revision 96a0fd65e18e5b9a0eaed3c24fd8a60a1fac1c3a
2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
19import android.accounts.Account;
20import android.accounts.AccountAndUser;
21import android.accounts.AccountManager;
28import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
29import android.content.ComponentName;
30import android.content.ContentResolver;
31import android.content.Context;
32import android.content.ISyncAdapter;
33import android.content.ISyncContext;
34import android.content.ISyncServiceAdapter;
35import android.content.ISyncStatusObserver;
36import android.content.Intent;
37import android.content.IntentFilter;
38import android.content.PeriodicSync;
39import android.content.ServiceConnection;
40import android.content.SyncActivityTooManyDeletes;
41import android.content.SyncAdapterType;
42import android.content.SyncAdaptersCache;
43import android.content.SyncInfo;
44import android.content.SyncResult;
45import android.content.SyncStatusInfo;
57import android.os.BatteryStats;
58import android.os.Bundle;
59import android.os.Handler;
60import android.os.IBinder;
61import android.os.Looper;
62import android.os.Message;
63import android.os.PowerManager;
64import android.os.RemoteException;
65import android.os.ServiceManager;
66import android.os.SystemClock;
67import android.os.SystemProperties;
68import android.os.UserHandle;
69import android.os.UserManager;
70import android.os.WorkSource;
71import android.provider.Settings;
72import android.text.format.DateUtils;
73import android.text.format.Time;
74import android.text.TextUtils;
75import android.util.EventLog;
76import android.util.Log;
77import android.util.Pair;
94import java.util.ArrayList;
95import java.util.Arrays;
96import java.util.Collection;
97import java.util.Collections;
98import java.util.Comparator;
99import java.util.HashMap;
100import java.util.HashSet;
101import java.util.Iterator;
102import java.util.List;
103import java.util.Map;
104import java.util.Random;
105import java.util.Set;
108 * @hide
109 */
110public class SyncManager {
111    static final String TAG = "SyncManager";
113    /** Delay a sync due to local changes this long. In milliseconds */
114    private static final long LOCAL_SYNC_DELAY;
116    /**
117     * If a sync takes longer than this and the sync queue is not empty then we will
118     * cancel it and add it back to the end of the sync queue. In milliseconds.
119     */
120    private static final long MAX_TIME_PER_SYNC;
122    static {
123        final boolean isLargeRAM = !ActivityManager.isLowRamDeviceStatic();
124        int defaultMaxInitSyncs = isLargeRAM ? 5 : 2;
125        int defaultMaxRegularSyncs = isLargeRAM ? 2 : 1;
127                SystemProperties.getInt("sync.max_init_syncs", defaultMaxInitSyncs);
129                SystemProperties.getInt("sync.max_regular_syncs", defaultMaxRegularSyncs);
130        LOCAL_SYNC_DELAY =
131                SystemProperties.getLong("sync.local_sync_delay", 30 * 1000 /* 30 seconds */);
132        MAX_TIME_PER_SYNC =
133                SystemProperties.getLong("sync.max_time_per_sync", 5 * 60 * 1000 /* 5 minutes */);
135                SystemProperties.getLong("sync.notification_delay", 30 * 1000 /* 30 seconds */);
136    }
138    private static final long SYNC_NOTIFICATION_DELAY;
140    /**
141     * When retrying a sync for the first time use this delay. After that
142     * the retry time will double until it reached MAX_SYNC_RETRY_TIME.
143     * In milliseconds.
144     */
145    private static final long INITIAL_SYNC_RETRY_TIME_IN_MS = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds
147    /**
148     * Default the max sync retry time to this value.
149     */
150    private static final long DEFAULT_MAX_SYNC_RETRY_TIME_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60; // one hour
152    /**
153     * How long to wait before retrying a sync that failed due to one already being in progress.
154     */
155    private static final int DELAY_RETRY_SYNC_IN_PROGRESS_IN_SECONDS = 10;
157    /**
158     * How long to wait before considering an active sync to have timed-out, and cancelling it.
159     */
160    private static final long ACTIVE_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 30L * 60 * 1000;  // 30 mins.
162    private static final String SYNC_WAKE_LOCK_PREFIX = "*sync*/";
163    private static final String HANDLE_SYNC_ALARM_WAKE_LOCK = "SyncManagerHandleSyncAlarm";
164    private static final String SYNC_LOOP_WAKE_LOCK = "SyncLoopWakeLock";
166    private static final int MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_REGULAR_SYNCS;
167    private static final int MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_INITIALIZATION_SYNCS;
169    private Context mContext;
171    private static final AccountAndUser[] INITIAL_ACCOUNTS_ARRAY = new AccountAndUser[0];
173    // TODO: add better locking around mRunningAccounts
174    private volatile AccountAndUser[] mRunningAccounts = INITIAL_ACCOUNTS_ARRAY;
176    volatile private PowerManager.WakeLock mHandleAlarmWakeLock;
177    volatile private PowerManager.WakeLock mSyncManagerWakeLock;
178    volatile private boolean mDataConnectionIsConnected = false;
179    volatile private boolean mStorageIsLow = false;
180    volatile private boolean mDeviceIsIdle = false;
182    private final NotificationManager mNotificationMgr;
183    private AlarmManager mAlarmService = null;
184    private final IBatteryStats mBatteryStats;
186    private SyncStorageEngine mSyncStorageEngine;
188    @GuardedBy("mSyncQueue")
189    private final SyncQueue mSyncQueue;
191    protected final ArrayList<ActiveSyncContext> mActiveSyncContexts = Lists.newArrayList();
193    // set if the sync active indicator should be reported
194    private boolean mNeedSyncActiveNotification = false;
196    private final PendingIntent mSyncAlarmIntent;
197    // Synchronized on "this". Instead of using this directly one should instead call
198    // its accessor, getConnManager().
199    private ConnectivityManager mConnManagerDoNotUseDirectly;
201    protected SyncAdaptersCache mSyncAdapters;
203    private final AppIdleMonitor mAppIdleMonitor;
205    private BroadcastReceiver mStorageIntentReceiver =
206            new BroadcastReceiver() {
207                @Override
208                public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
209                    String action = intent.getAction();
210                    if (Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW.equals(action)) {
211                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
212                            Log.v(TAG, "Internal storage is low.");
213                        }
214                        mStorageIsLow = true;
215                        cancelActiveSync(
216                                SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint.USER_ALL_PROVIDER_ALL_ACCOUNTS_ALL,
217                                null /* any sync */);
218                    } else if (Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK.equals(action)) {
219                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
220                            Log.v(TAG, "Internal storage is ok.");
221                        }
222                        mStorageIsLow = false;
223                        sendCheckAlarmsMessage();
224                    }
225                }
226            };
228    private BroadcastReceiver mDeviceIdleReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
229        @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
230            boolean idle = mPowerManager.isDeviceIdleMode();
231            mDeviceIsIdle = idle;
232            if (idle) {
233                cancelActiveSync(
234                        SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint.USER_ALL_PROVIDER_ALL_ACCOUNTS_ALL,
235                        null /* any sync */);
236            } else {
237                sendCheckAlarmsMessage();
238            }
239        }
240    };
242    private BroadcastReceiver mBootCompletedReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
243        @Override
244        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
245            mSyncHandler.onBootCompleted();
246        }
247    };
249    private BroadcastReceiver mAccountsUpdatedReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
250        @Override
251        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
252            updateRunningAccounts();
254            // Kick off sync for everyone, since this was a radical account change
255            scheduleSync(null, UserHandle.USER_ALL, SyncOperation.REASON_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED, null,
256                    null, 0 /* no delay */, 0/* no delay */, false);
257        }
258    };
260    private final PowerManager mPowerManager;
262    // Use this as a random offset to seed all periodic syncs.
263    private int mSyncRandomOffsetMillis;
265    private final UserManager mUserManager;
267    private static final long SYNC_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MIN = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds
268    private static final long SYNC_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MAX = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // two hours
270    private List<UserInfo> getAllUsers() {
271        return mUserManager.getUsers();
272    }
274    private boolean containsAccountAndUser(AccountAndUser[] accounts, Account account, int userId) {
275        boolean found = false;
276        for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
277            if (accounts[i].userId == userId
278                    && accounts[i].account.equals(account)) {
279                found = true;
280                break;
281            }
282        }
283        return found;
284    }
286    public void updateRunningAccounts() {
287        mRunningAccounts = AccountManagerService.getSingleton().getRunningAccounts();
289        if (mBootCompleted) {
290            doDatabaseCleanup();
291        }
293        AccountAndUser[] accounts = mRunningAccounts;
294        for (ActiveSyncContext currentSyncContext : mActiveSyncContexts) {
295            if (!containsAccountAndUser(accounts,
296          ,
297           {
298                Log.d(TAG, "canceling sync since the account is no longer running");
299                sendSyncFinishedOrCanceledMessage(currentSyncContext,
300                        null /* no result since this is a cancel */);
301            }
302        }
303        // we must do this since we don't bother scheduling alarms when
304        // the accounts are not set yet
305        sendCheckAlarmsMessage();
306    }
308    private void doDatabaseCleanup() {
309        for (UserInfo user : mUserManager.getUsers(true)) {
310            // Skip any partially created/removed users
311            if (user.partial) continue;
312            Account[] accountsForUser = AccountManagerService.getSingleton().getAccounts(;
313            mSyncStorageEngine.doDatabaseCleanup(accountsForUser,;
314        }
315    }
317    private BroadcastReceiver mConnectivityIntentReceiver =
318            new BroadcastReceiver() {
319        @Override
320        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
321            final boolean wasConnected = mDataConnectionIsConnected;
323            // don't use the intent to figure out if network is connected, just check
324            // ConnectivityManager directly.
325            mDataConnectionIsConnected = readDataConnectionState();
326            if (mDataConnectionIsConnected) {
327                if (!wasConnected) {
328                    if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
329                        Log.v(TAG, "Reconnection detected: clearing all backoffs");
330                    }
331                    synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
332                        mSyncStorageEngine.clearAllBackoffsLocked(mSyncQueue);
333                    }
334                }
335                sendCheckAlarmsMessage();
336            }
337        }
338    };
340    private boolean readDataConnectionState() {
341        NetworkInfo networkInfo = getConnectivityManager().getActiveNetworkInfo();
342        return (networkInfo != null) && networkInfo.isConnected();
343    }
345    private BroadcastReceiver mShutdownIntentReceiver =
346            new BroadcastReceiver() {
347        @Override
348        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
349            Log.w(TAG, "Writing sync state before shutdown...");
350            getSyncStorageEngine().writeAllState();
351        }
352    };
354    private BroadcastReceiver mUserIntentReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
355        @Override
356        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
357            String action = intent.getAction();
358            final int userId = intent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_HANDLE, UserHandle.USER_NULL);
359            if (userId == UserHandle.USER_NULL) return;
361            if (Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED.equals(action)) {
362                onUserRemoved(userId);
363            } else if (Intent.ACTION_USER_STARTING.equals(action)) {
364                onUserStarting(userId);
365            } else if (Intent.ACTION_USER_STOPPING.equals(action)) {
366                onUserStopping(userId);
367            }
368        }
369    };
371    private static final String ACTION_SYNC_ALARM = "android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM";
372    private final SyncHandler mSyncHandler;
374    private volatile boolean mBootCompleted = false;
376    private ConnectivityManager getConnectivityManager() {
377        synchronized (this) {
378            if (mConnManagerDoNotUseDirectly == null) {
379                mConnManagerDoNotUseDirectly = (ConnectivityManager)mContext.getSystemService(
380                        Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
381            }
382            return mConnManagerDoNotUseDirectly;
383        }
384    }
386    /**
387     * Should only be created after {@link ContentService#systemReady()} so that
388     * {@link PackageManager} is ready to query.
389     */
390    public SyncManager(Context context, boolean factoryTest) {
391        // Initialize the SyncStorageEngine first, before registering observers
392        // and creating threads and so on; it may fail if the disk is full.
393        mContext = context;
395        SyncStorageEngine.init(context);
396        mSyncStorageEngine = SyncStorageEngine.getSingleton();
397        mSyncStorageEngine.setOnSyncRequestListener(new OnSyncRequestListener() {
398            @Override
399            public void onSyncRequest(SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info, int reason, Bundle extras) {
400                if (info.target_provider) {
401                    scheduleSync(info.account, info.userId, reason, info.provider, extras,
402                        0 /* no flex */,
403                        0 /* run immediately */,
404                        false);
405                } else if (info.target_service) {
406                    scheduleSync(info.service, info.userId, reason, extras,
407                            0 /* no flex */,
408                            0 /* run immediately */);
409                }
410            }
411        });
413        mSyncAdapters = new SyncAdaptersCache(mContext);
414        mSyncQueue = new SyncQueue(mContext.getPackageManager(), mSyncStorageEngine, mSyncAdapters);
416        mSyncHandler = new SyncHandler(BackgroundThread.get().getLooper());
418        mSyncAdapters.setListener(new RegisteredServicesCacheListener<SyncAdapterType>() {
419            @Override
420            public void onServiceChanged(SyncAdapterType type, int userId, boolean removed) {
421                if (!removed) {
422                    scheduleSync(null, UserHandle.USER_ALL,
423                            SyncOperation.REASON_SERVICE_CHANGED,
424                            type.authority, null, 0 /* no delay */, 0 /* no delay */,
425                            false /* onlyThoseWithUnkownSyncableState */);
426                }
427            }
428        }, mSyncHandler);
430        mSyncAlarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(
431                mContext, 0 /* ignored */, new Intent(ACTION_SYNC_ALARM), 0);
433        mAppIdleMonitor = new AppIdleMonitor(this, mContext);
435        IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);
436        context.registerReceiver(mConnectivityIntentReceiver, intentFilter);
438        if (!factoryTest) {
439            intentFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED);
440            intentFilter.setPriority(IntentFilter.SYSTEM_HIGH_PRIORITY);
441            context.registerReceiver(mBootCompletedReceiver, intentFilter);
442        }
444        intentFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW);
445        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK);
446        context.registerReceiver(mStorageIntentReceiver, intentFilter);
448        intentFilter = new IntentFilter(PowerManager.ACTION_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED);
449        context.registerReceiver(mDeviceIdleReceiver, intentFilter);
451        intentFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SHUTDOWN);
452        intentFilter.setPriority(100);
453        context.registerReceiver(mShutdownIntentReceiver, intentFilter);
455        intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
456        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_REMOVED);
457        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_STARTING);
458        intentFilter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_USER_STOPPING);
459        mContext.registerReceiverAsUser(
460                mUserIntentReceiver, UserHandle.ALL, intentFilter, null, null);
462        if (!factoryTest) {
463            mNotificationMgr = (NotificationManager)
464                context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
465            context.registerReceiver(new SyncAlarmIntentReceiver(),
466                    new IntentFilter(ACTION_SYNC_ALARM));
467        } else {
468            mNotificationMgr = null;
469        }
470        mPowerManager = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
471        mUserManager = (UserManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE);
472        mBatteryStats = IBatteryStats.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(
473                BatteryStats.SERVICE_NAME));
475        // This WakeLock is used to ensure that we stay awake between the time that we receive
476        // a sync alarm notification and when we finish processing it. We need to do this
477        // because we don't do the work in the alarm handler, rather we do it in a message
478        // handler.
479        mHandleAlarmWakeLock = mPowerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK,
480                HANDLE_SYNC_ALARM_WAKE_LOCK);
481        mHandleAlarmWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false);
483        // This WakeLock is used to ensure that we stay awake while running the sync loop
484        // message handler. Normally we will hold a sync adapter wake lock while it is being
485        // synced but during the execution of the sync loop it might finish a sync for
486        // one sync adapter before starting the sync for the other sync adapter and we
487        // don't want the device to go to sleep during that window.
