/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung System LSI * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.bluetooth.map; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.os.Environment; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; import android.util.Log; import com.android.bluetooth.map.BluetoothMapUtils.TYPE; public abstract class BluetoothMapbMessage { protected static String TAG = "BluetoothMapbMessage"; protected static final boolean D = BluetoothMapService.DEBUG; protected static final boolean V = BluetoothMapService.VERBOSE; private String mVersionString = "VERSION:1.0"; public static int INVALID_VALUE = -1; protected int mAppParamCharset = BluetoothMapAppParams.INVALID_VALUE_PARAMETER; /* BMSG attributes */ private String mStatus = null; // READ/UNREAD protected TYPE mType = null; // SMS/MMS/EMAIL private String mFolder = null; /* BBODY attributes */ private long mPartId = INVALID_VALUE; protected String mEncoding = null; protected String mCharset = null; private String mLanguage = null; private int mBMsgLength = INVALID_VALUE; private ArrayList mOriginator = null; private ArrayList mRecipient = null; public static class vCard { /* VCARD attributes */ private String mVersion; private String mName = null; private String mFormattedName = null; private String[] mPhoneNumbers = {}; private String[] mEmailAddresses = {}; private int mEnvLevel = 0; private String[] mBtUcis = {}; private String[] mBtUids = {}; /** * Construct a version 3.0 vCard * @param name Structured * @param formattedName Formatted name * @param phoneNumbers a String[] of phone numbers * @param emailAddresses a String[] of email addresses * @param the bmessage envelope level (0 is the top/most outer level) */ public vCard(String name, String formattedName, String[] phoneNumbers, String[] emailAddresses, int envLevel) { this.mEnvLevel = envLevel; this.mVersion = "3.0"; this.mName = name != null ? name : ""; this.mFormattedName = formattedName != null ? formattedName : ""; setPhoneNumbers(phoneNumbers); if (emailAddresses != null) this.mEmailAddresses = emailAddresses; } /** * Construct a version 2.1 vCard * @param name Structured name * @param phoneNumbers a String[] of phone numbers * @param emailAddresses a String[] of email addresses * @param the bmessage envelope level (0 is the top/most outer level) */ public vCard(String name, String[] phoneNumbers, String[] emailAddresses, int envLevel) { this.mEnvLevel = envLevel; this.mVersion = "2.1"; this.mName = name != null ? name : ""; setPhoneNumbers(phoneNumbers); if (emailAddresses != null) this.mEmailAddresses = emailAddresses; } /** * Construct a version 3.0 vCard * @param name Structured name * @param formattedName Formatted name * @param phoneNumbers a String[] of phone numbers * @param emailAddresses a String[] of email addresses if available, else null * @param btUids a String[] of X-BT-UIDs if available, else null * @param btUcis a String[] of X-BT-UCIs if available, else null */ public vCard(String name, String formattedName, String[] phoneNumbers, String[] emailAddresses, String[] btUids, String[] btUcis) { this.mVersion = "3.0"; this.mName = (name != null) ? name : ""; this.mFormattedName = (formattedName != null) ? formattedName : ""; setPhoneNumbers(phoneNumbers); if (emailAddresses != null) { this.mEmailAddresses = emailAddresses; } if (btUcis != null) { this.mBtUcis = btUcis; } } /** * Construct a version 2.1 vCard * @param name Structured Name * @param phoneNumbers a String[] of phone numbers * @param emailAddresses a String[] of email addresses */ public vCard(String name, String[] phoneNumbers, String[] emailAddresses) { this.mVersion = "2.1"; this.mName = name != null ? name : ""; setPhoneNumbers(phoneNumbers); if (emailAddresses != null) this.mEmailAddresses = emailAddresses; } private void setPhoneNumbers(String[] numbers) { if(numbers != null && numbers.length > 0) { mPhoneNumbers = new String[numbers.length]; for(int i = 0, n = numbers.length; i < n; i++){ String networkNumber = PhoneNumberUtils.extractNetworkPortion(numbers[i]); /* extractNetworkPortion can return N if the number is a service * "number" = a string with the a name