/external/clang/test/Index/ |
H A D | index-refs.cpp | 3 extern int gx; 11 NS::MyInt NS::gx = EnumVal; member in class:NS 74 // CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: variable | name: gx 78 // CHECK-NEXT: [indexDeclaration]: kind: variable | name: gx
/external/opencv3/modules/imgproc/src/opencl/ |
H A D | threshold.cl | 58 int gx = get_global_id(0); 61 if (gx < cols) 63 int src_index = mad24(gy, src_step, mad24(gx, (int)sizeof(T), src_offset)); 64 int dst_index = mad24(gy, dst_step, mad24(gx, (int)sizeof(T), dst_offset));
H A D | remap.cl | 139 #define NEED_EXTRAPOLATION(gx, gy) (gx >= src_cols || gy >= src_rows || gx < 0 || gy < 0) 169 int gx = convert_int_sat_rte(map1[0]); 172 if (NEED_EXTRAPOLATION(gx, gy)) 175 int2 gxy = (int2)(gx, gy); 183 int src_index = mad24(gy, src_step, mad24(gx, TSIZE, src_offset)); 213 int gx = gxy.x, gy = gxy.y; 215 if (NEED_EXTRAPOLATION(gx, gy)) 223 int src_index = mad24(gy, src_step, mad24(gx, TSIZ [all...] |
/external/v8/test/mjsunit/compiler/ |
H A D | escape-analysis-arguments.js | 93 return { gx : g.arguments[0], hx : h.arguments[0] }; 107 assertEquals(2, r.gx.x) 108 assertEquals(4, r.gx.y.z) 111 assertEquals(3, r.gx.y.z) 127 return { gx : g.arguments[0], hx : h.arguments[0] }; 141 assertEquals(2, r.gx.x) 142 assertEquals(4, r.gx.y.z) 145 assertEquals(3, r.gx.y.z)
/external/libvpx/libvpx/vpx_dsp/ |
H A D | fastssim.c | 239 unsigned gx; \ 241 gx = gx_buf[((j + (_joffs)) & 7) * stride + i + (_ioffs)]; \ 243 col_sums_gx2[(_col)] = gx * (double)gx; \ 245 col_sums_gxgy[(_col)] = gx * (double)gy; \ 251 unsigned gx; \ 253 gx = gx_buf[((j + (_joffs)) & 7) * stride + i + (_ioffs)]; \ 255 col_sums_gx2[(_col)] += gx * (double)gx; \ 257 col_sums_gxgy[(_col)] += gx * (doubl 327 unsigned gx; local [all...] |
/external/bison/build-aux/ |
H A D | update-b4-copyright | 52 while (/($old_re)/gx) 88 /$1-$3/gx;
/external/skia/tests/ |
H A D | PathOpsSimplifyQuadThreadedTest.cpp | 34 int gx = g & 0x03; local 48 path.quadTo(SkIntToScalar(gx), SkIntToScalar(gy), 63 str += sprintf(str, " path.quadTo(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", gx, gy, hx, hy);
H A D | PathOpsSimplifyQuadralateralsThreadedTest.cpp | 34 int gx = g & 0x03; local 48 path.lineTo(SkIntToScalar(gx), SkIntToScalar(gy)); 61 str += sprintf(str, " path.lineTo(%d, %d);\n", gx, gy);
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-bullet/jni/src/bullet/BulletSoftBody/ |
H A D | btSparseSDF.h | 217 const btScalar gx[]={ d[1]-d[0],d[2]-d[3], local 223 normal.setX(Lerp( Lerp(gx[0],gx[1],iy.f), 224 Lerp(gx[2],gx[3],iy.f),iz.f));
/external/opencv3/modules/calib3d/src/opencl/ |
H A D | stereobm.cl | 147 int gx = get_global_id(1) * BLOCK_SIZE_X; 171 int x = gx + shiftX, y = gy + shiftY, lx = 0, ly = 0; 226 int dispIdx = mad24(gy, disp_step, mad24((int)sizeof(short), gx, disp_offset)); 236 x = (lx < BLOCK_SIZE_X) ? gx + shiftX + lx : cols; 261 dispIdx = mad24(gy + ly, disp_step, mad24((int)sizeof(short), (gx + lx), disp_offset));
/external/opencv3/modules/photo/src/ |
H A D | seamless_cloning.hpp | 76 void computeGradientX(const cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &gx);
H A D | seamless_cloning_impl.cpp | 48 void Cloning::computeGradientX( const Mat &img, Mat &gx) argument 56 filter2D(img, gx, CV_32F, kernel); 65 merge(tmp, 3, gx);
H A D | npr.hpp | 60 void getGradientx( const Mat &img, Mat &gx); 103 void Domain_Filter::getGradientx( const Mat &img, Mat &gx) argument 113 gx.at<float>(i,j*channel+c) =
/external/sl4a/ScriptingLayerForAndroid/src/de/mud/terminal/ |
H A D | vt320.java | 207 gx = new char[4]; 769 char gx[]; field in class:vt320 1821 switch (gx[thisgl]) { 1847 debug("Unsupported GL mapping: " + gx[thisgl]); 1852 switch (gx[gr]) { 1865 debug("Unsupported GR mapping: " + gx[gr]); 2089 Sgx[i] = gx[i]; 2102 gx[i] = Sgx[i]; 2186 gx[0] = c; 2197 gx[ [all...] |
/external/opencv3/samples/python2/ |
H A D | digits.py | 129 gx = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0) 131 mag, ang = cv2.cartToPolar(gx, gy)
