revision db04b1679d3367e54e61d7e6f8c225354e90081c
1package org.testng.internal;
3import static org.testng.internal.invokers.InvokedMethodListenerMethod.AFTER_INVOCATION;
4import static org.testng.internal.invokers.InvokedMethodListenerMethod.BEFORE_INVOCATION;
6import org.testng.IClass;
7import org.testng.IConfigurable;
8import org.testng.IConfigurationListener;
9import org.testng.IConfigurationListener2;
10import org.testng.IHookable;
11import org.testng.IInvokedMethod;
12import org.testng.IInvokedMethodListener;
13import org.testng.IRetryAnalyzer;
14import org.testng.ITestClass;
15import org.testng.ITestContext;
16import org.testng.ITestListener;
17import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
18import org.testng.ITestResult;
19import org.testng.Reporter;
20import org.testng.SkipException;
21import org.testng.SuiteRunState;
22import org.testng.TestException;
23import org.testng.TestNGException;
24import org.testng.annotations.IConfigurationAnnotation;
25import org.testng.annotations.NoInjection;
26import org.testng.collections.Lists;
27import org.testng.collections.Maps;
28import org.testng.internal.InvokeMethodRunnable.TestNGRuntimeException;
29import org.testng.internal.ParameterHolder.ParameterOrigin;
30import org.testng.internal.annotations.AnnotationHelper;
31import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder;
32import org.testng.internal.annotations.Sets;
33import org.testng.internal.invokers.InvokedMethodListenerInvoker;
34import org.testng.internal.invokers.InvokedMethodListenerMethod;
35import org.testng.internal.thread.ThreadExecutionException;
36import org.testng.internal.thread.ThreadUtil;
37import org.testng.internal.thread.graph.IWorker;
38import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;
39import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;
40import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;
42import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
43import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
44import java.lang.reflect.Method;
45import java.util.Arrays;
46import java.util.Iterator;
47import java.util.List;
48import java.util.Map;
49import java.util.Set;
50import java.util.regex.Pattern;
53 * This class is responsible for invoking methods:
54 * - test methods
55 * - configuration methods
56 * - possibly in a separate thread
57 * and then for notifying the result listeners.
58 *
59 * @author <a href="">Cedric Beust</a>
60 * @author <a href=''>Alexandru Popescu</a>
61 */
62public class Invoker implements IInvoker {
63  private final ITestContext m_testContext;
64  private final ITestResultNotifier m_notifier;
65  private final IAnnotationFinder m_annotationFinder;
66  private final SuiteRunState m_suiteState;
67  private final boolean m_skipFailedInvocationCounts;
68  private final List<IInvokedMethodListener> m_invokedMethodListeners;
69  private final boolean m_continueOnFailedConfiguration;
71  /** Group failures must be synced as the Invoker is accessed concurrently */
72  private Map<String, Boolean> m_beforegroupsFailures = Maps.newHashtable();
74  /** Class failures must be synced as the Invoker is accessed concurrently */
75  private Map<Class<?>, Set<Object>> m_classInvocationResults = Maps.newHashtable();
77  /** Test methods whose configuration methods have failed. */
78  private Map<ITestNGMethod, Set<Object>> m_methodInvocationResults = Maps.newHashtable();
79  private IConfiguration m_configuration;
81  /** Predicate to filter methods */
82  private static Predicate CAN_RUN_FROM_CLASS = new CanRunFromClassPredicate();
83  /** Predicate to filter methods */
84  private static final Predicate SAME_CLASS = new SameClassNamePredicate();
86  private void setClassInvocationFailure(Class<?> clazz, Object instance) {
87    Set<Object> instances = m_classInvocationResults.get( clazz );
88    if (instances == null) {
89      instances = Sets.newHashSet();
90      m_classInvocationResults.put(clazz, instances);
91    }
92    instances.add(instance);
93  }
95  private void setMethodInvocationFailure(ITestNGMethod method, Object instance) {
96    Set<Object> instances = m_methodInvocationResults.get(method);
97    if (instances == null) {
98      instances = Sets.newHashSet();
99      m_methodInvocationResults.put(method, instances);
100    }
101    instances.add(instance);
102  }
104  public Invoker(IConfiguration configuration,
105                 ITestContext testContext,
106                 ITestResultNotifier notifier,
107                 SuiteRunState state,
108                 boolean skipFailedInvocationCounts,
109                 List<IInvokedMethodListener> invokedMethodListeners) {
110    m_configuration = configuration;
111    m_testContext= testContext;
112    m_suiteState= state;
113    m_notifier= notifier;
114    m_annotationFinder= configuration.getAnnotationFinder();
115    m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = skipFailedInvocationCounts;
116    m_invokedMethodListeners = invokedMethodListeners;
117    m_continueOnFailedConfiguration = XmlSuite.CONTINUE.equals(testContext.getSuite().getXmlSuite().getConfigFailurePolicy());
118  }
120  /**
121   * Invoke configuration methods if they belong to the same TestClass passed
122   * in parameter.. <p/>TODO: Calculate ahead of time which methods should be
123   * invoked for each class. Might speed things up for users who invoke the
124   * same test class with different parameters in the same suite run.
125   *
126   * If instance is non-null, the configuration will be run on it.  If it is null,
127   * the configuration methods will be run on all the instances retrieved
128   * from the ITestClass.
129   */
130  @Override
131  public void invokeConfigurations(IClass testClass,
132                                   ITestNGMethod[] allMethods,
133                                   XmlSuite suite,
134                                   Map<String, String> params,
135                                   Object[] parameterValues,
136                                   Object instance)
137  {
138    invokeConfigurations(testClass, null, allMethods, suite, params, parameterValues, instance,
139        null);
140  }
142  private void invokeConfigurations(IClass testClass,
143                                   ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,
144                                   ITestNGMethod[] allMethods,
145                                   XmlSuite suite,
146                                   Map<String, String> params,
147                                   Object[] parameterValues,
148                                   Object instance,
149                                   ITestResult testMethodResult)
150  {
151    if(null == allMethods) {
152      log(5, "No configuration methods found");
154      return;
155    }
157    ITestNGMethod[] methods= filterMethods(testClass, allMethods, SAME_CLASS);
159    for(ITestNGMethod tm : methods) {
160      if(null == testClass) {
161        testClass= tm.getTestClass();
162      }
164      ITestResult testResult= new TestResult(testClass,
165                                             instance,
166                                             tm,
167                                             null,
168                                             System.currentTimeMillis(),
169                                             System.currentTimeMillis());
171      IConfigurationAnnotation configurationAnnotation= null;
172      try {
173        Object[] instances= tm.getInstances();
174        if (instances == null || instances.length == 0) {
175          instances = new Object[] { instance };
176        }
177        Class<?> objectClass= instances[0].getClass();
178        Method method= tm.getMethod();
180        // Only run the configuration if
181        // - the test is enabled and
182        // - the Configuration method belongs to the same class or a parent
183        if(MethodHelper.isEnabled(objectClass, m_annotationFinder)) {
184          configurationAnnotation = AnnotationHelper.findConfiguration(m_annotationFinder, method);
186          if (MethodHelper.isEnabled(configurationAnnotation)) {
187            boolean isClassConfiguration = isClassConfiguration(configurationAnnotation);
188            boolean isSuiteConfiguration = isSuiteConfiguration(configurationAnnotation);
189            boolean alwaysRun= isAlwaysRun(configurationAnnotation);
191            if (!confInvocationPassed(tm, currentTestMethod, testClass, instance) && !alwaysRun) {
192              handleConfigurationSkip(tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);
193              continue;
194            }
196            log(3, "Invoking " + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true));
198            Object[] parameters = Parameters.createConfigurationParameters(tm.getMethod(),
199                params,
200                parameterValues,
201                currentTestMethod,
202                m_annotationFinder,
203                suite,
204                m_testContext,
205                testMethodResult);
206            testResult.setParameters(parameters);
208            Object[] newInstances= (null != instance) ? new Object[] { instance } : instances;
210            runConfigurationListeners(testResult, true /* before */);
212            invokeConfigurationMethod(newInstances, tm,
213              parameters, isClassConfiguration, isSuiteConfiguration, testResult);
215            // TODO: probably we should trigger the event for each instance???
