1/* libs/android_runtime/android/graphics/Paint.cpp
3** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project
5** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7** You may obtain a copy of the License at
9**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15** limitations under the License.
18#define LOG_TAG "Paint"
20#include <utils/Log.h>
22#include "jni.h"
23#include "GraphicsJNI.h"
24#include "core_jni_helpers.h"
25#include <ScopedStringChars.h>
26#include <ScopedUtfChars.h>
28#include "SkBlurDrawLooper.h"
29#include "SkColorFilter.h"
30#include "SkMaskFilter.h"
31#include "SkPath.h"
32#include "SkRasterizer.h"
33#include "SkShader.h"
34#include "SkTypeface.h"
35#include "SkXfermode.h"
36#include "unicode/uloc.h"
37#include "unicode/ushape.h"
38#include "utils/Blur.h"
40#include <hwui/MinikinSkia.h>
41#include <hwui/MinikinUtils.h>
42#include <hwui/Paint.h>
43#include <hwui/Typeface.h>
44#include <minikin/GraphemeBreak.h>
45#include <minikin/Measurement.h>
46#include <unicode/utf16.h>
48#include <cassert>
49#include <cstring>
50#include <memory>
51#include <vector>
53namespace android {
55struct JMetricsID {
56    jfieldID    top;
57    jfieldID    ascent;
58    jfieldID    descent;
59    jfieldID    bottom;
60    jfieldID    leading;
63static jclass   gFontMetrics_class;
64static JMetricsID gFontMetrics_fieldID;
66static jclass   gFontMetricsInt_class;
67static JMetricsID gFontMetricsInt_fieldID;
69static void defaultSettingsForAndroid(Paint* paint) {
70    // GlyphID encoding is required because we are using Harfbuzz shaping
71    paint->setTextEncoding(Paint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding);
74namespace PaintGlue {
75    enum MoveOpt {
77    };
79    static void deletePaint(Paint* paint) {
80        delete paint;
81    }
83    static jlong getNativeFinalizer(JNIEnv*, jobject) {
84        return static_cast<jlong>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&deletePaint));
85    }
87    static jlong init(JNIEnv* env, jobject) {
88        static_assert(1 <<  0 == SkPaint::kAntiAlias_Flag,          "paint_flags_mismatch");
89        static_assert(1 <<  2 == SkPaint::kDither_Flag,             "paint_flags_mismatch");
90        static_assert(1 <<  3 == SkPaint::kUnderlineText_Flag,      "paint_flags_mismatch");
91        static_assert(1 <<  4 == SkPaint::kStrikeThruText_Flag,     "paint_flags_mismatch");
92        static_assert(1 <<  5 == SkPaint::kFakeBoldText_Flag,       "paint_flags_mismatch");
93        static_assert(1 <<  6 == SkPaint::kLinearText_Flag,         "paint_flags_mismatch");
94        static_assert(1 <<  7 == SkPaint::kSubpixelText_Flag,       "paint_flags_mismatch");
95        static_assert(1 <<  8 == SkPaint::kDevKernText_Flag,        "paint_flags_mismatch");
96        static_assert(1 << 10 == SkPaint::kEmbeddedBitmapText_Flag, "paint_flags_mismatch");
98        Paint* obj = new Paint();
99        defaultSettingsForAndroid(obj);
100        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(obj);
101    }
103    static jlong initWithPaint(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle) {
104        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
105        Paint* obj = new Paint(*paint);
106        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(obj);
107    }
109    static void reset(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle) {
110        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
111        obj->reset();
112        defaultSettingsForAndroid(obj);
113    }
115    static void assign(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong dstPaintHandle, jlong srcPaintHandle) {
116        Paint* dst = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(dstPaintHandle);
117        const Paint* src = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(srcPaintHandle);
118        *dst = *src;
119    }
121    // Equivalent to the Java Paint's FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG.
122    static const uint32_t sFilterBitmapFlag = 0x02;
124    static jint getFlags(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
125        Paint* nativePaint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
126        uint32_t result = nativePaint->getFlags();
127        result &= ~sFilterBitmapFlag; // Filtering no longer stored in this bit. Mask away.
128        if (nativePaint->getFilterQuality() != kNone_SkFilterQuality) {
129            result |= sFilterBitmapFlag;
130        }
131        return static_cast<jint>(result);
132    }
134    static void setFlags(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jint flags) {
135        Paint* nativePaint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
136        // Instead of modifying 0x02, change the filter level.
137        nativePaint->setFilterQuality(flags & sFilterBitmapFlag
138                ? kLow_SkFilterQuality
139                : kNone_SkFilterQuality);
140        // Don't pass through filter flag, which is no longer stored in paint's flags.
141        flags &= ~sFilterBitmapFlag;
142        // Use the existing value for 0x02.
