revision c554b77b7392b97e0f455d8276b739e16147d6df
2 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
19import static;
20import static;
21import static;
22import static;
25import android.util.Slog;
26import android.util.TimeUtils;
27import android.view.Choreographer;
28import android.view.Display;
29import android.view.SurfaceControl;
30import android.view.WindowManagerPolicy;
31import android.view.animation.Animation;
32import android.view.animation.Transformation;
35import java.util.ArrayList;
37public class AppWindowAnimator {
38    static final String TAG = "AppWindowAnimator";
40    final AppWindowToken mAppToken;
41    final WindowManagerService mService;
42    final WindowAnimator mAnimator;
44    boolean animating;
45    boolean wasAnimating;
46    Animation animation;
47    boolean hasTransformation;
48    final Transformation transformation = new Transformation();
50    // Have we been asked to have this token keep the screen frozen?
51    // Protect with mAnimator.
52    boolean freezingScreen;
54    /**
55     * How long we last kept the screen frozen.
56     */
57    int lastFreezeDuration;
59    // Offset to the window of all layers in the token, for use by
60    // AppWindowToken animations.
61    int animLayerAdjustment;
63    // Propagated from AppWindowToken.allDrawn, to determine when
64    // the state changes.
65    boolean allDrawn;
67    // Special surface for thumbnail animation.  If deferThumbnailDestruction is enabled, then we
68    // will make sure that the thumbnail is destroyed after the other surface is completed.  This
69    // requires that the duration of the two animations are the same.
70    SurfaceControl thumbnail;
71    int thumbnailTransactionSeq;
72    int thumbnailX;
73    int thumbnailY;
74    int thumbnailLayer;
75    int thumbnailForceAboveLayer;
76    Animation thumbnailAnimation;
77    final Transformation thumbnailTransformation = new Transformation();
78    // This flag indicates that the destruction of the thumbnail surface is synchronized with
79    // another animation, so defer the destruction of this thumbnail surface for a single frame
80    // after the secondary animation completes.
81    boolean deferThumbnailDestruction;
82    // This flag is set if the animator has deferThumbnailDestruction set and has reached the final
83    // frame of animation.  It will extend the animation by one frame and then clean up afterwards.
84    boolean deferFinalFrameCleanup;
86    /** WindowStateAnimator from mAppAnimator.allAppWindows as of last performLayout */
87    ArrayList<WindowStateAnimator> mAllAppWinAnimators = new ArrayList<>();
89    /** True if the current animation was transferred from another AppWindowAnimator.
90     *  See {@link #transferCurrentAnimation}*/
91    boolean usingTransferredAnimation = false;
93    private boolean mSkipFirstFrame = false;
95    static final Animation sDummyAnimation = new DummyAnimation();
97    public AppWindowAnimator(final AppWindowToken atoken) {
98        mAppToken = atoken;
99        mService = atoken.service;
100        mAnimator = atoken.mAnimator;
101    }
103    public void setAnimation(Animation anim, int width, int height, boolean skipFirstFrame) {
104        if (WindowManagerService.localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "Setting animation in " + mAppToken
105                + ": " + anim + " wxh=" + width + "x" + height
106                + " isVisible=" + mAppToken.isVisible());
107        animation = anim;
108        animating = false;
109        if (!anim.isInitialized()) {
110            anim.initialize(width, height, width, height);
111        }
112        anim.restrictDuration(WindowManagerService.MAX_ANIMATION_DURATION);
113        anim.scaleCurrentDuration(mService.getTransitionAnimationScaleLocked());
114        int zorder = anim.getZAdjustment();
115        int adj = 0;
116        if (zorder == Animation.ZORDER_TOP) {
117            adj = TYPE_LAYER_OFFSET;
118        } else if (zorder == Animation.ZORDER_BOTTOM) {
119            adj = -TYPE_LAYER_OFFSET;
120        }
122        if (animLayerAdjustment != adj) {
123            animLayerAdjustment = adj;
124            updateLayers();
125        }
126        // Start out animation gone if window is gone, or visible if window is visible.
