revision 5a0ae3e0dba473691f6ca909a786dec7d6968c8a
2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License
15 */
20import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
23 * Perform encoding and decoding of Base64 byte arrays as described in
24 *
25 */
26public final class Base64 {
27    private static final byte[] BASE_64_ALPHABET = initializeBase64Alphabet();
29    private static byte[] initializeBase64Alphabet() {
30        return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
31                    .getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
32    }
34    // Bit masks for the 4 output 6-bit values from 3 input bytes.
35    private static final int FIRST_OUTPUT_BYTE_MASK = 0x3f << 18;
36    private static final int SECOND_OUTPUT_BYTE_MASK = 0x3f << 12;
37    private static final int THIRD_OUTPUT_BYTE_MASK = 0x3f << 6;
38    private static final int FOURTH_OUTPUT_BYTE_MASK = 0x3f;
40    private Base64() {}
42    public static String encode(byte[] in) {
43        int len = in.length;
44        int outputLen = computeEncodingOutputLen(len);
45        byte[] output = new byte[outputLen];
47        int outputIndex = 0;
48        for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 3) {
49            // Only a "triplet" if there are there are at least three remaining bytes
50            // in the input...
51            // Mask with 0xff to avoid signed extension.
52            int byteTripletAsInt = in[i] & 0xff;
53            if (i + 1 < len) {
54                // Add second byte to the triplet.
55                byteTripletAsInt <<= 8;
56                byteTripletAsInt |= in[i + 1] & 0xff;
57                if (i + 2 < len) {
58                    byteTripletAsInt <<= 8;
59                    byteTripletAsInt |= in[i + 2] & 0xff;
60                } else {
61                    // Insert 2 zero bits as to make output 18 bits long.
62                    byteTripletAsInt <<= 2;
63                }
64            } else {
65                // Insert 4 zero bits as to make output 12 bits long.
66                byteTripletAsInt <<= 4;
67            }
69            if (i + 2 < len) {
70                // The int may have up to 24 non-zero bits.
71                output[outputIndex++] = BASE_64_ALPHABET[
72                        (byteTripletAsInt & FIRST_OUTPUT_BYTE_MASK) >>> 18];
73            }
74            if (i + 1 < len) {
75                // The int may have up to 18 non-zero bits.
76                output[outputIndex++] = BASE_64_ALPHABET[
77                        (byteTripletAsInt & SECOND_OUTPUT_BYTE_MASK) >>> 12];
78            }
79            output[outputIndex++] = BASE_64_ALPHABET[
80                    (byteTripletAsInt & THIRD_OUTPUT_BYTE_MASK) >>> 6];
81            output[outputIndex++] = BASE_64_ALPHABET[
82                    byteTripletAsInt & FOURTH_OUTPUT_BYTE_MASK];
83        }
85        int inLengthMod3 = len % 3;
86        // Add padding as per the spec.
87        if (inLengthMod3 > 0) {
88            output[outputIndex++] = '=';
89            if (inLengthMod3 == 1) {
90                output[outputIndex++] = '=';
91            }
92        }
94        return new String(output, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
95    }
97    private static int computeEncodingOutputLen(int inLength) {
98        int inLengthMod3 = inLength % 3;
99        int outputLen = (inLength / 3) * 4;
100        if (inLengthMod3 == 2) {
101            // Need 3 6-bit characters as to express the last 16 bits, plus 1 padding.
102            outputLen += 4;
103        } else if (inLengthMod3 == 1) {
104            // Need 2 6-bit characters as to express the last 8 bits, plus 2 padding.
105            outputLen += 4;
106        }
107        return outputLen;
108    }
110    public static byte[] decode(byte[] in) {
111        return decode(in, in.length);
112    }
114    /** Decodes the input from position 0 (inclusive) to len (exclusive). */
115    public static byte[] decode(byte[] in, int len) {
116        final int inLength = Math.min(in.length, len);
117        // Overestimating 3 bytes per each 4 blocks of input (plus a possibly incomplete one).
118        ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream((inLength / 4) * 3 + 3);
119        // Position in the input. Use an array so we can pass it to {@code getNextByte}.
120        int[] pos = new int[1];
122        try {
123            while (pos[0] < inLength) {
124                int byteTripletAsInt = 0;
126                // j is the index in a 4-tuple of 6-bit characters where are trying to read from the
127                // input.
128                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
129                    byte c = getNextByte(in, pos, inLength);
130                    if (c == END_OF_INPUT || c == PAD_AS_BYTE) {
131                        // Padding or end of file...
132                        switch (j) {
133                            case 0:
134                            case 1:
135                                return (c == END_OF_INPUT) ? output.toByteArray() : null;
136                            case 2:
137                                // The input is over with two 6-bit characters: a single byte padded
138                                // with 4 extra 0's.
