SkpSkGrTest.cpp revision 048494c1e236c4db9d18952de83d2602c1abc7c3
2 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#include "GrContext.h"
9#include "GrContextFactory.h"
10#include "GrRenderTarget.h"
11#include "SkGpuDevice.h"
12#include "gl/GrGLDefines.h"
14#include "SkBitmap.h"
15#include "SkCanvas.h"
16#include "SkColor.h"
17#include "SkDevice.h"
18#include "SkGraphics.h"
19#include "SkImageDecoder.h"
20#include "SkImageEncoder.h"
21#include "SkOSFile.h"
22#include "SkPicture.h"
23#include "SkRTConf.h"
24#include "SkStream.h"
25#include "SkString.h"
26#include "SkTArray.h"
27#include "SkTDArray.h"
28#include "SkTaskGroup.h"
29#include "SkTime.h"
30#include "Test.h"
33#error "GPU support required"
37    #define PATH_SLASH "\\"
38    #define IN_DIR "D:\\9-30-13\\"
39    #define OUT_DIR "D:\\skpSkGr\\11\\"
40    #define LINE_FEED "\r\n"
42    #define PATH_SLASH "/"
43    #define IN_DIR "/usr/local/google/home/caryclark" PATH_SLASH "9-30-13-skp"
44    #define OUT_DIR "/media/01CD75512A7F9EE0/4" PATH_SLASH
45    #define LINE_FEED "\n"
48#define PATH_STR_SIZE 512
50static const struct {
51    int directory;
52    const char* filename;
53} skipOverSkGr[] = {
54    {1, "http___accuweather_com_.skp"},  // Couldn't convert bitmap to texture.http___absoku072_com_
57static const size_t skipOverSkGrCount = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(skipOverSkGr);
61class SkpSkGrThreadedRunnable;
63enum TestStep {
64    kCompareBits,
65    kEncodeFiles,
68enum {
69    kMaxLength = 128,
70    kMaxFiles = 128,
73struct TestResult {
74    void init(int dirNo) {
75        fDirNo = dirNo;
76        sk_bzero(fFilename, sizeof(fFilename));
77        fTestStep = kCompareBits;
78        fScaleOversized = true;
79    }
81    SkString status() {
82        SkString outStr;
83        outStr.printf("%s %d %d%s", fFilename, fPixelError, fTime, LINE_FEED);
84        return outStr;
85    }
87    static void Test(int dirNo, const char* filename, TestStep testStep, bool verbose) {
88        TestResult test;
89        test.init(dirNo);
90        test.fTestStep = testStep;
91        strcpy(test.fFilename, filename);
92        test.testOne();
93        if (verbose) {
94            SkDebugf("%s", test.status().c_str());
95        }
96    }
98    void test(int dirNo, const SkString& filename) {
99        init(dirNo);
100        strcpy(fFilename, filename.c_str());
101        testOne();
102    }
104    void testOne();
106    char fFilename[kMaxLength];
107    TestStep fTestStep;
108    int fDirNo;
109    int fPixelError;
110    int fTime;
111    bool fScaleOversized;
114struct SkpSkGrThreadState {
115    void init(int dirNo) {
116        fResult.init(dirNo);
117        fFoundCount = 0;
118        fSmallestError = 0;
119        sk_bzero(fFilesFound, sizeof(fFilesFound));
120        sk_bzero(fDirsFound, sizeof(fDirsFound));
121        sk_bzero(fError, sizeof(fError));
122    }
124    char fFilesFound[kMaxFiles][kMaxLength];
125    int fDirsFound[kMaxFiles];
126    int fError[kMaxFiles];
127    int fFoundCount;
128    int fSmallestError;
129    skiatest::Reporter* fReporter;
130    TestResult fResult;
133struct SkpSkGrThreadedTestRunner {
134    SkpSkGrThreadedTestRunner(skiatest::Reporter* reporter)
135        : fReporter(reporter) {
136    }
138    ~SkpSkGrThreadedTestRunner();
139    void render();
140    SkTDArray<SkpSkGrThreadedRunnable*> fRunnables;
141    skiatest::Reporter* fReporter;
144class SkpSkGrThreadedRunnable {
146    SkpSkGrThreadedRunnable(void (*testFun)(SkpSkGrThreadState*), int dirNo, const char* str,
147            SkpSkGrThreadedTestRunner* runner) {
148        SkASSERT(strlen(str) < sizeof(fState.fResult.fFilename) - 1);
149        fState.init(dirNo);