143        const uint32_t existing0x02Flag = nativePaint->getFlags() & sFilterBitmapFlag;
144        flags |= existing0x02Flag;
145        nativePaint->setFlags(flags);
146    }
148    static jint getHinting(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
149        return reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->getHinting()
150                == Paint::kNo_Hinting ? 0 : 1;
151    }
153    static void setHinting(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jint mode) {
154        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setHinting(
155                mode == 0 ? Paint::kNo_Hinting : Paint::kNormal_Hinting);
156    }
158    static void setAntiAlias(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean aa) {
159        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setAntiAlias(aa);
160    }
162    static void setLinearText(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean linearText) {
163        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setLinearText(linearText);
164    }
166    static void setSubpixelText(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean subpixelText) {
167        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setSubpixelText(subpixelText);
168    }
170    static void setUnderlineText(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean underlineText) {
171        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setUnderlineText(underlineText);
172    }
174    static void setStrikeThruText(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean strikeThruText) {
175        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setStrikeThruText(strikeThruText);
176    }
178    static void setFakeBoldText(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean fakeBoldText) {
179        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setFakeBoldText(fakeBoldText);
180    }
182    static void setFilterBitmap(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean filterBitmap) {
183        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setFilterQuality(
184                filterBitmap ? kLow_SkFilterQuality : kNone_SkFilterQuality);
185    }
187    static void setDither(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean dither) {
188        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setDither(dither);
189    }
191    static jint getStyle(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,jlong objHandle) {
192        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
193        return static_cast<jint>(obj->getStyle());
194    }
196    static void setStyle(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jint styleHandle) {
197        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
198        Paint::Style style = static_cast<Paint::Style>(styleHandle);
199        obj->setStyle(style);
200    }
202    static jint getColor(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
203        int color;
204        color = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->getColor();
205        return static_cast<jint>(color);
206    }
208    static jint getAlpha(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
209        int alpha;
210        alpha = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->getAlpha();
211        return static_cast<jint>(alpha);
212    }
214    static void setColor(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jint color) {
215        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setColor(color);
216    }
218    static void setAlpha(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jint a) {
219        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setAlpha(a);
220    }
222    static jfloat getStrokeWidth(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
223        return SkScalarToFloat(reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->getStrokeWidth());
224    }
226    static void setStrokeWidth(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jfloat width) {
227        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setStrokeWidth(width);
228    }
230    static jfloat getStrokeMiter(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
231        return SkScalarToFloat(reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->getStrokeMiter());
232    }
234    static void setStrokeMiter(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jfloat miter) {
235        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setStrokeMiter(miter);
236    }
238    static jint getStrokeCap(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle) {
239        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
240        return static_cast<jint>(obj->getStrokeCap());
241    }
243    static void setStrokeCap(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jint capHandle) {
244        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
245        Paint::Cap cap = static_cast<Paint::Cap>(capHandle);
246        obj->setStrokeCap(cap);
247    }
249    static jint getStrokeJoin(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle) {
250        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
251        return static_cast<jint>(obj->getStrokeJoin());
252    }
254    static void setStrokeJoin(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jint joinHandle) {
255        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
256        Paint::Join join = (Paint::Join) joinHandle;
257        obj->setStrokeJoin(join);
258    }
260    static jboolean getFillPath(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jlong srcHandle, jlong dstHandle) {
261        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
262        SkPath* src = reinterpret_cast<SkPath*>(srcHandle);
263        SkPath* dst = reinterpret_cast<SkPath*>(dstHandle);
264        return obj->getFillPath(*src, dst) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
265    }
267    static jlong setShader(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jlong shaderHandle) {
268        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
269        SkShader* shader = reinterpret_cast<SkShader*>(shaderHandle);
270        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(obj->setShader(shader));
271    }
273    static jlong setColorFilter(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jlong filterHandle) {
274        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint *>(objHandle);
275        SkColorFilter* filter  = reinterpret_cast<SkColorFilter *>(filterHandle);
276        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(obj->setColorFilter(filter));
277    }
279    static jlong setXfermode(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jlong xfermodeHandle) {
280        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
281        SkXfermode* xfermode = reinterpret_cast<SkXfermode*>(xfermodeHandle);
282        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(obj->setXfermode(xfermode));
283    }
285    static jlong setPathEffect(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jlong effectHandle) {
286        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
287        SkPathEffect* effect  = reinterpret_cast<SkPathEffect*>(effectHandle);
288        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(obj->setPathEffect(effect));
289    }
291    static jlong setMaskFilter(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jlong maskfilterHandle) {
292        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
293        SkMaskFilter* maskfilter  = reinterpret_cast<SkMaskFilter*>(maskfilterHandle);
294        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(obj->setMaskFilter(maskfilter));
295    }
297    static jlong setTypeface(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) {
