2 *******************************************************************************
3 * Copyright (C) 1996-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
4 * others. All Rights Reserved.
5 *******************************************************************************
6 */
7package com.ibm.icu.text;
9import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
10import java.lang.reflect.Method;
11import java.text.CharacterIterator;
12import java.text.ParseException;
13import java.util.Arrays;
14import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
15import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
17import com.ibm.icu.impl.ClassLoaderUtil;
18import com.ibm.icu.impl.Normalizer2Impl;
19import com.ibm.icu.impl.Normalizer2Impl.ReorderingBuffer;
20import com.ibm.icu.impl.Utility;
21import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.BOCSU;
22import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.Collation;
23import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationCompare;
24import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationData;
25import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationFastLatin;
26import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationIterator;
27import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationKeys;
28import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationKeys.SortKeyByteSink;
29import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationLoader;
30import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationRoot;
31import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationSettings;
32import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationTailoring;
33import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.ContractionsAndExpansions;
34import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.FCDUTF16CollationIterator;
35import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.SharedObject;
36import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.TailoredSet;
37import com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.UTF16CollationIterator;
38import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript;
39import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
40import com.ibm.icu.util.VersionInfo;
43 * <p>
44 * RuleBasedCollator is a concrete subclass of Collator. It allows customization of the Collator via user-specified rule
45 * sets. RuleBasedCollator is designed to be fully compliant to the <a
46 * href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr10/">Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA)</a> and conforms to ISO 14651.
47 *
48 * <p>A Collator is thread-safe only when frozen. See {{@link #isFrozen()} and {@link com.ibm.icu.util.Freezable}.
49 *
50 * <p>
51 * Users are strongly encouraged to read the <a href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/collation">User
52 * Guide</a> for more information about the collation service before using this class.
53 *
54 * <p>
55 * Create a RuleBasedCollator from a locale by calling the getInstance(Locale) factory method in the base class
56 * Collator. Collator.getInstance(Locale) creates a RuleBasedCollator object based on the collation rules defined by the
57 * argument locale. If a customized collation ordering or attributes is required, use the RuleBasedCollator(String)
58 * constructor with the appropriate rules. The customized RuleBasedCollator will base its ordering on the CLDR root collation, while
59 * re-adjusting the attributes and orders of the characters in the specified rule accordingly.
60 *
61 * <p>
62 * RuleBasedCollator provides correct collation orders for most locales supported in ICU. If specific data for a locale
63 * is not available, the orders eventually falls back to the
64 * <a href="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-collation.html#Root_Collation">CLDR root sort order</a>.
65 *
66 * <p>
67 * For information about the collation rule syntax and details about customization, please refer to the <a
68 * href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/collation/customization">Collation customization</a> section of the
69 * User Guide.
70 *
71 * <p>
72 * <strong>Note</strong> that there are some differences between the Collation rule syntax used in Java and ICU4J:
73 *
74 * <ul>
75 * <li>According to the JDK documentation: <br>
76 * <i>Modifier '!' : Turns on Thai/Lao vowel-consonant swapping. If this rule is in force when a Thai vowel of the range
77 * &#92;U0E40-&#92;U0E44 precedes a Thai consonant of the range &#92;U0E01-&#92;U0E2E OR a Lao vowel of the range
78 * &#92;U0EC0-&#92;U0EC4 precedes a Lao consonant of the range &#92;U0E81-&#92;U0EAE then the vowel is placed after the
79 * consonant for collation purposes.
80 * <br>
81 * If a rule is without the modifier '!', the Thai/Lao vowel-consonant swapping is not turned on.
82 * </i>
83 * <br>
84 * ICU4J's RuleBasedCollator does not support turning off the Thai/Lao vowel-consonant swapping, since the UCA clearly
85 * states that it has to be supported to ensure a correct sorting order. If a '!' is encountered, it is ignored.</li>
86 * <li>As mentioned in the documentation of the base class Collator, compatibility decomposition mode is not supported.</li>
87 * </ul>
88 * <p>
89 * <strong>Examples</strong>
90 * <p>
91 * Creating Customized RuleBasedCollators: <blockquote>
92 *
93 * <pre>
94 * String simple = "&amp; a &lt; b &lt; c &lt; d";
95 * RuleBasedCollator simpleCollator = new RuleBasedCollator(simple);
96 *
97 * String norwegian = "&amp; a , A &lt; b , B &lt; c , C &lt; d , D &lt; e , E "
98 *                    + "&lt; f , F &lt; g , G &lt; h , H &lt; i , I &lt; j , "
99 *                    + "J &lt; k , K &lt; l , L &lt; m , M &lt; n , N &lt; "
100 *                    + "o , O &lt; p , P &lt; q , Q &lt;r , R &lt;s , S &lt; "
101 *                    + "t , T &lt; u , U &lt; v , V &lt; w , W &lt; x , X "
102 *                    + "&lt; y , Y &lt; z , Z &lt; &#92;u00E5 = a&#92;u030A "
103 *                    + ", &#92;u00C5 = A&#92;u030A ; aa , AA &lt; &#92;u00E6 "
104 *                    + ", &#92;u00C6 &lt; &#92;u00F8 , &#92;u00D8";
105 * RuleBasedCollator norwegianCollator = new RuleBasedCollator(norwegian);
106 * </pre>
107 *
108 * </blockquote>
109 *
110 * Concatenating rules to combine <code>Collator</code>s: <blockquote>
111 *
112 * <pre>
113 * // Create an en_US Collator object
114 * RuleBasedCollator en_USCollator = (RuleBasedCollator)
115 *     Collator.getInstance(new Locale("en", "US", ""));
116 * // Create a da_DK Collator object
117 * RuleBasedCollator da_DKCollator = (RuleBasedCollator)
118 *     Collator.getInstance(new Locale("da", "DK", ""));
119 * // Combine the two
120 * // First, get the collation rules from en_USCollator
121 * String en_USRules = en_USCollator.getRules();
122 * // Second, get the collation rules from da_DKCollator
123 * String da_DKRules = da_DKCollator.getRules();
124 * RuleBasedCollator newCollator =
125 *                             new RuleBasedCollator(en_USRules + da_DKRules);
126 * // newCollator has the combined rules
127 * </pre>
128 *
129 * </blockquote>
130 *
131 * Making changes to an existing RuleBasedCollator to create a new <code>Collator</code> object, by appending changes to
132 * the existing rule: <blockquote>
133 *
134 * <pre>
135 * // Create a new Collator object with additional rules
136 * String addRules = "&amp; C &lt; ch, cH, Ch, CH";
137 * RuleBasedCollator myCollator =
138 *     new RuleBasedCollator(en_USCollator.getRules() + addRules);
139 * // myCollator contains the new rules
140 * </pre>
141 *
142 * </blockquote>
143 *
144 * How to change the order of non-spacing accents: <blockquote>
145 *
146 * <pre>
147 * // old rule with main accents
148 * String oldRules = "= &#92;u0301 ; &#92;u0300 ; &#92;u0302 ; &#92;u0308 "
149 *                 + "; &#92;u0327 ; &#92;u0303 ; &#92;u0304 ; &#92;u0305 "
150 *                 + "; &#92;u0306 ; &#92;u0307 ; &#92;u0309 ; &#92;u030A "
151 *                 + "; &#92;u030B ; &#92;u030C ; &#92;u030D ; &#92;u030E "
152 *                 + "; &#92;u030F ; &#92;u0310 ; &#92;u0311 ; &#92;u0312 "
153 *                 + "&lt; a , A ; ae, AE ; &#92;u00e6 , &#92;u00c6 "
154 *                 + "&lt; b , B &lt; c, C &lt; e, E &amp; C &lt; d , D";
155 * // change the order of accent characters
156 * String addOn = "&amp; &#92;u0300 ; &#92;u0308 ; &#92;u0302";
157 * RuleBasedCollator myCollator = new RuleBasedCollator(oldRules + addOn);
158 * </pre>
159 *
160 * </blockquote>
161 *
162 * Putting in a new primary ordering before the default setting, e.g. sort English characters before or after Japanese
163 * characters in the Japanese <code>Collator</code>: <blockquote>
164 *
165 * <pre>
166 * // get en_US Collator rules
167 * RuleBasedCollator en_USCollator
168 *                        = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.getInstance(Locale.US);
169 * // add a few Japanese characters to sort before English characters
170 * // suppose the last character before the first base letter 'a' in
171 * // the English collation rule is &#92;u2212
172 * String jaString = "&amp; &#92;u2212 &lt;&#92;u3041, &#92;u3042 &lt;&#92;u3043, "
173 *                   + "&#92;u3044";
174 * RuleBasedCollator myJapaneseCollator
175 *              = new RuleBasedCollator(en_USCollator.getRules() + jaString);
176 * </pre>
177 *
178 * </blockquote>
179 * <p>
180 * This class is not subclassable
181 *
182 * @author Syn Wee Quek
183 * @stable ICU 2.8
184 */
185public final class RuleBasedCollator extends Collator {
186    // public constructors ---------------------------------------------------
188    /**
189     * <p>
190     * Constructor that takes the argument rules for customization.
191     * The collator will be based on the CLDR root collation, with the
192     * attributes and re-ordering of the characters specified in the argument rules.
