2 * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 ******************************************************************************/
17package com.badlogic.gdx.utils;
19import java.util.Iterator;
20import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
22import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils;
24/** An unordered map where the values are floats. This implementation is a cuckoo hash map using 3 hashes, random walking, and a
25 * small stash for problematic keys. Null keys are not allowed. No allocation is done except when growing the table size. <br>
26 * <br>
27 * This map performs very fast get, containsKey, and remove (typically O(1), worst case O(log(n))). Put may be a bit slower,
28 * depending on hash collisions. Load factors greater than 0.91 greatly increase the chances the map will have to rehash to the
29 * next higher POT size.
30 * @author Nathan Sweet */
31public class ObjectFloatMap<K> implements Iterable<ObjectFloatMap.Entry<K>> {
32	private static final int PRIME1 = 0xbe1f14b1;
33	private static final int PRIME2 = 0xb4b82e39;
34	private static final int PRIME3 = 0xced1c241;
36	public int size;
38	K[] keyTable;
39	float[] valueTable;
40	int capacity, stashSize;
42	private float loadFactor;
43	private int hashShift, mask, threshold;
44	private int stashCapacity;
45	private int pushIterations;
47	private Entries entries1, entries2;
48	private Values values1, values2;
49	private Keys keys1, keys2;
51	/** Creates a new map with an initial capacity of 51 and a load factor of 0.8. */
52	public ObjectFloatMap () {
53		this(51, 0.8f);
54	}
56	/** Creates a new map with a load factor of 0.8.
57	 * @param initialCapacity If not a power of two, it is increased to the next nearest power of two. */
58	public ObjectFloatMap (int initialCapacity) {
59		this(initialCapacity, 0.8f);
60	}
62	/** Creates a new map with the specified initial capacity and load factor. This map will hold initialCapacity items before
63	 * growing the backing table.
64	 * @param initialCapacity If not a power of two, it is increased to the next nearest power of two. */
65	public ObjectFloatMap (int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
66		if (initialCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialCapacity must be >= 0: " + initialCapacity);
67		initialCapacity = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(initialCapacity / loadFactor));
68		if (initialCapacity > 1 << 30) throw new IllegalArgumentException("initialCapacity is too large: " + initialCapacity);
69		capacity = initialCapacity;
71		if (loadFactor <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor must be > 0: " + loadFactor);
72		this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
74		threshold = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
75		mask = capacity - 1;
76		hashShift = 31 - Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(capacity);
77		stashCapacity = Math.max(3, (int)Math.ceil(Math.log(capacity)) * 2);
78		pushIterations = Math.max(Math.min(capacity, 8), (int)Math.sqrt(capacity) / 8);
80		keyTable = (K[])new Object[capacity + stashCapacity];
81		valueTable = new float[keyTable.length];
82	}
84	/** Creates a new map identical to the specified map. */
85	public ObjectFloatMap (ObjectFloatMap<? extends K> map) {
86		this((int)Math.floor(map.capacity * map.loadFactor), map.loadFactor);
87		stashSize = map.stashSize;
88		System.arraycopy(map.keyTable, 0, keyTable, 0, map.keyTable.length);
89		System.arraycopy(map.valueTable, 0, valueTable, 0, map.valueTable.length);
90		size = map.size;
91	}
93	public void put (K key, float value) {
94		if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("key cannot be null.");
95		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
97		// Check for existing keys.
98		int hashCode = key.hashCode();
99		int index1 = hashCode & mask;
100		K key1 = keyTable[index1];
101		if (key.equals(key1)) {
102			valueTable[index1] = value;
103			return;
104		}
106		int index2 = hash2(hashCode);
107		K key2 = keyTable[index2];
108		if (key.equals(key2)) {
109			valueTable[index2] = value;
110			return;
111		}
113		int index3 = hash3(hashCode);
114		K key3 = keyTable[index3];
115		if (key.equals(key3)) {
116			valueTable[index3] = value;
117			return;
118		}
120		// Update key in the stash.
121		for (int i = capacity, n = i + stashSize; i < n; i++) {
122			if (key.equals(keyTable[i])) {
123				valueTable[i] = value;
124				return;
125			}
126		}
128		// Check for empty buckets.
