revision ba811896e3057cb48ad0f017efe1bf0c262430ec
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20import android.content.Intent;
24 * Constants for media control intents.
25 * <p>
26 * This class declares a set of standard media control intent categories and actions that
27 * applications can use to identify the capabilities of media routes and control them.
28 * </p>
29 *
30 * <h3>Media control intent categories</h3>
31 * <p>
32 * Media control intent categories specify means by which applications can
33 * send media to the destination of a media route.  Categories are sometimes referred
34 * to as describing "types" or "kinds" of routes.
35 * </p><p>
36 * For example, if a route supports the {@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK remote playback category},
37 * then an application can ask it to play media remotely by sending a {@link #ACTION_PLAY play}
38 * intent with the Uri of the media content to play.  Such a route may then be referred to as
39 * a "remote playback route" because it supports remote playback requests.  It is common
40 * for a route to support multiple categories of requests at the same time, such as
41 * live audio and live video.
42 * </p><p>
43 * The following standard route categories are defined.
44 * </p><ul>
45 * <li>{@link #CATEGORY_LIVE_AUDIO Live audio}: The route supports streaming live audio
46 * from the device to the destination.  Live audio routes include local speakers
47 * and Bluetooth headsets.
48 * <li>{@link #CATEGORY_LIVE_VIDEO Live video}: The route supports streaming live video
49 * from the device to the destination.  Live video routes include local displays
50 * and wireless displays that support mirroring and
51 * {@link presentations}.  Live video routes typically also
52 * support live audio capabilities.
53 * <li>{@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK Remote playback}: The route supports sending
54 * remote playback requests for media content to the destination.  The content to be
55 * played is identified by a Uri and mime-type.
56 * </ul><p>
57 * Media route providers may define custom media control intent categories of their own in
58 * addition to the standard ones.  Custom categories can be used to provide a variety
59 * of features to applications that recognize and know how to use them.  For example,
60 * a media route provider might define a custom category to indicate that its routes
61 * support a special device-specific control interface in addition to other
62 * standard features.
63 * </p><p>
64 * Applications can determine which categories a route supports by using the
65 * {@link MediaRouter.RouteInfo#supportsControlCategory MediaRouter.RouteInfo.supportsControlCategory}
66 * or {@link MediaRouter.RouteInfo#getControlFilters MediaRouter.RouteInfo.getControlFilters}
67 * methods.  Applications can also specify the types of routes that they want to use by
68 * creating {@link MediaRouteSelector media route selectors} that contain the desired
69 * categories and are used to filter routes in several parts of the media router API.
70 * </p>
71 *
72 * <h3>Media control intent actions</h3>
73 * <p>
74 * Media control intent actions specify particular functions that applications
75 * can ask the destination of a media route to perform.  Media route control requests
76 * take the form of intents in a similar manner to other intents used to start activities
77 * or send broadcasts.  The difference is that media control intents are directed to
78 * routes rather than activity or broadcast receiver components.
79 * </p><p>
80 * Each media route control intent specifies an action, a category and some number of parameters.
81 * Applications send media control requests to routes using the
82 * {@link MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest MediaRouter.RouteInfo.sendControlRequest}
83 * method and receive results via a callback.
84 * </p><p>
85 * All media control intent actions are associated with the media control intent categories
86 * that support them.  Thus only remote playback routes may perform remote playback actions.
87 * The documentation of each action specifies the category to which the action belongs,
88 * the parameters it requires, and the results it returns.
89 * </p>
90 *
91 * <h3>Live audio and live video routes</h3>
92 * <p>
93 * {@link #CATEGORY_LIVE_AUDIO Live audio} and {@link #CATEGORY_LIVE_VIDEO live video}
94 * routes present media using standard system interfaces such as audio streams,
95 * {@link presentations} or display mirroring.  These routes are
96 * the easiest to use because applications simply render content locally on the device
97 * and the system streams it to the route destination automatically.
98 * </p><p>
99 * In most cases, applications can stream content to live audio and live video routes in
100 * the same way they would play the content locally without any modification.  However,
101 * applications may also be able to take advantage of more sophisticated features such
102 * as second-screen presentation APIs that are particular to these routes.
103 * </p>
104 *
105 * <h3>Remote playback routes</h3>
106 * <p>
107 * Remote playback routes present media remotely by playing content from a Uri.
