2 * Copyright (c) 2013, The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16package com.android.proxyhandler;
18import android.os.RemoteException;
19import android.util.Log;
21import com.android.net.IProxyPortListener;
22import com.google.android.collect.Lists;
23import com.google.android.collect.Sets;
25import java.io.IOException;
26import java.io.InputStream;
27import java.io.OutputStream;
28import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
29import java.net.Proxy;
30import java.net.ProxySelector;
31import java.net.ServerSocket;
32import java.net.Socket;
33import java.net.SocketException;
34import java.net.URI;
35import java.net.URISyntaxException;
36import java.util.List;
37import java.util.Set;
38import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
39import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
42 * @hide
43 */
44public class ProxyServer extends Thread {
46    private static final String CONNECT = "CONNECT";
47    private static final String HTTP_OK = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n";
49    private static final String TAG = "ProxyServer";
51    // HTTP Headers
52    private static final String HEADER_CONNECTION = "connection";
53    private static final String HEADER_PROXY_CONNECTION = "proxy-connection";
55    private ExecutorService threadExecutor;
57    public boolean mIsRunning = false;
59    private ServerSocket serverSocket;
60    private int mPort;
61    private IProxyPortListener mCallback;
63    private class ProxyConnection implements Runnable {
64        private Socket connection;
66        private ProxyConnection(Socket connection) {
67            this.connection = connection;
68        }
70        @Override
71        public void run() {
72            try {
73                String requestLine = getLine(connection.getInputStream());
74                String[] splitLine = requestLine.split(" ");
75                if (splitLine.length < 3) {
76                    connection.close();
77                    return;
78                }
79                String requestType = splitLine[0];
80                String urlString = splitLine[1];
81                String httpVersion = splitLine[2];
83                URI url = null;
84                String host;
85                int port;
87                if (requestType.equals(CONNECT)) {
88                    String[] hostPortSplit = urlString.split(":");
89                    host = hostPortSplit[0];
90                    // Use default SSL port if not specified. Parse it otherwise
91                    if (hostPortSplit.length < 2) {
92                        port = 443;
93                    } else {
94                        try {
95                            port = Integer.parseInt(hostPortSplit[1]);
96                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
97                            connection.close();
98                            return;
99                        }
100                    }
101                    urlString = "Https://" + host + ":" + port;
102                } else {
103                    try {
104                        url = new URI(urlString);
105                        host = url.getHost();
106                        port = url.getPort();
107                        if (port < 0) {
108                            port = 80;
109                        }
110                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
111                        connection.close();
112                        return;
113                    }
114                }
116                List<Proxy> list = Lists.newArrayList();
117                try {
118                    list = ProxySelector.getDefault().select(new URI(urlString));
119                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
120                    e.printStackTrace();
121                }
122                Socket server = null;
123                for (Proxy proxy : list) {
124                    try {
125                        if (!proxy.equals(Proxy.NO_PROXY)) {
126                            // Only Inets created by PacProxySelector.
127                            InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress =
128                                    (InetSocketAddress)proxy.address();
129                            server = new Socket(inetSocketAddress.getHostName(),
130                                    inetSocketAddress.getPort());
131                            sendLine(server, requestLine);
132                        } else {
133                            server = new Socket(host, port);
134                            if (requestType.equals(CONNECT)) {
135                                skipToRequestBody(connection);
136                                // No proxy to respond so we must.
137                                sendLine(connection, HTTP_OK);
138                            } else {
139                                // Proxying the request directly to the origin server.
140                                sendAugmentedRequestToHost(connection, server,
141                                        requestType, url, httpVersion);
142                            }
143                        }
144                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
145                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
146                            Log.v(TAG, "Unable to connect to proxy " + proxy, ioe);
147                        }
148                    }
149                    if (server != null) {
150                        break;
151                    }
152                }
153                if (list.isEmpty()) {
154                    server = new Socket(host, port);
155                    if (requestType.equals(CONNECT)) {
156                        skipToRequestBody(connection);
157                        // No proxy to respond so we must.