488        mSyncManagerWakeLock = mPowerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK,
489                SYNC_LOOP_WAKE_LOCK);
490        mSyncManagerWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false);
492        mSyncStorageEngine.addStatusChangeListener(
493                ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_SETTINGS, new ISyncStatusObserver.Stub() {
494            @Override
495            public void onStatusChanged(int which) {
496                // force the sync loop to run if the settings change
497                sendCheckAlarmsMessage();
498            }
499        });
501        if (!factoryTest) {
502            // Register for account list updates for all users
503            mContext.registerReceiverAsUser(mAccountsUpdatedReceiver,
504                    UserHandle.ALL,
505                    new IntentFilter(AccountManager.LOGIN_ACCOUNTS_CHANGED_ACTION),
506                    null, null);
507        }
509        // Pick a random second in a day to seed all periodic syncs
510        mSyncRandomOffsetMillis = mSyncStorageEngine.getSyncRandomOffset() * 1000;
511    }
513    /**
514     * Return a random value v that satisfies minValue <= v < maxValue. The difference between
515     * maxValue and minValue must be less than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
516     */
517    private long jitterize(long minValue, long maxValue) {
518        Random random = new Random(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
519        long spread = maxValue - minValue;
520        if (spread > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
521            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the difference between the maxValue and the "
522                    + "minValue must be less than " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
523        }
524        return minValue + random.nextInt((int)spread);
525    }
527    public SyncStorageEngine getSyncStorageEngine() {
528        return mSyncStorageEngine;
529    }
531    public int getIsSyncable(Account account, int userId, String providerName) {
532        int isSyncable = mSyncStorageEngine.getIsSyncable(account, userId, providerName);
533        UserInfo userInfo = UserManager.get(mContext).getUserInfo(userId);
535        // If it's not a restricted user, return isSyncable
536        if (userInfo == null || !userInfo.isRestricted()) return isSyncable;
538        // Else check if the sync adapter has opted-in or not
539        RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapterInfo =
540                mSyncAdapters.getServiceInfo(
541                SyncAdapterType.newKey(providerName, account.type), userId);
542        if (syncAdapterInfo == null) return isSyncable;
544        PackageInfo pInfo = null;
545        try {
546            pInfo = AppGlobals.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
547                syncAdapterInfo.componentName.getPackageName(), 0, userId);
548            if (pInfo == null) return isSyncable;
549        } catch (RemoteException re) {
550            // Shouldn't happen
551            return isSyncable;
552        }
553        if (pInfo.restrictedAccountType != null
554                && pInfo.restrictedAccountType.equals(account.type)) {
555            return isSyncable;
556        } else {
557            return 0;
558        }
559    }
561    private void ensureAlarmService() {
562        if (mAlarmService == null) {
563            mAlarmService = (AlarmManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
564        }
565    }
567    /**
568     * Initiate a sync using the new anonymous service API.
569     * @param cname SyncService component bound to in order to perform the sync.
570     * @param userId the id of the user whose accounts are to be synced. If userId is USER_ALL,
571     *          then all users' accounts are considered.
572     * @param uid Linux uid of the application that is performing the sync.
573     * @param extras a Map of SyncAdapter-specific information to control
574     *          syncs of a specific provider. Cannot be null.
575     * @param beforeRunTimeMillis milliseconds before <code>runtimeMillis</code> that this sync may
576     * be run.
577     * @param runtimeMillis milliseconds from now by which this sync must be run.
578     */
579    public void scheduleSync(ComponentName cname, int userId, int uid, Bundle extras,
580            long beforeRunTimeMillis, long runtimeMillis) {
581        boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
582        if (isLoggable) {
583            Log.d(TAG, "one off sync for: " + cname + " " + extras.toString());
584        }
586        Boolean expedited = extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPEDITED, false);
587        if (expedited) {
588            runtimeMillis = -1; // this means schedule at the front of the queue
589        }
591        final boolean ignoreSettings =
592                extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS, false);
593        int source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_SERVICE;
594        boolean isEnabled = mSyncStorageEngine.getIsTargetServiceActive(cname, userId);
595        // Only schedule this sync if
596        //   - we've explicitly been told to ignore settings.
597        //   - global sync is enabled for this user.
598        boolean syncAllowed =
599                ignoreSettings
600                || mSyncStorageEngine.getMasterSyncAutomatically(userId);
601        if (!syncAllowed) {
602            if (isLoggable) {
603                Log.d(TAG, "scheduleSync: sync of " + cname + " not allowed, dropping request.");
604            }
605            return;
606        }
607        if (!isEnabled) {
608            if (isLoggable) {
609                Log.d(TAG, "scheduleSync: " + cname + " is not enabled, dropping request");
610            }
611            return;
612        }
613        SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info = new SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint(cname, userId);
614        Pair<Long, Long> backoff = mSyncStorageEngine.getBackoff(info);
615        long delayUntil = mSyncStorageEngine.getDelayUntilTime(info);
616        final long backoffTime = backoff != null ? backoff.first : 0;
617        if (isLoggable) {
618                Log.v(TAG, "schedule Sync:"
619                        + ", delay until " + delayUntil
620                        + ", run by " + runtimeMillis
621                        + ", flex " + beforeRunTimeMillis
622                        + ", source " + source
623                        + ", sync service " + cname
624                        + ", extras " + extras);
625        }
626        scheduleSyncOperation(
627                new SyncOperation(cname, userId, uid, source, extras,
628                        runtimeMillis /* runtime */,
629                        beforeRunTimeMillis /* flextime */,
630                        backoffTime,
631                        delayUntil));
632    }
634    /**
635     * Initiate a sync. This can start a sync for all providers
636     * (pass null to url, set onlyTicklable to false), only those
637     * providers that are marked as ticklable (pass null to url,
638     * set onlyTicklable to true), or a specific provider (set url
639     * to the content url of the provider).
640     *
641     * <p>If the ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD boolean in extras is
642     * true then initiate a sync that just checks for local changes to send
643     * to the server, otherwise initiate a sync that first gets any
644     * changes from the server before sending local changes back to
645     * the server.
646     *
647     * <p>If a specific provider is being synced (the url is non-null)
648     * then the extras can contain SyncAdapter-specific information
649     * to control what gets synced (e.g. which specific feed to sync).
650     *
651     * <p>You'll start getting callbacks after this.
652     *
653     * @param requestedAccount the account to sync, may be null to signify all accounts
654     * @param userId the id of the user whose accounts are to be synced. If userId is USER_ALL,
655     *          then all users' accounts are considered.
656     * @param reason for sync request. If this is a positive integer, it is the Linux uid
657     * assigned to the process that requested the sync. If it's negative, the sync was requested by
658     * the SyncManager itself and could be one of the following:
659     *      {@link SyncOperation#REASON_BACKGROUND_DATA_SETTINGS_CHANGED}
660     *      {@link SyncOperation#REASON_ACCOUNTS_UPDATED}
661     *      {@link SyncOperation#REASON_SERVICE_CHANGED}
662     *      {@link SyncOperation#REASON_PERIODIC}
663     *      {@link SyncOperation#REASON_IS_SYNCABLE}
664     *      {@link SyncOperation#REASON_SYNC_AUTO}
665     *      {@link SyncOperation#REASON_MASTER_SYNC_AUTO}
666     *      {@link SyncOperation#REASON_USER_START}
667     * @param requestedAuthority the authority to sync, may be null to indicate all authorities
668     * @param extras a Map of SyncAdapter-specific information to control
669     *          syncs of a specific provider. Can be null. Is ignored
670     *          if the url is null.
671     * @param beforeRuntimeMillis milliseconds before runtimeMillis that this sync can run.
672     * @param runtimeMillis maximum milliseconds in the future to wait before performing sync.
673     * @param onlyThoseWithUnkownSyncableState Only sync authorities that have unknown state.
674     */
675    public void scheduleSync(Account requestedAccount, int userId, int reason,
676            String requestedAuthority, Bundle extras, long beforeRuntimeMillis,
677            long runtimeMillis, boolean onlyThoseWithUnkownSyncableState) {
678        boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
680        if (extras == null) {
681            extras = new Bundle();
682        }
683        if (isLoggable) {
684            Log.d(TAG, "one-time sync for: " + requestedAccount + " " + extras.toString() + " "
685                    + requestedAuthority);
686        }
687        Boolean expedited = extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPEDITED, false);
688        if (expedited) {
689            runtimeMillis = -1; // this means schedule at the front of the queue
690        }
692        AccountAndUser[] accounts;
693        if (requestedAccount != null && userId != UserHandle.USER_ALL) {
694            accounts = new AccountAndUser[] { new AccountAndUser(requestedAccount, userId) };
695        } else {
696            accounts = mRunningAccounts;
697            if (accounts.length == 0) {
698                if (isLoggable) {
699                    Log.v(TAG, "scheduleSync: no accounts configured, dropping");
700                }
701                return;
702            }
703        }
705        final boolean uploadOnly = extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD, false);
706        final boolean manualSync = extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, false);
707        if (manualSync) {
708            extras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF, true);
709            extras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS, true);
710        }
711        final boolean ignoreSettings =
712                extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS, false);
714        int source;
715        if (uploadOnly) {
716            source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_LOCAL;
717        } else if (manualSync) {
718            source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_USER;
719        } else if (requestedAuthority == null) {
720            source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_POLL;
721        } else {
722            // this isn't strictly server, since arbitrary callers can (and do) request
723            // a non-forced two-way sync on a specific url
724            source = SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_SERVER;
725        }
727        for (AccountAndUser account : accounts) {
728            // If userId is specified, do not sync accounts of other users
729            if (userId >= UserHandle.USER_OWNER && account.userId >= UserHandle.USER_OWNER
730                    && userId != account.userId) {
731                continue;
732            }
733            // Compile a list of authorities that have sync adapters.
734            // For each authority sync each account that matches a sync adapter.
735            final HashSet<String> syncableAuthorities = new HashSet<String>();
736            for (RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapter :
737                    mSyncAdapters.getAllServices(account.userId)) {
738                syncableAuthorities.add(syncAdapter.type.authority);
739            }
741            // if the url was specified then replace the list of authorities
742            // with just this authority or clear it if this authority isn't
743            // syncable
744            if (requestedAuthority != null) {
745                final boolean hasSyncAdapter = syncableAuthorities.contains(requestedAuthority);
746                syncableAuthorities.clear();
747                if (hasSyncAdapter) syncableAuthorities.add(requestedAuthority);
748            }
750            for (String authority : syncableAuthorities) {
751                int isSyncable = getIsSyncable(account.account, account.userId,
752                        authority);
753                if (isSyncable == 0) {
754                    continue;
755                }
756                final RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapterInfo;
757                syncAdapterInfo = mSyncAdapters.getServiceInfo(
758                        SyncAdapterType.newKey(authority, account.account.type), account.userId);
759                if (syncAdapterInfo == null) {
760                    continue;
761                }
762                final boolean allowParallelSyncs = syncAdapterInfo.type.allowParallelSyncs();
763                final boolean isAlwaysSyncable = syncAdapterInfo.type.isAlwaysSyncable();
764                if (isSyncable < 0 && isAlwaysSyncable) {
765                    mSyncStorageEngine.setIsSyncable(account.account, account.userId, authority, 1);
766                    isSyncable = 1;
767                }
768                if (onlyThoseWithUnkownSyncableState && isSyncable >= 0) {
769                    continue;
770                }
771                if (!syncAdapterInfo.type.supportsUploading() && uploadOnly) {
772                    continue;
773                }
775                boolean syncAllowed =
776                        (isSyncable < 0) // always allow if the isSyncable state is unknown
777                        || ignoreSettings
778                        || (mSyncStorageEngine.getMasterSyncAutomatically(account.userId)
779                                && mSyncStorageEngine.getSyncAutomatically(account.account,
780                                        account.userId, authority));
781                if (!syncAllowed) {
782                    if (isLoggable) {
783                        Log.d(TAG, "scheduleSync: sync of " + account + ", " + authority
784                                + " is not allowed, dropping request");
785                    }
786                    continue;
787                }
788                SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info =
789                        new SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint(
790                                account.account, authority, account.userId);
791                Pair<Long, Long> backoff = mSyncStorageEngine.getBackoff(info);
792                long delayUntil =
793                        mSyncStorageEngine.getDelayUntilTime(info);
794                final long backoffTime = backoff != null ? backoff.first : 0;
795                if (isSyncable < 0) {
796                    // Initialisation sync.
797                    Bundle newExtras = new Bundle();
798                    newExtras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_INITIALIZE, true);
799                    if (isLoggable) {
800                        Log.v(TAG, "schedule initialisation Sync:"
801                                + ", delay until " + delayUntil
802                                + ", run by " + 0
803                                + ", flex " + 0
804                                + ", source " + source
805                                + ", account " + account
806                                + ", authority " + authority
807                                + ", extras " + newExtras);
808                    }
809                    scheduleSyncOperation(
810                            new SyncOperation(account.account, account.userId, reason, source,
811                                    authority, newExtras, 0 /* immediate */, 0 /* No flex time*/,
812                                    backoffTime, delayUntil, allowParallelSyncs));
813                }
814                if (!onlyThoseWithUnkownSyncableState) {
815                    if (isLoggable) {
816                        Log.v(TAG, "scheduleSync:"
817                                + " delay until " + delayUntil
818                                + " run by " + runtimeMillis
819                                + " flex " + beforeRuntimeMillis
820                                + ", source " + source
821                                + ", account " + account
822                                + ", authority " + authority
823                                + ", extras " + extras);
824                    }
825                    scheduleSyncOperation(
826                            new SyncOperation(account.account, account.userId, reason, source,
827                                    authority, extras, runtimeMillis, beforeRuntimeMillis,
828                                    backoffTime, delayUntil, allowParallelSyncs));
829                }
830            }
831        }
832    }
834    /**
835     * Schedule sync based on local changes to a provider. Occurs within interval
837     */
838    public void scheduleLocalSync(Account account, int userId, int reason, String authority) {
839        final Bundle extras = new Bundle();
840        extras.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD, true);
841        scheduleSync(account, userId, reason, authority, extras,
842                LOCAL_SYNC_DELAY /* earliest run time */,
843                2 * LOCAL_SYNC_DELAY /* latest sync time. */,
844                false /* onlyThoseWithUnkownSyncableState */);
845    }
847    public SyncAdapterType[] getSyncAdapterTypes(int userId) {
848        final Collection<RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType>> serviceInfos;
849        serviceInfos = mSyncAdapters.getAllServices(userId);
850        SyncAdapterType[] types = new SyncAdapterType[serviceInfos.size()];
851        int i = 0;
852        for (RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> serviceInfo : serviceInfos) {
853            types[i] = serviceInfo.type;
854            ++i;
855        }
856        return types;
857    }
859    private void sendSyncAlarmMessage() {
860        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) Log.v(TAG, "sending MESSAGE_SYNC_ALARM");
861        mSyncHandler.sendEmptyMessage(SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SYNC_ALARM);
862    }
864    private void sendCheckAlarmsMessage() {
865        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) Log.v(TAG, "sending MESSAGE_CHECK_ALARMS");
866        mSyncHandler.removeMessages(SyncHandler.MESSAGE_CHECK_ALARMS);
867        mSyncHandler.sendEmptyMessage(SyncHandler.MESSAGE_CHECK_ALARMS);
868    }
870    private void sendSyncFinishedOrCanceledMessage(ActiveSyncContext syncContext,
871            SyncResult syncResult) {
872        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) Log.v(TAG, "sending MESSAGE_SYNC_FINISHED");
873        Message msg = mSyncHandler.obtainMessage();
874        msg.what = SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SYNC_FINISHED;
875        msg.obj = new SyncHandlerMessagePayload(syncContext, syncResult);
876        mSyncHandler.sendMessage(msg);
877    }
879    private void sendCancelSyncsMessage(final SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info, Bundle extras) {
880        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) Log.v(TAG, "sending MESSAGE_CANCEL");
881        Message msg = mSyncHandler.obtainMessage();
882        msg.what = SyncHandler.MESSAGE_CANCEL;
883        msg.setData(extras);
884        msg.obj = info;
885        mSyncHandler.sendMessage(msg);
886    }
888    /**
889     * Post a delayed message to the handler that will result in the cancellation of the provided
890     * running sync's context.
891     */
892    private void postSyncExpiryMessage(ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext) {
893        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
894            Log.v(TAG, "posting MESSAGE_SYNC_EXPIRED in " +
895                    (ACTIVE_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MILLIS/1000) + "s");
896        }
897        Message msg = mSyncHandler.obtainMessage();
898        msg.what = SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SYNC_EXPIRED;
899        msg.obj = activeSyncContext;
900        mSyncHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, ACTIVE_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
901    }
903    /**
904     * Remove any time-outs previously posted for the provided active sync.