140                                if (c == END_OF_INPUT) {
141                                    // Do not consider the block, since padding is not present.
142                                    return checkNoTrailingAndReturn(output, in, pos[0], inLength);
143                                }
144                                // We are at a pad character, consume and look for the second one.
145                                pos[0]++;
146                                c = getNextByte(in, pos, inLength);
147                                if (c == END_OF_INPUT) {
148                                    // Do not consider the block, since padding is not present.
149                                    return checkNoTrailingAndReturn(output, in, pos[0], inLength);
150                                }
151                                if (c == PAD_AS_BYTE) {
152                                    byteTripletAsInt >>= 4;
153                                    output.write(byteTripletAsInt);
154                                    return checkNoTrailingAndReturn(output, in, pos[0], inLength);
155                                }
156                                // Something other than pad and non-alphabet characters, illegal.
157                                return null;
160                            case 3:
161                                // The input is over with three 6-bit characters: two bytes padded
162                                // with 2 extra 0's.
163                                if (c == PAD_AS_BYTE) {
164                                    // Consider the block only if padding is present.
165                                    byteTripletAsInt >>= 2;
166                                    output.write(byteTripletAsInt >> 8);
167                                    output.write(byteTripletAsInt & 0xff);
168                                }
169                                return checkNoTrailingAndReturn(output, in, pos[0], inLength);
170                        }
171                    } else {
172                        byteTripletAsInt <<= 6;
173                        byteTripletAsInt += (c & 0xff);
174                        pos[0]++;
175                    }
176                }
177                // We have four 6-bit characters: output the corresponding 3 bytes
178                output.write(byteTripletAsInt >> 16);
179                output.write((byteTripletAsInt >> 8) & 0xff);
180                output.write(byteTripletAsInt & 0xff);
181            }
182            return checkNoTrailingAndReturn(output, in, pos[0], inLength);
183        } catch (InvalidBase64ByteException e) {
184            return null;
185        }
186    }
188    /**
189     * On decoding, an illegal character always return null.
190     *
191     * Using this exception to avoid "if" checks every time.
192     */
194    private static class InvalidBase64ByteException extends Exception { }
196    /**
197     * Obtain the numeric value corresponding to the next relevant byte in the input.
198     *
199     * Calculates the numeric value (6-bit, 0 <= x <= 63) of the next Base64 encoded byte in
200     * {@code in} at or after {@code pos[0]} and before {@code inLength}. Returns
201     * {@link #WHITESPACE_AS_BYTE}, {@link #PAD_AS_BYTE}, {@link #END_OF_INPUT} or the 6-bit value.
202     * {@code pos[0]} is updated as a side effect of this method.
203     */
204    private static byte getNextByte(byte[] in, int[] pos, int inLength)
205            throws InvalidBase64ByteException {
206        // Ignore all whitespace.
207        while (pos[0] < inLength) {
208            byte c = base64AlphabetToNumericalValue(in[pos[0]]);
209            if (c != WHITESPACE_AS_BYTE) {
210                return c;
211            }
212            pos[0]++;
213        }
214        return END_OF_INPUT;
215    }
217    /**
218     * Check that there are no invalid trailing characters (ie, other then whitespace and padding)
219     *
220     * Returns {@code output} as a byte array in case of success, {@code null} in case of invalid
221     * characters.
222     */
223    private static byte[] checkNoTrailingAndReturn(
224            ByteArrayOutputStream output, byte[] in, int i, int inLength)
225                    throws InvalidBase64ByteException{
226        while (i < inLength) {
227            byte c = base64AlphabetToNumericalValue(in[i]);
228            if (c != WHITESPACE_AS_BYTE && c != PAD_AS_BYTE) {
229                return null;
230            }
231            i++;
232        }
233        return output.toByteArray();
234    }
236    private static final byte PAD_AS_BYTE = -1;
237    private static final byte WHITESPACE_AS_BYTE = -2;
238    private static final byte END_OF_INPUT = -3;
239    private static byte base64AlphabetToNumericalValue(byte c) throws InvalidBase64ByteException {
240        if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') {
241            return (byte) (c - 'A');
242        }
243        if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') {
244            return (byte) (c - 'a' + 26);
245        }
246        if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
247            return (byte) (c - '0' + 52);
248        }
249        if (c == '+') {
250            return (byte) 62;
251        }
252        if (c == '/') {
253            return (byte) 63;
254        }
255        if (c == '=') {
256            return PAD_AS_BYTE;
257        }
258        if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
259            return WHITESPACE_AS_BYTE;
260        }
261        throw new InvalidBase64ByteException();
262    }