WifiEnterpriseConfig.java revision e095675c872f40f630aa3f9189eb5c02f3cfee6d
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16package android.net.wifi;
18import android.os.Parcel;
19import android.os.Parcelable;
20import android.security.Credentials;
21import android.text.TextUtils;
23import java.util.HashMap;
24import java.util.Map;
26/** Enterprise configuration details for Wi-Fi @hide */
27public class WifiEnterpriseConfig implements Parcelable {
28    private static final String TAG = "WifiEnterpriseConfig";
29    /**
30     * In old configurations, the "private_key" field was used. However, newer
31     * configurations use the key_id field with the engine_id set to "keystore".
32     * If this field is found in the configuration, the migration code is
33     * triggered.
34     */
35    private static final String OLD_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME = "private_key";
37    /**
38     * String representing the keystore OpenSSL ENGINE's ID.
39     */
40    private static final String ENGINE_ID_KEYSTORE = "keystore";
42    /**
43     * String representing the keystore URI used for wpa_supplicant.
44     */
45    private static final String KEYSTORE_URI = "keystore://";
47    /**
48     * String to set the engine value to when it should be enabled.
49     */
50    private static final String ENGINE_ENABLE = "1";
52    /**
53     * String to set the engine value to when it should be disabled.
54     */
55    private static final String ENGINE_DISABLE = "0";
57    private static final String CA_CERT_PREFIX = KEYSTORE_URI + Credentials.CA_CERTIFICATE;
58    private static final String CLIENT_CERT_PREFIX = KEYSTORE_URI + Credentials.USER_CERTIFICATE;
60    private static final String EAP_KEY             = "eap";
61    private static final String PHASE2_KEY          = "phase2";
62    private static final String IDENTITY_KEY        = "identity";
63    private static final String ANON_IDENTITY_KEY   = "anonymous_identity";
64    private static final String PASSWORD_KEY        = "password";
65    private static final String CLIENT_CERT_KEY     = "client_cert";
66    private static final String CA_CERT_KEY         = "ca_cert";
67    private static final String SUBJECT_MATCH_KEY   = "subject_match";
68    private static final String ENGINE_KEY          = "engine";
69    private static final String ENGINE_ID_KEY       = "engine_id";
70    private static final String PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY  = "key_id";
72    private HashMap<String, String> mFields = new HashMap<String, String>();
74    /** This represents an empty value of an enterprise field.
75     * NULL is used at wpa_supplicant to indicate an empty value
76     */
77    static final String EMPTY_VALUE = "NULL";
79    public WifiEnterpriseConfig() {
80        // Do not set defaults so that the enterprise fields that are not changed
81        // by API are not changed underneath
82        // This is essential because an app may not have all fields like password
83        // available. It allows modification of subset of fields.
85    }
87    /** Copy constructor */
88    public WifiEnterpriseConfig(WifiEnterpriseConfig source) {
89        for (String key : source.mFields.keySet()) {
90            mFields.put(key, source.mFields.get(key));
91        }
92    }
94    @Override
95    public int describeContents() {
96        return 0;
97    }
99    @Override
100    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
101        dest.writeInt(mFields.size());
102        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mFields.entrySet()) {
103            dest.writeString(entry.getKey());
104            dest.writeString(entry.getValue());
105        }
106    }
108    public static final Creator<WifiEnterpriseConfig> CREATOR =
109            new Creator<WifiEnterpriseConfig>() {
110                public WifiEnterpriseConfig createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
111                    WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig = new WifiEnterpriseConfig();
112                    int count = in.readInt();
113                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
114                        String key = in.readString();
115                        String value = in.readString();
116                        enterpriseConfig.mFields.put(key, value);
117                    }
118                    return enterpriseConfig;
119                }
121                public WifiEnterpriseConfig[] newArray(int size) {
122                    return new WifiEnterpriseConfig[size];
123                }
124            };
126    public static final class Eap {
127        /* NONE represents an empty enterprise config */
128        public static final int NONE    = -1;
129        public static final int PEAP    = 0;
130        public static final int TLS     = 1;
131        public static final int TTLS    = 2;
132        public static final int PWD     = 3;
133        /** @hide */
134        public static final String[] strings = { "PEAP", "TLS", "TTLS", "PWD" };
135    }
137    public static final class Phase2 {
138        public static final int NONE        = 0;
139        public static final int PAP         = 1;
140        public static final int MSCHAP      = 2;
141        public static final int MSCHAPV2    = 3;
142        public static final int GTC         = 4;
143        private static final String PREFIX = "auth=";
144        /** @hide */
145        public static final String[] strings = {EMPTY_VALUE, "PAP", "MSCHAP", "MSCHAPV2", "GTC" };
146    }
148    /** Internal use only @hide */
149    public HashMap<String, String> getFields() {
150        return mFields;
151    }
153    /** Internal use only @hide */
154    public static String[] getSupplicantKeys() {
157                PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY };
158    }
160    /**
161     * Set the EAP authentication method.