158                        sendLine(connection, HTTP_OK);
159                    } else {
160                        // Proxying the request directly to the origin server.
161                        sendAugmentedRequestToHost(connection, server,
162                                requestType, url, httpVersion);
163                    }
164                }
165                // Pass data back and forth until complete.
166                if (server != null) {
167                    SocketConnect.connect(connection, server);
168                }
169            } catch (Exception e) {
170                Log.d(TAG, "Problem Proxying", e);
171            }
172            try {
173                connection.close();
174            } catch (IOException ioe) {
175                // Do nothing
176            }
177        }
179        /**
180         * Sends HTTP request-line (i.e. the first line in the request)
181         * that contains absolute path of a given absolute URI.
182         *
183         * @param server server to send the request to.
184         * @param requestType type of the request, a.k.a. HTTP method.
185         * @param absoluteUri absolute URI which absolute path should be extracted.
186         * @param httpVersion version of HTTP, e.g. HTTP/1.1.
187         * @throws IOException if the request-line cannot be sent.
188         */
189        private void sendRequestLineWithPath(Socket server, String requestType,
190                URI absoluteUri, String httpVersion) throws IOException {
192            String absolutePath = getAbsolutePathFromAbsoluteURI(absoluteUri);
193            String outgoingRequestLine = String.format("%s %s %s",
194                    requestType, absolutePath, httpVersion);
195            sendLine(server, outgoingRequestLine);
196        }
198        /**
199         * Extracts absolute path form a given URI. E.g., passing
200         * <code>http://google.com:80/execute?query=cat#top</code>
201         * will result in <code>/execute?query=cat#top</code>.
202         *
203         * @param uri URI which absolute path has to be extracted,
204         * @return the absolute path of the URI,
205         */
206        private String getAbsolutePathFromAbsoluteURI(URI uri) {
207            String rawPath = uri.getRawPath();
208            String rawQuery = uri.getRawQuery();
209            String rawFragment = uri.getRawFragment();
210            StringBuilder absolutePath = new StringBuilder();
212            if (rawPath != null) {
213                absolutePath.append(rawPath);
214            } else {
215                absolutePath.append("/");
216            }
217            if (rawQuery != null) {
218                absolutePath.append("?").append(rawQuery);
219            }
220            if (rawFragment != null) {
221                absolutePath.append("#").append(rawFragment);
222            }
223            return absolutePath.toString();
224        }
226        private String getLine(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
227            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
228            int byteBuffer = inputStream.read();
229            if (byteBuffer < 0) return "";
230            do {
231                if (byteBuffer != '\r') {
232                    buffer.append((char)byteBuffer);
233                }
234                byteBuffer = inputStream.read();
235            } while ((byteBuffer != '\n') && (byteBuffer >= 0));
237            return buffer.toString();
238        }
240        private void sendLine(Socket socket, String line) throws IOException {
241            OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
242            os.write(line.getBytes());
243            os.write('\r');
244            os.write('\n');
245            os.flush();
246        }
248        /**
249         * Reads from socket until an empty line is read which indicates the end of HTTP headers.
250         *
251         * @param socket socket to read from.
252         * @throws IOException if an exception took place during the socket read.
253         */
254        private void skipToRequestBody(Socket socket) throws IOException {
255            while (getLine(socket.getInputStream()).length() != 0);
256        }
258        /**
259         * Sends an augmented request to the final host (DIRECT connection).
260         *
261         * @param src socket to read HTTP headers from.The socket current position should point
262         *            to the beginning of the HTTP header section.
263         * @param dst socket to write the augmented request to.
264         * @param httpMethod original request http method.
265         * @param uri original request absolute URI.
266         * @param httpVersion original request http version.
267         * @throws IOException if an exception took place during socket reads or writes.