108 * These routes destinations take responsibility for fetching and rendering content
109 * on their own.  Applications do not render the content themselves; instead, applications
110 * send control requests to initiate playback, pause, resume, or manipulate queues of
111 * media items and receive status updates when the state of each item changes.
112 * This allows applications to queue several items to play one after another and
113 * provide feedback to the user as playback progresses.
114 * </p>
115 *
116 * <h4>Actions</h4>
117 * <p>
118 * The following actions are defined:
119 * </p><ul>
120 * <li>{@link #ACTION_PLAY Play}: Starts playing or enqueues content specified by a given Uri
121 * and returns a new media item id to describe the request.  Implicitly creates a new
122 * queue of media items if none was specified.
123 * <li>{@link #ACTION_CANCEL Cancel}: Cancels playback of a media item and removes it
124 * from the queue of items to be played.
125 * <li>{@link #ACTION_SEEK Seek}: Sets the content playback position of a media item.
126 * <li>{@link #ACTION_GET_STATUS Get status}: Gets the status of a media item including
127 * the item's current playback position and progress.
128 * <li>{@link #ACTION_PAUSE_QUEUE Pause queue}: Pauses a queue of media items.
129 * <li>{@link #ACTION_RESUME_QUEUE Resume queue}: Resumes a queue of media items.
130 * <li>{@link #ACTION_CLEAR_QUEUE Clear queue}: Cancels and removes all items from a
131 * media queue.
132 * </ul>
133 *
134 * <h4>Media items</h4>
135 * <p>
136 * Each successful {@link #ACTION_PLAY play action} returns a unique media item id that
137 * an application can use to monitor and control playback.  The media item id may be passed
138 * to other actions such as {@link #ACTION_CANCEL cancel}, {@link #ACTION_SEEK seek}
139 * or {@link #ACTION_GET_STATUS get status}.  It will also appear as a parameter in
140 * status update broadcasts to identify the associated playback request.
141 * </p>
142 *
143 * <h4>Queues</h4>
144 * <p>
145 * Each successful {@link #ACTION_PLAY play action} has the effect of adding a new media
146 * item to a queue of media items to be played.  Queues are created implicitly as part
147 * of issuing playback requests and are identified by unique queue ids.
148 * </p><p>
149 * There is at most one valid queue in existence at any given time for a given route.
150 * If an application sends a request that has the effect of creating a new queue then
151 * the previously valid queue is cleared and all of its items are canceled before the
152 * new queue is created.  In this way, one application can determine when another
153 * application has taken control of a route because its own items will all be canceled
154 * as soon as the other application begins playing something else.
155 * </p><p>
156 * Queues are intended to hold a small number of items to help media routes optimize
157 * the playback experience.  As each item in the queue completes playback, the next item
158 * in the queue should begin playing immediately without delay.
159 * </p><p>
160 * It is usually sufficient for an application to enqueue no more than a few items at a time
161 * to ensure continuous playback.  Typically the application will start by enqueuing two
162 * media items at once: one item to play now and one item to play next.  When the first
163 * item finishes, the second item will begin playing immediately.  The application will
164 * receive one status update broadcast indicating that the first item finished playing
165 * and another status update broadcast indicating that the second item has started playing.
166 * Upon receipt of such broadcasts, the application may choose to enqueue another media
167 * item to play once the second one finishes.
168 * </p><p>
169 * Media route providers are required to support queues of at least 3 items.
170 * </p>
171 */
172public final class MediaControlIntent {
173    /**
174     * Media control category: Live audio.
175     * <p>
176     * A route that supports live audio routing will allow the media audio stream
177     * to be sent to supported destinations.  This can include internal speakers or
178     * audio jacks on the device itself, A2DP devices, and more.
179     * </p><p>
180     * When a live audio route is selected, audio routing is transparent to the application.
181     * All audio played on the media stream will be routed to the selected destination.
182     * </p>
183     */
184    public static final String CATEGORY_LIVE_AUDIO = "";
186    /**
187     * Media control category: Live video.
188     * <p>
189     * A route that supports live video routing will allow a mirrored version
190     * of the device's primary display or a customized
191     * {@link Presentation} to be sent to supported
192     * destinations.
