/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.calendar; import com.android.calendar.Utils; import com.android.calendar.CalendarUtils.TimeZoneUtils; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException; import android.database.MatrixCursor; import android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarCache; import android.test.mock.MockResources; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Smoke; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.format.Time; import android.text.style.URLSpan; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Test class for verifying helper functions in Calendar's Utils * * You can run these tests with the following command: * "adb shell am instrument -w -e class com.android.calendar.UtilsTests * com.android.calendar.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner" */ public class UtilsTests extends TestCase { HashMap mIsDuplicateName; HashMap mIsDuplicateNameExpected; MatrixCursor mDuplicateNameCursor; private DbTestUtils dbUtils; private final TimeZoneUtils timezoneUtils = new TimeZoneUtils(Utils.SHARED_PREFS_NAME); private static final int NAME_COLUMN = 0; private static final String[] DUPLICATE_NAME_COLUMNS = new String[] { "name" }; private static final String[][] DUPLICATE_NAMES = new String[][] { {"Pepper Pots"}, {"Green Goblin"}, {"Pepper Pots"}, {"Peter Parker"}, {"Silver Surfer"}, {"John Jameson"}, {"John Jameson"}, {"Pepper Pots"} }; // First date is Thursday, Jan 1st, 1970. private static final int[] JULIAN_DAYS = {2440588, 2440589, 2440590, 2440591, 2440592, 2440593, 2440594, 2440595, 2440596, 2440597, 2440598, 2440599, 2440600, 2440601 }; private static final int[] EXPECTED_WEEK_MONDAY_START = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 }; private static final int[] EXPECTED_WEEK_SUNDAY_START = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 }; private static final int[] EXPECTED_WEEK_SATURDAY_START = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }; private static final int[] WEEKS_FOR_JULIAN_MONDAYS = {1, 2}; private static final int[] EXPECTED_JULIAN_MONDAYS = {2440592, 2440599}; private static final int NOW_MONTH = 3; // April private static final int NOW_DAY = 10; private static final int NOW_YEAR = 2012; private static final long NOW_TIME = createTimeInMillis(5, 5, 5, NOW_DAY, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); private static final String DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = Time.getCurrentTimezone(); /** * Mock resources. Add translation strings for test here. */ private static class ResourcesForTest extends MockResources { @Override public String getString(int id) { if (id == R.string.today) { return "Today"; } if (id == R.string.tomorrow) { return "Tomorrow"; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected resource ID: " + id); } @Override public String getString(int id, Object... formatArgs) { if (id == R.string.today_at_time_fmt) { return String.format("Today at %s", formatArgs); } if (id == R.string.tomorrow_at_time_fmt) { return String.format("Tomorrow at %s", formatArgs); } if (id == R.string.date_time_fmt) { return String.format("%s, %s", formatArgs); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected resource ID: " + id); } @Override public Configuration getConfiguration() { Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.locale = Locale.getDefault(); return config; } @Override public DisplayMetrics getDisplayMetrics(){ DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); metrics.density = 2.0f; return metrics; } } private static long createTimeInMillis(int second, int minute, int hour, int monthDay, int month, int year) { return createTimeInMillis(second, minute, hour, monthDay, month, year, Time.getCurrentTimezone()); } private static long createTimeInMillis(int second, int minute, int hour, int monthDay, int month, int year, String timezone) { Time t = new Time(timezone); t.set(second, minute, hour, monthDay, month, year); t.normalize(false); return t.toMillis(false); } private void setTimezone(String tz) { timezoneUtils.setTimeZone(dbUtils.getContext(), tz); } @Override public void setUp() { mIsDuplicateName = new HashMap (); mDuplicateNameCursor = new MatrixCursor(DUPLICATE_NAME_COLUMNS); for (int i = 0; i < DUPLICATE_NAMES.length; i++) { mDuplicateNameCursor.addRow(DUPLICATE_NAMES[i]); } mIsDuplicateNameExpected = new HashMap (); mIsDuplicateNameExpected.put("Pepper Pots", true); mIsDuplicateNameExpected.put("Green Goblin", false); mIsDuplicateNameExpected.put("Peter Parker", false); mIsDuplicateNameExpected.put("Silver Surfer", false); mIsDuplicateNameExpected.put("John Jameson", true); // Set up fake db. dbUtils = new DbTestUtils(new ResourcesForTest()); dbUtils.getContentResolver().addProvider("settings", dbUtils.getContentProvider()); dbUtils.getContentResolver().addProvider(CalendarCache.URI.getAuthority(), dbUtils.getContentProvider()); setTimezone(DEFAULT_TIMEZONE); } @Override public void tearDown() { mDuplicateNameCursor.close(); // Must reset the timezone here, because even though the fake provider will be // recreated/cleared, TimeZoneUtils