216            testResult.setEndMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());
217            runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */);
218          }
219          else {
220            log(3,
221                "Skipping "
222                + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true)
223                + " because it is not enabled");
224          }
225        } // if is enabled
226        else {
227          log(3,
228              "Skipping "
229              + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true)
230              + " because "
231              + objectClass.getName()
232              + " is not enabled");
233        }
234      }
235      catch(InvocationTargetException ex) {
236        handleConfigurationFailure(ex, tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);
237      }
238      catch(TestNGException ex) {
239        // Don't wrap TestNGExceptions, it could be a missing parameter on a
240        // @Configuration method
241        handleConfigurationFailure(ex, tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);
242      }
243      catch(Throwable ex) { // covers the non-wrapper exceptions
244        handleConfigurationFailure(ex, tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);
245      }
246    } // for methods
247  }
249  /**
250   * Marks the current <code>TestResult</code> as skipped and invokes the listeners.
251   */
252  private void handleConfigurationSkip(ITestNGMethod tm,
253                                       ITestResult testResult,
254                                       IConfigurationAnnotation annotation,
255                                       ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,
256                                       Object instance,
257                                       XmlSuite suite) {
258    recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(tm, testResult.getTestClass(), annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);
259    testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SKIP);
260    runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */);
261  }
263  /**
264   * Is the current <code>IConfiguration</code> a class-level method.
265   */
266  private  boolean isClassConfiguration(IConfigurationAnnotation configurationAnnotation) {
267    if (null == configurationAnnotation) {
268      return false;
269    }
271    boolean before = configurationAnnotation.getBeforeTestClass();
272    boolean after = configurationAnnotation.getAfterTestClass();
274    return before || after;
275  }
277  /**
278   * Is the current <code>IConfiguration</code> a suite level method.
279   */
280  private  boolean isSuiteConfiguration(IConfigurationAnnotation configurationAnnotation) {
281    if (null == configurationAnnotation) {
282      return false;
283    }
285    boolean before = configurationAnnotation.getBeforeSuite();
286    boolean after = configurationAnnotation.getAfterSuite();
288    return before || after;
289  }
291  /**
292   * Is the <code>IConfiguration</code> marked as alwaysRun.
293   */
294  private boolean isAlwaysRun(IConfigurationAnnotation configurationAnnotation) {
295    if(null == configurationAnnotation) {
296      return false;
297    }
299    boolean alwaysRun= false;
300    if ((configurationAnnotation.getAfterSuite()
301        || configurationAnnotation.getAfterTest()
302        || configurationAnnotation.getAfterTestClass()
303        || configurationAnnotation.getAfterTestMethod())
304        && configurationAnnotation.getAlwaysRun())
305    {
306        alwaysRun= true;
307    }
309    return alwaysRun;
310  }
312  private void handleConfigurationFailure(Throwable ite,
313                                          ITestNGMethod tm,
314                                          ITestResult testResult,
315                                          IConfigurationAnnotation annotation,
316                                          ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,
317                                          Object instance,
318                                          XmlSuite suite)
319  {
320    Throwable cause= ite.getCause() != null ? ite.getCause() : ite;
322    if(SkipException.class.isAssignableFrom(cause.getClass())) {
323      SkipException skipEx= (SkipException) cause;
324      if(skipEx.isSkip()) {
325        testResult.setThrowable(skipEx);
326        handleConfigurationSkip(tm, testResult, annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);
327        return;
328      }
329    }
330    Utils.log("", 3, "Failed to invoke configuration method "
331        + tm.getRealClass().getName() + "." + tm.getMethodName() + ":" + cause.getMessage());
332    handleException(cause, tm, testResult, 1);
333    runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */);
335    //
336    // If in TestNG mode, need to take a look at the annotation to figure out
337    // what kind of @Configuration method we're dealing with
338    //
339    if (null != annotation) {
340      recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(tm, testResult.getTestClass(), annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);
341    }
342  }
344  /**
345   * @return All the classes that belong to the same <test> tag as @param cls
346   */
347  private XmlClass[] findClassesInSameTest(Class<?> cls, XmlSuite suite) {
348    Map<String, XmlClass> vResult= Maps.newHashMap();
349    String className= cls.getName();
350    for(XmlTest test : suite.getTests()) {
351      for(XmlClass testClass : test.getXmlClasses()) {
352        if(testClass.getName().equals(className)) {
354          // Found it, add all the classes in this test in the result
355          for(XmlClass thisClass : test.getXmlClasses()) {
356            vResult.put(thisClass.getName(), thisClass);
357          }
358          // Note:  we need to iterate through the entire suite since the same
359          // class might appear in several <test> tags
360        }
361      }
362    }
364    XmlClass[] result= vResult.values().toArray(new XmlClass[vResult.size()]);
366    return result;
367  }
369  /**
370   * Record internally the failure of a Configuration, so that we can determine
371   * later if @Test should be skipped.
372   */
373  private void recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(ITestNGMethod tm,
374                                                   IClass testClass,
375                                                   IConfigurationAnnotation annotation,
376                                                   ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,
377                                                   Object instance,
378                                                   XmlSuite suite) {
379    // If beforeTestClass or afterTestClass failed, mark either the config method's
380    // entire class as failed, or the class under tests as failed, depending on
381    // the configuration failure policy
382    if (annotation.getBeforeTestClass() || annotation.getAfterTestClass()) {
383      // tm is the configuration method, and currentTestMethod is null for BeforeClass
384      // methods, so we need testClass
385      if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) {
386        setClassInvocationFailure(testClass.getRealClass(), instance);
387      } else {
388        setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance);
389      }
390    }
392    // If before/afterTestMethod failed, mark either the config method's entire
393    // class as failed, or just the current test method as failed, depending on
394    // the configuration failure policy
395    else if (annotation.getBeforeTestMethod() || annotation.getAfterTestMethod()) {
396      if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) {
397        setMethodInvocationFailure(currentTestMethod, instance);
398      } else {
399        setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance);
400      }
401    }
403    // If beforeSuite or afterSuite failed, mark *all* the classes as failed
404    // for configurations.  At this point, the entire Suite is screwed
405    else if (annotation.getBeforeSuite() || annotation.getAfterSuite()) {
406      m_suiteState.failed();
407    }
409    // beforeTest or afterTest:  mark all the classes in the same
410    // <test> stanza as failed for configuration
411    else if (annotation.getBeforeTest() || annotation.getAfterTest()) {
412      setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance);
413      XmlClass[] classes= findClassesInSameTest(tm.getRealClass(), suite);
414      for(XmlClass xmlClass : classes) {
415        setClassInvocationFailure(xmlClass.getSupportClass(), instance);
416      }
417    }
418    String[] beforeGroups= annotation.getBeforeGroups();
419    if(null != beforeGroups && beforeGroups.length > 0) {
420      for(String group: beforeGroups) {
421        m_beforegroupsFailures.put(group, Boolean.FALSE);
422      }
423    }
424  }
426  /**
427   * @return true if this class has successfully run all its @Configuration
428   * method or false if at least one of these methods failed.
429   */
430  private boolean confInvocationPassed(ITestNGMethod method, ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod, IClass testClass, Object instance) {
431    boolean result= true;
433    // If continuing on config failure, check invocation results for the class
434    // under test, otherwise use the method's declaring class
435    Class<?> cls = m_continueOnFailedConfiguration ?
436            testClass.getRealClass() : method.getMethod().getDeclaringClass();
438    if(m_suiteState.isFailed()) {
439      result= false;
440    }
441    else {
442      if (m_classInvocationResults.containsKey(cls)) {
443        if (! m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) {
444          result = !m_classInvocationResults.containsKey(cls);
445        } else {
446          result = !m_classInvocationResults.get(cls).contains(instance);
447        }
448      }
449      // if method is BeforeClass, currentTestMethod will be null
450      else if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration &&
451              currentTestMethod != null &&
452              m_methodInvocationResults.containsKey(currentTestMethod)) {
453        result = !m_methodInvocationResults.get(currentTestMethod).contains(instance);
454      }
455      else if (! m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) {
456        for(Class<?> clazz: m_classInvocationResults.keySet()) {
457//          if (clazz == cls) {
458          if(clazz.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
459            result= false;
460            break;
461          }
462        }
463      }
464    }
466    // check if there are failed @BeforeGroups
467    String[] groups= method.getGroups();
468    if(null != groups && groups.length > 0) {
469      for(String group: groups) {
470        if(m_beforegroupsFailures.containsKey(group)) {
471          result= false;
472          break;
473        }
474      }
475    }
476    return result;
477  }
479  /**
480   * Effectively invokes a configuration method on all passed in instances.