193     * <p>
194     * See the User Guide's section on <a href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/collation/customization">
195     * Collation Customization</a> for details on the rule syntax.
196     *
197     * @param rules
198     *            the collation rules to build the collation table from.
199     * @exception ParseException
200     *                and IOException thrown. ParseException thrown when argument rules have an invalid syntax.
201     *                IOException thrown when an error occurred while reading internal data.
202     * @stable ICU 2.8
203     */
204    public RuleBasedCollator(String rules) throws Exception {
205        if (rules == null) {
206            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collation rules can not be null");
207        }
208        validLocale = ULocale.ROOT;
209        internalBuildTailoring(rules);
210    }
212    /**
213     * Implements from-rule constructors.
214     * @param rules rule string
215     * @throws Exception
216     */
217    private final void internalBuildTailoring(String rules) throws Exception {
218        CollationTailoring base = CollationRoot.getRoot();
219        // Most code using Collator does not need to build a Collator from rules.
220        // By using reflection, most code will not have a static dependency on the builder code.
221        // CollationBuilder builder = new CollationBuilder(base);
222        ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoaderUtil.getClassLoader(getClass());
223        CollationTailoring t;
224        try {
225            Class<?> builderClass = classLoader.loadClass("com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationBuilder");
226            Object builder = builderClass.getConstructor(CollationTailoring.class).newInstance(base);
227            // builder.parseAndBuild(rules);
228            Method parseAndBuild = builderClass.getMethod("parseAndBuild", String.class);
229            t = (CollationTailoring)parseAndBuild.invoke(builder, rules);
230        } catch(InvocationTargetException e) {
231            throw (Exception)e.getTargetException();
232        }
233        t.actualLocale = null;
234        adoptTailoring(t);
235    }
237    // public methods --------------------------------------------------------
239    /**
240     * Clones the RuleBasedCollator
241     *
242     * @return a new instance of this RuleBasedCollator object
243     * @stable ICU 2.8
244     */
245    @Override
246    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
247        if (isFrozen()) {
248            return this;
249        }
250        return cloneAsThawed();
251    }
253    private final void initMaxExpansions() {
254        synchronized(tailoring) {
255            if (tailoring.maxExpansions == null) {
256                tailoring.maxExpansions = CollationElementIterator.computeMaxExpansions(tailoring.data);
257            }
258        }
259    }
261    /**
262     * Return a CollationElementIterator for the given String.
263     *
264     * @see CollationElementIterator
265     * @stable ICU 2.8
266     */
267    public CollationElementIterator getCollationElementIterator(String source) {
268        initMaxExpansions();
269        return new CollationElementIterator(source, this);
270    }
272    /**
273     * Return a CollationElementIterator for the given CharacterIterator. The source iterator's integrity will be
274     * preserved since a new copy will be created for use.
275     *
276     * @see CollationElementIterator
277     * @stable ICU 2.8
278     */
279    public CollationElementIterator getCollationElementIterator(CharacterIterator source) {
280        initMaxExpansions();
281        CharacterIterator newsource = (CharacterIterator) source.clone();
282        return new CollationElementIterator(newsource, this);
283    }
285    /**
286     * Return a CollationElementIterator for the given UCharacterIterator. The source iterator's integrity will be
287     * preserved since a new copy will be created for use.
288     *
289     * @see CollationElementIterator
290     * @stable ICU 2.8
291     */
292    public CollationElementIterator getCollationElementIterator(UCharacterIterator source) {
293        initMaxExpansions();
294        return new CollationElementIterator(source, this);
295    }
297    // Freezable interface implementation -------------------------------------------------
299    /**
300     * Determines whether the object has been frozen or not.
301     *
302     * <p>An unfrozen Collator is mutable and not thread-safe.
303     * A frozen Collator is immutable and thread-safe.
304     *
305     * @stable ICU 4.8
306     */
307    @Override
308    public boolean isFrozen() {
309        return frozenLock != null;
310    }
312    /**
313     * Freezes the collator.
314     * @return the collator itself.
315     * @stable ICU 4.8
316     */
317    @Override
318    public Collator freeze() {
319        if (!isFrozen()) {
320            frozenLock = new ReentrantLock();
321            if (collationBuffer == null) {
322                collationBuffer = new CollationBuffer(data);
323            }
324        }
325        return this;
326    }
328    /**
329     * Provides for the clone operation. Any clone is initially unfrozen.
330     * @stable ICU 4.8
331     */
332    @Override
333    public RuleBasedCollator cloneAsThawed() {
334        try {
335            RuleBasedCollator result = (RuleBasedCollator) super.clone();
336            // since all collation data in the RuleBasedCollator do not change
337            // we can safely assign the result.fields to this collator
338            // except in cases where we can't
339            result.settings = settings.clone();
340            result.collationBuffer = null;
341            result.frozenLock = null;
342            return result;
343        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
344            // Clone is implemented
345            return null;
346        }
347    }
349    // public setters --------------------------------------------------------
351    private void checkNotFrozen() {
352        if (isFrozen()) {
353            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen RuleBasedCollator");
354        }
355    }
357    private final CollationSettings getOwnedSettings() {
358        return settings.copyOnWrite();
359    }
361    private final CollationSettings getDefaultSettings() {
362        return tailoring.settings.readOnly();
363    }
365    /**
366     * Sets the Hiragana Quaternary mode to be on or off. When the Hiragana Quaternary mode is turned on, the collator
367     * positions Hiragana characters before all non-ignorable characters in QUATERNARY strength. This is to produce a
368     * correct JIS collation order, distinguishing between Katakana and Hiragana characters.
369     *
370     * <p>This attribute was an implementation detail of the CLDR Japanese tailoring.
371     * Since ICU 50, this attribute is not settable any more via API functions.
372     * Since CLDR 25/ICU 53, explicit quaternary relations are used
373     * to achieve the same Japanese sort order.
374     *
375     * @param flag
376     *            true if Hiragana Quaternary mode is to be on, false otherwise
377     * @see #setHiraganaQuaternaryDefault
378     * @see #isHiraganaQuaternary
379     * @deprecated ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, was removed from implementation.
380     */
381    @Deprecated
382    public void setHiraganaQuaternary(boolean flag) {
383        checkNotFrozen();
384    }
386    /**
387     * Sets the Hiragana Quaternary mode to the initial mode set during construction of the RuleBasedCollator. See
388     * setHiraganaQuaternary(boolean) for more details.
389     *
390     * <p>This attribute was an implementation detail of the CLDR Japanese tailoring.
391     * Since ICU 50, this attribute is not settable any more via API functions.
392     * Since CLDR 25/ICU 53, explicit quaternary relations are used
393     * to achieve the same Japanese sort order.
394     *
395     * @see #setHiraganaQuaternary(boolean)
396     * @see #isHiraganaQuaternary
397     * @deprecated ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, was removed from implementation.
398     */
399    @Deprecated
400    public void setHiraganaQuaternaryDefault() {
401        checkNotFrozen();
402    }
404    /**
405     * Sets whether uppercase characters sort before lowercase characters or vice versa, in strength TERTIARY. The
406     * default mode is false, and so lowercase characters sort before uppercase characters. If true, sort upper case
407     * characters first.
408     *
409     * @param upperfirst
410     *            true to sort uppercase characters before lowercase characters, false to sort lowercase characters
411     *            before uppercase characters
412     * @see #isLowerCaseFirst
413     * @see #isUpperCaseFirst
414     * @see #setLowerCaseFirst
415     * @see #setCaseFirstDefault
416     * @stable ICU 2.8
417     */
418    public void setUpperCaseFirst(boolean upperfirst) {
419        checkNotFrozen();
420        if (upperfirst == isUpperCaseFirst()) { return; }
421        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
422        ownedSettings.setCaseFirst(upperfirst ? CollationSettings.CASE_FIRST_AND_UPPER_MASK : 0);
423        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
424    }
426    /**
427     * Sets the orders of lower cased characters to sort before upper cased characters, in strength TERTIARY. The
428     * default mode is false. If true is set, the RuleBasedCollator will sort lower cased characters before the upper
429     * cased ones. Otherwise, if false is set, the RuleBasedCollator will ignore case preferences.
430     *
431     * @param lowerfirst
432     *            true for sorting lower cased characters before upper cased characters, false to ignore case
433     *            preferences.
434     * @see #isLowerCaseFirst
435     * @see #isUpperCaseFirst
436     * @see #setUpperCaseFirst
437     * @see #setCaseFirstDefault
438     * @stable ICU 2.8
439     */
440    public void setLowerCaseFirst(boolean lowerfirst) {
441        checkNotFrozen();
442        if (lowerfirst == isLowerCaseFirst()) { return; }
443        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
444        ownedSettings.setCaseFirst(lowerfirst ? CollationSettings.CASE_FIRST : 0);
445        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
446    }
448    /**
449     * Sets the case first mode to the initial mode set during construction of the RuleBasedCollator. See
450     * setUpperCaseFirst(boolean) and setLowerCaseFirst(boolean) for more details.
