glDrawElementsIndirect.cpp revision b5da0d78d2fde6abbfd387db4a3b218a5c301c20
1/* void glDrawElementsIndirect ( GLenum mode, GLenum type, const void *indirect ) */
2static void android_glDrawElementsIndirect(JNIEnv *_env, jobject, jint mode, jint type, jlong indirect) {
3    // In OpenGL ES, 'indirect' is a byte offset into a buffer, not a raw pointer.
4    // GL checks for too-large values. Here we only need to check for successful signed 64-bit
5    // to unsigned 32-bit conversion.
6    if (sizeof(void*) != sizeof(jlong) && indirect > static_cast<jlong>(UINT32_MAX)) {
7        jniThrowException(_env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException", "indirect offset too large");
8        return;
9    }
10    glDrawElementsIndirect(mode, type, (const void*)indirect);