481   * TODO: Should change this method to be more like invokeMethod() so that we can
482   * handle calls to {@code IInvokedMethodListener} better.
483   *
484   * @param instances the instances to invoke the configuration method on
485   * @param tm the configuration method
486   * @param params the parameters needed for method invocation
487   * @param isClass flag if the configuration method is a class level method // FIXME: this looks like a missusage
488   * @param testResult
489   * @throws InvocationTargetException
490   * @throws IllegalAccessException
491   */
492  private void invokeConfigurationMethod(Object[] instances,
493                                         ITestNGMethod tm,
494                                         Object[] params,
495                                         boolean isClass,
496                                         boolean isSuite,
497                                         ITestResult testResult)
498    throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
499  {
500    // Mark this method with the current thread id
501    tm.setId(ThreadUtil.currentThreadInfo());
503    // Only a @BeforeMethod/@AfterMethod needs to be run before each instance, all the other
504    // configuration methods only need to be run once
505    List<Object> actualInstances = Lists.newArrayList();
506    if (tm.isBeforeMethodConfiguration() || tm.isAfterMethodConfiguration()) {
507      actualInstances.addAll(Arrays.asList(instances));
508    } else {
509      actualInstances.add(instances[0]);
510    }
511    for(Object targetInstance : actualInstances) {
512      InvokedMethod invokedMethod= new InvokedMethod(targetInstance,
513                                          tm,
514                                          params,
515                                          false, /* isTest */
516                                          isClass, /* ??? */
517                                          System.currentTimeMillis());
519      runInvokedMethodListeners(BEFORE_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);
520      m_notifier.addInvokedMethod(invokedMethod);
521      try {
522        Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult);
523        Method method = tm.getMethod();
525        //
526        // If this method is a IHookable, invoke its run() method
527        //
528        IConfigurable configurableInstance =
529          IConfigurable.class.isAssignableFrom(tm.getMethod().getDeclaringClass()) ?
530          (IConfigurable) targetInstance : m_configuration.getConfigurable();
531        if (configurableInstance != null) {
532          //
533          // If this method is a IConfigurable, invoke its run() method
534          //
535          MethodInvocationHelper.invokeConfigurable(targetInstance, params, configurableInstance, method,
536              testResult);
537        }
538        else {
539          //
540          // Not a IConfigurable, invoke directly
541          //
542          if (MethodHelper.calculateTimeOut(tm) <= 0) {
543            MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod(method, targetInstance, params);
544          }
545          else {
546            MethodInvocationHelper.invokeWithTimeout(tm, targetInstance, params, testResult);
547            if (!testResult.isSuccess()) {
548              // A time out happened
549              throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, testResult.getThrowable());
550              throw testResult.getThrowable();
551            }
552          }
553        }
554        // Only run the method once if it's @BeforeSuite or @AfterSuite
555        if (isSuite) {
556          break;
557        }
558      }
559      catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
560       throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, ex);
561       throw ex;
562      }
563      catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
564        throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, ex);
565        throw ex;
566      }
567      catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
568        throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, ex);
569        throw new TestNGException(ex);
570      }
571      catch (Throwable ex) {
572        throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, ex);
573        throw new TestNGException(ex);
574      }
575      finally {
576        Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult);
577        runInvokedMethodListeners(AFTER_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);
578      }
579    }
580  }
582  private void throwConfigurationFailure(ITestResult testResult, Throwable ex)
583  {
584    testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);;
585    testResult.setThrowable(ex.getCause() == null ? ex : ex.getCause());
586  }
588  private void runInvokedMethodListeners(InvokedMethodListenerMethod listenerMethod, IInvokedMethod invokedMethod,
589      ITestResult testResult)
590  {
591    if ( noListenersPresent() ) {
592      return;
593    }
595    InvokedMethodListenerInvoker invoker = new InvokedMethodListenerInvoker(listenerMethod, testResult, m_testContext);
596    for (IInvokedMethodListener currentListener : m_invokedMethodListeners) {
597      invoker.invokeListener(currentListener, invokedMethod);
598    }
599  }
601  private boolean noListenersPresent() {
602    return (m_invokedMethodListeners == null) || (m_invokedMethodListeners.size() == 0);
603  }
605  // pass both paramValues and paramIndex to be thread safe in case parallel=true + dataprovider.
606  private ITestResult invokeMethod(Object[] instances,
607                                   int instanceIndex,
608                                   final ITestNGMethod tm,
609                                   Object[] parameterValues,
610                                   int parametersIndex,
611                                   XmlSuite suite,
612                                   Map<String, String> params,
613                                   ITestClass testClass,
614                                   ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods,
615                                   ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods,
616                                   ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods) {
617    TestResult testResult = new TestResult();
619    //
620    // Invoke beforeGroups configurations
621    //
622    Object instance = instances[instanceIndex];
623    invokeBeforeGroupsConfigurations(testClass, tm, groupMethods, suite, params,
624        instance);
626    //
627    // Invoke beforeMethods only if
628    // - firstTimeOnly is not set
629    // - firstTimeOnly is set, and we are reaching at the first invocationCount
630    //
631    invokeConfigurations(testClass, tm,
632      filterConfigurationMethods(tm, beforeMethods, true /* beforeMethods */),
633      suite, params, parameterValues,
634      instance, testResult);
636    //
637    // Create the ExtraOutput for this method
638    //
639    InvokedMethod invokedMethod = null;
640    try {
641      testResult.init(testClass, instance,
642                                 tm,
643                                 null,
644                                 System.currentTimeMillis(),
645                                 0);
646      testResult.setParameters(parameterValues);
647      testResult.setHost(m_testContext.getHost());
648      testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.STARTED);
650      invokedMethod= new InvokedMethod(instance,
651          tm,
652          parameterValues,
653          true /* isTest */,
654          false /* isConfiguration */,
655          System.currentTimeMillis());
657      // Fix from ansgarkonermann
658      // invokedMethod is used in the finally, which can be invoked if
659      // any of the test listeners throws an exception, therefore,
660      // invokedMethod must have a value before we get here
661      runTestListeners(testResult);
663      runInvokedMethodListeners(BEFORE_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);
665      m_notifier.addInvokedMethod(invokedMethod);
667      Method thisMethod= tm.getMethod();
669      if(confInvocationPassed(tm, tm, testClass, instance)) {
670        log(3, "Invoking " + thisMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." +
671            thisMethod.getName());
673        // If no timeOut, just invoke the method
674        if (MethodHelper.calculateTimeOut(tm) <= 0) {
675          try {
676            Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult);
677            //
678            // If this method is a IHookable, invoke its run() method
679            //
680            IHookable hookableInstance =
681              IHookable.class.isAssignableFrom(thisMethod.getDeclaringClass()) ?
682              (IHookable) instance : m_configuration.getHookable();
683            if (hookableInstance != null) {
684              MethodInvocationHelper.invokeHookable(instance,
685                  parameterValues, hookableInstance, thisMethod, testResult);
686            }
687            //
688            // Not a IHookable, invoke directly
689            //
690            else {
691              MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod(thisMethod, instance,
692                  parameterValues);
693            }
694            testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SUCCESS);
695          }
696          finally {
697            Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(null);
698          }
699        }
700        else {
701          //
702          // Method with a timeout
703          //
704          try {
705            Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult);
706            MethodInvocationHelper.invokeWithTimeout(tm, instance, parameterValues, testResult);
707          }
708          finally {
709            Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(null);
710          }
711        }
712      }
713      else {
714        testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SKIP);
715      }
716    }
717    catch(InvocationTargetException ite) {
718      testResult.setThrowable(ite.getCause());
719      testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);
720    }
721    catch(ThreadExecutionException tee) { // wrapper for TestNGRuntimeException
722      Throwable cause= tee.getCause();
723      if(TestNGRuntimeException.class.equals(cause.getClass())) {
724        testResult.setThrowable(cause.getCause());
725      }
726      else {
727        testResult.setThrowable(cause);
728      }
729      testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);
730    }
731    catch(Throwable thr) { // covers the non-wrapper exceptions
732      testResult.setThrowable(thr);
733      testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);
734    }
735    finally {
736      ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionClasses
737          = MethodHelper.findExpectedExceptions(m_annotationFinder, tm.getMethod());
738      List<ITestResult> results = Lists.newArrayList();
739      results.add(testResult);
740      handleInvocationResults(tm, results, null, 0, expectedExceptionClasses, false,
741          false /* collect results */);
743      // If this method has a data provider and just failed, memorize the number
744      // at which it failed.
