/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Motorola, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Motorola, Inc. nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.android.bluetooth.opp; import javax.obex.ObexTransport; import com.android.bluetooth.BluetoothObexTransport; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothUuid; import android.os.ParcelUuid; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.Process; import android.util.Log; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.UnknownHostException; /** * This class run an actual Opp transfer session (from connect target device to * disconnect) */ public class BluetoothOppTransfer implements BluetoothOppBatch.BluetoothOppBatchListener { private static final String TAG = "BtOppTransfer"; private static final boolean D = Constants.DEBUG; private static final boolean V = Constants.VERBOSE; private static final int RFCOMM_ERROR = 10; private static final int RFCOMM_CONNECTED = 11; private static final int SOCKET_ERROR_RETRY = 13; private static final int CONNECT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 45000; private static final int CONNECT_RETRY_TIME = 100; private static final short OPUSH_UUID16 = 0x1105; private static final String SOCKET_LINK_KEY_ERROR = "Invalid exchange"; private Context mContext; private BluetoothAdapter mAdapter; private BluetoothOppBatch mBatch; private BluetoothOppObexSession mSession; private BluetoothOppShareInfo mCurrentShare; private ObexTransport mTransport; private HandlerThread mHandlerThread; private EventHandler mSessionHandler; private long mTimestamp; public BluetoothOppTransfer(Context context, PowerManager powerManager, BluetoothOppBatch batch, BluetoothOppObexSession session) { mContext = context; mBatch = batch; mSession = session; mBatch.registerListern(this); mAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); } public BluetoothOppTransfer(Context context, PowerManager powerManager, BluetoothOppBatch batch) { this(context, powerManager, batch, null); } public int getBatchId() { return mBatch.mId; } /* * Receives events from mConnectThread & mSession back in the main thread. */ private class EventHandler extends Handler { public EventHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case SOCKET_ERROR_RETRY: mConnectThread = new SocketConnectThread((BluetoothDevice)msg.obj, true); mConnectThread.start(); break; case RFCOMM_ERROR: /* * RFCOMM connect fail is for outbound share only! Mark batch * failed, and all shares in batch failed */ if (V) Log.v(TAG, "receive RFCOMM_ERROR msg"); mConnectThread = null; markBatchFailed(BluetoothShare.STATUS_CONNECTION_ERROR); mBatch.mStatus = Constants.BATCH_STATUS_FAILED; break; case RFCOMM_CONNECTED: /* * RFCOMM connected is for outbound share only! Create * BluetoothOppObexClientSession and start it */ if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Transfer receive RFCOMM_CONNECTED msg"); mConnectThread = null; mTransport = (ObexTransport)msg.obj; startObexSession(); break; case BluetoothOppObexSession.MSG_SHARE_COMPLETE: /* * Put next share if available,or finish the transfer. * For outbound session, call session.addShare() to send next file, * or call session.stop(). * For inbounds session, do nothing. If there is next file to receive,it * will be notified through onShareAdded() */ BluetoothOppShareInfo info = (BluetoothOppShareInfo)msg.obj; if (V) Log.v(TAG, "receive MSG_SHARE_COMPLETE for info " + info.mId); if (mBatch.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_OUTBOUND) { mCurrentShare = mBatch.getPendingShare(); if (mCurrentShare != null) { /* we have additional share to process */ if (V) Log.v(TAG, "continue session for info " + mCurrentShare.mId + " from batch " + mBatch.mId); processCurrentShare(); } else { /* for outbound transfer, all shares are processed */ if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Batch " + mBatch.mId + " is done"); mSession.stop(); } } break; case BluetoothOppObexSession.MSG_SESSION_COMPLETE: /* * Handle session completed status Set batch status to * finished */ BluetoothOppShareInfo info1 = (BluetoothOppShareInfo)msg.obj; if (V) Log.v(TAG, "receive MSG_SESSION_COMPLETE for batch " + mBatch.mId); mBatch.mStatus = Constants.BATCH_STATUS_FINISHED; /* * trigger content provider again to know batch status change */ tickShareStatus(info1); break; case BluetoothOppObexSession.MSG_SESSION_ERROR: /* Handle the error state of an Obex session */ if (V) Log.v(TAG, "receive MSG_SESSION_ERROR for batch " + mBatch.mId); BluetoothOppShareInfo info2 = (BluetoothOppShareInfo)msg.obj; mSession.stop(); mBatch.mStatus = Constants.BATCH_STATUS_FAILED; markBatchFailed(info2.mStatus); tickShareStatus(mCurrentShare); break; case BluetoothOppObexSession.MSG_SHARE_INTERRUPTED: if (V) Log.v(TAG, "receive MSG_SHARE_INTERRUPTED for batch " + mBatch.mId); BluetoothOppShareInfo info3 = (BluetoothOppShareInfo)msg.obj; if (mBatch.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_OUTBOUND) { try { if (mTransport == null) { Log.v(TAG, "receive MSG_SHARE_INTERRUPTED but mTransport = null"); } else { mTransport.