2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.layoutlib.bridge.util;
19import android.annotation.NonNull;
21import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D;
22import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
23import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
24import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D;
25import java.util.ArrayList;
27import com.google.android.collect.Lists;
30 * Class that returns iterators for a given path. These iterators are lightweight and can be reused
31 * multiple times to iterate over the path.
32 */
33public class CachedPathIteratorFactory {
34    /*
35     * A few conventions used in the code:
36     * Coordinates or coords arrays store segment coordinates. They use the same format as
37     * PathIterator#currentSegment coordinates array.
38     * float arrays store always points where the first element is X and the second is Y.
39     */
41    // This governs how accurate the approximation of the Path is.
42    private static final float PRECISION = 0.002f;
44    private final int mWindingRule;
45    private final int[] mTypes;
46    private final float[][] mCoordinates;
47    private final float[] mSegmentsLength;
48    private final float mTotalLength;
50    public CachedPathIteratorFactory(@NonNull PathIterator iterator) {
51        mWindingRule = iterator.getWindingRule();
53        ArrayList<Integer> typesArray = Lists.newArrayList();
54        ArrayList<float[]> pointsArray = Lists.newArrayList();
55        float[] points = new float[6];
56        while (!iterator.isDone()) {
57            int type = iterator.currentSegment(points);
58            int nPoints = getNumberOfPoints(type) * 2; // 2 coordinates per point
60            typesArray.add(type);
61            float[] itemPoints = new float[nPoints];
62            System.arraycopy(points, 0, itemPoints, 0, nPoints);
63            pointsArray.add(itemPoints);
64            iterator.next();
65        }
67        mTypes = new int[typesArray.size()];
68        mCoordinates = new float[mTypes.length][];
69        for (int i = 0; i < typesArray.size(); i++) {
70            mTypes[i] = typesArray.get(i);
71            mCoordinates[i] = pointsArray.get(i);
72        }
74        // Do measurement
75        mSegmentsLength = new float[mTypes.length];
77        // Curves that we can reuse to estimate segments length
78        CubicCurve2D.Float cubicCurve = new CubicCurve2D.Float();
79        QuadCurve2D.Float quadCurve = new QuadCurve2D.Float();
80        float lastX = 0;
81        float lastY = 0;
82        float totalLength = 0;
83        for (int i = 0; i < mTypes.length; i++) {
84            switch (mTypes[i]) {
85                case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
86                    cubicCurve.setCurve(lastX, lastY,
87                            mCoordinates[i][0], mCoordinates[i][1], mCoordinates[i][2],
88                            mCoordinates[i][3], lastX = mCoordinates[i][4],
89                            lastY = mCoordinates[i][5]);
90                    mSegmentsLength[i] =
91                            getFlatPathLength(cubicCurve.getPathIterator(null, PRECISION));
92                    break;
93                case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
94                    quadCurve.setCurve(lastX, lastY, mCoordinates[i][0], mCoordinates[i][1],
95                            lastX = mCoordinates[i][2], lastY = mCoordinates[i][3]);
96                    mSegmentsLength[i] =
97                            getFlatPathLength(quadCurve.getPathIterator(null, PRECISION));
98                    break;
99                case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
100                    mSegmentsLength[i] = (float) Point2D.distance(lastX, lastY,
101                            lastX = mCoordinates[0][0],
102                            lastY = mCoordinates[0][1]);
103                    mCoordinates[i] = new float[2];
104                    // We convert a SEG_CLOSE segment to a SEG_LINETO so we do not have to worry
105                    // about this special case in the rest of the code.