in (i.e. "Some-Tele-company" would * return N because of the N in compaNy) * Hence we need to check if the number is actually a string with alpha chars. * */ String strippedNumber = PhoneNumberUtils.stripSeparators(numbers[i]); Boolean alpha = false; if(strippedNumber != null){ alpha = strippedNumber.matches("[0-9]*[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*"); } if(networkNumber != null && networkNumber.length() > 1 && !alpha) { mPhoneNumbers[i] = networkNumber; } else { mPhoneNumbers[i] = numbers[i]; } } } } public String getFirstPhoneNumber() { if(mPhoneNumbers.length > 0) { return mPhoneNumbers[0]; } else return null; } public int getEnvLevel() { return mEnvLevel; } public String getName() { return mName; } public String getFirstEmail() { if(mEmailAddresses.length > 0) { return mEmailAddresses[0]; } else return null; } public String getFirstBtUci() { if(mBtUcis.length > 0) { return mBtUcis[0]; } else return null; } public String getFirstBtUid() { if(mBtUids.length > 0) { return mBtUids[0]; } else return null; } public void encode(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("BEGIN:VCARD").append("\r\n"); sb.append("VERSION:").append(mVersion).append("\r\n"); if(mVersion.equals("3.0") && mFormattedName != null) { sb.append("FN:").append(mFormattedName).append("\r\n"); } if (mName != null) sb.append("N:").append(mName).append("\r\n"); for(String phoneNumber : mPhoneNumbers) { sb.append("TEL:").append(phoneNumber).append("\r\n"); } for(String emailAddress : mEmailAddresses) { sb.append("EMAIL:").append(emailAddress).append("\r\n"); } for(String btUid : mBtUids) { sb.append("X-BT-UID:").append(btUid).append("\r\n"); } for(String btUci : mBtUcis) { sb.append("X-BT-UCI:").append(btUci).append("\r\n"); } sb.append("END:VCARD").append("\r\n"); } /** * Parse a vCard from a BMgsReader, where a line containing "BEGIN:VCARD" * have just been read. * @param reader * @param envLevel * @return */ public static vCard parseVcard(BMsgReader reader, int envLevel) { String formattedName = null; String name = null; ArrayList phoneNumbers = null; ArrayList emailAddresses = null; ArrayList btUids = null; ArrayList btUcis = null; String[] parts; String line = reader.getLineEnforce(); while(!line.contains("END:VCARD")){ line = line.trim(); if(line.startsWith("N:")){ parts = line.split("[^\\\\]:"); // Split on "un-escaped" ':' if(parts.length == 2) { name = parts[1]; } else name = ""; } else if(line.startsWith("FN:")){ parts = line.split("[^\\\\]:"); // Split on "un-escaped" ':' if(parts.length == 2) { formattedName = parts[1]; } else formattedName = ""; } else if(line.startsWith("TEL:")){ parts = line.split("[^\\\\]:"); // Split on "un-escaped" ':' if(parts.length == 2) { String[] subParts = parts[1].split("[^\\\\];"); if(phoneNumbers == null) phoneNumbers = new ArrayList(1); // only keep actual phone number phoneNumbers.add(subParts[subParts.length-1]); } else {} // Empty phone number - ignore } else if(line.startsWith("EMAIL:")){ parts = line.split("[^\\\\]:"); // Split on "un-escaped" : if(parts.length == 2) { String[] subParts = parts[1].split("[^\\\\];"); if(emailAddresses == null) emailAddresses = new ArrayList(1); // only keep actual email address emailAddresses.add(subParts[subParts.length-1]); } else {} // Empty email address entry - ignore } else if(line.startsWith("X-BT-UCI:")){ parts = line.split("[^\\\\]:"); // Split on "un-escaped" : if(parts.length == 2) { String[] subParts = parts[1].split("[^\\\\];"); if(btUcis == null) btUcis = new ArrayList(1); btUcis.add(subParts[subParts.length-1]); // only keep actual UCI } else {} // Empty UCIentry - ignore } else if(line.startsWith("X-BT-UID:")){ parts = line.split("[^\\\\]:"); // Split on "un-escaped" : if(parts.length == 2) { String[] subParts = parts[1].split("[^\\\\];"); if(btUids == null) btUids = new ArrayList(1); btUids.add(subParts[subParts.length-1]); // only keep actual UID } else {} // Empty UID entry - ignore } line = reader.getLineEnforce(); } return new vCard(name, formattedName, phoneNumbers == null? null : phoneNumbers.toArray(new String[phoneNumbers.size()]), emailAddresses == null ? null : emailAddresses.toArray(new