/external/valgrind/coregrind/m_debuginfo/ |
H A D | d3basics.c | 950 GXResult ML_(evaluate_GX)( const GExpr* gx, const GExpr* fbGX, argument 958 const UChar* p = &gx->payload[0]; 1022 GXResult ML_(evaluate_trivial_GX)( const GExpr* gx, const DebugInfo* di ) argument 1032 const UChar* p = &gx->payload[0]; /* must remain unsigned */ 1119 ML_(pp_GX)( gx ); 1199 void ML_(pp_GX) ( const GExpr* gx ) 1204 const UChar* p = &gx->payload[0];
H A D | priv_d3basics.h | 623 void ML_(pp_GX) ( const GExpr* gx ); 650 /* Evaluate a guarded expression. If regs is NULL, then gx is assumed 653 to True (iow, gx is a single unconditional expression). If regs is 660 NULL but the frame base is still needed, then evaluation of gx as a 662 GXResult ML_(evaluate_GX)( const GExpr* gx, const GExpr* fbGX, 684 GXResult ML_(evaluate_trivial_GX)( const GExpr* gx, const DebugInfo* di );
H A D | readdwarf3.c | 588 static void bias_GX ( /*MOD*/GExpr* gx, const DebugInfo* di ) argument 591 UChar* p = &gx->payload[0]; 622 GExpr* gx; local 633 gx = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.readdwarf3.msGX.1", 636 p = pstart = &gx->payload[0]; 647 vg_assert( &gx->payload[bytesReqd] 648 == ((UChar*)gx) + sizeof(GExpr) + bytesReqd ); 650 return gx; 662 GExpr* gx; local 748 gx [all...] |
/external/libgdx/gdx/src/com/badlogic/gdx/graphics/g2d/ |
H A D | BitmapFontCache.java | 376 float gx = x + run.x, gy = y + run.y; 379 gx += xAdvances.get(ii); 380 addGlyph(glyph, gx, gy, color);
/external/deqp/framework/randomshaders/ |
H A D | rsgProgramExecutor.cpp | 198 float gx = ((float)x + 0.5f) / cellWidth; local 200 return tcu::Vec2(deFloatFrac(gx), deFloatFrac(gy));
/external/opencv3/modules/imgproc/src/ |
H A D | lsd.cpp | 567 double gx = DA + BC; // gradient x component local 569 double norm = std::sqrt((gx * gx + gy * gy) / 4); // gradient norm 579 angles_data[addr] = fastAtan2(float(gx), float(-gy)) * DEG_TO_RADS; // gradient angle computation
/external/v8/tools/profviz/ |
H A D | gnuplot-4.6.3-emscripten.js | [all...] |
/external/ImageMagick/MagickCore/ |
H A D | distort.c | 1976 (void) FormatLocaleString(image_gen, MagickPathExtent," -size %.20gx%.20g " 2631 double r,fx,fy,gx,gy; 2639 gx = ((3*coeff[0]*r + 2*coeff[1])*r + coeff[2])/r; 2644 gx *= -fx*fx; gy *= -fy*fy; 2650 gx*d.x*d.x + fx, gx*d.x*d.y, 2625 double r,fx,fy,gx,gy; local
/external/clang/test/SemaCXX/ |
H A D | constant-expression-cxx11.cpp | 1370 mutable G::X gx; // expected-note {{here}}
/external/webrtc/talk/media/testdata/ |
H A D | voice.rtpdump | 14 ��pjL��>+/O�_43f��oFZ���ZNhɿ��ĺ��LJ\\JKc������MLQ������������N87=D<6;_��gU���YCL���z�Ż������WOs�`RX��������bJN|�bh���U?<?D?=Eg�����������XW�������{Ze���\mɻ���� � � W� 9��4ʪ��pjx��_RZ^[VPMLGBBSkTLQ����^����i[���hZk��wXn�x[_վ���m��iTi��\JJOTI>@[�mED\��gWs��������Xm����������ʿ������PKe�bD;?QaH:;M��OHa��[KX��������he���n�����ƾ�����kgdZ � � j� 9��4�J��pjUWb\VOIBDINVJJ]��|f����_q�mVN_���gx�����ļ��������r~tN?=@HG?=I[\V]j��k�����������ou��������������d]���aMNRTLCDIPQFCO��[Ma�������m]^kgxqt�����������l����xVg��VIH � � ~� 9��4���pjO]YNP]z�gw���cd���_]�����������������������TNNKLGEGLLNOTYal���������^MSy�yjt���������������t\NJFBAEEACHOVX^n���������������l���fb���������nlrz_W`l[LIKJJJLUZZ`~� � � �� 9��4̊��pj������������kj��obm����o���i[n��sOM[kdLGHMNGGMVWd^h������������������������������zgbXPMJHIFFGKR[b~����������������|y��������n]Vc����kc]ijVLMPWV\ij����������o��� � � �� 9��4�*��pj�u��������������k]_^]XSSKNUTMLLNSUU_���������d]h����������������ld����lg~�gULNQSTXelgbi����qw�������������������nbkzmk][\YPMMTWVZ`md^[b������������������������� � � �� 9��4�ʎ�pjmd]`q�k_^[X[[b[PU[_^ev���������������������������t_RSTX\UNLMX^b]^j~�}t���������d^j���������t{��yoe_Z[^ef[Tasuai�����������������������������fVR]hmp]UX\e]NMOQUXe � � π 9��4�j��pju}n}�����o���������������lbiyiUMS]hwh_YWZ`ca\V[e����y�����������������������~lf`^a__\X]hmomdc_fn��������������������������mn��zm]]bofc[[_dn�{i_f|��������������� � � � 9��4