106                    mTypes[i] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO;
107                    mCoordinates[i][0] = mCoordinates[0][0];
108                    mCoordinates[i][1] = mCoordinates[0][1];
109                    break;
110                case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
111                    mSegmentsLength[i] = 0;
112                    lastX = mCoordinates[i][0];
113                    lastY = mCoordinates[i][1];
114                    break;
115                case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
116                    mSegmentsLength[i] = (float) Point2D.distance(lastX, lastY, mCoordinates[i][0],
117                            mCoordinates[i][1]);
118                    lastX = mCoordinates[i][0];
119                    lastY = mCoordinates[i][1];
120                default:
121            }
122            totalLength += mSegmentsLength[i];
123        }
125        mTotalLength = totalLength;
126    }
128    private static void quadCurveSegment(float[] coords, float t0, float t1) {
129        // Calculate X and Y at 0.5 (We'll use this to reconstruct the control point later)
130        float mt = t0 + (t1 - t0) / 2;
131        float mu = 1 - mt;
132        float mx = mu * mu * coords[0] + 2 * mu * mt * coords[2] + mt * mt * coords[4];
133        float my = mu * mu * coords[1] + 2 * mu * mt * coords[3] + mt * mt * coords[5];
135        float u0 = 1 - t0;
136        float u1 = 1 - t1;
138        // coords at t0
139        coords[0] = coords[0] * u0 * u0 + coords[2] * 2 * t0 * u0 + coords[4] * t0 * t0;
140        coords[1] = coords[1] * u0 * u0 + coords[3] * 2 * t0 * u0 + coords[5] * t0 * t0;
142        // coords at t1
143        coords[4] = coords[0] * u1 * u1 + coords[2] * 2 * t1 * u1 + coords[4] * t1 * t1;
144        coords[5] = coords[1] * u1 * u1 + coords[3] * 2 * t1 * u1 + coords[5] * t1 * t1;
146        // estimated control point at t'=0.5
147        coords[2] = 2 * mx - coords[0] / 2 - coords[4] / 2;
148        coords[3] = 2 * my - coords[1] / 2 - coords[5] / 2;
149    }
151    private static void cubicCurveSegment(float[] coords, float t0, float t1) {
152        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11703283/cubic-bezier-curve-segment
153        float u0 = 1 - t0;
154        float u1 = 1 - t1;
156        // Calculate the points at t0 and t1 for the quadratic curves formed by (P0, P1, P2) and
157        // (P1, P2, P3)
158        float qxa = coords[0] * u0 * u0 + coords[2] * 2 * t0 * u0 + coords[4] * t0 * t0;
159        float qxb = coords[0] * u1 * u1 + coords[2] * 2 * t1 * u1 + coords[4] * t1 * t1;
160        float qxc = coords[2] * u0 * u0 + coords[4] * 2 * t0 * u0 + coords[6] * t0 * t0;
161        float qxd = coords[2] * u1 * u1 + coords[4] * 2 * t1 * u1 + coords[6] * t1 * t1;
163        float qya = coords[1] * u0 * u0 + coords[3] * 2 * t0 * u0 + coords[5] * t0 * t0;
164        float qyb = coords[1] * u1 * u1 + coords[3] * 2 * t1 * u1 + coords[5] * t1 * t1;
165        float qyc = coords[3] * u0 * u0 + coords[5] * 2 * t0 * u0 + coords[7] * t0 * t0;
166        float qyd = coords[3] * u1 * u1 + coords[5] * 2 * t1 * u1 + coords[7] * t1 * t1;
168        // Linear interpolation
169        coords[0] = qxa * u0 + qxc * t0;
170        coords[1] = qya * u0 + qyc * t0;
172        coords[2] = qxa * u1 + qxc * t1;
173        coords[3] = qya * u1 + qyc * t1;
175        coords[4] = qxb * u0 + qxd * t0;
176        coords[5] = qyb * u0 + qyd * t0;
178        coords[6] = qxb * u1 + qxd * t1;
179        coords[7] = qyb * u1 + qyd * t1;
180    }
182    /**
183     * Returns the end point of a given segment
184     *
185     * @param type the segment type
186     * @param coords the segment coordinates array
187     * @param point the return array where the point will be stored
188     */
189    private static void getShapeEndPoint(int type, @NonNull float[] coords, @NonNull float[]
190            point) {
191        // start index of the end point for the segment type
192        int pointIndex = (getNumberOfPoints(type) - 1) * 2;
193        point[0] = coords[pointIndex];
194        point[1] = coords[pointIndex + 1];
195    }
197    /**
198     * Returns the number of points stored in a coordinates array for the given segment type.
199     */
200    private static int getNumberOfPoints(int segmentType) {
201        switch (segmentType) {
202            case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
203                return 2;
204            case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
205                return 3;
206            case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
207                return 0;
208            default:
209                return 1;
210        }
211    }
213    /**
214     * Returns the estimated length of a flat path. If the passed path is not flat (i.e. contains a
215     * segment that is not {@link PathIterator#SEG_CLOSE}, {@link PathIterator#SEG_MOVETO} or {@link
216     * PathIterator#SEG_LINETO} this method will fail.