451     *
452     * @see #isLowerCaseFirst
453     * @see #isUpperCaseFirst
454     * @see #setLowerCaseFirst(boolean)
455     * @see #setUpperCaseFirst(boolean)
456     * @stable ICU 2.8
457     */
458    public final void setCaseFirstDefault() {
459        checkNotFrozen();
460        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
461        if(settings.readOnly() == defaultSettings) { return; }
462        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
463        ownedSettings.setCaseFirstDefault(defaultSettings.options);
464        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
465    }
467    /**
468     * Sets the alternate handling mode to the initial mode set during construction of the RuleBasedCollator. See
469     * setAlternateHandling(boolean) for more details.
470     *
471     * @see #setAlternateHandlingShifted(boolean)
472     * @see #isAlternateHandlingShifted()
473     * @stable ICU 2.8
474     */
475    public void setAlternateHandlingDefault() {
476        checkNotFrozen();
477        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
478        if(settings.readOnly() == defaultSettings) { return; }
479        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
480        ownedSettings.setAlternateHandlingDefault(defaultSettings.options);
481        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
482    }
484    /**
485     * Sets the case level mode to the initial mode set during construction of the RuleBasedCollator. See
486     * setCaseLevel(boolean) for more details.
487     *
488     * @see #setCaseLevel(boolean)
489     * @see #isCaseLevel
490     * @stable ICU 2.8
491     */
492    public void setCaseLevelDefault() {
493        checkNotFrozen();
494        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
495        if(settings.readOnly() == defaultSettings) { return; }
496        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
497        ownedSettings.setFlagDefault(CollationSettings.CASE_LEVEL, defaultSettings.options);
498        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
499    }
501    /**
502     * Sets the decomposition mode to the initial mode set during construction of the RuleBasedCollator. See
503     * setDecomposition(int) for more details.
504     *
505     * @see #getDecomposition
506     * @see #setDecomposition(int)
507     * @stable ICU 2.8
508     */
509    public void setDecompositionDefault() {
510        checkNotFrozen();
511        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
512        if(settings.readOnly() == defaultSettings) { return; }
513        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
514        ownedSettings.setFlagDefault(CollationSettings.CHECK_FCD, defaultSettings.options);
515        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
516    }
518    /**
519     * Sets the French collation mode to the initial mode set during construction of the RuleBasedCollator. See
520     * setFrenchCollation(boolean) for more details.
521     *
522     * @see #isFrenchCollation
523     * @see #setFrenchCollation(boolean)
524     * @stable ICU 2.8
525     */
526    public void setFrenchCollationDefault() {
527        checkNotFrozen();
528        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
529        if(settings.readOnly() == defaultSettings) { return; }
530        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
531        ownedSettings.setFlagDefault(CollationSettings.BACKWARD_SECONDARY, defaultSettings.options);
532        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
533    }
535    /**
536     * Sets the collation strength to the initial mode set during the construction of the RuleBasedCollator. See
537     * setStrength(int) for more details.
538     *
539     * @see #setStrength(int)
540     * @see #getStrength
541     * @stable ICU 2.8
542     */
543    public void setStrengthDefault() {
544        checkNotFrozen();
545        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
546        if(settings.readOnly() == defaultSettings) { return; }
547        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
548        ownedSettings.setStrengthDefault(defaultSettings.options);
549        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
550    }
552    /**
553     * Method to set numeric collation to its default value.
554     *
555     * @see #getNumericCollation
556     * @see #setNumericCollation
557     * @stable ICU 2.8
558     */
559    public void setNumericCollationDefault() {
560        checkNotFrozen();
561        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
562        if(settings.readOnly() == defaultSettings) { return; }
563        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
564        ownedSettings.setFlagDefault(CollationSettings.NUMERIC, defaultSettings.options);
565        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
566    }
568    /**
569     * Sets the mode for the direction of SECONDARY weights to be used in French collation. The default value is false,
570     * which treats SECONDARY weights in the order they appear. If set to true, the SECONDARY weights will be sorted
571     * backwards. See the section on <a href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/collation/architecture">
572     * French collation</a> for more information.
573     *
574     * @param flag
575     *            true to set the French collation on, false to set it off
576     * @stable ICU 2.8
577     * @see #isFrenchCollation
578     * @see #setFrenchCollationDefault
579     */
580    public void setFrenchCollation(boolean flag) {
581        checkNotFrozen();
582        if(flag == isFrenchCollation()) { return; }
583        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
584        ownedSettings.setFlag(CollationSettings.BACKWARD_SECONDARY, flag);
585        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
586    }
588    /**
589     * Sets the alternate handling for QUATERNARY strength to be either shifted or non-ignorable. See the UCA definition
590     * on <a href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr10/#Variable_Weighting">Variable Weighting</a>. This
591     * attribute will only be effective when QUATERNARY strength is set. The default value for this mode is false,
592     * corresponding to the NON_IGNORABLE mode in UCA. In the NON_IGNORABLE mode, the RuleBasedCollator treats all
593     * the code points with non-ignorable primary weights in the same way. If the mode is set to true, the behavior
594     * corresponds to SHIFTED defined in UCA, this causes code points with PRIMARY orders that are equal or below the
595     * variable top value to be ignored in PRIMARY order and moved to the QUATERNARY order.
596     *
597     * @param shifted
598     *            true if SHIFTED behavior for alternate handling is desired, false for the NON_IGNORABLE behavior.
599     * @see #isAlternateHandlingShifted
600     * @see #setAlternateHandlingDefault
601     * @stable ICU 2.8
602     */
603    public void setAlternateHandlingShifted(boolean shifted) {
604        checkNotFrozen();
605        if(shifted == isAlternateHandlingShifted()) { return; }
606        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
607        ownedSettings.setAlternateHandlingShifted(shifted);
608        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
609    }
611    /**
612     * <p>
613     * When case level is set to true, an additional weight is formed between the SECONDARY and TERTIARY weight, known
614     * as the case level. The case level is used to distinguish large and small Japanese Kana characters. Case level
615     * could also be used in other situations. For example to distinguish certain Pinyin characters. The default value
616     * is false, which means the case level is not generated. The contents of the case level are affected by the case
617     * first mode. A simple way to ignore accent differences in a string is to set the strength to PRIMARY and enable
618     * case level.
619     * <p>
620     * See the section on <a href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/collation/architecture">case
621     * level</a> for more information.
622     *
623     * @param flag
624     *            true if case level sorting is required, false otherwise
625     * @stable ICU 2.8
626     * @see #setCaseLevelDefault
627     * @see #isCaseLevel
628     */
629    public void setCaseLevel(boolean flag) {
630        checkNotFrozen();
631        if(flag == isCaseLevel()) { return; }
632        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
633        ownedSettings.setFlag(CollationSettings.CASE_LEVEL, flag);
634        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
635    }
637    /**
638     * Sets the decomposition mode of this Collator.  Setting this
639     * decomposition attribute with CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION allows the
640     * Collator to handle un-normalized text properly, producing the
641     * same results as if the text were normalized. If
642     * NO_DECOMPOSITION is set, it is the user's responsibility to
643     * insure that all text is already in the appropriate form before
644     * a comparison or before getting a CollationKey. Adjusting
645     * decomposition mode allows the user to select between faster and
646     * more complete collation behavior.
647     *
648     * <p>Since a great many of the world's languages do not require
649     * text normalization, most locales set NO_DECOMPOSITION as the
650     * default decomposition mode.
651     *
652     * The default decompositon mode for the Collator is
653     * NO_DECOMPOSITON, unless specified otherwise by the locale used
654     * to create the Collator.
655     *
656     * <p>See getDecomposition for a description of decomposition
657     * mode.
658     *
659     * @param decomposition the new decomposition mode
660     * @see #getDecomposition
661     * @see #NO_DECOMPOSITION
663     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given value is not a valid
664     *            decomposition mode.
665     * @stable ICU 2.8
666     */
667    @Override
668    public void setDecomposition(int decomposition)
669    {
670        checkNotFrozen();
671        boolean flag;
672        switch(decomposition) {
673        case NO_DECOMPOSITION:
674            flag = false;
675            break;
677            flag = true;
678            break;
679        default:
680            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong decomposition mode.");
681        }
682        if(flag == settings.readOnly().getFlag(CollationSettings.CHECK_FCD)) { return; }
683        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
684        ownedSettings.setFlag(CollationSettings.CHECK_FCD, flag);
685        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
686    }
688    /**
689     * Sets this Collator's strength attribute. The strength attribute determines the minimum level of difference
690     * considered significant during comparison.
691     *
692     * <p>See the Collator class description for an example of use.
693     *
694     * @param newStrength
695     *            the new strength value.
696     * @see #getStrength
697     * @see #setStrengthDefault
698     * @see #PRIMARY
699     * @see #SECONDARY
700     * @see #TERTIARY
701     * @see #QUATERNARY
702     * @see #IDENTICAL
703     * @exception IllegalArgumentException
704     *                If the new strength value is not one of PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY, QUATERNARY or IDENTICAL.
705     * @stable ICU 2.8
706     */
707    @Override
708    public void setStrength(int newStrength) {
709        checkNotFrozen();
710        if(newStrength == getStrength()) { return; }
711        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
712        ownedSettings.setStrength(newStrength);
713        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
714    }
716    /**
717     * {@icu} Sets the variable top to the top of the specified reordering group.