905     */
906    private void removeSyncExpiryMessage(ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext) {
907        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
908            Log.v(TAG, "removing all MESSAGE_SYNC_EXPIRED for " + activeSyncContext.toString());
909        }
910        mSyncHandler.removeMessages(SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SYNC_EXPIRED, activeSyncContext);
911    }
913    class SyncHandlerMessagePayload {
914        public final ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext;
915        public final SyncResult syncResult;
917        SyncHandlerMessagePayload(ActiveSyncContext syncContext, SyncResult syncResult) {
918            this.activeSyncContext = syncContext;
919            this.syncResult = syncResult;
920        }
921    }
923    class SyncAlarmIntentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
924        @Override
925        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
926            mHandleAlarmWakeLock.acquire();
927            sendSyncAlarmMessage();
928        }
929    }
931    private void clearBackoffSetting(SyncOperation op) {
932        mSyncStorageEngine.setBackoff(,
933                SyncStorageEngine.NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE,
934                SyncStorageEngine.NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE);
935        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
936            mSyncQueue.onBackoffChanged(, 0);
937        }
938    }
940    private void increaseBackoffSetting(SyncOperation op) {
941        // TODO: Use this function to align it to an already scheduled sync
942        //       operation in the specified window
943        final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
945        final Pair<Long, Long> previousSettings =
946                mSyncStorageEngine.getBackoff(;
947        long newDelayInMs = -1;
948        if (previousSettings != null) {
949            // don't increase backoff before current backoff is expired. This will happen for op's
950            // with ignoreBackoff set.
951            if (now < previousSettings.first) {
952                if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
953                    Log.v(TAG, "Still in backoff, do not increase it. "
954                        + "Remaining: " + ((previousSettings.first - now) / 1000) + " seconds.");
955                }
956                return;
957            }
958            // Subsequent delays are the double of the previous delay
959            newDelayInMs = previousSettings.second * 2;
960        }
961        if (newDelayInMs <= 0) {
962            // The initial delay is the jitterized INITIAL_SYNC_RETRY_TIME_IN_MS
963            newDelayInMs = jitterize(INITIAL_SYNC_RETRY_TIME_IN_MS,
964                    (long)(INITIAL_SYNC_RETRY_TIME_IN_MS * 1.1));
965        }
967        // Cap the delay
968        long maxSyncRetryTimeInSeconds = Settings.Global.getLong(mContext.getContentResolver(),
969                Settings.Global.SYNC_MAX_RETRY_DELAY_IN_SECONDS,
971        if (newDelayInMs > maxSyncRetryTimeInSeconds * 1000) {
972            newDelayInMs = maxSyncRetryTimeInSeconds * 1000;
973        }
975        final long backoff = now + newDelayInMs;
977        mSyncStorageEngine.setBackoff(, backoff, newDelayInMs);
978        op.backoff = backoff;
979        op.updateEffectiveRunTime();
981        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
982            mSyncQueue.onBackoffChanged(, backoff);
983        }
984    }
986    private void setDelayUntilTime(SyncOperation op, long delayUntilSeconds) {
987        final long delayUntil = delayUntilSeconds * 1000;
988        final long absoluteNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
989        long newDelayUntilTime;
990        if (delayUntil > absoluteNow) {
991            newDelayUntilTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + (delayUntil - absoluteNow);
992        } else {
993            newDelayUntilTime = 0;
994        }
995        mSyncStorageEngine.setDelayUntilTime(, newDelayUntilTime);
996        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
997            mSyncQueue.onDelayUntilTimeChanged(, newDelayUntilTime);
998        }
999    }
1001    /**
1002     * Cancel the active sync if it matches the target.
1003     * @param info object containing info about which syncs to cancel. The target can
1004     * have null account/provider info to specify all accounts/providers.
1005     * @param extras if non-null, specifies the exact sync to remove.
1006     */
1007    public void cancelActiveSync(SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info, Bundle extras) {
1008        sendCancelSyncsMessage(info, extras);
1009    }
1011    /**
1012     * Create and schedule a SyncOperation.
1013     *
1014     * @param syncOperation the SyncOperation to schedule
1015     */
1016    public void scheduleSyncOperation(SyncOperation syncOperation) {
1017        boolean queueChanged;
1018        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
1019            queueChanged = mSyncQueue.add(syncOperation);
1020        }
1022        if (queueChanged) {
1023            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
1024                Log.v(TAG, "scheduleSyncOperation: enqueued " + syncOperation);
1025            }
1026            sendCheckAlarmsMessage();
1027        } else {
1028            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
1029                Log.v(TAG, "scheduleSyncOperation: dropping duplicate sync operation "
1030                        + syncOperation);
1031            }
1032        }
1033    }
1035    /**
1036     * Remove scheduled sync operations.
1037     * @param info limit the removals to operations that match this target. The target can
1038     * have null account/provider info to specify all accounts/providers.
1039     */
1040    public void clearScheduledSyncOperations(SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info) {
1041        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
1042            mSyncQueue.remove(info, null /* all operations */);
1043        }
1044        mSyncStorageEngine.setBackoff(info,
1045                SyncStorageEngine.NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE, SyncStorageEngine.NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE);
1046    }
1048    /**
1049     * Remove a specified sync, if it exists.
1050     * @param info Authority for which the sync is to be removed.
1051     * @param extras extras bundle to uniquely identify sync.
1052     */
1053    public void cancelScheduledSyncOperation(SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info, Bundle extras) {
1054        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
1055            mSyncQueue.remove(info, extras);
1056        }
1057        // Reset the back-off if there are no more syncs pending.
1058        if (!mSyncStorageEngine.isSyncPending(info)) {
1059            mSyncStorageEngine.setBackoff(info,
1060                    SyncStorageEngine.NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE, SyncStorageEngine.NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE);
1061        }
1062    }
1064    void maybeRescheduleSync(SyncResult syncResult, SyncOperation operation) {
1065        boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);
1066        if (isLoggable) {
1067            Log.d(TAG, "encountered error(s) during the sync: " + syncResult + ", " + operation);
1068        }
1070        operation = new SyncOperation(operation, 0L /* newRunTimeFromNow */);
1072        // The SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF only applies to the first attempt to sync a given
1073        // request. Retries of the request will always honor the backoff, so clear the
1074        // flag in case we retry this request.
1075        if (operation.extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF, false)) {
1076            operation.extras.remove(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF);
1077        }
1079        if (operation.extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_DO_NOT_RETRY, false)) {
1080            if (isLoggable) {
1081                Log.d(TAG, "not retrying sync operation because SYNC_EXTRAS_DO_NOT_RETRY was specified "
1082                        + operation);
1083            }
1084        } else if (operation.extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD, false)
1085                && !syncResult.syncAlreadyInProgress) {
1086            // If this was an upward sync then schedule a two-way sync immediately.
1087            operation.extras.remove(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD);
1088            if (isLoggable) {
1089                Log.d(TAG, "retrying sync operation as a two-way sync because an upload-only sync "
1090                        + "encountered an error: " + operation);
1091            }
1092            scheduleSyncOperation(operation);
1093        } else if (syncResult.tooManyRetries) {
1094            // If this sync aborted because the internal sync loop retried too many times then
1095            //   don't reschedule. Otherwise we risk getting into a retry loop.
1096            if (isLoggable) {
1097                Log.d(TAG, "not retrying sync operation because it retried too many times: "
1098                        + operation);
1099            }
1100        } else if (syncResult.madeSomeProgress()) {
1101            // If the operation succeeded to some extent then retry immediately.
1102            if (isLoggable) {
1103                Log.d(TAG, "retrying sync operation because even though it had an error "
1104                        + "it achieved some success");
1105            }
1106            scheduleSyncOperation(operation);
1107        } else if (syncResult.syncAlreadyInProgress) {
1108            if (isLoggable) {
1109                Log.d(TAG, "retrying sync operation that failed because there was already a "
1110                        + "sync in progress: " + operation);
1111            }
1112            scheduleSyncOperation(
1113                new SyncOperation(
1114                        operation,
1115                        DELAY_RETRY_SYNC_IN_PROGRESS_IN_SECONDS * 1000 /* newRunTimeFromNow */)
1116                );
1117        } else if (syncResult.hasSoftError()) {
1118            // If this was a two-way sync then retry soft errors with an exponential backoff.
1119            if (isLoggable) {
1120                Log.d(TAG, "retrying sync operation because it encountered a soft error: "
1121                        + operation);
1122            }
1123            scheduleSyncOperation(operation);
1124        } else {
1125            // Otherwise do not reschedule.
1126            Log.d(TAG, "not retrying sync operation because the error is a hard error: "
1127                    + operation);
1128        }
1129    }
1131    private void onUserStarting(int userId) {
1132        // Make sure that accounts we're about to use are valid
1133        AccountManagerService.getSingleton().validateAccounts(userId);
1135        mSyncAdapters.invalidateCache(userId);
1137        updateRunningAccounts();
1139        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
1140            mSyncQueue.addPendingOperations(userId);
1141        }
1143        // Schedule sync for any accounts under started user
1144        final Account[] accounts = AccountManagerService.getSingleton().getAccounts(userId);
1145        for (Account account : accounts) {
1146            scheduleSync(account, userId, SyncOperation.REASON_USER_START, null, null,
1147                    0 /* no delay */, 0 /* No flex */,
1148                    true /* onlyThoseWithUnknownSyncableState */);
1149        }
1151        sendCheckAlarmsMessage();
1152    }
1154    private void onUserStopping(int userId) {
1155        updateRunningAccounts();
1157        cancelActiveSync(
1158                new SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint(
1159                        null /* any account */,
1160                        null /* any authority */,
1161                        userId),
1162                        null /* any sync. */
1163                );
1164    }
1166    private void onUserRemoved(int userId) {
1167        updateRunningAccounts();
1169        // Clean up the storage engine database
1170        mSyncStorageEngine.doDatabaseCleanup(new Account[0], userId);
1171        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
1172            mSyncQueue.removeUserLocked(userId);
1173        }
1174    }
1176    /**
1177     * Clear backoff on operations in the sync queue that match the packageName and userId.
1178     * @param packageName The package that just became active. Can be null to indicate that all
1179     * packages are now considered active due to being plugged in.
1180     * @param userId The user for which the package has become active. Can be USER_ALL if
1181     * the device just plugged in.
1182     */
1183    void onAppNotIdle(String packageName, int userId) {
1184        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
1185            // For all sync operations in sync queue, if marked as idle, compare with package name
1186            // and unmark. And clear backoff for the operation.
1187            final Iterator<SyncOperation> operationIterator =
1188                    mSyncQueue.getOperations().iterator();
1189            boolean changed = false;
1190            while (operationIterator.hasNext()) {
1191                final SyncOperation op =;
1192                if (op.appIdle
1193                        && getPackageName(
1194                        && (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL || == userId)) {
1195                    op.appIdle = false;
1196                    clearBackoffSetting(op);
1197                    changed = true;
1198                }
1199            }
1200            if (changed) {
1201                sendCheckAlarmsMessage();
1202            }
1203        }
1204    }
1206    /**
1207     * @hide
1208     */
1209    class ActiveSyncContext extends ISyncContext.Stub
1210            implements ServiceConnection, IBinder.DeathRecipient {
1211        final SyncOperation mSyncOperation;
1212        final long mHistoryRowId;
1213        ISyncAdapter mSyncAdapter;
1214        ISyncServiceAdapter mSyncServiceAdapter;
1215        final long mStartTime;
1216        long mTimeoutStartTime;
1217        boolean mBound;
1218        final PowerManager.WakeLock mSyncWakeLock;
1219        final int mSyncAdapterUid;
1220        SyncInfo mSyncInfo;
1221        boolean mIsLinkedToDeath = false;
1222        String mEventName;
1224        /**
1225         * Create an ActiveSyncContext for an impending sync and grab the wakelock for that
1226         * sync adapter. Since this grabs the wakelock you need to be sure to call
1227         * close() when you are done with this ActiveSyncContext, whether the sync succeeded
1228         * or not.
1229         * @param syncOperation the SyncOperation we are about to sync
1230         * @param historyRowId the row in which to record the history info for this sync
1231         * @param syncAdapterUid the UID of the application that contains the sync adapter
1232         * for this sync. This is used to attribute the wakelock hold to that application.
1233         */
1234        public ActiveSyncContext(SyncOperation syncOperation, long historyRowId,
1235                int syncAdapterUid) {
1236            super();
1237            mSyncAdapterUid = syncAdapterUid;
1238            mSyncOperation = syncOperation;
1239            mHistoryRowId = historyRowId;
1240            mSyncAdapter = null;
1241            mSyncServiceAdapter = null;
1242            mStartTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
1243            mTimeoutStartTime = mStartTime;
1244            mSyncWakeLock = mSyncHandler.getSyncWakeLock(mSyncOperation);
1245            mSyncWakeLock.setWorkSource(new WorkSource(syncAdapterUid));
1246            mSyncWakeLock.acquire();
1247        }
1249        public void sendHeartbeat() {
1250            // heartbeats are no longer used
1251        }
1253        public void onFinished(SyncResult result) {
1254            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) Log.v(TAG, "onFinished: " + this);
1255            // include "this" in the message so that the handler can ignore it if this
1256            // ActiveSyncContext is no longer the mActiveSyncContext at message handling
1257            // time
1258            sendSyncFinishedOrCanceledMessage(this, result);
1259        }
1261        public void toString(StringBuilder sb) {
1262            sb.append("startTime ").append(mStartTime)
1263                    .append(", mTimeoutStartTime ").append(mTimeoutStartTime)
1264                    .append(", mHistoryRowId ").append(mHistoryRowId)
1265                    .append(", syncOperation ").append(mSyncOperation);
1266        }
1268        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
1269            Message msg = mSyncHandler.obtainMessage();
1270            msg.what = SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SERVICE_CONNECTED;
1271            msg.obj = new ServiceConnectionData(this, service);
1272            mSyncHandler.sendMessage(msg);
1273        }
1275        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
1276            Message msg = mSyncHandler.obtainMessage();
1277            msg.what = SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED;
1278            msg.obj = new ServiceConnectionData(this, null);
1279            mSyncHandler.sendMessage(msg);
1280        }
1282        boolean bindToSyncAdapter(ComponentName serviceComponent, int userId) {
1283            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
1284                Log.d(TAG, "bindToSyncAdapter: " + serviceComponent + ", connection " + this);
1285            }
1286            Intent intent = new Intent();
1287            intent.setAction("android.content.SyncAdapter");
1288            intent.setComponent(serviceComponent);
1289            intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CLIENT_LABEL,
1290          ;
1291            intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CLIENT_INTENT, PendingIntent.getActivityAsUser(
1292                    mContext, 0, new Intent(Settings.ACTION_SYNC_SETTINGS), 0,
1293                    null, new UserHandle(userId)));
1294            mBound = true;
1295            final boolean bindResult = mContext.bindServiceAsUser(intent, this,
1296                    Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE | Context.BIND_NOT_FOREGROUND
1297                    | Context.BIND_ALLOW_OOM_MANAGEMENT,
1298                    new UserHandle(;
1299            if (!bindResult) {
1300                mBound = false;
1301            } else {
1302                try {
1303                    mEventName = mSyncOperation.wakeLockName();
1304                    mBatteryStats.noteSyncStart(mEventName, mSyncAdapterUid);
1305                } catch (RemoteException e) {
1306                }
1307            }
1308            return bindResult;
1309        }
1311        /**
1312         * Performs the required cleanup, which is the releasing of the wakelock and
1313         * unbinding from the sync adapter (if actually bound).