statically holds on to a cached value. setTimezone(Time.getCurrentTimezone()); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testCheckForDuplicateNames() { Utils.checkForDuplicateNames(mIsDuplicateName, mDuplicateNameCursor, NAME_COLUMN); assertEquals(mIsDuplicateNameExpected, mIsDuplicateName); } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testGetWeeksSinceEpochFromJulianDay() { for (int i = 0; i < JULIAN_DAYS.length; i++) { assertEquals(EXPECTED_WEEK_MONDAY_START[i], Utils.getWeeksSinceEpochFromJulianDay(JULIAN_DAYS[i], Time.MONDAY)); assertEquals(EXPECTED_WEEK_SUNDAY_START[i], Utils.getWeeksSinceEpochFromJulianDay(JULIAN_DAYS[i], Time.SUNDAY)); assertEquals(EXPECTED_WEEK_SATURDAY_START[i], Utils.getWeeksSinceEpochFromJulianDay(JULIAN_DAYS[i], Time.SATURDAY)); } } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testGetJulianMondayFromWeeksSinceEpoch() { for (int i = 0; i < WEEKS_FOR_JULIAN_MONDAYS.length; i++) { assertEquals(EXPECTED_JULIAN_MONDAYS[i], Utils.getJulianMondayFromWeeksSinceEpoch(WEEKS_FOR_JULIAN_MONDAYS[i])); } } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testEquals() { assertTrue(Utils.equals(null, null)); assertFalse(Utils.equals("", null)); assertFalse(Utils.equals(null, "")); assertTrue(Utils.equals("","")); Integer int1 = new Integer(1); Integer int2 = new Integer(1); assertTrue(Utils.equals(int1, int2)); } // Helper function to create test events for BusyBits testing Event buildTestEvent(int startTime, int endTime, boolean allDay, int startDay, int endDay) { Event e = new Event(); e.startTime = startTime; e.endTime = endTime; e.allDay = allDay; e.startDay = startDay; e.endDay = endDay; e.startMillis = e.startDay * 1000L * 3600L * 24L + e.startTime * 60L * 1000L; e.endMillis = e.endDay * 1000L * 3600L * 24L + e.endTime * 60L * 1000L; return e; } @Smoke @SmallTest public void testCreateBusyBitSegments() { /* ArrayList events = new ArrayList(); // Test cases that should return null // Empty events list assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(10, 30, 100, 200, 0, events)); // No events list assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(10, 30, 100, 200, 0, null)); events.add(buildTestEvent(100, 130, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(1000, 1030, false, 1, 1)); // Illegal pixel positions assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(30, 10, 100, 200, 1, events)); // Illegal start and end times assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(10, 30, 200, 100, 1, events)); assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(10, 30, -10, 100, 1, events)); assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(10, 30, 24 * 60 + 100, 24 * 60 + 200, 1, events)); assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(10, 30, 200, 24 * 60 + 100, 1, events)); assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(10, 30, 200, -100, 1, events)); // No Events in time frame assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(10, 30, 500, 900, 1, events)); // Test event that spans over the day events.clear(); events.add(buildTestEvent(100, 300, false, 1, 5)); ArrayList segments = new ArrayList(); assertEquals(null, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(0, 250, 200, 1200, 3, events)); // test zero times events, events that are partially in the time span // and all day events events.clear(); events.add(buildTestEvent(100, 300, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(1100, 1300, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(500, 600, true, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(700, 700, false, 1, 1)); segments.clear(); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(0, 10, false)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(90, 100, false)); assertEquals(segments, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(0, 100, 200, 1200, 1, events)); // Test event that spans over 2 days but start and end time do not // overlap fully with tested time span events.clear(); events.add(buildTestEvent(23 * 60, 120, false, 1, 2)); segments.clear(); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(0, 120, false)); assertEquals(segments, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(0, 240, 60, 180, 2, events)); // Test overlapped events (two draw sizes) events.clear(); events.add(buildTestEvent(10, 200, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(150, 250, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(150, 250, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(200, 400, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(500, 700, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(550, 600, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(550, 580, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(560, 570, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(600, 700, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(620, 700, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(650, 700, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(800, 900, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(800, 900, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(800, 850, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(1000, 1200, false, 1, 1)); events.add(buildTestEvent(1000, 1200, false, 1, 1)); segments.clear(); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(100, 149, false)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(150, 250, true)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(251, 400, false)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(500, 549, false)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(550, 700, true)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(800, 900, true)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(1000, 1100, true)); assertEquals(segments, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(100, 1100, 100, 1100, 1, events)); segments.clear(); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(100, 111, false)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(112, 137, true)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(138, 175, false)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(200, 211, false)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(212, 250, true)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(275, 300, true)); segments.add(new BusyBitsSegment(325, 350, true)); assertEquals(segments, Utils.createBusyBitSegments(100, 350, 100, 1100, 1, events)); */ } /** * Tests the findNanpPhoneNumbers function. */ @SmallTest public void testFindNanpPhoneNumber() { final String[] NO_NUMBERS = new String[] {}; findPhoneNumber("", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber(" ", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("123", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("how much wood", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("abc1-650-555-1212", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("abc 5551212 def", new String[] { "5551212" }); findPhoneNumber("1234567", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber(" 2345678 ", new String[] { "2345678" }); findPhoneNumber("1234567890", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("12345678901", new String[] { "12345678901" }); findPhoneNumber("123456789012", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("+1-555-1212", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("+1 (650) 555-1212", new String[] { "+1 (650) 555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("(650) 555-1212, (650) 555-1213", new String[] { "(650) 555-1212", "(650) 555-1213" }); findPhoneNumber("Call 555-1212, 555-1213 and also 555-1214.", new String[] { "555-1212", "555-1213", "555-1214." }); findPhoneNumber("555-1212,555-1213,555-1214", new String[] { "555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("123 (650) 555-1212", new String[] { "(650) 555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("1-650-555-1212", new String[] { "1-650-555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("1650-555-1212", new String[] { "1650-555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("1650 555-1212", new String[] { "1650 555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("1650/555-1212", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("1650-555 1212", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("8-650-555-1212", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("8 650-555-1212", new String[] { "650-555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("650.555.1212", new String[] { "650.555.1212" }); findPhoneNumber(" *#650.555.1212#*!", new String[] { "*#650.555.1212#*" }); findPhoneNumber("555.1212", new String[] { "555.1212" }); findPhoneNumber("6505551212 x123, 555-1212", new String[] { "6505551212", "555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("6505551212x123", new String[] { "6505551212" }); findPhoneNumber("http://example.com/6505551212/", NO_NUMBERS); findPhoneNumber("Mountain View, CA 94043 (650) 555-1212", new String[]{ "(650) 555-1212" }); findPhoneNumber("New York, NY 10001-0001", NO_NUMBERS); } /** * Finds the numbers in a block of text, and checks to see if the positions of the numbers * match the expected values. * * @param text The text to search. * @param matches Pairs of start/end positions. */ private static void findPhoneNumber(String text, String[] matches) { int[] results = Utils.findNanpPhoneNumbers(text); assertEquals(0, results.length % 2); if (results.length / 2 != matches.length) { fail("Text '" + text + "': expected " + matches.length + " matches, found " + results.length / 2); } for (int i = 0; i < results.length / 2; i++) { CharSequence seq = text.subSequence(results[i*2], results[i*2 + 1]); assertEquals(matches[i], seq); } } /** * Tests the linkify section of event locations. */ @SmallTest public void testExtendedLinkify() { final URLSpan[] NO_LINKS = new URLSpan[] {}; URLSpan span_tel01 = new URLSpan("tel:6505551234"); URLSpan span_tel02 = new URLSpan("tel:5555678"); URLSpan span_tel03 = new URLSpan("tel:+16505551234"); URLSpan span_tel04 = new URLSpan("tel:16505551234"); URLSpan span_web = new URLSpan("http://www.google.com"); URLSpan span_geo01 = new