718     * The variable top determines the highest-sorting character
719     * which is affected by the alternate handling behavior.
720     * If that attribute is set to NON_IGNORABLE, then the variable top has no effect.
721     * @param group one of Collator.ReorderCodes.SPACE, Collator.ReorderCodes.PUNCTUATION,
722     *              Collator.ReorderCodes.SYMBOL, Collator.ReorderCodes.CURRENCY;
723     *              or Collator.ReorderCodes.DEFAULT to restore the default max variable group
724     * @return this
725     * @see #getMaxVariable
726     * @stable ICU 53
727     */
728    @Override
729    public RuleBasedCollator setMaxVariable(int group) {
730        // Convert the reorder code into a MaxVariable number, or UCOL_DEFAULT=-1.
731        int value;
732        if(group == Collator.ReorderCodes.DEFAULT) {
733            value = -1;  // UCOL_DEFAULT
734        } else if(Collator.ReorderCodes.FIRST <= group && group <= Collator.ReorderCodes.CURRENCY) {
735            value = group - Collator.ReorderCodes.FIRST;
736        } else {
737            throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal max variable group " + group);
738        }
739        int oldValue = settings.readOnly().getMaxVariable();
740        if(value == oldValue) {
741            return this;
742        }
743        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
744        if(settings.readOnly() == defaultSettings) {
745            if(value < 0) {  // UCOL_DEFAULT
746                return this;
747            }
748        }
749        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
751        if(group == Collator.ReorderCodes.DEFAULT) {
752            group = Collator.ReorderCodes.FIRST + defaultSettings.getMaxVariable();
753        }
754        long varTop = data.getLastPrimaryForGroup(group);
755        assert(varTop != 0);
756        ownedSettings.setMaxVariable(value, defaultSettings.options);
757        ownedSettings.variableTop = varTop;
758        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
759        return this;
760    }
762    /**
763     * {@icu} Returns the maximum reordering group whose characters are affected by
764     * the alternate handling behavior.
765     * @return the maximum variable reordering group.
766     * @see #setMaxVariable
767     * @stable ICU 53
768     */
769    @Override
770    public int getMaxVariable() {
771        return Collator.ReorderCodes.FIRST + settings.readOnly().getMaxVariable();
772    }
774    /**
775     * {@icu} Sets the variable top to the primary weight of the specified string.
776     *
777     * <p>Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
778     * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
779     * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
780     * See {@link #setMaxVariable(int)}.
781     *
782     * @param varTop
783     *            one or more (if contraction) characters to which the variable top should be set
784     * @return variable top primary weight
785     * @exception IllegalArgumentException
786     *                is thrown if varTop argument is not a valid variable top element. A variable top element is
787     *                invalid when
788     *                <ul>
789     *                <li>it is a contraction that does not exist in the Collation order
790     *                <li>the variable top is beyond
791     *                    the last reordering group supported by setMaxVariable()
792     *                <li>when the varTop argument is null or zero in length.
793     *                </ul>
794     * @see #getVariableTop
795     * @see RuleBasedCollator#setAlternateHandlingShifted
796     * @deprecated ICU 53 Call {@link #setMaxVariable(int)} instead.
797     */
798    @Override
799    @Deprecated
800    public int setVariableTop(String varTop) {
801        checkNotFrozen();
802        if (varTop == null || varTop.length() == 0) {
803            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variable top argument string can not be null or zero in length.");
804        }
805        boolean numeric = settings.readOnly().isNumeric();
806        long ce1, ce2;
807        if(settings.readOnly().dontCheckFCD()) {
808            UTF16CollationIterator ci = new UTF16CollationIterator(data, numeric, varTop, 0);
809            ce1 = ci.nextCE();
810            ce2 = ci.nextCE();
811        } else {
812            FCDUTF16CollationIterator ci = new FCDUTF16CollationIterator(data, numeric, varTop, 0);
813            ce1 = ci.nextCE();
814            ce2 = ci.nextCE();
815        }
816        if(ce1 == Collation.NO_CE || ce2 != Collation.NO_CE) {
817            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variable top argument string must map to exactly one collation element");
818        }
819        internalSetVariableTop(ce1 >>> 32);
820        return (int)settings.readOnly().variableTop;
821    }
823    /**
824     * {@icu} Sets the variable top to the specified primary weight.
825     *
826     * <p>Beginning with ICU 53, the variable top is pinned to
827     * the top of one of the supported reordering groups,
828     * and it must not be beyond the last of those groups.
829     * See {@link #setMaxVariable(int)}.
830     *
831     * @param varTop primary weight, as returned by setVariableTop or getVariableTop
832     * @see #getVariableTop
833     * @see #setVariableTop(String)
834     * @deprecated ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
835     */
836    @Override
837    @Deprecated
838    public void setVariableTop(int varTop) {
839        checkNotFrozen();
840        internalSetVariableTop(varTop & 0xffffffffL);
841    }
843    private void internalSetVariableTop(long varTop) {
844        if(varTop != settings.readOnly().variableTop) {
845            // Pin the variable top to the end of the reordering group which contains it.
846            // Only a few special groups are supported.
847            int group = data.getGroupForPrimary(varTop);
848            if(group < Collator.ReorderCodes.FIRST || Collator.ReorderCodes.CURRENCY < group) {
849                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The variable top must be a primary weight in " +
850                        "the space/punctuation/symbols/currency symbols range");
851            }
852            long v = data.getLastPrimaryForGroup(group);
853            assert(v != 0 && v >= varTop);
854            varTop = v;
855            if(varTop != settings.readOnly().variableTop) {
856                CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
857                ownedSettings.setMaxVariable(group - Collator.ReorderCodes.FIRST,
858                        getDefaultSettings().options);
859                ownedSettings.variableTop = varTop;
860                setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
861            }
862        }
863    }
865    /**
866     * {@icu} When numeric collation is turned on, this Collator makes
867     * substrings of digits sort according to their numeric values.
868     *
869     * <p>This is a way to get '100' to sort AFTER '2'. Note that the longest
870     * digit substring that can be treated as a single unit is
871     * 254 digits (not counting leading zeros). If a digit substring is
872     * longer than that, the digits beyond the limit will be treated as a
873     * separate digit substring.
874     *
875     * <p>A "digit" in this sense is a code point with General_Category=Nd,
876     * which does not include circled numbers, roman numerals, etc.
877     * Only a contiguous digit substring is considered, that is,
878     * non-negative integers without separators.
879     * There is no support for plus/minus signs, decimals, exponents, etc.
880     *
881     * @param flag
882     *            true to turn numeric collation on and false to turn it off
883     * @see #getNumericCollation
884     * @see #setNumericCollationDefault
885     * @stable ICU 2.8
886     */
887    public void setNumericCollation(boolean flag) {
888        checkNotFrozen();
889        // sort substrings of digits as numbers
890        if(flag == getNumericCollation()) { return; }
891        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
892        ownedSettings.setFlag(CollationSettings.NUMERIC, flag);
893        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
894    }
896    /**
897     * {@inheritDoc}
898     *
899     * @param order the reordering codes to apply to this collator; if this is null or an empty array
900     * then this clears any existing reordering
901     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the reordering codes are malformed in any way (e.g. duplicates, multiple reset codes, overlapping equivalent scripts)
902     * @see #getReorderCodes
903     * @see Collator#getEquivalentReorderCodes
904     * @see Collator.ReorderCodes
905     * @see UScript
906     * @stable ICU 4.8
907     */
908    @Override
909    public void setReorderCodes(int... order) {
910        checkNotFrozen();
911        int length = (order != null) ? order.length : 0;
912        if(length == 1 && order[0] == ReorderCodes.NONE) {
913            length = 0;
914        }
915        if(length == 0 ?
916                settings.readOnly().reorderCodes.length == 0 :
917                Arrays.equals(order, settings.readOnly().reorderCodes)) {
918            return;
919        }
920        CollationSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings();
921        if(length == 1 && order[0] == Collator.ReorderCodes.DEFAULT) {
922            if(settings.readOnly() != defaultSettings) {
923                CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
924                ownedSettings.copyReorderingFrom(defaultSettings);
925                setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
926            }
927            return;
928        }
929        CollationSettings ownedSettings = getOwnedSettings();
930        if(length == 0) {
931            ownedSettings.resetReordering();
932        } else {
933            ownedSettings.setReordering(data, order.clone());
934        }
935        setFastLatinOptions(ownedSettings);
936    }
938    private void setFastLatinOptions(CollationSettings ownedSettings) {
939        ownedSettings.fastLatinOptions = CollationFastLatin.getOptions(
940                data, ownedSettings, ownedSettings.fastLatinPrimaries);
941    }
943    // public getters --------------------------------------------------------
945    /**
946     * Gets the collation tailoring rules for this RuleBasedCollator.
947     * Equivalent to String getRules(false).
948     *
949     * @return the collation tailoring rules
950     * @see #getRules(boolean)
951     * @stable ICU 2.8
952     */
953    public String getRules() {
954        return tailoring.getRules();
955    }
957    /**
958     * Returns current rules.
959     * The argument defines whether full rules (root collation + tailored) rules are returned
960     * or just the tailoring.