127        transformation.clear();
128        transformation.setAlpha(mAppToken.isVisible() ? 1 : 0);
129        hasTransformation = true;
131        this.mSkipFirstFrame = skipFirstFrame;
133        if (!mAppToken.appFullscreen) {
134            anim.setBackgroundColor(0);
135        }
136    }
138    public void setDummyAnimation() {
139        if (WindowManagerService.localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "Setting dummy animation in " + mAppToken
140                + " isVisible=" + mAppToken.isVisible());
141        animation = sDummyAnimation;
142        hasTransformation = true;
143        transformation.clear();
144        transformation.setAlpha(mAppToken.isVisible() ? 1 : 0);
145    }
147    public void clearAnimation() {
148        if (animation != null) {
149            animation = null;
150            animating = true;
151        }
152        clearThumbnail();
153        if (mAppToken.deferClearAllDrawn) {
154            mAppToken.allDrawn = false;
155            mAppToken.deferClearAllDrawn = false;
156        }
157        usingTransferredAnimation = false;
158    }
160    public boolean isAnimating() {
161        return animation != null || mAppToken.inPendingTransaction;
162    }
164    public void clearThumbnail() {
165        if (thumbnail != null) {
166            thumbnail.destroy();
167            thumbnail = null;
168        }
169        deferThumbnailDestruction = false;
170    }
172    void transferCurrentAnimation(
173            AppWindowAnimator toAppAnimator, WindowStateAnimator transferWinAnimator) {
175        if (animation != null) {
176            toAppAnimator.animation = animation;
177            animation = null;
178            toAppAnimator.animating = animating;
179            toAppAnimator.animLayerAdjustment = animLayerAdjustment;
180            animLayerAdjustment = 0;
181            toAppAnimator.updateLayers();
182            updateLayers();
183            toAppAnimator.usingTransferredAnimation = true;
184        }
185        if (transferWinAnimator != null) {
186            mAllAppWinAnimators.remove(transferWinAnimator);
187            toAppAnimator.mAllAppWinAnimators.add(transferWinAnimator);
188            transferWinAnimator.mAppAnimator = toAppAnimator;
189        }
190    }
192    void updateLayers() {
193        final int windowCount = mAppToken.allAppWindows.size();
194        final int adj = animLayerAdjustment;
195        thumbnailLayer = -1;
196        for (int i = 0; i < windowCount; i++) {
197            final WindowState w = mAppToken.allAppWindows.get(i);
198            final WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = w.mWinAnimator;
199            winAnimator.mAnimLayer = w.mLayer + adj;
200            if (winAnimator.mAnimLayer > thumbnailLayer) {
201                thumbnailLayer = winAnimator.mAnimLayer;
202            }
203            if (DEBUG_LAYERS) Slog.v(TAG, "Updating layer " + w + ": " + winAnimator.mAnimLayer);
204            if (w == mService.mInputMethodTarget && !mService.mInputMethodTargetWaitingAnim) {
205                mService.setInputMethodAnimLayerAdjustment(adj);
206            }
207            if (w == mService.mWallpaperTarget && mService.mLowerWallpaperTarget == null) {
208                mService.setWallpaperAnimLayerAdjustmentLocked(adj);
209            }
210        }
211    }
213    private void stepThumbnailAnimation(long currentTime) {
214        thumbnailTransformation.clear();
215        thumbnailAnimation.getTransformation(currentTime, thumbnailTransformation);
216        thumbnailTransformation.getMatrix().preTranslate(thumbnailX, thumbnailY);
218        ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation =
219                mAnimator.getScreenRotationAnimationLocked(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
220        final boolean screenAnimation = screenRotationAnimation != null
221                && screenRotationAnimation.isAnimating();
222        if (screenAnimation) {
223            thumbnailTransformation.postCompose(screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation());
224        }
225        // cache often used attributes locally
226        final float tmpFloats[] = mService.mTmpFloats;
227        thumbnailTransformation.getMatrix().getValues(tmpFloats);
228        if (SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) WindowManagerService.logSurface(thumbnail,
229                "thumbnail", "POS " + tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X]
230                + ", " + tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y], null);
231        thumbnail.setPosition(tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X], tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y]);
232        if (SHOW_TRANSACTIONS) WindowManagerService.logSurface(thumbnail,
233                "thumbnail", "alpha=" + thumbnailTransformation.getAlpha()
234                + " layer=" + thumbnailLayer
235                + " matrix=[" + tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X]
236                + "," + tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y]
237                + "][" + tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X]
238                + "," + tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] + "]", null);
239        thumbnail.setAlpha(thumbnailTransformation.getAlpha());
240        if (thumbnailForceAboveLayer > 0) {
241            thumbnail.setLayer(thumbnailForceAboveLayer + 1);
242        } else {
243            // The thumbnail is layered below the window immediately above this
244            // token's anim layer.