150        strcpy(fState.fResult.fFilename, str);
151        fState.fReporter = runner->fReporter;
152        fTestFun = testFun;
153    }
155    void operator()() {
156        SkGraphics::SetTLSFontCacheLimit(1 * 1024 * 1024);
157        (*fTestFun)(&fState);
158    }
160    SkpSkGrThreadState fState;
161    void (*fTestFun)(SkpSkGrThreadState*);
164SkpSkGrThreadedTestRunner::~SkpSkGrThreadedTestRunner() {
165    for (int index = 0; index < fRunnables.count(); index++) {
166        delete fRunnables[index];
167    }
170void SkpSkGrThreadedTestRunner::render() {
171    SkTaskGroup().batch(fRunnables.count(), [&](int i) {
172        fRunnables[i]();
173    });
178static const char outGrDir[] = OUT_DIR "grTest";
179static const char outSkDir[] = OUT_DIR "skTest";
180static const char outSkpDir[] = OUT_DIR "skpTest";
181static const char outDiffDir[] = OUT_DIR "outTest";
182static const char outStatusDir[] = OUT_DIR "statusTest";
184static SkString make_filepath(int dirIndex, const char* dir, const char* name) {
185    SkString path(dir);
186    if (dirIndex) {
187        path.appendf("%d", dirIndex);
188    }
189    path.append(PATH_SLASH);
190    path.append(name);
191    return path;
194static SkString make_in_dir_name(int dirIndex) {
195    SkString dirName(IN_DIR);
196    dirName.appendf("%d", dirIndex);
197    if (!sk_exists(dirName.c_str())) {
198        SkDebugf("could not read dir %s\n", dirName.c_str());
199        return SkString();
200    }
201    return dirName;
204static bool make_out_dirs() {
205    SkString outDir = make_filepath(0, OUT_DIR, "");
206    if (!sk_exists(outDir.c_str())) {
207        if (!sk_mkdir(outDir.c_str())) {
208            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", outDir.c_str());
209            return false;
210        }
211    }
212    SkString grDir = make_filepath(0, outGrDir, "");
213    if (!sk_exists(grDir.c_str())) {
214        if (!sk_mkdir(grDir.c_str())) {
215            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", grDir.c_str());
216            return false;
217        }
218    }
219    SkString skDir = make_filepath(0, outSkDir, "");
220    if (!sk_exists(skDir.c_str())) {
221        if (!sk_mkdir(skDir.c_str())) {
222            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", skDir.c_str());
223            return false;
224        }
225    }
226    SkString skpDir = make_filepath(0, outSkpDir, "");
227    if (!sk_exists(skpDir.c_str())) {
228        if (!sk_mkdir(skpDir.c_str())) {
229            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", skpDir.c_str());
230            return false;
231        }
232    }
233    SkString diffDir = make_filepath(0, outDiffDir, "");
234    if (!sk_exists(diffDir.c_str())) {
235        if (!sk_mkdir(diffDir.c_str())) {
236            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", diffDir.c_str());
237            return false;
238        }
239    }
240    SkString statusDir = make_filepath(0, outStatusDir, "");
241    if (!sk_exists(statusDir.c_str())) {
242        if (!sk_mkdir(statusDir.c_str())) {
243            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", statusDir.c_str());
244            return false;
245        }
246    }
247    return true;
250static SkString make_png_name(const char* filename) {
251    SkString pngName = SkString(filename);
252    pngName.remove(pngName.size() - 3, 3);
253    pngName.append("png");
254    return pngName;
257typedef GrContextFactory::GLContextType GLContextType;
258#ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
259static const GLContextType kAngle = GrContextFactory::kANGLE_GLContextType;
261static const GLContextType kNative = GrContextFactory::kNative_GLContextType;
264static int similarBits(const SkBitmap& gr, const SkBitmap& sk) {