961     *
962     * <p>The root collation rules are an <i>approximation</i> of the root collator's sort order.
963     * They are almost never used or useful at runtime and can be removed from the data.
964     * See <a href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/collation/customization#TOC-Building-on-Existing-Locales">User Guide:
965     * Collation Customization, Building on Existing Locales</a>
966     *
967     * <p>{@link #getRules()} should normally be used instead.
968     * @param fullrules
969     *            true if the rules that defines the full set of collation order is required, otherwise false for
970     *            returning only the tailored rules
971     * @return the current rules that defines this Collator.
972     * @see #getRules()
973     * @stable ICU 2.6
974     */
975    public String getRules(boolean fullrules) {
976        if (!fullrules) {
977            return tailoring.getRules();
978        }
979        return CollationLoader.getRootRules() + tailoring.getRules();
980    }
982    /**
983     * Get a UnicodeSet that contains all the characters and sequences tailored in this collator.
984     *
985     * @return a pointer to a UnicodeSet object containing all the code points and sequences that may sort differently
986     *         than in the root collator.
987     * @stable ICU 2.4
988     */
989    @Override
990    public UnicodeSet getTailoredSet() {
991        UnicodeSet tailored = new UnicodeSet();
992        if(data.base != null) {
993            new TailoredSet(tailored).forData(data);
994        }
995        return tailored;
996    }
998    /**
999     * Gets unicode sets containing contractions and/or expansions of a collator
1000     *
1001     * @param contractions
1002     *            if not null, set to contain contractions
1003     * @param expansions
1004     *            if not null, set to contain expansions
1005     * @param addPrefixes
1006     *            add the prefix contextual elements to contractions
1007     * @throws Exception
1008     *             Throws an exception if any errors occurs.
1009     * @stable ICU 3.4
1010     */
1011    public void getContractionsAndExpansions(UnicodeSet contractions, UnicodeSet expansions, boolean addPrefixes)
1012            throws Exception {
1013        if (contractions != null) {
1014            contractions.clear();
1015        }
1016        if (expansions != null) {
1017            expansions.clear();
1018        }
1019        new ContractionsAndExpansions(contractions, expansions, null, addPrefixes).forData(data);
1020    }
1022    /**
1023     * Adds the contractions that start with character c to the set.
1024     * Ignores prefixes. Used by AlphabeticIndex.
1025     * @internal
1026     * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
1027     */
1028    void internalAddContractions(int c, UnicodeSet set) {
1029        new ContractionsAndExpansions(set, null, null, false).forCodePoint(data, c);
1030    }
1032    /**
1033     * <p>
1034     * Get a Collation key for the argument String source from this RuleBasedCollator.
1035     * <p>
1036     * General recommendation: <br>
1037     * If comparison are to be done to the same String multiple times, it would be more efficient to generate
1038     * CollationKeys for the Strings and use CollationKey.compareTo(CollationKey) for the comparisons. If the each
1039     * Strings are compared to only once, using the method RuleBasedCollator.compare(String, String) will have a better
1040     * performance.
1041     * <p>
1042     * See the class documentation for an explanation about CollationKeys.
1043     *
1044     * @param source
1045     *            the text String to be transformed into a collation key.
1046     * @return the CollationKey for the given String based on this RuleBasedCollator's collation rules. If the source
1047     *         String is null, a null CollationKey is returned.
1048     * @see CollationKey
1049     * @see #compare(String, String)
1050     * @see #getRawCollationKey
1051     * @stable ICU 2.8
1052     */
1053    @Override
1054    public CollationKey getCollationKey(String source) {
1055        if (source == null) {
1056            return null;
1057        }
1058        CollationBuffer buffer = null;
1059        try {
1060            buffer = getCollationBuffer();
1061            return getCollationKey(source, buffer);
1062        } finally {
1063            releaseCollationBuffer(buffer);
1064        }
1065    }
1067    private CollationKey getCollationKey(String source, CollationBuffer buffer) {
1068        buffer.rawCollationKey = getRawCollationKey(source, buffer.rawCollationKey, buffer);
1069        return new CollationKey(source, buffer.rawCollationKey);
1070    }
1072    /**
1073     * Gets the simpler form of a CollationKey for the String source following the rules of this Collator and stores the
1074     * result into the user provided argument key. If key has a internal byte array of length that's too small for the
1075     * result, the internal byte array will be grown to the exact required size.
1076     *
1077     * @param source the text String to be transformed into a RawCollationKey
1078     * @param key output RawCollationKey to store results
1079     * @return If key is null, a new instance of RawCollationKey will be created and returned, otherwise the user
1080     *         provided key will be returned.
1081     * @see #getCollationKey
1082     * @see #compare(String, String)
1083     * @see RawCollationKey
1084     * @stable ICU 2.8
1085     */
1086    @Override
1087    public RawCollationKey getRawCollationKey(String source, RawCollationKey key) {
1088        if (source == null) {
1089            return null;
1090        }
1091        CollationBuffer buffer = null;
1092        try {
1093            buffer = getCollationBuffer();
1094            return getRawCollationKey(source, key, buffer);
1095        } finally {
1096            releaseCollationBuffer(buffer);
1097        }
1098    }
1100    private static final class CollationKeyByteSink extends SortKeyByteSink {
1101        CollationKeyByteSink(RawCollationKey key) {
1102            super(key.bytes);
1103            key_ = key;
1104        }
1106        @Override
1107        protected void AppendBeyondCapacity(byte[] bytes, int start, int n, int length) {
1108            // n > 0 && appended_ > capacity_
1109            if (Resize(n, length)) {
1110                System.arraycopy(bytes, start, buffer_, length, n);
1111            }
1112        }
1114        @Override
1115        protected boolean Resize(int appendCapacity, int length) {
1116            int newCapacity = 2 * buffer_.length;
1117            int altCapacity = length + 2 * appendCapacity;
1118            if (newCapacity < altCapacity) {
1119                newCapacity = altCapacity;
1120            }
1121            if (newCapacity < 200) {
1122                newCapacity = 200;
1123            }
1124            // Do not call key_.ensureCapacity(newCapacity) because we do not
1125            // keep key_.size in sync with appended_.
1126            // We only set it when we are done.
1127            byte[] newBytes = new byte[newCapacity];
1128            System.arraycopy(buffer_, 0, newBytes, 0, length);
1129            buffer_ = key_.bytes = newBytes;
1130            return true;
1131        }
1133        private RawCollationKey key_;
1134    }
1136    private RawCollationKey getRawCollationKey(CharSequence source, RawCollationKey key, CollationBuffer buffer) {
1137        if (key == null) {
1138            key = new RawCollationKey(simpleKeyLengthEstimate(source));
1139        } else if (key.bytes == null) {
1140            key.bytes = new byte[simpleKeyLengthEstimate(source)];
1141        }
1142        CollationKeyByteSink sink = new CollationKeyByteSink(key);
1143        writeSortKey(source, sink, buffer);
1144        key.size = sink.NumberOfBytesAppended();
1145        return key;
1146    }
1148    private int simpleKeyLengthEstimate(CharSequence source) {
1149        return 2 * source.length() + 10;
1150    }
1152    private void writeSortKey(CharSequence s, CollationKeyByteSink sink, CollationBuffer buffer) {
1153        boolean numeric = settings.readOnly().isNumeric();
1154        if(settings.readOnly().dontCheckFCD()) {
1155            buffer.leftUTF16CollIter.setText(numeric, s, 0);
1156            CollationKeys.writeSortKeyUpToQuaternary(
1157                    buffer.leftUTF16CollIter, data.compressibleBytes, settings.readOnly(),
1158                    sink, Collation.PRIMARY_LEVEL,
1159                    CollationKeys.SIMPLE_LEVEL_FALLBACK, true);
1160        } else {
1161            buffer.leftFCDUTF16Iter.setText(numeric, s, 0);
1162            CollationKeys.writeSortKeyUpToQuaternary(
1163                    buffer.leftFCDUTF16Iter, data.compressibleBytes, settings.readOnly(),
1164                    sink, Collation.PRIMARY_LEVEL,
1165                    CollationKeys.SIMPLE_LEVEL_FALLBACK, true);
1166        }
1167        if(settings.readOnly().getStrength() == IDENTICAL) {
1168            writeIdenticalLevel(s, sink);
1169        }
1170        sink.Append(Collation.TERMINATOR_BYTE);
1171    }
1173    private void writeIdenticalLevel(CharSequence s, CollationKeyByteSink sink) {
1174        // NFD quick check
1175        int nfdQCYesLimit = data.nfcImpl.decompose(s, 0, s.length(), null);
1176        sink.Append(Collation.LEVEL_SEPARATOR_BYTE);
1177        // Sync the ByteArrayWrapper size with the key length.
1178        sink.key_.size = sink.NumberOfBytesAppended();
1179        int prev = 0;
1180        if(nfdQCYesLimit != 0) {
1181            prev = BOCSU.writeIdenticalLevelRun(prev, s, 0, nfdQCYesLimit, sink.key_);
1182        }
1183        // Is there non-NFD text?