String[emailAddresses.size()]), envLevel); } }; private static class BMsgReader { InputStream mInStream; public BMsgReader(InputStream is) { this.mInStream = is; } private byte[] getLineAsBytes() { int readByte; /* TODO: Actually the vCard spec. allows to break lines by using a newLine * followed by a white space character(space or tab). Not sure this is a good idea to * implement as the Bluetooth MAP spec. illustrates vCards using tab alignment, * hence actually showing an invalid vCard format... * If we read such a folded line, the folded part will be skipped in the parser * UPDATE: Check if we actually do unfold before parsing the input stream */ ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { while ((readByte = mInStream.read()) != -1) { if (readByte == '\r') { if ((readByte = mInStream.read()) != -1 && readByte == '\n') { if(output.size() == 0) continue; /* Skip empty lines */ else break; } else { output.write('\r'); } } else if (readByte == '\n' && output.size() == 0) { /* Empty line - skip */ continue; } output.write(readByte); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); return null; } return output.toByteArray(); } /** * Read a line of text from the BMessage. * @return the next line of text, or null at end of file, or if UTF-8 is not supported. */ public String getLine() { try { byte[] line = getLineAsBytes(); if (line.length == 0) return null; else return new String(line, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); return null; } } /** * same as getLine(), but throws an exception, if we run out of lines. * Use this function when ever more lines are needed for the bMessage to be complete. * @return the next line */ public String getLineEnforce() { String line = getLine(); if (line == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bmessage too short"); return line; } /** * Reads a line from the InputStream, and examines if the subString * matches the line read. * @param subString * The string to match against the line. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * If the expected substring is not found. * */ public void expect(String subString) throws IllegalArgumentException{ String line = getLine(); if(line == null || subString == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Line or substring is null"); }else if(!line.toUpperCase().contains(subString.toUpperCase())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected \"" + subString + "\" in: \"" + line + "\""); } /** * Same as expect(String), but with two strings. * @param subString * @param subString2 * @throws IllegalArgumentException * If one or all of the strings are not found. */ public void expect(String subString, String subString2) throws IllegalArgumentException{ String line = getLine(); if(!line.toUpperCase().contains(subString.toUpperCase())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected \"" + subString + "\" in: \"" + line + "\""); if(!line.toUpperCase().contains(subString2.toUpperCase())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected \"" + subString + "\" in: \"" + line + "\""); } /** * Read a part of the bMessage as raw data. * @param length the number of bytes to read * @return the byte[] containing the number of bytes or null if an error occurs or EOF is * reached before length bytes have been read. */ public byte[] getDataBytes(int length) { byte[] data = new byte[length]; try { int bytesRead; int offset=0; while ((bytesRead = mInStream.read(data, offset, length-offset)) != (length - offset)) { if(bytesRead == -1) return null; offset += bytesRead; } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); return null; } return data; } }; public BluetoothMapbMessage(){ } public String getVersionString() { return mVersionString; } /** * Set the version string for VCARD * @param version the actual number part of the version string i.e. 1.0 * */ public void setVersionString(String version) { this.mVersionString = "VERSION:"+version; } public static BluetoothMapbMessage parse(InputStream bMsgStream, int appParamCharset) throws IllegalArgumentException{ BMsgReader reader; String line = ""; BluetoothMapbMessage newBMsg = null; boolean status = false; boolean statusFound = false; TYPE type = null; String folder = null; /* This section is used for debug. It will write the incoming message to a file on the * SD-card, hence should only be used for test/debug. * If an error occurs, it will result in a OBEX_HTTP_PRECON_FAILED to be send to the client, * even though the message might be formatted correctly, hence only enable this code for * test. */ if(V) { /* Read the entire stream into a file on the SD card*/ File sdCard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); File dir = new File (sdCard.getAbsolutePath() + "/bluetooth/log/"); dir.mkdirs(); File file = new File(dir, "receivedBMessage.txt"); FileOutputStream outStream = null; boolean failed = false; int writtenLen = 0; try { /* overwrite if it does already exist */ outStream = new FileOutputStream(file, false); byte[] buffer = new byte[4*1024]; int len = 0; while ((len = bMsgStream.read(buffer)) > 0) { outStream.write(buffer, 0, len); writtenLen += len; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG,"Unable to create output stream",e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG,"Failed to copy the received message",e); if(writtenLen != 0) failed = true; /* We failed to write the complete file, hence the received message is lost... */ } finally { if(outStream != null) try { outStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } /* Return if we corrupted the incoming bMessage. */ if(failed) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); /* terminate this function with an error. */ } if (outStream == null) { /* We failed to create the log-file, just continue using the original bMsgStream. */ } else { /* overwrite the bMsgStream using the file written to the SD-Card */ try { bMsgStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* Ignore if we cannot close the stream. */ } /* Open the file and overwrite bMsgStream to read from the file */ try { bMsgStream = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG,"Failed to open the bMessage file", e); /* terminate this function with an error */ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } Log.i(TAG, "The incoming bMessage have been dumped to " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } /* End of if(V) log-section */ reader = new BMsgReader(bMsgStream); reader.expect("BEGIN:BMSG"); reader.expect("VERSION"); line = reader.getLineEnforce(); // Parse the properties - which end with either a VCARD or a BENV while(!line.contains("BEGIN:VCARD") && !line.contains("BEGIN:BENV")) { if(line.contains("STATUS")){ String arg[] = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { if (arg[1].trim().equals("READ")) { status = true; } else if (arg[1].trim().equals("UNREAD")) { status =false; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong value in 'STATUS': " + arg[1]); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing value for 'STATUS': " + line); } } if(line.contains("EXTENDEDDATA")){ String arg[] = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { String value = arg[1].trim(); //FIXME what should we do with this Log.i(TAG,"We got extended data with: "+value); } } if(line.contains("TYPE")) { String arg[] = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { String value = arg[1].trim(); /* Will throw IllegalArgumentException if value is wrong */ type = TYPE.valueOf(value); if(appParamCharset == BluetoothMapAppParams.CHARSET_NATIVE && type != TYPE.SMS_CDMA && type != TYPE.SMS_GSM) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Native appParamsCharset " +"only supported for SMS"); } switch(type) { case SMS_CDMA: case SMS_GSM: newBMsg = new BluetoothMapbMessageSms(); break; case MMS: newBMsg = new BluetoothMapbMessageMime(); break; case EMAIL: newBMsg = new BluetoothMapbMessageEmail(); break; case IM: newBMsg = new BluetoothMapbMessageMime(); break; default: break; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing value for 'TYPE':" + line); } } if(line.contains("FOLDER")) { String[] arg = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { folder = arg[1].trim(); } // This can be empty for push message - hence ignore if there is no value } line = reader.getLineEnforce(); } if(newBMsg == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing bMessage TYPE: "+ "- unable to parse body-content"); newBMsg.setType(type); newBMsg.mAppParamCharset = appParamCharset; if(folder != null) newBMsg.setCompleteFolder(folder); if(statusFound) newBMsg.setStatus(status); // Now check for originator VCARDs while(line.contains("BEGIN:VCARD")){ if(D) Log.d(TAG,"Decoding vCard"); newBMsg.addOriginator(vCard.parseVcard(reader,0)); line = reader.getLineEnforce(); } if(line.contains("BEGIN:BENV")) { newBMsg.parseEnvelope(reader, 0); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bmessage has no BEGIN:BENV - line:" + line); /* TODO: Do we need to validate the END:* tags? They are only needed if someone puts * additional info below the END:MSG - in which case we don't handle it. * We need to parse the message based on the length field, to ensure MAP 1.0 * compatibility, since this spec. do not suggest to escape the end-tag if it * occurs inside the message text. */ try { bMsgStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* Ignore if we cannot close the stream. */ } return newBMsg; } private void parseEnvelope(BMsgReader reader, int level) { String line; line = reader.getLineEnforce(); if(D) Log.d(TAG,"Decoding envelope level " + level); while(line.contains("BEGIN:VCARD")){ if(D) Log.d(TAG,"Decoding recipient vCard level " + level); if(mRecipient == null) mRecipient = new ArrayList(1); mRecipient.add(vCard.parseVcard(reader, level)); line = reader.getLineEnforce(); } if(line.contains("BEGIN:BENV")) { if(D) Log.d(TAG,"Decoding nested envelope"); parseEnvelope(reader, ++level); // Nested BENV } if(line.contains("BEGIN:BBODY")){ if(D) Log.d(TAG,"Decoding bbody"); parseBody(reader); } } private void parseBody(BMsgReader reader) { String line; line = reader.getLineEnforce(); while(!line.contains("END:")) { if(line.contains("PARTID:")) { String arg[] = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { try { mPartId = Long.parseLong(arg[1].trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong value in 'PARTID': " + arg[1]); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing value for 'PARTID': " + line); } } else if(line.contains("ENCODING:")) { String arg[] = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { mEncoding = arg[1].trim(); // If needed validation will be done when the value is used } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing value for 'ENCODING': " + line); } } else if(line.contains("CHARSET:")) { String arg[] = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { mCharset = arg[1].trim(); // If needed validation will be done when the value is used } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing value for 'CHARSET': " + line); } } else if(line.contains("LANGUAGE:")) { String arg[] = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { mLanguage = arg[1].trim(); // If needed validation will be done when the value is used } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing value for 'LANGUAGE': " + line); } } else if(line.contains("LENGTH:")) { String arg[] = line.split(":"); if (arg != null && arg.length == 2) { try { mBMsgLength = Integer.parseInt(arg[1].trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong value in 'LENGTH': " + arg[1]); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing value for 'LENGTH': " + line); } } else if(line.contains("BEGIN:MSG")) { if(mBMsgLength == INVALID_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing value for 'LENGTH'. " + "Unable to read remaining part of the message"); /* For SMS: Encoding of MSG is always UTF-8 compliant, regardless of any properties, since PDUs are encodes as hex-strings */ /* PTS has a bug regarding the message length, and sets it 2 bytes too short, hence * using the length field to determine the amount of data to read, might not be the * best solution. * Since errata ???(bluetooth.org is down at the moment) introduced escaping of * END:MSG in the actual message content, it is now safe to use the END:MSG tag * as terminator, and simply ignore the length field.