/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.print; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.CancellationSignal; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.Process; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.print.PrintAttributes.Margins; import android.print.PrintAttributes.MediaSize; import android.print.PrintAttributes.Resolution; import android.printservice.PrintServiceInfo; import android.printservice.recommendation.IRecommendationsChangeListener; import android.print.mockservice.MockPrintService; import android.print.mockservice.PrintServiceCallbacks; import android.print.mockservice.PrinterDiscoverySessionCallbacks; import android.print.mockservice.StubbablePrinterDiscoverySession; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock; import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * tests feeding all possible parameters to the IPrintManager Binder. */ public class IPrintManagerParametersTest extends BasePrintTest { private final int BAD_APP_ID = 0xffffffff; private final int mAppId; private final int mUserId; private final PrintJobId mBadPrintJobId; private PrintJob mGoodPrintJob; private PrinterId mBadPrinterId; private PrinterId mGoodPrinterId; private ComponentName mGoodComponentName; private ComponentName mBadComponentName; private IPrintManager mIPrintManager; /** * Create a new IPrintManagerParametersTest and setup basic fields. */ public IPrintManagerParametersTest() { super(); mAppId = UserHandle.getAppId(Process.myUid()); mUserId = UserHandle.myUserId(); mBadPrintJobId = new PrintJobId(); mBadComponentName = new ComponentName("bad", "bad"); } /** * Create a mock PrintDocumentAdapter. * * @return The adapter */ private @NonNull PrintDocumentAdapter createMockAdapter() { return new PrintDocumentAdapter() { @Override public void onStart() { onStartCalled(); } @Override public void onLayout(PrintAttributes oldAttributes, PrintAttributes newAttributes, CancellationSignal cancellationSignal, LayoutResultCallback callback, Bundle extras) { } @Override public void onWrite(PageRange[] pages, ParcelFileDescriptor destination, CancellationSignal cancellationSignal, WriteResultCallback callback) { } }; } /** * Create mock print service callbacks. * * @return the callbacks */ private PrintServiceCallbacks createMockCallbacks() { return createMockPrintServiceCallbacks( new Answer() { @Override public PrinterDiscoverySessionCallbacks answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) { return createMockPrinterDiscoverySessionCallbacks(new Answer() { @Override public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) { // Get the session. StubbablePrinterDiscoverySession session = ((PrinterDiscoverySessionCallbacks) invocation .getMock()).getSession(); if (session.getPrinters().isEmpty()) { final String PRINTER_NAME = "good printer"; List printers = new ArrayList<>(); // Add the printer. mGoodPrinterId = session.getService() .generatePrinterId(PRINTER_NAME); PrinterCapabilitiesInfo capabilities = new PrinterCapabilitiesInfo.Builder(mGoodPrinterId) .setMinMargins( new Margins(200, 200, 200, 200)) .addMediaSize(MediaSize.ISO_A4, true) .addResolution(new Resolution("300x300", "300x300", 300, 300), true) .setColorModes( PrintAttributes.COLOR_MODE_COLOR, PrintAttributes.COLOR_MODE_COLOR) .build(); PrinterInfo printer = new PrinterInfo.Builder( mGoodPrinterId, PRINTER_NAME, PrinterInfo.STATUS_IDLE) .setCapabilities(capabilities) .build(); printers.add(printer); session.addPrinters(printers); } onPrinterDiscoverySessionStartCalled(); return null; } }, null, null, null, null, null, null); } }, null, null); } /** * Create a IPrintJobStateChangeListener object. * * @return the object * @throws Exception if the object could not be created. */ private IPrintJobStateChangeListener createMockIPrintJobStateChangeListener() throws Exception { return new PrintManager.PrintJobStateChangeListenerWrapper(null, new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())); } /** * Create a IPrintServicesChangeListener object. * * @return the object * @throws Exception if the object could not be created. */ private IPrintServicesChangeListener createMockIPrintServicesChangeListener() throws Exception { return new PrintManager.PrintServicesChangeListenerWrapper(null, new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())); } /** * Create a IPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener object. * * @return the object * @throws Exception if the object could not be created. */ private IRecommendationsChangeListener createMockIPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener() throws Exception { return new PrintManager.PrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListenerWrapper(null, new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())); } /** * Create a IPrinterDiscoveryObserver object. * * @return the object * @throws Exception if the object could not be created. */ private IPrinterDiscoveryObserver createMockIPrinterDiscoveryObserver() throws Exception { return new