Lines Matching refs:Message

25 import android.os.Message;
131 void getImsRegistrationState(Message result);
423 * @param result Message to be posted when command completes.
425 void setSuppServiceNotifications(boolean enable, Message result);
554 * Message.obj will be an AsyncResult
635 void supplyIccPin(String pin, Message result);
654 void supplyIccPinForApp(String pin, String aid, Message result);
671 void supplyIccPuk(String puk, String newPin, Message result);
689 void supplyIccPukForApp(String puk, String newPin, String aid, Message result);
708 void supplyIccPin2(String pin2, Message result);
729 void supplyIccPin2ForApp(String pin2, String aid, Message result);
748 void supplyIccPuk2(String puk2, String newPin2, Message result);
769 void supplyIccPuk2ForApp(String puk2, String newPin2, String aid, Message result);
772 void changeIccPin(String oldPin, String newPin, Message result);
773 void changeIccPinForApp(String oldPin, String newPin, String aidPtr, Message result);
774 void changeIccPin2(String oldPin2, String newPin2, Message result);
775 void changeIccPin2ForApp(String oldPin2, String newPin2, String aidPtr, Message result);
777 void changeBarringPassword(String facility, String oldPwd, String newPwd, Message result);
779 void supplyNetworkDepersonalization(String netpin, Message result);
789 void getCurrentCalls (Message result);
800 void getPDPContextList(Message result);
809 void getDataCallList(Message result);
822 void dial (String address, int clirMode, Message result);
835 void dial(String address, int clirMode, UUSInfo uusInfo, Message result);
844 void getIMSI(Message result);
853 void getIMSIForApp(String aid, Message result);
862 void getIMEI(Message result);
871 void getIMEISV(Message result);
884 void hangupConnection (int gsmIndex, Message result);
894 void hangupWaitingOrBackground (Message result);
905 void hangupForegroundResumeBackground (Message result);
916 void switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive (Message result);
926 void conference (Message result);
934 void setPreferredVoicePrivacy(boolean enable, Message result);
941 void getPreferredVoicePrivacy(Message result);
948 void separateConnection (int gsmIndex, Message result);
956 void acceptCall (Message result);
964 void rejectCall (Message result);
974 void explicitCallTransfer (Message result);
977 * cause code returned as int[0] in Message.obj.response
984 void getLastCallFailCause (Message result);
989 * cause code returned as int[0] in Message.obj.response
995 void getLastPdpFailCause (Message result);
1001 void getLastDataCallFailCause (Message result);
1003 void setMute (boolean enableMute, Message response);
1005 void getMute (Message response);
1014 void getSignalStrength (Message response);
1027 void getVoiceRegistrationState (Message response);
1039 void getDataRegistrationState (Message response);
1047 void getOperator(Message response);
1054 void sendDtmf(char c, Message result);
1062 void startDtmf(char c, Message result);
1069 void stopDtmf(Message result);
1076 void sendBurstDtmf(String dtmfString, int on, int off, Message result);
1084 void sendSMS (String smscPDU, String pdu, Message response);
1094 void sendSMSExpectMore (String smscPDU, String pdu, Message response);
1100 void sendCdmaSms(byte[] pdu, Message response);
1114 Message response);
1125 void sendImsCdmaSms(byte[] pdu, int retry, int messageRef, Message response);
1133 void deleteSmsOnSim(int index, Message response);
1141 void deleteSmsOnRuim(int index, Message response);
1156 void writeSmsToSim(int status, String smsc, String pdu, Message response);
1158 void writeSmsToRuim(int status, String pdu, Message response);
1160 void setRadioPower(boolean on, Message response);
1162 void acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSms(boolean success, int cause, Message response);
1164 void acknowledgeLastIncomingCdmaSms(boolean success, int cause, Message response);
1175 void acknowledgeIncomingGsmSmsWithPdu(boolean success, String ackPdu, Message response);
1183 String data, String pin2, Message response);
1191 String data, String pin2, String aid, Message response);
1200 void queryCLIP(Message response);
1218 void getCLIR(Message response);
1226 void setCLIR(int clirMode, Message response);
1236 void queryCallWaiting(int serviceClass, Message response);
1244 void setCallWaiting(boolean enable, int serviceClass, Message response);
1252 String number, int timeSeconds, Message response);
1263 String number, Message response);
