 8);
220            byte b1 = (byte) w;
221            int appendLength = (b1 == 0) ? 1 : 2;
222            if ((len + appendLength) <= buffer.length || ensureCapacity(appendLength)) {
223                if (b1 == 0) {
224                    buffer[len++] = b0;
225                } else {
226                    buffer[len] = b1;
227                    buffer[len + 1] = b0;
228                    len += 2;
229                }
230            }
231        }
233        // Appends all but the last byte to the sink. The last byte should be the 01 terminator.
234        void appendTo(SortKeyByteSink sink) {
235            assert (len > 0 && buffer[len - 1] == 1);
236            sink.Append(buffer, len - 1);
237        }
239        private boolean ensureCapacity(int appendCapacity) {
240            /* not used in Java -- if (!ok) {
241                return false;
242            } */
243            int newCapacity = 2 * buffer.length;
244            int altCapacity = len + 2 * appendCapacity;
245            if (newCapacity < altCapacity) {
246                newCapacity = altCapacity;
247            }
248            if (newCapacity < 200) {
249                newCapacity = 200;
250            }
251            byte[] newbuf = new byte[newCapacity];
252            System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newbuf, 0, len);
253            buffer = newbuf;
255            return true;
256        }
257    }
259    private static SortKeyLevel getSortKeyLevel(int levels, int level) {
260        return (levels & level) != 0 ? new SortKeyLevel() : null;
261    }
263    private CollationKeys() {
264    } // no instantiation
266    // Secondary level: Compress up to 33 common weights as 05..25 or 25..45.
267    private static final int SEC_COMMON_LOW = Collation.COMMON_BYTE;
268    private static final int SEC_COMMON_MIDDLE = SEC_COMMON_LOW + 0x20;
269    static final int SEC_COMMON_HIGH = SEC_COMMON_LOW + 0x40; // read by CollationDataReader
270    private static final int SEC_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x21;
272    // Case level, lowerFirst: Compress up to 7 common weights as 1..7 or 7..13.
273    private static final int CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW = 1;
274    private static final int CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MIDDLE = 7;
275    private static final int CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH = 13;
276    private static final int CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 7;
278    // Case level, upperFirst: Compress up to 13 common weights as 3..15.
279    private static final int CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW = 3;
280    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
281    private static final int CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH = 15;
282    private static final int CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 13;
284    // Tertiary level only (no case): Compress up to 97 common weights as 05..65 or 65..C5.
285    private static final int TER_ONLY_COMMON_LOW = Collation.COMMON_BYTE;
286    private static final int TER_ONLY_COMMON_MIDDLE = TER_ONLY_COMMON_LOW + 0x60;
287    private static final int TER_ONLY_COMMON_HIGH = TER_ONLY_COMMON_LOW + 0xc0;
288    private static final int TER_ONLY_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x61;
290    // Tertiary with case, lowerFirst: Compress up to 33 common weights as 05..25 or 25..45.
291    private static final int TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW = Collation.COMMON_BYTE;
292    private static final int TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MIDDLE = TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + 0x20;
293    private static final int TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH = TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + 0x40;
294    private static final int TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x21;
296    // Tertiary with case, upperFirst: Compress up to 33 common weights as 85..A5 or A5..C5.
297    private static final int TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW = Collation.COMMON_BYTE + 0x80;
298    private static final int TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MIDDLE = TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + 0x20;
299    private static final int TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH = TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + 0x40;
300    private static final int TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x21;
302    // Quaternary level: Compress up to 113 common weights as 1C..8C or 8C..FC.
303    private static final int QUAT_COMMON_LOW = 0x1c;
304    private static final int QUAT_COMMON_MIDDLE = QUAT_COMMON_LOW + 0x70;
305    private static final int QUAT_COMMON_HIGH = QUAT_COMMON_LOW + 0xE0;
306    private static final int QUAT_COMMON_MAX_COUNT = 0x71;
307    // Primary weights shifted to quaternary level must be encoded with
308    // a lead byte below the common-weight compression range.