129		if (key1 == null) {
130			keyTable[index1] = key;
131			valueTable[index1] = value;
132			if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
133			return;
134		}
136		if (key2 == null) {
137			keyTable[index2] = key;
138			valueTable[index2] = value;
139			if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
140			return;
141		}
143		if (key3 == null) {
144			keyTable[index3] = key;
145			valueTable[index3] = value;
146			if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
147			return;
148		}
150		push(key, value, index1, key1, index2, key2, index3, key3);
151	}
153	public void putAll (ObjectFloatMap<K> map) {
154		for (Entry<K> entry : map.entries())
155			put(entry.key, entry.value);
156	}
158	/** Skips checks for existing keys. */
159	private void putResize (K key, float value) {
160		// Check for empty buckets.
161		int hashCode = key.hashCode();
162		int index1 = hashCode & mask;
163		K key1 = keyTable[index1];
164		if (key1 == null) {
165			keyTable[index1] = key;
166			valueTable[index1] = value;
167			if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
168			return;
169		}
171		int index2 = hash2(hashCode);
172		K key2 = keyTable[index2];
173		if (key2 == null) {
174			keyTable[index2] = key;
175			valueTable[index2] = value;
176			if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
177			return;
178		}
180		int index3 = hash3(hashCode);
181		K key3 = keyTable[index3];
182		if (key3 == null) {
183			keyTable[index3] = key;
184			valueTable[index3] = value;
185			if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
186			return;
187		}
189		push(key, value, index1, key1, index2, key2, index3, key3);
190	}
192	private void push (K insertKey, float insertValue, int index1, K key1, int index2, K key2, int index3, K key3) {
193		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
194		float[] valueTable = this.valueTable;
195		int mask = this.mask;
197		// Push keys until an empty bucket is found.
198		K evictedKey;
199		float evictedValue;
200		int i = 0, pushIterations = this.pushIterations;
201		do {
202			// Replace the key and value for one of the hashes.
203			switch (MathUtils.random(2)) {
204			case 0:
205				evictedKey = key1;
206				evictedValue = valueTable[index1];
207				keyTable[index1] = insertKey;
208				valueTable[index1] = insertValue;
209				break;
210			case 1:
211				evictedKey = key2;
212				evictedValue = valueTable[index2];
213				keyTable[index2] = insertKey;
214				valueTable[index2] = insertValue;
215				break;
216			default:
217				evictedKey = key3;
218				evictedValue = valueTable[index3];
219				keyTable[index3] = insertKey;
220				valueTable[index3] = insertValue;
221				break;
222			}
224			// If the evicted key hashes to an empty bucket, put it there and stop.
225			int hashCode = evictedKey.hashCode();
226			index1 = hashCode & mask;
227			key1 = keyTable[index1];
228			if (key1 == null) {
229				keyTable[index1] = evictedKey;
230				valueTable[index1] = evictedValue;
231				if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
232				return;
233			}
235			index2 = hash2(hashCode);
236			key2 = keyTable[index2];
237			if (key2 == null) {
238				keyTable[index2] = evictedKey;
239				valueTable[index2] = evictedValue;
240				if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
241				return;
242			}
244			index3 = hash3(hashCode);
245			key3 = keyTable[index3];
246			if (key3 == null) {
247				keyTable[index3] = evictedKey;
248				valueTable[index3] = evictedValue;
249				if (size++ >= threshold) resize(capacity << 1);
250				return;
251			}
253			if (++i == pushIterations) break;
255			insertKey = evictedKey;
256			insertValue = evictedValue;
257		} while (true);
259		putStash(evictedKey, evictedValue);
260	}
262	private void putStash (K key, float value) {
263		if (stashSize == stashCapacity) {
264			// Too many pushes occurred and the stash is full, increase the table size.
265			resize(capacity << 1);
266			put(key, value);
267			return;
268		}
269		// Store key in the stash.