298        // TODO: in Paint refactoring, set typeface on android Paint, not Paint
299        return NULL;
300    }
302    static jlong setRasterizer(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jlong rasterizerHandle) {
303        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
304        SkAutoTUnref<SkRasterizer> rasterizer(GraphicsJNI::refNativeRasterizer(rasterizerHandle));
305        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(obj->setRasterizer(rasterizer));
306    }
308    static jint getTextAlign(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle) {
309        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
310        return static_cast<jint>(obj->getTextAlign());
311    }
313    static void setTextAlign(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jint alignHandle) {
314        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
315        Paint::Align align = static_cast<Paint::Align>(alignHandle);
316        obj->setTextAlign(align);
317    }
319    static jint setTextLocales(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle, jstring locales) {
320        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
321        ScopedUtfChars localesChars(env, locales);
322        jint minikinLangListId = FontStyle::registerLanguageList(localesChars.c_str());
323        obj->setMinikinLangListId(minikinLangListId);
324        return minikinLangListId;
325    }
327    static void setTextLocalesByMinikinLangListId(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong objHandle,
328            jint minikinLangListId) {
329        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(objHandle);
330        obj->setMinikinLangListId(minikinLangListId);
331    }
333    static jboolean isElegantTextHeight(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
334        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
335        return obj->getFontVariant() == VARIANT_ELEGANT;
336    }
338    static void setElegantTextHeight(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jboolean aa) {
339        Paint* obj = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
340        obj->setFontVariant(aa ? VARIANT_ELEGANT : VARIANT_DEFAULT);
341    }
343    static jfloat getTextSize(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
344        return SkScalarToFloat(reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->getTextSize());
345    }
347    static void setTextSize(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jfloat textSize) {
348        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setTextSize(textSize);
349    }
351    static jfloat getTextScaleX(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
352        return SkScalarToFloat(reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->getTextScaleX());
353    }
355    static void setTextScaleX(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jfloat scaleX) {
356        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setTextScaleX(scaleX);
357    }
359    static jfloat getTextSkewX(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle) {
360        return SkScalarToFloat(reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->getTextSkewX());
361    }
363    static void setTextSkewX(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jfloat skewX) {
364        reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle)->setTextSkewX(skewX);
365    }
367    static jfloat getLetterSpacing(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle) {
368        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
369        return paint->getLetterSpacing();
370    }
372    static void setLetterSpacing(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jfloat letterSpacing) {
373        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
374        paint->setLetterSpacing(letterSpacing);
375    }
377    static void setFontFeatureSettings(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jstring settings) {
378        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
379        if (!settings) {
380            paint->setFontFeatureSettings(std::string());
381        } else {
382            ScopedUtfChars settingsChars(env, settings);
383            paint->setFontFeatureSettings(std::string(settingsChars.c_str(), settingsChars.size()));
384        }
385    }
387    static jint getHyphenEdit(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jint hyphen) {
388        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
389        return paint->getHyphenEdit();
390    }
392    static void setHyphenEdit(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jint hyphen) {
393        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
394        paint->setHyphenEdit((uint32_t)hyphen);
395    }
397    static SkScalar getMetricsInternal(jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle,
398            Paint::FontMetrics *metrics) {
399        const int kElegantTop = 2500;
400        const int kElegantBottom = -1000;
401        const int kElegantAscent = 1900;
402        const int kElegantDescent = -500;
403        const int kElegantLeading = 0;
404        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
405        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
406        typeface = Typeface::resolveDefault(typeface);
407        FakedFont baseFont = typeface->fFontCollection->baseFontFaked(typeface->fStyle);
408        float saveSkewX = paint->getTextSkewX();
409        bool savefakeBold = paint->isFakeBoldText();
410        MinikinFontSkia::populateSkPaint(paint, baseFont.font, baseFont.fakery);
411        SkScalar spacing = paint->getFontMetrics(metrics);
412        // The populateSkPaint call may have changed fake bold / text skew
413        // because we want to measure with those effects applied, so now
414        // restore the original settings.
415        paint->setTextSkewX(saveSkewX);
416        paint->setFakeBoldText(savefakeBold);
417        if (paint->getFontVariant() == VARIANT_ELEGANT) {
418            SkScalar size = paint->getTextSize();
419            metrics->fTop = -size * kElegantTop / 2048;
420            metrics->fBottom = -size * kElegantBottom / 2048;
421            metrics->fAscent = -size * kElegantAscent / 2048;
422            metrics->fDescent = -size * kElegantDescent / 2048;
423            metrics->fLeading = size * kElegantLeading / 2048;
424            spacing = metrics->fDescent - metrics->fAscent + metrics->fLeading;
425        }
426        return spacing;
427    }
429    static jfloat ascent(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) {
430        Paint::FontMetrics metrics;
431        getMetricsInternal(paintHandle, typefaceHandle, &metrics);
432        return SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fAscent);
433    }
435    static jfloat descent(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle) {
436        Paint::FontMetrics metrics;
437        getMetricsInternal(paintHandle, typefaceHandle, &metrics);
438        return SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fDescent);
439    }
441    static jfloat getFontMetrics(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle,
442            jlong typefaceHandle, jobject metricsObj) {
443        Paint::FontMetrics metrics;
444        SkScalar spacing = getMetricsInternal(paintHandle, typefaceHandle, &metrics);
446        if (metricsObj) {
447            SkASSERT(env->IsInstanceOf(metricsObj, gFontMetrics_class));
448            env->SetFloatField(metricsObj, gFontMetrics_fieldID.top, SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fTop));
449            env->SetFloatField(metricsObj, gFontMetrics_fieldID.ascent, SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fAscent));
450            env->SetFloatField(metricsObj, gFontMetrics_fieldID.descent, SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fDescent));