265    const int kRowCount = 3;
266    const int kThreshold = 3;
267    int width = SkTMin(gr.width(), sk.width());
268    if (width < kRowCount) {
269        return true;
270    }
271    int height = SkTMin(gr.height(), sk.height());
272    if (height < kRowCount) {
273        return true;
274    }
275    int errorTotal = 0;
276    SkTArray<char, true> errorRows;
277    errorRows.push_back_n(width * kRowCount);
278    SkAutoLockPixels autoGr(gr);
279    SkAutoLockPixels autoSk(sk);
280    char* base = &errorRows[0];
281    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
282        SkPMColor* grRow = gr.getAddr32(0, y);
283        SkPMColor* skRow = sk.getAddr32(0, y);
284        char* cOut = &errorRows[(y % kRowCount) * width];
285        for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
286            SkPMColor grColor = grRow[x];
287            SkPMColor skColor = skRow[x];
288            int dr = SkGetPackedR32(grColor) - SkGetPackedR32(skColor);
289            int dg = SkGetPackedG32(grColor) - SkGetPackedG32(skColor);
290            int db = SkGetPackedB32(grColor) - SkGetPackedB32(skColor);
291            int error = SkTMax(SkAbs32(dr), SkTMax(SkAbs32(dg), SkAbs32(db)));
292            if ((cOut[x] = error >= kThreshold) && x >= 2
293                    && base[x - 2] && base[width + x - 2] && base[width * 2 + x - 2]
294                    && base[x - 1] && base[width + x - 1] && base[width * 2 + x - 1]
295                    && base[x - 0] && base[width + x - 0] && base[width * 2 + x - 0]) {
296                errorTotal += error;
297            }
298        }
299    }
300    return errorTotal;
303static bool addError(SkpSkGrThreadState* data) {
304    bool foundSmaller = false;
305    int dCount = data->fFoundCount;
306    int pixelError = data->fResult.fPixelError;
307    if (data->fFoundCount < kMaxFiles) {
308        data->fError[dCount] = pixelError;
309        strcpy(data->fFilesFound[dCount], data->fResult.fFilename);
310        data->fDirsFound[dCount] = data->fResult.fDirNo;
311        ++data->fFoundCount;
312    } else if (pixelError > data->fSmallestError) {
313        int smallest = SK_MaxS32;
314        int smallestIndex = 0;
315        for (int index = 0; index < kMaxFiles; ++index) {
316            if (smallest > data->fError[index]) {
317                smallest = data->fError[index];
318                smallestIndex = index;
319            }
320        }
321        data->fError[smallestIndex] = pixelError;
322        strcpy(data->fFilesFound[smallestIndex], data->fResult.fFilename);
323        data->fDirsFound[smallestIndex] = data->fResult.fDirNo;
324        data->fSmallestError = SK_MaxS32;
325        for (int index = 0; index < kMaxFiles; ++index) {
326            if (data->fSmallestError > data->fError[index]) {
327                data->fSmallestError = data->fError[index];
328            }
329        }
330        SkDebugf("*%d*", data->fSmallestError);
331        foundSmaller = true;
332    }
333    return foundSmaller;
336static SkMSec timePict(SkPicture* pic, SkCanvas* canvas) {
337    canvas->save();
338    int pWidth = pic->width();
339    int pHeight = pic->height();
340    const int maxDimension = 1000;
341    const int slices = 3;
342    int xInterval = SkTMax(pWidth - maxDimension, 0) / (slices - 1);
343    int yInterval = SkTMax(pHeight - maxDimension, 0) / (slices - 1);
344    SkRect rect = {0, 0, SkIntToScalar(SkTMin(maxDimension, pWidth)),
345            SkIntToScalar(SkTMin(maxDimension, pHeight))};
346    canvas->clipRect(rect);
347    SkMSec start = SkTime::GetMSecs();
348    for (int x = 0; x < slices; ++x) {
349        for (int y = 0; y < slices; ++y) {
350            pic->draw(canvas);