217     */
218    private static float getFlatPathLength(@NonNull PathIterator iterator) {
219        float segment[] = new float[6];
220        float totalLength = 0;
221        float[] previousPoint = new float[2];
222        boolean isFirstPoint = true;
224        while (!iterator.isDone()) {
225            int type = iterator.currentSegment(segment);
226            assert type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO || type == PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE || type ==
227                    PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO;
229            // MoveTo shouldn't affect the length
230            if (!isFirstPoint && type != PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO) {
231                totalLength += Point2D.distance(previousPoint[0], previousPoint[1], segment[0],
232                        segment[1]);
233            } else {
234                isFirstPoint = false;
235            }
236            previousPoint[0] = segment[0];
237            previousPoint[1] = segment[1];
238            iterator.next();
239        }
241        return totalLength;
242    }
244    /**
245     * Returns the estimated position along a path of the given length.
246     */
247    private void getPointAtLength(int type, @NonNull float[] coords, float lastX, float
248            lastY, float t, @NonNull float[] point) {
249        if (type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) {
250            point[0] = lastX + (coords[0] - lastX) * t;
251            point[1] = lastY + (coords[1] - lastY) * t;
252            // Return here, since we do not need a shape to estimate
253            return;
254        }
256        float[] curve = new float[8];
257        int lastPointIndex = (getNumberOfPoints(type) - 1) * 2;
259        System.arraycopy(coords, 0, curve, 2, coords.length);
260        curve[0] = lastX;
261        curve[1] = lastY;
262        if (type == PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO) {
263            cubicCurveSegment(curve, 0f, t);
264        } else {
265            quadCurveSegment(curve, 0f, t);
266        }
268        point[0] = curve[2 + lastPointIndex];
269        point[1] = curve[2 + lastPointIndex + 1];
270    }
272    public CachedPathIterator iterator() {
273        return new CachedPathIterator();
274    }
276    /**
277     * Class that allows us to iterate over a path multiple times
278     */
279    public class CachedPathIterator implements PathIterator {
280        private int mNextIndex;
282        /**
283         * Current segment type.
284         *
285         * @see PathIterator
286         */
287        private int mCurrentType;
289        /**
290         * Stores the coordinates array of the current segment. The number of points stored depends
291         * on the segment type.
292         *
293         * @see PathIterator
294         */
295        private float[] mCurrentCoords = new float[6];
296        private float mCurrentSegmentLength;
298        /**
299         * Current segment length offset. When asking for the length of the current segment, the
300         * length will be reduced by this amount. This is useful when we are only using portions of
301         * the segment.
302         *
303         * @see #jumpToSegment(float)
304         */
305        private float mOffsetLength;
307        /** Point where the current segment started */
308        private float[] mLastPoint = new float[2];
309        private boolean isIteratorDone;
311        private CachedPathIterator() {
312            next();
313        }
315        public float getCurrentSegmentLength() {
316            return mCurrentSegmentLength;
317        }
319        @Override
320        public int getWindingRule() {
321            return mWindingRule;
322        }
324        @Override
325        public boolean isDone() {
326            return isIteratorDone;
327        }
329        @Override
330        public void next() {
331            if (mNextIndex >= mTypes.length) {
332                isIteratorDone = true;
333                return;
334            }
336            if (mNextIndex >= 1) {
337                // We've already called next() once so there is a previous segment in this path.
338                // We want to get the coordinates where the path ends.