270		int index = capacity + stashSize;
271		keyTable[index] = key;
272		valueTable[index] = value;
273		stashSize++;
274		size++;
275	}
277	/** @param defaultValue Returned if the key was not associated with a value. */
278	public float get (K key, float defaultValue) {
279		int hashCode = key.hashCode();
280		int index = hashCode & mask;
281		if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
282			index = hash2(hashCode);
283			if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
284				index = hash3(hashCode);
285				if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) return getStash(key, defaultValue);
286			}
287		}
288		return valueTable[index];
289	}
291	private float getStash (K key, float defaultValue) {
292		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
293		for (int i = capacity, n = i + stashSize; i < n; i++)
294			if (key.equals(keyTable[i])) return valueTable[i];
295		return defaultValue;
296	}
298	/** Returns the key's current value and increments the stored value. If the key is not in the map, defaultValue + increment is
299	 * put into the map. */
300	public float getAndIncrement (K key, float defaultValue, float increment) {
301		int hashCode = key.hashCode();
302		int index = hashCode & mask;
303		if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
304			index = hash2(hashCode);
305			if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
306				index = hash3(hashCode);
307				if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) return getAndIncrementStash(key, defaultValue, increment);
308			}
309		}
310		float value = valueTable[index];
311		valueTable[index] = value + increment;
312		return value;
313	}
315	private float getAndIncrementStash (K key, float defaultValue, float increment) {
316		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
317		for (int i = capacity, n = i + stashSize; i < n; i++)
318			if (key.equals(keyTable[i])) {
319				float value = valueTable[i];
320				valueTable[i] = value + increment;
321				return value;
322			}
323		put(key, defaultValue + increment);
324		return defaultValue;
325	}
327	public float remove (K key, float defaultValue) {
328		int hashCode = key.hashCode();
329		int index = hashCode & mask;
330		if (key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
331			keyTable[index] = null;
332			float oldValue = valueTable[index];
333			size--;
334			return oldValue;
335		}
337		index = hash2(hashCode);
338		if (key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
339			keyTable[index] = null;
340			float oldValue = valueTable[index];
341			size--;
342			return oldValue;
343		}
345		index = hash3(hashCode);
346		if (key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
347			keyTable[index] = null;
348			float oldValue = valueTable[index];
349			size--;
350			return oldValue;
351		}
353		return removeStash(key, defaultValue);
354	}
356	float removeStash (K key, float defaultValue) {
357		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
358		for (int i = capacity, n = i + stashSize; i < n; i++) {
359			if (key.equals(keyTable[i])) {
360				float oldValue = valueTable[i];
361				removeStashIndex(i);
362				size--;
363				return oldValue;
364			}
365		}
366		return defaultValue;
367	}
369	void removeStashIndex (int index) {
370		// If the removed location was not last, move the last tuple to the removed location.
371		stashSize--;
372		int lastIndex = capacity + stashSize;
373		if (index < lastIndex) {
374			keyTable[index] = keyTable[lastIndex];
375			valueTable[index] = valueTable[lastIndex];
376		}
377	}
379	/** Reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity or less. If the capacity is already less, nothing is
380	 * done. If the map contains more items than the specified capacity, the next highest power of two capacity is used instead. */
381	public void shrink (int maximumCapacity) {
382		if (maximumCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maximumCapacity must be >= 0: " + maximumCapacity);
383		if (size > maximumCapacity) maximumCapacity = size;
384		if (capacity <= maximumCapacity) return;
385		maximumCapacity = MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo(maximumCapacity);
386		resize(maximumCapacity);
387	}
389	/** Clears the map and reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity if they are larger. */
390	public void clear (int maximumCapacity) {
391		if (capacity <= maximumCapacity) {
392			clear();
393			return;
394		}
395		size = 0;
396		resize(maximumCapacity);
397	}
399	public void clear () {
400		if (size == 0) return;
401		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
402		for (int i = capacity + stashSize; i-- > 0;)
403			keyTable[i] = null;
404		size = 0;
405		stashSize = 0;
406	}
408	/** Returns true if the specified value is in the map. Note this traverses the entire map and compares every value, which may be
409	 * an expensive operation. */
410	public boolean containsValue (float value) {
411		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
412		float[] valueTable = this.valueTable;
413		for (int i = capacity + stashSize; i-- > 0;)
414			if (keyTable[i] != null && valueTable[i] == value) return true;
