2 *
3 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 *
17 *****************************************************************************
18 * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
21 **************************************************************************
22 * \file ih264d_mvpred.c
23 *
24 * \brief
25 *    This file contains function specific to decoding Motion vector.
26 *
27 * Detailed_description
28 *
29 * \date
30 *    10-12-2002
31 *
32 * \author  Arvind Raman
33 **************************************************************************
34 */
35#include <string.h>
36#include "ih264d_parse_cavlc.h"
37#include "ih264d_error_handler.h"
38#include "ih264d_structs.h"
39#include "ih264d_defs.h"
40#include "ih264_typedefs.h"
41#include "ih264_macros.h"
42#include "ih264_platform_macros.h"
43#include "ih264d_mb_utils.h"
44#include "ih264d_defs.h"
45#include "ih264d_debug.h"
46#include "ih264d_tables.h"
47#include "ih264d_process_bslice.h"
48#include "ih264d_mvpred.h"
49#include "ih264d_inter_pred.h"
50#include "ih264d_tables.h"
53 **************************************************************************
54 * \if ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor name : Name \endif
55 *
56 * \brief
57 *    The routine calculates the motion vector predictor for a given block,
58 *    given the candidate MV predictors.
59 *
60 * \param ps_mv_pred: Candidate predictors for the current block
61 * \param ps_currMv: Pointer to the left top edge of the current block in
62 *     the MV bank
63 *
64 * \return
65 *    _mvPred: The x & y components of the MV predictor.
66 *
67 * \note
68 *    The code implements the logic as described in sec Given
69 *    the candidate predictors and the pointer to the top left edge of the
70 *    block in the MV bank.
71 *
72 **************************************************************************
73 */
75void ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(mv_pred_t * ps_result,
76                                        mv_pred_t **ps_mv_pred,
77                                        UWORD8 u1_ref_idx,
78                                        UWORD8 u1_B,
79                                        const UWORD8 *pu1_mv_pred_condition)
81    WORD8 c_temp;
82    UWORD8 uc_B2 = (u1_B << 1);
84    /* If only one of the candidate blocks has a reference frame equal to
85     the current block then use the same block as the final predictor */
86    c_temp =
87                    (ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[u1_B] == u1_ref_idx)
88                                    | ((ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[u1_B]
89                                                    == u1_ref_idx) << 1)
90                                    | ((ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[u1_B]
91                                                    == u1_ref_idx) << 2);
92    c_temp = pu1_mv_pred_condition[c_temp];
94    if(c_temp != -1)
95    {
96        /* Case when only when one of the cadidate block has the same
97         reference frame as the current block */
98        ps_result->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] = ps_mv_pred[c_temp]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
99        ps_result->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] = ps_mv_pred[c_temp]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
100    }
101    else
102    {
103        WORD32 D0, D1;
104        D0 = MIN(ps_mv_pred[0]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0],
105                 ps_mv_pred[1]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0]);
106        D1 = MAX(ps_mv_pred[0]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0],
107                 ps_mv_pred[1]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0]);
108        D1 = MIN(D1, ps_mv_pred[2]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0]);
109        ps_result->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] = (WORD16)(MAX(D0, D1));
111        D0 = MIN(ps_mv_pred[0]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1],
112                 ps_mv_pred[1]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1]);
113        D1 = MAX(ps_mv_pred[0]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1],
114                 ps_mv_pred[1]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1]);
115        D1 = MIN(D1, ps_mv_pred[2]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1]);
116        ps_result->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] = (WORD16)(MAX(D0, D1));
118    }
122 **************************************************************************
123 * \if ih264d_mbaff_mv_pred name : Name \endif
124 *
125 * \brief
126 *    The routine calculates the motion vector predictor for a given block,
127 *    given the candidate MV predictors.
128 *
129 * \param ps_mv_pred: Candidate predictors for the current block
130 * \param ps_currMv: Pointer to the left top edge of the current block in
131 *     the MV bank
132 *
133 * \return
134 *    _mvPred: The x & y components of the MV predictor.
135 *
136 * \note
137 *    The code implements the logic as described in sec Given
138 *    the candidate predictors and the pointer to the top left edge of the
139 *    block in the MV bank.