1184        if(nfdQCYesLimit < s.length()) {
1185            int destLengthEstimate = s.length() - nfdQCYesLimit;
1186            StringBuilder nfd = new StringBuilder();
1187            data.nfcImpl.decompose(s, nfdQCYesLimit, s.length(), nfd, destLengthEstimate);
1188            BOCSU.writeIdenticalLevelRun(prev, nfd, 0, nfd.length(), sink.key_);
1189        }
1190        // Sync the key with the buffer again which got bytes appended and may have been reallocated.
1191        sink.setBufferAndAppended(sink.key_.bytes, sink.key_.size);
1192    }
1194    /**
1195     * Returns the CEs for the string.
1196     * @param str the string
1197     * @internal for tests &amp; tools
1198     * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
1199     */
1200    @Deprecated
1201    public long[] internalGetCEs(CharSequence str) {
1202        CollationBuffer buffer = null;
1203        try {
1204            buffer = getCollationBuffer();
1205            boolean numeric = settings.readOnly().isNumeric();
1206            CollationIterator iter;
1207            if(settings.readOnly().dontCheckFCD()) {
1208                buffer.leftUTF16CollIter.setText(numeric, str, 0);
1209                iter = buffer.leftUTF16CollIter;
1210            } else {
1211                buffer.leftFCDUTF16Iter.setText(numeric, str, 0);
1212                iter = buffer.leftFCDUTF16Iter;
1213            }
1214            int length = iter.fetchCEs() - 1;
1215            assert length >= 0 && iter.getCE(length) == Collation.NO_CE;
1216            long[] ces = new long[length];
1217            System.arraycopy(iter.getCEs(), 0, ces, 0, length);
1218            return ces;
1219        } finally {
1220            releaseCollationBuffer(buffer);
1221        }
1222    }
1224    /**
1225     * Returns this Collator's strength attribute. The strength attribute
1226     * determines the minimum level of difference considered significant.
1227     *
1228     * <p>{@icunote} This can return QUATERNARY strength, which is not supported by the
1229     * JDK version.
1230     *
1231     * <p>See the Collator class description for more details.
1232     *
1233     * @return this Collator's current strength attribute.
1234     * @see #setStrength
1235     * @see #PRIMARY
1236     * @see #SECONDARY
1237     * @see #TERTIARY
1238     * @see #QUATERNARY
1239     * @see #IDENTICAL
1240     * @stable ICU 2.8
1241     */
1242    @Override
1243    public int getStrength() {
1244        return settings.readOnly().getStrength();
1245    }
1247    /**
1248     * Returns the decomposition mode of this Collator. The decomposition mode
1249     * determines how Unicode composed characters are handled.
1250     *
1251     * <p>See the Collator class description for more details.
1252     *
1253     * @return the decomposition mode
1254     * @see #setDecomposition
1255     * @see #NO_DECOMPOSITION
1257     * @stable ICU 2.8
1258     */
1259    @Override
1260    public int getDecomposition() {
1261        return (settings.readOnly().options & CollationSettings.CHECK_FCD) != 0 ?
1263    }
1265    /**
1266     * Return true if an uppercase character is sorted before the corresponding lowercase character. See
1267     * setCaseFirst(boolean) for details.
1268     *
1269     * @see #setUpperCaseFirst
1270     * @see #setLowerCaseFirst
1271     * @see #isLowerCaseFirst
1272     * @see #setCaseFirstDefault
1273     * @return true if upper cased characters are sorted before lower cased characters, false otherwise
1274     * @stable ICU 2.8
1275     */
1276    public boolean isUpperCaseFirst() {
1277        return (settings.readOnly().getCaseFirst() == CollationSettings.CASE_FIRST_AND_UPPER_MASK);
1278    }
1280    /**
1281     * Return true if a lowercase character is sorted before the corresponding uppercase character. See
1282     * setCaseFirst(boolean) for details.
1283     *
1284     * @see #setUpperCaseFirst
1285     * @see #setLowerCaseFirst
1286     * @see #isUpperCaseFirst
1287     * @see #setCaseFirstDefault
1288     * @return true lower cased characters are sorted before upper cased characters, false otherwise
1289     * @stable ICU 2.8
1290     */
1291    public boolean isLowerCaseFirst() {
1292        return (settings.readOnly().getCaseFirst() == CollationSettings.CASE_FIRST);
1293    }
1295    /**
1296     * Checks if the alternate handling behavior is the UCA defined SHIFTED or NON_IGNORABLE. If return value is true,
1297     * then the alternate handling attribute for the Collator is SHIFTED. Otherwise if return value is false, then the
1298     * alternate handling attribute for the Collator is NON_IGNORABLE See setAlternateHandlingShifted(boolean) for more
1299     * details.
1300     *
1301     * @return true or false
1302     * @see #setAlternateHandlingShifted(boolean)
1303     * @see #setAlternateHandlingDefault
1304     * @stable ICU 2.8
1305     */
1306    public boolean isAlternateHandlingShifted() {
1307        return settings.readOnly().getAlternateHandling();
1308    }
1310    /**
1311     * Checks if case level is set to true. See setCaseLevel(boolean) for details.
1312     *
1313     * @return the case level mode
1314     * @see #setCaseLevelDefault
1315     * @see #isCaseLevel
1316     * @see #setCaseLevel(boolean)
1317     * @stable ICU 2.8
1318     */
1319    public boolean isCaseLevel() {
1320        return (settings.readOnly().options & CollationSettings.CASE_LEVEL) != 0;
1321    }
1323    /**
1324     * Checks if French Collation is set to true. See setFrenchCollation(boolean) for details.
1325     *
1326     * @return true if French Collation is set to true, false otherwise
1327     * @see #setFrenchCollation(boolean)
1328     * @see #setFrenchCollationDefault
1329     * @stable ICU 2.8
1330     */
1331    public boolean isFrenchCollation() {
1332        return (settings.readOnly().options & CollationSettings.BACKWARD_SECONDARY) != 0;
1333    }
1335    /**
1336     * Checks if the Hiragana Quaternary mode is set on. See setHiraganaQuaternary(boolean) for more details.
1337     *
1338     * <p>This attribute was an implementation detail of the CLDR Japanese tailoring.
1339     * Since ICU 50, this attribute is not settable any more via API functions.
1340     * Since CLDR 25/ICU 53, explicit quaternary relations are used
1341     * to achieve the same Japanese sort order.
1342     *
1343     * @return false
1344     * @see #setHiraganaQuaternaryDefault
1345     * @see #setHiraganaQuaternary(boolean)
1346     * @deprecated ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, was removed from implementation.
1347     */
1348    @Deprecated
1349    public boolean isHiraganaQuaternary() {
1350        return false;
1351    }
1353    /**
1354     * {@icu} Gets the variable top value of a Collator.
1355     *
1356     * @return the variable top primary weight
1357     * @see #getMaxVariable
1358     * @stable ICU 2.6
1359     */
1360    @Override
1361    public int getVariableTop() {
1362        return (int)settings.readOnly().variableTop;
1363    }
1365    /**
1366     * Method to retrieve the numeric collation value. When numeric collation is turned on, this Collator generates a
1367     * collation key for the numeric value of substrings of digits. This is a way to get '100' to sort AFTER '2'
1368     *
1369     * @see #setNumericCollation
1370     * @see #setNumericCollationDefault
1371     * @return true if numeric collation is turned on, false otherwise
1372     * @stable ICU 2.8
1373     */
1374    public boolean getNumericCollation() {
1375        return (settings.readOnly().options & CollationSettings.NUMERIC) != 0;
1376    }
1378    /**
1379     * Retrieves the reordering codes for this collator.
1380     * These reordering codes are a combination of UScript codes and ReorderCodes.
1381     * @return a copy of the reordering codes for this collator;
1382     * if none are set then returns an empty array
1383     * @see #setReorderCodes
1384     * @see Collator#getEquivalentReorderCodes
1385     * @stable ICU 4.8
1386     */
1387    @Override
1388    public int[] getReorderCodes() {
1389        return settings.readOnly().reorderCodes.clone();
1390    }
1392    // public other methods -------------------------------------------------
1394    /**
1395     * {@inheritDoc}
1396     * @stable ICU 2.8
1397     */
1398    @Override
1399    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
1400        if (this == obj) {
1401            return true;
1402        }
1403        if (!super.equals(obj)) {
1404            return false;
1405        }
1406        RuleBasedCollator o = (RuleBasedCollator) obj;
1407        if(!settings.readOnly().equals(o.settings.readOnly())) { return false; }
1408        if(data == o.data) { return true; }
1409        boolean thisIsRoot = data.base == null;
1410        boolean otherIsRoot = o.data.base == null;
1411        assert(!thisIsRoot || !otherIsRoot);  // otherwise their data pointers should be ==
1412        if(thisIsRoot != otherIsRoot) { return false; }
1413        String theseRules = tailoring.getRules();
1414        String otherRules = o.tailoring.getRules();
1415        if((thisIsRoot || theseRules.length() != 0) &&
1416                (otherIsRoot || otherRules.length() != 0)) {
1417            // Shortcut: If both collators have valid rule strings, then compare those.
1418            if(theseRules.equals(otherRules)) { return true; }
1419        }
1420        // Different rule strings can result in the same or equivalent tailoring.
1421        // The rule strings are optional in ICU resource bundles, although included by default.