745      // Note: we're not exactly testing that this method has a data provider, just
746      // that it has parameters, so might have to revisit this if bugs get reported
747      // for the case where this method has parameters that don't come from a data
748      // provider
749      if (testResult.getThrowable() != null && parameterValues.length > 0) {
750        tm.addFailedInvocationNumber(parametersIndex);
751      }
753      //
754      // Increment the invocation count for this method
755      //
756      tm.incrementCurrentInvocationCount();
758      if (testResult != null) {
759        testResult.setEndMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());
760      }
762      // Run invokedMethodListeners after updating TestResult
763      runInvokedMethodListeners(AFTER_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);
764      runTestListeners(testResult);
765      collectResults(tm, results, testResult);
767      //
768      // Invoke afterMethods only if
769      // - lastTimeOnly is not set
770      // - lastTimeOnly is set, and we are reaching the last invocationCount
771      //
772      invokeConfigurations(testClass, tm,
773          filterConfigurationMethods(tm, afterMethods, false /* beforeMethods */),
774          suite, params, parameterValues,
775          instance,
776          testResult);
778      //
779      // Invoke afterGroups configurations
780      //
781      invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(testClass, tm, groupMethods, suite,
782          params, instance);
783    }
785    return testResult;
786  }
788  private void collectResults(ITestNGMethod testMethod, List<ITestResult> results, TestResult testResult) {
789    for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
790      // Collect the results
791      int status = results.get(i).getStatus();
792      if(ITestResult.SUCCESS == status) {
793        m_notifier.addPassedTest(testMethod, testResult);
794      }
795      else if(ITestResult.SKIP == status) {
796        m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, testResult);
797      }
798      else if(ITestResult.FAILURE == status) {
799        m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, testResult);
800      }
801      else if(ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE == status) {
802        m_notifier.addFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTest(testMethod, testResult);
803      }
804      else {
805        assert false : "UNKNOWN STATUS:" + status;
806      }
807    }
808  }
810  /**
811   * The array of methods contains @BeforeMethods if isBefore if true, @AfterMethods
812   * otherwise.  This function removes all the methods that should not be run at this
813   * point because they are either firstTimeOnly or lastTimeOnly and we haven't reached
814   * the current invocationCount yet
815   */
816  private ITestNGMethod[] filterConfigurationMethods(ITestNGMethod tm,
817      ITestNGMethod[] methods, boolean isBefore)
818  {
819    List<ITestNGMethod> result = Lists.newArrayList();
820    for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {
821      ConfigurationMethod cm = (ConfigurationMethod) m;
822      if (isBefore) {
823        if (! cm.isFirstTimeOnly() ||
824            (cm.isFirstTimeOnly() && tm.getCurrentInvocationCount() == 0))
825        {
826          result.add(m);
827        }
828      }
829      else {
830        int current = tm.getCurrentInvocationCount();
831        boolean isLast = false;
832        // If we have parameters, set the boolean if we are about to run
833        // the last invocation
834        if (tm.getParameterInvocationCount() > 0) {
835          isLast = current == tm.getParameterInvocationCount();
836        }
837        // If we have invocationCount > 1, set the boolean if we are about to
838        // run the last invocation
839        else if (tm.getInvocationCount() > 1) {
840          isLast = current == tm.getInvocationCount();
841        }
842        if (! cm.isLastTimeOnly() || (cm.isLastTimeOnly() && isLast)) {
843          result.add(m);
844        }
845      }
846    }
848    return result.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[result.size()]);
849  }
851  /**
852   * {@link #invokeTestMethods()} eventually converge here to invoke a single @Test method.
853   * <p/>
854   * This method is responsible for actually invoking the method. It decides if the invocation
855   * must be done:
856   * <ul>
857   * <li>through an <code>IHookable</code></li>
858   * <li>directly (through reflection)</li>
859   * <li>in a separate thread (in case it needs to timeout)
860   * </ul>
861   *
862   * <p/>
863   * This method is also reponsible for invoking @BeforeGroup, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @AfterGroup
864   * if it is the case for the passed in @Test method.
865   */
866  protected List<ITestResult> invokeTestMethod(Object[] instances,
867                                             final ITestNGMethod tm,
868                                             Object[] parameterValues,
869                                             int parametersIndex,
870                                             XmlSuite suite,
871                                             Map<String, String> params,
872                                             ITestClass testClass,
873                                             ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods,
874                                             ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods,
875                                             ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods)
876  {
877    List<ITestResult> results = Lists.newArrayList();
879    // Mark this method with the current thread id
880    tm.setId(ThreadUtil.currentThreadInfo());
882    for(int i= 0; i < instances.length; i++) {
883      results.add(invokeMethod(instances, i, tm, parameterValues, parametersIndex, suite, params,
884          testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods));
885    }
887    return results;
888  }
890  /**
891   * Filter all the beforeGroups methods and invoke only those that apply
892   * to the current test method
893   */
894  private void invokeBeforeGroupsConfigurations(ITestClass testClass,
895                                                ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,
896                                                ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,
897                                                XmlSuite suite,
898                                                Map<String, String> params,
899                                                Object instance)
900  {
901    synchronized(groupMethods) {
902      List<ITestNGMethod> filteredMethods = Lists.newArrayList();
903      String[] groups = currentTestMethod.getGroups();
904      Map<String, List<ITestNGMethod>> beforeGroupMap = groupMethods.getBeforeGroupsMap();
906      for (String group : groups) {
907        List<ITestNGMethod> methods = beforeGroupMap.get(group);
908        if (methods != null) {
909          filteredMethods.addAll(methods);
910        }
911      }
913      ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethodsArray = filteredMethods.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[filteredMethods.size()]);
914      //
915      // Invoke the right groups methods
916      //
917      if(beforeMethodsArray.length > 0) {
918        // don't pass the IClass or the instance as the method may be external
919        // the invocation must be similar to @BeforeTest/@BeforeSuite
920        invokeConfigurations(null, beforeMethodsArray, suite, params,
921            null, /* no parameter values */
922            null);
923      }
925      //
926      // Remove them so they don't get run again
927      //
928      groupMethods.removeBeforeGroups(groups);
929    }
930  }
932  private void invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(ITestClass testClass,
933                                               ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,
934                                               ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,
935                                               XmlSuite suite,
936                                               Map<String, String> params,
937                                               Object instance)
938  {
939    // Skip this if the current method doesn't belong to any group
940    // (only a method that belongs to a group can trigger the invocation
941    // of afterGroups methods)
942    if (currentTestMethod.getGroups().length == 0) {
943      return;
944    }
946    // See if the currentMethod is the last method in any of the groups
947    // it belongs to
948    Map<String, String> filteredGroups = Maps.newHashMap();
949    String[] groups = currentTestMethod.getGroups();
950    synchronized(groupMethods) {
951      for (String group : groups) {
952        if (groupMethods.isLastMethodForGroup(group, currentTestMethod)) {
953          filteredGroups.put(group, group);
954        }
955      }
957      if(filteredGroups.isEmpty()) {
958        return;
959      }
961      // The list of afterMethods to run
962      Map<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> afterMethods = Maps.newHashMap();
964      // Now filteredGroups contains all the groups for which we need to run the afterGroups
965      // method.  Find all the methods that correspond to these groups and invoke them.
