/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.contacts.common.vcard; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContactsEntity; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import com.android.contacts.common.R; import com.android.vcard.VCardComposer; import com.android.vcard.VCardConfig; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Writer; /** * Class for processing one export request from a user. Dropped after exporting requested Uri(s). * {@link VCardService} will create another object when there is another export request. */ public class ExportProcessor extends ProcessorBase { private static final String LOG_TAG = "VCardExport"; private static final boolean DEBUG = VCardService.DEBUG; private final VCardService mService; private final ContentResolver mResolver; private final NotificationManager mNotificationManager; private final ExportRequest mExportRequest; private final int mJobId; private final String mCallingActivity; private volatile boolean mCanceled; private volatile boolean mDone; private final int SHOW_READY_TOAST = 1; private final Handler handler = new Handler() { public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.arg1 == SHOW_READY_TOAST) { // This message is long, so we set the duration to LENGTH_LONG. Toast.makeText(mService, R.string.exporting_vcard_finished_toast, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } }; public ExportProcessor(VCardService service, ExportRequest exportRequest, int jobId, String callingActivity) { mService = service; mResolver = service.getContentResolver(); mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)mService.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); mExportRequest = exportRequest; mJobId = jobId; mCallingActivity = callingActivity; } @Override public final int getType() { return VCardService.TYPE_EXPORT; } @Override public void run() { // ExecutorService ignores RuntimeException, so we need to show it here. try { runInternal(); if (isCancelled()) { doCancelNotification(); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "OutOfMemoryError thrown during import", e); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "RuntimeException thrown during export", e); throw e; } finally { synchronized (this) { mDone = true; } } } private void runInternal() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, String.format("vCard export (id: %d) has started.", mJobId)); final ExportRequest request = mExportRequest; VCardComposer composer = null; Writer writer = null; boolean successful = false; try { if (isCancelled()) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Export request is cancelled before handling the request"); return; } final Uri uri = request.destUri; final OutputStream outputStream; try { outputStream = mResolver.openOutputStream(uri); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "FileNotFoundException thrown", e); // Need concise title. final String errorReason = mService.getString(R.string.fail_reason_could_not_open_file, uri, e.getMessage()); doFinishNotification(errorReason, null); return; } final String exportType = request.exportType; final int vcardType; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(exportType)) { vcardType = VCardConfig.getVCardTypeFromString( mService.getString(R.string.config_export_vcard_type)); } else { vcardType = VCardConfig.getVCardTypeFromString(exportType); } composer = new VCardComposer(mService, vcardType, true); // for test // int vcardType = (VCardConfig.VCARD_TYPE_V21_GENERIC | // VCardConfig.FLAG_USE_QP_TO_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES); // composer = new VCardComposer(ExportVCardActivity.this, vcardType, true); writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream)); final Uri contentUriForRawContactsEntity = RawContactsEntity.CONTENT_URI; // TODO: should provide better selection. if (!composer.init(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {Contacts._ID}, null, null, null, contentUriForRawContactsEntity)) { final String errorReason = composer.getErrorReason(); Log.e(LOG_TAG, "initialization of vCard composer failed: " + errorReason); final String translatedErrorReason = translateComposerError(errorReason); final String title = mService.getString(R.string.fail_reason_could_not_initialize_exporter, translatedErrorReason); doFinishNotification(title, null); return; } final int total = composer.getCount(); if (total == 0) { final String title = mService.getString(R.string.fail_reason_no_exportable_contact); doFinishNotification(title, null); return; } int current = 1; // 1-origin while (!composer.isAfterLast()) { if (isCancelled()) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Export request is cancelled during composing vCard"); return; } try { writer.write(composer.createOneEntry()); } catch (IOException e) { final String errorReason = composer.getErrorReason(); Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read a contact: " + errorReason); final String translatedErrorReason = translateComposerError(errorReason); final String title = mService.getString(R.string.fail_reason_error_occurred_during_export, translatedErrorReason); doFinishNotification(title, null); return; } // vCard export is quite fast (compared to import), and frequent notifications // bother notification bar too much. if (current % 100 == 