193     * </p><p>
194     * When a live video route is selected, audio and video routing is transparent
195     * to the application.  By default, audio and video is routed to the selected
196     * destination.  For certain live video routes, the application may also use a
197     * {@link Presentation} to replace the mirrored view
198     * on the external display with different content.
199     * </p>
200     *
201     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#getPresentationDisplay()
202     * @see
203     */
204    public static final String CATEGORY_LIVE_VIDEO = "";
206    /**
207     * Media control category: Remote playback.
208     * <p>
209     * A route that supports remote playback routing will allow an application to send
210     * requests to play content remotely to supported destinations.
211     * </p><p>
212     * Remote playback routes destinations operate independently of the local device.
213     * When a remote playback route is selected, the application can control the content
214     * playing on the destination by sending media control actions to the route.
215     * The application may also receive status updates from the route regarding
216     * remote playback.
217     * </p>
218     *
219     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest
220     */
221    public static final String CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK =
222            "";
224    /**
225     * Media control action: Play media item.
226     * <p>
227     * Used with routes that support {@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK remote playback}
228     * media control.
229     * </p><p>
230     * This action causes a remote playback route to start playing content with
231     * the {@link Uri} specified in the {@link Intent}'s {@link Intent#getData() data uri}.
232     * The action returns a media item id which can be used to control playback
233     * using other remote playback actions.
234     * </p><p>
235     * Once initiated, playback of the specified content will be queued and managed
236     * independently by the destination.  The application will receive status updates
237     * as the content is played.
238     * </p><p>
239     * If the data uri specifies an HTTP or HTTPS scheme, then the destination is
240     * responsible for following HTTP redirects to a reasonable depth of at least 3
241     * levels as might typically be handled by a web browser.  If an HTTP error
242     * occurs, then the destination should send a {@link MediaItemStatus status update}
243     * back to the client indicating the {@link MediaItemStatus#PLAYBACK_STATE_ERROR error}
244     * {@link MediaItemStatus#getPlaybackState() playback state}
245     * and include the {@link MediaItemStatus#getHttpStatusCode() HTTP status code}.
246     * </p>
247     *
248     * <h3>Queuing</h3>
249     * <p>
250     * This request has the effect of implicitly creating a media queue whenever the
251     * application does not specify the {@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} parameter.  Because there
252     * can only be one valid queue at a time, creating a new queue has the side-effect
253     * of invalidating any existing queues and canceling all of their items before
254     * enqueuing the new playback request media item onto the newly created queue.
255     * </p><p>
256     * If the application specifies an invalid queue id, then the request has no effect
257     * and an error is returned.  The application may then ask that a new queue be
258     * created (and the current one invalidated) by issuing a new playback request without
259     * a queue id parameter.  However, it should only do this at the user's request
260     * (say, by the user explicitly clicking a play button) since another application may
261     * be trying to take control of the route.
262     * </p><p>
263     * For more information on queuing, please refer to the class documentation.
264     * </p>
265     *
266     * <h3>Request parameters</h3>
267     * <ul>
268     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(optional)</i>: specifies the queue id of the queue
269     * to which the new playback request should be appended.  If omitted, a new queue
270     * is created.
271     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_CONTENT_POSITION} <i>(optional)</i>: specifies the initial
272     * content playback position as a long integer number of milliseconds from
273     * the beginning of the content.
274     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_METADATA} <i>(optional)</i>: specifies metadata associated
275     * with the content such as the title of a song.
276     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_HTTP_HEADERS} <i>(optional)</i>: specifies HTTP headers to
277     * supply to the server when fetching the content.
278     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS_UPDATE_RECEIVER} <i>(optional)</i>: specifies a
279     * {@link PendingIntent} for a broadcast receiver that will receive status updates
280     * about the media item.
281     * </ul>
282     *
283     * <h3>Result data</h3>
284     * <ul>
285     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the queue id of the queue
286     * to which the new media item was appended.  This will be a new queue in
287     * the case where no queue id was supplied as a parameter.
288     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies an opaque string identifier
289     * to use to refer to the media item in subsequent requests such as {@link #ACTION_CANCEL}.
290     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the initial status of
291     * the item that has been enqueued.
292     * </ul>
293     *
294     * <h3>Status updates</h3>
295     * <p>
296     * If the client supplies a {@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS_UPDATE_RECEIVER status update receiver}
297     * then the media route provider is responsible for sending status updates to the receiver
298     * when significant media item state changes occur such as when playback starts or
299     * stops.  The receiver will not be invoked for content playback position changes.