351            canvas->translate(0, SkIntToScalar(yInterval));
352        }
353        canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(xInterval), SkIntToScalar(-yInterval * slices));
354    }
355    SkMSec end = SkTime::GetMSecs();
356    canvas->restore();
357    return end - start;
360static void drawPict(SkPicture* pic, SkCanvas* canvas, int scale) {
361    canvas->clear(SK_ColorWHITE);
362    if (scale != 1) {
363        canvas->save();
364        canvas->scale(1.0f / scale, 1.0f / scale);
365    }
366    pic->draw(canvas);
367    if (scale != 1) {
368        canvas->restore();
369    }
372static void writePict(const SkBitmap& bitmap, const char* outDir, const char* pngName) {
373    SkString outFile = make_filepath(0, outDir, pngName);
374    if (!SkImageEncoder::EncodeFile(outFile.c_str(), bitmap,
375            SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type, 100)) {
376        SkDebugf("unable to encode gr %s (width=%d height=%d)br \n", pngName,
377                    bitmap.width(), bitmap.height());
378    }
381void TestResult::testOne() {
382    SkPicture* pic = nullptr;
383    {
384        SkString d;
385        d.printf("    {%d, \"%s\"},", fDirNo, fFilename);
386        SkString path = make_filepath(fDirNo, IN_DIR, fFilename);
387        SkFILEStream stream(path.c_str());
388        if (!stream.isValid()) {
389            SkDebugf("invalid stream %s\n", path.c_str());
390            goto finish;
391        }
392        if (fTestStep == kEncodeFiles) {
393            size_t length = stream.getLength();
394            SkTArray<char, true> bytes;
395            bytes.push_back_n(length);
396  [0], length);
397            stream.rewind();
398            SkString wPath = make_filepath(0, outSkpDir, fFilename);
399            SkFILEWStream wStream(wPath.c_str());
400            wStream.write(&bytes[0], length);
401            wStream.flush();
402        }
403        pic = SkPicture::CreateFromStream(&stream, &SkImageDecoder::DecodeMemory);
404        if (!pic) {
405            SkDebugf("unable to decode %s\n", fFilename);
406            goto finish;
407        }
408        int pWidth = pic->width();
409        int pHeight = pic->height();
410        int pLargerWH = SkTMax(pWidth, pHeight);
411        GrContextFactory contextFactory;
412#ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN
413        GrContext* context = contextFactory.get(kAngle);
415        GrContext* context = contextFactory.get(kNative);
417        if (nullptr == context) {
418            SkDebugf("unable to allocate context for %s\n", fFilename);
419            goto finish;
420        }
421        int maxWH = context->getMaxRenderTargetSize();
422        int scale = 1;
423        while (pLargerWH / scale > maxWH) {
424            scale *= 2;
425        }
426        SkBitmap bitmap;
427        SkIPoint dim;
428        do {
429            dim.fX = (pWidth + scale - 1) / scale;
430            dim.fY = (pHeight + scale - 1) / scale;
431            bool success = bitmap.allocN32Pixels(dim.fX, dim.fY);
432            if (success) {
433                break;
434            }
435            SkDebugf("-%d-", scale);
436        } while ((scale *= 2) < 256);
437        if (scale >= 256) {
438            SkDebugf("unable to allocate bitmap for %s (w=%d h=%d) (sw=%d sh=%d)\n",
439                    fFilename, pWidth, pHeight, dim.fX, dim.fY);
440            goto finish;
441        }
442        SkCanvas skCanvas(bitmap);
443        drawPict(pic, &skCanvas, fScaleOversized ? scale : 1);
444        GrTextureDesc desc;
445        desc.fConfig = kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig;
446        desc.fFlags = kRenderTarget_GrTextureFlagBit;
447        desc.fWidth = dim.fX;