309    private static final int QUAT_SHIFTED_LIMIT_BYTE = QUAT_COMMON_LOW - 1; // 0x1b
311    /**
312     * Map from collation strength (UColAttributeValue) to a mask of Collation.Level bits up to that
313     * strength, excluding the CASE_LEVEL which is independent of the strength, and excluding
314     * IDENTICAL_LEVEL which this function does not write.
315     */
316    private static final int levelMasks[] = new int[] {
317        2,          // UCOL_PRIMARY -> PRIMARY_LEVEL
318        6,          // UCOL_SECONDARY -> up to SECONDARY_LEVEL
319        0x16,       // UCOL_TERTIARY -> up to TERTIARY_LEVEL
320        0x36,       // UCOL_QUATERNARY -> up to QUATERNARY_LEVEL
321        0, 0, 0, 0,
322        0, 0, 0, 0,
323        0, 0, 0,
324        0x36        // UCOL_IDENTICAL -> up to QUATERNARY_LEVEL
325    };
327    /**
328     * Writes the sort key bytes for minLevel up to the iterator data's strength. Optionally writes
329     * the case level. Stops writing levels when callback.needToWrite(level) returns false.
330     * Separates levels with the LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE but does not write a TERMINATOR_BYTE.
331     */
332    public static void writeSortKeyUpToQuaternary(CollationIterator iter, boolean[] compressibleBytes,
333            CollationSettings settings, SortKeyByteSink sink, int minLevel, LevelCallback callback,
334            boolean preflight) {
336        int options = settings.options;
337        // Set of levels to process and write.
338        int levels = levelMasks[CollationSettings.getStrength(options)];
339        if ((options & CollationSettings.CASE_LEVEL) != 0) {
340            levels |= Collation.CASE_LEVEL_FLAG;
341        }
342        // Minus the levels below minLevel.
343        levels &= ~((1 << minLevel) - 1);
344        if (levels == 0) {
345            return;
346        }
348        long variableTop;
349        if ((options & CollationSettings.ALTERNATE_MASK) == 0) {
350            variableTop = 0;
351        } else {
352            // +1 so that we can use "<" and primary ignorables test out early.
353            variableTop = settings.variableTop + 1;
354        }
356        int tertiaryMask = CollationSettings.getTertiaryMask(options);
358        byte[] p234 = new byte[3];
359        SortKeyLevel cases = getSortKeyLevel(levels, Collation.CASE_LEVEL_FLAG);
360        SortKeyLevel secondaries = getSortKeyLevel(levels, Collation.SECONDARY_LEVEL_FLAG);
361        SortKeyLevel tertiaries = getSortKeyLevel(levels, Collation.TERTIARY_LEVEL_FLAG);
362        SortKeyLevel quaternaries = getSortKeyLevel(levels, Collation.QUATERNARY_LEVEL_FLAG);
364        long prevReorderedPrimary = 0;  // 0==no compression
365        int commonCases = 0;
366        int commonSecondaries = 0;
367        int commonTertiaries = 0;
368        int commonQuaternaries = 0;
370        int prevSecondary = 0;
371        int secSegmentStart = 0;
373        for (;;) {
374            // No need to keep all CEs in the buffer when we write a sort key.
375            iter.clearCEsIfNoneRemaining();
376            long ce = iter.nextCE();
377            long p = ce >>> 32;
378            if (p < variableTop && p > Collation.MERGE_SEPARATOR_PRIMARY) {
379                // Variable CE, shift it to quaternary level.
380                // Ignore all following primary ignorables, and shift further variable CEs.
381                if (commonQuaternaries != 0) {
382                    --commonQuaternaries;
383                    while (commonQuaternaries >= QUAT_COMMON_MAX_COUNT) {
384                        quaternaries.appendByte(QUAT_COMMON_MIDDLE);
385                        commonQuaternaries -= QUAT_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
386                    }
387                    // Shifted primary weights are lower than the common weight.
388                    quaternaries.appendByte(QUAT_COMMON_LOW + commonQuaternaries);
389                    commonQuaternaries = 0;
390                }
391                do {
392                    if ((levels & Collation.QUATERNARY_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
393                        if (settings.hasReordering()) {
394                            p = settings.reorder(p);
395                        }
396                        if (((int) p >>> 24) >= QUAT_SHIFTED_LIMIT_BYTE) {
397                            // Prevent shifted primary lead bytes from
398                            // overlapping with the common compression range.
