/* * ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, obfuscation, and preverification * of Java bytecode. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Eric Lafortune (eric@graphics.cornell.edu) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package proguard.classfile.util; import proguard.classfile.*; import proguard.classfile.attribute.CodeAttribute; import proguard.classfile.constant.*; import proguard.classfile.constant.visitor.ConstantVisitor; import proguard.classfile.instruction.*; import proguard.classfile.instruction.visitor.InstructionVisitor; import java.util.Arrays; /** * This InstructionVisitor checks whether a given pattern instruction sequence * occurs in the instructions that are visited. The arguments of the * instruction sequence can be wildcards that are matched. * * @author Eric Lafortune */ public class InstructionSequenceMatcher extends SimplifiedVisitor implements InstructionVisitor, ConstantVisitor { //* private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final boolean DEBUG_MORE = false; /*/ public static boolean DEBUG = true; public static boolean DEBUG_MORE = true; //*/ public static final int X = 0x40000000; public static final int Y = 0x40000001; public static final int Z = 0x40000002; public static final int A = 0x40000003; public static final int B = 0x40000004; public static final int C = 0x40000005; public static final int D = 0x40000006; private final Constant[] patternConstants; private final Instruction[] patternInstructions; private boolean matching; private int patternInstructionIndex; private final int[] matchedInstructionOffsets; private int matchedArgumentFlags; private final int[] matchedArguments = new int[7]; private final long[] matchedConstantFlags; private final int[] matchedConstantIndices; private int constantFlags; private int previousConstantFlags; // Fields acting as a parameter and a return value for visitor methods. private Constant patternConstant; private boolean matchingConstant; /** * Creates a new InstructionSequenceMatcher. * @param patternConstants any constants referenced by the pattern * instruction. * @param patternInstructions the pattern instruction sequence. */ public InstructionSequenceMatcher(Constant[] patternConstants, Instruction[] patternInstructions) { this.patternConstants = patternConstants; this.patternInstructions = patternInstructions; matchedInstructionOffsets = new int[patternInstructions.length]; matchedConstantFlags = new long[(patternConstants.length + 63) / 64]; matchedConstantIndices = new int[patternConstants.length]; } /** * Starts matching from the first instruction again next time. */ public void reset() { patternInstructionIndex = 0; matchedArgumentFlags = 0; Arrays.fill(matchedConstantFlags, 0L); previousConstantFlags = constantFlags; constantFlags = 0; } /** * Returns whether the complete pattern sequence has been matched. */ public boolean isMatching() { return matching; } /** * Returns the number of instructions in the pattern sequence. */ public int instructionCount() { return patternInstructions.length; } /** * Returns the matched instruction offset of the specified pattern * instruction. */ public int matchedInstructionOffset(int index) { return matchedInstructionOffsets[index]; } /** * Returns whether the specified wildcard argument was a constant from * the constant pool in the most recent match. */ public boolean wasConstant(int argument) { return (previousConstantFlags & (1 << (argument - X))) != 0; } /** * Returns the value of the specified matched argument (wildcard or not). */ public int matchedArgument(int argument) { int argumentIndex = argument - X; return argumentIndex < 0 ? argument : matchedArguments[argumentIndex]; } /** * Returns the values of the specified matched arguments (wildcard or not). */ public int[] matchedArguments(int[] arguments) { int[] matchedArguments = new int[arguments.length]; for (int index = 0; index < arguments.length; index++) { matchedArguments[index] = matchedArgument(arguments[index]); } return matchedArguments; } /** * Returns the index of the specified matched constant (wildcard or not). */ public int matchedConstantIndex(int constantIndex) { int argumentIndex = constantIndex - X; return argumentIndex < 0 ? matchedConstantIndices[constantIndex] : matchedArguments[argumentIndex]; } /** * Returns the value of the specified matched branch offset (wildcard or * not). */ public int matchedBranchOffset(int offset, int branchOffset) { int argumentIndex = branchOffset - X; return argumentIndex < 0 ? branchOffset : matchedArguments[argumentIndex] - offset; } /** * Returns the values of the specified matched jump offsets (wildcard or * not). */ public int[] matchedJumpOffsets(int