/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.telecom.ConferenceParticipant; import android.telephony.DisconnectCause; import android.telephony.Rlog; import android.util.Log; import java.lang.Override; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; /** * {@hide} */ public abstract class Connection { public interface PostDialListener { void onPostDialWait(); void onPostDialChar(char c); } /** * Capabilities that will be mapped to telecom connection * capabilities. */ public static class Capability { /** * For an IMS video call, indicates that the local side of the call supports downgrading * from a video call to an audio-only call. */ public static final int SUPPORTS_DOWNGRADE_TO_VOICE_LOCAL = 0x00000001; /** * For an IMS video call, indicates that the peer supports downgrading to an audio-only * call. */ public static final int SUPPORTS_DOWNGRADE_TO_VOICE_REMOTE = 0x00000002; /** * For an IMS call, indicates that the call supports video locally. */ public static final int SUPPORTS_VT_LOCAL_BIDIRECTIONAL = 0x00000004; /** * For an IMS call, indicates that the peer supports video. */ public static final int SUPPORTS_VT_REMOTE_BIDIRECTIONAL = 0x00000008; /** * Indicates that the connection is an external connection (e.g. an instance of the class * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsExternalConnection}. */ public static final int IS_EXTERNAL_CONNECTION = 0x00000010; /** * Indicates that this external connection can be pulled from the remote device to the * local device. */ public static final int IS_PULLABLE = 0x00000020; } /** * Listener interface for events related to the connection which should be reported to the * {@link android.telecom.Connection}. */ public interface Listener { public void onVideoStateChanged(int videoState); public void onConnectionCapabilitiesChanged(int capability); public void onWifiChanged(boolean isWifi); public void onVideoProviderChanged( android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider videoProvider); public void onAudioQualityChanged(int audioQuality); public void onConferenceParticipantsChanged(List participants); public void onCallSubstateChanged(int callSubstate); public void onMultipartyStateChanged(boolean isMultiParty); public void onConferenceMergedFailed(); public void onExtrasChanged(Bundle extras); public void onExitedEcmMode(); public void onCallPullFailed(Connection externalConnection); public void onHandoverToWifiFailed(); public void onConnectionEvent(String event, Bundle extras); } /** * Base listener implementation. */ public abstract static class ListenerBase implements Listener { @Override public void onVideoStateChanged(int videoState) {} @Override public void onConnectionCapabilitiesChanged(int capability) {} @Override public void onWifiChanged(boolean isWifi) {} @Override public void onVideoProviderChanged( android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider videoProvider) {} @Override public void onAudioQualityChanged(int audioQuality) {} @Override public void onConferenceParticipantsChanged(List participants) {} @Override public void onCallSubstateChanged(int callSubstate) {} @Override public void onMultipartyStateChanged(boolean isMultiParty) {} @Override public void onConferenceMergedFailed() {} @Override public void onExtrasChanged(Bundle extras) {} @Override public void onExitedEcmMode() {} @Override public void onCallPullFailed(Connection externalConnection) {} @Override public void onHandoverToWifiFailed() {} @Override public void onConnectionEvent(String event, Bundle extras) {} } public static final int AUDIO_QUALITY_STANDARD = 1; public static final int AUDIO_QUALITY_HIGH_DEFINITION = 2; /** * The telecom internal call ID associated with this connection. Only to be used for debugging * purposes. */ private String mTelecomCallId; //Caller Name Display protected String mCnapName; protected int mCnapNamePresentation = PhoneConstants.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED; protected String mAddress; // MAY BE NULL!!! protected String mDialString; // outgoing calls only protected int mNumberPresentation = PhoneConstants.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED; protected boolean mIsIncoming; /* * These time/timespan values are based on System.currentTimeMillis(), * i.e., "wall clock" time. */ protected long mCreateTime; protected long mConnectTime; /* * These time/timespan values are based on SystemClock.elapsedRealTime(), * i.e., time since boot. They are appropriate for comparison and * calculating deltas. */ protected long mConnectTimeReal; protected long mDuration; protected long mHoldingStartTime; // The time when the Connection last transitioned // into HOLDING protected Connection mOrigConnection; private List mPostDialListeners = new ArrayList<>(); public Set mListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); protected boolean mNumberConverted = false; protected String mConvertedNumber; protected String mPostDialString; // outgoing calls only protected int mNextPostDialChar; // index into postDialString protected int mCause = DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED; protected PostDialState mPostDialState = PostDialState.NOT_STARTED; private static String LOG_TAG = "Connection"; Object mUserData; private int mVideoState; private int mConnectionCapabilities; private boolean