399                            quaternaries.appendByte(QUAT_SHIFTED_LIMIT_BYTE);
400                        }
401                        quaternaries.appendWeight32(p);
402                    }
403                    do {
404                        ce = iter.nextCE();
405                        p = ce >>> 32;
406                    } while (p == 0);
407                } while (p < variableTop && p > Collation.MERGE_SEPARATOR_PRIMARY);
408            }
409            // ce could be primary ignorable, or NO_CE, or the merge separator,
410            // or a regular primary CE, but it is not variable.
411            // If ce==NO_CE, then write nothing for the primary level but
412            // terminate compression on all levels and then exit the loop.
413            if (p > Collation.NO_CE_PRIMARY && (levels & Collation.PRIMARY_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
414                // Test the un-reordered primary for compressibility.
415                boolean isCompressible = compressibleBytes[(int) p >>> 24];
416                if(settings.hasReordering()) {
417                    p = settings.reorder(p);
418                }
419                int p1 = (int) p >>> 24;
420                if (!isCompressible || p1 != ((int) prevReorderedPrimary >>> 24)) {
421                    if (prevReorderedPrimary != 0) {
422                        if (p < prevReorderedPrimary) {
423                            // No primary compression terminator
424                            // at the end of the level or merged segment.
425                            if (p1 > Collation.MERGE_SEPARATOR_BYTE) {
426                                sink.Append(Collation.PRIMARY_COMPRESSION_LOW_BYTE);
427                            }
428                        } else {
429                            sink.Append(Collation.PRIMARY_COMPRESSION_HIGH_BYTE);
430                        }
431                    }
432                    sink.Append(p1);
433                    if(isCompressible) {
434                        prevReorderedPrimary = p;
435                    } else {
436                        prevReorderedPrimary = 0;
437                    }
438                }
439                byte p2 = (byte) (p >>> 16);
440                if (p2 != 0) {
441                    p234[0] = p2;
442                    p234[1] = (byte) (p >>> 8);
443                    p234[2] = (byte) p;
444                    sink.Append(p234, (p234[1] == 0) ? 1 : (p234[2] == 0) ? 2 : 3);
445                }
446                // Optimization for internalNextSortKeyPart():
447                // When the primary level overflows we can stop because we need not
448                // calculate (preflight) the whole sort key length.
449                if (!preflight && sink.Overflowed()) {
450                    // not used in Java -- if (!sink.IsOk()) {
451                    // Java porting note: U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR is set here in
452                    // C implementation. IsOk() in Java always returns true, so this
453                    // is a dead code.
454                    return;
455                }
456            }
458            int lower32 = (int) ce;
459            if (lower32 == 0) {
460                continue;
461            } // completely ignorable, no secondary/case/tertiary/quaternary
463            if ((levels & Collation.SECONDARY_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
464                int s = lower32 >>> 16;  // 16 bits
465                if (s == 0) {
466                    // secondary ignorable
467                } else if (s == Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16 &&
468                        ((options & CollationSettings.BACKWARD_SECONDARY) == 0 ||
469                            p != Collation.MERGE_SEPARATOR_PRIMARY)) {
470                    // s is a common secondary weight, and
471                    // backwards-secondary is off or the ce is not the merge separator.
472                    ++commonSecondaries;
473                } else if ((options & CollationSettings.BACKWARD_SECONDARY) == 0) {
474                    if (commonSecondaries != 0) {
475                        --commonSecondaries;
476                        while (commonSecondaries >= SEC_COMMON_MAX_COUNT) {
477                            secondaries.appendByte(SEC_COMMON_MIDDLE);
478                            commonSecondaries -= SEC_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
479                        }
480                        int b;
481                        if (s < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
482                            b = SEC_COMMON_LOW + commonSecondaries;
483                        } else {
484                            b = SEC_COMMON_HIGH - commonSecondaries;
485                        }
486                        secondaries.appendByte(b);
487                        commonSecondaries = 0;
488                    }
489                    secondaries.appendWeight16(s);
490                } else {
491                    if (commonSecondaries != 0) {
492                        --commonSecondaries;
493                        // Append reverse weights. The level will be re-reversed later.
