/* GENERATED SOURCE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package android.icu.text; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import android.icu.impl.ICUCache; import android.icu.impl.ICUResourceBundle; import android.icu.impl.SimpleCache; import android.icu.util.ULocale; import android.icu.util.UResourceBundle; /** * A cache containing data by locale for {@link CompactDecimalFormat} * * @author Travis Keep */ class CompactDecimalDataCache { private static final String SHORT_STYLE = "short"; private static final String LONG_STYLE = "long"; private static final String NUMBER_ELEMENTS = "NumberElements"; private static final String PATTERN_LONG_PATH = "patternsLong/decimalFormat"; private static final String PATTERNS_SHORT_PATH = "patternsShort/decimalFormat"; static final String OTHER = "other"; /** * We can specify prefixes or suffixes for values with up to 15 digits, * less than 10^15. */ static final int MAX_DIGITS = 15; private static final String LATIN_NUMBERING_SYSTEM = "latn"; private final ICUCache cache = new SimpleCache(); /** * Data contains the compact decimal data for a particular locale. Data consists * of one array and two hashmaps. The index of the divisors array as well * as the arrays stored in the values of the two hashmaps correspond * to log10 of the number being formatted, so when formatting 12,345, the 4th * index of the arrays should be used. Divisors contain the number to divide * by before doing formatting. In the case of english, divisors[4] * is 1000. So to format 12,345, divide by 1000 to get 12. Then use * PluralRules with the current locale to figure out which of the 6 plural variants * 12 matches: "zero", "one", "two", "few", "many", or "other." Prefixes and * suffixes are maps whose key is the plural variant and whose values are * arrays of strings with indexes corresponding to log10 of the original number. * these arrays contain the prefix or suffix to use. * * Each array in data is 15 in length, and every index is filled. * * @author Travis Keep * */ static class Data { long[] divisors; Map units; Data(long[] divisors, Map units) { this.divisors = divisors; this.units = units; } } /** * DataBundle contains compact decimal data for all the styles in a particular * locale. Currently available styles are short and long. * * @author Travis Keep */ static class DataBundle { Data shortData; Data longData; DataBundle(Data shortData, Data longData) { this.shortData = shortData; this.longData = longData; } } private static enum QuoteState { OUTSIDE, // Outside single quote INSIDE_EMPTY, // Just inside single quote INSIDE_FULL // Inside single quote along with characters } // private static enum DataLocation { // Don't change order // LOCAL, // In local numbering system // LATIN, // In latin numbering system // ROOT // In root locale // } private static enum UResFlags { ANY, // Any locale will do. NOT_ROOT // Locale cannot be root. } /** * Fetch data for a particular locale. Clients must not modify any part * of the returned data. Portions of returned data may be shared so modifying * it will have unpredictable results. */ DataBundle get(ULocale locale) { DataBundle result = cache.get(locale); if (result == null) { result = load(locale); cache.put(locale, result); } return result; } /** * Loads the "patternsShort" and "patternsLong" data for a particular locale. * We look for both of them in 3 places in this order:
  1. local numbering system no ROOT fallback
  2. *
  3. latin numbering system no ROOT fallback
  4. *
  5. latin numbering system ROOT locale.
  6. *
* If we find "patternsShort" data before finding "patternsLong" data, we * make the "patternsLong" data be the same as "patternsShort." * @param ulocale the locale for which we are loading the data. * @return The returned data, never null. */ private static DataBundle load(ULocale ulocale) { NumberingSystem ns = NumberingSystem.getInstance(ulocale); ICUResourceBundle r = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle. getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, ulocale); r = r.getWithFallback(NUMBER_ELEMENTS); String numberingSystemName = ns.getName(); ICUResourceBundle shortDataBundle = null; ICUResourceBundle longDataBundle = null; if (!LATIN_NUMBERING_SYSTEM.equals(numberingSystemName)) { ICUResourceBundle bundle = findWithFallback(r, numberingSystemName, UResFlags.NOT_ROOT); shortDataBundle = findWithFallback(bundle, PATTERNS_SHORT_PATH, UResFlags.NOT_ROOT); longDataBundle = findWithFallback(bundle, PATTERN_LONG_PATH, UResFlags.NOT_ROOT); } // If we haven't found, look in latin numbering system. if (shortDataBundle == null) { ICUResourceBundle bundle = getWithFallback(r, LATIN_NUMBERING_SYSTEM, UResFlags.ANY); shortDataBundle = getWithFallback(bundle, PATTERNS_SHORT_PATH, UResFlags.ANY); if (longDataBundle == null) { longDataBundle = findWithFallback(bundle, PATTERN_LONG_PATH, UResFlags.ANY); if (longDataBundle != null && isRoot(longDataBundle) && !isRoot(shortDataBundle)) { longDataBundle = null; } } } Data shortData = loadStyle(shortDataBundle, ulocale, SHORT_STYLE); Data longData; if (longDataBundle == null) { longData = shortData; } else { longData = loadStyle(longDataBundle, ulocale, LONG_STYLE); } return new DataBundle(shortData, longData); } /** * findWithFallback finds a sub-resource bundle within r. * @param r a resource bundle. It may be null in which case sub-resource bundle * won't be found. * @param path the path relative to r * @param flags ANY or NOT_ROOT for locale of found sub-resource bundle. * @return The sub-resource bundle or NULL if none found. */ private static ICUResourceBundle findWithFallback( ICUResourceBundle r, String path, UResFlags flags) { if (r == null) { return null; } ICUResourceBundle result = r.findWithFallback(path); if (result == null) { return null; } switch (flags) { case NOT_ROOT: return isRoot(result) ? null : result; case ANY: return result; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * Like findWithFallback but throws MissingResourceException if no * resource found instead of returning null. */ private static ICUResourceBundle getWithFallback( ICUResourceBundle r, String path, UResFlags flags) { ICUResourceBundle result = findWithFallback(r, path, flags); if (result == null) { throw new MissingResourceException( "Cannot find " + path, ICUResourceBundle.class.getName(), path); } return result; } /** * isRoot returns true if r is in root locale or false otherwise. */ private static boolean isRoot(ICUResourceBundle r) { ULocale bundleLocale = r.getULocale(); // Note: bundleLocale for root should be ULocale.ROOT, which is equivalent to new ULocale(""). // However, resource bundle might be initialized with locale ID "root", which should be // actually normalized to "" in ICUResourceBundle. For now, this logic also compare to // "root", not just ULocale.ROOT. return bundleLocale.equals(ULocale.ROOT) || bundleLocale.toString().equals("root"); } /** * Loads the data * @param r the main resource bundle. * @param numberingSystemName The namespace name. * @param allowNullResult If true, returns null if no data can be found * for particular locale and style. If false, throws a runtime exception * if data cannot be found. * @return The loaded data or possibly null if allowNullResult is true. */ private static Data loadStyle(ICUResourceBundle r, ULocale locale, String style) { int size = r.getSize(); Data result = new Data( new long[MAX_DIGITS], new HashMap()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { populateData(r.get(i), locale, style, result); } fillInMissing(result); return result; } /** * Populates Data object with data for a particular divisor from resource bundle. * @param divisorData represents the rules for numbers of a particular size. * This may look like: *
     *   10000{
     *       few{"00K"}
     *       many{"00K"}
     *       one{"00 xnb"}
     *       other{"00 xnb"}
     *   }
* @param locale the locale * @param style the style * @param result rule stored here. * */ private static void populateData( UResourceBundle divisorData, ULocale locale, String style, Data result) { // This value will always be some even pwoer of 10. e.g 10000. long magnitude = Long.parseLong(divisorData.getKey()); int thisIndex = (int) Math.log10(magnitude); // Silently ignore divisors that are too big. if (thisIndex >= MAX_DIGITS) { return; } int size = divisorData.getSize(); // keep track of how many zeros are used in the plural variants. // For "00K" this would be 2. This number must be the same for all // plural variants. If they differ, we throw a runtime exception as // such an anomaly is unrecoverable. We expect at least one zero. int numZeros = 0; // Keep track if this block defines "other" variant. If a block // fails to define the "other" variant, we must immediately throw // an exception as it is assumed that "other" variants are always // defined. boolean otherVariantDefined = false; // Loop over all the plural variants. e.g one, other. for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { UResourceBundle pluralVariantData = divisorData.get(i); String pluralVariant = pluralVariantData.getKey(); String template = pluralVariantData.getString(); if (pluralVariant.equals(OTHER)) { otherVariantDefined = true; } int nz = populatePrefixSuffix( pluralVariant, thisIndex, template, locale, style, result); if (nz != numZeros) { if (numZeros != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Plural variant '" + pluralVariant + "' template '" + template + "' for 10^" + thisIndex + " has wrong number of zeros in " + localeAndStyle(locale, style)); } numZeros = nz; } } if (!otherVariantDefined) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No 'other' plural variant defined for 10^" + thisIndex + "in " +localeAndStyle(locale, style)); } // We craft our divisor such that when we divide by it, we get a // number with the same number of digits as zeros found in the // plural variant templates. If our magnitude is 10000 and we have // two 0's in our plural variants, then we want a divisor of 1000. // Note that if we have 43560 which is of same magnitude as 10000. // When we divide by 1000 we a quotient which rounds to 44 (2 digits) long divisor = magnitude; for (int i = 1; i < numZeros; i++) { divisor /= 10; } result.divisors[thisIndex] = divisor; } /** * Populates prefix and suffix information for a particular plural variant * and index (log10 value). * @param pluralVariant e.g "one", "other" * @param idx the index (log10 value of the number) 0 <= idx < MAX_DIGITS * @param template e.g "00K" * @param locale the locale * @param style the style * @param result Extracted prefix and suffix stored here. * @return number of zeros found before any decimal point in template. */ private static int populatePrefixSuffix( String pluralVariant, int idx, String template, ULocale locale, String style, Data result) { int firstIdx = template.indexOf("0"); int lastIdx = template.lastIndexOf("0"); if (firstIdx == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expect at least one zero in template '" + template + "' for variant '" +pluralVariant + "' for 10^" + idx + " in " + localeAndStyle(locale, style)); } String prefix = fixQuotes(template.substring(0, firstIdx)); String suffix = fixQuotes(template.substring(lastIdx + 1)); saveUnit(new DecimalFormat.Unit(prefix, suffix), pluralVariant, idx, result.units); // If there is effectively no prefix or suffix, ignore the actual // number of 0's and act as if the number of 0's matches the size // of the number if (prefix.trim().length() == 0 && suffix.trim().length() == 0) { return idx + 1; } // Calculate number of zeros before decimal point. int i = firstIdx + 1; while (i <= lastIdx && template.charAt(i) == '0') { i++; } return i - firstIdx; } private static String fixQuotes(String prefixOrSuffix) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int len = prefixOrSuffix.length(); QuoteState state = QuoteState.OUTSIDE; for (int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { char ch = prefixOrSuffix.charAt(idx); if (ch == '\'') { if (state == QuoteState.INSIDE_EMPTY) { result.append('\''); } } else { result.append(ch); } // Update state switch (state) { case OUTSIDE: state = ch == '\'' ? QuoteState.INSIDE_EMPTY : QuoteState.OUTSIDE; break; case INSIDE_EMPTY: case INSIDE_FULL: state = ch == '\'' ? QuoteState.OUTSIDE : QuoteState.INSIDE_FULL; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } return result.toString(); } /** * Returns locale and style. Used to form useful messages in thrown * exceptions. * @param locale the locale * @param style the style */ private static String localeAndStyle(ULocale locale, String style) { return "locale '" + locale + "' style '" + style + "'"; } /** * After reading information from resource bundle into a Data object, there * is guarantee that it is complete. * * This method fixes any incomplete data it finds within result. * It looks at each log10 value applying the two rules. *

* If no prefix is defined for the "other" variant, use the divisor, prefixes and * suffixes for all defined variants from the previous log10. For log10 = 0, * use all empty prefixes and suffixes and a divisor of 1. *

* Otherwise, examine each plural variant defined for the given log10 value. * If it has no prefix and suffix for a particular variant, use the one from the * "other" variant. *

* * @param result this instance is fixed in-place. */ private static void fillInMissing(Data result) { // Initially we assume that previous divisor is 1 with no prefix or suffix. long lastDivisor = 1L; for (int i = 0; i < result.divisors.length; i++) { if (result.units.get(OTHER)[i] == null) { result.divisors[i] = lastDivisor; copyFromPreviousIndex(i, result.units); } else { lastDivisor = result.divisors[i]; propagateOtherToMissing(i, result.units); } } } private static void propagateOtherToMissing( int idx, Map units) { DecimalFormat.Unit otherVariantValue = units.get(OTHER)[idx]; for (DecimalFormat.Unit[] byBase : units.values()) { if (byBase[idx] == null) { byBase[idx] = otherVariantValue; } } } private static void copyFromPreviousIndex(int idx, Map units) { for (DecimalFormat.Unit[] byBase : units.values()) { if (idx == 0) { byBase[idx] = DecimalFormat.NULL_UNIT; } else { byBase[idx] = byBase[idx - 1]; } } } private static void saveUnit( DecimalFormat.Unit unit, String pluralVariant, int idx, Map units) { DecimalFormat.Unit[] byBase = units.get(pluralVariant); if (byBase == null) { byBase = new DecimalFormat.Unit[MAX_DIGITS]; units.put(pluralVariant, byBase); } byBase[idx] = unit; } /** * Fetches a prefix or suffix given a plural variant and log10 value. If it * can't find the given variant, it falls back to "other". * @param prefixOrSuffix the prefix or suffix map * @param variant the plural variant * @param base log10 value. 0 <= base < MAX_DIGITS. * @return the prefix or suffix. */ static DecimalFormat.Unit getUnit( Map units, String variant, int base) { DecimalFormat.Unit[] byBase = units.get(variant); if (byBase == null) { byBase = units.get(CompactDecimalDataCache.OTHER); } return byBase[base]; } }