162     * @param  eapMethod is one {@link Eap#PEAP}, {@link Eap#TLS}, {@link Eap#TTLS} or
163     *                   {@link Eap#PWD}
164     */
165    public void setEapMethod(int eapMethod) {
166        switch (eapMethod) {
167            /** Valid methods */
168            case Eap.PEAP:
169            case Eap.PWD:
170            case Eap.TLS:
171            case Eap.TTLS:
172                mFields.put(EAP_KEY, Eap.strings[eapMethod]);
173                break;
174            default:
175                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown EAP method");
176        }
177    }
179    /**
180     * Get the eap method.
181     * @return eap method configured
182     */
183    public int getEapMethod() {
184        String eapMethod  = mFields.get(EAP_KEY);
185        return getStringIndex(Eap.strings, eapMethod, Eap.NONE);
186    }
188    /**
189     * Set Phase 2 authentication method. Sets the inner authentication method to be used in
190     * phase 2 after setting up a secure channel
191     * @param phase2Method is the inner authentication method and can be one of {@link Phase2#NONE},
192     *                     {@link Phase2#PAP}, {@link Phase2#MSCHAP}, {@link Phase2#MSCHAPV2},
193     *                     {@link Phase2#GTC}
194     *
195     */
196    public void setPhase2Method(int phase2Method) {
197        switch (phase2Method) {
198            case Phase2.NONE:
199                mFields.put(PHASE2_KEY, EMPTY_VALUE);
200                break;
201            /** Valid methods */
202            case Phase2.PAP:
203            case Phase2.MSCHAP:
204            case Phase2.MSCHAPV2:
205            case Phase2.GTC:
206                mFields.put(PHASE2_KEY, convertToQuotedString(
207                        Phase2.PREFIX + Phase2.strings[phase2Method]));
208                break;
209            default:
210                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Phase 2 method");
211        }
212    }
214    /**
215     * Get the phase 2 authentication method.
216     * @return a phase 2 method defined at {@link Phase2}
217     * */
218    public int getPhase2Method() {
219        String phase2Method = removeDoubleQuotes(mFields.get(PHASE2_KEY));
220        // Remove auth= prefix
221        if (phase2Method.startsWith(Phase2.PREFIX)) {
222            phase2Method = phase2Method.substring(Phase2.PREFIX.length());
223        }
224        return getStringIndex(Phase2.strings, phase2Method, Phase2.NONE);
225    }
227    /**
228     * Set the identity
229     * @param identity
230     */
231    public void setIdentity(String identity) {
232        setFieldValue(IDENTITY_KEY, identity, "");
233    }
235    /**
236     * Get the identity
237     * @return the identity
238     */
239    public String getIdentity() {
240        return getFieldValue(IDENTITY_KEY, "");
241    }
243    /**
244     * Set anonymous identity. This is used as the unencrypted identity with
245     * certain EAP types
246     * @param anonymousIdentity the anonymous identity
247     */
248    public void setAnonymousIdentity(String anonymousIdentity) {
249        setFieldValue(ANON_IDENTITY_KEY, anonymousIdentity, "");
250    }
252    /** Get the anonymous identity
253     * @return anonymous identity
254     */
255    public String getAnonymousIdentity() {
256        return getFieldValue(ANON_IDENTITY_KEY, "");
257    }
259    /**
260     * Set the password.
261     * @param password the password
262     */
263    public void setPassword(String password) {
264        setFieldValue(PASSWORD_KEY, password, "");
265    }
267    /**
268     * Set CA certificate alias.
269     *
270     * <p> See the {@link android.security.KeyChain} for details on installing or choosing
271     * a certificate
272     * </p>
273     * @param alias identifies the certificate
274     */
275    public void setCaCertificate(String alias) {
276        setFieldValue(CA_CERT_KEY, alias, CA_CERT_PREFIX);
277    }
279    /**
280     * Get CA certificate alias
281     * @return alias to the CA certificate
282     */
283    public String getCaCertificate() {
284        return getFieldValue(CA_CERT_KEY, CA_CERT_PREFIX);
285    }
287    /**
288     * Set Client certificate alias.