140 *
141 **************************************************************************
142 */
144void ih264d_mbaff_mv_pred(mv_pred_t **ps_mv_pred,
145                          UWORD8 u1_sub_mb_num,
146                          mv_pred_t *ps_mv_nmb,
147                          mv_pred_t *ps_mv_ntop,
148                          dec_struct_t *ps_dec,
149                          UWORD8 uc_mb_part_width,
150                          dec_mb_info_t *ps_cur_mb_info,
151                          UWORD8* pu0_scale)
153    UWORD16 u2_a_in = 0, u2_b_in = 0, u2_c_in = 0, u2_d_in = 0;
154    mv_pred_t *ps_mvpred_l, *ps_mvpred_tmp;
155    UWORD8 u1_sub_mb_x = (u1_sub_mb_num & 3), uc_sub_mb_y = (u1_sub_mb_num >> 2);
156    UWORD8 u1_is_cur_mb_fld, u1_is_left_mb_fld, u1_is_top_mb_fld;
157    UWORD8 u1_is_cur_mb_top;
159    u1_is_cur_mb_fld = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_field_decodingflag;
160    u1_is_cur_mb_top = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_topmb;
162    u1_is_left_mb_fld = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_left_mb->u1_mb_fld;
163    u1_is_top_mb_fld = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_top_mb->u1_mb_fld;
165    /* Checking in the subMB exists, calculating their motion vectors to be
166     used as predictors and the reference frames of those subMBs */
167    ps_mv_pred[LEFT] = &ps_dec->s_default_mv_pred;
168    ps_mv_pred[TOP] = &(ps_dec->s_default_mv_pred);
169    ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = &(ps_dec->s_default_mv_pred);
171    /* Check if the left subMb is available */
172    if(u1_sub_mb_x)
173    {
174        u2_a_in = 1;
175        ps_mv_pred[LEFT] = (ps_mv_nmb - 1);
176    }
177    else
178    {
179        UWORD8 uc_temp;
180        u2_a_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity & LEFT_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
181        if(u2_a_in)
182        {
183            ps_mvpred_l = (ps_dec->u4_num_pmbair) ?
184                            ps_mv_nmb :
185                            (ps_dec->ps_mv_left + (uc_sub_mb_y << 2) + 48
186                                            - (u1_is_cur_mb_top << 4));
187            uc_temp = 29;
188            if(u1_is_cur_mb_fld ^ u1_is_left_mb_fld)
189            {
190                if(u1_is_left_mb_fld)
191                {
192                    uc_temp +=
193                                    (((uc_sub_mb_y & 1) << 2)
194                                                    + ((uc_sub_mb_y & 2) << 1));
195                    uc_temp += ((u1_is_cur_mb_top) ? 0 : 8);
196                }
197                else
198                {
199                    uc_temp = uc_temp - (uc_sub_mb_y << 2);
200                    uc_temp += ((u1_is_cur_mb_top) ? 0 : 16);
201                }
202            }
203            ps_mv_pred[LEFT] = (ps_mvpred_l - uc_temp);
204            pu0_scale[LEFT] = u1_is_cur_mb_fld - u1_is_left_mb_fld;
205        }
206    }
208    /* Check if the top subMB is available */
209    if((uc_sub_mb_y > 0) || ((u1_is_cur_mb_top | u1_is_cur_mb_fld) == 0))
210    {
211        u2_b_in = 1;
212        ps_mv_pred[TOP] = ps_mv_nmb - 4;
213    }
214    else
215    {
216        u2_b_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity & TOP_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
217        if(u2_b_in)
218        {
219            /* CHANGED CODE */
221            if(u1_is_top_mb_fld && u1_is_cur_mb_fld)
222                ps_mvpred_tmp = ps_mv_ntop;
223            else
224            {
225                ps_mvpred_tmp = ps_mv_ntop;
226                if(u1_is_cur_mb_top)
227                    ps_mvpred_tmp += 16;
228            }
230            ps_mv_pred[TOP] = ps_mvpred_tmp;
231            pu0_scale[TOP] = u1_is_cur_mb_fld - u1_is_top_mb_fld;
232        }
233    }
235    /* Check if the top right subMb is available. The top right subMb is
236     defined as the top right subMb at the top right corner of the MB
237     partition. The top right subMb index starting from the top left
238     corner of the MB partition is given by
239     TopRightSubMbIndx = TopLeftSubMbIndx + (WidthOfMbPartition - 6) / 2
240     */
241    u2_c_in = CHECKBIT(ps_cur_mb_info->u2_top_right_avail_mask,
242                        (u1_sub_mb_num + uc_mb_part_width - 1));
243    if(u2_c_in)
244    {
245        ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = ps_mv_pred[TOP] + uc_mb_part_width;
246        pu0_scale[TOP_R] = pu0_scale[TOP];
247        if((uc_sub_mb_y == 0) && ((u1_sub_mb_x + uc_mb_part_width) > 3))
248        {
249            UWORD8 uc_isTopRtMbFld;
250            uc_isTopRtMbFld = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_top_right_mb->u1_mb_fld;
251            /* CHANGED CODE */
252            ps_mvpred_tmp = ps_mv_ntop + uc_mb_part_width + 12;
253            ps_mvpred_tmp += (u1_is_cur_mb_top) ? 16 : 0;
254            ps_mvpred_tmp += (u1_is_cur_mb_fld && u1_is_cur_mb_top && uc_isTopRtMbFld) ?