mIsWifi; private int mAudioQuality; private int mCallSubstate; private android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider mVideoProvider; public Call.State mPreHandoverState = Call.State.IDLE; private Bundle mExtras; private int mPhoneType; private boolean mAnsweringDisconnectsActiveCall; private boolean mAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall; /** * Used to indicate that this originated from pulling a {@link android.telecom.Connection} with * {@link android.telecom.Connection#PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL}. */ private boolean mIsPulledCall = false; /** * Where {@link #mIsPulledCall} is {@code true}, contains the dialog Id of the external call * which is being pulled (e.g. * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsExternalConnection#getCallId()}). */ private int mPulledDialogId; protected Connection(int phoneType) { mPhoneType = phoneType; } /* Instance Methods */ /** * @return The telecom internal call ID associated with this connection. Only to be used for * debugging purposes. */ public String getTelecomCallId() { return mTelecomCallId; } /** * Sets the telecom call ID associated with this connection. * * @param telecomCallId The telecom call ID. */ public void setTelecomCallId(String telecomCallId) { mTelecomCallId = telecomCallId; } /** * Gets address (e.g. phone number) associated with connection. * TODO: distinguish reasons for unavailability * * @return address or null if unavailable */ public String getAddress() { return mAddress; } /** * Gets CNAP name associated with connection. * @return cnap name or null if unavailable */ public String getCnapName() { return mCnapName; } /** * Get original dial string. * @return original dial string or null if unavailable */ public String getOrigDialString(){ return null; } /** * Gets CNAP presentation associated with connection. * @return cnap name or null if unavailable */ public int getCnapNamePresentation() { return mCnapNamePresentation; } /** * @return Call that owns this Connection, or null if none */ public abstract Call getCall(); /** * Connection create time in currentTimeMillis() format * Basically, set when object is created. * Effectively, when an incoming call starts ringing or an * outgoing call starts dialing */ public long getCreateTime() { return mCreateTime; } /** * Connection connect time in currentTimeMillis() format. * For outgoing calls: Begins at (DIALING|ALERTING) -> ACTIVE transition. * For incoming calls: Begins at (INCOMING|WAITING) -> ACTIVE transition. * Returns 0 before then. */ public long getConnectTime() { return mConnectTime; } /** * Sets the Connection connect time in currentTimeMillis() format. * * @param connectTime the new connect time. */ public void setConnectTime(long connectTime) { mConnectTime = connectTime; } /** * Connection connect time in elapsedRealtime() format. * For outgoing calls: Begins at (DIALING|ALERTING) -> ACTIVE transition. * For incoming calls: Begins at (INCOMING|WAITING) -> ACTIVE transition. * Returns 0 before then. */ public long getConnectTimeReal() { return mConnectTimeReal; } /** * Disconnect time in currentTimeMillis() format. * The time when this Connection makes a transition into ENDED or FAIL. * Returns 0 before then. */ public abstract long getDisconnectTime(); /** * Returns the number of milliseconds the call has been connected, * or 0 if the call has never connected. * If the call is still connected, then returns the elapsed * time since connect. */ public long getDurationMillis() { if (mConnectTimeReal == 0) { return 0; } else if (mDuration == 0) { return SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mConnectTimeReal; } else { return mDuration; } } /** * The time when this Connection last transitioned into HOLDING * in elapsedRealtime() format. * Returns 0, if it has never made a transition into HOLDING. */ public long getHoldingStartTime() { return mHoldingStartTime; } /** * If this connection is HOLDING, return the number of milliseconds * that it has been on hold for (approximately). * If this connection is in any other state, return 0. */ public abstract long getHoldDurationMillis(); /** * Returns call disconnect cause. Values are defined in * {@link android.telephony.DisconnectCause}. If the call is not yet * disconnected, NOT_DISCONNECTED is returned. */ public int getDisconnectCause() { return mCause; } /** * Returns a string disconnect cause which is from vendor. * Vendors may use this string to explain the underline causes of failed calls. * There is no guarantee that it is non-null nor it'll have meaningful stable values. * Only use it when getDisconnectCause() returns a value that is not specific enough, like * ERROR_UNSPECIFIED. */ public abstract String getVendorDisconnectCause(); /** * Returns true of this connection originated elsewhere * ("MT" or mobile terminated; another party called this terminal) * or false if this call originated here (MO or mobile originated). */ public boolean isIncoming() { return mIsIncoming; } /** * If this Connection is connected, then it is associated with * a Call. * * Returns getCall().getState() or Call.State.IDLE if not * connected */ public Call.State getState() { Call c; c = getCall(); if (c == null) { return Call.State.IDLE; } else { return c.getState(); } } /** * If this connection went through handover