415		return false;
416	}
418	public boolean containsKey (K key) {
419		int hashCode = key.hashCode();
420		int index = hashCode & mask;
421		if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
422			index = hash2(hashCode);
423			if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) {
424				index = hash3(hashCode);
425				if (!key.equals(keyTable[index])) return containsKeyStash(key);
426			}
427		}
428		return true;
429	}
431	private boolean containsKeyStash (K key) {
432		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
433		for (int i = capacity, n = i + stashSize; i < n; i++)
434			if (key.equals(keyTable[i])) return true;
435		return false;
436	}
438	/** Returns the key for the specified value, or null if it is not in the map. Note this traverses the entire map and compares
439	 * every value, which may be an expensive operation. */
440	public K findKey (float value) {
441		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
442		float[] valueTable = this.valueTable;
443		for (int i = capacity + stashSize; i-- > 0;)
444			if (keyTable[i] != null && valueTable[i] == value) return keyTable[i];
445		return null;
446	}
448	/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
449	 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
450	public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
451		int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
452		if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));
453	}
455	private void resize (int newSize) {
456		int oldEndIndex = capacity + stashSize;
458		capacity = newSize;
459		threshold = (int)(newSize * loadFactor);
460		mask = newSize - 1;
461		hashShift = 31 - Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(newSize);
462		stashCapacity = Math.max(3, (int)Math.ceil(Math.log(newSize)) * 2);
463		pushIterations = Math.max(Math.min(newSize, 8), (int)Math.sqrt(newSize) / 8);
465		K[] oldKeyTable = keyTable;
466		float[] oldValueTable = valueTable;
468		keyTable = (K[])new Object[newSize + stashCapacity];
469		valueTable = new float[newSize + stashCapacity];
471		int oldSize = size;
472		size = 0;
473		stashSize = 0;
474		if (oldSize > 0) {
475			for (int i = 0; i < oldEndIndex; i++) {
476				K key = oldKeyTable[i];
477				if (key != null) putResize(key, oldValueTable[i]);
478			}
479		}
480	}
482	private int hash2 (int h) {
483		h *= PRIME2;
484		return (h ^ h >>> hashShift) & mask;
485	}
487	private int hash3 (int h) {
488		h *= PRIME3;
489		return (h ^ h >>> hashShift) & mask;
490	}
492	public int hashCode () {
493		int h = 0;
494		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
495		float[] valueTable = this.valueTable;
496		for (int i = 0, n = capacity + stashSize; i < n; i++) {
497			K key = keyTable[i];
498			if (key != null) {
499				h += key.hashCode() * 31;
501				float value = valueTable[i];
502				h += Float.floatToIntBits(value);
503			}
504		}
505		return h;
506	}
508	public boolean equals (Object obj) {
509		if (obj == this) return true;
510		if (!(obj instanceof ObjectFloatMap)) return false;
511		ObjectFloatMap<K> other = (ObjectFloatMap) obj;
512		if (other.size != size) return false;
513		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
514		float[] valueTable = this.valueTable;
515		for (int i = 0, n = capacity + stashSize; i < n; i++) {
516			K key = keyTable[i];
517			if (key != null) {
518				float otherValue = other.get(key, 0f);
519				if (otherValue == 0f && !other.containsKey(key)) return false;
520				float value = valueTable[i];
521				if (otherValue != value) return false;
522			}
523		}
524		return true;
525	}
527	public String toString () {
528		if (size == 0) return "{}";
529		StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(32);
530		buffer.append('{');
531		K[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
532		float[] valueTable = this.valueTable;
533		int i = keyTable.length;
534		while (i-- > 0) {
535			K key = keyTable[i];
536			if (key == null) continue;
537			buffer.append(key);
538			buffer.append('=');
539			buffer.append(valueTable[i]);
540			break;
541		}
542		while (i-- > 0) {
543			K key = keyTable[i];
544			if (key == null) continue;
545			buffer.append(", ");
546			buffer.append(key);
547			buffer.append('=');
548			buffer.append(valueTable[i]);
549		}
550		buffer.append('}');
551		return buffer.toString();
552	}
554	public Entries<K> iterator () {
555		return entries();
556	}
558	/** Returns an iterator for the entries in the map. Remove is supported. Note that the same iterator instance is returned each
559	 * time this method is called. Use the {@link Entries} constructor for nested or multithreaded iteration. */
560	public Entries<K> entries () {
561		if (entries1 == null) {
562			entries1 = new Entries(this);
563			entries2 = new Entries(this);
564		}
565		if (!entries1.valid) {
566			entries1.reset();
567			entries1.valid = true;
568			entries2.valid = false;
569			return entries1;
570		}
571		entries2.reset();
572		entries2.valid = true;
573		entries1.valid = false;
574		return entries2;
575	}
577	/** Returns an iterator for the values in the map. Remove is supported. Note that the same iterator instance is returned each