1314         */
1315        protected void close() {
1316            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
1317                Log.d(TAG, "unBindFromSyncAdapter: connection " + this);
1318            }
1319            if (mBound) {
1320                mBound = false;
1321                mContext.unbindService(this);
1322                try {
1323                    mBatteryStats.noteSyncFinish(mEventName, mSyncAdapterUid);
1324                } catch (RemoteException e) {
1325                }
1326            }
1327            mSyncWakeLock.release();
1328            mSyncWakeLock.setWorkSource(null);
1329        }
1331        public String toString() {
1332            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
1333            toString(sb);
1334            return sb.toString();
1335        }
1337        @Override
1338        public void binderDied() {
1339            sendSyncFinishedOrCanceledMessage(this, null);
1340        }
1341    }
1343    protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw) {
1344        final IndentingPrintWriter ipw = new IndentingPrintWriter(pw, "  ");
1345        dumpSyncState(ipw);
1346        dumpSyncHistory(ipw);
1347        dumpSyncAdapters(ipw);
1348    }
1350    static String formatTime(long time) {
1351        Time tobj = new Time();
1352        tobj.set(time);
1353        return tobj.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
1354    }
1356    protected void dumpSyncState(PrintWriter pw) {
1357        pw.print("data connected: "); pw.println(mDataConnectionIsConnected);
1358        pw.print("auto sync: ");
1359        List<UserInfo> users = getAllUsers();
1360        if (users != null) {
1361            for (UserInfo user : users) {
1362                pw.print("u" + + "="
1363                        + mSyncStorageEngine.getMasterSyncAutomatically( + " ");
1364            }
1365            pw.println();
1366        }
1367        pw.print("memory low: "); pw.println(mStorageIsLow);
1368        pw.print("device idle: "); pw.println(mDeviceIsIdle);
1370        final AccountAndUser[] accounts = AccountManagerService.getSingleton().getAllAccounts();
1372        pw.print("accounts: ");
1373        if (accounts != INITIAL_ACCOUNTS_ARRAY) {
1374            pw.println(accounts.length);
1375        } else {
1376            pw.println("not known yet");
1377        }
1378        final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
1379        pw.print("now: "); pw.print(now);
1380        pw.println(" (" + formatTime(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ")");
1381        pw.print("offset: "); pw.print(DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(mSyncRandomOffsetMillis/1000));
1382        pw.println(" (HH:MM:SS)");
1383        pw.print("uptime: "); pw.print(DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(now/1000));
1384                pw.println(" (HH:MM:SS)");
1385        pw.print("time spent syncing: ");
1386                pw.print(DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(
1387                        mSyncHandler.mSyncTimeTracker.timeSpentSyncing() / 1000));
1388                pw.print(" (HH:MM:SS), sync ");
1389                pw.print(mSyncHandler.mSyncTimeTracker.mLastWasSyncing ? "" : "not ");
1390                pw.println("in progress");
1391        if (mSyncHandler.mAlarmScheduleTime != null) {
1392            pw.print("next alarm time: "); pw.print(mSyncHandler.mAlarmScheduleTime);
1393                    pw.print(" (");
1394                    pw.print(DateUtils.formatElapsedTime((mSyncHandler.mAlarmScheduleTime-now)/1000));
1395                    pw.println(" (HH:MM:SS) from now)");
1396        } else {
1397            pw.println("no alarm is scheduled (there had better not be any pending syncs)");
1398        }
1400        pw.print("notification info: ");
1401        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
1402        mSyncHandler.mSyncNotificationInfo.toString(sb);
1403        pw.println(sb.toString());
1405        pw.println();
1406        pw.println("Active Syncs: " + mActiveSyncContexts.size());
1407        final PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
1408        for (SyncManager.ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext : mActiveSyncContexts) {
1409            final long durationInSeconds = (now - activeSyncContext.mStartTime) / 1000;
1410            pw.print("  ");
1411            pw.print(DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(durationInSeconds));
1412            pw.print(" - ");
1413            pw.print(activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.dump(pm, false));
1414            pw.println();
1415        }
1417        synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
1418            sb.setLength(0);
1419            mSyncQueue.dump(sb);
1420            // Dump Pending Operations.
1421            getSyncStorageEngine().dumpPendingOperations(sb);
1422        }
1424        pw.println();
1425        pw.print(sb.toString());
1427        // join the installed sync adapter with the accounts list and emit for everything
1428        pw.println();
1429        pw.println("Sync Status");
1430        for (AccountAndUser account : accounts) {
1431            pw.printf("Account %s u%d %s\n",
1432          , account.userId, account.account.type);
1434            pw.println("=======================================================================");
1435            final PrintTable table = new PrintTable(13);
1436            table.set(0, 0,
1437                    "Authority", // 0
1438                    "Syncable",  // 1
1439                    "Enabled",   // 2
1440                    "Delay",     // 3
1441                    "Loc",       // 4
1442                    "Poll",      // 5
1443                    "Per",       // 6
1444                    "Serv",      // 7
1445                    "User",      // 8
1446                    "Tot",       // 9
1447                    "Time",      // 10
1448                    "Last Sync", // 11
1449                    "Periodic"   // 12
1450            );
1452            final List<RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType>> sorted =
1453                    Lists.newArrayList();
1454            sorted.addAll(mSyncAdapters.getAllServices(account.userId));
1455            Collections.sort(sorted,
1456                    new Comparator<RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType>>() {
1457                @Override
1458                public int compare(RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> lhs,
1459                        RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> rhs) {
1460                    return lhs.type.authority.compareTo(rhs.type.authority);
1461                }
1462            });
1463            for (RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapterType : sorted) {
1464                if (!syncAdapterType.type.accountType.equals(account.account.type)) {
1465                    continue;
1466                }
1467                int row = table.getNumRows();
1468                Pair<AuthorityInfo, SyncStatusInfo> syncAuthoritySyncStatus =
1469                        mSyncStorageEngine.getCopyOfAuthorityWithSyncStatus(
1470                                new SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint(
1471                                        account.account,
1472                                        syncAdapterType.type.authority,
1473                                        account.userId));
1474                SyncStorageEngine.AuthorityInfo settings = syncAuthoritySyncStatus.first;
1475                SyncStatusInfo status = syncAuthoritySyncStatus.second;
1476                String authority =;
1477                if (authority.length() > 50) {
1478                    authority = authority.substring(authority.length() - 50);
1479                }
1480                table.set(row, 0, authority, settings.syncable, settings.enabled);
1481                table.set(row, 4,
1482                        status.numSourceLocal,
1483                        status.numSourcePoll,
1484                        status.numSourcePeriodic,
1485                        status.numSourceServer,
1486                        status.numSourceUser,
1487                        status.numSyncs,
1488                        DateUtils.formatElapsedTime(status.totalElapsedTime / 1000));
1491                for (int i = 0; i < settings.periodicSyncs.size(); i++) {
1492                    final PeriodicSync sync = settings.periodicSyncs.get(i);
1493                    final String period =
1494                            String.format("[p:%d s, f: %d s]", sync.period, sync.flexTime);
1495                    final String extras =
1496                            sync.extras.size() > 0 ?
1497                                    sync.extras.toString() : "Bundle[]";
1498                    final String next = "Next sync: " + formatTime(status.getPeriodicSyncTime(i)
1499                            + sync.period * 1000);
1500                    table.set(row + i * 2, 12, period + " " + extras);
1501                    table.set(row + i * 2 + 1, 12, next);
1502                }
1504                int row1 = row;
1505                if (settings.delayUntil > now) {
1506                    table.set(row1++, 12, "D: " + (settings.delayUntil - now) / 1000);
1507                    if (settings.backoffTime > now) {
1508                        table.set(row1++, 12, "B: " + (settings.backoffTime - now) / 1000);
1509                        table.set(row1++, 12, settings.backoffDelay / 1000);
1510                    }
1511                }
1513                if (status.lastSuccessTime != 0) {
1514                    table.set(row1++, 11, SyncStorageEngine.SOURCES[status.lastSuccessSource]
1515                            + " " + "SUCCESS");
1516                    table.set(row1++, 11, formatTime(status.lastSuccessTime));
1517                }
1518                if (status.lastFailureTime != 0) {
1519                    table.set(row1++, 11, SyncStorageEngine.SOURCES[status.lastFailureSource]
1520                            + " " + "FAILURE");
1521                    table.set(row1++, 11, formatTime(status.lastFailureTime));
1522                    //noinspection UnusedAssignment
1523                    table.set(row1++, 11, status.lastFailureMesg);
1524                }
1525            }
1526            table.writeTo(pw);
1527        }
1528    }
1530    private String getLastFailureMessage(int code) {
1531        switch (code) {
1532            case ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_SYNC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS:
1533                return "sync already in progress";
1535            case ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION:
1536                return "authentication error";
1538            case ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_IO:
1539                return "I/O error";
1541            case ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_PARSE:
1542                return "parse error";
1544            case ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_CONFLICT:
1545                return "conflict error";
1547            case ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_TOO_MANY_DELETIONS:
1548                return "too many deletions error";
1550            case ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_TOO_MANY_RETRIES:
1551                return "too many retries error";
1553            case ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_INTERNAL:
1554                return "internal error";
1556            default:
1557                return "unknown";
1558        }
1559    }
1561    private void dumpTimeSec(PrintWriter pw, long time) {
1562        pw.print(time/1000); pw.print('.'); pw.print((time/100)%10);
1563        pw.print('s');
1564    }
1566    private void dumpDayStatistic(PrintWriter pw, SyncStorageEngine.DayStats ds) {
1567        pw.print("Success ("); pw.print(ds.successCount);
1568        if (ds.successCount > 0) {
1569            pw.print(" for "); dumpTimeSec(pw, ds.successTime);
1570            pw.print(" avg="); dumpTimeSec(pw, ds.successTime/ds.successCount);
1571        }
1572        pw.print(") Failure ("); pw.print(ds.failureCount);
1573        if (ds.failureCount > 0) {
1574            pw.print(" for "); dumpTimeSec(pw, ds.failureTime);
1575            pw.print(" avg="); dumpTimeSec(pw, ds.failureTime/ds.failureCount);
1576        }
1577        pw.println(")");
1578    }
1580    protected void dumpSyncHistory(PrintWriter pw) {
1581        dumpRecentHistory(pw);
1582        dumpDayStatistics(pw);
1583    }
1585    private void dumpRecentHistory(PrintWriter pw) {
1586        final ArrayList<SyncStorageEngine.SyncHistoryItem> items
1587                = mSyncStorageEngine.getSyncHistory();
1588        if (items != null && items.size() > 0) {
1589            final Map<String, AuthoritySyncStats> authorityMap = Maps.newHashMap();
1590            long totalElapsedTime = 0;
1591            long totalTimes = 0;
1592            final int N = items.size();
1594            int maxAuthority = 0;
1595            int maxAccount = 0;
1596            for (SyncStorageEngine.SyncHistoryItem item : items) {
1597                SyncStorageEngine.AuthorityInfo authorityInfo
1598                        = mSyncStorageEngine.getAuthority(item.authorityId);
1599                final String authorityName;
1600                final String accountKey;
1601                if (authorityInfo != null) {
1602                    if ( {
1603                        authorityName =;
1604                        accountKey = + "/"
1605                                +
1606                                + " u" +;
1607                    } else if ( {
1608                        authorityName = + "/"
1609                                +
1610                                + " u" +;
1611                        accountKey = "no account";
1612                    } else {
1613                        authorityName = "Unknown";
1614                        accountKey = "Unknown";
1615                    }
1616                } else {
1617                    authorityName = "Unknown";
1618                    accountKey = "Unknown";
1619                }
1621                int length = authorityName.length();
1622                if (length > maxAuthority) {
1623                    maxAuthority = length;
1624                }
1625                length = accountKey.length();
1626                if (length > maxAccount) {
1627                    maxAccount = length;
1628                }
1630                final long elapsedTime = item.elapsedTime;
1631                totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
1632                totalTimes++;
1633                AuthoritySyncStats authoritySyncStats = authorityMap.get(authorityName);
1634                if (authoritySyncStats == null) {
1635                    authoritySyncStats = new AuthoritySyncStats(authorityName);
1636                    authorityMap.put(authorityName, authoritySyncStats);
1637                }
1638                authoritySyncStats.elapsedTime += elapsedTime;
1639                authoritySyncStats.times++;
1640                final Map<String, AccountSyncStats> accountMap = authoritySyncStats.accountMap;
1641                AccountSyncStats accountSyncStats = accountMap.get(accountKey);
1642                if (accountSyncStats == null) {
1643                    accountSyncStats = new AccountSyncStats(accountKey);
1644                    accountMap.put(accountKey, accountSyncStats);
1645                }
1646                accountSyncStats.elapsedTime += elapsedTime;
1647                accountSyncStats.times++;
1649            }
1651            if (totalElapsedTime > 0) {
1652                pw.println();
1653                pw.printf("Detailed Statistics (Recent history):  "
1654                        + "%d (# of times) %ds (sync time)\n",
1655                        totalTimes, totalElapsedTime / 1000);
1657                final List<AuthoritySyncStats> sortedAuthorities =
1658                        new ArrayList<AuthoritySyncStats>(authorityMap.values());
1659                Collections.sort(sortedAuthorities, new Comparator<AuthoritySyncStats>() {
1660                    @Override
1661                    public int compare(AuthoritySyncStats lhs, AuthoritySyncStats rhs) {
1662                        // reverse order
1663                        int compare =, lhs.times);
1664                        if (compare == 0) {
1665                            compare =, lhs.elapsedTime);
1666                        }
1667                        return compare;
1668                    }
1669                });
1671                final int maxLength = Math.max(maxAuthority, maxAccount + 3);
1672                final int padLength = 2 + 2 + maxLength + 2 + 10 + 11;
1673                final char chars[] = new char[padLength];
1674                Arrays.fill(chars, '-');
1675                final String separator = new String(chars);
1677                final String authorityFormat =
1678                        String.format("  %%-%ds: %%-9s  %%-11s\n", maxLength + 2);
1679                final String accountFormat =
1680                        String.format("    %%-%ds:   %%-9s  %%-11s\n", maxLength);
1682                pw.println(separator);
1683                for (AuthoritySyncStats authoritySyncStats : sortedAuthorities) {
1684                    String name =;
1685                    long elapsedTime;
1686                    int times;
1687                    String timeStr;
1688                    String timesStr;
1690                    elapsedTime = authoritySyncStats.elapsedTime;
1691                    times = authoritySyncStats.times;
1692                    timeStr = String.format("%ds/%d%%",
1693                            elapsedTime / 1000,
1694                            elapsedTime * 100 / totalElapsedTime);
1695                    timesStr = String.format("%d/%d%%",
1696                            times,
1697                            times * 100 / totalTimes);
1698                    pw.printf(authorityFormat, name, timesStr, timeStr);
1700                    final List<AccountSyncStats> sortedAccounts =
1701                            new ArrayList<AccountSyncStats>(
1702                                    authoritySyncStats.accountMap.values());
1703                    Collections.sort(sortedAccounts, new Comparator<AccountSyncStats>() {
1704                        @Override
1705                        public int compare(AccountSyncStats lhs, AccountSyncStats rhs) {
1706                            // reverse order
1707                            int compare =, lhs.times);
1708                            if (compare == 0) {
1709                                compare =, lhs.elapsedTime);
1710                            }
1711                            return compare;
1712                        }
1713                    });
1714                    for (AccountSyncStats stats: sortedAccounts) {
1715                        elapsedTime = stats.elapsedTime;
1716                        times = stats.times;
1717                        timeStr = String.format("%ds/%d%%",
1718                                elapsedTime / 1000,
1719                                elapsedTime * 100 / totalElapsedTime);
1720                        timesStr = String.format("%d/%d%%",
1721                                times,
1722                                times * 100 / totalTimes);
1723                        pw.printf(accountFormat,, timesStr, timeStr);
1724                    }
1725                    pw.println(separator);
1726                }
1727            }
1729            pw.println();
1730            pw.println("Recent Sync History");
1731            final String format = "  %-" + maxAccount + "s  %-" + maxAuthority + "s %s\n";
1732            final Map<String, Long> lastTimeMap = Maps.newHashMap();
1733            final PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
1734            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1735                SyncStorageEngine.SyncHistoryItem item = items.get(i);
1736                SyncStorageEngine.AuthorityInfo authorityInfo
1737                        = mSyncStorageEngine.getAuthority(item.authorityId);
1738                final String authorityName;
1739                final String accountKey;
1740                if (authorityInfo != null) {
1741                    if ( {
1742                        authorityName =;
1743                        accountKey = + "/"
1744                                +
1745                                + " u" +;
1746                    } else if ( {
1747                        authorityName = + "/"
1748                                +
1749                                + " u" +;
1750                        accountKey = "none";
1751                    } else {
1752                        authorityName = "Unknown";
1753                        accountKey = "Unknown";
1754                    }
1755                } else {
1756                    authorityName = "Unknown";
1757                    accountKey = "Unknown";
1758                }
1759                final long elapsedTime = item.elapsedTime;
1760                final Time time = new Time();
1761                final long eventTime = item.eventTime;
1762                time.set(eventTime);
1764                final String key = authorityName + "/" + accountKey;
1765                final Long lastEventTime = lastTimeMap.get(key);
1766                final String diffString;
1767                if (lastEventTime == null) {
1768                    diffString = "";
1769                } else {
1770                    final long diff = (lastEventTime - eventTime) / 1000;
1771                    if (diff < 60) {
1772                        diffString = String.valueOf(diff);
1773                    } else if (diff < 3600) {
1774                        diffString = String.format("%02d:%02d", diff / 60, diff % 60);
1775                    } else {
1776                        final long sec = diff % 3600;
1777                        diffString = String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d",
1778                                diff / 3600, sec / 60, sec % 60);
1779                    }
1780                }
1781                lastTimeMap.put(key, eventTime);
1783                pw.printf("  #%-3d: %s %8s  %5.1fs  %8s",
1784                        i + 1,
1785                        formatTime(eventTime),
1786                        SyncStorageEngine.SOURCES[item.source],
1787                        ((float) elapsedTime) / 1000,
1788                        diffString);
1789                pw.printf(format, accountKey, authorityName,
1790                        SyncOperation.reasonToString(pm, item.reason));
1792                if (item.event != SyncStorageEngine.EVENT_STOP
1793                        || item.upstreamActivity != 0
1794                        || item.downstreamActivity != 0) {
1795                    pw.printf("    event=%d upstreamActivity=%d downstreamActivity=%d\n",
1796                            item.event,
1797                            item.upstreamActivity,
1798                            item.downstreamActivity);
1799                }
1800                if (item.mesg != null
1801                        && !SyncStorageEngine.MESG_SUCCESS.equals(item.mesg)) {
1802                    pw.printf("    mesg=%s\n", item.mesg);
1803                }
1804            }
1805            pw.println();
1806            pw.println("Recent Sync History Extras");
1807            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1808                final SyncStorageEngine.SyncHistoryItem item = items.get(i);
1809                final Bundle extras = item.extras;
1810                if (extras == null || extras.size() == 0) {
1811                    continue;
1812                }
1813                final SyncStorageEngine.AuthorityInfo authorityInfo
1814                        = mSyncStorageEngine.getAuthority(item.authorityId);
1815                final String authorityName;
1816                final String accountKey;
1817                if (authorityInfo != null) {
1818                    if ( {
1819                        authorityName =;
1820                        accountKey = + "/"
1821                                +
1822                                + " u" +;
1823                    } else if ( {
1824                        authorityName = + "/"
1825                                +
1826                                + " u" +;
1827                        accountKey = "none";
1828                    } else {
1829                        authorityName = "Unknown";
1830                        accountKey = "Unknown";
1831                    }
1832                } else {
1833                    authorityName = "Unknown";
1834                    accountKey = "Unknown";
1835                }
1836                final Time time = new Time();
1837                final long eventTime = item.eventTime;
1838                time.set(eventTime);
1840                pw.printf("  #%-3d: %s %8s ",
1841                        i + 1,
1842                        formatTime(eventTime),
1843                        SyncStorageEngine.SOURCES[item.source]);
1845                pw.printf(format, accountKey, authorityName, extras);
1846            }
1847        }
1848    }
1850    private void dumpDayStatistics(PrintWriter pw) {
1851        SyncStorageEngine.DayStats dses[] = mSyncStorageEngine.getDayStatistics();
1852        if (dses != null && dses[0] != null) {
1853            pw.println();
1854            pw.println("Sync Statistics");
1855            pw.print("  Today:  "); dumpDayStatistic(pw, dses[0]);
1856            int today = dses[0].day;
1857            int i;
1858            SyncStorageEngine.DayStats ds;
1860            // Print each day in the current week.