448        desc.fHeight = dim.fY;
449        desc.fSampleCnt = 0;
450        SkAutoTUnref<GrTexture> texture(context->createUncachedTexture(desc, nullptr, 0));
451        if (!texture) {
452            SkDebugf("unable to allocate texture for %s (w=%d h=%d)\n", fFilename,
453                dim.fX, dim.fY);
454            goto finish;
455        }
456        SkGpuDevice grDevice(context, texture.get());
457        SkCanvas grCanvas(&grDevice);
458        drawPict(pic, &grCanvas, fScaleOversized ? scale : 1);
460        SkBitmap grBitmap;
461        grBitmap.allocPixels(grCanvas.imageInfo());
462        grCanvas.readPixels(&grBitmap, 0, 0);
464        if (fTestStep == kCompareBits) {
465            fPixelError = similarBits(grBitmap, bitmap);
466            int skTime = timePict(pic, &skCanvas);
467            int grTime = timePict(pic, &grCanvas);
468            fTime = skTime - grTime;
469        } else if (fTestStep == kEncodeFiles) {
470            SkString pngStr = make_png_name(fFilename);
471            const char* pngName = pngStr.c_str();
472            writePict(grBitmap, outGrDir, pngName);
473            writePict(bitmap, outSkDir, pngName);
474        }
475    }
477    delete pic;
480static SkString makeStatusString(int dirNo) {
481    SkString statName;
482    statName.printf("stats%d.txt", dirNo);
483    SkString statusFile = make_filepath(0, outStatusDir, statName.c_str());
484    return statusFile;
487class PreParser {
489    PreParser(int dirNo)
490        : fDirNo(dirNo)
491        , fIndex(0)
492        , fStatusPath(makeStatusString(dirNo)) {
493        if (!sk_exists(fStatusPath.c_str())) {
494            return;
495        }
496        SkFILEStream reader;
497        reader.setPath(fStatusPath.c_str());
498        while (fetch(reader, &fResults.push_back()))
499            ;
500        fResults.pop_back();
501    }
503    bool fetch(SkFILEStream& reader, TestResult* result) {
504        char c;
505        int i = 0;
506        result->init(fDirNo);
507        result->fPixelError = 0;
508        result->fTime = 0;
509        do {
510            bool readOne =, 1) != 0;
511            if (!readOne) {
512                SkASSERT(i == 0);
513                return false;
514            }
515            if (c == ' ') {
516                result->fFilename[i++] = '\0';
517                break;
518            }
519            result->fFilename[i++] = c;
520            SkASSERT(i < kMaxLength);
521        } while (true);
522        do {
523            SkAssertResult(, 1) != 0);
524            if (c == ' ') {
525                break;
526            }
527            SkASSERT(c >= '0' && c <= '9');
528            result->fPixelError = result->fPixelError * 10 + (c - '0');
529        } while (true);
530        bool minus = false;
531        do {
532            if (, 1) == 0) {
533                break;
534            }
535            if (c == '\r' &&, 1) == 0) {
536                break;
537            }
538            if (c == '\n') {
539                break;
540            }
541            if (c == '-') {
542                minus = true;
543                continue;
544            }
545            SkASSERT(c >= '0' && c <= '9');
546            result->fTime = result->fTime * 10 + (c - '0');
547        } while (true);
548        if (minus) {
549            result->fTime = -result->fTime;
550        }
551        return true;
552    }
554    bool match(const SkString& filename, SkFILEWStream* stream, TestResult* result) {
555        if (fIndex < fResults.count()) {
556            *result = fResults[fIndex++];
557            SkASSERT(filename.equals(result->fFilename));
558            SkString outStr(result->status());
559            stream->write(outStr.c_str(), outStr.size());