451            env->SetFloatField(metricsObj, gFontMetrics_fieldID.bottom, SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fBottom));
452            env->SetFloatField(metricsObj, gFontMetrics_fieldID.leading, SkScalarToFloat(metrics.fLeading));
453        }
454        return SkScalarToFloat(spacing);
455    }
457    static jint getFontMetricsInt(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle,
458            jlong typefaceHandle, jobject metricsObj) {
459        Paint::FontMetrics metrics;
461        getMetricsInternal(paintHandle, typefaceHandle, &metrics);
462        int ascent = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fAscent);
463        int descent = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fDescent);
464        int leading = SkScalarRoundToInt(metrics.fLeading);
466        if (metricsObj) {
467            SkASSERT(env->IsInstanceOf(metricsObj, gFontMetricsInt_class));
468            env->SetIntField(metricsObj, gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.top, SkScalarFloorToInt(metrics.fTop));
469            env->SetIntField(metricsObj, gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.ascent, ascent);
470            env->SetIntField(metricsObj, gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.descent, descent);
471            env->SetIntField(metricsObj, gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.bottom, SkScalarCeilToInt(metrics.fBottom));
472            env->SetIntField(metricsObj, gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.leading, leading);
473        }
474        return descent - ascent + leading;
475    }
477    static jfloat doTextAdvances(JNIEnv *env, Paint *paint, Typeface* typeface,
478            const jchar *text, jint start, jint count, jint contextCount, jint bidiFlags,
479            jfloatArray advances, jint advancesIndex) {
480        NPE_CHECK_RETURN_ZERO(env, text);
482        if ((start | count | contextCount | advancesIndex) < 0 || contextCount < count) {
483            doThrowAIOOBE(env);
484            return 0;
485        }
486        if (count == 0) {
487            return 0;
488        }
489        if (advances) {
490            size_t advancesLength = env->GetArrayLength(advances);
491            if ((size_t)(count  + advancesIndex) > advancesLength) {
492                doThrowAIOOBE(env);
493                return 0;
494            }
495        }
496        std::unique_ptr<jfloat[]> advancesArray;
497        if (advances) {
498            advancesArray.reset(new jfloat[count]);
499        }
500        const float advance = MinikinUtils::measureText(paint, bidiFlags, typeface, text,
501                start, count, contextCount, advancesArray.get());
502        if (advances) {
503            env->SetFloatArrayRegion(advances, advancesIndex, count, advancesArray.get());
504        }
505        return advance;
506    }
508    static jfloat getTextAdvances___CIIIII_FI(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle,
509            jlong typefaceHandle,
510            jcharArray text, jint index, jint count, jint contextIndex, jint contextCount,
511            jint bidiFlags, jfloatArray advances, jint advancesIndex) {
512        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
513        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
514        jchar* textArray = env->GetCharArrayElements(text, NULL);
515        jfloat result = doTextAdvances(env, paint, typeface, textArray + contextIndex,
516                index - contextIndex, count, contextCount, bidiFlags, advances, advancesIndex);
517        env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(text, textArray, JNI_ABORT);
518        return result;
519    }
521    static jfloat getTextAdvances__StringIIIII_FI(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle,
522            jlong typefaceHandle,
523            jstring text, jint start, jint end, jint contextStart, jint contextEnd, jint bidiFlags,
524            jfloatArray advances, jint advancesIndex) {
525        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
526        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
527        const jchar* textArray = env->GetStringChars(text, NULL);
528        jfloat result = doTextAdvances(env, paint, typeface, textArray + contextStart,
529                start - contextStart, end - start, contextEnd - contextStart, bidiFlags,
530                advances, advancesIndex);
531        env->ReleaseStringChars(text, textArray);
532        return result;
533    }
535    static jint doTextRunCursor(JNIEnv *env, Paint* paint, const jchar *text, jint start,
536            jint count, jint flags, jint offset, jint opt) {
537        GraphemeBreak::MoveOpt moveOpt = GraphemeBreak::MoveOpt(opt);
538        size_t result = GraphemeBreak::getTextRunCursor(text, start, count, offset, moveOpt);
539        return static_cast<jint>(result);
540    }
542    static jint getTextRunCursor___C(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jcharArray text,
543            jint contextStart, jint contextCount, jint dir, jint offset, jint cursorOpt) {
544        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
545        jchar* textArray = env->GetCharArrayElements(text, NULL);
546        jint result = doTextRunCursor(env, paint, textArray, contextStart, contextCount, dir,
547                offset, cursorOpt);
548        env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(text, textArray, JNI_ABORT);
549        return result;
550    }
552    static jint getTextRunCursor__String(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jstring text,
553            jint contextStart, jint contextEnd, jint dir, jint offset, jint cursorOpt) {
554        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
555        const jchar* textArray = env->GetStringChars(text, NULL);
556        jint result = doTextRunCursor(env, paint, textArray, contextStart,
557                contextEnd - contextStart, dir, offset, cursorOpt);
558        env->ReleaseStringChars(text, textArray);
559        return result;
560    }
562    class GetTextFunctor {
563    public:
564        GetTextFunctor(const Layout& layout, SkPath* path, jfloat x, jfloat y, Paint* paint,
565                    uint16_t* glyphs, SkPoint* pos)
566                : layout(layout), path(path), x(x), y(y), paint(paint), glyphs(glyphs), pos(pos) {
567        }
569        void operator()(size_t start, size_t end) {
570            for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
571                glyphs[i] = layout.getGlyphId(i);
572                pos[i].fX = x + layout.getX(i);
573                pos[i].fY = y + layout.getY(i);
574            }
575            if (start == 0) {
576                paint->getPosTextPath(glyphs + start, (end - start) << 1, pos + start, path);
577            } else {
578                paint->getPosTextPath(glyphs + start, (end - start) << 1, pos + start, &tmpPath);
579                path->addPath(tmpPath);
580            }
581        }
582    private:
583        const Layout& layout;
584        SkPath* path;
585        jfloat x;
586        jfloat y;
587        Paint* paint;
588        uint16_t* glyphs;
589        SkPoint* pos;
590        SkPath tmpPath;
591    };
593    static void getTextPath(JNIEnv* env, Paint* paint, Typeface* typeface, const jchar* text,
594            jint count, jint bidiFlags, jfloat x, jfloat y, SkPath* path) {
595        Layout layout;
596        MinikinUtils::doLayout(&layout, paint, bidiFlags, typeface, text, 0, count, count);
597        size_t nGlyphs = layout.nGlyphs();
598        uint16_t* glyphs = new uint16_t[nGlyphs];
599        SkPoint* pos = new SkPoint[nGlyphs];
601        x += MinikinUtils::xOffsetForTextAlign(paint, layout);
602        Paint::Align align = paint->getTextAlign();
603        paint->setTextAlign(Paint::kLeft_Align);