1861            for (i=1; i<=6 && i < dses.length; i++) {
1862                ds = dses[i];
1863                if (ds == null) break;
1864                int delta =;
1865                if (delta > 6) break;
1867                pw.print("  Day-"); pw.print(delta); pw.print(":  ");
1868                dumpDayStatistic(pw, ds);
1869            }
1871            // Aggregate all following days into weeks and print totals.
1872            int weekDay = today;
1873            while (i < dses.length) {
1874                SyncStorageEngine.DayStats aggr = null;
1875                weekDay -= 7;
1876                while (i < dses.length) {
1877                    ds = dses[i];
1878                    if (ds == null) {
1879                        i = dses.length;
1880                        break;
1881                    }
1882                    int delta =;
1883                    if (delta > 6) break;
1884                    i++;
1886                    if (aggr == null) {
1887                        aggr = new SyncStorageEngine.DayStats(weekDay);
1888                    }
1889                    aggr.successCount += ds.successCount;
1890                    aggr.successTime += ds.successTime;
1891                    aggr.failureCount += ds.failureCount;
1892                    aggr.failureTime += ds.failureTime;
1893                }
1894                if (aggr != null) {
1895                    pw.print("  Week-"); pw.print((today-weekDay)/7); pw.print(": ");
1896                    dumpDayStatistic(pw, aggr);
1897                }
1898            }
1899        }
1900    }
1902    private void dumpSyncAdapters(IndentingPrintWriter pw) {
1903        pw.println();
1904        final List<UserInfo> users = getAllUsers();
1905        if (users != null) {
1906            for (UserInfo user : users) {
1907                pw.println("Sync adapters for " + user + ":");
1908                pw.increaseIndent();
1909                for (RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<?> info :
1910                        mSyncAdapters.getAllServices( {
1911                    pw.println(info);
1912                }
1913                pw.decreaseIndent();
1914                pw.println();
1915            }
1916        }
1917    }
1919    private static class AuthoritySyncStats {
1920        String name;
1921        long elapsedTime;
1922        int times;
1923        Map<String, AccountSyncStats> accountMap = Maps.newHashMap();
1925        private AuthoritySyncStats(String name) {
1926   = name;
1927        }
1928    }
1930    private static class AccountSyncStats {
1931        String name;
1932        long elapsedTime;
1933        int times;
1935        private AccountSyncStats(String name) {
1936   = name;
1937        }
1938    }
1940    /**
1941     * A helper object to keep track of the time we have spent syncing since the last boot
1942     */
1943    private class SyncTimeTracker {
1944        /** True if a sync was in progress on the most recent call to update() */
1945        boolean mLastWasSyncing = false;
1946        /** Used to track when lastWasSyncing was last set */
1947        long mWhenSyncStarted = 0;
1948        /** The cumulative time we have spent syncing */
1949        private long mTimeSpentSyncing;
1951        /** Call to let the tracker know that the sync state may have changed */
1952        public synchronized void update() {
1953            final boolean isSyncInProgress = !mActiveSyncContexts.isEmpty();
1954            if (isSyncInProgress == mLastWasSyncing) return;
1955            final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
1956            if (isSyncInProgress) {
1957                mWhenSyncStarted = now;
1958            } else {
1959                mTimeSpentSyncing += now - mWhenSyncStarted;
1960            }
1961            mLastWasSyncing = isSyncInProgress;
1962        }
1964        /** Get how long we have been syncing, in ms */
1965        public synchronized long timeSpentSyncing() {
1966            if (!mLastWasSyncing) return mTimeSpentSyncing;
1968            final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
1969            return mTimeSpentSyncing + (now - mWhenSyncStarted);
1970        }
1971    }
1973    class ServiceConnectionData {
1974        public final ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext;
1975        public final IBinder adapter;
1977        ServiceConnectionData(ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext, IBinder adapter) {
1978            this.activeSyncContext = activeSyncContext;
1979            this.adapter = adapter;
1980        }
1981    }
1983    /**
1984     * Handles SyncOperation Messages that are posted to the associated
1985     * HandlerThread.
1986     */
1987    class SyncHandler extends Handler {
1988        // Messages that can be sent on mHandler
1989        private static final int MESSAGE_SYNC_FINISHED = 1;
1990        private static final int MESSAGE_SYNC_ALARM = 2;
1991        private static final int MESSAGE_CHECK_ALARMS = 3;
1992        private static final int MESSAGE_SERVICE_CONNECTED = 4;
1993        private static final int MESSAGE_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED = 5;
1994        private static final int MESSAGE_CANCEL = 6;
1995        /** Posted delayed in order to expire syncs that are long-running. */
1996        private static final int MESSAGE_SYNC_EXPIRED = 7;
1998        public final SyncNotificationInfo mSyncNotificationInfo = new SyncNotificationInfo();
1999        private Long mAlarmScheduleTime = null;
2000        public final SyncTimeTracker mSyncTimeTracker = new SyncTimeTracker();
2001        private final HashMap<String, PowerManager.WakeLock> mWakeLocks = Maps.newHashMap();
2003        private List<Message> mBootQueue = new ArrayList<Message>();
2005      public void onBootCompleted() {
2006            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2007                Log.v(TAG, "Boot completed, clearing boot queue.");
2008            }
2009            doDatabaseCleanup();
2010            synchronized(this) {
2011                // Dispatch any stashed messages.
2012                for (Message message : mBootQueue) {
2013                    sendMessage(message);
2014                }
2015                mBootQueue = null;
2016                mBootCompleted = true;
2017            }
2018        }
2020        private PowerManager.WakeLock getSyncWakeLock(SyncOperation operation) {
2021            final String wakeLockKey = operation.wakeLockName();
2022            PowerManager.WakeLock wakeLock = mWakeLocks.get(wakeLockKey);
2023            if (wakeLock == null) {
2024                final String name = SYNC_WAKE_LOCK_PREFIX + wakeLockKey;
2025                wakeLock = mPowerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, name);
2026                wakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false);
2027                mWakeLocks.put(wakeLockKey, wakeLock);
2028            }
2029            return wakeLock;
2030        }
2032        /**
2033         * Stash any messages that come to the handler before boot is complete.
2034         * {@link #onBootCompleted()} will disable this and dispatch all the messages collected.
2035         * @param msg Message to dispatch at a later point.
2036         * @return true if a message was enqueued, false otherwise. This is to avoid losing the
2037         * message if we manage to acquire the lock but by the time we do boot has completed.
2038         */
2039        private boolean tryEnqueueMessageUntilReadyToRun(Message msg) {
2040            synchronized (this) {
2041                if (!mBootCompleted) {
2042                    // Need to copy the message bc looper will recycle it.
2043                    mBootQueue.add(Message.obtain(msg));
2044                    return true;
2045                }
2046                return false;
2047            }
2048        }
2050        /**
2051         * Used to keep track of whether a sync notification is active and who it is for.
2052         */
2053        class SyncNotificationInfo {
2054            // true iff the notification manager has been asked to send the notification
2055            public boolean isActive = false;
2057            // Set when we transition from not running a sync to running a sync, and cleared on
2058            // the opposite transition.
2059            public Long startTime = null;
2061            public void toString(StringBuilder sb) {
2062                sb.append("isActive ").append(isActive).append(", startTime ").append(startTime);
2063            }
2065            @Override
2066            public String toString() {
2067                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
2068                toString(sb);
2069                return sb.toString();
2070            }
2071        }
2073        public SyncHandler(Looper looper) {
2074            super(looper);
2075        }
2077        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
2078            if (tryEnqueueMessageUntilReadyToRun(msg)) {
2079                return;
2080            }
2082            long earliestFuturePollTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
2083            long nextPendingSyncTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
2084            // Setting the value here instead of a method because we want the dumpsys logs
2085            // to have the most recent value used.
2086            try {
2087                mDataConnectionIsConnected = readDataConnectionState();
2088                mSyncManagerWakeLock.acquire();
2089                // Always do this first so that we be sure that any periodic syncs that
2090                // are ready to run have been converted into pending syncs. This allows the
2091                // logic that considers the next steps to take based on the set of pending syncs
2092                // to also take into account the periodic syncs.
2093                earliestFuturePollTime = scheduleReadyPeriodicSyncs();
2094                switch (msg.what) {
2095                    case SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SYNC_EXPIRED:
2096                        ActiveSyncContext expiredContext = (ActiveSyncContext) msg.obj;
2097                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
2098                            Log.d(TAG, "handleSyncHandlerMessage: MESSAGE_SYNC_EXPIRED: expiring "
2099                                    + expiredContext);
2100                        }
2101                        cancelActiveSync(,
2102                                expiredContext.mSyncOperation.extras);
2103                        nextPendingSyncTime = maybeStartNextSyncLocked();
2104                        break;
2106                    case SyncHandler.MESSAGE_CANCEL: {
2107                        SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint payload = (SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint) msg.obj;
2108                        Bundle extras = msg.peekData();
2109                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
2110                            Log.d(TAG, "handleSyncHandlerMessage: MESSAGE_SERVICE_CANCEL: "
2111                                    + payload + " bundle: " + extras);
2112                        }
2113                        cancelActiveSyncLocked(payload, extras);
2114                        nextPendingSyncTime = maybeStartNextSyncLocked();
2115                        break;
2116                    }
2118                    case SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SYNC_FINISHED:
2119                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2120                            Log.v(TAG, "handleSyncHandlerMessage: MESSAGE_SYNC_FINISHED");
2121                        }
2122                        SyncHandlerMessagePayload payload = (SyncHandlerMessagePayload) msg.obj;
2123                        if (!isSyncStillActive(payload.activeSyncContext)) {
2124                            Log.d(TAG, "handleSyncHandlerMessage: dropping since the "
2125                                    + "sync is no longer active: "
2126                                    + payload.activeSyncContext);
2127                            break;
2128                        }
2129                        runSyncFinishedOrCanceledLocked(payload.syncResult,
2130                                payload.activeSyncContext);
2132                        // since a sync just finished check if it is time to start a new sync
2133                        nextPendingSyncTime = maybeStartNextSyncLocked();
2134                        break;
2136                    case SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SERVICE_CONNECTED: {
2137                        ServiceConnectionData msgData = (ServiceConnectionData) msg.obj;
2138                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2139                            Log.d(TAG, "handleSyncHandlerMessage: MESSAGE_SERVICE_CONNECTED: "
2140                                    + msgData.activeSyncContext);
2141                        }
2142                        // check that this isn't an old message
2143                        if (isSyncStillActive(msgData.activeSyncContext)) {
2144                            runBoundToAdapter(
2145                                    msgData.activeSyncContext,
2146                                    msgData.adapter);
2147                        }
2148                        break;
2149                    }
2151                    case SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED: {
2152                        final ActiveSyncContext currentSyncContext =
2153                                ((ServiceConnectionData) msg.obj).activeSyncContext;
2154                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2155                            Log.d(TAG, "handleSyncHandlerMessage: MESSAGE_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED: "
2156                                    + currentSyncContext);
2157                        }
2158                        // check that this isn't an old message
2159                        if (isSyncStillActive(currentSyncContext)) {
2160                            // cancel the sync if we have a syncadapter, which means one is
2161                            // outstanding
2162                            try {
2163                                if (currentSyncContext.mSyncAdapter != null) {
2164                                    currentSyncContext.mSyncAdapter.cancelSync(currentSyncContext);
2165                                } else if (currentSyncContext.mSyncServiceAdapter != null) {
2166                                    currentSyncContext.mSyncServiceAdapter
2167                                        .cancelSync(currentSyncContext);
2168                                }
2169                            } catch (RemoteException e) {
2170                                // We don't need to retry this in this case.