offset, int[] jumpOffsets) { int[] matchedJumpOffsets = new int[jumpOffsets.length]; for (int index = 0; index < jumpOffsets.length; index++) { matchedJumpOffsets[index] = matchedBranchOffset(offset, jumpOffsets[index]); } return matchedJumpOffsets; } // Implementations for InstructionVisitor. public void visitSimpleInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, SimpleInstruction simpleInstruction) { Instruction patternInstruction = patternInstructions[patternInstructionIndex]; // Check if the instruction matches the next instruction in the sequence. boolean condition = matchingOpcodes(simpleInstruction, patternInstruction) && matchingArguments(simpleInstruction.constant, ((SimpleInstruction)patternInstruction).constant); // Check if the instruction sequence is matching now. checkMatch(condition, clazz, method, codeAttribute, offset, simpleInstruction); } public void visitVariableInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, VariableInstruction variableInstruction) { Instruction patternInstruction = patternInstructions[patternInstructionIndex]; // Check if the instruction matches the next instruction in the sequence. boolean condition = matchingOpcodes(variableInstruction, patternInstruction) && matchingArguments(variableInstruction.variableIndex, ((VariableInstruction)patternInstruction).variableIndex) && matchingArguments(variableInstruction.constant, ((VariableInstruction)patternInstruction).constant); // Check if the instruction sequence is matching now. checkMatch(condition, clazz, method, codeAttribute, offset, variableInstruction); } public void visitConstantInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, ConstantInstruction constantInstruction) { Instruction patternInstruction = patternInstructions[patternInstructionIndex]; // Check if the instruction matches the next instruction in the sequence. boolean condition = matchingOpcodes(constantInstruction, patternInstruction) && matchingConstantIndices(clazz, constantInstruction.constantIndex, ((ConstantInstruction)patternInstruction).constantIndex) && matchingArguments(constantInstruction.constant, ((ConstantInstruction)patternInstruction).constant); // Check if the instruction sequence is matching now. checkMatch(condition, clazz, method, codeAttribute, offset, constantInstruction); } public void visitBranchInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, BranchInstruction branchInstruction) { Instruction patternInstruction = patternInstructions[patternInstructionIndex]; // Check if the instruction matches the next instruction in the from // sequence. boolean condition = matchingOpcodes(branchInstruction, patternInstruction) && matchingBranchOffsets(offset, branchInstruction.branchOffset, ((BranchInstruction)patternInstruction).branchOffset); // Check if the instruction sequence is matching now. checkMatch(condition, clazz, method, codeAttribute, offset, branchInstruction); } public void visitTableSwitchInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, TableSwitchInstruction tableSwitchInstruction) { Instruction patternInstruction = patternInstructions[patternInstructionIndex]; // Check if the instruction matches the next instruction in the sequence. boolean condition = matchingOpcodes(tableSwitchInstruction, patternInstruction) && matchingBranchOffsets(offset, tableSwitchInstruction.defaultOffset, ((TableSwitchInstruction)patternInstruction).defaultOffset) && matchingArguments(tableSwitchInstruction.lowCase, ((TableSwitchInstruction)patternInstruction).lowCase) && matchingArguments(tableSwitchInstruction.highCase, ((TableSwitchInstruction)patternInstruction).highCase) && matchingJumpOffsets(offset, tableSwitchInstruction.jumpOffsets, ((TableSwitchInstruction)patternInstruction).jumpOffsets); // Check if the instruction sequence is matching now. checkMatch(condition, clazz, method, codeAttribute, offset, tableSwitchInstruction); } public void visitLookUpSwitchInstruction(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, LookUpSwitchInstruction lookUpSwitchInstruction) { Instruction patternInstruction = patternInstructions[patternInstructionIndex]; // Check if the instruction matches the next instruction in the sequence. boolean condition = matchingOpcodes(lookUpSwitchInstruction, patternInstruction) && matchingBranchOffsets(offset, lookUpSwitchInstruction.defaultOffset, ((LookUpSwitchInstruction)patternInstruction).defaultOffset) && matchingArguments(lookUpSwitchInstruction.cases, ((LookUpSwitchInstruction)patternInstruction).cases) && matchingJumpOffsets(offset, lookUpSwitchInstruction.jumpOffsets, ((LookUpSwitchInstruction)patternInstruction).jumpOffsets); // Check if the instruction sequence is matching