604        paint->setTextEncoding(Paint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding);
605        GetTextFunctor f(layout, path, x, y, paint, glyphs, pos);
606        MinikinUtils::forFontRun(layout, paint, f);
607        paint->setTextAlign(align);
608        delete[] glyphs;
609        delete[] pos;
610    }
612    static void getTextPath___C(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle,
613            jlong typefaceHandle, jint bidiFlags,
614            jcharArray text, jint index, jint count, jfloat x, jfloat y, jlong pathHandle) {
615        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
616        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
617        SkPath* path = reinterpret_cast<SkPath*>(pathHandle);
618        const jchar* textArray = env->GetCharArrayElements(text, NULL);
619        getTextPath(env, paint, typeface, textArray + index, count, bidiFlags, x, y, path);
620        env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(text, const_cast<jchar*>(textArray), JNI_ABORT);
621    }
623    static void getTextPath__String(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle,
624            jlong typefaceHandle, jint bidiFlags,
625            jstring text, jint start, jint end, jfloat x, jfloat y, jlong pathHandle) {
626        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
627        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
628        SkPath* path = reinterpret_cast<SkPath*>(pathHandle);
629        const jchar* textArray = env->GetStringChars(text, NULL);
630        getTextPath(env, paint, typeface, textArray + start, end - start, bidiFlags, x, y, path);
631        env->ReleaseStringChars(text, textArray);
632    }
634    static void setShadowLayer(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jfloat radius,
635                               jfloat dx, jfloat dy, jint color) {
636        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
637        if (radius <= 0) {
638            paint->setLooper(NULL);
639        }
640        else {
641            SkScalar sigma = android::uirenderer::Blur::convertRadiusToSigma(radius);
642            paint->setLooper(SkBlurDrawLooper::Create((SkColor)color, sigma, dx, dy))->unref();
643        }
644    }
646    static jboolean hasShadowLayer(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle) {
647        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
648        return paint->getLooper() && paint->getLooper()->asABlurShadow(NULL);
649    }
651    static int breakText(JNIEnv* env, const Paint& paint, Typeface* typeface, const jchar text[],
652                         int count, float maxWidth, jint bidiFlags, jfloatArray jmeasured,
653                         const bool forwardScan) {
654        size_t measuredCount = 0;
655        float measured = 0;
657        std::unique_ptr<float[]> advancesArray(new float[count]);
658        MinikinUtils::measureText(&paint, bidiFlags, typeface, text, 0, count, count,
659                advancesArray.get());
661        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
662            // traverse in the given direction
663            int index = forwardScan ? i : (count - i - 1);
664            float width = advancesArray[index];
665            if (measured + width > maxWidth) {
666                break;
667            }
668            // properly handle clusters when scanning backwards
669            if (forwardScan || width != 0.0f) {
670                measuredCount = i + 1;
671            }
672            measured += width;
673        }
675        if (jmeasured && env->GetArrayLength(jmeasured) > 0) {
676            AutoJavaFloatArray autoMeasured(env, jmeasured, 1);
677            jfloat* array = autoMeasured.ptr();
678            array[0] = measured;
679        }
680        return measuredCount;
681    }
683    static jint breakTextC(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle, jcharArray jtext,
684            jint index, jint count, jfloat maxWidth, jint bidiFlags, jfloatArray jmeasuredWidth) {
685        NPE_CHECK_RETURN_ZERO(env, jtext);
687        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
688        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
690        bool forwardTextDirection;
691        if (count < 0) {
692            forwardTextDirection = false;
693            count = -count;
694        }
695        else {
696            forwardTextDirection = true;
697        }
699        if ((index < 0) || (index + count > env->GetArrayLength(jtext))) {
700            doThrowAIOOBE(env);
701            return 0;
702        }
704        const jchar* text = env->GetCharArrayElements(jtext, NULL);
705        count = breakText(env, *paint, typeface, text + index, count, maxWidth,
706                          bidiFlags, jmeasuredWidth, forwardTextDirection);
707        env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(jtext, const_cast<jchar*>(text),
708                                      JNI_ABORT);
709        return count;
710    }
712    static jint breakTextS(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle, jstring jtext,
713                jboolean forwards, jfloat maxWidth, jint bidiFlags, jfloatArray jmeasuredWidth) {
714        NPE_CHECK_RETURN_ZERO(env, jtext);
716        Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
717        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
719        int count = env->GetStringLength(jtext);
720        const jchar* text = env->GetStringChars(jtext, NULL);
721        count = breakText(env, *paint, typeface, text, count, maxWidth, bidiFlags, jmeasuredWidth, forwards);
722        env->ReleaseStringChars(jtext, text);
723        return count;
724    }
726    static void doTextBounds(JNIEnv* env, const jchar* text, int count, jobject bounds,
727            const Paint& paint, Typeface* typeface, jint bidiFlags) {
728        SkRect  r;
729        SkIRect ir;
731        Layout layout;
732        MinikinUtils::doLayout(&layout, &paint, bidiFlags, typeface, text, 0, count, count);
733        MinikinRect rect;
734        layout.getBounds(&rect);
735        r.fLeft = rect.mLeft;
736        r.fTop = rect.mTop;
737        r.fRight = rect.mRight;
738        r.fBottom = rect.mBottom;
739        r.roundOut(&ir);
740        GraphicsJNI::irect_to_jrect(ir, env, bounds);
741    }
743    static void getStringBounds(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle,
744                                jstring text, jint start, jint end, jint bidiFlags, jobject bounds) {
745        const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
746        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
747        const jchar* textArray = env->GetStringChars(text, NULL);
748        doTextBounds(env, textArray + start, end - start, bounds, *paint, typeface, bidiFlags);
749        env->ReleaseStringChars(text, textArray);
750    }
752    static void getCharArrayBounds(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle,
753                        jcharArray text, jint index, jint count, jint bidiFlags, jobject bounds) {
754        const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
755        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
756        const jchar* textArray = env->GetCharArrayElements(text, NULL);
757        doTextBounds(env, textArray + index, count, bounds, *paint, typeface, bidiFlags);
758        env->ReleaseCharArrayElements(text, const_cast<jchar*>(textArray),
759                                      JNI_ABORT);
760    }
762    static jboolean layoutContainsNotdef(const Layout& layout) {
763        for (size_t i = 0; i < layout.nGlyphs(); i++) {
764            if (layout.getGlyphId(i) == 0) {
765                return true;
766            }
767        }
768        return false;
769    }
771    // Don't count glyphs that are the recommended "space" glyph and are zero width.