2171                            }
2173                            // pretend that the sync failed with an IOException,
2174                            // which is a soft error
2175                            SyncResult syncResult = new SyncResult();
2176                            syncResult.stats.numIoExceptions++;
2177                            runSyncFinishedOrCanceledLocked(syncResult, currentSyncContext);
2179                            // since a sync just finished check if it is time to start a new sync
2180                            nextPendingSyncTime = maybeStartNextSyncLocked();
2181                        }
2183                        break;
2184                    }
2186                    case SyncHandler.MESSAGE_SYNC_ALARM: {
2187                        boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
2188                        if (isLoggable) {
2189                            Log.v(TAG, "handleSyncHandlerMessage: MESSAGE_SYNC_ALARM");
2190                        }
2191                        mAlarmScheduleTime = null;
2192                        try {
2193                            nextPendingSyncTime = maybeStartNextSyncLocked();
2194                        } finally {
2195                            mHandleAlarmWakeLock.release();
2196                        }
2197                        break;
2198                    }
2200                    case SyncHandler.MESSAGE_CHECK_ALARMS:
2201                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2202                            Log.v(TAG, "handleSyncHandlerMessage: MESSAGE_CHECK_ALARMS");
2203                        }
2204                        nextPendingSyncTime = maybeStartNextSyncLocked();
2205                        break;
2206                }
2207            } finally {
2208                manageSyncNotificationLocked();
2209                manageSyncAlarmLocked(earliestFuturePollTime, nextPendingSyncTime);
2210                mSyncTimeTracker.update();
2211                mSyncManagerWakeLock.release();
2212            }
2213        }
2215        private boolean isDispatchable(SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint target) {
2216            final boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
2217            if (target.target_provider) {
2218                // skip the sync if the account of this operation no longer exists
2219                AccountAndUser[] accounts = mRunningAccounts;
2220                if (!containsAccountAndUser(
2221                        accounts, target.account, target.userId)) {
2222                    return false;
2223                }
2224                if (!mSyncStorageEngine.getMasterSyncAutomatically(target.userId)
2225                        || !mSyncStorageEngine.getSyncAutomatically(
2226                                target.account,
2227                                target.userId,
2228                                target.provider)) {
2229                    if (isLoggable) {
2230                        Log.v(TAG, "    Not scheduling periodic operation: sync turned off.");
2231                    }
2232                    return false;
2233                }
2234                if (getIsSyncable(target.account, target.userId, target.provider)
2235                        == 0) {
2236                    if (isLoggable) {
2237                        Log.v(TAG, "    Not scheduling periodic operation: isSyncable == 0.");
2238                    }
2239                    return false;
2240                }
2241            } else if (target.target_service) {
2242                if (mSyncStorageEngine.getIsTargetServiceActive(target.service, target.userId)) {
2243                    if (isLoggable) {
2244                        Log.v(TAG, "   Not scheduling periodic operation: isEnabled == 0.");
2245                    }
2246                    return false;
2247                }
2248            }
2249            return true;
2250        }
2252        /**
2253         * Turn any periodic sync operations that are ready to run into pending sync operations.
2254         * @return the desired start time of the earliest future periodic sync operation,
2255         * in milliseconds since boot
2256         */
2257        private long scheduleReadyPeriodicSyncs() {
2258            final boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
2259            if (isLoggable) {
2260                Log.v(TAG, "scheduleReadyPeriodicSyncs");
2261            }
2262            long earliestFuturePollTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
2264            final long nowAbsolute = System.currentTimeMillis();
2265            final long shiftedNowAbsolute = (0 < nowAbsolute - mSyncRandomOffsetMillis)
2266                    ? (nowAbsolute - mSyncRandomOffsetMillis) : 0;
2268            ArrayList<Pair<AuthorityInfo, SyncStatusInfo>> infos = mSyncStorageEngine
2269                    .getCopyOfAllAuthoritiesWithSyncStatus();
2270            for (Pair<AuthorityInfo, SyncStatusInfo> info : infos) {
2271                final AuthorityInfo authorityInfo = info.first;
2272                final SyncStatusInfo status = info.second;
2274                if (TextUtils.isEmpty( {
2275                    Log.e(TAG, "Got an empty provider string. Skipping: "
2276                        +;
2277                    continue;
2278                }
2280                if (!isDispatchable( {
2281                    continue;
2282                }
2284                for (int i = 0, N = authorityInfo.periodicSyncs.size(); i < N; i++) {
2285                    final PeriodicSync sync = authorityInfo.periodicSyncs.get(i);
2286                    final Bundle extras = sync.extras;
2287                    final Long periodInMillis = sync.period * 1000;
2288                    final Long flexInMillis = sync.flexTime * 1000;
2289                    // Skip if the period is invalid.
2290                    if (periodInMillis <= 0) {
2291                        continue;
2292                    }
2293                    // Find when this periodic sync was last scheduled to run.
2294                    final long lastPollTimeAbsolute = status.getPeriodicSyncTime(i);
2295                    final long shiftedLastPollTimeAbsolute =
2296                            (0 < lastPollTimeAbsolute - mSyncRandomOffsetMillis) ?
2297                                    (lastPollTimeAbsolute - mSyncRandomOffsetMillis) : 0;
2298                    long remainingMillis
2299                        = periodInMillis - (shiftedNowAbsolute % periodInMillis);
2300                    long timeSinceLastRunMillis
2301                        = (nowAbsolute - lastPollTimeAbsolute);
2302                    // Schedule this periodic sync to run early if it's close enough to its next
2303                    // runtime, and far enough from its last run time.
2304                    // If we are early, there will still be time remaining in this period.
2305                    boolean runEarly = remainingMillis <= flexInMillis
2306                            && timeSinceLastRunMillis > periodInMillis - flexInMillis;
2307                    if (isLoggable) {
2308                        Log.v(TAG, "sync: " + i + " for " + + "."
2309                        + " period: " + (periodInMillis)
2310                        + " flex: " + (flexInMillis)
2311                        + " remaining: " + (remainingMillis)
2312                        + " time_since_last: " + timeSinceLastRunMillis
2313                        + " last poll absol: " + lastPollTimeAbsolute
2314                        + " last poll shifed: " + shiftedLastPollTimeAbsolute
2315                        + " shifted now: " + shiftedNowAbsolute
2316                        + " run_early: " + runEarly);
2317                    }
2318                    /*
2319                     * Sync scheduling strategy: Set the next periodic sync
2320                     * based on a random offset (in seconds). Also sync right
2321                     * now if any of the following cases hold and mark it as
2322                     * having been scheduled
2323                     * Case 1: This sync is ready to run now.
2324                     * Case 2: If the lastPollTimeAbsolute is in the
2325                     * future, sync now and reinitialize. This can happen for
2326                     * example if the user changed the time, synced and changed
2327                     * back.
2328                     * Case 3: If we failed to sync at the last scheduled time.
2329                     * Case 4: This sync is close enough to the time that we can schedule it.
2330                     */
2331                    if (remainingMillis == periodInMillis // Case 1
2332                            || lastPollTimeAbsolute > nowAbsolute // Case 2
2333                            || timeSinceLastRunMillis >= periodInMillis // Case 3
2334                            || runEarly) { // Case 4
2335                        // Sync now
2336                        SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint target =;
2337                        final Pair<Long, Long> backoff =
2338                                mSyncStorageEngine.getBackoff(target);
2339                        mSyncStorageEngine.setPeriodicSyncTime(authorityInfo.ident,
2340                                authorityInfo.periodicSyncs.get(i), nowAbsolute);
2342                        if (target.target_provider) {
2343                            final RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType>
2344                                syncAdapterInfo = mSyncAdapters.getServiceInfo(
2345                                    SyncAdapterType.newKey(
2346                                            target.provider, target.account.type),
2347                                    target.userId);
2348                            if (syncAdapterInfo == null) {
2349                                continue;
2350                            }
2351                            scheduleSyncOperation(
2352                                    new SyncOperation(target.account, target.userId,
2353                                            SyncOperation.REASON_PERIODIC,
2354                                            SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_PERIODIC,
2355                                            target.provider, extras,
2356                                            0 /* runtime */, 0 /* flex */,
2357                                            backoff != null ? backoff.first : 0,
2358                                            mSyncStorageEngine.getDelayUntilTime(target),
2359                                            syncAdapterInfo.type.allowParallelSyncs()));
2360                        } else if (target.target_service) {
2361                            scheduleSyncOperation(
2362                                    new SyncOperation(target.service, target.userId,
2363                                            SyncOperation.REASON_PERIODIC,
2364                                            SyncStorageEngine.SOURCE_PERIODIC,
2365                                            extras,
2366                                            0 /* runtime */,
2367                                            0 /* flex */,
2368                                            backoff != null ? backoff.first : 0,
2369                                            mSyncStorageEngine.getDelayUntilTime(target)));
2370                        }
2371                    }
2372                    // Compute when this periodic sync should next run.
2373                    long nextPollTimeAbsolute;
2374                    if (runEarly) {
2375                        // Add the time remaining so we don't get out of phase.
2376                        nextPollTimeAbsolute = nowAbsolute + periodInMillis + remainingMillis;
2377                    } else {
2378                        nextPollTimeAbsolute = nowAbsolute + remainingMillis;
2379                    }
2380                    if (nextPollTimeAbsolute < earliestFuturePollTime) {
2381                        earliestFuturePollTime = nextPollTimeAbsolute;
2382                    }
2383                }
2384            }
2386            if (earliestFuturePollTime == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
2387                return Long.MAX_VALUE;
2388            }
2390            // convert absolute time to elapsed time
2391            return SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() +
2392                ((earliestFuturePollTime < nowAbsolute) ?
2393                    0 : (earliestFuturePollTime - nowAbsolute));
2394        }
2396        private long maybeStartNextSyncLocked() {
2397            final boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
2398            if (isLoggable) Log.v(TAG, "maybeStartNextSync");
2400            // If we aren't ready to run (e.g. the data connection is down), get out.
2401            if (!mDataConnectionIsConnected) {
2402                if (isLoggable) {
2403                    Log.v(TAG, "maybeStartNextSync: no data connection, skipping");
2404                }
2405                return Long.MAX_VALUE;
2406            }
2408            if (mStorageIsLow) {
2409                if (isLoggable) {
2410                    Log.v(TAG, "maybeStartNextSync: memory low, skipping");
2411                }
2412                return Long.MAX_VALUE;
2413            }
2415            if (mDeviceIsIdle) {
2416                if (isLoggable) {
2417                    Log.v(TAG, "maybeStartNextSync: device idle, skipping");
2418                }
2419                return Long.MAX_VALUE;
2420            }
2422            // If the accounts aren't known yet then we aren't ready to run. We will be kicked
2423            // when the account lookup request does complete.
2424            if (mRunningAccounts == INITIAL_ACCOUNTS_ARRAY) {
2425                if (isLoggable) {
2426                    Log.v(TAG, "maybeStartNextSync: accounts not known, skipping");
2427                }
2428                return Long.MAX_VALUE;
2429            }
2431            // Otherwise consume SyncOperations from the head of the SyncQueue until one is
2432            // found that is runnable (not disabled, etc). If that one is ready to run then
2433            // start it, otherwise just get out.
2434            final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
2436            // will be set to the next time that a sync should be considered for running
2437            long nextReadyToRunTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
2439            // order the sync queue, dropping syncs that are not allowed
2440            ArrayList<SyncOperation> operations = new ArrayList<SyncOperation>();
2441            synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
2442                if (isLoggable) {
2443                    Log.v(TAG, "build the operation array, syncQueue size is "
2444                        + mSyncQueue.getOperations().size());
2445                }
2446                final Iterator<SyncOperation> operationIterator =
2447                        mSyncQueue.getOperations().iterator();
2449                final ActivityManager activityManager
2450                        = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
2451                final Set<Integer> removedUsers = Sets.newHashSet();
2452                while (operationIterator.hasNext()) {
2453                    final SyncOperation op =;
2455                    // If the user is not running, skip the request.
2456                    if (!activityManager.isUserRunning( {
2457                        final UserInfo userInfo = mUserManager.getUserInfo(;
2458                        if (userInfo == null) {
2459                            removedUsers.add(;
2460                        }
2461                        if (isLoggable) {
2462                            Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping all sync operations for + "
2463                                    + + ": user not running.");
2464                        }
2465                        continue;
2466                    }
2467                    if (!isOperationValidLocked(op)) {
2468                        operationIterator.remove();
2469                        mSyncStorageEngine.deleteFromPending(op.pendingOperation);
2470                        continue;
2471                    }
2472                    // If the next run time is in the future, even given the flexible scheduling,
2473                    // return the time.
2474                    if (op.effectiveRunTime - op.flexTime > now) {
2475                        if (nextReadyToRunTime > op.effectiveRunTime) {
2476                            nextReadyToRunTime = op.effectiveRunTime;
2477                        }
2478                        if (isLoggable) {
2479                            Log.v(TAG, "    Not running sync operation: Sync too far in future."
2480                                    + "effective: " + op.effectiveRunTime + " flex: " + op.flexTime
2481                                    + " now: " + now);
2482                        }
2483                        continue;
2484                    }
2485                    String packageName = getPackageName(;
2486                    // If app is considered idle, then skip for now and backoff
2487                    if (packageName != null
2488                            && mAppIdleMonitor.isAppIdle(packageName, {
2489                        increaseBackoffSetting(op);
2490                        op.appIdle = true;
2491                        if (isLoggable) {
2492                            Log.v(TAG, "Sync backing off idle app " + packageName);
2493                        }
2494                        continue;
2495                    } else {
2496                        op.appIdle = false;
2497                    }
2498                    // Add this sync to be run.
2499                    operations.add(op);
2500                }
2502                for (Integer user : removedUsers) {
2503                    // if it's still removed
2504                    if (mUserManager.getUserInfo(user) == null) {
2505                        onUserRemoved(user);
2506                    }
2507                }
2508            }
2510            // find the next operation to dispatch, if one is ready
2511            // iterate from the top, keep issuing (while potentially canceling existing syncs)
2512            // until the quotas are filled.
2513            // once the quotas are filled iterate once more to find when the next one would be
2514            // (also considering pre-emption reasons).
2515            if (isLoggable) Log.v(TAG, "sort the candidate operations, size " + operations.size());
2516            Collections.sort(operations);
2517            if (isLoggable) Log.v(TAG, "dispatch all ready sync operations");
2518            for (int i = 0, N = operations.size(); i < N; i++) {
2519                final SyncOperation candidate = operations.get(i);
2520                final boolean candidateIsInitialization = candidate.isInitialization();
2522                int numInit = 0;
2523                int numRegular = 0;
2524                ActiveSyncContext conflict = null;
2525                ActiveSyncContext longRunning = null;
2526                ActiveSyncContext toReschedule = null;
2527                ActiveSyncContext oldestNonExpeditedRegular = null;
2529                for (ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext : mActiveSyncContexts) {
2530                    final SyncOperation activeOp = activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation;
2531                    if (activeOp.isInitialization()) {
2532                        numInit++;
2533                    } else {
2534                        numRegular++;
2535                        if (!activeOp.isExpedited()) {
2536                            if (oldestNonExpeditedRegular == null
2537                                || (oldestNonExpeditedRegular.mStartTime
2538                                    > activeSyncContext.mStartTime)) {
2539                                oldestNonExpeditedRegular = activeSyncContext;
2540                            }
2541                        }
2542                    }
2543                    if (activeOp.isConflict(candidate)) {
2544                        conflict = activeSyncContext;
2545                        // don't break out since we want to do a full count of the varieties.
2546                    } else {
2547                        if (candidateIsInitialization == activeOp.isInitialization()
2548                                && activeSyncContext.mStartTime + MAX_TIME_PER_SYNC < now) {
2549                            longRunning = activeSyncContext;
2550                            // don't break out since we want to do a full count of the varieties
2551                        }
2552                    }
2553                }
2555                if (isLoggable) {
2556                    Log.v(TAG, "candidate " + (i + 1) + " of " + N + ": " + candidate);
2557                    Log.v(TAG, "  numActiveInit=" + numInit + ", numActiveRegular=" + numRegular);
2558                    Log.v(TAG, "  longRunning: " + longRunning);
2559                    Log.v(TAG, "  conflict: " + conflict);
2560                    Log.v(TAG, "  oldestNonExpeditedRegular: " + oldestNonExpeditedRegular);
2561                }
2563                final boolean roomAvailable = candidateIsInitialization
2564                        ? numInit < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_INITIALIZATION_SYNCS
2565                        : numRegular < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_REGULAR_SYNCS;
2567                if (conflict != null) {
2568                    if (candidateIsInitialization && !conflict.mSyncOperation.isInitialization()
2569                            && numInit < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_INITIALIZATION_SYNCS) {
2570                        toReschedule = conflict;
2571                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2572                            Log.v(TAG, "canceling and rescheduling sync since an initialization "
2573                                    + "takes higher priority, " + conflict);
2574                        }
2575                    } else if (candidate.isExpedited() && !conflict.mSyncOperation.isExpedited()
2576                            && (candidateIsInitialization
2577                                == conflict.mSyncOperation.isInitialization())) {
2578                        toReschedule = conflict;
2579                        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2580                            Log.v(TAG, "canceling and rescheduling sync since an expedited "
2581                                    + "takes higher priority, " + conflict);
2582                        }
2583                    } else {
2584                        continue;
2585                    }
2586                } else if (roomAvailable) {
2587                    // dispatch candidate
2588                } else if (candidate.isExpedited() && oldestNonExpeditedRegular != null
2589                           && !candidateIsInitialization) {
2590                    // We found an active, non-expedited regular sync. We also know that the
2591                    // candidate doesn't conflict with this active sync since conflict
2592                    // is null. Reschedule the active sync and start the candidate.