255                            0 : 16;
256            ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = ps_mvpred_tmp;
257            pu0_scale[TOP_R] = u1_is_cur_mb_fld - uc_isTopRtMbFld;
258        }
259    }
260    else
261    {
262        u2_d_in = CHECKBIT(ps_cur_mb_info->u2_top_left_avail_mask, u1_sub_mb_num);
264        /* Check if the the top left subMB is available */
265        if(u2_d_in)
266        {
267            UWORD8 uc_isTopLtMbFld;
269            ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = ps_mv_pred[TOP] - 1;
270            pu0_scale[TOP_R] = pu0_scale[TOP];
272            if(u1_sub_mb_x == 0)
273            {
274                if((uc_sub_mb_y > 0) || ((u1_is_cur_mb_top | u1_is_cur_mb_fld) == 0))
275                {
276                    uc_isTopLtMbFld = u1_is_left_mb_fld;
277                    ps_mvpred_tmp = ps_mv_pred[LEFT] - 4;
279                    if((u1_is_cur_mb_fld == 0) && uc_isTopLtMbFld)
280                    {
281                        ps_mvpred_tmp = ps_mv_pred[LEFT] + 16;
282                        ps_mvpred_tmp -= (uc_sub_mb_y & 1) ? 0 : 4;
283                    }
284                }
285                else
286                {
287                    UWORD32 u4_cond = ps_dec->u4_num_pmbair;
288                    uc_isTopLtMbFld = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_topleft_mb_fld;
290                    /* CHANGED CODE */
291                    ps_mvpred_tmp = ps_mv_ntop - 29;
292                    ps_mvpred_tmp += (u1_is_cur_mb_top) ? 16 : 0;
293                    if(u1_is_cur_mb_fld && u1_is_cur_mb_top)
294                        ps_mvpred_tmp -= (uc_isTopLtMbFld) ? 16 : 0;
295                }
296                ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = ps_mvpred_tmp;
297                pu0_scale[TOP_R] = u1_is_cur_mb_fld - uc_isTopLtMbFld;
298            }
299        }
300        else if(u2_b_in == 0)
301        {
302            /* If all the subMBs B, C, D are all out of the frame then their MV
303             and their reference picture is equal to that of A */
304            ps_mv_pred[TOP] = ps_mv_pred[LEFT];
305            ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = ps_mv_pred[LEFT];
306            pu0_scale[TOP] = pu0_scale[LEFT];
307            pu0_scale[TOP_R] = pu0_scale[LEFT];
308        }
309    }
313 **************************************************************************
314 * \if ih264d_non_mbaff_mv_pred name : Name \endif
315 *
316 * \brief
317 *    The routine calculates the motion vector predictor for a given block,
318 *    given the candidate MV predictors.
319 *
320 * \param ps_mv_pred: Candidate predictors for the current block
321 * \param ps_currMv: Pointer to the left top edge of the current block in
322 *     the MV bank
323 *
324 * \return
325 *    _mvPred: The x & y components of the MV predictor.
326 *
327 * \note
328 *    The code implements the logic as described in sec Given
329 *    the candidate predictors and the pointer to the top left edge of the
330 *    block in the MV bank.
331 *
332 **************************************************************************
333 */
335void ih264d_non_mbaff_mv_pred(mv_pred_t **ps_mv_pred,
336                              UWORD8 u1_sub_mb_num,
337                              mv_pred_t *ps_mv_nmb,
338                              mv_pred_t *ps_mv_ntop,
339                              dec_struct_t *ps_dec,
340                              UWORD8 uc_mb_part_width,
341                              dec_mb_info_t *ps_cur_mb_info)
343    UWORD16 u2_b_in = 0, u2_c_in = 0, u2_d_in = 0;
344    UWORD8 u1_sub_mb_x = (u1_sub_mb_num & 3), uc_sub_mb_y = (u1_sub_mb_num >> 2);
346    /* Checking in the subMB exists, calculating their motion vectors to be
347     used as predictors and the reference frames of those subMBs */
349    ps_mv_pred[LEFT] = &ps_dec->s_default_mv_pred;
350    ps_mv_pred[TOP] = &(ps_dec->s_default_mv_pred);
351    ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = &(ps_dec->s_default_mv_pred);
352    /* Check if the left subMb is available */
354    if(u1_sub_mb_x)
355    {
356        ps_mv_pred[LEFT] = (ps_mv_nmb - 1);
357    }
358    else
359    {
360        if(ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity & LEFT_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK)
361        {
362            ps_mv_pred[LEFT] = (ps_mv_nmb - 13);
363        }
364    }
366    /* Check if the top subMB is available */
367    if(uc_sub_mb_y)
368    {
369        u2_b_in = 1;
370        ps_mv_ntop = ps_mv_nmb - 4;
371        ps_mv_pred[TOP] = ps_mv_ntop;
373    }
374    else
375    {
376        u2_b_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity & TOP_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
377        if(u2_b_in)
378        {
379            ps_mv_pred[TOP] = ps_mv_ntop;
380        }
381    }
383    /* Check if the top right subMb is available. The top right subMb is
384     defined as the top right subMb at the top right corner of the MB
385     partition. The top right subMb index starting from the top left
386     corner of the MB partition is given by
387     TopRightSubMbIndx = TopLeftSubMbIndx + (WidthOfMbPartition - 6) / 2
388     */
389    u2_c_in = CHECKBIT(ps_cur_mb_info->u2_top_right_avail_mask,
390                        (u1_sub_mb_num + uc_mb_part_width - 1));
391    if(u2_c_in)
392    {
393        ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = (ps_mv_ntop + uc_mb_part_width);
395        if(uc_sub_mb_y == 0)
396        {
397            /* CHANGED CODE */
398            if((u1_sub_mb_x + uc_mb_part_width) > 3)
399                ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] += 12;
400        }
401    }
402    else
403    {
404        u2_d_in = CHECKBIT(ps_cur_mb_info->u2_top_left_avail_mask, u1_sub_mb_num);
405        /* Check if the the top left subMB is available */
406        if(u2_d_in)
407        {
408            /* CHANGED CODE */
409            ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = (ps_mv_ntop - 1);
410            if(u1_sub_mb_x == 0)
411            {
412                if(uc_sub_mb_y)
413                {
414                    ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = (ps_mv_nmb - 17);
415                }
416                else
417                {
418                    /* CHANGED CODE */
419                    ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] -= 12;
420                }
421            }
422        }
423        else if(u2_b_in == 0)
424        {
425            /* If all the subMBs B, C, D are all out of the frame then their MV
426             and their reference picture is equal to that of A */
427            ps_mv_pred[TOP] = ps_mv_pred[LEFT];
428            ps_mv_pred[TOP_R] = ps_mv_pred[LEFT];
429        }
430    }
435/*                                                                           */
436/*  Function Name : ih264d_mvpred_nonmbaffB                                         */
437/*                                                                           */
438/*  Description   : This function calculates the motion vector predictor,    */
439/*                  for B-Slices                                             */
440/*  Inputs        : <What inputs does the function take?>                    */
441/*  Globals       : None                                                     */
442/*  Processing    : The neighbours A(Left),B(Top),C(TopRight) are calculated */
443/*                  and based on the type of Mb the prediction is            */
444/*                  appropriately done                                       */
445/*  Outputs       : populates ps_mv_final_pred structure                       */
446/*  Returns       : u1_direct_zero_pred_flag which is used only in              */
447/*                    decodeSpatialdirect()                                  */
448/*                                                                           */
449/*  Issues        : <List any issues or problems with this function>         */
450/*                                                                           */
451/*  Revision History:                                                        */
452/*                                                                           */