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "failed to close mTransport"); } if (V) Log.v(TAG, "mTransport closed "); mBatch.mStatus = Constants.BATCH_STATUS_FAILED; if (info3 != null) { markBatchFailed(info3.mStatus); } else { markBatchFailed(); } tickShareStatus(mCurrentShare); } break; case BluetoothOppObexSession.MSG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: if (V) Log.v(TAG, "receive MSG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT for batch " + mBatch.mId); /* for outbound transfer, the block point is BluetoothSocket.write() * The only way to unblock is to tear down lower transport * */ if (mBatch.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_OUTBOUND) { try { if (mTransport == null) { Log.v(TAG, "receive MSG_SHARE_INTERRUPTED but mTransport = null"); } else { mTransport.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "failed to close mTransport"); } if (V) Log.v(TAG, "mTransport closed "); } else { /* * For inbound transfer, the block point is waiting for * user confirmation we can interrupt it nicely */ // Remove incoming file confirm notification NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager)mContext .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); nm.cancel(mCurrentShare.mId); // Send intent to UI for timeout handling Intent in = new Intent(BluetoothShare.USER_CONFIRMATION_TIMEOUT_ACTION); mContext.sendBroadcast(in); markShareTimeout(mCurrentShare); } break; } } } private void markShareTimeout(BluetoothOppShareInfo share) { Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(BluetoothShare.CONTENT_URI + "/" + share.mId); ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues(); updateValues .put(BluetoothShare.USER_CONFIRMATION, BluetoothShare.USER_CONFIRMATION_TIMEOUT); mContext.getContentResolver().update(contentUri, updateValues, null, null); } private void markBatchFailed(int failReason) { synchronized (this) { try { wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Interrupted waiting for markBatchFailed"); } } if (D) Log.d(TAG, "Mark all ShareInfo in the batch as failed"); if (mCurrentShare != null) { if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Current share has status " + mCurrentShare.mStatus); if (BluetoothShare.isStatusError(mCurrentShare.mStatus)) { failReason = mCurrentShare.mStatus; } if (mCurrentShare.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_INBOUND && mCurrentShare.mFilename != null) { new File(mCurrentShare.mFilename).delete(); } } BluetoothOppShareInfo info = null; if (mBatch == null) { return; } info = mBatch.getPendingShare(); while (info != null) { if (info.mStatus < 200) { info.mStatus = failReason; Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(BluetoothShare.CONTENT_URI + "/" + info.mId); ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues(); updateValues.put(BluetoothShare.STATUS, info.mStatus); /* Update un-processed outbound transfer to show some info */ if (info.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_OUTBOUND) { BluetoothOppSendFileInfo fileInfo = BluetoothOppUtility.getSendFileInfo(info.mUri); BluetoothOppUtility.closeSendFileInfo(info.mUri); if (fileInfo.mFileName != null) { updateValues.put(BluetoothShare.FILENAME_HINT, fileInfo.mFileName); updateValues.put(BluetoothShare.TOTAL_BYTES, fileInfo.mLength); updateValues.put(BluetoothShare.MIMETYPE, fileInfo.mMimetype); } } else { if (info.mStatus < 200 && info.mFilename != null) { new File(info.mFilename).delete(); } } mContext.getContentResolver().update(contentUri, updateValues, null, null); Constants.sendIntentIfCompleted(mContext, contentUri, info.mStatus); } info = mBatch.getPendingShare(); } } private void markBatchFailed() { markBatchFailed(BluetoothShare.STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR); } /* * NOTE * For outbound transfer * 1) Check Bluetooth status * 2) Start handler thread * 3) new a thread to connect to target device * 3.1) Try a few times to do SDP query for target device OPUSH channel * 3.2) Try a few seconds to connect to target socket * 4) After BluetoothSocket is connected,create an instance of RfcommTransport * 5) Create an instance of BluetoothOppClientSession * 6) Start the session and process the first share in batch * For inbound transfer * The transfer already has session and transport setup, just start it * 1) Check Bluetooth status * 2) Start handler thread * 3) Start the session and process the first share in batch */ /** * Start the transfer */ public void start() { /* check Bluetooth enable status */ /* * normally it's impossible to reach here if BT is disabled. Just check * for safety */ if (!mAdapter.isEnabled()) { Log.e(TAG, "Can't start transfer when Bluetooth is disabled for " + mBatch.mId); markBatchFailed(); mBatch.mStatus = Constants.BATCH_STATUS_FAILED; return; } if (mHandlerThread == null) { if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Create handler thread for batch " + mBatch.mId); mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("BtOpp Transfer Handler", Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); mHandlerThread.start(); mSessionHandler = new EventHandler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()); if (mBatch.