772    // This logic makes assumptions about HarfBuzz layout, but does correctly handle
773    // cases where ligatures form and zero width space glyphs are left in as
774    // placeholders.
775    static size_t countNonSpaceGlyphs(const Layout& layout) {
776        size_t count = 0;
777        static unsigned int kSpaceGlyphId = 3;
778        for (size_t i = 0; i < layout.nGlyphs(); i++) {
779            if (layout.getGlyphId(i) != kSpaceGlyphId || layout.getCharAdvance(i) != 0.0) {
780                count++;
781            }
782        }
783        return count;
784    }
786    // Returns true if the given string is exact one pair of regional indicators.
787    static bool isFlag(const jchar* str, size_t length) {
788        const jchar RI_LEAD_SURROGATE = 0xD83C;
789        const jchar RI_TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN = 0xDDE6;
790        const jchar RI_TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX = 0xDDFF;
792        if (length != 4) {
793            return false;
794        }
795        if (str[0] != RI_LEAD_SURROGATE || str[2] != RI_LEAD_SURROGATE) {
796            return false;
797        }
798        return RI_TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN <= str[1] && str[1] <= RI_TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX &&
799            RI_TRAIL_SURROGATE_MIN <= str[3] && str[3] <= RI_TRAIL_SURROGATE_MAX;
800    }
802    static jboolean hasGlyph(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong paintHandle, jlong typefaceHandle,
803            jint bidiFlags, jstring string) {
804        const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
805        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
806        ScopedStringChars str(env, string);
808        /* Start by rejecting unsupported base code point and variation selector pairs. */
809        size_t nChars = 0;
810        const uint32_t kStartOfString = 0xFFFFFFFF;
811        uint32_t prevCp = kStartOfString;
812        for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) {
813            jchar cu = str[i];
814            uint32_t cp = cu;
815            if (U16_IS_TRAIL(cu)) {
816                // invalid UTF-16, unpaired trailing surrogate
817                return false;
818            } else if (U16_IS_LEAD(cu)) {
819                if (i + 1 == str.size()) {
820                    // invalid UTF-16, unpaired leading surrogate at end of string
821                    return false;
822                }
823                i++;
824                jchar cu2 = str[i];
825                if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(cu2)) {
826                    // invalid UTF-16, unpaired leading surrogate
827                    return false;
828                }
829                cp = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(cu, cu2);
830            }
832            if (prevCp != kStartOfString &&
833                ((0xFE00 <= cp && cp <= 0xFE0F) || (0xE0100 <= cp && cp <= 0xE01EF))) {
834                bool hasVS = MinikinUtils::hasVariationSelector(typeface, prevCp, cp);
835                if (!hasVS) {
836                    // No font has a glyph for the code point and variation selector pair.
837                    return false;
838                } else if (nChars == 1 && i + 1 == str.size()) {
839                    // The string is just a codepoint and a VS, we have an authoritative answer
840                    return true;
841                }
842            }
843            nChars++;
844            prevCp = cp;
845        }
846        Layout layout;
847        MinikinUtils::doLayout(&layout, paint, bidiFlags, typeface, str.get(), 0, str.size(),
848                str.size());
849        size_t nGlyphs = countNonSpaceGlyphs(layout);
850        if (nGlyphs != 1 && nChars > 1) {
851            // multiple-character input, and was not a ligature
852            // TODO: handle ZWJ/ZWNJ characters specially so we can detect certain ligatures
853            // in joining scripts, such as Arabic and Mongolian.
854            return false;
855        }
857        if (nGlyphs == 0 || layoutContainsNotdef(layout)) {
858            return false;  // The collection doesn't have a glyph.
859        }
861        if (nChars == 2 && isFlag(str.get(), str.size())) {
862            // Some font may have a special glyph for unsupported regional indicator pairs.
863            // To return false for this case, need to compare the glyph id with the one of ZZ
864            // since ZZ is reserved for unknown or invalid territory.
865            // U+1F1FF (REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER Z) is \uD83C\uDDFF in UTF16.
866            static const jchar ZZ_FLAG_STR[] = { 0xD83C, 0xDDFF, 0xD83C, 0xDDFF };
867            Layout zzLayout;
868            MinikinUtils::doLayout(&zzLayout, paint, bidiFlags, typeface, ZZ_FLAG_STR, 0, 4, 4);
869            if (zzLayout.nGlyphs() != 1 || layoutContainsNotdef(zzLayout)) {
870                // The font collection doesn't have a glyph for unknown flag. Just return true.