300     * The application may retrieve the current playback position when necessary
301     * using the {@link #ACTION_GET_STATUS} request.
302     * </p><p>
303     * Refer to {@link MediaItemStatus} for details.
304     * </p>
305     *
306     * <h3>Example</h3>
307     * <pre>
308     * MediaRouter mediaRouter = MediaRouter.getInstance(context);
309     * MediaRouter.RouteInfo route = mediaRouter.getSelectedRoute();
310     * Intent intent = new Intent(MediaControlIntent.ACTION_PLAY);
311     * intent.addCategory(MediaControlIntent.CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK);
312     * intent.setDataAndType("", "video/mp4");
313     * if (route.supportsControlRequest(intent)) {
314     *     MediaRouter.ControlRequestCallback callback = new MediaRouter.ControlRequestCallback() {
315     *         public void onResult(Bundle data) {
316     *             // The request succeeded.
317     *             // Playback may be controlled using the returned queue and item id.
318     *             String queueId = data.getString(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_QUEUE_ID);
319     *             String itemId = data.getString(MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_ID);
320     *             MediaItemStatus status = MediaItemStatus.fromBundle(data.getBundle(
321     *                     MediaControlIntent.EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS));
322     *             // ...
323     *         }
324     *
325     *         public void onError(String message, Bundle data) {
326     *             // An error occurred!
327     *         }
328     *     };
329     *     route.sendControlRequest(intent, callback);
330     * }</pre>
331     *
332     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest
334     * @see #ACTION_CANCEL
335     * @see #ACTION_SEEK
336     * @see #ACTION_GET_STATUS
337     */
338    public static final String ACTION_PLAY = "";
340    /**
341     * Media control action: Cancel media item playback.
342     * <p>
343     * Used with routes that support {@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK remote playback}
344     * media control.
345     * </p><p>
346     * This action causes a remote playback route to cancel playback of the
347     * specified media item and remove it from the queue.
348     * </p><p>
349     * This action has no effect if the media item's status is
350     * {@link MediaItemStatus#PLAYBACK_STATE_CANCELED} or
351     * {@link MediaItemStatus#PLAYBACK_STATE_ERROR}.
352     * Otherwise the media item's status is set to
353     * {@link MediaItemStatus#PLAYBACK_STATE_CANCELED}, playback of this media item is
354     * stopped if it had been playing and the item is removed from the queue (skipped).
355     * </p><p>
356     * A status update is sent to the status update receiver indicating the new status
357     * of the item.
358     * </p>
359     *
360     * <h3>Request parameters</h3>
361     * <ul>
362     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the queue id of the queue
363     * to which the media item belongs.
364     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_ID} (required): specifies the media item id of media item
365     * to cancel.
366     * </ul>
367     *
368     * <h3>Result data</h3>
369     * <ul>
370     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the new status of the item.
371     * </ul>
372     *
373     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest
375     */
376    public static final String ACTION_CANCEL = "";
378    /**
379     * Media control action: Seek media item to a new playback position.
380     * <p>
381     * Used with routes that support {@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK remote playback}
382     * media control.
383     * </p><p>
384     * This action causes a remote playback route to modify the current playback
385     * position of the specified media item.
386     * </p><p>
387     * This action only affects the playback position of the media item; not its playback state.
388     * If the item is paused, then seeking sets the position but the item remains paused.
389     * Likewise if the item is playing, then seeking will cause playback to jump to the
390     * new position and continue playing from that point.  If the item has not yet started
391     * playing, then the new playback position is be remembered and used as the item's
392     * initial content position when playback eventually begins.
393     * </p>
394     *
395     * <h3>Request parameters</h3>
396     * <ul>
397     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the queue id of the queue
398     * to which the media item belongs.
399     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the media item id of
400     * the media item to seek.
401     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_CONTENT_POSITION} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the new
402     * content position for playback as a long integer number of milliseconds from
403     * the beginning of the content.
404     * </ul>
405     *
406     * <h3>Result data</h3>
407     * <ul>
408     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the new status of the item.
409     * </ul>
410     *
411     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest
413     */
414    public static final String ACTION_SEEK = "";
416    /**
417     * Media control action: Get media item playback status and progress information.
418     * <p>
419     * Used with routes that support {@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK remote playback}
420     * media control.