453/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
454/*         03 05 2005   TA              First Draft                          */
455/*                                                                           */
458UWORD8 ih264d_mvpred_nonmbaffB(dec_struct_t *ps_dec,
459                               dec_mb_info_t *ps_cur_mb_info,
460                               mv_pred_t *ps_mv_nmb,
461                               mv_pred_t *ps_mv_ntop,
462                               mv_pred_t *ps_mv_final_pred,
463                               UWORD8 u1_sub_mb_num,
464                               UWORD8 uc_mb_part_width,
465                               UWORD8 u1_lx_start,
466                               UWORD8 u1_lxend,
467                               UWORD8 u1_mb_mc_mode)
469    UWORD8 u1_a_in, u1_b_in, uc_temp1, uc_temp2, uc_temp3;
470    mv_pred_t *ps_mv_pred[3];
471    UWORD8 uc_B2, uc_lx, u1_ref_idx;
472    UWORD8 u1_direct_zero_pred_flag = 0;
474    ih264d_non_mbaff_mv_pred(ps_mv_pred, u1_sub_mb_num, ps_mv_nmb, ps_mv_ntop,
475                             ps_dec, uc_mb_part_width, ps_cur_mb_info);
477    for(uc_lx = u1_lx_start; uc_lx < u1_lxend; uc_lx++)
478    {
479        u1_ref_idx = ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx];
480        uc_B2 = (uc_lx << 1);
481        switch(u1_mb_mc_mode)
482        {
483            case PRED_16x8:
484                /* Directional prediction for a 16x8 MB partition */
485                if(u1_sub_mb_num == 0)
486                {
487                    /* Calculating the MV pred for the top 16x8 block */
488                    if(ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx] == u1_ref_idx)
489                    {
490                        /* If the reference frame used by the top subMB is same as the
491                         reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
492                         be used for the current block is same as the MV of the top
493                         subMB */
494                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] =
495                                        ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
496                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] =
497                                        ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
498                    }
499                    else
500                    {
501                        /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
502                         defined in */
503                        ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
504                                        ps_mv_final_pred,
505                                        ps_mv_pred,
506                                        u1_ref_idx,
507                                        uc_lx,
508                                        (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
509                    }
510                }
511                else
512                {
513                    if(ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx] == u1_ref_idx)
514                    {
515                        /* If the reference frame used by the left subMB is same as the
516                         reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
517                         be used for the current block is same as the MV of the left
518                         subMB */
519                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] =
520                                        ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
521                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] =
522                                        ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
523                    }
524                    else
525                    {
526                        /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
527                         defined in */
528                        ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
529                                        ps_mv_final_pred,
530                                        ps_mv_pred,
531                                        u1_ref_idx,
532                                        uc_lx,
533                                        (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
534                    }
535                }
536                break;
537            case PRED_8x16:
538                /* Directional prediction for a 8x16 MB partition */
539                if(u1_sub_mb_num == 0)
540                {
541                    if(ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx] == u1_ref_idx)
542                    {
543                        /* If the reference frame used by the left subMB is same as the
544                         reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
545                         be used for the current block is same as the MV of the left
546                         subMB */
547                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] =
548                                        ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
549                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] =
550                                        ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
551                    }
552                    else
553                    {
554                        /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
555                         defined in */
556                        ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
557                                        ps_mv_final_pred,
558                                        ps_mv_pred,
559                                        u1_ref_idx,
560                                        uc_lx,
561                                        (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
562                    }
563                }
564                else
565                {
566                    if(ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx] == u1_ref_idx)
567                    {
568                        /* If the reference frame used by the top right subMB is same as
569                         the reference frame used by the current block then MV
570                         predictor to be used for the current block is same as the MV
571                         of the left subMB */
572                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] =
573                                        ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
574                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] =
575                                        ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
576                    }
577                    else
578                    {
579                        /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
580                         defined in */
581                        ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
582                                        ps_mv_final_pred,
583                                        ps_mv_pred,
584                                        u1_ref_idx,
585                                        uc_lx,
586                                        (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
587                    }
588                }
589                break;
590            case B_DIRECT_SPATIAL:
591                /* Case when the MB has been skipped */
592                /* If either of left or the top subMB is not present
593                 OR
594                 If both the MV components of either the left or the top subMB are
595                 zero and their reference frame pointer pointing to 0
596                 then MV for the skipped MB is zero
597                 else the Median of the mv_pred_t is used */
598                uc_temp1 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[0];
599                uc_temp2 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[0];
600                uc_temp3 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[0];