now. checkMatch(condition, clazz, method, codeAttribute, offset, lookUpSwitchInstruction); } // Implementations for ConstantVisitor. public void visitIntegerConstant(Clazz clazz, IntegerConstant integerConstant) { IntegerConstant integerPatternConstant = (IntegerConstant)patternConstant; // Compare the integer values. matchingConstant = integerConstant.getValue() == integerPatternConstant.getValue(); } public void visitLongConstant(Clazz clazz, LongConstant longConstant) { LongConstant longPatternConstant = (LongConstant)patternConstant; // Compare the long values. matchingConstant = longConstant.getValue() == longPatternConstant.getValue(); } public void visitFloatConstant(Clazz clazz, FloatConstant floatConstant) { FloatConstant floatPatternConstant = (FloatConstant)patternConstant; // Compare the float values. matchingConstant = floatConstant.getValue() == floatPatternConstant.getValue(); } public void visitDoubleConstant(Clazz clazz, DoubleConstant doubleConstant) { DoubleConstant doublePatternConstant = (DoubleConstant)patternConstant; // Compare the double values. matchingConstant = doubleConstant.getValue() == doublePatternConstant.getValue(); } public void visitStringConstant(Clazz clazz, StringConstant stringConstant) { StringConstant stringPatternConstant = (StringConstant)patternConstant; // Check the UTF-8 constant. matchingConstant = matchingConstantIndices(clazz, stringConstant.u2stringIndex, stringPatternConstant.u2stringIndex); } public void visitUtf8Constant(Clazz clazz, Utf8Constant utf8Constant) { Utf8Constant utf8PatternConstant = (Utf8Constant)patternConstant; // Compare the actual strings. matchingConstant = utf8Constant.getString().equals( utf8PatternConstant.getString()); } public void visitInvokeDynamicConstant(Clazz clazz, InvokeDynamicConstant invokeDynamicConstant) { InvokeDynamicConstant invokeDynamicPatternConstant = (InvokeDynamicConstant)patternConstant; // Check the bootstrap method and the name and type. matchingConstant = matchingConstantIndices(clazz, invokeDynamicConstant.getBootstrapMethodAttributeIndex(), invokeDynamicPatternConstant.getBootstrapMethodAttributeIndex()) && matchingConstantIndices(clazz, invokeDynamicConstant.getNameAndTypeIndex(), invokeDynamicPatternConstant.getNameAndTypeIndex()); } public void visitMethodHandleConstant(Clazz clazz, MethodHandleConstant methodHandleConstant) { MethodHandleConstant methodHandlePatternConstant = (MethodHandleConstant)patternConstant; // Check the handle type and the name and type. matchingConstant = matchingArguments(methodHandleConstant.getReferenceKind(), methodHandlePatternConstant.getReferenceKind()) && matchingConstantIndices(clazz, methodHandleConstant.getReferenceIndex(), methodHandlePatternConstant.getReferenceIndex()); } public void visitAnyRefConstant(Clazz clazz, RefConstant refConstant) { RefConstant refPatternConstant = (RefConstant)patternConstant; // Check the class and the name and type. matchingConstant = matchingConstantIndices(clazz, refConstant.getClassIndex(), refPatternConstant.getClassIndex()) && matchingConstantIndices(clazz, refConstant.getNameAndTypeIndex(), refPatternConstant.getNameAndTypeIndex()); } public void visitClassConstant(Clazz clazz, ClassConstant classConstant) { ClassConstant classPatternConstant = (ClassConstant)patternConstant; // Check the class name. matchingConstant = matchingConstantIndices(clazz, classConstant.u2nameIndex, classPatternConstant.u2nameIndex); } public void visitMethodTypeConstant(Clazz clazz, MethodTypeConstant methodTypeConstant) { MethodTypeConstant typePatternConstant = (MethodTypeConstant)patternConstant; // Check the descriptor. matchingConstant = matchingConstantIndices(clazz, methodTypeConstant.u2descriptorIndex, typePatternConstant.u2descriptorIndex); } public void visitNameAndTypeConstant(Clazz clazz, NameAndTypeConstant nameAndTypeConstant) { NameAndTypeConstant typePatternConstant = (NameAndTypeConstant)patternConstant; // Check the name and the descriptor. matchingConstant = matchingConstantIndices(clazz, nameAndTypeConstant.u2nameIndex, typePatternConstant.u2nameIndex) && matchingConstantIndices(clazz, nameAndTypeConstant.u2descriptorIndex, typePatternConstant.u2descriptorIndex); } // Small utility methods. private boolean matchingOpcodes(Instruction instruction1, Instruction instruction2) { // Check the opcode. return instruction1.opcode == instruction2.opcode || instruction1.canonicalOpcode() == instruction2.opcode; } private boolean matchingArguments(int argument1, int argument2) { int argumentIndex = argument2 - X; if (argumentIndex < 0) { // Check the literal argument. return argument1 == argument2; } else if (!isMatchingArgumentIndex(argumentIndex)) { // Store the wildcard