268         */
269        private void sendAugmentedRequestToHost(Socket src, Socket dst,
270                String httpMethod, URI uri, String httpVersion) throws IOException {
272            sendRequestLineWithPath(dst, httpMethod, uri, httpVersion);
273            filterAndForwardRequestHeaders(src, dst);
275            // Currently the proxy does not support keep-alive connections; therefore,
276            // the proxy has to request the destination server to close the connection
277            // after the destination server sent the response.
278            sendLine(dst, "Connection: close");
280            // Sends and empty line that indicates termination of the header section.
281            sendLine(dst, "");
282        }
284        /**
285         * Forwards original request headers filtering out the ones that have to be removed.
286         *
287         * @param src source socket that contains original request headers.
288         * @param dst destination socket to send the filtered headers to.
289         * @throws IOException if the data cannot be read from or written to the sockets.
290         */
291        private void filterAndForwardRequestHeaders(Socket src, Socket dst) throws IOException {
292            String line;
293            do {
294                line = getLine(src.getInputStream());
295                if (line.length() > 0 && !shouldRemoveHeaderLine(line)) {
296                    sendLine(dst, line);
297                }
298            } while (line.length() > 0);
299        }
301        /**
302         * Returns true if a given header line has to be removed from the original request.
303         *
304         * @param line header line that should be analysed.
305         * @return true if the header line should be removed and not forwarded to the destination.
306         */
307        private boolean shouldRemoveHeaderLine(String line) {
308            int colIndex = line.indexOf(":");
309            if (colIndex != -1) {
310                String headerName = line.substring(0, colIndex).trim();
311                if (headerName.regionMatches(true, 0, HEADER_CONNECTION, 0,
312                                                      HEADER_CONNECTION.length())
313                        || headerName.regionMatches(true, 0, HEADER_PROXY_CONNECTION,
314                                                          0, HEADER_PROXY_CONNECTION.length())) {
315                    return true;
316                }
317            }
318            return false;
319        }
320    }
322    public ProxyServer() {
323        threadExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
324        mPort = -1;
325        mCallback = null;
326    }
328    @Override
329    public void run() {
330        try {
331            serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0);
333            setPort(serverSocket.getLocalPort());
335            while (mIsRunning) {
336                try {
337                    Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
338                    // Only receive local connections.
339                    if (socket.getInetAddress().isLoopbackAddress()) {
340                        ProxyConnection parser = new ProxyConnection(socket);
342                        threadExecutor.execute(parser);
343                    } else {
344                        socket.close();
345                    }
346                } catch (IOException e) {
347                    e.printStackTrace();
348                }
349            }
350        } catch (SocketException e) {
351            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start proxy server", e);
352        } catch (IOException e1) {
353            Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start proxy server", e1);
354        }
356        mIsRunning = false;
357    }
359    public synchronized void setPort(int port) {
360        if (mCallback != null) {
361            try {
362                mCallback.setProxyPort(port);
363            } catch (RemoteException e) {
364                Log.w(TAG, "Proxy failed to report port to PacManager", e);
365            }
366        }
367        mPort = port;
368    }
370    public synchronized void setCallback(IProxyPortListener callback) {
371        if (mPort != -1) {
372            try {
373                callback.setProxyPort(mPort);
374            } catch (RemoteException e) {
375                Log.w(TAG, "Proxy failed to report port to PacManager", e);
376            }
377        }
378        mCallback = callback;
379    }
381    public synchronized void startServer() {
382        mIsRunning = true;
383        start();
384    }
386    public synchronized void stopServer() {
387        mIsRunning = false;
388        if (serverSocket != null) {
389            try {
390                serverSocket.close();
391                serverSocket = null;
392            } catch (IOException e) {
393                e.printStackTrace();
394            }
395        }
396    }
398    public boolean isBound() {
399        return (mPort != -1);
400    }
402    public int getPort() {
403        return mPort;
404    }