1422        // cloneBinary() drops the rule string.
1423        UnicodeSet thisTailored = getTailoredSet();
1424        UnicodeSet otherTailored = o.getTailoredSet();
1425        if(!thisTailored.equals(otherTailored)) { return false; }
1426        // For completeness, we should compare all of the mappings;
1427        // or we should create a list of strings, sort it with one collator,
1428        // and check if both collators compare adjacent strings the same
1429        // (order & strength, down to quaternary); or similar.
1430        // Testing equality of collators seems unusual.
1431        return true;
1432    }
1434    /**
1435     * Generates a unique hash code for this RuleBasedCollator.
1436     *
1437     * @return the unique hash code for this Collator
1438     * @stable ICU 2.8
1439     */
1440    @Override
1441    public int hashCode() {
1442        int h = settings.readOnly().hashCode();
1443        if(data.base == null) { return h; }  // root collator
1444        // Do not rely on the rule string, see comments in operator==().
1445        UnicodeSet set = getTailoredSet();
1446        UnicodeSetIterator iter = new UnicodeSetIterator(set);
1447        while(iter.next() && iter.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING) {
1448            h ^= data.getCE32(iter.codepoint);
1449        }
1450        return h;
1451    }
1453    /**
1454     * Compares the source text String to the target text String according to the collation rules, strength and
1455     * decomposition mode for this RuleBasedCollator. Returns an integer less than, equal to or greater than zero
1456     * depending on whether the source String is less than, equal to or greater than the target String. See the Collator
1457     * class description for an example of use.
1458     * <p>
1459     * General recommendation: <br>
1460     * If comparison are to be done to the same String multiple times, it would be more efficient to generate
1461     * CollationKeys for the Strings and use CollationKey.compareTo(CollationKey) for the comparisons. If speed
1462     * performance is critical and object instantiation is to be reduced, further optimization may be achieved by
1463     * generating a simpler key of the form RawCollationKey and reusing this RawCollationKey object with the method
1464     * RuleBasedCollator.getRawCollationKey. Internal byte representation can be directly accessed via RawCollationKey
1465     * and stored for future use. Like CollationKey, RawCollationKey provides a method RawCollationKey.compareTo for key
1466     * comparisons. If the each Strings are compared to only once, using the method RuleBasedCollator.compare(String,
1467     * String) will have a better performance.
1468     *
1469     * @param source
1470     *            the source text String.
1471     * @param target
1472     *            the target text String.
1473     * @return Returns an integer value. Value is less than zero if source is less than target, value is zero if source
1474     *         and target are equal, value is greater than zero if source is greater than target.
1475     * @see CollationKey
1476     * @see #getCollationKey
1477     * @stable ICU 2.8
1478     */
1479    @Override
1480    public int compare(String source, String target) {
1481        return doCompare(source, target);
1482    }
1484    /**
1485    * Abstract iterator for identical-level string comparisons.
1486    * Returns FCD code points and handles temporary switching to NFD.
1487    *
1488    * <p>As with CollationIterator,
1489    * Java NFDIterator instances are partially constructed and cached,
1490    * and completed when reset for use.
1491    * C++ NFDIterator instances are stack-allocated.
1492    */
1493    private static abstract class NFDIterator {
1494        /**
1495         * Partial constructor, must call reset().
1496         */
1497        NFDIterator() {}
1498        final void reset() {
1499            index = -1;
1500        }
1502        /**
1503         * Returns the next code point from the internal normalization buffer,
1504         * or else the next text code point.
1505         * Returns -1 at the end of the text.
1506         */
1507        final int nextCodePoint() {
1508            if(index >= 0) {
1509                if(index == decomp.length()) {
1510                    index = -1;
1511                } else {
1512                    int c = Character.codePointAt(decomp, index);
1513                    index += Character.charCount(c);
1514                    return c;
1515                }
1516            }
1517            return nextRawCodePoint();
1518        }
1519        /**
1520         * @param nfcImpl
1521         * @param c the last code point returned by nextCodePoint() or nextDecomposedCodePoint()
1522         * @return the first code point in c's decomposition,
1523         *         or c itself if it was decomposed already or if it does not decompose
1524         */
1525        final int nextDecomposedCodePoint(Normalizer2Impl nfcImpl, int c) {
1526            if(index >= 0) { return c; }
1527            decomp = nfcImpl.getDecomposition(c);
1528            if(decomp == null) { return c; }
1529            c = Character.codePointAt(decomp, 0);
1530            index = Character.charCount(c);
1531            return c;
1532        }
1534        /**
1535         * Returns the next text code point in FCD order.
1536         * Returns -1 at the end of the text.
1537         */
1538        protected abstract int nextRawCodePoint();
1540        private String decomp;
1541        private int index;
1542    }
1544    private static class UTF16NFDIterator extends NFDIterator {
1545        UTF16NFDIterator() {}
1546        void setText(CharSequence seq, int start) {
1547            reset();
1548            s = seq;
1549            pos = start;
1550        }
1552        @Override
1553        protected int nextRawCodePoint() {
1554            if(pos == s.length()) { return Collation.SENTINEL_CP; }
1555            int c = Character.codePointAt(s, pos);
1556            pos += Character.charCount(c);
1557            return c;
1558        }
1560        protected CharSequence s;
1561        protected int pos;
1562    }
1564    private static final class FCDUTF16NFDIterator extends UTF16NFDIterator {
1565        FCDUTF16NFDIterator() {}
1566        void setText(Normalizer2Impl nfcImpl, CharSequence seq, int start) {
1567            reset();
1568            int spanLimit = nfcImpl.makeFCD(seq, start, seq.length(), null);
1569            if(spanLimit == seq.length()) {
1570                s = seq;
1571                pos = start;
1572            } else {
1573                if(str == null) {
1574                    str = new StringBuilder();
1575                } else {
1576                    str.setLength(0);
1577                }
1578                str.append(seq, start, spanLimit);
1579                ReorderingBuffer buffer = new ReorderingBuffer(nfcImpl, str, seq.length() - start);
1580                nfcImpl.makeFCD(seq, spanLimit, seq.length(), buffer);
1581                s = str;
1582                pos = 0;
1583            }
1584        }
1586        private StringBuilder str;
1587    }
1589    private static final int compareNFDIter(Normalizer2Impl nfcImpl, NFDIterator left, NFDIterator right) {
1590        for(;;) {
1591            // Fetch the next FCD code point from each string.
1592            int leftCp = left.nextCodePoint();
1593            int rightCp = right.nextCodePoint();
1594            if(leftCp == rightCp) {
1595                if(leftCp < 0) { break; }
1596                continue;
1597            }
1598            // If they are different, then decompose each and compare again.
1599            if(leftCp < 0) {
1600                leftCp = -2;  // end of string
1601            } else if(leftCp == 0xfffe) {
1602                leftCp = -1;  // U+FFFE: merge separator
1603            } else {
1604                leftCp = left.nextDecomposedCodePoint(nfcImpl, leftCp);
1605            }
1606            if(rightCp < 0) {
1607                rightCp = -2;  // end of string
1608            } else if(rightCp == 0xfffe) {
1609                rightCp = -1;  // U+FFFE: merge separator
1610            } else {
1611                rightCp = right.nextDecomposedCodePoint(nfcImpl, rightCp);
1612            }
1613            if(leftCp < rightCp) { return Collation.LESS; }
1614            if(leftCp > rightCp) { return Collation.GREATER; }
1615        }
1616        return Collation.EQUAL;
1617    }
1619    /**
1620     * Compares two CharSequences.
1621     * @internal
1622     * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
1623     */
1624    @Override
1625    @Deprecated
1626    protected int doCompare(CharSequence left, CharSequence right) {
1627        if(left == right) {
1628            return Collation.EQUAL;
1629        }
1631        // Identical-prefix test.
1632        int equalPrefixLength = 0;
1633        for(;;) {
1634            if(equalPrefixLength == left.length()) {
1635                if(equalPrefixLength == right.length()) { return Collation.EQUAL; }
1636                break;
1637            } else if(equalPrefixLength == right.length() ||
1638                      left.charAt(equalPrefixLength) != right.charAt(equalPrefixLength)) {
1639                break;
1640            }
1641            ++equalPrefixLength;
1642        }
1644        CollationSettings roSettings = settings.readOnly();
1645        boolean numeric = roSettings.isNumeric();
1646        if(equalPrefixLength > 0) {
1647            if((equalPrefixLength != left.length() &&
1648                        data.isUnsafeBackward(left.charAt(equalPrefixLength), numeric)) ||
1649                    (equalPrefixLength != right.length() &&
1650                        data.isUnsafeBackward(right.charAt(equalPrefixLength), numeric))) {
1651                // Identical prefix: Back up to the start of a contraction or reordering sequence.
1652                while(--equalPrefixLength > 0 &&
1653                        data.isUnsafeBackward(left.charAt(equalPrefixLength), numeric)) {}
1654            }
1655            // Notes:
1656            // - A longer string can compare equal to a prefix of it if only ignorables follow.
1657            // - With a backward level, a longer string can compare less-than a prefix of it.
1659            // Pass the actual start of each string into the CollationIterators,
1660            // plus the equalPrefixLength position,
1661            // so that prefix matches back into the equal prefix work.