602                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] = MIN(uc_temp1,
603                                                      MIN(uc_temp2, uc_temp3));
605                uc_temp1 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[1];
606                uc_temp2 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[1];
607                uc_temp3 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[1];
609                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] = MIN(uc_temp1,
610                                                      MIN(uc_temp2, uc_temp3));
612                if((ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] < 0)
613                                && (ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] < 0))
614                {
615                    u1_direct_zero_pred_flag = 1;
616                    ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] = 0;
617                    ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] = 0;
618                }
619                ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
620                                ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred,
621                                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0], 0,
622                                (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
624                ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
625                                ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred,
626                                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1], 1,
627                                (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
629                break;
630            case MB_SKIP:
631                /* Case when the MB has been skipped */
632                /* If either of left or the top subMB is not present
633                 OR
634                 If both the MV components of either the left or the top subMB are
635                 zero and their reference frame pointer pointing to 0
636                 then MV for the skipped MB is zero
637                 else the Median of the mv_pred_t is used */
638                u1_a_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity &
639                LEFT_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
640                u1_b_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity &
641                TOP_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
642                if(((u1_a_in * u1_b_in) == 0)
643                                || ((ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[0]
644                                                | ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[1]
645                                                | ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[0])
646                                                == 0)
647                                || ((ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[0]
648                                                | ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[1]
649                                                | ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[0])
650                                                == 0))
651                {
652                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[0] = 0;
653                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[1] = 0;
654                    break;
655                }
656                /* If the condition above is not true calculate the MV predictor
657                 according to the process defined in sec */
658            default:
659                ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
660                                ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred, u1_ref_idx, uc_lx,
661                                (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
662                break;
663        }
664    }
665    return (u1_direct_zero_pred_flag);
670/*                                                                           */
671/*  Function Name : ih264d_mvpred_nonmbaff                                          */
672/*                                                                           */
673/*  Description   : This function calculates the motion vector predictor,    */
674/*                  for all the slice types other than B_SLICE               */
675/*  Inputs        : <What inputs does the function take?>                    */
676/*  Globals       : None                                                     */
677/*  Processing    : The neighbours A(Left),B(Top),C(TopRight) are calculated */
678/*                  and based on the type of Mb the prediction is            */
679/*                  appropriately done                                       */
680/*  Outputs       : populates ps_mv_final_pred structure                       */
681/*  Returns       : u1_direct_zero_pred_flag which is used only in              */
682/*                    decodeSpatialdirect()                                  */
683/*                                                                           */
684/*  Issues        : <List any issues or problems with this function>         */
685/*                                                                           */
686/*  Revision History:                                                        */
687/*                                                                           */
688/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
689/*         03 05 2005   TA              First Draft                          */
690/*                                                                           */
693UWORD8 ih264d_mvpred_nonmbaff(dec_struct_t *ps_dec,
694                              dec_mb_info_t *ps_cur_mb_info,
695                              mv_pred_t *ps_mv_nmb,
696                              mv_pred_t *ps_mv_ntop,
697                              mv_pred_t *ps_mv_final_pred,
698                              UWORD8 u1_sub_mb_num,
699                              UWORD8 uc_mb_part_width,
700                              UWORD8 u1_lx_start,
701                              UWORD8 u1_lxend,
702                              UWORD8 u1_mb_mc_mode)
704    UWORD8 u1_a_in, u1_b_in, uc_temp1, uc_temp2, uc_temp3;
705    mv_pred_t *ps_mv_pred[3];
706    UWORD8 u1_ref_idx;
707    UWORD8 u1_direct_zero_pred_flag = 0;
708    UNUSED(u1_lx_start);
709    UNUSED(u1_lxend);
710    ih264d_non_mbaff_mv_pred(ps_mv_pred, u1_sub_mb_num, ps_mv_nmb, ps_mv_ntop,
711                             ps_dec, uc_mb_part_width, ps_cur_mb_info);
713    u1_ref_idx = ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0];
715    switch(u1_mb_mc_mode)
716    {
717        case PRED_16x8:
718            /* Directional prediction for a 16x8 MB partition */
719            if(u1_sub_mb_num == 0)
720            {
721                /* Calculating the MV pred for the top 16x8 block */
722                if(ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[0] == u1_ref_idx)
723                {
724                    /* If the reference frame used by the top subMB is same as the
725                     reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
726                     be used for the current block is same as the MV of the top
727                     subMB */
729                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[0] = ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[0];
730                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[1] = ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[1];
731                }
732                else
733                {
734                    /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
735                     defined in */
736                    ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
737                                    ps_mv_final_pred,
738                                    ps_mv_pred,
739                                    u1_ref_idx,
740                                    0,
741                                    (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