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_OUTBOUND) { /* for outbound transfer, we do connect first */ startConnectSession(); } else if (mBatch.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_INBOUND) { /* * for inbound transfer, it's already connected, so we start * OBEX session directly */ startObexSession(); } } } /** * Stop the transfer */ public void stop() { if (V) Log.v(TAG, "stop"); if (mConnectThread != null) { try { mConnectThread.interrupt(); if (V) Log.v(TAG, "waiting for connect thread to terminate"); mConnectThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Interrupted waiting for connect thread to join"); } mConnectThread = null; } if (mSession != null) { if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Stop mSession"); mSession.stop(); } if (mHandlerThread != null) { mHandlerThread.getLooper().quit(); mHandlerThread.interrupt(); mHandlerThread = null; } } private void startObexSession() { mBatch.mStatus = Constants.BATCH_STATUS_RUNNING; mCurrentShare = mBatch.getPendingShare(); if (mCurrentShare == null) { /* * TODO catch this error */ Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected error happened !"); return; } if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Start session for info " + mCurrentShare.mId + " for batch " + mBatch.mId); if (mBatch.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_OUTBOUND) { if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Create Client session with transport " + mTransport.toString()); mSession = new BluetoothOppObexClientSession(mContext, mTransport); } else if (mBatch.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_INBOUND) { /* * For inbounds transfer, a server session should already exists * before BluetoothOppTransfer is initialized. We should pass in a * mSession instance. */ if (mSession == null) { /** set current share as error */ Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected error happened !"); markBatchFailed(); mBatch.mStatus = Constants.BATCH_STATUS_FAILED; return; } if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Transfer has Server session" + mSession.toString()); } mSession.start(mSessionHandler, mBatch.getNumShares()); processCurrentShare(); } private void processCurrentShare() { /* This transfer need user confirm */ if (V) Log.v(TAG, "processCurrentShare" + mCurrentShare.mId); mSession.addShare(mCurrentShare); if (mCurrentShare.mConfirm == BluetoothShare.USER_CONFIRMATION_HANDOVER_CONFIRMED) { confirmStatusChanged(); } } /** * Set transfer confirmed status. It should only be called for inbound * transfer */ public void confirmStatusChanged() { /* unblock server session */ final Thread notifyThread = new Thread("Server Unblock thread") { public void run() { synchronized (mSession) { mSession.unblock(); mSession.notify(); } } }; if (V) Log.v(TAG, "confirmStatusChanged to unblock mSession" + mSession.toString()); notifyThread.start(); } private void startConnectSession() { if (Constants.USE_TCP_DEBUG) { mConnectThread = new SocketConnectThread("localhost", Constants.TCP_DEBUG_PORT, 0); mConnectThread.start(); } else { mConnectThread = new SocketConnectThread(mBatch.mDestination,false); mConnectThread.start(); } } private SocketConnectThread mConnectThread; private class SocketConnectThread extends Thread { private final String host; private final BluetoothDevice device; private final int channel; private boolean isConnected; private long timestamp; private BluetoothSocket btSocket = null; private boolean mRetry = false; /* create a TCP socket */ public SocketConnectThread(String host, int port, int dummy) { super("Socket Connect Thread"); this.host = host; this.channel = port; this.device = null; isConnected = false; } /* create a Rfcomm Socket */ public SocketConnectThread(BluetoothDevice device, int channel, boolean retry) { super("Socket Connect Thread"); this.device = device; this.host = null; this.channel = channel; isConnected = false; mRetry = retry; } /* create a Rfcomm Socket */ public SocketConnectThread(BluetoothDevice device, boolean retry) { super("Socket Connect Thread"); this.device = device; this.host = null; this.channel = -1; isConnected = false; mRetry = retry; } public void interrupt() { if (!Constants.USE_TCP_DEBUG) { if (btSocket != null) { try { btSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.v(TAG, "Error when close socket"); } } } } @Override public void run() { timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (Constants.USE_TCP_DEBUG) { /* Use TCP socket to connect */ Socket s = new Socket(); // Try to connect for 50 seconds int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < CONNECT_RETRY_TIME && result == 0; i++) { try { s.