966      Map<String, List<ITestNGMethod>> map = groupMethods.getAfterGroupsMap();
967      for (String g : filteredGroups.values()) {
968        List<ITestNGMethod> methods = map.get(g);
969        // Note:  should put them in a map if we want to make sure the same afterGroups
970        // doesn't get run twice
971        if (methods != null) {
972          for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {
973            afterMethods.put(m, m);
974          }
975        }
976      }
978      // Got our afterMethods, invoke them
979      ITestNGMethod[] afterMethodsArray = afterMethods.keySet().toArray(new ITestNGMethod[afterMethods.size()]);
980      // don't pass the IClass or the instance as the method may be external
981      // the invocation must be similar to @BeforeTest/@BeforeSuite
982      invokeConfigurations(null, afterMethodsArray, suite, params,
983          null, /* no parameter values */
984          null);
986      // Remove the groups so they don't get run again
987      groupMethods.removeAfterGroups(filteredGroups.keySet());
988    }
989  }
991  private Object[] getParametersFromIndex(Iterator<Object[]> parametersValues, int index) {
992    while (parametersValues.hasNext()) {
993      Object[] parameters =;
995      if (index == 0) {
996        return parameters;
997      }
998      index--;
999    }
1000    return null;
1001  }
1003  int retryFailed(Object[] instances,
1004                           int instanceIndex,
1005                           final ITestNGMethod tm,
1006                           XmlSuite suite,
1007                           ITestClass testClass,
1008                           ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods,
1009                           ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods,
1010                           ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,
1011                           List<ITestResult> result,
1012                           int failureCount,
1013                           ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionHolder,
1014                           ITestContext testContext,
1015                           Map<String, String> parameters,
1016                           int parametersIndex) {
1017    List<Object> failedInstances;
1019    do {
1020      failedInstances = Lists.newArrayList();
1021      Map<String, String> allParameters = Maps.newHashMap();
1022      /**
1023       * TODO: This recreates all the parameters every time when we only need
1024       * one specific set. Should optimize it by only recreating the set needed.
1025       */
1026      ParameterBag bag = createParameters(tm, parameters,
1027          allParameters, null, suite, testContext, null /* fedInstance */, null /* testResult */);
1028      Object[] parameterValues =
1029          getParametersFromIndex(bag.parameterHolder.parameters, parametersIndex);
1031      result.add(invokeMethod(instances, instanceIndex, tm, parameterValues,parametersIndex, suite,
1032          allParameters, testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods));
1033      failureCount = handleInvocationResults(tm, result, failedInstances,
1034          failureCount, expectedExceptionHolder, true, true /* collect results */);
1035    }
1036    while (!failedInstances.isEmpty());
1037    return failureCount;
1038  }
1040  private ParameterBag createParameters(ITestNGMethod testMethod,
1041                                        Map<String, String> parameters,
1042                                        Map<String, String> allParameterNames,
1043                                        Object[] parameterValues,
1044                                        XmlSuite suite,
1045                                        ITestContext testContext,
1046                                        Object fedInstance,
1047                                        ITestResult testResult)
1048  {
1049    Object instance;
1050    if (fedInstance != null) {
1051      instance = fedInstance;
1052    }
1053    else {
1054      instance = testMethod.getInstance();
1055    }
1057    ParameterBag bag= handleParameters(testMethod,
1058        instance, allParameterNames, parameters, parameterValues, suite, testContext, fedInstance,
1059        testResult);
1061    return bag;
1062  }
1064  /**
1065   * Invoke all the test methods. Note the plural: the method passed in
1066   * parameter might be invoked several times if the test class it belongs
1067   * to has more than one instance (i.e., if an @Factory method has been
1068   * declared somewhere that returns several instances of this TestClass).
1069   * If no @Factory method was specified, testMethod will only be invoked
1070   * once.
1071   * <p/>
1072   * Note that this method also takes care of invoking the beforeTestMethod
1073   * and afterTestMethod, if any.
1074   *
1075   * Note (alex): this method can be refactored to use a SingleTestMethodWorker that
1076   * directly invokes
1077   * {@link #invokeTestMethod(Object[], ITestNGMethod, Object[], XmlSuite, Map, ITestClass, ITestNGMethod[], ITestNGMethod[], ConfigurationGroupMethods)}
1078   * and this would simplify the implementation (see how DataTestMethodWorker is used)
1079   */
1080  @Override
1081  public List<ITestResult> invokeTestMethods(ITestNGMethod testMethod,
1082                                             ITestNGMethod[] allTestMethods,
1083                                             int testMethodIndex,
1084                                             XmlSuite suite,
1085                                             Map<String, String> parameters,
1086                                             ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,
1087                                             Object[] instances,
1088                                             ITestContext testContext)
1089  {
1090    // Potential bug here if the test method was declared on a parent class
1091    assert null != testMethod.getTestClass()
1092    : "COULDN'T FIND TESTCLASS FOR " + testMethod.getMethod().getDeclaringClass();
1094    List<ITestResult> result = Lists.newArrayList();
1096    if (!MethodHelper.isEnabled(testMethod.getMethod(), m_annotationFinder)) {
1097      /*
1098       * return if the method is not enabled. No need to do any more calculations
1099       */
1100      return result;
1101    }
1103    ITestClass testClass= testMethod.getTestClass();
1104    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
1106    // For invocationCount > 1 and threadPoolSize > 1 the method will be invoked on a thread pool
1107    long timeOutInvocationCount = testMethod.getInvocationTimeOut();
1108    //FIXME: Is this correct?
1109    boolean onlyOne = testMethod.getThreadPoolSize() > 1 ||
1110      timeOutInvocationCount > 0;
1112    int invocationCount = onlyOne ? 1 : testMethod.getInvocationCount();
1113    int failureCount = 0;
1115    ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionHolder =
1116        MethodHelper.findExpectedExceptions(m_annotationFinder, testMethod.getMethod());
1117    while(invocationCount-- > 0) {
1118      boolean okToProceed = checkDependencies(testMethod, allTestMethods);
1120      if (!okToProceed) {
1121        //
1122        // Not okToProceed. Test is being skipped
1123        //
1124        ITestResult testResult = new TestResult(testClass, null /* instance */,
1125                                               testMethod,
1126                                               null /* cause */,
1127                                               start,
1128                                               System.currentTimeMillis());
1129        String missingGroup = testMethod.getMissingGroup();
1130        if (missingGroup != null) {
1131          testResult.setThrowable(new Throwable("Method " + testMethod
1132              + " depends on nonexistent group \"" + missingGroup + "\""));
1133        }
1135        testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SKIP);
1136        result.add(testResult);
1137        m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, testResult);
1138        runTestListeners(testResult);
1139        return result;
1140      }
1142      //
1143      // If threadPoolSize specified, run this method in its own pool thread.
1144      //
1145      if (testMethod.getThreadPoolSize() > 1 && testMethod.getInvocationCount() > 1) {
1146          return invokePooledTestMethods(testMethod, allTestMethods, suite,
1147              parameters, groupMethods, testContext);
1148      }
1149      //
1150      // No threads, regular invocation
1151      //
1152      else {
1153        ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods = filterMethods(testClass, testClass.getBeforeTestMethods(),
1154            CAN_RUN_FROM_CLASS);
1155        ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods = filterMethods(testClass, testClass.getAfterTestMethods(),
1156            CAN_RUN_FROM_CLASS);
1158        Map<String, String> allParameterNames = Maps.newHashMap();
1159        ParameterBag bag = createParameters(testMethod,
1160            parameters, allParameterNames, null, suite, testContext, instances[0],
1161            null);
1163        if (bag.hasErrors()) {
1164          failureCount = handleInvocationResults(testMethod,
1165              bag.errorResults, null, failureCount, expectedExceptionHolder, true,
1166              true /* collect results */);
1167          ITestResult tr = registerSkippedTestResult(testMethod, instances[0], start,
1168              bag.errorResults.get(0).getThrowable());
1169          result.add(tr);
1170          continue;
1171        }
1173        Iterator<Object[]> allParameterValues = bag.parameterHolder.parameters;
1174        int parametersIndex = 0;
1176        try {
1177          List<TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker> workers = Lists.newArrayList();
1179          if (bag.parameterHolder.origin == ParameterOrigin.ORIGIN_DATA_PROVIDER &&
1180              bag.parameterHolder.dataProviderHolder.annotation.isParallel()) {
1181            while (allParameterValues.hasNext()) {
1182              Object[] parameterValues = injectParameters(,
1183                  testMethod.getMethod(), testContext, null /* test result */);
1184              TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker w =
1185                new TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker(this,
1186                    testMethod, parametersIndex,
1187                    parameterValues, instances, suite, parameters, testClass,
1188                    beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods,
1189                    expectedExceptionHolder, testContext, m_skipFailedInvocationCounts,
1190                    invocationCount, failureCount, m_notifier);
1191              workers.add(w);
1192              // testng387: increment the param index in the bag.