742                }
743            }
744            else
745            {
746                if(ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[0] == u1_ref_idx)
747                {
748                    /* If the reference frame used by the left subMB is same as the
749                     reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
750                     be used for the current block is same as the MV of the left
751                     subMB */
753                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[0] = ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[0];
754                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[1] = ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[1];
755                }
756                else
757                {
758                    /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
759                     defined in */
760                    ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
761                                    ps_mv_final_pred,
762                                    ps_mv_pred,
763                                    u1_ref_idx,
764                                    0,
765                                    (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
766                }
767            }
768            break;
769        case PRED_8x16:
770            /* Directional prediction for a 8x16 MB partition */
771            if(u1_sub_mb_num == 0)
772            {
773                if(ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[0] == u1_ref_idx)
774                {
775                    /* If the reference frame used by the left subMB is same as the
776                     reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
777                     be used for the current block is same as the MV of the left
778                     subMB */
780                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[0] = ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[0];
781                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[1] = ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[1];
782                }
783                else
784                {
785                    /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
786                     defined in */
787                    ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
788                                    ps_mv_final_pred,
789                                    ps_mv_pred,
790                                    u1_ref_idx,
791                                    0,
792                                    (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
793                }
794            }
795            else
796            {
797                if(ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[0] == u1_ref_idx)
798                {
799                    /* If the reference frame used by the top right subMB is same as
800                     the reference frame used by the current block then MV
801                     predictor to be used for the current block is same as the MV
802                     of the left subMB */
804                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[0] = ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i2_mv[0];
805                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[1] = ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i2_mv[1];
806                }
807                else
808                {
809                    /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
810                     defined in */
811                    ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
812                                    ps_mv_final_pred,
813                                    ps_mv_pred,
814                                    u1_ref_idx,
815                                    0,
816                                    (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
817                }
818            }
819            break;
820        case B_DIRECT_SPATIAL:
821            /* Case when the MB has been skipped */
822            /* If either of left or the top subMB is not present
823             OR
824             If both the MV components of either the left or the top subMB are
825             zero and their reference frame pointer pointing to 0
826             then MV for the skipped MB is zero
827             else the Median of the mv_pred_t is used */
828            uc_temp1 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[0];
829            uc_temp2 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[0];
830            uc_temp3 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[0];
832            ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] = MIN(uc_temp1,
833                                                  MIN(uc_temp2, uc_temp3));
835            uc_temp1 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[1];
836            uc_temp2 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[1];
837            uc_temp3 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[1];
839            ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] = MIN(uc_temp1,
840                                                  MIN(uc_temp2, uc_temp3));
842            if((ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] < 0)
843                            && (ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] < 0))
844            {
845                u1_direct_zero_pred_flag = 1;
846                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] = 0;
847                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] = 0;
848            }
849            ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
850                            ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred,
851                            ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0], 0,
852                            (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
854            ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
855                            ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred,
856                            ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1], 1,
857                            (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
859            break;
860        case MB_SKIP:
861            /* Case when the MB has been skipped */
862            /* If either of left or the top subMB is not present
863             OR
864             If both the MV components of either the left or the top subMB are
865             zero and their reference frame pointer pointing to 0
866             then MV for the skipped MB is zero
867             else the Median of the mv_pred_t is used */
868            u1_a_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity &
869            LEFT_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
870            u1_b_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity &
871            TOP_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
872            if(((u1_a_in * u1_b_in) == 0)
873                            || ((ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[0]
874                                            | ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[1]
875                                            | ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[0])
876                                            == 0)
877                            || ((ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[0]
878                                            | ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[1]
879                                            | ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[0])
880                                            == 0))
881            {
883                ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[0] = 0;
884                ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[1] = 0;
885                break;
886            }
887            /* If the condition above is not true calculate the MV predictor
888             according to the process defined in sec */