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, channel), CONNECT_WAIT_TIMEOUT); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Log.e(TAG, "TCP socket connect unknown host "); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "TCP socket connect failed "); } if (s.isConnected()) { if (D) Log.d(TAG, "TCP socket connected "); isConnected = true; break; } if (isInterrupted()) { Log.e(TAG, "TCP socket connect interrupted "); markConnectionFailed(s); return; } } if (!isConnected) { Log.e(TAG, "TCP socket connect failed after 20 seconds"); markConnectionFailed(s); return; } if (V) Log.v(TAG, "TCP Socket connection attempt took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp) + " ms"); TestTcpTransport transport; transport = new TestTcpTransport(s); if (isInterrupted()) { isConnected = false; markConnectionFailed(s); transport = null; return; } if (!isConnected) { transport = null; Log.e(TAG, "TCP connect session error: "); markConnectionFailed(s); return; } else { if (D) Log.d(TAG, "Send transport message " + transport.toString()); mSessionHandler.obtainMessage(RFCOMM_CONNECTED, transport).sendToTarget(); } } else { /* Use BluetoothSocket to connect */ try { btSocket = device.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(BluetoothUuid.ObexObjectPush.getUuid()); } catch (IOException e1) { Log.e(TAG, "Rfcomm socket create error",e1); markConnectionFailed(btSocket); return; } try { btSocket.connect(); if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Rfcomm socket connection attempt took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp) + " ms"); BluetoothObexTransport transport; transport = new BluetoothObexTransport(btSocket); BluetoothOppPreference.getInstance(mContext).setName(device, device.getName()); if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Send transport message " + transport.toString()); mSessionHandler.obtainMessage(RFCOMM_CONNECTED, transport).sendToTarget(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Rfcomm socket connect exception",e); // If the devices were paired before, but unpaired on the // remote end, it will return an error for the auth request // for the socket connection. Link keys will get exchanged // again, but we need to retry. There is no good way to // inform this socket asking it to retry apart from a blind // delayed retry. if (!mRetry && e.getMessage().equals(SOCKET_LINK_KEY_ERROR)) { Message msg = mSessionHandler.obtainMessage(SOCKET_ERROR_RETRY,-1,-1,device); mSessionHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, 1500); } else { markConnectionFailed(btSocket); } } } } private void markConnectionFailed(Socket s) { try { s.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "TCP socket close error"); } mSessionHandler.obtainMessage(RFCOMM_ERROR).sendToTarget(); } private void markConnectionFailed(BluetoothSocket s) { try { s.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (V) Log.e(TAG, "Error when close socket"); } mSessionHandler.obtainMessage(RFCOMM_ERROR).sendToTarget(); return; } }; /* update a trivial field of a share to notify Provider the batch status change */ private void tickShareStatus(BluetoothOppShareInfo share) { if (share == null) { Log.d(TAG,"Share is null"); return; } Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(BluetoothShare.CONTENT_URI + "/" + share.mId); ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues(); updateValues.put(BluetoothShare.DIRECTION, share.mDirection); mContext.getContentResolver().update(contentUri, updateValues, null, null); } /* * Note: For outbound transfer We don't implement this method now. If later * we want to support merging a later added share into an existing session, * we could implement here For inbounds transfer add share means it's * multiple receive in the same session, we should handle it to fill it into * mSession */ /** * Process when a share is added to current transfer */ public void onShareAdded(int id) { BluetoothOppShareInfo info = mBatch.getPendingShare(); if (info.mDirection == BluetoothShare.DIRECTION_INBOUND) { mCurrentShare = mBatch.getPendingShare(); /* * TODO what if it's not auto confirmed? */ if (mCurrentShare != null && (mCurrentShare.mConfirm == BluetoothShare.USER_CONFIRMATION_AUTO_CONFIRMED || mCurrentShare.mConfirm == BluetoothShare.USER_CONFIRMATION_HANDOVER_CONFIRMED)) { /* have additional auto confirmed share to process */ if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Transfer continue session for info " + mCurrentShare.mId + " from batch " + mBatch.mId); processCurrentShare(); confirmStatusChanged(); } } } /* * NOTE We don't implement this method now. Now delete a single share from * the batch means the whole batch should be canceled. If later we want to * support single cancel, we could implement here For outbound transfer, if * the share is currently in transfer, cancel it For inbounds transfer, * delete share means the current receiving file should be canceled. */ /** * Process when a share is deleted from current transfer */ public void onShareDeleted(int id) { } /** * Process when current transfer is canceled */ public void onBatchCanceled() { if (V) Log.v(TAG, "Transfer on Batch canceled"); this.stop(); mBatch.mStatus = Constants.BATCH_STATUS_FINISHED; } }