2593                    toReschedule = oldestNonExpeditedRegular;
2594                    if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2595                        Log.v(TAG, "canceling and rescheduling sync since an expedited is ready to"
2596                                + " run, " + oldestNonExpeditedRegular);
2597                    }
2598                } else if (longRunning != null
2599                        && (candidateIsInitialization
2600                            == longRunning.mSyncOperation.isInitialization())) {
2601                    // We found an active, long-running sync. Reschedule the active
2602                    // sync and start the candidate.
2603                    toReschedule = longRunning;
2604                    if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2605                        Log.v(TAG, "canceling and rescheduling sync since it ran roo long, "
2606                              + longRunning);
2607                    }
2608                } else {
2609                    // we were unable to find or make space to run this candidate, go on to
2610                    // the next one
2611                    continue;
2612                }
2614                if (toReschedule != null) {
2615                    runSyncFinishedOrCanceledLocked(null, toReschedule);
2616                    scheduleSyncOperation(toReschedule.mSyncOperation);
2617                }
2618                synchronized (mSyncQueue) {
2619                    mSyncQueue.remove(candidate);
2620                }
2621                dispatchSyncOperation(candidate);
2622            }
2624            return nextReadyToRunTime;
2625        }
2627        /**
2628         * Determine if a sync is no longer valid and should be dropped from the sync queue and its
2629         * pending op deleted.
2630         * @param op operation for which the sync is to be scheduled.
2631         */
2632        private boolean isOperationValidLocked(SyncOperation op) {
2633            final boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
2634            int targetUid;
2635            int state;
2636            final SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint target =;
2637            boolean syncEnabled = mSyncStorageEngine.getMasterSyncAutomatically(target.userId);
2638            if (target.target_provider) {
2639                // Drop the sync if the account of this operation no longer exists.
2640                AccountAndUser[] accounts = mRunningAccounts;
2641                if (!containsAccountAndUser(accounts, target.account, target.userId)) {
2642                    if (isLoggable) {
2643                        Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping sync operation: account doesn't exist.");
2644                    }
2645                    return false;
2646                }
2647                // Drop this sync request if it isn't syncable.
2648                state = getIsSyncable(target.account, target.userId, target.provider);
2649                if (state == 0) {
2650                    if (isLoggable) {
2651                        Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping sync operation: isSyncable == 0.");
2652                    }
2653                    return false;
2654                }
2655                syncEnabled = syncEnabled && mSyncStorageEngine.getSyncAutomatically(
2656                        target.account, target.userId, target.provider);
2658                final RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapterInfo;
2659                syncAdapterInfo = mSyncAdapters.getServiceInfo(
2660                        SyncAdapterType.newKey(
2661                                target.provider, target.account.type), target.userId);
2662                if (syncAdapterInfo != null) {
2663                    targetUid = syncAdapterInfo.uid;
2664                } else {
2665                    if (isLoggable) {
2666                        Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping sync operation: No sync adapter registered"
2667                                + "for: " + target);
2668                    }
2669                    return false;
2670                }
2671            } else if (target.target_service) {
2672                state = mSyncStorageEngine.getIsTargetServiceActive(target.service, target.userId)
2673                            ? 1 : 0;
2674                if (state == 0) {
2675                    // TODO: Change this to not drop disabled syncs - keep them in the pending queue.
2676                    if (isLoggable) {
2677                        Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping sync operation: isActive == 0.");
2678                    }
2679                    return false;
2680                }
2681                try {
2682                    targetUid = mContext.getPackageManager()
2683                            .getServiceInfo(target.service, 0)
2684                            .applicationInfo
2685                            .uid;
2686                } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
2687                    if (isLoggable) {
2688                        Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping sync operation: No service registered for: "
2689                                + target.service);
2690                    }
2691                    return false;
2692                }
2693            } else {
2694                Log.e(TAG, "Unknown target for Sync Op: " + target);
2695                return false;
2696            }
2698            // We ignore system settings that specify the sync is invalid if:
2699            // 1) It's manual - we try it anyway. When/if it fails it will be rescheduled.
2700            //      or
2701            // 2) it's an initialisation sync - we just need to connect to it.
2702            final boolean ignoreSystemConfiguration =
2703                    op.extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS, false)
2704                    || (state < 0);
2706            // Sync not enabled.
2707            if (!syncEnabled && !ignoreSystemConfiguration) {
2708                if (isLoggable) {
2709                    Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping sync operation: disallowed by settings/network.");
2710                }
2711                return false;
2712            }
2713            // Network down.
2714            final NetworkInfo networkInfo = getConnectivityManager()
2715                    .getActiveNetworkInfoForUid(targetUid);
2716            final boolean uidNetworkConnected = networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected();
2717            if (!uidNetworkConnected && !ignoreSystemConfiguration) {
2718                if (isLoggable) {
2719                    Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping sync operation: disallowed by settings/network.");
2720                }
2721                return false;
2722            }
2723            // Metered network.
2724            if (op.isNotAllowedOnMetered() && getConnectivityManager().isActiveNetworkMetered()
2725                    && !ignoreSystemConfiguration) {
2726                if (isLoggable) {
2727                    Log.v(TAG, "    Dropping sync operation: not allowed on metered network.");
2728                }
2729                return false;
2730            }
2731            return true;
2732        }
2734        private boolean dispatchSyncOperation(SyncOperation op) {
2735            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2736                Log.v(TAG, "dispatchSyncOperation: we are going to sync " + op);
2737                Log.v(TAG, "num active syncs: " + mActiveSyncContexts.size());
2738                for (ActiveSyncContext syncContext : mActiveSyncContexts) {
2739                    Log.v(TAG, syncContext.toString());
2740                }
2741            }
2742            // Connect to the sync adapter.
2743            int targetUid;
2744            ComponentName targetComponent;
2745            final SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info =;
2746            if (info.target_provider) {
2747                SyncAdapterType syncAdapterType =
2748                        SyncAdapterType.newKey(info.provider, info.account.type);
2749                final RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapterInfo;
2750                syncAdapterInfo = mSyncAdapters.getServiceInfo(syncAdapterType, info.userId);
2751                if (syncAdapterInfo == null) {
2752                    Log.d(TAG, "can't find a sync adapter for " + syncAdapterType
2753                            + ", removing settings for it");
2754                    mSyncStorageEngine.removeAuthority(info);
2755                    return false;
2756                }
2757                targetUid = syncAdapterInfo.uid;
2758                targetComponent = syncAdapterInfo.componentName;
2759            } else {
2760                // TODO: Store the uid of the service as part of the authority info in order to
2761                // avoid this call?
2762                try {
2763                    targetUid = mContext.getPackageManager()
2764                            .getServiceInfo(info.service, 0)
2765                            .applicationInfo
2766                            .uid;
2767                    targetComponent = info.service;
2768                } catch(PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
2769                    Log.d(TAG, "Can't find a service for " + info.service
2770                            + ", removing settings for it");
2771                    mSyncStorageEngine.removeAuthority(info);
2772                    return false;
2773                }
2774            }
2775            ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext =
2776                    new ActiveSyncContext(op, insertStartSyncEvent(op), targetUid);
2777            activeSyncContext.mSyncInfo = mSyncStorageEngine.addActiveSync(activeSyncContext);
2778            mActiveSyncContexts.add(activeSyncContext);
2779            if (!activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.isInitialization() &&
2780                    !activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.isExpedited() &&
2781                    !activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.isManual() &&
2782                    !activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.isIgnoreSettings()) {
2783                // Post message to expire this sync if it runs for too long.
2784                postSyncExpiryMessage(activeSyncContext);
2785            }
2786            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
2787                Log.v(TAG, "dispatchSyncOperation: starting " + activeSyncContext);
2788            }
2789            if (!activeSyncContext.bindToSyncAdapter(targetComponent, info.userId)) {
2790                Log.e(TAG, "Bind attempt failed - target: " + targetComponent);
2791                closeActiveSyncContext(activeSyncContext);
2792                return false;
2793            }
2795            return true;
2796        }
2798        private void runBoundToAdapter(final ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext,
2799                IBinder syncAdapter) {
2800            final SyncOperation syncOperation = activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation;
2801            try {
2802                activeSyncContext.mIsLinkedToDeath = true;
2803                syncAdapter.linkToDeath(activeSyncContext, 0);
2805                if ( {
2806                    activeSyncContext.mSyncAdapter = ISyncAdapter.Stub.asInterface(syncAdapter);
2807                    activeSyncContext.mSyncAdapter
2808                        .startSync(activeSyncContext,,
2809                      , syncOperation.extras);
2810                } else if ( {
2811                    activeSyncContext.mSyncServiceAdapter =
2812                            ISyncServiceAdapter.Stub.asInterface(syncAdapter);
2813                    activeSyncContext.mSyncServiceAdapter
2814                        .startSync(activeSyncContext, syncOperation.extras);
2815                }
2816            } catch (RemoteException remoteExc) {
2817                Log.d(TAG, "maybeStartNextSync: caught a RemoteException, rescheduling", remoteExc);
2818                closeActiveSyncContext(activeSyncContext);
2819                increaseBackoffSetting(syncOperation);
2820                scheduleSyncOperation(
2821                        new SyncOperation(syncOperation, 0L /* newRunTimeFromNow */));
2822            } catch (RuntimeException exc) {
2823                closeActiveSyncContext(activeSyncContext);
2824                Log.e(TAG, "Caught RuntimeException while starting the sync " + syncOperation, exc);
2825            }
2826        }
2828        /**
2829         * Cancel the sync for the provided target that matches the given bundle.
2830         * @param info can have null fields to indicate all the active syncs for that field.
2831         */
2832        private void cancelActiveSyncLocked(SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info, Bundle extras) {
2833            ArrayList<ActiveSyncContext> activeSyncs =
2834                    new ArrayList<ActiveSyncContext>(mActiveSyncContexts);
2835            for (ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext : activeSyncs) {
2836                if (activeSyncContext != null) {
2837                    final SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint opInfo =
2838                  ;
2839                    if (!opInfo.matchesSpec(info)) {
2840                        continue;
2841                    }
2842                    if (extras != null &&
2843                            !syncExtrasEquals(activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.extras,
2844                                    extras,
2845                                    false /* no config settings */)) {
2846                        continue;
2847                    }
2848                    runSyncFinishedOrCanceledLocked(null /* no result since this is a cancel */,
2849                            activeSyncContext);
2850                }
2851            }
2852        }
2854        private void runSyncFinishedOrCanceledLocked(SyncResult syncResult,
2855                ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext) {
2856            boolean isLoggable = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE);
2858            final SyncOperation syncOperation = activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation;
2859            final SyncStorageEngine.EndPoint info =;
2861            if (activeSyncContext.mIsLinkedToDeath) {
2862                if (info.target_provider) {
2863                    activeSyncContext.mSyncAdapter.asBinder().unlinkToDeath(activeSyncContext, 0);
2864                } else {
2865                    activeSyncContext.mSyncServiceAdapter.asBinder()
2866                        .unlinkToDeath(activeSyncContext, 0);
2867                }
2868                activeSyncContext.mIsLinkedToDeath = false;
2869            }
2870            closeActiveSyncContext(activeSyncContext);
2871            final long elapsedTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - activeSyncContext.mStartTime;
2872            String historyMessage;
2873            int downstreamActivity;
2874            int upstreamActivity;
2875            if (syncResult != null) {
2876                if (isLoggable) {
2877                    Log.v(TAG, "runSyncFinishedOrCanceled [finished]: "
2878                            + syncOperation + ", result " + syncResult);
2879                }
2881                if (!syncResult.hasError()) {
2882                    historyMessage = SyncStorageEngine.MESG_SUCCESS;
2883                    // TODO: set these correctly when the SyncResult is extended to include it
2884                    downstreamActivity = 0;
2885                    upstreamActivity = 0;
2886                    clearBackoffSetting(syncOperation);
2887                } else {
2888                    Log.d(TAG, "failed sync operation " + syncOperation + ", " + syncResult);
2889                    // the operation failed so increase the backoff time
2890                    increaseBackoffSetting(syncOperation);
2891                    // reschedule the sync if so indicated by the syncResult
2892                    maybeRescheduleSync(syncResult, syncOperation);
2893                    historyMessage = ContentResolver.syncErrorToString(
2894                            syncResultToErrorNumber(syncResult));
2895                    // TODO: set these correctly when the SyncResult is extended to include it
2896                    downstreamActivity = 0;
2897                    upstreamActivity = 0;
2898                }
2899                setDelayUntilTime(syncOperation, syncResult.delayUntil);
2900            } else {
2901                if (isLoggable) {
2902                    Log.v(TAG, "runSyncFinishedOrCanceled [canceled]: " + syncOperation);
2903                }
2904                if (activeSyncContext.mSyncAdapter != null) {
2905                    try {
2906                        activeSyncContext.mSyncAdapter.cancelSync(activeSyncContext);
2907                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
2908                        // we don't need to retry this in this case
2909                    }
2910                } else if (activeSyncContext.mSyncServiceAdapter != null) {
2911                    try {
2912                        activeSyncContext.mSyncServiceAdapter.cancelSync(activeSyncContext);
2913                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
2914                        // we don't need to retry this in this case
2915                    }
2916                }
2917                historyMessage = SyncStorageEngine.MESG_CANCELED;
2918                downstreamActivity = 0;
2919                upstreamActivity = 0;
2920            }
2922            stopSyncEvent(activeSyncContext.mHistoryRowId, syncOperation, historyMessage,
2923                    upstreamActivity, downstreamActivity, elapsedTime);
2924            // Check for full-resync and schedule it after closing off the last sync.
2925            if (info.target_provider) {
2926                if (syncResult != null && syncResult.tooManyDeletions) {
2927                    installHandleTooManyDeletesNotification(info.account,
2928                            info.provider, syncResult.stats.numDeletes,
2929                            info.userId);
2930                } else {
2931                    mNotificationMgr.cancelAsUser(null,
2932                            info.account.hashCode() ^ info.provider.hashCode(),
2933                            new UserHandle(info.userId));
2934                }
2935                if (syncResult != null && syncResult.fullSyncRequested) {
2936                    scheduleSyncOperation(
2937                            new SyncOperation(info.account, info.userId,
2938                                syncOperation.reason,
2939                                syncOperation.syncSource, info.provider, new Bundle(),
2940                                0 /* delay */, 0 /* flex */,
2941                                syncOperation.backoff, syncOperation.delayUntil,
2942                                syncOperation.allowParallelSyncs));
2943                }
2944            } else {
2945                if (syncResult != null && syncResult.fullSyncRequested) {
2946                    scheduleSyncOperation(
2947                            new SyncOperation(info.service, info.userId,
2948                                syncOperation.reason,
2949                                syncOperation.syncSource, new Bundle(),
2950                                0 /* delay */, 0 /* flex */,
2951                                syncOperation.backoff, syncOperation.delayUntil));
2952                }
2953            }
2954            // no need to schedule an alarm, as that will be done by our caller.
2955        }
2957        private void closeActiveSyncContext(ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext) {
2958            activeSyncContext.close();
2959            mActiveSyncContexts.remove(activeSyncContext);
2960            mSyncStorageEngine.removeActiveSync(activeSyncContext.mSyncInfo,
2961          ;
2962            removeSyncExpiryMessage(activeSyncContext);
2963        }
2965        /**
2966         * Convert the error-containing SyncResult into the Sync.History error number. Since
2967         * the SyncResult may indicate multiple errors at once, this method just returns the
2968         * most "serious" error.
2969         * @param syncResult the SyncResult from which to read
2970         * @return the most "serious" error set in the SyncResult
2971         * @throws IllegalStateException if the SyncResult does not indicate any errors.
2972         *   If SyncResult.error() is true then it is safe to call this.