871                return true;
872            }
873            return zzLayout.getGlyphId(0) != layout.getGlyphId(0);
874        }
875        return true;
876    }
878    static jfloat doRunAdvance(const Paint* paint, Typeface* typeface, const jchar buf[],
879            jint start, jint count, jint bufSize, jboolean isRtl, jint offset) {
880        int bidiFlags = isRtl ? kBidi_Force_RTL : kBidi_Force_LTR;
881        if (offset == start + count) {
882            return MinikinUtils::measureText(paint, bidiFlags, typeface, buf, start, count,
883                    bufSize, nullptr);
884        }
885        std::unique_ptr<float[]> advancesArray(new float[count]);
886        MinikinUtils::measureText(paint, bidiFlags, typeface, buf, start, count, bufSize,
887                advancesArray.get());
888        return getRunAdvance(advancesArray.get(), buf, start, count, offset);
889    }
891    static jfloat getRunAdvance___CIIIIZI_F(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong paintHandle,
892            jlong typefaceHandle, jcharArray text, jint start, jint end, jint contextStart,
893            jint contextEnd, jboolean isRtl, jint offset) {
894        const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
895        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
896        jchar* textArray = (jchar*) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(text, NULL);
897        jfloat result = doRunAdvance(paint, typeface, textArray + contextStart,
898                start - contextStart, end - start, contextEnd - contextStart, isRtl,
899                offset - contextStart);
900        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(text, textArray, JNI_ABORT);
901        return result;
902    }
904    static jint doOffsetForAdvance(const Paint* paint, Typeface* typeface, const jchar buf[],
905            jint start, jint count, jint bufSize, jboolean isRtl, jfloat advance) {
906        int bidiFlags = isRtl ? kBidi_Force_RTL : kBidi_Force_LTR;
907        std::unique_ptr<float[]> advancesArray(new float[count]);
908        MinikinUtils::measureText(paint, bidiFlags, typeface, buf, start, count, bufSize,
909                advancesArray.get());
910        return getOffsetForAdvance(advancesArray.get(), buf, start, count, advance);
911    }
913    static jint getOffsetForAdvance___CIIIIZF_I(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong paintHandle,
914            jlong typefaceHandle, jcharArray text, jint start, jint end, jint contextStart,
915            jint contextEnd, jboolean isRtl, jfloat advance) {
916        const Paint* paint = reinterpret_cast<Paint*>(paintHandle);
917        Typeface* typeface = reinterpret_cast<Typeface*>(typefaceHandle);
918        jchar* textArray = (jchar*) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(text, NULL);
919        jint result = doOffsetForAdvance(paint, typeface, textArray + contextStart,
920                start - contextStart, end - start, contextEnd - contextStart, isRtl, advance);
921        result += contextStart;
922        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(text, textArray, JNI_ABORT);
923        return result;
924    }
926}; // namespace PaintGlue
928static const JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
929    {"nGetNativeFinalizer", "()J", (void*) PaintGlue::getNativeFinalizer},
930    {"nInit","()J", (void*) PaintGlue::init},
931    {"nInitWithPaint","(J)J", (void*) PaintGlue::initWithPaint},
933    {"nReset","!(J)V", (void*) PaintGlue::reset},
934    {"nSet","!(JJ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::assign},
935    {"nGetFlags","!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getFlags},
936    {"nSetFlags","!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setFlags},
937    {"nGetHinting","!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getHinting},
938    {"nSetHinting","!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setHinting},
939    {"nSetAntiAlias","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setAntiAlias},
940    {"nSetSubpixelText","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setSubpixelText},
941    {"nSetLinearText","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setLinearText},
942    {"nSetUnderlineText","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setUnderlineText},
943    {"nSetStrikeThruText","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setStrikeThruText},
944    {"nSetFakeBoldText","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setFakeBoldText},
945    {"nSetFilterBitmap","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setFilterBitmap},
946    {"nSetDither","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setDither},
947    {"nGetStyle","!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getStyle},
948    {"nSetStyle","!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setStyle},
949    {"nGetColor","!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getColor},
950    {"nSetColor","!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setColor},
951    {"nGetAlpha","!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getAlpha},
952    {"nSetAlpha","!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setAlpha},
953    {"nGetStrokeWidth","!(J)F", (void*) PaintGlue::getStrokeWidth},
954    {"nSetStrokeWidth","!(JF)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setStrokeWidth},
955    {"nGetStrokeMiter","!(J)F", (void*) PaintGlue::getStrokeMiter},
956    {"nSetStrokeMiter","!(JF)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setStrokeMiter},
957    {"nGetStrokeCap","!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getStrokeCap},
958    {"nSetStrokeCap","!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setStrokeCap},
959    {"nGetStrokeJoin","!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getStrokeJoin},