339                getShapeEndPoint(mCurrentType, mCurrentCoords, mLastPoint);
340            } else {
341                // This is the first segment, no previous point so initialize to 0, 0
342                mLastPoint[0] = mLastPoint[1] = 0f;
343            }
344            mCurrentType = mTypes[mNextIndex];
345            mCurrentSegmentLength = mSegmentsLength[mNextIndex] - mOffsetLength;
347            if (mOffsetLength > 0f && (mCurrentType == SEG_CUBICTO || mCurrentType == SEG_QUADTO)) {
348                // We need to skip part of the start of the current segment (because
349                // mOffsetLength > 0)
350                float[] points = new float[8];
352                if (mNextIndex < 1) {
353                    points[0] = points[1] = 0f;
354                } else {
355                    getShapeEndPoint(mTypes[mNextIndex - 1], mCoordinates[mNextIndex - 1], points);
356                }
358                System.arraycopy(mCoordinates[mNextIndex], 0, points, 2,
359                        mCoordinates[mNextIndex].length);
360                float t0 = (mSegmentsLength[mNextIndex] - mCurrentSegmentLength) /
361                        mSegmentsLength[mNextIndex];
362                if (mCurrentType == SEG_CUBICTO) {
363                    cubicCurveSegment(points, t0, 1f);
364                } else {
365                    quadCurveSegment(points, t0, 1f);
366                }
367                System.arraycopy(points, 2, mCurrentCoords, 0, mCoordinates[mNextIndex].length);
368            } else {
369                System.arraycopy(mCoordinates[mNextIndex], 0, mCurrentCoords, 0,
370                        mCoordinates[mNextIndex].length);
371            }
373            mOffsetLength = 0f;
374            mNextIndex++;
375        }
377        @Override
378        public int currentSegment(float[] coords) {
379            System.arraycopy(mCurrentCoords, 0, coords, 0, getNumberOfPoints(mCurrentType) * 2);
380            return mCurrentType;
381        }
383        @Override
384        public int currentSegment(double[] coords) {
385            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
386        }
388        /**
389         * Returns the point where the current segment ends
390         */
391        public void getCurrentSegmentEnd(float[] point) {
392            point[0] = mLastPoint[0];
393            point[1] = mLastPoint[1];
394        }
396        /**
397         * Restarts the iterator and jumps all the segments of this path up to the length value.
398         */
399        public void jumpToSegment(float length) {
400            isIteratorDone = false;
401            if (length <= 0f) {
402                mNextIndex = 0;
403                return;
404            }
406            float accLength = 0;
407            float lastPoint[] = new float[2];
408            for (mNextIndex = 0; mNextIndex < mTypes.length; mNextIndex++) {
409                float segmentLength = mSegmentsLength[mNextIndex];
410                if (accLength + segmentLength >= length && mTypes[mNextIndex] != SEG_MOVETO) {
411                    float[] estimatedPoint = new float[2];
412                    getPointAtLength(mTypes[mNextIndex],
413                            mCoordinates[mNextIndex], lastPoint[0], lastPoint[1],
414                            (length - accLength) / segmentLength,
415                            estimatedPoint);
417                    // This segment makes us go further than length so we go back one step,
418                    // set a moveto and offset the length of the next segment by the length
419                    // of this segment that we've already used.
420                    mCurrentType = PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO;
421                    mCurrentCoords[0] = estimatedPoint[0];
422                    mCurrentCoords[1] = estimatedPoint[1];
423                    mCurrentSegmentLength = 0;
425                    // We need to offset next path length to account for the segment we've just
426                    // skipped.
427                    mOffsetLength = length - accLength;
428                    return;
429                }
430                accLength += segmentLength;
431                getShapeEndPoint(mTypes[mNextIndex], mCoordinates[mNextIndex], lastPoint);
432            }
433        }
435        /**
436         * Returns the current segment up to certain length. If the current segment is shorter than
437         * length, then the whole segment is returned. The segment coordinates are copied into the
438         * coords array.
439         *
440         * @return the segment type
441         */
442        public int currentSegment(@NonNull float[] coords, float length) {
443            int type = currentSegment(coords);
444            // If the length is greater than the current segment length, no need to find
445            // the cut point. Same if this is a SEG_MOVETO.
446            if (mCurrentSegmentLength <= length || type == SEG_MOVETO) {
447                return type;
448            }
450            float t = length / getCurrentSegmentLength();
452            // We find at which offset the end point is located within the coords array and set
453            // a new end point to cut the segment short
454            switch (type) {
455                case SEG_CUBICTO:
456                case SEG_QUADTO:
457                    float[] curve = new float[8];
458                    curve[0] = mLastPoint[0];
459                    curve[1] = mLastPoint[1];
460                    System.arraycopy(coords, 0, curve, 2, coords.length);
461                    if (type == SEG_CUBICTO) {
462                        cubicCurveSegment(curve, 0f, t);
463                    } else {
464                        quadCurveSegment(curve, 0f, t);
465                    }
466                    System.arraycopy(curve, 2, coords, 0, coords.length);
467                    break;
468                default:
469                    float[] point = new float[2];
470                    getPointAtLength(type, coords, mLastPoint[0], mLastPoint[1], t, point);
471                    coords[0] = point[0];
472                    coords[1] = point[1];
473            }
475            return type;
476        }
478        /**
479         * Returns the total length of the path
480         */
481        public float getTotalLength() {
482            return mTotalLength;
483        }
484    }