560            stream->flush();
561            return true;
562        }
563        return false;
564    }
567    int fDirNo;
568    int fIndex;
569    SkTArray<TestResult, true> fResults;
570    SkString fStatusPath;
573static bool initTest() {
574#if !defined SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN && !defined SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC
575    SK_CONF_SET("images.jpeg.suppressDecoderWarnings", true);
576    SK_CONF_SET("images.png.suppressDecoderWarnings", true);
578    return make_out_dirs();
581DEF_TEST(SkpSkGr, reporter) {
582    SkTArray<TestResult, true> errors;
583    if (!initTest()) {
584        return;
585    }
586    SkpSkGrThreadState state;
587    state.init(0);
588    int smallCount = 0;
589    for (int dirNo = 1; dirNo <= 100; ++dirNo) {
590        SkString pictDir = make_in_dir_name(dirNo);
591        SkASSERT(pictDir.size());
592        if (reporter->verbose()) {
593            SkDebugf("dirNo=%d\n", dirNo);
594        }
595        SkOSFile::Iter iter(pictDir.c_str(), "skp");
596        SkString filename;
597        int testCount = 0;
598        PreParser preParser(dirNo);
599        SkFILEWStream statusStream(makeStatusString(dirNo).c_str());
600        while ( {
601            for (size_t index = 0; index < skipOverSkGrCount; ++index) {
602                if (skipOverSkGr[index].directory == dirNo
603                        && strcmp(filename.c_str(), skipOverSkGr[index].filename) == 0) {
604                    goto skipOver;
605                }
606            }
607            if (preParser.match(filename, &statusStream, &state.fResult)) {
608                addError(&state);
609                ++testCount;
610                goto checkEarlyExit;
611            }
612            if (state.fSmallestError > 5000000) {
613                goto breakOut;
614            }
615            {
616                TestResult& result = state.fResult;
617                result.test(dirNo, filename);
618                SkString outStr(result.status());
619                statusStream.write(outStr.c_str(), outStr.size());
620                statusStream.flush();
621                if (1) {
622                    SkDebugf("%s", outStr.c_str());
623                }
624                bool noMatch = addError(&state);
625                if (noMatch) {
626                    smallCount = 0;
627                } else if (++smallCount > 10000) {
628                    goto breakOut;
629                }
630            }
631            ++testCount;
632            if (reporter->verbose()) {
633                if (testCount % 100 == 0) {
634                    SkDebugf("#%d\n", testCount);
635                }
636            }
637     skipOver:
638             reporter->bumpTestCount();
639    checkEarlyExit:
640            if (1 && testCount == 20) {
641                break;
642            }
643        }
644    }
646    if (reporter->verbose()) {
647        for (int index = 0; index < state.fFoundCount; ++index) {
648            SkDebugf("%d %s %d\n", state.fDirsFound[index], state.fFilesFound[index],
649                     state.fError[index]);
650        }
651    }
652    for (int index = 0; index < state.fFoundCount; ++index) {
653        TestResult::Test(state.fDirsFound[index], state.fFilesFound[index], kEncodeFiles,
654                reporter->verbose());
655        if (reporter->verbose()) SkDebugf("+");
656    }
659static void bumpCount(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, bool skipping) {
660    if (reporter->verbose()) {
661        static int threadTestCount;
662        sk_atomic_inc(&threadTestCount);
663        if (!skipping && threadTestCount % 100 == 0) {
664            SkDebugf("#%d\n", threadTestCount);