1193              parametersIndex++;
1194            }
1195            PoolService ps = PoolService.getInstance();
1196            List<ITestResult> r = ps.submitTasksAndWait(testMethod, workers);
1197            result.addAll(r);
1199          } else {
1200            while (allParameterValues.hasNext()) {
1201              Object[] parameterValues = injectParameters(,
1202                  testMethod.getMethod(), testContext, null /* test result */);
1204              List<ITestResult> tmpResults = Lists.newArrayList();
1206              try {
1207                tmpResults.addAll(invokeTestMethod(instances,
1208                                                   testMethod,
1209                                                   parameterValues,
1210                                                   parametersIndex,
1211                                                   suite,
1212                                                   parameters,
1213                                                   testClass,
1214                                                   beforeMethods,
1215                                                   afterMethods,
1216                                                   groupMethods));
1217              }
1218              finally {
1219                List<Object> failedInstances = Lists.newArrayList();
1221                failureCount = handleInvocationResults(testMethod, tmpResults,
1222                    failedInstances, failureCount, expectedExceptionHolder, true,
1223                    false /* don't collect results */);
1224                if (failedInstances.isEmpty()) {
1225                  result.addAll(tmpResults);
1226                } else {
1227                  for (int i = 0; i < failedInstances.size(); i++) {
1228                    List<ITestResult> retryResults = Lists.newArrayList();
1230                    failureCount =
1231                     retryFailed(failedInstances.toArray(),
1232                     i, testMethod, suite, testClass, beforeMethods,
1233                     afterMethods, groupMethods, retryResults,
1234                     failureCount, expectedExceptionHolder,
1235                     testContext, parameters, parametersIndex);
1236                  result.addAll(retryResults);
1237                  }
1238                }
1240                //
1241                // If we have a failure, skip all the
1242                // other invocationCounts
1243                //
1244                if (failureCount > 0
1245                      && (m_skipFailedInvocationCounts
1246                            || testMethod.skipFailedInvocations())) {
1247                  while (invocationCount-- > 0) {
1248                    result.add(registerSkippedTestResult(testMethod, instances[0], start, null));
1249                  }
1250                  break;
1251                }
1252              }// end finally
1253              parametersIndex++;
1254            }
1255          }
1256        }
1257        catch (Throwable cause) {
1258          ITestResult r =
1259              new TestResult(testMethod.getTestClass(),
1260                instances[0],
1261                testMethod,
1262                cause,
1263                start,
1264                System.currentTimeMillis());
1265            r.setStatus(TestResult.FAILURE);
1266            result.add(r);
1267            runTestListeners(r);
1268            m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, r);
1269        } // catch
1270      }
1271    }
1273    return result;
1275  } // invokeTestMethod
1277  private ITestResult registerSkippedTestResult(ITestNGMethod testMethod, Object instance,
1278      long start, Throwable throwable) {
1279    ITestResult result =
1280      new TestResult(testMethod.getTestClass(),
1281        instance,
1282        testMethod,
1283        throwable,
1284        start,
1285        System.currentTimeMillis());
1286    result.setStatus(TestResult.SKIP);
1287    runTestListeners(result);
1289    return result;
1290  }
1292  /**
1293   * Gets an array of parameter values returned by data provider or the ones that
1294   * are injected based on parameter type. The method also checks for {@code NoInjection}
1295   * annotation
1296   * @param parameterValues parameter values from a data provider
1297   * @param method method to be invoked
1298   * @param context test context
1299   * @param testResult test result
1300   * @return
1301   */
1302  private Object[] injectParameters(Object[] parameterValues, Method method,
1303      ITestContext context, ITestResult testResult)
1304    throws TestNGException {
1305    List<Object> vResult = Lists.newArrayList();
1306    int i = 0;
1307    int numValues = parameterValues.length;
1308    int numParams = method.getParameterTypes().length;
1310    if (numValues > numParams && ! method.isVarArgs()) {
1311      throw new TestNGException("The data provider is trying to pass " + numValues
1312          + " parameters but the method "
1313          + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "#" + method.getName()
1314          + " takes " + numParams);
1315    }
1317    // beyond this, numValues <= numParams
1318    for (Class<?> cls : method.getParameterTypes()) {
1319      Annotation[] annotations = method.getParameterAnnotations()[i];
1320      boolean noInjection = false;
1321      for (Annotation a : annotations) {
1322        if (a instanceof NoInjection) {
1323          noInjection = true;
1324          break;
1325        }
1326      }
1327      Object injected = Parameters.getInjectedParameter(cls, method, context, testResult);
1328      if (injected != null && ! noInjection) {
1329        vResult.add(injected);
1330      } else {
1331        try {
1332          if (method.isVarArgs()) vResult.add(parameterValues);
1333          else vResult.add(parameterValues[i++]);
1334        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
1335          throw new TestNGException("The data provider is trying to pass " + numValues
1336              + " parameters but the method "
1337              + method.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "#" + method.getName()
1338              + " takes " + numParams
1339              + " and TestNG is unable in inject a suitable object", ex);
1340        }
1341      }
1342    }
1343    return vResult.toArray(new Object[vResult.size()]);
1344  }
1346  private ParameterBag handleParameters(ITestNGMethod testMethod,
1347      Object instance,
1348      Map<String, String> allParameterNames,
1349      Map<String, String> parameters,
1350      Object[] parameterValues,
1351      XmlSuite suite,
1352      ITestContext testContext,
1353      Object fedInstance,
1354      ITestResult testResult)
1355  {
1356    try {
1357      return new ParameterBag(
1358          Parameters.handleParameters(testMethod,
1359            allParameterNames,
1360            instance,
1361            new Parameters.MethodParameters(parameters, parameterValues,
1362                testMethod.getMethod(), testContext, testResult),
1363            suite,
1364            m_annotationFinder,
1365            fedInstance),
1366          null /* TestResult */);
1367    }
1368//    catch(TestNGException ex) {
1369//      throw ex;
1370//    }
1371    catch(Throwable cause) {
1372      return new ParameterBag(null /* ParameterHolder */,
1373          new TestResult(
1374              testMethod.getTestClass(),
1375              instance,
1376              testMethod,
1377              cause,
1378              System.currentTimeMillis(),
1379              System.currentTimeMillis()));
1380    }
1381  }
1383  /**
1384   * Invokes a method that has a specified threadPoolSize.
1385   */
1386  private List<ITestResult> invokePooledTestMethods(ITestNGMethod testMethod,
1387                                                    ITestNGMethod[] allTestMethods,
1388                                                    XmlSuite suite,
1389                                                    Map<String, String> parameters,
1390                                                    ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,
1391                                                    ITestContext testContext)
1392  {
1393    //
1394    // Create the workers
1395    //
1396    List<IWorker<ITestNGMethod>> workers = Lists.newArrayList();
1398    // Create one worker per invocationCount
1399    for (int i = 0; i < testMethod.getInvocationCount(); i++) {
1400      // we use clones for reporting purposes
1401      ITestNGMethod clonedMethod= testMethod.clone();
1402      clonedMethod.setInvocationCount(1);
1403      clonedMethod.setThreadPoolSize(1);
1405      MethodInstance mi = new MethodInstance(clonedMethod);
1406      workers.add(new SingleTestMethodWorker(this,
1407          mi,
1408          suite,
1409          parameters,
1410          allTestMethods,
1411          testContext));
1412    }
1414    return runWorkers(testMethod, workers, testMethod.getThreadPoolSize(), groupMethods, suite, parameters);
1415  }
1417  /**
1418   * @param testMethod
1419   * @param result
1420   * @param failureCount
1421   * @param expectedExceptionsHolder
1422   * @return
1423   */
1424  int handleInvocationResults(ITestNGMethod testMethod,
1425                                      List<ITestResult> result,
1426                                      List<Object> failedInstances,
1427                                      int failureCount,
1428                                      ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionsHolder,
1429                                      boolean triggerListeners,
1430                                      boolean collectResults)
1431  {
1432    //
1433    // Go through all the results and create a TestResult for each of them
1434    //
1435    List<ITestResult> resultsToRetry = Lists.newArrayList();
1437    for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
1438      ITestResult testResult = result.get(i);
1439      Throwable ite= testResult.getThrowable();
1440      int status= testResult.getStatus();
1442      // Exception thrown?