URLSpan("geo:0,0?q=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway%2C+Mountain+View+CA+94043"); URLSpan span_geo02 = new URLSpan("geo:0,0?q=37.422081°, -122.084576°"); URLSpan span_geo03 = new URLSpan("geo:0,0?q=37.422081,-122.084576"); URLSpan span_geo04 = new URLSpan("geo:0,0?q=+37°25'19.49\", -122°5'4.47\""); URLSpan span_geo05 = new URLSpan("geo:0,0?q=37°25'19.49\"N, 122°5'4.47\"W"); URLSpan span_geo06 = new URLSpan("geo:0,0?q=N 37° 25' 19.49\", W 122° 5' 4.47\""); URLSpan span_geo07 = new URLSpan("geo:0,0?q=non-specified address"); // First test without the last-ditch geo attempt. // Phone spans. findLinks("", NO_LINKS, false); findLinks("(650) 555-1234", new URLSpan[]{span_tel01}, false); findLinks("94043", NO_LINKS, false); findLinks("123456789012", NO_LINKS, false); findLinks("+1 (650) 555-1234", new URLSpan[]{span_tel03}, false); findLinks("(650) 555 1234", new URLSpan[]{span_tel01}, false); findLinks("1-650-555-1234", new URLSpan[]{span_tel04}, false); findLinks("*#650.555.1234#*!", new URLSpan[]{span_tel01}, false); findLinks("555.5678", new URLSpan[]{span_tel02}, false); // Web spans. findLinks("http://www.google.com", new URLSpan[]{span_web}, false); // Geo spans. findLinks("1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View CA 94043", new URLSpan[]{span_geo01}, false); findLinks("37.422081°, -122.084576°", new URLSpan[]{span_geo02}, false); findLinks("37.422081,-122.084576", new URLSpan[]{span_geo03}, false); findLinks("+37°25'19.49\", -122°5'4.47\"", new URLSpan[]{span_geo04}, false); findLinks("37°25'19.49\"N, 122°5'4.47\"W", new URLSpan[]{span_geo05}, false); findLinks("N 37° 25' 19.49\", W 122° 5' 4.47\"", new URLSpan[]{span_geo06}, false); // Multiple spans. findLinks("(650) 555-1234 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View CA 94043", new URLSpan[]{span_tel01, span_geo01}, false); findLinks("(650) 555-1234, 555-5678", new URLSpan[]{span_tel01, span_tel02}, false); // Now test using the last-ditch geo attempt. findLinks("", NO_LINKS, true); findLinks("(650) 555-1234", new URLSpan[]{span_tel01}, true); findLinks("http://www.google.com", new URLSpan[]{span_web}, true); findLinks("1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View CA 94043", new URLSpan[]{span_geo01}, true); findLinks("37.422081°, -122.084576°", new URLSpan[]{span_geo02}, true); findLinks("37.422081,-122.084576", new URLSpan[]{span_geo03}, true); findLinks("+37°25'19.49\", -122°5'4.47\"", new URLSpan[]{span_geo04}, true); findLinks("37°25'19.49\"N, 122°5'4.47\"W", new URLSpan[]{span_geo05}, true); findLinks("N 37° 25' 19.49\", W 122° 5' 4.47\"", new URLSpan[]{span_geo06}, true); findLinks("non-specified address", new URLSpan[]{span_geo07}, true); } private static void findLinks(String text, URLSpan[] matches, boolean lastDitchGeo) { Spannable spanText = Utils.extendedLinkify(text, lastDitchGeo); URLSpan[] spansFound = spanText.getSpans(0, spanText.length(), URLSpan.class); assertEquals(matches.length, spansFound.length); // Make sure the expected matches list of URLs is the same as that returned by linkify. ArrayList matchesArrayList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(matches)); for (URLSpan spanFound : spansFound) { Iterator matchesIt = matchesArrayList.iterator(); boolean removed = false; while (matchesIt.hasNext()) { URLSpan match = matchesIt.next(); if (match.getURL().equals(spanFound.getURL())) { matchesIt.remove(); removed = true; break; } } if (!removed) { // If a match was not found for the current spanFound, the lists aren't equal. fail("No match found for span: "+spanFound.getURL()); } } // As a sanity check, ensure the matches list is empty, as each item should have been // removed by going through the spans returned by linkify. assertTrue(matchesArrayList.isEmpty()); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_differentYear() { // 4/12/2000 5pm - 4/12/2000 6pm long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, 12, 3, 2000); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 18, 12, 3, 2000); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 5:00PM \u2013 6:00PM", result); // 12/31/2012 5pm - 1/1/2013 6pm start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, 31, 11, 2012); end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 18, 1, 0, 2013); result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Mon, Dec 31, 2012, 5:00PM – Tue, Jan 1, 2013, 6:00PM", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_sameYear() { // 4/12/2012 5pm - 4/12/2012 6pm long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, 12, 3, 2012); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 18, 12, 3, 2012); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Thursday, April 12, 2012, 5:00PM \u2013 6:00PM", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_today() { // 4/10/2012 5pm - 4/10/2012 6pm long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, NOW_DAY, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 18, NOW_DAY, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Today at 5:00PM \u2013 6:00PM", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_todayMidnight() { // 