PrinterDiscoverySession.PrinterDiscoveryObserver(null); } private void startPrinting() { mGoodPrintJob = print(createMockAdapter(), null); // Wait for PrintActivity to be ready waitForStartAdapterCallbackCalled(); // Wait for printer discovery session to be ready waitForPrinterDiscoverySessionStartCallbackCalled(); } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); MockPrintService.setCallbacks(createMockCallbacks()); mGoodComponentName = getActivity().getComponentName(); mIPrintManager = IPrintManager.Stub .asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.PRINT_SERVICE)); // Generate dummy printerId which is a valid PrinterId object, but does not correspond to a // printer mBadPrinterId = new PrinterId(mGoodComponentName, "dummy printer"); } /** * {@link Runnable} that can throw and {@link Exception} */ private interface Invokable { /** * Execute the invokable * * @throws Exception */ void run() throws Exception; } /** * Assert that the invokable throws an expectedException * * @param invokable The {@link Invokable} to run * @param expectedClass The {@link Exception} that is supposed to be thrown */ public void assertException(Invokable invokable, Class expectedClass) throws Exception { try { invokable.run(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getClass().isAssignableFrom(expectedClass)) { return; } else { throw new AssertionError("Expected: " + expectedClass.getName() + ", got: " + e.getClass().getName()); } } throw new AssertionError("No exception thrown"); } /** * test IPrintManager.getPrintJobInfo */ @LargeTest public void testGetPrintJobInfo() throws Exception { startPrinting(); assertEquals(mGoodPrintJob.getId(), mIPrintManager.getPrintJobInfo(mGoodPrintJob.getId(), mAppId, mUserId).getId()); assertEquals(null, mIPrintManager.getPrintJobInfo(mBadPrintJobId, mAppId, mUserId)); assertEquals(null, mIPrintManager.getPrintJobInfo(null, mAppId, mUserId)); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.getPrintJobInfo(mGoodPrintJob.getId(), BAD_APP_ID, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.getPrintJobInfos */ @LargeTest public void testGetPrintJobInfos() throws Exception { startPrinting(); List infos = mIPrintManager.getPrintJobInfos(mAppId, mUserId); boolean foundPrintJob = false; for (PrintJobInfo info : infos) { if (info.getId().equals(mGoodPrintJob.getId())) { assertEquals(PrintJobInfo.STATE_CREATED, info.getState()); foundPrintJob = true; } } assertTrue(foundPrintJob); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.getPrintJobInfos(BAD_APP_ID, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.print */ @LargeTest public void testPrint() throws Exception { final String name = "dummy print job"; final IPrintDocumentAdapter adapter = new PrintManager .PrintDocumentAdapterDelegate(getActivity(), createMockAdapter()); startPrinting(); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.print(null, adapter, null, mGoodComponentName.getPackageName(), mAppId, mUserId); } }, IllegalArgumentException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.print(name, null, null, mGoodComponentName.getPackageName(), mAppId, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.print(name, adapter, null, null, mAppId, mUserId); } }, IllegalArgumentException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.print(name, adapter, null, mBadComponentName.getPackageName(), mAppId, mUserId); } }, IllegalArgumentException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.print(name, adapter, null, mGoodComponentName.getPackageName(), BAD_APP_ID, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.cancelPrintJob */ @LargeTest public void testCancelPrintJob() throws Exception { startPrinting(); // Invalid print jobs IDs do not produce an exception mIPrintManager.cancelPrintJob(mBadPrintJobId, mAppId, mUserId); mIPrintManager.cancelPrintJob(null, mAppId, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.cancelPrintJob(mGoodPrintJob.getId(), BAD_APP_ID, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users // Must be last as otherwise mGoodPrintJob will not be good anymore mIPrintManager.cancelPrintJob(mGoodPrintJob.getId(), mAppId, mUserId); } /** * test IPrintManager.restartPrintJob */ @LargeTest public void testRestartPrintJob() throws Exception { startPrinting(); mIPrintManager.restartPrintJob(mGoodPrintJob.getId(), mAppId, mUserId); // Invalid print jobs IDs do not produce an exception mIPrintManager.restartPrintJob(mBadPrintJobId, mAppId, mUserId); mIPrintManager.restartPrintJob(null, mAppId, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.restartPrintJob(mGoodPrintJob.getId(), BAD_APP_ID, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.addPrintJobStateChangeListener */ @MediumTest public void testAddPrintJobStateChangeListener() throws Exception { final IPrintJobStateChangeListener listener = createMockIPrintJobStateChangeListener(); mIPrintManager.addPrintJobStateChangeListener(listener, mAppId, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.addPrintJobStateChangeListener(null, mAppId, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.addPrintJobStateChangeListener(listener, BAD_APP_ID, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.removePrintJobStateChangeListener */ @MediumTest public void testRemovePrintJobStateChangeListener() throws Exception { final IPrintJobStateChangeListener listener = createMockIPrintJobStateChangeListener(); mIPrintManager.addPrintJobStateChangeListener(listener, mAppId, mUserId); mIPrintManager.removePrintJobStateChangeListener(listener, mUserId); // Removing unknown listeners is a no-op mIPrintManager.removePrintJobStateChangeListener(listener, mUserId); mIPrintManager.addPrintJobStateChangeListener(listener, mAppId, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.removePrintJobStateChangeListener(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.addPrintServicesChangeListener */ @MediumTest public void testAddPrintServicesChangeListener() throws Exception { final IPrintServicesChangeListener listener = createMockIPrintServicesChangeListener(); mIPrintManager.addPrintServicesChangeListener(listener, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.addPrintServicesChangeListener(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.removePrintServicesChangeListener */ @MediumTest public void testRemovePrintServicesChangeListener() throws Exception { final IPrintServicesChangeListener listener = createMockIPrintServicesChangeListener(); mIPrintManager.addPrintServicesChangeListener(listener, mUserId); mIPrintManager.removePrintServicesChangeListener(listener, mUserId); // Removing unknown listeners is a no-op mIPrintManager.removePrintServicesChangeListener(listener, mUserId); mIPrintManager.addPrintServicesChangeListener(listener, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.removePrintServicesChangeListener(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.getPrintServices */ @MediumTest public void testGetPrintServices() throws Exception { List printServices = mIPrintManager.getPrintServices( PrintManager.ALL_SERVICES, mUserId); assertTrue(printServices.size() >= 1); printServices = mIPrintManager.getPrintServices(0, mUserId); assertEquals(printServices, null); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.getPrintServices(~PrintManager.ALL_SERVICES, mUserId); } }, IllegalArgumentException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.setPrintServiceEnabled */ @MediumTest public void testSetPrintServiceEnabled() throws Exception { final ComponentName printService = mIPrintManager.getPrintServices( PrintManager.ALL_SERVICES, mUserId).get(0).getComponentName(); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.setPrintServiceEnabled(printService, false, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.setPrintServiceEnabled(printService, true, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.setPrintServiceEnabled(new ComponentName("bad", "name"), true, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.setPrintServiceEnabled(null, true, mUserId); } }, SecurityException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.addPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener */ @MediumTest public void testAddPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener() throws Exception { final IRecommendationsChangeListener listener = createMockIPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(); mIPrintManager.addPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(listener, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.addPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.removePrintServicesChangeListener */ @MediumTest public void testRemovePrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener() throws Exception { final IRecommendationsChangeListener listener = createMockIPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(); mIPrintManager.addPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(listener, mUserId); mIPrintManager.removePrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(listener, mUserId); // Removing unknown listeners is a no-op mIPrintManager.removePrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(listener, mUserId); mIPrintManager.addPrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(listener, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.removePrintServiceRecommendationsChangeListener(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.getPrintServiceRecommendations */ @MediumTest public void testGetPrintServiceRecommendations() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.getPrintServiceRecommendations(mUserId); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.createPrinterDiscoverySession */ @MediumTest public void testCreatePrinterDiscoverySession() throws Exception { final IPrinterDiscoveryObserver listener = createMockIPrinterDiscoveryObserver(); mIPrintManager.createPrinterDiscoverySession(listener, mUserId); try { assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.createPrinterDiscoverySession(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } finally { // Remove discovery session so that the next test create a new one. Usually a leaked // session is removed on the next call from the print service. But in this case we want // to force a new call to onPrinterDiscoverySessionStart in the next test. mIPrintManager.destroyPrinterDiscoverySession(listener, mUserId); } } /** * test IPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery */ @LargeTest public void testStartPrinterDiscovery() throws Exception { startPrinting(); final IPrinterDiscoveryObserver listener = createMockIPrinterDiscoveryObserver(); final List goodPrinters = new ArrayList<>(); goodPrinters.add(mGoodPrinterId); final List badPrinters = new ArrayList<>(); badPrinters.add(mBadPrinterId); final List emptyPrinters = new ArrayList<>(); final List nullPrinters = new ArrayList<>(); nullPrinters.add(null); mIPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery(listener, goodPrinters, mUserId); // Bad or no printers do no cause exceptions mIPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery(listener, badPrinters, mUserId); mIPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery(listener, emptyPrinters, mUserId); mIPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery(listener, null, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery(listener, nullPrinters, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery(null, goodPrinters, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.stopPrinterDiscovery */ @MediumTest public void testStopPrinterDiscovery() throws Exception { final IPrinterDiscoveryObserver listener = createMockIPrinterDiscoveryObserver(); mIPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery(listener, null, mUserId); mIPrintManager.stopPrinterDiscovery(listener, mUserId); // Stopping an already stopped session is a no-op mIPrintManager.stopPrinterDiscovery(listener, mUserId); mIPrintManager.startPrinterDiscovery(listener, null, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.stopPrinterDiscovery(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.validatePrinters */ @LargeTest public void testValidatePrinters() throws Exception { startPrinting(); final List goodPrinters = new ArrayList<>(); goodPrinters.add(mGoodPrinterId); final List badPrinters = new ArrayList<>(); badPrinters.add(mBadPrinterId); final List emptyPrinters = new ArrayList<>(); final List nullPrinters = new ArrayList<>(); nullPrinters.add(null); mIPrintManager.validatePrinters(goodPrinters, mUserId); // Bad or empty list of printers do no cause exceptions mIPrintManager.validatePrinters(badPrinters, mUserId); mIPrintManager.validatePrinters(emptyPrinters, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.validatePrinters(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.validatePrinters(nullPrinters, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.startPrinterStateTracking */ @LargeTest public void testStartPrinterStateTracking() throws Exception { startPrinting(); mIPrintManager.startPrinterStateTracking(mGoodPrinterId, mUserId); // Bad printers do no cause exceptions mIPrintManager.startPrinterStateTracking(mBadPrinterId, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.startPrinterStateTracking(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.getCustomPrinterIcon */ @LargeTest public void testGetCustomPrinterIcon() throws Exception { startPrinting(); mIPrintManager.getCustomPrinterIcon(mGoodPrinterId, mUserId); // Bad printers do no cause exceptions mIPrintManager.getCustomPrinterIcon(mBadPrinterId, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.getCustomPrinterIcon(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.stopPrinterStateTracking */ @LargeTest public void testStopPrinterStateTracking() throws Exception { startPrinting(); mIPrintManager.startPrinterStateTracking(mGoodPrinterId, mUserId); mIPrintManager.stopPrinterStateTracking(mGoodPrinterId, mUserId); // Stop to track a non-tracked printer is a no-op mIPrintManager.stopPrinterStateTracking(mGoodPrinterId, mUserId); // Bad printers do no cause exceptions mIPrintManager.startPrinterStateTracking(mBadPrinterId, mUserId); mIPrintManager.stopPrinterStateTracking(mBadPrinterId, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.stopPrinterStateTracking(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } /** * test IPrintManager.destroyPrinterDiscoverySession */ @MediumTest public void testDestroyPrinterDiscoverySession() throws Exception { final IPrinterDiscoveryObserver listener = createMockIPrinterDiscoveryObserver(); mIPrintManager.createPrinterDiscoverySession(listener, mUserId); mIPrintManager.destroyPrinterDiscoverySession(listener, mUserId); // Destroying already destroyed session is a no-op mIPrintManager.destroyPrinterDiscoverySession(listener, mUserId); assertException(new Invokable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { mIPrintManager.destroyPrinterDiscoverySession(null, mUserId); } }, NullPointerException.class); // Cannot test bad user Id as these tests are allowed to call across users } }