1443      if (ite != null) {
1445        //  Invocation caused an exception, see if the method was annotated with @ExpectedException
1446        if (isExpectedException(ite, expectedExceptionsHolder)) {
1447          if (messageRegExpMatches(expectedExceptionsHolder.messageRegExp, ite)) {
1448            testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SUCCESS);
1449            status= ITestResult.SUCCESS;
1450          }
1451          else {
1452            testResult.setThrowable(
1453                new TestException("The exception was thrown with the wrong message:" +
1454                    " expected \"" + expectedExceptionsHolder.messageRegExp + "\"" +
1455                    " but got \"" + ite.getMessage() + "\"", ite));
1456            status= ITestResult.FAILURE;
1457          }
1458        } else if (ite != null && expectedExceptionsHolder != null) {
1459          testResult.setThrowable(
1460              new TestException("Expected exception "
1461                 + expectedExceptionsHolder.expectedClasses[0].getName()
1462                 + " but got " + ite, ite));
1463          status= ITestResult.FAILURE;
1464        }
1465        else if (SkipException.class.isAssignableFrom(ite.getClass())){
1466          SkipException skipEx= (SkipException) ite;
1467          if(skipEx.isSkip()) {
1468            status = ITestResult.SKIP;
1469          }
1470          else {
1471            handleException(ite, testMethod, testResult, failureCount++);
1472            status = ITestResult.FAILURE;
1473          }
1474        }
1475        else {
1476          handleException(ite, testMethod, testResult, failureCount++);
1477          status= testResult.getStatus();
1478        }
1479      }
1481      // No exception thrown, make sure we weren't expecting one
1482      else if(status != ITestResult.SKIP && expectedExceptionsHolder != null) {
1483        Class<?>[] classes = expectedExceptionsHolder.expectedClasses;
1484        if (classes != null && classes.length > 0) {
1485          testResult.setThrowable(
1486              new TestException("Method " + testMethod + " should have thrown an exception of "
1487                  + expectedExceptionsHolder.expectedClasses[0]));
1488          status= ITestResult.FAILURE;
1489        }
1490      }
1492      testResult.setStatus(status);
1494      boolean retry = false;
1496      if (testResult.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE) {
1497        IRetryAnalyzer retryAnalyzer = testMethod.getRetryAnalyzer();
1499        if (retryAnalyzer != null && failedInstances != null) {
1500          retry = retryAnalyzer.retry(testResult);
1501        }
1503        if (retry) {
1504          resultsToRetry.add(testResult);
1505          if (failedInstances != null) {
1506            failedInstances.add(testResult.getInstance());
1507          }
1508        }
1509      }
1510      if (collectResults) {
1511        // Collect the results
1512        if(ITestResult.SUCCESS == status) {
1513          m_notifier.addPassedTest(testMethod, testResult);
1514        }
1515        else if(ITestResult.SKIP == status) {
1516          m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, testResult);
1517        }
1518        else if(ITestResult.FAILURE == status) {
1519          m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, testResult);
1520        }
1521        else if(ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE == status) {
1522          m_notifier.addFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTest(testMethod, testResult);
1523        }
1524        else {
1525          assert false : "UNKNOWN STATUS:" + status;
1526        }
1527//        if (triggerListeners && status != ITestResult.SUCCESS) {
1528//          runTestListeners(testResult);
1529//        }
1530      }
1531    } // for results
1533    return removeResultsToRetryFromResult(resultsToRetry, result, failureCount);
1534  }
1536  /**
1537   *   message / regEx  .*      other
1538   *   null             true    false
1539   *   non-null         true    match
1540   */
1541  private boolean messageRegExpMatches(String messageRegExp, Throwable ite) {
1542    if (".*".equals(messageRegExp)) {
1543      return true;
1544    } else {
1545      if (ite.getMessage() == null) {
1546        return false;
1547      } else {
1548        return Pattern.matches(messageRegExp, ite.getMessage());
1549      }
1550    }
1551  }
1553  private int removeResultsToRetryFromResult(List<ITestResult> resultsToRetry,
1554      List<ITestResult> result, int failureCount) {
1555    if (resultsToRetry != null) {
1556      for (ITestResult res : resultsToRetry) {
1557        result.remove(res);
1558        failureCount--;
1559      }
1560    }
1561    return failureCount;
1562  }
1564  /**
1565   * To reduce thread contention and also to correctly handle thread-confinement
1566   * this method invokes the @BeforeGroups and @AfterGroups corresponding to the current @Test method.
1567   */
1568  private List<ITestResult> runWorkers(ITestNGMethod testMethod,
1569      List<IWorker<ITestNGMethod>> workers,
1570      int threadPoolSize,
1571      ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,
1572      XmlSuite suite,
1573      Map<String, String> parameters)
1574  {
1575    // Invoke @BeforeGroups on the original method (reduce thread contention,
1576    // and also solve thread confinement)
1577    ITestClass testClass= testMethod.getTestClass();
1578    Object[] instances = testClass.getInstances(true);
1579    for(Object instance: instances) {
1580      invokeBeforeGroupsConfigurations(testClass, testMethod, groupMethods, suite, parameters, instance);
1581    }
1584    long maxTimeOut= -1; // 10 seconds
1586    for(IWorker<ITestNGMethod> tmw : workers) {
1587      long mt= tmw.getTimeOut();
1588      if(mt > maxTimeOut) {
1589        maxTimeOut= mt;
1590      }
1591    }
1593    ThreadUtil.execute(workers, threadPoolSize, maxTimeOut, true);
1595    //
1596    // Collect all the TestResults
1597    //
1598    List<ITestResult> result = Lists.newArrayList();
1599    for (IWorker<ITestNGMethod> tmw : workers) {
1600      if (tmw instanceof TestMethodWorker) {
1601        result.addAll(((TestMethodWorker)tmw).getTestResults());
1602      }
1603    }
1605    for(Object instance: instances) {
1606      invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(testClass, testMethod, groupMethods, suite, parameters, instance);
1607    }
1609    return result;
1610  }
1612  /**
1613   * Checks to see of the test method has certain dependencies that prevents
1614   * TestNG from executing it
1615   * @param testMethod test method being checked for
1616   * @param testClass
1617   * @return dependencies have been run successfully
1618   */
1619  private boolean checkDependencies(ITestNGMethod testMethod,
1620      ITestNGMethod[] allTestMethods)
1621  {
1622    boolean result = true;
1624    // If this method is marked alwaysRun, no need to check for its dependencies
1625    if (testMethod.isAlwaysRun()) {
1626      return true;
1627    }
1629    // Any missing group?
1630    if (testMethod.getMissingGroup() != null
1631          && !testMethod.ignoreMissingDependencies()) {
1632      return false;
1633    }
1635    // If this method depends on groups, collect all the methods that
1636    // belong to these groups and make sure they have been run successfully
1637    if (dependsOnGroups(testMethod)) {
1638      String[] groupsDependedUpon = testMethod.getGroupsDependedUpon();
1640      // Get all the methods that belong to the group depended upon
1641      for (String element : groupsDependedUpon) {
1642        ITestNGMethod[] methods =
1643          MethodGroupsHelper.findMethodsThatBelongToGroup(testMethod,
1644              m_testContext.getAllTestMethods(),
1645              element);
1647        result = result && haveBeenRunSuccessfully(testMethod, methods);
1648      }
1649    } // depends on groups
1651    // If this method depends on other methods, make sure all these other
1652    // methods have been run successfully
1653    if (result && dependsOnMethods(testMethod)) {
1654      ITestNGMethod[] methods =
1655        MethodHelper.findDependedUponMethods(testMethod, allTestMethods);
1657      result = result && haveBeenRunSuccessfully(testMethod, methods);
1658    }
1660    return result;
1661  }
1663  /**
1664   * @return the test results that apply to one of the instances of the testMethod.