289     *
290     * <p> See the {@link android.security.KeyChain} for details on installing or choosing
291     * a certificate
292     * </p>
293     * @param alias identifies the certificate
294     */
295    public void setClientCertificate(String alias) {
296        setFieldValue(CLIENT_CERT_KEY, alias, CLIENT_CERT_PREFIX);
297        setFieldValue(PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY, alias, Credentials.USER_PRIVATE_KEY);
298        // Also, set engine parameters
299        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(alias)) {
300            mFields.put(ENGINE_KEY, ENGINE_DISABLE);
301            mFields.put(ENGINE_ID_KEY, EMPTY_VALUE);
302        } else {
303            mFields.put(ENGINE_KEY, ENGINE_ENABLE);
304            mFields.put(ENGINE_ID_KEY, convertToQuotedString(ENGINE_ID_KEYSTORE));
305        }
306    }
308    /**
309     * Get client certificate alias
310     * @return alias to the client certificate
311     */
312    public String getClientCertificate() {
313        return getFieldValue(CLIENT_CERT_KEY, CLIENT_CERT_PREFIX);
314    }
316    /**
317     * Set subject match. This is the substring to be matched against the subject of the
318     * authentication server certificate.
319     * @param subjectMatch substring to be matched
320     */
321    public void setSubjectMatch(String subjectMatch) {
322        setFieldValue(SUBJECT_MATCH_KEY, subjectMatch, "");
323    }
325    /**
326     * Get subject match
327     * @return the subject match string
328     */
329    public String getSubjectMatch() {
330        return getFieldValue(SUBJECT_MATCH_KEY, "");
331    }
333    /** Migrates the old style TLS config to the new config style. This should only be used
334     * when restoring an old wpa_supplicant.conf or upgrading from a previous
335     * platform version.
336     * @return true if the config was updated
337     * @hide
338     */
339    public boolean migrateOldEapTlsNative(WifiNative wifiNative, int netId) {
340        String oldPrivateKey = wifiNative.getNetworkVariable(netId, OLD_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME);
341        /*
342         * If the old configuration value is not present, then there is nothing
343         * to do.
344         */
345        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(oldPrivateKey)) {
346            return false;
347        } else {
348            // Also ignore it if it's empty quotes.
349            oldPrivateKey = removeDoubleQuotes(oldPrivateKey);
350            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(oldPrivateKey)) {
351                return false;
352            }
353        }
355        mFields.put(ENGINE_KEY, ENGINE_ENABLE);
356        mFields.put(ENGINE_ID_KEY, convertToQuotedString(ENGINE_ID_KEYSTORE));
358        /*
359        * The old key started with the keystore:// URI prefix, but we don't
360        * need that anymore. Trim it off if it exists.
361        */
362        final String keyName;
363        if (oldPrivateKey.startsWith(KEYSTORE_URI)) {
364            keyName = new String(oldPrivateKey.substring(KEYSTORE_URI.length()));
365        } else {
366            keyName = oldPrivateKey;
367        }
368        mFields.put(PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY, convertToQuotedString(keyName));
370        wifiNative.setNetworkVariable(netId, ENGINE_KEY, mFields.get(ENGINE_KEY));
371        wifiNative.setNetworkVariable(netId, ENGINE_ID_KEY, mFields.get(ENGINE_ID_KEY));
372        wifiNative.setNetworkVariable(netId, PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY, mFields.get(PRIVATE_KEY_ID_KEY));
373        // Remove old private_key string so we don't run this again.
374        wifiNative.setNetworkVariable(netId, OLD_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME, EMPTY_VALUE);
375        return true;
376    }
378    private String removeDoubleQuotes(String string) {
379        int length = string.length();
380        if ((length > 1) && (string.charAt(0) == '"')
381                && (string.charAt(length - 1) == '"')) {
382            return string.substring(1, length - 1);
383        }
384        return string;
385    }
387    private String convertToQuotedString(String string) {
388        return "\"" + string + "\"";
389    }
391    /** Returns the index at which the toBeFound string is found in the array.
392     * @param arr array of strings
393     * @param toBeFound string to be found
394     * @param defaultIndex default index to be returned when string is not found
395     * @return the index into array
396     */
397    private int getStringIndex(String arr[], String toBeFound, int defaultIndex) {
398        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
399            if (toBeFound.equals(arr[i])) return i;
400        }
401        return defaultIndex;
402    }
404    /** Returns the field value for the key.
405     * @param key into the hash
406     * @param prefix is the prefix that the value may have
407     * @return value
408     */
409    private String getFieldValue(String key, String prefix) {
410        String value = mFields.get(key);
411        if (EMPTY_VALUE.equals(value)) return "";
412        return removeDoubleQuotes(value).substring(prefix.length());
413    }
415    /** Set a value with an optional prefix at key
416     * @param key into the hash
417     * @param value to be set
418     * @param prefix an optional value to be prefixed to actual value
419     */
420    private void setFieldValue(String key, String value, String prefix) {
421        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
422            mFields.put(key, EMPTY_VALUE);
423        } else {
424            mFields.put(key, convertToQuotedString(prefix + value));
425        }
426    }
428    @Override
429    public String toString() {
430        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
431        for (String key : mFields.keySet()) {
432            sb.append(key).append(" ").append(mFields.get(key)).append("\n");
433        }
434        return sb.toString();
435    }