1662        }
1664        int result;
1665        int fastLatinOptions = roSettings.fastLatinOptions;
1666        if(fastLatinOptions >= 0 &&
1667                (equalPrefixLength == left.length() ||
1668                    left.charAt(equalPrefixLength) <= CollationFastLatin.LATIN_MAX) &&
1669                (equalPrefixLength == right.length() ||
1670                    right.charAt(equalPrefixLength) <= CollationFastLatin.LATIN_MAX)) {
1671            result = CollationFastLatin.compareUTF16(data.fastLatinTable,
1672                                                      roSettings.fastLatinPrimaries,
1673                                                      fastLatinOptions,
1674                                                      left, right, equalPrefixLength);
1675        } else {
1676            result = CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT_RESULT;
1677        }
1679        if(result == CollationFastLatin.BAIL_OUT_RESULT) {
1680            CollationBuffer buffer = null;
1681            try {
1682                buffer = getCollationBuffer();
1683                if(roSettings.dontCheckFCD()) {
1684                    buffer.leftUTF16CollIter.setText(numeric, left, equalPrefixLength);
1685                    buffer.rightUTF16CollIter.setText(numeric, right, equalPrefixLength);
1686                    result = CollationCompare.compareUpToQuaternary(
1687                            buffer.leftUTF16CollIter, buffer.rightUTF16CollIter, roSettings);
1688                } else {
1689                    buffer.leftFCDUTF16Iter.setText(numeric, left, equalPrefixLength);
1690                    buffer.rightFCDUTF16Iter.setText(numeric, right, equalPrefixLength);
1691                    result = CollationCompare.compareUpToQuaternary(
1692                            buffer.leftFCDUTF16Iter, buffer.rightFCDUTF16Iter, roSettings);
1693                }
1694            } finally {
1695                releaseCollationBuffer(buffer);
1696            }
1697        }
1698        if(result != Collation.EQUAL || roSettings.getStrength() < Collator.IDENTICAL) {
1699            return result;
1700        }
1702        CollationBuffer buffer = null;
1703        try {
1704            buffer = getCollationBuffer();
1705            // Compare identical level.
1706            Normalizer2Impl nfcImpl = data.nfcImpl;
1707            if(roSettings.dontCheckFCD()) {
1708                buffer.leftUTF16NFDIter.setText(left, equalPrefixLength);
1709                buffer.rightUTF16NFDIter.setText(right, equalPrefixLength);
1710                return compareNFDIter(nfcImpl, buffer.leftUTF16NFDIter, buffer.rightUTF16NFDIter);
1711            } else {
1712                buffer.leftFCDUTF16NFDIter.setText(nfcImpl, left, equalPrefixLength);
1713                buffer.rightFCDUTF16NFDIter.setText(nfcImpl, right, equalPrefixLength);
1714                return compareNFDIter(nfcImpl, buffer.leftFCDUTF16NFDIter, buffer.rightFCDUTF16NFDIter);
1715            }
1716        } finally {
1717            releaseCollationBuffer(buffer);
1718        }
1719    }
1721    // package private constructors ------------------------------------------
1723    RuleBasedCollator(CollationTailoring t, ULocale vl) {
1724        data = t.data;
1725        settings = t.settings.clone();
1726        tailoring = t;
1727        validLocale = vl;
1728        actualLocaleIsSameAsValid = false;
1729    }
1731    private void adoptTailoring(CollationTailoring t) {
1732        assert(settings == null && data == null && tailoring == null);
1733        data = t.data;
1734        settings = t.settings.clone();
1735        tailoring = t;
1736        validLocale = t.actualLocale;
1737        actualLocaleIsSameAsValid = false;
1738    }
1740    // package private methods -----------------------------------------------
1742    /**
1743     * Tests whether a character is "unsafe" for use as a collation starting point.
1744     *
1745     * @param c code point or code unit
1746     * @return true if c is unsafe
1747     * @see CollationElementIterator#setOffset(int)
1748     */
1749    final boolean isUnsafe(int c) {
1750        return data.isUnsafeBackward(c, settings.readOnly().isNumeric());
1751    }
1753    /**
1754     * Frozen state of the collator.
1755     */
1756    private Lock frozenLock;
1758    private static final class CollationBuffer {
1759        private CollationBuffer(CollationData data) {
1760            leftUTF16CollIter = new UTF16CollationIterator(data);
1761            rightUTF16CollIter = new UTF16CollationIterator(data);
1762            leftFCDUTF16Iter = new FCDUTF16CollationIterator(data);
1763            rightFCDUTF16Iter = new FCDUTF16CollationIterator(data);
1764            leftUTF16NFDIter = new UTF16NFDIterator();
1765            rightUTF16NFDIter = new UTF16NFDIterator();
1766            leftFCDUTF16NFDIter = new FCDUTF16NFDIterator();
1767            rightFCDUTF16NFDIter = new FCDUTF16NFDIterator();
1768        }
1770        UTF16CollationIterator leftUTF16CollIter;
1771        UTF16CollationIterator rightUTF16CollIter;
1772        FCDUTF16CollationIterator leftFCDUTF16Iter;
1773        FCDUTF16CollationIterator rightFCDUTF16Iter;
1775        UTF16NFDIterator leftUTF16NFDIter;
1776        UTF16NFDIterator rightUTF16NFDIter;
1777        FCDUTF16NFDIterator leftFCDUTF16NFDIter;
1778        FCDUTF16NFDIterator rightFCDUTF16NFDIter;
1780        RawCollationKey rawCollationKey;
1781    }
1783    /**
1784     * Get the version of this collator object.
1785     *
1786     * @return the version object associated with this collator
1787     * @stable ICU 2.8
1788     */
1789    @Override
1790    public VersionInfo getVersion() {
1791        int version = tailoring.version;
1792        int rtVersion = VersionInfo.UCOL_RUNTIME_VERSION.getMajor();
1793        return VersionInfo.getInstance(
1794                (version >>> 24) + (rtVersion << 4) + (rtVersion >> 4),
1795                ((version >> 16) & 0xff), ((version >> 8) & 0xff), (version & 0xff));
1796    }
1798    /**
1799     * Get the UCA version of this collator object.
1800     *
1801     * @return the version object associated with this collator
1802     * @stable ICU 2.8
1803     */
1804    @Override
1805    public VersionInfo getUCAVersion() {
1806        VersionInfo v = getVersion();
1807        // Note: This is tied to how the current implementation encodes the UCA version
1808        // in the overall getVersion().
1809        // Alternatively, we could load the root collator and get at lower-level data from there.
1810        // Either way, it will reflect the input collator's UCA version only
1811        // if it is a known implementation.
1812        // (C++ comment) It would be cleaner to make this a virtual Collator method.
1813        // (In Java, it is virtual.)
1814        return VersionInfo.getInstance(v.getMinor() >> 3, v.getMinor() & 7, v.getMilli() >> 6, 0);
1815    }
1817    private CollationBuffer collationBuffer;
1819    private final CollationBuffer getCollationBuffer() {
1820        if (isFrozen()) {
1821            frozenLock.lock();
1822        } else if (collationBuffer == null) {
1823            collationBuffer = new CollationBuffer(data);
1824        }
1825        return collationBuffer;
1826    }
1828    private final void releaseCollationBuffer(CollationBuffer buffer) {
1829        if (isFrozen()) {
1830            frozenLock.unlock();
1831        }
1832    }
1834    /**
1835     * {@inheritDoc}
1836     * @draft ICU 53 (retain)
1837     * @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
1838     */
1839    @Override
1840    public ULocale getLocale(ULocale.Type type) {
1841        if (type == ULocale.ACTUAL_LOCALE) {
1842            return actualLocaleIsSameAsValid ? validLocale : tailoring.actualLocale;
1843        } else if(type == ULocale.VALID_LOCALE) {
1844            return validLocale;
1845        } else {
1846            throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown ULocale.Type " + type);
1847        }
1848    }
1850    /**
1851     * {@inheritDoc}
1852     */
1853    @Override
1854    void setLocale(ULocale valid, ULocale actual) {
1855        // This method is called
1856        // by other protected functions that checks and makes sure that
1857        // valid and actual are not null before passing
1858        assert (valid == null) == (actual == null);
1859        // Another check we could do is that the actual locale is at
1860        // the same level or less specific than the valid locale.
1861        // TODO: Starting with Java 7, use Objects.equals(a, b).
1862        if(Utility.objectEquals(actual, tailoring.actualLocale)) {
1863            actualLocaleIsSameAsValid = false;
1864        } else {
1865            assert(Utility.objectEquals(actual, valid));
1866            actualLocaleIsSameAsValid = true;
1867        }
1868        // Do not modify tailoring.actualLocale:
1869        // We cannot be sure that that would be thread-safe.
1870        validLocale = valid;
1871    }
1873    CollationData data;
1874    SharedObject.Reference<CollationSettings> settings;  // reference-counted
1875    CollationTailoring tailoring;  // C++: reference-counted
1876    private ULocale validLocale;
1877    // Note: No need in Java to track which attributes have been set explicitly.
1878    // int or EnumSet  explicitlySetAttributes;
1880    private boolean actualLocaleIsSameAsValid;