245            thumbnail.setLayer(thumbnailLayer + WindowManagerService.WINDOW_LAYER_MULTIPLIER
246                    - WindowManagerService.LAYER_OFFSET_THUMBNAIL);
247        }
248        thumbnail.setMatrix(tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X], tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y],
249                tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X], tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y]);
250    }
252    private boolean stepAnimation(long currentTime) {
253        if (animation == null) {
254            return false;
255        }
256        transformation.clear();
257        boolean hasMoreFrames = animation.getTransformation(currentTime, transformation);
258        if (!hasMoreFrames) {
259            if (deferThumbnailDestruction && !deferFinalFrameCleanup) {
260                // We are deferring the thumbnail destruction, so extend the animation for one more
261                // (dummy) frame before we clean up
262                deferFinalFrameCleanup = true;
263                hasMoreFrames = true;
264            } else {
265                if (false && DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,
266                        "Stepped animation in " + mAppToken + ": more=" + hasMoreFrames +
267                        ", xform=" + transformation);
268                deferFinalFrameCleanup = false;
269                animation = null;
270                clearThumbnail();
271                if (DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,
272                        "Finished animation in " + mAppToken + " @ " + currentTime);
273            }
274        }
275        hasTransformation = hasMoreFrames;
276        return hasMoreFrames;
277    }
279    private long getStartTimeCorrection() {
280        if (mSkipFirstFrame) {
282            // If the transition is an animation in which the first frame doesn't change the screen
283            // contents at all, we can just skip it and start at the second frame. So we shift the
284            // start time of the animation forward by minus the frame duration.
285            return -Choreographer.getInstance().getFrameIntervalNanos() / TimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MS;
286        } else {
287            return 0;
288        }
289    }
291    // This must be called while inside a transaction.
292    boolean stepAnimationLocked(long currentTime, final int displayId) {
293        if (mService.okToDisplay()) {
294            // We will run animations as long as the display isn't frozen.
296            if (animation == sDummyAnimation) {
297                // This guy is going to animate, but not yet.  For now count
298                // it as not animating for purposes of scheduling transactions;
299                // when it is really time to animate, this will be set to
300                // a real animation and the next call will execute normally.
301                return false;
302            }
304            if ((mAppToken.allDrawn || animating || mAppToken.startingDisplayed)
305                    && animation != null) {
306                if (!animating) {
307                    if (DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,
308                        "Starting animation in " + mAppToken +
309                        " @ " + currentTime + " scale="
310                        + mService.getTransitionAnimationScaleLocked()
311                        + " allDrawn=" + mAppToken.allDrawn + " animating=" + animating);
312                    long correction = getStartTimeCorrection();
313                    animation.setStartTime(currentTime + correction);
314                    animating = true;
315                    if (thumbnail != null) {
316              ;
317                        thumbnailAnimation.setStartTime(currentTime + correction);
318                    }
319                    mSkipFirstFrame = false;
320                }
321                if (stepAnimation(currentTime)) {
322                    // animation isn't over, step any thumbnail and that's
323                    // it for now.