889        default:
890            ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
891                            ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred, u1_ref_idx, 0,
892                            (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
893            break;
894    }
896    return (u1_direct_zero_pred_flag);
901/*                                                                           */
902/*  Function Name : ih264d_mvpred_mbaff                                             */
903/*                                                                           */
904/*  Description   : This function calculates the motion vector predictor,    */
905/*  Inputs        : <What inputs does the function take?>                    */
906/*  Globals       : None                                                     */
907/*  Processing    : The neighbours A(Left),B(Top),C(TopRight) are calculated */
908/*                  and based on the type of Mb the prediction is            */
909/*                  appropriately done                                       */
910/*  Outputs       : populates ps_mv_final_pred structure                       */
911/*  Returns       : u1_direct_zero_pred_flag which is used only in              */
912/*                    decodeSpatialdirect()                                  */
913/*                                                                           */
914/*  Issues        : <List any issues or problems with this function>         */
915/*                                                                           */
916/*  Revision History:                                                        */
917/*                                                                           */
918/*         DD MM YYYY   Author(s)       Changes (Describe the changes made)  */
919/*         03 05 2005   TA              First Draft                          */
920/*                                                                           */
923UWORD8 ih264d_mvpred_mbaff(dec_struct_t *ps_dec,
924                           dec_mb_info_t *ps_cur_mb_info,
925                           mv_pred_t *ps_mv_nmb,
926                           mv_pred_t *ps_mv_ntop,
927                           mv_pred_t *ps_mv_final_pred,
928                           UWORD8 u1_sub_mb_num,
929                           UWORD8 uc_mb_part_width,
930                           UWORD8 u1_lx_start,
931                           UWORD8 u1_lxend,
932                           UWORD8 u1_mb_mc_mode)
934    UWORD8 u1_a_in, u1_b_in, uc_temp1, uc_temp2, uc_temp3;
935    mv_pred_t *ps_mv_pred[3], s_mvPred[3];
936    UWORD8 uc_B2, pu0_scale[3], i, uc_lx, u1_ref_idx;
937    UWORD8 u1_direct_zero_pred_flag = 0;
939    pu0_scale[0] = pu0_scale[1] = pu0_scale[2] = 0;
940    ih264d_mbaff_mv_pred(ps_mv_pred, u1_sub_mb_num, ps_mv_nmb, ps_mv_ntop, ps_dec,
941                         uc_mb_part_width, ps_cur_mb_info, pu0_scale);
942    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
943    {
944        if(pu0_scale[i] != 0)
945        {
946            memcpy(&s_mvPred[i], ps_mv_pred[i], sizeof(mv_pred_t));
947            if(pu0_scale[i] == 1)
948            {
949                s_mvPred[i].i1_ref_frame[0] = s_mvPred[i].i1_ref_frame[0] << 1;
950                s_mvPred[i].i1_ref_frame[1] = s_mvPred[i].i1_ref_frame[1] << 1;
951                s_mvPred[i].i2_mv[1] = SIGN_POW2_DIV(s_mvPred[i].i2_mv[1], 1);
952                s_mvPred[i].i2_mv[3] = SIGN_POW2_DIV(s_mvPred[i].i2_mv[3], 1);
953            }
954            else
955            {
956                s_mvPred[i].i1_ref_frame[0] = s_mvPred[i].i1_ref_frame[0] >> 1;
957                s_mvPred[i].i1_ref_frame[1] = s_mvPred[i].i1_ref_frame[1] >> 1;
958                s_mvPred[i].i2_mv[1] = s_mvPred[i].i2_mv[1] << 1;
959                s_mvPred[i].i2_mv[3] = s_mvPred[i].i2_mv[3] << 1;
960            }
961            ps_mv_pred[i] = &s_mvPred[i];
962        }
963    }
965    for(uc_lx = u1_lx_start; uc_lx < u1_lxend; uc_lx++)
966    {
967        u1_ref_idx = ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx];
968        uc_B2 = (uc_lx << 1);
969        switch(u1_mb_mc_mode)
970        {
971            case PRED_16x8:
972                /* Directional prediction for a 16x8 MB partition */
973                if(u1_sub_mb_num == 0)
974                {
975                    /* Calculating the MV pred for the top 16x8 block */
976                    if(ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx] == u1_ref_idx)
977                    {
978                        /* If the reference frame used by the top subMB is same as the
979                         reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
980                         be used for the current block is same as the MV of the top
981                         subMB */
982                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] =
983                                        ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
984                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] =
985                                        ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
986                    }
987                    else
988                    {
989                        /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
990                         defined in */
991                        ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
992                                        ps_mv_final_pred,
993                                        ps_mv_pred,
994                                        u1_ref_idx,
995                                        uc_lx,
996                                        (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
997                    }
998                }
999                else
1000                {
1001                    if(ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx] == u1_ref_idx)
1002                    {
1003                        /* If the reference frame used by the left subMB is same as the
1004                         reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
1005                         be used for the current block is same as the MV of the left
1006                         subMB */
1007                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] =
1008                                        ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
1009                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] =
1010                                        ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
1011                    }
1012                    else
1013                    {
1014                        /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
1015                         defined in */
1016                        ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
1017                                        ps_mv_final_pred,
1018                                        ps_mv_pred,
1019                                        u1_ref_idx,
1020                                        uc_lx,
1021                                        (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
1022                    }
1023                }
1024                break;
1025            case PRED_8x16:
1026                /* Directional prediction for a 8x16 MB partition */
1027                if(u1_sub_mb_num == 0)
1028                {
1029                    if(ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx] == u1_ref_idx)
1030                    {
1031                        /* If the reference frame used by the left subMB is same as the
1032                         reference frame used by the current block then MV predictor to
1033                         be used for the current block is same as the MV of the left
1034                         subMB */
1035                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] =
1036                                        ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
1037                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] =
1038                                        ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