return the state of the * call that contained this connection before handover. */ public Call.State getStateBeforeHandover() { return mPreHandoverState; } /** * Get the details of conference participants. Expected to be * overwritten by the Connection subclasses. */ public List getConferenceParticipants() { Call c; c = getCall(); if (c == null) { return null; } else { return c.getConferenceParticipants(); } } /** * isAlive() * * @return true if the connection isn't disconnected * (could be active, holding, ringing, dialing, etc) */ public boolean isAlive() { return getState().isAlive(); } /** * Returns true if Connection is connected and is INCOMING or WAITING */ public boolean isRinging() { return getState().isRinging(); } /** * * @return the userdata set in setUserData() */ public Object getUserData() { return mUserData; } /** * * @param userdata user can store an any userdata in the Connection object. */ public void setUserData(Object userdata) { mUserData = userdata; } /** * Hangup individual Connection */ public abstract void hangup() throws CallStateException; /** * Separate this call from its owner Call and assigns it to a new Call * (eg if it is currently part of a Conference call * TODO: Throw exception? Does GSM require error display on failure here? */ public abstract void separate() throws CallStateException; public enum PostDialState { NOT_STARTED, /* The post dial string playback hasn't been started, or this call is not yet connected, or this is an incoming call */ STARTED, /* The post dial string playback has begun */ WAIT, /* The post dial string playback is waiting for a call to proceedAfterWaitChar() */ WILD, /* The post dial string playback is waiting for a call to proceedAfterWildChar() */ COMPLETE, /* The post dial string playback is complete */ CANCELLED, /* The post dial string playback was cancelled with cancelPostDial() */ PAUSE /* The post dial string playback is pausing for a call to processNextPostDialChar*/ } public void clearUserData(){ mUserData = null; } public final void addPostDialListener(PostDialListener listener) { if (!mPostDialListeners.contains(listener)) { mPostDialListeners.add(listener); } } public final void removePostDialListener(PostDialListener listener) { mPostDialListeners.remove(listener); } protected final void clearPostDialListeners() { mPostDialListeners.clear(); } protected final void notifyPostDialListeners() { if (getPostDialState() == PostDialState.WAIT) { for (PostDialListener listener : new ArrayList<>(mPostDialListeners)) { listener.onPostDialWait(); } } } protected final void notifyPostDialListenersNextChar(char c) { for (PostDialListener listener : new ArrayList<>(mPostDialListeners)) { listener.onPostDialChar(c); } } public PostDialState getPostDialState() { return mPostDialState; } /** * Returns the portion of the post dial string that has not * yet been dialed, or "" if none */ public String getRemainingPostDialString() { if (mPostDialState == PostDialState.CANCELLED || mPostDialState == PostDialState.COMPLETE || mPostDialString == null || mPostDialString.length() <= mNextPostDialChar) { return ""; } return mPostDialString.substring(mNextPostDialChar); } /** * See Phone.setOnPostDialWaitCharacter() */ public abstract void proceedAfterWaitChar(); /** * See Phone.setOnPostDialWildCharacter() */ public abstract void proceedAfterWildChar(String str); /** * Cancel any post */ public abstract void cancelPostDial(); /** Called when the connection has been disconnected */ public boolean onDisconnect(int cause) { return false; } /** * Returns the caller id presentation type for incoming and waiting calls * @return one of PRESENTATION_* */ public abstract int getNumberPresentation(); /** * Returns the User to User Signaling (UUS) information associated with * incoming and waiting calls * @return UUSInfo containing the UUS userdata. */ public abstract UUSInfo getUUSInfo(); /** * Returns the CallFail reason provided by the RIL with the result of * RIL_REQUEST_LAST_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE */ public abstract int getPreciseDisconnectCause(); /** * Returns the original Connection instance associated with * this Connection */ public Connection getOrigConnection() { return mOrigConnection; } /** * Returns whether the original ImsPhoneConnection was a member * of a conference call * @return valid only when getOrigConnection() is not null */ public abstract boolean isMultiparty(); /** * Applicable only for IMS Call. Determines if this call is the origin of the conference call * (i.e. {@code #isConferenceHost()} is {@code true}), or if it is a member of a conference * hosted on another device. * * @return {@code true} if this call is the origin of the conference call it is a member of, * {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isConferenceHost() { return false; } /** * Applicable only for IMS Call. Determines if a connection is a member of a conference hosted * on another device. * * @return {@code true} if the connection is a member of a conference hosted on another device. */ public boolean isMemberOfPeerConference() { return false; } public void migrateFrom(Connection c) { if (c == null) return; mListeners = c.mListeners; mDialString = c.getOrigDialString(); mCreateTime = c.getCreateTime(); mConnectTime = c.getConnectTime(); mConnectTimeReal = c.getConnectTimeReal(); mHoldingStartTime = c.getHoldingStartTime(); mOrigConnection = c.getOrigConnection(); mPostDialString = c.mPostDialString; mNextPostDialChar = c.mNextPostDialChar; } /** * Assign a listener to be notified of state changes. * * @param listener A listener. */ public final void addListener(Listener listener) { mListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes a listener. * * @param listener A listener. */ public final void removeListener(Listener listener) { mListeners.remove(listener); } /** * Returns the current video state of the connection. * * @return The video state of the connection. */ public int getVideoState() { return mVideoState; } /** * Called to get Connection capabilities.Returns Capabilities bitmask. * @See Connection.Capability. */ public int getConnectionCapabilities() { return mConnectionCapabilities; } /** * @return {@code} true if the connection has the specified capabilities. */ public boolean hasCapabilities(int connectionCapabilities) { return (mConnectionCapabilities & connectionCapabilities) == connectionCapabilities; } /** * Applies a capability to a capabilities bit-mask. * * @param capabilities The capabilities bit-mask. * @param capability The capability to apply. * @return The capabilities bit-mask with the capability applied. */ public static int addCapability(int capabilities, int capability) { return capabilities | capability; } /** * Removes a capability to a capabilities bit-mask. * * @param capabilities The capabilities bit-mask. * @param capability The capability to remove. * @return The capabilities bit-mask with the capability removed. */ public static int removeCapability(int capabilities, int capability) { return capabilities & ~capability; } /** * Returns whether the connection is using a wifi network. * * @return {@code True} if the connection is using a wifi network. */ public boolean isWifi() { return mIsWifi; } /** * Returns the {@link android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider} for the connection. * * @return The {@link android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider}. */ public android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider getVideoProvider() { return mVideoProvider; } /** * Returns the audio-quality for the connection. * * @return The audio quality for the connection. */ public int getAudioQuality() { return mAudioQuality; } /** * Returns the current call substate of the connection. * * @return The call substate of the connection. */ public int getCallSubstate() { return mCallSubstate; } /** * Sets the videoState for the current connection and reports the changes to all listeners. * Valid video states are defined in {@link android.telecom.VideoProfile}. * * @return The video state. */ public void setVideoState(int videoState) { mVideoState = videoState; for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onVideoStateChanged(mVideoState); } } /** * Called to set Connection capabilities. This will take Capabilities bitmask as input which is * converted from Capabilities constants. * * @See Connection.Capability. * @param capabilities The Capabilities bitmask. */ public void setConnectionCapabilities(int capabilities) { if (mConnectionCapabilities != capabilities) { mConnectionCapabilities = capabilities; for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onConnectionCapabilitiesChanged(mConnectionCapabilities); } } } /** * Sets whether a wifi network is used for the connection. * * @param isWifi {@code True} if wifi is being used. */ public void setWifi(boolean isWifi) { mIsWifi = isWifi; for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onWifiChanged(mIsWifi); } } /** * Set the audio quality for the connection. * * @param audioQuality The audio quality. */ public void setAudioQuality(int audioQuality) { mAudioQuality = audioQuality; for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onAudioQualityChanged(mAudioQuality); } } /** * Notifies listeners that connection extras has changed. * @param extras New connection extras. This Bundle will be cloned to ensure that any concurrent * modifications to the extras Bundle do not affect Bundle operations in the onExtrasChanged * listeners. */ public void setConnectionExtras(Bundle extras) { if (extras != null) { mExtras = new Bundle(extras); } else { mExtras = null; } for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onExtrasChanged(mExtras); } } /** * Retrieves the current connection extras. * @return the connection extras. */ public Bundle getConnectionExtras() { return mExtras == null ? null : new Bundle(mExtras); } /** * @return {@code true} if answering the call will cause the current active call to be * disconnected, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isActiveCallDisconnectedOnAnswer() { return mAnsweringDisconnectsActiveCall; } /** * Sets whether answering this call will cause the active call to be disconnected. *