421     * </p><p>
422     * This action asks a remote playback route to provide updated playback status and progress
423     * information about the specified media item.
424     * </p>
425     *
426     * <h3>Request parameters</h3>
427     * <ul>
428     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the queue id of the queue
429     * to which the media item belongs.
430     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the media item id of
431     * the media item to query.
432     * </ul>
433     *
434     * <h3>Result data</h3>
435     * <ul>
436     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the current status of the item.
437     * </ul>
438     *
439     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest
442     */
443    public static final String ACTION_GET_STATUS = "";
445    /**
446     * Media control action: Pause media queue playback.
447     * <p>
448     * Used with routes that support {@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK remote playback}
449     * media control.
450     * </p><p>
451     * This action causes playback on the specified media queue to be paused.
452     * </p>
453     *
454     * <h3>Request parameters</h3>
455     * <ul>
456     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the queue id of the queue
457     * to be paused.
458     * </ul>
459     *
460     * <h3>Result data</h3>
461     * <ul>
462     * <li><i>None</i>
463     * </ul>
464     *
465     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest
467     * @see #ACTION_RESUME_QUEUE
468     */
469    public static final String ACTION_PAUSE_QUEUE = "";
471    /**
472     * Media control action: Resume media queue playback (unpause).
473     * <p>
474     * Used with routes that support {@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK remote playback}
475     * media control.
476     * </p><p>
477     * This action causes playback on the specified media queue to be resumed.
478     * Reverses the effects of {@link #ACTION_PAUSE_QUEUE}.
479     * </p>
480     *
481     * <h3>Request parameters</h3>
482     * <ul>
483     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the queue id of the queue
484     * to be resumed.
485     * </ul>
486     *
487     * <h3>Result data</h3>
488     * <ul>
489     * <li><i>None</i>
490     * </ul>
491     *
492     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest
494     * @see #ACTION_PAUSE_QUEUE
495     */
496    public static final String ACTION_RESUME_QUEUE = "";
498    /**
499     * Media control action: Clear media queue.
500     * <p>
501     * Used with routes that support {@link #CATEGORY_REMOTE_PLAYBACK remote playback}
502     * media control.
503     * </p><p>
504     * This action causes all media items in the specified media queue to be canceled
505     * and removed.  The queue is left in an empty state.
506     * </p>
507     *
508     * <h3>Request parameters</h3>
509     * <ul>
510     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the queue id of the queue
511     * to be cleared.
512     * </ul>
513     *
514     * <h3>Result data</h3>
515     * <ul>
516     * <li><i>None</i>
517     * </ul>
518     *
519     * @see MediaRouter.RouteInfo#sendControlRequest
521     */
522    public static final String ACTION_CLEAR_QUEUE = "";
524    /**
525     * Bundle extra: Media queue id.
526     * <p>
527     * An opaque unique identifier returned as a result from {@link #ACTION_PLAY} that
528     * represents the queue of media items to which an item was appended.  Subsequent
529     * playback requests may specify the same queue id to enqueue addition items onto
530     * the same queue.
531     * </p><p>
532     * Used with various actions to specify the id of the media queue to be controlled.
533     * </p><p>
534     * Included in broadcast intents sent to
535     * {@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS_UPDATE_RECEIVER status update receivers} to identify
536     * the queue to which the item in question belongs.
537     * </p><p>
538     * The value is a unique string value generated by the media route provider
539     * to represent one particular media queue.
540     * </p>
541     *
542     * @see #ACTION_PLAY
543     * @see #ACTION_CANCEL
544     * @see #ACTION_SEEK
545     * @see #ACTION_GET_STATUS
546     * @see #ACTION_PAUSE_QUEUE
547     * @see #ACTION_RESUME_QUEUE
548     * @see #ACTION_CLEAR_QUEUE
549     */
550    public static final String EXTRA_QUEUE_ID =
551            "";
553    /**
554     * Bundle extra: Media item id.
555     * <p>
556     * An opaque unique identifier returned as a result from {@link #ACTION_PLAY} that
557     * represents the media item that was created by the playback request.
558     * </p><p>
559     * Used with various actions to specify the id of the media item to be controlled.
560     * </p><p>
561     * Included in broadcast intents sent to
562     * {@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS_UPDATE_RECEIVER status update receivers} to identify
563     * the item in question.