1039                    }
1040                    else
1041                    {
1042                        /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
1043                         defined in */
1044                        ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
1045                                        ps_mv_final_pred,
1046                                        ps_mv_pred,
1047                                        u1_ref_idx,
1048                                        uc_lx,
1049                                        (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
1050                    }
1051                }
1052                else
1053                {
1054                    if(ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[uc_lx] == u1_ref_idx)
1055                    {
1056                        /* If the reference frame used by the top right subMB is same as
1057                         the reference frame used by the current block then MV
1058                         predictor to be used for the current block is same as the MV
1059                         of the left subMB */
1060                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0] =
1061                                        ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 0];
1062                        ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1] =
1063                                        ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i2_mv[uc_B2 + 1];
1064                    }
1065                    else
1066                    {
1067                        /* The MV predictor is calculated according to the process
1068                         defined in */
1069                        ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
1070                                        ps_mv_final_pred,
1071                                        ps_mv_pred,
1072                                        u1_ref_idx,
1073                                        uc_lx,
1074                                        (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
1075                    }
1076                }
1077                break;
1078            case B_DIRECT_SPATIAL:
1079                /* Case when the MB has been skipped */
1080                /* If either of left or the top subMB is not present
1081                 OR
1082                 If both the MV components of either the left or the top subMB are
1083                 zero and their reference frame pointer pointing to 0
1084                 then MV for the skipped MB is zero
1085                 else the Median of the mv_pred_t is used */
1086                uc_temp1 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[0];
1087                uc_temp2 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[0];
1088                uc_temp3 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[0];
1090                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] = MIN(uc_temp1,
1091                                                      MIN(uc_temp2, uc_temp3));
1093                uc_temp1 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[1];
1094                uc_temp2 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[1];
1095                uc_temp3 = (UWORD8)ps_mv_pred[TOP_R]->i1_ref_frame[1];
1097                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] = MIN(uc_temp1,
1098                                                      MIN(uc_temp2, uc_temp3));
1100                /* If the reference indices are negative clip the scaled reference indices to -1 */
1101                /* i.e invalid reference index */
1103                /*if(ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] < 0)
1104                 ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] = -1;
1106                 if(ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] < 0)
1107                 ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] = -1; */
1109                if((ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] < 0)
1110                                && (ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] < 0))
1111                {
1112                    u1_direct_zero_pred_flag = 1;
1113                    ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0] = 0;
1114                    ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1] = 0;
1115                }
1116                ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
1117                                ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred,
1118                                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[0], 0,
1119                                (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
1121                ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
1122                                ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred,
1123                                ps_mv_final_pred->i1_ref_frame[1], 1,
1124                                (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
1126                break;
1127            case MB_SKIP:
1128                /* Case when the MB has been skipped */
1129                /* If either of left or the top subMB is not present
1130                 OR
1131                 If both the MV components of either the left or the top subMB are
1132                 zero and their reference frame pointer pointing to 0
1133                 then MV for the skipped MB is zero
1134                 else the Median of the mv_pred_t is used */
1135                u1_a_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity &
1136                LEFT_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
1137                u1_b_in = (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity &
1138                TOP_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK);
1139                if(((u1_a_in * u1_b_in) == 0)
1140                                || ((ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[0]
1141                                                | ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i2_mv[1]
1142                                                | ps_mv_pred[LEFT]->i1_ref_frame[0])
1143                                                == 0)
1144                                || ((ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[0]
1145                                                | ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i2_mv[1]
1146                                                | ps_mv_pred[TOP]->i1_ref_frame[0])
1147                                                == 0))
1148                {
1149                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[0] = 0;
1150                    ps_mv_final_pred->i2_mv[1] = 0;
1151                    break;
1152                }
1153                /* If the condition above is not true calculate the MV predictor
1154                 according to the process defined in sec */
1155            default:
1156                ih264d_get_motion_vector_predictor(
1157                                ps_mv_final_pred, ps_mv_pred, u1_ref_idx, uc_lx,
1158                                (const UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_mv_pred_condition);
1159                break;
1160        }
1161    }
1162    return (u1_direct_zero_pred_flag);
1168void ih264d_rep_mv_colz(dec_struct_t *ps_dec,
1169                        mv_pred_t *ps_mv_pred_src,
1170                        mv_pred_t *ps_mv_pred_dst,
1171                        UWORD8 u1_sub_mb_num,
1172                        UWORD8 u1_colz,
1173                        UWORD8 u1_ht,
1174                        UWORD8 u1_wd)
1177    UWORD8 k, m;
1178    UWORD8 *pu1_colz = ps_dec->pu1_col_zero_flag + ps_dec->i4_submb_ofst
1179                    + u1_sub_mb_num;
1181    for(k = 0; k < u1_ht; k++)
1182    {
1183        for(m = 0; m < u1_wd; m++)
1184        {
1185            *(ps_mv_pred_dst + m) = *(ps_mv_pred_src);
1186            *(pu1_colz + m) = u1_colz;
1188        }
1189        pu1_colz += SUB_BLK_WIDTH;
1190        ps_mv_pred_dst += SUB_BLK_WIDTH;
1191    }