argument. setMatchingArgument(argumentIndex, argument1); return true; } else { // Check the previously stored wildcard argument. return matchedArguments[argumentIndex] == argument1; } } /** * Marks the specified argument (by index) as matching the specified * argument value. */ private void setMatchingArgument(int argumentIndex, int argument) { matchedArguments[argumentIndex] = argument; matchedArgumentFlags |= 1 << argumentIndex; } /** * Returns whether the specified wildcard argument (by index) has been * matched. */ private boolean isMatchingArgumentIndex(int argumentIndex) { return (matchedArgumentFlags & (1 << argumentIndex)) != 0; } private boolean matchingArguments(int[] arguments1, int[] arguments2) { if (arguments1.length != arguments2.length) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < arguments1.length; index++) { if (!matchingArguments(arguments1[index], arguments2[index])) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean matchingConstantIndices(Clazz clazz, int constantIndex1, int constantIndex2) { if (constantIndex2 >= X) { // Remember that we are trying to match a constant. constantFlags |= 1 << (constantIndex2 - X); // Check the constant index. return matchingArguments(constantIndex1, constantIndex2); } else if (!isMatchingConstantIndex(constantIndex2)) { // Check the actual constant. matchingConstant = false; patternConstant = patternConstants[constantIndex2]; if (clazz.getTag(constantIndex1) == patternConstant.getTag()) { clazz.constantPoolEntryAccept(constantIndex1, this); if (matchingConstant) { // Store the constant index. setMatchingConstant(constantIndex2, constantIndex1); } } return matchingConstant; } else { // Check a previously stored constant index. return matchedConstantIndices[constantIndex2] == constantIndex1; } } /** * Marks the specified constant (by index) as matching the specified * constant index value. */ private void setMatchingConstant(int constantIndex, int constantIndex1) { matchedConstantIndices[constantIndex] = constantIndex1; matchedConstantFlags[constantIndex / 64] |= 1L << constantIndex; } /** * Returns whether the specified wildcard constant has been matched. */ private boolean isMatchingConstantIndex(int constantIndex) { return (matchedConstantFlags[constantIndex / 64] & (1L << constantIndex)) != 0; } private boolean matchingBranchOffsets(int offset, int branchOffset1, int branchOffset2) { int argumentIndex = branchOffset2 - X; if (argumentIndex < 0) { // Check the literal argument. return branchOffset1 == branchOffset2; } else if (!isMatchingArgumentIndex(argumentIndex)) { // Store a wildcard argument. setMatchingArgument(argumentIndex, offset + branchOffset1); return true; } else { // Check the previously stored wildcard argument. return matchedArguments[argumentIndex] == offset + branchOffset1; } } private boolean matchingJumpOffsets(int offset, int[] jumpOffsets1, int[] jumpOffsets2) { if (jumpOffsets1.length != jumpOffsets2.length) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < jumpOffsets1.length; index++) { if (!matchingBranchOffsets(offset, jumpOffsets1[index], jumpOffsets2[index])) { return false; } } return true; } private void checkMatch(boolean condition, Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, int offset, Instruction instruction) { if (DEBUG_MORE) { System.out.println("InstructionSequenceMatcher: ["+clazz.getName()+"."+method.getName(clazz)+method.getDescriptor(clazz)+"]: "+patternInstructions[patternInstructionIndex].toString(patternInstructionIndex)+(condition?"\t== ":"\t ")+instruction.toString(offset)); } // Did the instruction match? if (condition) { // Remember the offset of the matching instruction. matchedInstructionOffsets[patternInstructionIndex] = offset; // Try to match the next instruction next time. patternInstructionIndex++; // Did we match all instructions in the sequence? matching = patternInstructionIndex == patternInstructions.length; if (matching) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("InstructionSequenceMatcher: ["+clazz.getName()+"."+method.getName(clazz)+method.getDescriptor(clazz)+"]"); for (int index = 0; index < patternInstructionIndex; index++) { System.out.println(" "+InstructionFactory.create(codeAttribute.code, matchedInstructionOffsets[index]).toString(matchedInstructionOffsets[index])); } } // Start matching from the first instruction again next time. reset(); } } else { // The instruction didn't match. matching = false; // Is this a failed second instruction? boolean retry = patternInstructionIndex == 1; // Start matching from the first instruction next time. reset(); // Retry a failed second instruction as a first instruction. if (retry) { instruction.accept(clazz, method, codeAttribute, offset, this); } } } }