494                        int remainder = commonSecondaries % SEC_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
495                        int b;
496                        if (prevSecondary < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
497                            b = SEC_COMMON_LOW + remainder;
498                        } else {
499                            b = SEC_COMMON_HIGH - remainder;
500                        }
501                        secondaries.appendByte(b);
502                        commonSecondaries -= remainder;
503                        // commonSecondaries is now a multiple of SEC_COMMON_MAX_COUNT.
504                        while (commonSecondaries > 0) { // same as >= SEC_COMMON_MAX_COUNT
505                            secondaries.appendByte(SEC_COMMON_MIDDLE);
506                            commonSecondaries -= SEC_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
507                        }
508                        // commonSecondaries == 0
509                    }
510                    if (0 < p && p <= Collation.MERGE_SEPARATOR_PRIMARY) {
511                        // The backwards secondary level compares secondary weights backwards
512                        // within segments separated by the merge separator (U+FFFE).
513                        byte[] secs = secondaries.data();
514                        int last = secondaries.length() - 1;
515                        while (secSegmentStart < last) {
516                            byte b = secs[secSegmentStart];
517                            secs[secSegmentStart++] = secs[last];
518                            secs[last--] = b;
519                        }
520                        secondaries.appendByte(p == Collation.NO_CE_PRIMARY ?
521                            Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE : Collation.MERGE_SEPARATOR_BYTE);
522                        prevSecondary = 0;
523                        secSegmentStart = secondaries.length();
524                    } else {
525                        secondaries.appendReverseWeight16(s);
526                        prevSecondary = s;
527                    }
528                }
529            }
531            if ((levels & Collation.CASE_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
532                if ((CollationSettings.getStrength(options) == Collator.PRIMARY) ? p == 0
533                        : (lower32 >>> 16) == 0) {
534                    // Primary+caseLevel: Ignore case level weights of primary ignorables.
535                    // Otherwise: Ignore case level weights of secondary ignorables.
536                    // For details see the comments in the CollationCompare class.
537                } else {
538                    int c = (lower32 >>> 8) & 0xff; // case bits & tertiary lead byte
539                    assert ((c & 0xc0) != 0xc0);
540                    if ((c & 0xc0) == 0 && c > Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE) {
541                        ++commonCases;
542                    } else {
543                        if ((options & CollationSettings.UPPER_FIRST) == 0) {
544                            // lowerFirst: Compress common weights to nibbles 1..7..13, mixed=14,
545                            // upper=15.
546                            // If there are only common (=lowest) weights in the whole level,
547                            // then we need not write anything.
548                            // Level length differences are handled already on the next-higher level.
549                            if (commonCases != 0 &&
550                                    (c > Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE || !cases.isEmpty())) {
551                                --commonCases;
552                                while (commonCases >= CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT) {
553                                    cases.appendByte(CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MIDDLE << 4);
554                                    commonCases -= CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
555                                }
556                                int b;
557                                if (c <= Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE) {
558                                    b = CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + commonCases;
559                                } else {
560                                    b = CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH - commonCases;
561                                }
562                                cases.appendByte(b << 4);
563                                commonCases = 0;
564                            }
565                            if (c > Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE) {
566                                c = (CASE_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH + (c >>> 6)) << 4; // 14 or 15
567                            }
568                        } else {
569                            // upperFirst: Compress common weights to nibbles 3..15, mixed=2,
570                            // upper=1.
571                            // The compressed common case weights only go up from the "low" value
572                            // because with upperFirst the common weight is the highest one.
573                            if (commonCases != 0) {
574                                --commonCases;
575                                while (commonCases >= CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT) {
576                                    cases.appendByte(CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW << 4);
577                                    commonCases -= CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
578                                }
579                                cases.appendByte((CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + commonCases) << 4);
580                                commonCases = 0;
581                            }
582                            if (c > Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE) {
583                                c = (CASE_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW - (c >>> 6)) << 4; // 2 or 1
584                            }
585                        }
586                        // c is a separator byte 01,
587                        // or a left-shifted nibble 0x10, 0x20, ... 0xf0.