324                    if (thumbnail != null) {
325                        stepThumbnailAnimation(currentTime);
326                    }
327                    return true;
328                }
329            }
330        } else if (animation != null) {
331            // If the display is frozen, and there is a pending animation,
332            // clear it and make sure we run the cleanup code.
333            animating = true;
334            animation = null;
335        }
337        hasTransformation = false;
339        if (!animating && animation == null) {
340            return false;
341        }
343        mAnimator.setAppLayoutChanges(this, WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_ANIM,
344                "AppWindowToken", displayId);
346        clearAnimation();
347        animating = false;
348        if (animLayerAdjustment != 0) {
349            animLayerAdjustment = 0;
350            updateLayers();
351        }
352        if (mService.mInputMethodTarget != null
353                && mService.mInputMethodTarget.mAppToken == mAppToken) {
354            mService.moveInputMethodWindowsIfNeededLocked(true);
355        }
357        if (DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG,
358                "Animation done in " + mAppToken
359                + ": reportedVisible=" + mAppToken.reportedVisible);
361        transformation.clear();
363        final int numAllAppWinAnimators = mAllAppWinAnimators.size();
364        for (int i = 0; i < numAllAppWinAnimators; i++) {
365            mAllAppWinAnimators.get(i).finishExit();
366        }
367        mService.mAppTransition.notifyAppTransitionFinishedLocked(mAppToken.token);
368        return false;
369    }
371    boolean showAllWindowsLocked() {
372        boolean isAnimating = false;
373        final int NW = mAllAppWinAnimators.size();
374        for (int i=0; i<NW; i++) {
375            WindowStateAnimator winAnimator = mAllAppWinAnimators.get(i);
376            if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_VISIBILITY) Slog.v(TAG,
377                    "performing show on: " + winAnimator);
378            winAnimator.performShowLocked();
379            isAnimating |= winAnimator.isAnimating();
380        }
381        return isAnimating;
382    }
384    void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix, boolean dumpAll) {
385        pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mAppToken="); pw.println(mAppToken);
386        pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mAnimator="); pw.println(mAnimator);
387        pw.print(prefix); pw.print("freezingScreen="); pw.print(freezingScreen);
388                pw.print(" allDrawn="); pw.print(allDrawn);
389                pw.print(" animLayerAdjustment="); pw.println(animLayerAdjustment);
390        if (lastFreezeDuration != 0) {
391            pw.print(prefix); pw.print("lastFreezeDuration=");
392                    TimeUtils.formatDuration(lastFreezeDuration, pw); pw.println();
393        }
394        if (animating || animation != null) {
395            pw.print(prefix); pw.print("animating="); pw.println(animating);
396            pw.print(prefix); pw.print("animation="); pw.println(animation);
397        }
398        if (hasTransformation) {
399            pw.print(prefix); pw.print("XForm: ");
400                    transformation.printShortString(pw);
401                    pw.println();
402        }
403        if (thumbnail != null) {
404            pw.print(prefix); pw.print("thumbnail="); pw.print(thumbnail);
405                    pw.print(" x="); pw.print(thumbnailX);
406                    pw.print(" y="); pw.print(thumbnailY);
407                    pw.print(" layer="); pw.println(thumbnailLayer);
408            pw.print(prefix); pw.print("thumbnailAnimation="); pw.println(thumbnailAnimation);
409            pw.print(prefix); pw.print("thumbnailTransformation=");
410                    pw.println(thumbnailTransformation.toShortString());
411        }
412        for (int i=0; i<mAllAppWinAnimators.size(); i++) {
413            WindowStateAnimator wanim = mAllAppWinAnimators.get(i);
414            pw.print(prefix); pw.print("App Win Anim #"); pw.print(i);
415                    pw.print(": "); pw.println(wanim);
416        }
417    }
419    // This is an animation that does nothing: it just immediately finishes
420    // itself every time it is called.  It is used as a stub animation in cases
421    // where we want to synchronize multiple things that may be animating.
422    static final class DummyAnimation extends Animation {
423        @Override
424        public boolean getTransformation(long currentTime, Transformation outTransformation) {
425            return false;
426        }
427    }