665        }
666        if (skipping && threadTestCount % 10000 == 0) {
667            SkDebugf("#%d\n", threadTestCount);
668        }
669    }
672static void testSkGrMain(SkpSkGrThreadState* data) {
673    data->fResult.testOne();
674    bumpCount(data->fReporter, false);
675    data->fReporter->bumpTestCount();
678DEF_TEST(SkpSkGrThreaded, reporter) {
679    if (!initTest()) {
680        return;
681    }
682    SkpSkGrThreadedTestRunner testRunner(reporter);
683    for (int dirIndex = 1; dirIndex <= 100; ++dirIndex) {
684        SkString pictDir = make_in_dir_name(dirIndex);
685        if (pictDir.size() == 0) {
686            continue;
687        }
688        SkOSFile::Iter iter(pictDir.c_str(), "skp");
689        SkString filename;
690        while ( {
691            SkString pngName = make_png_name(filename.c_str());
692            SkString oldPng = make_filepath(dirIndex, outSkDir, pngName.c_str());
693            SkString newPng = make_filepath(dirIndex, outGrDir, pngName.c_str());
694            if (sk_exists(oldPng.c_str()) && sk_exists(newPng.c_str())) {
695                bumpCount(reporter, true);
696                continue;
697            }
698            for (size_t index = 0; index < skipOverSkGrCount; ++index) {
699                if (skipOverSkGr[index].directory == dirIndex
700                        && strcmp(filename.c_str(), skipOverSkGr[index].filename) == 0) {
701                    bumpCount(reporter, true);
702                    goto skipOver;
703                }
704            }
705            *testRunner.fRunnables.append() = new SkpSkGrThreadedRunnable(
706                    &testSkGrMain, dirIndex, filename.c_str(), &testRunner);
707    skipOver:
708            ;
709        }
710    }
711    testRunner.render();
712    SkpSkGrThreadState& max = testRunner.fRunnables[0]->fState;
713    for (int dirIndex = 2; dirIndex <= 100; ++dirIndex) {
714        SkpSkGrThreadState& state = testRunner.fRunnables[dirIndex - 1]->fState;
715        for (int index = 0; index < state.fFoundCount; ++index) {
716            int maxIdx = max.fFoundCount;
717            if (maxIdx < kMaxFiles) {
718                max.fError[maxIdx] = state.fError[index];
719                strcpy(max.fFilesFound[maxIdx], state.fFilesFound[index]);
720                max.fDirsFound[maxIdx] = state.fDirsFound[index];
721                ++max.fFoundCount;
722                continue;
723            }
724            for (maxIdx = 0; maxIdx < max.fFoundCount; ++maxIdx) {
725                if (max.fError[maxIdx] < state.fError[index]) {
726                    max.fError[maxIdx] = state.fError[index];
727                    strcpy(max.fFilesFound[maxIdx], state.fFilesFound[index]);
728                    max.fDirsFound[maxIdx] = state.fDirsFound[index];
729                    break;
730                }
731            }
732        }
733    }
734    TestResult encoder;
735    encoder.fTestStep = kEncodeFiles;
736    for (int index = 0; index < max.fFoundCount; ++index) {
737        encoder.fDirNo = max.fDirsFound[index];
738        strcpy(encoder.fFilename, max.fFilesFound[index]);
739        encoder.testOne();
740        SkDebugf("+");
741    }
744DEF_TEST(SkpSkGrOneOff, reporter) {
745    if (!initTest()) {
746        return;
747    }
748    int testIndex = 166;
749    int dirIndex = skipOverSkGr[testIndex - 166].directory;
750    SkString pictDir = make_in_dir_name(dirIndex);
751    if (pictDir.size() == 0) {
752        return;
753    }
754    SkString filename(skipOverSkGr[testIndex - 166].filename);
755    TestResult::Test(dirIndex, filename.c_str(), kCompareBits, reporter->verbose());
756    TestResult::Test(dirIndex, filename.c_str(), kEncodeFiles, reporter->verbose());