4/10/2012 5pm - 4/11/2012 12am long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, NOW_DAY, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, NOW_DAY + 1, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Today at 5:00PM \u2013 midnight", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_tomorrow() { // 4/11/2012 12:01AM - 4/11/2012 11:59pm long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 1, 0, NOW_DAY + 1, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 59, 23, NOW_DAY + 1, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Tomorrow at 12:01AM \u2013 11:59PM", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_yesterday() { // 4/9/2012 5pm - 4/9/2012 6pm long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, 9, 3, 2012); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 18, 9, 3, 2012); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Monday, April 9, 2012, 5:00PM \u2013 6:00PM", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_multiDay() { // 4/10/2012 12:01AM - 4/11/2012 12:01AM long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 1, 0, NOW_DAY, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 1, 0, NOW_DAY + 1, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Tue, Apr 10, 2012, 12:01AM \u2013 Wed, Apr 11, 2012, 12:01AM", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_allDay() { // 4/2/2012 12:00AM - 4/3/2012 12:00AM long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, 2, 3, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, 3, 3, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, true, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Monday, April 2, 2012", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_allDayToday() { // 4/10/2012 12:00AM - 4/11/2012 12:00AM long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, NOW_DAY, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, NOW_DAY + 1, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, true, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Today", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_allDayMultiday() { // 4/10/2012 12:00AM - 4/13/2012 12:00AM long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, NOW_DAY, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, NOW_DAY + 3, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, true, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Tuesday, April 10, 2012 \u2013 Thursday, April 12, 2012", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_differentTimezone() { String localTz = "America/New_York"; String eventTz = "America/Los_Angeles"; setTimezone(localTz); // 4/12/2012 5pm - 4/12/2012 6pm (Pacific) long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, 12, 3, 2012, eventTz); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 18, 12, 3, 2012, eventTz); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, localTz, false, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Thursday, April 12, 2012, 8:00PM \u2013 9:00PM", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_allDayDiffTimezone() { String localTz = "America/New_York"; setTimezone(localTz); // 4/2/2012 12:00AM - 4/3/2012 12:00AM long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, 2, 3, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, 3, 3, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, localTz, true, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Monday, April 2, 2012", result); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedDatetime_allDayTomorrowDiffTimezone() { String localTz = "America/New_York"; setTimezone(localTz); // 4/2/2012 12:00AM - 4/3/2012 12:00AM long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, NOW_DAY + 1, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); long end = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 0, NOW_DAY + 2, NOW_MONTH, NOW_YEAR, Time.TIMEZONE_UTC); String result = Utils.getDisplayedDatetime(start, end, NOW_TIME, localTz, true, dbUtils.getContext()); assertEquals("Tomorrow", result); } // TODO: add tests for army time. @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedTimezone_sameTimezone() { String localTz = "America/New_York"; setTimezone(localTz); // 4/12/2012 5pm long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, 12, 3, 2012, localTz); assertNull(Utils.getDisplayedTimezone(start, localTz, localTz)); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedTimezone_differentTimezone() { String localTz = "America/New_York"; String eventTz = "America/Los_Angeles"; setTimezone(localTz); // 1/12/2012 5pm (not daylight savings) long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, 12, 0, 2012, eventTz); assertEquals("EST", Utils.getDisplayedTimezone(start, localTz, eventTz)); } @SmallTest public void testGetDisplayedTimezone_differentTimezoneDst() { String localTz = "America/New_York"; String eventTz = "America/Los_Angeles"; setTimezone(localTz); // 4/12/2012 5pm (daylight savings) long start = createTimeInMillis(0, 0, 17, 12, 3, 2012, eventTz); assertEquals("EDT", Utils.getDisplayedTimezone(start, localTz, eventTz)); } }