* Should only be set {@code true} if there is an active call and this call is ringing. * * @param answeringDisconnectsActiveCall {@code true} if answering the call will call the active * call to be disconnected. */ public void setActiveCallDisconnectedOnAnswer(boolean answeringDisconnectsActiveCall) { mAnsweringDisconnectsActiveCall = answeringDisconnectsActiveCall; } public boolean shouldAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall() { return mAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall; } public void setAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall(boolean allowAddCallDuringVideoCall) { mAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall = allowAddCallDuringVideoCall; } /** * Sets whether the connection is the result of an external call which was pulled to the local * device. * * @param isPulledCall {@code true} if this connection is the result of pulling an external call * to the local device. */ public void setIsPulledCall(boolean isPulledCall) { mIsPulledCall = isPulledCall; } public boolean isPulledCall() { return mIsPulledCall; } /** * For an external call which is being pulled (e.g. {@link #isPulledCall()} is {@code true}), * sets the dialog Id for the external call. Used to handle failures to pull a call so that the * pulled call can be reconciled with its original external connection. * * @param pulledDialogId The dialog id associated with a pulled call. */ public void setPulledDialogId(int pulledDialogId) { mPulledDialogId = pulledDialogId; } public int getPulledDialogId() { return mPulledDialogId; } /** * Sets the call substate for the current connection and reports the changes to all listeners. * Valid call substates are defined in {@link android.telecom.Connection}. * * @return The call substate. */ public void setCallSubstate(int callSubstate) { mCallSubstate = callSubstate; for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onCallSubstateChanged(mCallSubstate); } } /** * Sets the {@link android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider} for the connection. * * @param videoProvider The video call provider. */ public void setVideoProvider(android.telecom.Connection.VideoProvider videoProvider) { mVideoProvider = videoProvider; for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onVideoProviderChanged(mVideoProvider); } } public void setConverted(String oriNumber) { mNumberConverted = true; mConvertedNumber = mAddress; mAddress = oriNumber; mDialString = oriNumber; } /** * Notifies listeners of a change to conference participant(s). * * @param conferenceParticipants The participant(s). */ public void updateConferenceParticipants(List conferenceParticipants) { for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onConferenceParticipantsChanged(conferenceParticipants); } } /** * Notifies listeners of a change to the multiparty state of the connection. * * @param isMultiparty The participant(s). */ public void updateMultipartyState(boolean isMultiparty) { for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onMultipartyStateChanged(isMultiparty); } } /** * Notifies listeners of a failure in merging this connection with the background connection. */ public void onConferenceMergeFailed() { for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onConferenceMergedFailed(); } } /** * Notifies that the underlying phone has exited ECM mode. */ public void onExitedEcmMode() { for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onExitedEcmMode(); } } /** * Notifies the connection that a call to {@link #pullExternalCall()} has failed to pull the * call to the local device. * * @param externalConnection The original * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsExternalConnection} from which the * pull was initiated. */ public void onCallPullFailed(Connection externalConnection) { for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onCallPullFailed(externalConnection); } } /** * Notifies the connection that there was a failure while handing over to WIFI. */ public void onHandoverToWifiFailed() { for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onHandoverToWifiFailed(); } } /** * Notifies the connection of a connection event. */ public void onConnectionEvent(String event, Bundle extras) { for (Listener l : mListeners) { l.onConnectionEvent(event, extras); } } /** * Notifies this Connection of a request to disconnect a participant of the conference managed * by the connection. * * @param endpoint the {@link Uri} of the participant to disconnect. */ public void onDisconnectConferenceParticipant(Uri endpoint) { } /** * Called by a {@link android.telecom.Connection} to indicate that this call should be pulled * to the local device. */ public void pullExternalCall() { } /** * */ public int getPhoneType() { return mPhoneType; } /** * Build a human representation of a connection instance, suitable for debugging. * Don't log personal stuff unless in debug mode. * @return a string representing the internal state of this connection. */ public String toString() { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(128); str.append(" callId: " + getTelecomCallId()); str.append(" isExternal: " + (((mConnectionCapabilities & Capability.IS_EXTERNAL_CONNECTION) == Capability.IS_EXTERNAL_CONNECTION) ? "Y" : "N")); if (Rlog.isLoggable(LOG_TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { str.append("addr: " + getAddress()) .append(" pres.: " + getNumberPresentation()) .append(" dial: " + getOrigDialString()) .append(" postdial: " + getRemainingPostDialString()) .append(" cnap name: " + getCnapName()) .append("(" + getCnapNamePresentation() + ")"); } str.append(" incoming: " + isIncoming()) .append(" state: " + getState()) .append(" post dial state: " + getPostDialState()); return str.toString(); } }