*/ /* 2 added to compensate for the removed \r\n */ byte[] rawData = reader.getDataBytes(mBMsgLength - (line.getBytes().length + 2)); String data; try { data = new String(rawData, "UTF-8"); if(V) { Log.v(TAG,"MsgLength: " + mBMsgLength); Log.v(TAG,"line.getBytes().length: " + line.getBytes().length); String debug = line.replaceAll("\\n", "\n"); debug = debug.replaceAll("\\r", ""); Log.v(TAG,"The line: \"" + debug + "\""); debug = data.replaceAll("\\n", "\n"); debug = debug.replaceAll("\\r", ""); Log.v(TAG,"The msgString: \"" + debug + "\""); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.w(TAG,e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to convert to UTF-8"); } /* Decoding of MSG: * 1) split on "\r\nEND:MSG\r\n" * 2) delete "BEGIN:MSG\r\n" for each msg * 3) replace any occurrence of "\END:MSG" with "END:MSG" * 4) based on charset from application properties either store as String[] or * decode to raw PDUs * */ String messages[] = data.split("\r\nEND:MSG\r\n"); parseMsgInit(); for(int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { messages[i] = messages[i].replaceFirst("^BEGIN:MSG\r\n", ""); messages[i] = messages[i].replaceAll("\r\n([/]*)/END\\:MSG", "\r\n$1END:MSG"); messages[i] = messages[i].trim(); parseMsgPart(messages[i]); } } line = reader.getLineEnforce(); } } /** * Parse the 'message' part of " * @param msgPart */ public abstract void parseMsgPart(String msgPart); /** * Set initial values before parsing - will be called is a message body is found * during parsing. */ public abstract void parseMsgInit(); public abstract byte[] encode() throws UnsupportedEncodingException; public void setStatus(boolean read) { if(read) this.mStatus = "READ"; else this.mStatus = "UNREAD"; } public void setType(TYPE type) { this.mType = type; } /** * @return the type */ public TYPE getType() { return mType; } public void setCompleteFolder(String folder) { this.mFolder = folder; } public void setFolder(String folder) { this.mFolder = "telecom/msg/" + folder; } public String getFolder() { return mFolder; } public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.mEncoding = encoding; } public ArrayList getOriginators() { return mOriginator; } public void addOriginator(vCard originator) { if(this.mOriginator == null) this.mOriginator = new ArrayList(); this.mOriginator.add(originator); } /** * Add a version 3.0 vCard with a formatted name * @param name e.g. Bonde;Casper * @param formattedName e.g. "Casper Bonde" * @param phoneNumbers * @param emailAddresses */ public void addOriginator(String name, String formattedName, String[] phoneNumbers, String[] emailAddresses, String[] btUids, String[] btUcis) { if(mOriginator == null) mOriginator = new ArrayList(); mOriginator.add(new vCard(name, formattedName, phoneNumbers, emailAddresses, btUids, btUcis)); } public void addOriginator(String[] btUcis, String[] btUids) { if(mOriginator == null) mOriginator = new ArrayList(); mOriginator.add(new vCard(null,null,null,null,btUids, btUcis)); } /** Add a version 2.1 vCard with only a name. * * @param name e.g. Bonde;Casper * @param phoneNumbers * @param emailAddresses */ public void addOriginator(String name, String[] phoneNumbers, String[] emailAddresses) { if(mOriginator == null) mOriginator = new ArrayList(); mOriginator.add(new vCard(name, phoneNumbers, emailAddresses)); } public ArrayList getRecipients() { return mRecipient; } public void setRecipient(vCard recipient) { if(this.mRecipient == null) this.mRecipient = new ArrayList(); this.mRecipient.add(recipient); } public void addRecipient(String[] btUcis, String[] btUids) { if(mRecipient == null) mRecipient = new ArrayList(); mRecipient.add(new vCard(null,null,null,null,btUids, btUcis)); } public void addRecipient(String name, String formattedName, String[] phoneNumbers, String[] emailAddresses, String[] btUids, String[] btUcis) { if(mRecipient == null) mRecipient = new ArrayList(); mRecipient.add(new vCard(name, formattedName, phoneNumbers, emailAddresses,btUids, btUcis)); } public void addRecipient(String name, String[] phoneNumbers, String[] emailAddresses) { if(mRecipient == null) mRecipient = new ArrayList(); mRecipient.add(new vCard(name, phoneNumbers, emailAddresses)); } /** * Convert a byte[] of data to a hex string representation, converting each nibble