/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.messaging.datamodel; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import com.android.ex.photo.provider.PhotoContract.PhotoViewColumns; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.DatabaseHelper.MessageColumns; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.DatabaseHelper.PartColumns; import com.android.messaging.datamodel.DatabaseHelper.ParticipantColumns; import com.android.messaging.util.ContentType; /** * View for the image parts for the conversation. It is used to provide the photoviewer with a * a data source for all the photos in a conversation, so that the photoviewer can support paging * through all the photos of the conversation. The columns of the view are a superset of * {@link com.android.ex.photo.provider.PhotoContract.PhotoViewColumns}. */ public class ConversationImagePartsView { private static final String VIEW_NAME = "conversation_image_parts_view"; private static final String CREATE_SQL = "CREATE VIEW " + VIEW_NAME + " AS SELECT " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.CONVERSATION_ID + " as " + Columns.CONVERSATION_ID + ", " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + '.' + PartColumns.CONTENT_URI + " as " + Columns.URI + ", " + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.FULL_NAME + " as " + Columns.SENDER_FULL_NAME + ", " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + '.' + PartColumns.CONTENT_URI + " as " + Columns.CONTENT_URI + ", " // Use NULL as the thumbnail uri + " NULL as " + Columns.THUMBNAIL_URI + ", " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + '.' + PartColumns.CONTENT_TYPE + " as " + Columns.CONTENT_TYPE + ", " // // Columns in addition to those specified by PhotoContract // + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns.DISPLAY_DESTINATION + " as " + Columns.DISPLAY_DESTINATION + ", " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP + " as " + Columns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP + ", " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.STATUS + " as " + Columns.STATUS + " " + " FROM " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + " LEFT JOIN " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + " ON (" + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + "." + MessageColumns._ID + "=" + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + "." + PartColumns.MESSAGE_ID + ") " + " LEFT JOIN " + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + " ON (" + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.SENDER_PARTICIPANT_ID + '=' + DatabaseHelper.PARTICIPANTS_TABLE + '.' + ParticipantColumns._ID + ")" // "content_type like 'image/%'" + " WHERE " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + "." + PartColumns.CONTENT_TYPE + " like '" + ContentType.IMAGE_PREFIX + "%'" + " ORDER BY " + DatabaseHelper.MESSAGES_TABLE + '.' + MessageColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP + " ASC, " + DatabaseHelper.PARTS_TABLE + '.' + PartColumns._ID + " ASC"; static class Columns implements BaseColumns { static final String CONVERSATION_ID = MessageColumns.CONVERSATION_ID; static final String URI = PhotoViewColumns.URI; static final String SENDER_FULL_NAME = PhotoViewColumns.NAME; static final String CONTENT_URI = PhotoViewColumns.CONTENT_URI; static final String THUMBNAIL_URI = PhotoViewColumns.THUMBNAIL_URI; static final String CONTENT_TYPE = PhotoViewColumns.CONTENT_TYPE; // Columns in addition to those specified by PhotoContract static final String DISPLAY_DESTINATION = ParticipantColumns.DISPLAY_DESTINATION; static final String RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP = MessageColumns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP; static final String STATUS = MessageColumns.STATUS; } public interface PhotoViewQuery { public final String[] PROJECTION = { PhotoViewColumns.URI, PhotoViewColumns.NAME, PhotoViewColumns.CONTENT_URI, PhotoViewColumns.THUMBNAIL_URI, PhotoViewColumns.CONTENT_TYPE, // Columns in addition to those specified by PhotoContract Columns.DISPLAY_DESTINATION, Columns.RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP, Columns.STATUS, }; public final int INDEX_URI = 0; public final int INDEX_SENDER_FULL_NAME = 1; public final int INDEX_CONTENT_URI = 2; public final int INDEX_THUMBNAIL_URI = 3; public final int INDEX_CONTENT_TYPE = 4; // Columns in addition to those specified by PhotoContract public final int INDEX_DISPLAY_DESTINATION = 5; public final int INDEX_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMP = 6; public final int INDEX_STATUS = 7; } static final String getViewName() { return VIEW_NAME; } static final String getCreateSql() { return CREATE_SQL; } }