588                        cases.appendByte(c);
589                    }
590                }
591            }
593            if ((levels & Collation.TERTIARY_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
594                int t = lower32 & tertiaryMask;
595                assert ((lower32 & 0xc000) != 0xc000);
596                if (t == Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
597                    ++commonTertiaries;
598                } else if ((tertiaryMask & 0x8000) == 0) {
599                    // Tertiary weights without case bits.
600                    // Move lead bytes 06..3F to C6..FF for a large common-weight range.
601                    if (commonTertiaries != 0) {
602                        --commonTertiaries;
603                        while (commonTertiaries >= TER_ONLY_COMMON_MAX_COUNT) {
604                            tertiaries.appendByte(TER_ONLY_COMMON_MIDDLE);
605                            commonTertiaries -= TER_ONLY_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
606                        }
607                        int b;
608                        if (t < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
609                            b = TER_ONLY_COMMON_LOW + commonTertiaries;
610                        } else {
611                            b = TER_ONLY_COMMON_HIGH - commonTertiaries;
612                        }
613                        tertiaries.appendByte(b);
614                        commonTertiaries = 0;
615                    }
616                    if (t > Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
617                        t += 0xc000;
618                    }
619                    tertiaries.appendWeight16(t);
620                } else if ((options & CollationSettings.UPPER_FIRST) == 0) {
621                    // Tertiary weights with caseFirst=lowerFirst.
622                    // Move lead bytes 06..BF to 46..FF for the common-weight range.
623                    if (commonTertiaries != 0) {
624                        --commonTertiaries;
625                        while (commonTertiaries >= TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT) {
626                            tertiaries.appendByte(TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MIDDLE);
627                            commonTertiaries -= TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
628                        }
629                        int b;
630                        if (t < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
631                            b = TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + commonTertiaries;
632                        } else {
633                            b = TER_LOWER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH - commonTertiaries;
634                        }
635                        tertiaries.appendByte(b);
636                        commonTertiaries = 0;
637                    }
638                    if (t > Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
639                        t += 0x4000;
640                    }
641                    tertiaries.appendWeight16(t);
642                } else {
643                    // Tertiary weights with caseFirst=upperFirst.
644                    // Do not change the artificial uppercase weight of a tertiary CE (0.0.ut),
645                    // to keep tertiary CEs well-formed.
646                    // Their case+tertiary weights must be greater than those of
647                    // primary and secondary CEs.
648                    //
649                    // Separator         01 -> 01      (unchanged)
650                    // Lowercase     02..04 -> 82..84  (includes uncased)
651                    // Common weight     05 -> 85..C5  (common-weight compression range)
652                    // Lowercase     06..3F -> C6..FF
653                    // Mixed case    42..7F -> 42..7F
654                    // Uppercase     82..BF -> 02..3F
655                    // Tertiary CE   86..BF -> C6..FF
656                    if (t <= Collation.NO_CE_WEIGHT16) {
657                        // Keep separators unchanged.
658                    } else if ((lower32 >>> 16) != 0) {
659                        // Invert case bits of primary & secondary CEs.
660                        t ^= 0xc000;
661                        if (t < (TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH << 8)) {
662                            t -= 0x4000;
663                        }
664                    } else {
665                        // Keep uppercase bits of tertiary CEs.
666                        assert (0x8600 <= t && t <= 0xbfff);
667                        t += 0x4000;
668                    }
669                    if (commonTertiaries != 0) {
670                        --commonTertiaries;
671                        while (commonTertiaries >= TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT) {
672                            tertiaries.appendByte(TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MIDDLE);
673                            commonTertiaries -= TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
674                        }
675                        int b;
676                        if (t < (TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW << 8)) {
677                            b = TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_LOW + commonTertiaries;
678                        } else {
679                            b = TER_UPPER_FIRST_COMMON_HIGH - commonTertiaries;
680                        }
681                        tertiaries.appendByte(b);
682                        commonTertiaries = 0;
683                    }
684                    tertiaries.appendWeight16(t);
685                }
686            }
688            if ((levels & Collation.QUATERNARY_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
689                int q = lower32 & 0xffff;
690                if ((q & 0xc0) == 0 && q > Collation.NO_CE_WEIGHT16) {
691                    ++commonQuaternaries;
692                } else if (q == Collation.NO_CE_WEIGHT16
693                        && (options & CollationSettings.ALTERNATE_MASK) == 0
694                        && quaternaries.isEmpty()) {
695                    // If alternate=non-ignorable and there are only common quaternary weights,
696                    // then we need not write anything.