2973         */
2974        private int syncResultToErrorNumber(SyncResult syncResult) {
2975            if (syncResult.syncAlreadyInProgress)
2976                return ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_SYNC_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS;
2977            if (syncResult.stats.numAuthExceptions > 0)
2978                return ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION;
2979            if (syncResult.stats.numIoExceptions > 0)
2980                return ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_IO;
2981            if (syncResult.stats.numParseExceptions > 0)
2982                return ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_PARSE;
2983            if (syncResult.stats.numConflictDetectedExceptions > 0)
2984                return ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_CONFLICT;
2985            if (syncResult.tooManyDeletions)
2986                return ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_TOO_MANY_DELETIONS;
2987            if (syncResult.tooManyRetries)
2988                return ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_TOO_MANY_RETRIES;
2989            if (syncResult.databaseError)
2990                return ContentResolver.SYNC_ERROR_INTERNAL;
2991            throw new IllegalStateException("we are not in an error state, " + syncResult);
2992        }
2994        private void manageSyncNotificationLocked() {
2995            boolean shouldCancel;
2996            boolean shouldInstall;
2998            if (mActiveSyncContexts.isEmpty()) {
2999                mSyncNotificationInfo.startTime = null;
3001                // we aren't syncing. if the notification is active then remember that we need
3002                // to cancel it and then clear out the info
3003                shouldCancel = mSyncNotificationInfo.isActive;
3004                shouldInstall = false;
3005            } else {
3006                // we are syncing
3007                final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
3008                if (mSyncNotificationInfo.startTime == null) {
3009                    mSyncNotificationInfo.startTime = now;
3010                }
3012                // there are three cases:
3013                // - the notification is up: do nothing
3014                // - the notification is not up but it isn't time yet: don't install
3015                // - the notification is not up and it is time: need to install
3017                if (mSyncNotificationInfo.isActive) {
3018                    shouldInstall = shouldCancel = false;
3019                } else {
3020                    // it isn't currently up, so there is nothing to cancel
3021                    shouldCancel = false;
3023                    final boolean timeToShowNotification =
3024                            now > mSyncNotificationInfo.startTime + SYNC_NOTIFICATION_DELAY;
3025                    if (timeToShowNotification) {
3026                        shouldInstall = true;
3027                    } else {
3028                        // show the notification immediately if this is a manual sync
3029                        shouldInstall = false;
3030                        for (ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext : mActiveSyncContexts) {
3031                            final boolean manualSync = activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.extras
3032                                    .getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, false);
3033                            if (manualSync) {
3034                                shouldInstall = true;
3035                                break;
3036                            }
3037                        }
3038                    }
3039                }
3040            }
3042            if (shouldCancel && !shouldInstall) {
3043                mNeedSyncActiveNotification = false;
3044                sendSyncStateIntent();
3045                mSyncNotificationInfo.isActive = false;
3046            }
3048            if (shouldInstall) {
3049                mNeedSyncActiveNotification = true;
3050                sendSyncStateIntent();
3051                mSyncNotificationInfo.isActive = true;
3052            }
3053        }
3055        private void manageSyncAlarmLocked(long nextPeriodicEventElapsedTime,
3056                long nextPendingEventElapsedTime) {
3057            // in each of these cases the sync loop will be kicked, which will cause this
3058            // method to be called again
3059            if (!mDataConnectionIsConnected) return;
3060            if (mStorageIsLow) return;
3061            if (mDeviceIsIdle) return;
3063            // When the status bar notification should be raised
3064            final long notificationTime =
3065                    (!mSyncHandler.mSyncNotificationInfo.isActive
3066                            && mSyncHandler.mSyncNotificationInfo.startTime != null)
3067                            ? mSyncHandler.mSyncNotificationInfo.startTime + SYNC_NOTIFICATION_DELAY
3068                            : Long.MAX_VALUE;
3070            // When we should consider canceling an active sync
3071            long earliestTimeoutTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
3072            for (ActiveSyncContext currentSyncContext : mActiveSyncContexts) {
3073                final long currentSyncTimeoutTime =
3074                        currentSyncContext.mTimeoutStartTime + MAX_TIME_PER_SYNC;
3075                if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
3076                    Log.v(TAG, "manageSyncAlarm: active sync, mTimeoutStartTime + MAX is "
3077                            + currentSyncTimeoutTime);
3078                }
3079                if (earliestTimeoutTime > currentSyncTimeoutTime) {
3080                    earliestTimeoutTime = currentSyncTimeoutTime;
3081                }
3082            }
3084            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
3085                Log.v(TAG, "manageSyncAlarm: notificationTime is " + notificationTime);
3086            }
3088            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
3089                Log.v(TAG, "manageSyncAlarm: earliestTimeoutTime is " + earliestTimeoutTime);
3090            }
3092            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
3093                Log.v(TAG, "manageSyncAlarm: nextPeriodicEventElapsedTime is "
3094                        + nextPeriodicEventElapsedTime);
3095            }
3096            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
3097                Log.v(TAG, "manageSyncAlarm: nextPendingEventElapsedTime is "
3098                        + nextPendingEventElapsedTime);
3099            }
3101            long alarmTime = Math.min(notificationTime, earliestTimeoutTime);
3102            alarmTime = Math.min(alarmTime, nextPeriodicEventElapsedTime);
3103            alarmTime = Math.min(alarmTime, nextPendingEventElapsedTime);
3105            // Bound the alarm time.
3106            final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
3107            if (alarmTime < now + SYNC_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MIN) {
3108                if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
3109                    Log.v(TAG, "manageSyncAlarm: the alarmTime is too small, "
3110                            + alarmTime + ", setting to " + (now + SYNC_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MIN));
3111                }
3112                alarmTime = now + SYNC_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MIN;
3113            } else if (alarmTime > now + SYNC_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MAX) {
3114                if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
3115                    Log.v(TAG, "manageSyncAlarm: the alarmTime is too large, "
3116                            + alarmTime + ", setting to " + (now + SYNC_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MIN));
3117                }
3118                alarmTime = now + SYNC_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MAX;
3119            }
3121            // determine if we need to set or cancel the alarm
3122            boolean shouldSet = false;
3123            boolean shouldCancel = false;
3124            final boolean alarmIsActive = (mAlarmScheduleTime != null) && (now < mAlarmScheduleTime);
3125            final boolean needAlarm = alarmTime != Long.MAX_VALUE;
3126            if (needAlarm) {
3127                // Need the alarm if
3128                //  - it's currently not set
3129                //  - if the alarm is set in the past.
3130                if (!alarmIsActive || alarmTime < mAlarmScheduleTime) {
3131                    shouldSet = true;
3132                }
3133            } else {
3134                shouldCancel = alarmIsActive;
3135            }
3137            // Set or cancel the alarm as directed.
3138            ensureAlarmService();
3139            if (shouldSet) {
3140                if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
3141                    Log.v(TAG, "requesting that the alarm manager wake us up at elapsed time "
3142                            + alarmTime + ", now is " + now + ", " + ((alarmTime - now) / 1000)
3143                            + " secs from now");
3144                }
3145                mAlarmScheduleTime = alarmTime;
3146                mAlarmService.setExact(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, alarmTime,
3147                        mSyncAlarmIntent);
3148            } else if (shouldCancel) {
3149                mAlarmScheduleTime = null;
3150                mAlarmService.cancel(mSyncAlarmIntent);
3151            }
3152        }
3154        private void sendSyncStateIntent() {
3155            Intent syncStateIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SYNC_STATE_CHANGED);
3156            syncStateIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT);
3157            syncStateIntent.putExtra("active", mNeedSyncActiveNotification);
3158            syncStateIntent.putExtra("failing", false);
3159            mContext.sendBroadcastAsUser(syncStateIntent, UserHandle.OWNER);
3160        }
3162        private void installHandleTooManyDeletesNotification(Account account, String authority,
3163                long numDeletes, int userId) {
3164            if (mNotificationMgr == null) return;
3166            final ProviderInfo providerInfo = mContext.getPackageManager().resolveContentProvider(
3167                    authority, 0 /* flags */);
3168            if (providerInfo == null) {
3169                return;
3170            }
3171            CharSequence authorityName = providerInfo.loadLabel(mContext.getPackageManager());
3173            Intent clickIntent = new Intent(mContext, SyncActivityTooManyDeletes.class);
3174            clickIntent.putExtra("account", account);
3175            clickIntent.putExtra("authority", authority);
3176            clickIntent.putExtra("provider", authorityName.toString());
3177            clickIntent.putExtra("numDeletes", numDeletes);
3179            if (!isActivityAvailable(clickIntent)) {
3180                Log.w(TAG, "No activity found to handle too many deletes.");
3181                return;
3182            }
3184            UserHandle user = new UserHandle(userId);
3185            final PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent
3186                    .getActivityAsUser(mContext, 0, clickIntent,
3187                            PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT, null, user);
3189            CharSequence tooManyDeletesDescFormat = mContext.getResources().getText(
3190                    R.string.contentServiceTooManyDeletesNotificationDesc);
3192            Context contextForUser = getContextForUser(user);
3193            Notification notification =
3194                new Notification(R.drawable.stat_notify_sync_error,
3195                        mContext.getString(R.string.contentServiceSync),
3196                        System.currentTimeMillis());
3197            notification.color = contextForUser.getColor(
3198          ;
3199            notification.setLatestEventInfo(contextForUser,
3200                    contextForUser.getString(R.string.contentServiceSyncNotificationTitle),
3201                    String.format(tooManyDeletesDescFormat.toString(), authorityName),
3202                    pendingIntent);
3203            notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT;
3204            mNotificationMgr.notifyAsUser(null, account.hashCode() ^ authority.hashCode(),
3205                    notification, user);
3206        }
3208        /**
3209         * Checks whether an activity exists on the system image for the given intent.
3210         *
3211         * @param intent The intent for an activity.
3212         * @return Whether or not an activity exists.
3213         */
3214        private boolean isActivityAvailable(Intent intent) {
3215            PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
3216            List<ResolveInfo> list = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0);
3217            int listSize = list.size();
3218            for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
3219                ResolveInfo resolveInfo = list.get(i);
3220                if ((resolveInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM)
3221                        != 0) {
3222                    return true;
3223                }
3224            }
3226            return false;
3227        }
3229        public long insertStartSyncEvent(SyncOperation syncOperation) {
3230            final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
3231            EventLog.writeEvent(2720,
3232                    syncOperation.toEventLog(SyncStorageEngine.EVENT_START));
3233            return mSyncStorageEngine.insertStartSyncEvent(syncOperation, now);
3234        }
3236        public void stopSyncEvent(long rowId, SyncOperation syncOperation, String resultMessage,
3237                int upstreamActivity, int downstreamActivity, long elapsedTime) {
3238            EventLog.writeEvent(2720,
3239                    syncOperation.toEventLog(SyncStorageEngine.EVENT_STOP));
3240            mSyncStorageEngine.stopSyncEvent(rowId, elapsedTime,
3241                    resultMessage, downstreamActivity, upstreamActivity);
3242        }
3243    }
3245    String getPackageName(EndPoint endpoint) {
3246        if (endpoint.target_service) {
3247            return endpoint.service.getPackageName();
3248        } else {
3249            SyncAdapterType syncAdapterType =
3250                    SyncAdapterType.newKey(endpoint.provider, endpoint.account.type);
3251            final RegisteredServicesCache.ServiceInfo<SyncAdapterType> syncAdapterInfo;
3252            syncAdapterInfo = mSyncAdapters.getServiceInfo(syncAdapterType, endpoint.userId);
3253            if (syncAdapterInfo == null) {
3254                return null;
3255            }
3256            return syncAdapterInfo.componentName.getPackageName();
3257        }
3258    }
3260    private boolean isSyncStillActive(ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext) {
3261        for (ActiveSyncContext sync : mActiveSyncContexts) {
3262            if (sync == activeSyncContext) {
3263                return true;
3264            }
3265        }
3266        return false;
3267    }
3269    /**
3270     * Sync extra comparison function.
3271     * @param b1 bundle to compare
3272     * @param b2 other bundle to compare
3273     * @param includeSyncSettings if false, ignore system settings in bundle.
3274     */
3275    public static boolean syncExtrasEquals(Bundle b1, Bundle b2, boolean includeSyncSettings) {
3276        if (b1 == b2) {
3277            return true;
3278        }
3279        // Exit early if we can.
3280        if (includeSyncSettings && b1.size() != b2.size()) {
3281            return false;
3282        }
3283        Bundle bigger = b1.size() > b2.size() ? b1 : b2;
3284        Bundle smaller = b1.size() > b2.size() ? b2 : b1;
3285        for (String key : bigger.keySet()) {
3286            if (!includeSyncSettings && isSyncSetting(key)) {
3287                continue;
3288            }
3289            if (!smaller.containsKey(key)) {
3290                return false;
3291            }
3292            if (!bigger.get(key).equals(smaller.get(key))) {
3293                return false;
3294            }
3295        }
3296        return true;
3297    }
3299    /**
3300     * TODO: Get rid of this when we separate sync settings extras from dev specified extras.
3301     * @return true if the provided key is used by the SyncManager in scheduling the sync.
3302     */
3303    private static boolean isSyncSetting(String key) {
3304        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPEDITED)) {
3305            return true;
3306        }
3307        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_SETTINGS)) {
3308            return true;
3309        }
3310        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_IGNORE_BACKOFF)) {
3311            return true;
3312        }
3313        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_DO_NOT_RETRY)) {
3314            return true;
3315        }
3316        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL)) {
3317            return true;
3318        }
3319        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD)) {
3320            return true;
3321        }
3322        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_OVERRIDE_TOO_MANY_DELETIONS)) {
3323            return true;
3324        }
3325        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_DISCARD_LOCAL_DELETIONS)) {
3326            return true;
3327        }
3328        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPECTED_UPLOAD)) {
3329            return true;
3330        }
3331        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPECTED_DOWNLOAD)) {
3332            return true;
3333        }
3334        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_PRIORITY)) {
3335            return true;
3336        }
3337        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_DISALLOW_METERED)) {
3338            return true;
3339        }
3340        if (key.equals(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_INITIALIZE)) {
3341            return true;
3342        }
3343        return false;
3344    }
3346    static class PrintTable {
3347        private ArrayList<Object[]> mTable = Lists.newArrayList();
3348        private final int mCols;
3350        PrintTable(int cols) {
3351            mCols = cols;
3352        }
3354        void set(int row, int col, Object... values) {
3355            if (col + values.length > mCols) {
3356                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Table only has " + mCols +
3357                        " columns. can't set " + values.length + " at column " + col);
3358            }
3359            for (int i = mTable.size(); i <= row; i++) {
3360                final Object[] list = new Object[mCols];
3361                mTable.add(list);
3362                for (int j = 0; j < mCols; j++) {
3363                    list[j] = "";
3364                }
3365            }
3366            System.arraycopy(values, 0, mTable.get(row), col, values.length);
3367        }
3369        void writeTo(PrintWriter out) {
3370            final String[] formats = new String[mCols];
3371            int totalLength = 0;
3372            for (int col = 0; col < mCols; ++col) {
3373                int maxLength = 0;
3374                for (Object[] row : mTable) {
3375                    final int length = row[col].toString().length();
3376                    if (length > maxLength) {
3377                        maxLength = length;
3378                    }
3379                }
3380                totalLength += maxLength;
3381                formats[col] = String.format("%%-%ds", maxLength);
3382            }
3383            formats[mCols - 1] = "%s";
3384            printRow(out, formats, mTable.get(0));
3385            totalLength += (mCols - 1) * 2;
3386            for (int i = 0; i < totalLength; ++i) {
3387                out.print("-");
3388            }
3389            out.println();
3390            for (int i = 1, mTableSize = mTable.size(); i < mTableSize; i++) {
3391                Object[] row = mTable.get(i);
3392                printRow(out, formats, row);
3393            }
3394        }
3396        private void printRow(PrintWriter out, String[] formats, Object[] row) {
3397            for (int j = 0, rowLength = row.length; j < rowLength; j++) {
3398                out.printf(String.format(formats[j], row[j].toString()));
3399                out.print("  ");
3400            }
3401            out.println();
3402        }
3404        public int getNumRows() {
3405            return mTable.size();
3406        }
3407    }
3409    private Context getContextForUser(UserHandle user) {
3410        try {
3411            return mContext.createPackageContextAsUser(mContext.getPackageName(), 0, user);
3412        } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
3413            // Default to mContext, not finding the package system is running as is unlikely.
3414            return mContext;
3415        }
3416    }