1265 void setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic(Message response);
1267 void setNetworkSelectionModeManual(String operatorNumeric, Message response);
1277 void getNetworkSelectionMode(Message response);
1284 void getAvailableNetworks(Message response);
1286 void getBasebandVersion (Message response);
1300 Message response);
1315 Message response);
1325 int serviceClass, Message response);
1338 int serviceClass, String appId, Message response);
1340 void sendUSSD (String ussdString, Message response);
1346 void cancelPendingUssd (Message response);
1348 void resetRadio(Message result);
1356 void setBandMode (int bandMode, Message response);
1366 void queryAvailableBandMode (Message response);
1374 void setPreferredNetworkType(int networkType , Message response);
1381 void getPreferredNetworkType(Message response);
1388 void getNeighboringCids(Message response);
1397 void setLocationUpdates(boolean enable, Message response);
1404 void getSmscAddress(Message result);
1412 void setSmscAddress(String address, Message result);
1419 void reportSmsMemoryStatus(boolean available, Message result);
1427 void reportStkServiceIsRunning(Message result);
1429 void invokeOemRilRequestRaw(byte[] data, Message response);
1431 void invokeOemRilRequestStrings(String[] strings, Message response);
1448 public void sendTerminalResponse(String contents, Message response);
1459 public void sendEnvelope(String contents, Message response);
1475 public void sendEnvelopeWithStatus(String contents, Message response);
1483 public void handleCallSetupRequestFromSim(boolean accept, Message response);
1492 public void setGsmBroadcastActivation(boolean activate, Message result);
1499 public void setGsmBroadcastConfig(SmsBroadcastConfigInfo[] config, Message response);
1508 public void getGsmBroadcastConfig(Message response);
1520 public void getDeviceIdentity(Message response);
1532 public void getCDMASubscription(Message response);
1539 public void sendCDMAFeatureCode(String FeatureCode, Message response);
1549 void queryCdmaRoamingPreference(Message response);
1556 void setCdmaRoamingPreference(int cdmaRoamingType, Message response);
1563 void setCdmaSubscriptionSource(int cdmaSubscriptionType, Message response);
1569 void getCdmaSubscriptionSource(Message response);
1581 void setTTYMode(int ttyMode, Message response);
1593 void queryTTYMode(Message response);
1621 String protocol, Message result);
1633 public void deactivateDataCall(int cid, int reason, Message result);
1643 public void setCdmaBroadcastActivation(boolean activate, Message result);
1651 public void setCdmaBroadcastConfig(CdmaSmsBroadcastConfigInfo[] configs, Message response);
1659 public void getCdmaBroadcastConfig(Message result);
1667 public void exitEmergencyCallbackMode(Message response);
1675 public void getIccCardStatus(Message result);
1697 public void requestIsimAuthentication(String nonce, Message response);
1712 public void requestIccSimAuthentication(int authContext, String data, String aid, Message response);
1722 void getVoiceRadioTechnology(Message result);
1731 void getCellInfoList(Message result);
1748 void setCellInfoListRate(int rateInMillis, Message response);
1775 String password, Message result);
1785 public void setDataProfile(DataProfile[] dps, Message result);
1801 public void iccOpenLogicalChannel(String AID, Message response);
1811 public void iccCloseLogicalChannel(int channel, Message response);
1831 int p1, int p2, int p3, String data, Message response);
1849 int p3, String data, Message response);
1858 void nvReadItem(int itemID, Message response);
1868 void nvWriteItem(int itemID, String itemValue, Message response);
1877 void nvWriteCdmaPrl(byte[] preferredRoamingList, Message response);
1887 void nvResetConfig(int resetType, Message response);
1896 void getHardwareConfig (Message result);
1919 Message result);
1930 public void setDataAllowed(boolean allowed, Message result);
1937 public void requestShutdown(Message result);
1947 public void setRadioCapability(RadioCapability rc, Message result);
1954 public void getRadioCapability(Message result);
1981 public void startLceService(int reportIntervalMs, boolean pullMode, Message result);
1990 public void stopLceService(Message result);
1998 public void pullLceData(Message result);
2022 public void getModemActivityInfo(Message result);
2030 public void setAllowedCarriers(List<CarrierIdentifier> carriers, Message result);
2037 public void getAllowedCarriers(Message result);