564     * </p><p>
565     * The value is a unique string value generated by the media route provider
566     * to represent one particular media item.
567     * </p>
568     *
569     * @see #ACTION_PLAY
570     * @see #ACTION_CANCEL
571     * @see #ACTION_SEEK
572     * @see #ACTION_GET_STATUS
573     */
574    public static final String EXTRA_ITEM_ID =
575            "";
577    /**
578     * Bundle extra: Media item status.
579     * <p>
580     * Returned as a result from media item actions such as {@link #ACTION_PLAY},
581     * {@link #ACTION_SEEK}, {@link #ACTION_CANCEL} and {@link #ACTION_GET_STATUS}
582     * to describe the status of the relevant media item.
583     * </p><p>
584     * Included in broadcast intents sent to
585     * {@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS_UPDATE_RECEIVER status update receivers} to provide
586     * updated status information.
587     * </p><p>
588     * The value is a {@link android.os.Bundle} of data that can be converted into
589     * a {@link MediaItemStatus} object using
590     * {@link MediaItemStatus#fromBundle MediaItemStatus.fromBundle}.
591     * </p>
592     *
593     * @see #ACTION_PLAY
594     * @see #ACTION_CANCEL
595     * @see #ACTION_SEEK
596     * @see #ACTION_GET_STATUS
597     */
598    public static final String EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS =
599            "";
601    /**
602     * Long extra: Media item content position.
603     * <p>
604     * Used with {@link #ACTION_PLAY} to specify the starting playback position.
605     * </p><p>
606     * Used with {@link #ACTION_SEEK} to set a new playback position.
607     * </p><p>
608     * The value is a long integer number of milliseconds from the beginning of the content.
609     * <p>
610     *
611     * @see #ACTION_PLAY
612     * @see #ACTION_SEEK
613     */
614    public static final String EXTRA_ITEM_CONTENT_POSITION =
615            "";
617    /**
618     * Bundle extra: Media item metadata.
619     * <p>
620     * Used with {@link #ACTION_PLAY} to specify metadata associated with the content
621     * of a media item.
622     * </p><p>
623     * The value is a {@link android.os.Bundle} of metadata key-value pairs as defined
624     * in {@link MediaItemMetadata}.
625     * </p>
626     *
627     * @see #ACTION_PLAY
628     */
629    public static final String EXTRA_ITEM_METADATA =
630            "";
632    /**
633     * Bundle extra: HTTP headers.
634     * <p>
635     * Used with {@link #ACTION_PLAY} to specify HTTP headers to be included when
636     * fetching to the content indicated by the media item's data Uri.
637     * </p><p>
638     * This extra may be used to provide authentication tokens and other
639     * parameters to the server separately from the media item's data Uri.
640     * </p><p>
641     * The value is a {@link android.os.Bundle} of string based key-value pairs
642     * that describe the HTTP headers.
643     * </p>
644     *
645     * @see #ACTION_PLAY
646     */
647    public static final String EXTRA_ITEM_HTTP_HEADERS =
648            "";
650    /**
651     * Bundle extra: Media item status update receiver.
652     * <p>
653     * Used with {@link #ACTION_PLAY} to specify a {@link PendingIntent} for a
654     * broadcast receiver that will receive status updates about a particular
655     * media item.
656     * </p><p>
657     * Whenever the status of the media item changes, the media route provider will
658     * send a broadcast to the pending intent with extras that identify the queue
659     * to which the item belongs, the item itself and the item's updated status.
660     * </p><p>
661     * The same pending intent and broadcast receiver may be shared by any number of
662     * media items since the broadcast intent includes the media queue id and media item id.
663     * </p><p>
664     * The value is a {@link PendingIntent}.
665     * </p>
666     *
667     * <h3>Broadcast extras</h3>
668     * <ul>
669     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_QUEUE_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the media queue id of the
670     * queue to which the item in question belongs.
671     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_ID} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the media item id of the
672     * media item in question.
673     * <li>{@link #EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS} <i>(required)</i>: specifies the status of the
674     * item as a bundle that can be decoded into a {@link MediaItemStatus} object.
675     * </ul>
676     *
677     * @see #ACTION_PLAY
678     */
679    public static final String EXTRA_ITEM_STATUS_UPDATE_RECEIVER =
680            "";
682    private MediaControlIntent() {
683    }