to the * corresponding hex char. * NOTE: There is not need to escape instances of "\r\nEND:MSG" in the binary data represented * as a string as only the characters [0-9] and [a-f] is used. * @param pduData the byte-array of data. * @param scAddressData the byte-array of the encoded sc-Address. * @return the resulting string. */ protected String encodeBinary(byte[] pduData, byte[] scAddressData) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder((pduData.length + scAddressData.length)*2); for(int i = 0; i < scAddressData.length; i++) { out.append(Integer.toString((scAddressData[i] >> 4) & 0x0f,16)); // MS-nibble first out.append(Integer.toString( scAddressData[i] & 0x0f,16)); } for(int i = 0; i < pduData.length; i++) { out.append(Integer.toString((pduData[i] >> 4) & 0x0f,16)); // MS-nibble first out.append(Integer.toString( pduData[i] & 0x0f,16)); /*out.append(Integer.toHexString(data[i]));*/ /* This is the same as above, but does not * include the needed 0's * e.g. it converts the value 3 to "3" * and not "03" */ } return out.toString(); } /** * Decodes a binary hex-string encoded UTF-8 string to the represented binary data set. * @param data The string representation of the data - must have an even number of characters. * @return the byte[] represented in the data. */ protected byte[] decodeBinary(String data) { byte[] out = new byte[data.length()/2]; String value; if(D) Log.d(TAG,"Decoding binary data: START:" + data + ":END"); for(int i = 0, j = 0, n = out.length; i < n; i++) { value = data.substring(j++, ++j); // same as data.substring(2*i, 2*i+1+1) - substring() uses end-1 for last index out[i] = (byte)(Integer.valueOf(value, 16) & 0xff); } if(D) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(out.length); for(int i = 0, n = out.length; i < n; i++) { sb.append(String.format("%02X",out[i] & 0xff)); } Log.d(TAG,"Decoded binary data: START:" + sb.toString() + ":END"); } return out; } public byte[] encodeGeneric(ArrayList bodyFragments) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); byte[] msgStart, msgEnd; sb.append("BEGIN:BMSG").append("\r\n"); sb.append(mVersionString).append("\r\n"); sb.append("STATUS:").append(mStatus).append("\r\n"); sb.append("TYPE:").append(mType.name()).append("\r\n"); if(mFolder.length() > 512) sb.append("FOLDER:").append( mFolder.substring(mFolder.length()-512, mFolder.length())).append("\r\n"); else sb.append("FOLDER:").append(mFolder).append("\r\n"); if(!mVersionString.contains("1.0")){ sb.append("EXTENDEDDATA:").append("\r\n"); } if(mOriginator != null){ for(vCard element : mOriginator) element.encode(sb); } /* If we need the three levels of env. at some point - we do have a level in the * vCards that could be used to determine the levels of the envelope. */ sb.append("BEGIN:BENV").append("\r\n"); if(mRecipient != null){ for(vCard element : mRecipient) { if(V) Log.v(TAG, "encodeGeneric: recipient email" + element.getFirstEmail()); element.encode(sb); } } sb.append("BEGIN:BBODY").append("\r\n"); if(mEncoding != null && mEncoding != "") sb.append("ENCODING:").append(mEncoding).append("\r\n"); if(mCharset != null && mCharset != "") sb.append("CHARSET:").append(mCharset).append("\r\n"); int length = 0; /* 22 is the length of the 'BEGIN:MSG' and 'END:MSG' + 3*CRLF */ for (byte[] fragment : bodyFragments) { length += fragment.length + 22; } sb.append("LENGTH:").append(length).append("\r\n"); // Extract the initial part of the bMessage string msgStart = sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); sb = new StringBuilder(31); sb.append("END:BBODY").append("\r\n"); sb.append("END:BENV").append("\r\n"); sb.append("END:BMSG").append("\r\n"); msgEnd = sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); try { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream( msgStart.length + msgEnd.length + length); stream.write(msgStart); for (byte[] fragment : bodyFragments) { stream.write("BEGIN:MSG\r\n".getBytes("UTF-8")); stream.write(fragment); stream.write("\r\nEND:MSG\r\n".getBytes("UTF-8")); } stream.write(msgEnd); if(V) Log.v(TAG,stream.toString("UTF-8")); return stream.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG,e); return null; } } }