1) { doProgressNotification(uri, total, current); } current++; } Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Successfully finished exporting vCard " + request.destUri); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Ask MediaScanner to scan the file: " + request.destUri.getPath()); } mService.updateMediaScanner(request.destUri.getPath()); successful = true; final String filename = ExportVCardActivity.getOpenableUriDisplayName(mService, uri); // If it is a local file (i.e. not a file from Drive), we need to allow user to share // the file by pressing the notification; otherwise, it would be a file in Drive, we // don't need to enable this action in notification since the file is already uploaded. if (isLocalFile(uri)) { final Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(); msg.arg1 = SHOW_READY_TOAST; handler.sendMessage(msg); doFinishNotificationWithShareAction( mService.getString(R.string.exporting_vcard_finished_title_fallback), mService.getString(R.string.touch_to_share_contacts), uri); } else { final String title = filename == null ? mService.getString(R.string.exporting_vcard_finished_title_fallback) : mService.getString(R.string.exporting_vcard_finished_title, filename); doFinishNotification(title, null); } } finally { if (composer != null) { composer.terminate(); } if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "IOException is thrown during close(). Ignored. " + e); } } mService.handleFinishExportNotification(mJobId, successful); } } private boolean isLocalFile(Uri uri) { final String authority = uri.getAuthority(); return mService.getString(R.string.contacts_file_provider_authority).equals(authority); } private String translateComposerError(String errorMessage) { final Resources resources = mService.getResources(); if (VCardComposer.FAILURE_REASON_FAILED_TO_GET_DATABASE_INFO.equals(errorMessage)) { return resources.getString(R.string.composer_failed_to_get_database_infomation); } else if (VCardComposer.FAILURE_REASON_NO_ENTRY.equals(errorMessage)) { return resources.getString(R.string.composer_has_no_exportable_contact); } else if (VCardComposer.FAILURE_REASON_NOT_INITIALIZED.equals(errorMessage)) { return resources.getString(R.string.composer_not_initialized); } else { return errorMessage; } } private void doProgressNotification(Uri uri, int totalCount, int currentCount) { final String displayName = uri.getLastPathSegment(); final String description = mService.getString(R.string.exporting_contact_list_message, displayName); final String tickerText = mService.getString(R.string.exporting_contact_list_title); final Notification notification = NotificationImportExportListener.constructProgressNotification(mService, VCardService.TYPE_EXPORT, description, tickerText, mJobId, displayName, totalCount, currentCount); mNotificationManager.notify(NotificationImportExportListener.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TAG, mJobId, notification); } private void doCancelNotification() { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "send cancel notification"); final String description = mService.getString(R.string.exporting_vcard_canceled_title, mExportRequest.destUri.getLastPathSegment()); final Notification notification = NotificationImportExportListener.constructCancelNotification(mService, description); mNotificationManager.notify(NotificationImportExportListener.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TAG, mJobId, notification); } private void doFinishNotification(final String title, final String description) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "send finish notification: " + title + ", " + description); final Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClassName(mService, mCallingActivity); final Notification notification = NotificationImportExportListener.constructFinishNotification(mService, title, description, intent); mNotificationManager.notify(NotificationImportExportListener.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TAG, mJobId, notification); } /** * Pass intent with ACTION_SEND to notification so that user can press the notification to * share contacts. */ private void doFinishNotificationWithShareAction(final String title, final String description, Uri uri) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "send finish notification: " + title + ", " + description); final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType(Contacts.CONTENT_VCARD_TYPE); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri); // Securely grant access using temporary access permissions intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION); // Build notification final Notification notification = NotificationImportExportListener.constructFinishNotificationWithFlags( mService, title, description, intent, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mNotificationManager.notify(NotificationImportExportListener.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_TAG, mJobId, notification); } @Override public synchronized boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "received cancel request"); if (mDone || mCanceled) { return false; } mCanceled = true; return true; } @Override public synchronized boolean isCancelled() { return mCanceled; } @Override public synchronized boolean isDone() { return mDone; } public ExportRequest getRequest() { return mExportRequest; } }