1665   */
1666  private Set<ITestResult> keepSameInstances(ITestNGMethod method, Set<ITestResult> results) {
1667    Set<ITestResult> result = Sets.newHashSet();
1668    for (ITestResult r : results) {
1669      for (Object o : method.getInstances()) {
1670        // Keep this instance if 1) It's on a different class or 2) It's on the same class
1671        // and on the same instance
1672        Object instance = r.getInstance() != null
1673            ? r.getInstance() : r.getMethod().getInstances()[0];
1674        if (r.getTestClass() != method.getTestClass() || instance == o) result.add(r);
1675      }
1676    }
1677    return result;
1678  }
1680  /**
1681   * @return true if all the methods have been run successfully
1682   */
1683  private boolean haveBeenRunSuccessfully(ITestNGMethod testMethod, ITestNGMethod[] methods) {
1684    // Make sure the method has been run successfully
1685    for (ITestNGMethod method : methods) {
1686      Set<ITestResult> results = keepSameInstances(testMethod, m_notifier.getPassedTests(method));
1687      Set<ITestResult> failedAndSkippedMethods = Sets.newHashSet();
1688      failedAndSkippedMethods.addAll(m_notifier.getFailedTests(method));
1689      failedAndSkippedMethods.addAll(m_notifier.getSkippedTests(method));
1690      Set<ITestResult> failedresults = keepSameInstances(testMethod, failedAndSkippedMethods);
1692      // If failed results were returned on the same instance, then these tests didn't pass
1693      if (failedresults != null && failedresults.size() > 0) {
1694        return false;
1695      }
1697      for (ITestResult result : results) {
1698        if(!result.isSuccess()) {
1699          return false;
1700        }
1701      }
1702    }
1704    return true;
1705  }
1707//  private boolean containsInstance(Set<ITestResult> failedresults, Object[] instances) {
1708//    for (ITestResult tr : failedresults) {
1709//      for (Object o : instances) {
1710//        if (o == tr.getInstance()) {
1711//          return true;
1712//        }
1713//      }
1714//    }
1715//    return false;
1716//  }
1718  /**
1719   * An exception was thrown by the test, determine if this method
1720   * should be marked as a failure or as failure_but_within_successPercentage
1721   */
1722  private void handleException(Throwable throwable,
1723                               ITestNGMethod testMethod,
1724                               ITestResult testResult,
1725                               int failureCount) {
1726    testResult.setThrowable(throwable);
1727    int successPercentage= testMethod.getSuccessPercentage();
1728    int invocationCount= testMethod.getInvocationCount();
1729    float numberOfTestsThatCanFail= ((100 - successPercentage) * invocationCount) / 100f;
1731    if(failureCount < numberOfTestsThatCanFail) {
1732      testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE);
1733    }
1734    else {
1735      testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);
1736    }
1738  }
1740  /**
1741   * @param ite The exception that was just thrown
1742   * @param expectedExceptions The list of expected exceptions for this
1743   * test method
1744   * @return true if the exception that was just thrown is part of the
1745   * expected exceptions
1746   */
1747  private boolean isExpectedException(Throwable ite, ExpectedExceptionsHolder exceptionHolder) {
1748    if (exceptionHolder == null) {
1749      return false;
1750    }
1752    // TestException is the wrapper exception that TestNG will be throwing when an exception was
1753    // expected but not thrown
1754    if (ite.getClass() == TestException.class) {
1755      return false;
1756    }
1758    Class<?>[] exceptions = exceptionHolder.expectedClasses;
1759    Class<?> realExceptionClass= ite.getClass();
1761    for (Class<?> exception : exceptions) {
1762      if (exception.isAssignableFrom(realExceptionClass)) {
1763        return true;
1764      }
1765    }
1767    return false;
1768  }
1770  static interface Predicate<K, T> {
1771    boolean isTrue(K k, T v);
1772  }
1774  static class CanRunFromClassPredicate implements Predicate <ITestNGMethod, IClass> {
1775    @Override
1776    public boolean isTrue(ITestNGMethod m, IClass v) {
1777      return m.canRunFromClass(v);
1778    }
1779  }
1781  static class SameClassNamePredicate implements Predicate<ITestNGMethod, IClass> {
1782    @Override
1783    public boolean isTrue(ITestNGMethod m, IClass c) {
1784      return c == null || m.getTestClass().getName().equals(c.getName());
1785    }
1786  }
1788  /**
1789   * @return Only the ITestNGMethods applicable for this testClass
1790   */
1791  private ITestNGMethod[] filterMethods(IClass testClass, ITestNGMethod[] methods,
1792      Predicate<ITestNGMethod, IClass> predicate) {
1793    List<ITestNGMethod> vResult= Lists.newArrayList();
1795    for(ITestNGMethod tm : methods) {
1796      if (predicate.isTrue(tm, testClass)) {
1797        log(10, "Keeping method " + tm + " for class " + testClass);
1798        vResult.add(tm);
1799      } else {
1800        log(10, "Filtering out method " + tm + " for class " + testClass);
1801      }
1802    }
1804    ITestNGMethod[] result= vResult.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[vResult.size()]);
1806    return result;
1807  }
1809  /**
1810   * @return true if this method depends on certain groups.
1811   */
1812  private boolean dependsOnGroups(ITestNGMethod tm) {
1813    String[] groups = tm.getGroupsDependedUpon();
1814    boolean result = (null != groups) && (groups.length > 0);
1815    return result;
1816  }
1818  /**
1819   * @return true if this method depends on certain groups.
1820   */
1821  private boolean dependsOnMethods(ITestNGMethod tm) {
1822    String[] methods = tm.getMethodsDependedUpon();
1823    boolean result = (null != methods) && (methods.length > 0);
1824    return result;
1825  }
1827  private void runConfigurationListeners(ITestResult tr, boolean before) {
1828    if (before) {
1829      for(IConfigurationListener icl: m_notifier.getConfigurationListeners()) {
1830        if (icl instanceof IConfigurationListener2) {
1831          ((IConfigurationListener2) icl).beforeConfiguration(tr);
1832        }
1833      }
1834    } else {
1835      for(IConfigurationListener icl: m_notifier.getConfigurationListeners()) {
1836        switch(tr.getStatus()) {
1837          case ITestResult.SKIP:
1838            icl.onConfigurationSkip(tr);
1839            break;
1840          case ITestResult.FAILURE:
1841            icl.onConfigurationFailure(tr);
1842            break;
1843          case ITestResult.SUCCESS:
1844            icl.onConfigurationSuccess(tr);
1845            break;
1846        }
1847      }
1848    }
1849  }
1851  void runTestListeners(ITestResult tr) {
1852    runTestListeners(tr, m_notifier.getTestListeners());
1853  }
1855  // TODO: move this from here as it is directly called from TestNG
1856  public static void runTestListeners(ITestResult tr, List<ITestListener> listeners) {
1857    for (ITestListener itl : listeners) {
1858      switch(tr.getStatus()) {
1859        case ITestResult.SKIP: {
1860          itl.onTestSkipped(tr);
1861          break;
1862        }
1863        case ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE: {
1864          itl.onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(tr);
1865          break;
1866        }
1867        case ITestResult.FAILURE: {
1868          itl.onTestFailure(tr);
1869          break;
1870        }
1871        case ITestResult.SUCCESS: {
1872          itl.onTestSuccess(tr);
1873          break;
1874        }
1876        case ITestResult.STARTED: {
1877          itl.onTestStart(tr);
1878          break;
1879        }
1881        default: {
1882          assert false : "UNKNOWN STATUS:" + tr;
1883        }
1884      }
1885    }
1886  }
1888  private void log(int level, String s) {
1889    Utils.log("Invoker " + Thread.currentThread().hashCode(), level, s);
1890  }
1892  /**
1893   * This class holds a {@code ParameterHolder} and in case of an error, a non-null
1894   * {@code TestResult} containing the cause
1895   */
1896  private static class ParameterBag {
1897    final ParameterHolder parameterHolder;
1898    final List<ITestResult> errorResults = Lists.newArrayList();
1900    public ParameterBag(ParameterHolder params, TestResult tr) {
1901      parameterHolder = params;
1902      if (tr != null) {
1903        errorResults.add(tr);
1904      }
1905    }
1907    public boolean hasErrors() {
1908      return !errorResults.isEmpty();
1909    }
1910  }