960    {"nSetStrokeJoin","!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setStrokeJoin},
961    {"nGetFillPath","!(JJJ)Z", (void*) PaintGlue::getFillPath},
962    {"nSetShader","!(JJ)J", (void*) PaintGlue::setShader},
963    {"nSetColorFilter","!(JJ)J", (void*) PaintGlue::setColorFilter},
964    {"nSetXfermode","!(JJ)J", (void*) PaintGlue::setXfermode},
965    {"nSetPathEffect","!(JJ)J", (void*) PaintGlue::setPathEffect},
966    {"nSetMaskFilter","!(JJ)J", (void*) PaintGlue::setMaskFilter},
967    {"nSetTypeface","!(JJ)J", (void*) PaintGlue::setTypeface},
968    {"nSetRasterizer","!(JJ)J", (void*) PaintGlue::setRasterizer},
969    {"nGetTextAlign","!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getTextAlign},
970    {"nSetTextAlign","!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setTextAlign},
971    {"nSetTextLocales","!(JLjava/lang/String;)I", (void*) PaintGlue::setTextLocales},
972    {"nSetTextLocalesByMinikinLangListId","!(JI)V",
973            (void*) PaintGlue::setTextLocalesByMinikinLangListId},
974    {"nIsElegantTextHeight","!(J)Z", (void*) PaintGlue::isElegantTextHeight},
975    {"nSetElegantTextHeight","!(JZ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setElegantTextHeight},
976    {"nGetTextSize","!(J)F", (void*) PaintGlue::getTextSize},
977    {"nSetTextSize","!(JF)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setTextSize},
978    {"nGetTextScaleX","!(J)F", (void*) PaintGlue::getTextScaleX},
979    {"nSetTextScaleX","!(JF)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setTextScaleX},
980    {"nGetTextSkewX","!(J)F", (void*) PaintGlue::getTextSkewX},
981    {"nSetTextSkewX","!(JF)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setTextSkewX},
982    {"nGetLetterSpacing","!(J)F", (void*) PaintGlue::getLetterSpacing},
983    {"nSetLetterSpacing","!(JF)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setLetterSpacing},
984    {"nSetFontFeatureSettings","(JLjava/lang/String;)V",
985            (void*) PaintGlue::setFontFeatureSettings},
986    {"nGetHyphenEdit", "!(J)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getHyphenEdit},
987    {"nSetHyphenEdit", "!(JI)V", (void*) PaintGlue::setHyphenEdit},
988    {"nAscent","!(JJ)F", (void*) PaintGlue::ascent},
989    {"nDescent","!(JJ)F", (void*) PaintGlue::descent},
991    {"nGetFontMetrics", "!(JJLandroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics;)F",
992            (void*)PaintGlue::getFontMetrics},
993    {"nGetFontMetricsInt", "!(JJLandroid/graphics/Paint$FontMetricsInt;)I",
994            (void*)PaintGlue::getFontMetricsInt},
996    {"nBreakText","(JJ[CIIFI[F)I", (void*) PaintGlue::breakTextC},
997    {"nBreakText","(JJLjava/lang/String;ZFI[F)I", (void*) PaintGlue::breakTextS},
998    {"nGetTextAdvances","(JJ[CIIIII[FI)F",
999            (void*) PaintGlue::getTextAdvances___CIIIII_FI},
1000    {"nGetTextAdvances","(JJLjava/lang/String;IIIII[FI)F",
1001            (void*) PaintGlue::getTextAdvances__StringIIIII_FI},
1003    {"nGetTextRunCursor", "(J[CIIIII)I", (void*) PaintGlue::getTextRunCursor___C},
1004    {"nGetTextRunCursor", "(JLjava/lang/String;IIIII)I",
1005            (void*) PaintGlue::getTextRunCursor__String},
1006    {"nGetTextPath", "(JJI[CIIFFJ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::getTextPath___C},
1007    {"nGetTextPath", "(JJILjava/lang/String;IIFFJ)V", (void*) PaintGlue::getTextPath__String},
1008    {"nGetStringBounds", "(JJLjava/lang/String;IIILandroid/graphics/Rect;)V",
1009            (void*) PaintGlue::getStringBounds },
1010    {"nGetCharArrayBounds", "(JJ[CIIILandroid/graphics/Rect;)V",
1011            (void*) PaintGlue::getCharArrayBounds },
1012    {"nHasGlyph", "(JJILjava/lang/String;)Z", (void*) PaintGlue::hasGlyph },
1013    {"nGetRunAdvance", "(JJ[CIIIIZI)F", (void*) PaintGlue::getRunAdvance___CIIIIZI_F},
1014    {"nGetOffsetForAdvance", "(JJ[CIIIIZF)I",
1015            (void*) PaintGlue::getOffsetForAdvance___CIIIIZF_I},
1017    {"nSetShadowLayer", "!(JFFFI)V", (void*)PaintGlue::setShadowLayer},
1018    {"nHasShadowLayer", "!(J)Z", (void*)PaintGlue::hasShadowLayer}
1021int register_android_graphics_Paint(JNIEnv* env) {
1022    gFontMetrics_class = FindClassOrDie(env, "android/graphics/Paint$FontMetrics");
1023    gFontMetrics_class = MakeGlobalRefOrDie(env, gFontMetrics_class);
1025    gFontMetrics_fieldID.top = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetrics_class, "top", "F");
1026    gFontMetrics_fieldID.ascent = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetrics_class, "ascent", "F");
1027    gFontMetrics_fieldID.descent = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetrics_class, "descent", "F");
1028    gFontMetrics_fieldID.bottom = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetrics_class, "bottom", "F");
1029    gFontMetrics_fieldID.leading = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetrics_class, "leading", "F");
1031    gFontMetricsInt_class = FindClassOrDie(env, "android/graphics/Paint$FontMetricsInt");
1032    gFontMetricsInt_class = MakeGlobalRefOrDie(env, gFontMetricsInt_class);
1034    gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.top = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetricsInt_class, "top", "I");
1035    gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.ascent = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetricsInt_class, "ascent", "I");
1036    gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.descent = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetricsInt_class, "descent", "I");
1037    gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.bottom = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetricsInt_class, "bottom", "I");
1038    gFontMetricsInt_fieldID.leading = GetFieldIDOrDie(env, gFontMetricsInt_class, "leading", "I");
1040    return RegisterMethodsOrDie(env, "android/graphics/Paint", methods, NELEM(methods));