578	 * time this method is called. Use the {@link Entries} constructor for nested or multithreaded iteration. */
579	public Values values () {
580		if (values1 == null) {
581			values1 = new Values(this);
582			values2 = new Values(this);
583		}
584		if (!values1.valid) {
585			values1.reset();
586			values1.valid = true;
587			values2.valid = false;
588			return values1;
589		}
590		values2.reset();
591		values2.valid = true;
592		values1.valid = false;
593		return values2;
594	}
596	/** Returns an iterator for the keys in the map. Remove is supported. Note that the same iterator instance is returned each time
597	 * this method is called. Use the {@link Entries} constructor for nested or multithreaded iteration. */
598	public Keys<K> keys () {
599		if (keys1 == null) {
600			keys1 = new Keys(this);
601			keys2 = new Keys(this);
602		}
603		if (!keys1.valid) {
604			keys1.reset();
605			keys1.valid = true;
606			keys2.valid = false;
607			return keys1;
608		}
609		keys2.reset();
610		keys2.valid = true;
611		keys1.valid = false;
612		return keys2;
613	}
615	static public class Entry<K> {
616		public K key;
617		public float value;
619		public String toString () {
620			return key + "=" + value;
621		}
622	}
624	static private class MapIterator<K> {
625		public boolean hasNext;
627		final ObjectFloatMap<K> map;
628		int nextIndex, currentIndex;
629		boolean valid = true;
631		public MapIterator (ObjectFloatMap<K> map) {
632			this.map = map;
633			reset();
634		}
636		public void reset () {
637			currentIndex = -1;
638			nextIndex = -1;
639			findNextIndex();
640		}
642		void findNextIndex () {
643			hasNext = false;
644			K[] keyTable = map.keyTable;
645			for (int n = map.capacity + map.stashSize; ++nextIndex < n;) {
646				if (keyTable[nextIndex] != null) {
647					hasNext = true;
648					break;
649				}
650			}
651		}
653		public void remove () {
654			if (currentIndex < 0) throw new IllegalStateException("next must be called before remove.");
655			if (currentIndex >= map.capacity) {
656				map.removeStashIndex(currentIndex);
657				nextIndex = currentIndex - 1;
658				findNextIndex();
659			} else {
660				map.keyTable[currentIndex] = null;
661			}
662			currentIndex = -1;
663			map.size--;
664		}
665	}
667	static public class Entries<K> extends MapIterator<K> implements Iterable<Entry<K>>, Iterator<Entry<K>> {
668		private Entry<K> entry = new Entry();
670		public Entries (ObjectFloatMap<K> map) {
671			super(map);
672		}
674		/** Note the same entry instance is returned each time this method is called. */
675		public Entry<K> next () {
676			if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException();
677			if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
678			K[] keyTable = map.keyTable;
679			entry.key = keyTable[nextIndex];
680			entry.value = map.valueTable[nextIndex];
681			currentIndex = nextIndex;
682			findNextIndex();
683			return entry;
684		}
686		public boolean hasNext () {
687			if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
688			return hasNext;
689		}
691		public Entries<K> iterator () {
692			return this;
693		}
695		public void remove () {
696			super.remove();
697		}
698	}
700	static public class Values extends MapIterator<Object> {
701		public Values (ObjectFloatMap<?> map) {
702			super((ObjectFloatMap<Object>)map);
703		}
705		public boolean hasNext () {
706			if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
707			return hasNext;
708		}
710		public float next () {
711			if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException();
712			if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
713			float value = map.valueTable[nextIndex];
714			currentIndex = nextIndex;
715			findNextIndex();
716			return value;
717		}
719		/** Returns a new array containing the remaining values. */
720		public FloatArray toArray () {
721			FloatArray array = new FloatArray(true, map.size);
722			while (hasNext)
723				array.add(next());
724			return array;
725		}
726	}
728	static public class Keys<K> extends MapIterator<K> implements Iterable<K>, Iterator<K> {
729		public Keys (ObjectFloatMap<K> map) {
730			super((ObjectFloatMap<K>)map);
731		}
733		public boolean hasNext () {
734			if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
735			return hasNext;
736		}
738		public K next () {
739			if (!hasNext) throw new NoSuchElementException();
740			if (!valid) throw new GdxRuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");
741			K key = map.keyTable[nextIndex];
742			currentIndex = nextIndex;
743			findNextIndex();
744			return key;
745		}
747		public Keys<K> iterator () {
748			return this;
749		}
751		/** Returns a new array containing the remaining keys. */
752		public Array<K> toArray () {
753			Array array = new Array(true, map.size);
754			while (hasNext)
755				array.add(next());
756			return array;
757		}
759		/** Adds the remaining keys to the array. */
760		public Array<K> toArray (Array<K> array) {
761			while (hasNext)
762				array.add(next());
763			return array;
764		}
766		public void remove () {
767			super.remove();
768		}
769	}