697                    // The only weights greater than the merge separator and less than the common
698                    // weight
699                    // are shifted primary weights, which are not generated for
700                    // alternate=non-ignorable.
701                    // There are also exactly as many quaternary weights as tertiary weights,
702                    // so level length differences are handled already on tertiary level.
703                    // Any above-common quaternary weight will compare greater regardless.
704                    quaternaries.appendByte(Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE);
705                } else {
706                    if (q == Collation.NO_CE_WEIGHT16) {
707                        q = Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE;
708                    } else {
709                        q = 0xfc + ((q >>> 6) & 3);
710                    }
711                    if (commonQuaternaries != 0) {
712                        --commonQuaternaries;
713                        while (commonQuaternaries >= QUAT_COMMON_MAX_COUNT) {
714                            quaternaries.appendByte(QUAT_COMMON_MIDDLE);
715                            commonQuaternaries -= QUAT_COMMON_MAX_COUNT;
716                        }
717                        int b;
718                        if (q < QUAT_COMMON_LOW) {
719                            b = QUAT_COMMON_LOW + commonQuaternaries;
720                        } else {
721                            b = QUAT_COMMON_HIGH - commonQuaternaries;
722                        }
723                        quaternaries.appendByte(b);
724                        commonQuaternaries = 0;
725                    }
726                    quaternaries.appendByte(q);
727                }
728            }
730            if ((lower32 >>> 24) == Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE) {
731                break;
732            } // ce == NO_CE
733        }
735        // Append the beyond-primary levels.
736        // not used in Java -- boolean ok = true;
737        if ((levels & Collation.SECONDARY_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
738            if (!callback.needToWrite(Collation.SECONDARY_LEVEL)) {
739                return;
740            }
741            // not used in Java -- ok &= secondaries.isOk();
742            sink.Append(Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE);
743            secondaries.appendTo(sink);
744        }
746        if ((levels & Collation.CASE_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
747            if (!callback.needToWrite(Collation.CASE_LEVEL)) {
748                return;
749            }
750            // not used in Java -- ok &= cases.isOk();
751            sink.Append(Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE);
752            // Write pairs of nibbles as bytes, except separator bytes as themselves.
753            int length = cases.length() - 1; // Ignore the trailing NO_CE.
754            byte b = 0;
755            for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
756                byte c = cases.getAt(i);
757                assert ((c & 0xf) == 0 && c != 0);
758                if (b == 0) {
759                    b = c;
760                } else {
761                    sink.Append(b | ((c >> 4) & 0xf));
762                    b = 0;
763                }
764            }
765            if (b != 0) {
766                sink.Append(b);
767            }
768        }
770        if ((levels & Collation.TERTIARY_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
771            if (!callback.needToWrite(Collation.TERTIARY_LEVEL)) {
772                return;
773            }
774            // not used in Java -- ok &= tertiaries.isOk();
775            sink.Append(Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE);
776            tertiaries.appendTo(sink);
777        }
779        if ((levels & Collation.QUATERNARY_LEVEL_FLAG) != 0) {
780            if (!callback.needToWrite(Collation.QUATERNARY_LEVEL)) {
781                return;
782            }
783            // not used in Java -- ok &= quaternaries.isOk();
784            sink.Append(Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE);
785            quaternaries.appendTo(sink);
786        }
788        // not used in Java -- if (!ok || !sink.IsOk()) {
789        // Java porting note: U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR is set here in
790        // C implementation. IsOk() in Java always returns true, so this
791        // is a dead code.
792    }