/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.services.telephony; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.drawable.Icon; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PersistableBundle; import android.telecom.CallAudioState; import android.telecom.ConferenceParticipant; import android.telecom.Connection; import android.telecom.PhoneAccount; import android.telecom.PhoneAccountHandle; import android.telecom.StatusHints; import android.telecom.TelecomManager; import android.telecom.VideoProfile; import android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager; import android.telephony.DisconnectCause; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.util.Pair; import com.android.ims.ImsCall; import com.android.ims.ImsCallProfile; import com.android.internal.telephony.Call; import com.android.internal.telephony.CallStateException; import com.android.internal.telephony.Connection.Capability; import com.android.internal.telephony.Connection.PostDialListener; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.SuppServiceNotification; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhone; import com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhoneCallTracker; import com.android.phone.ImsUtil; import com.android.phone.PhoneGlobals; import com.android.phone.PhoneUtils; import com.android.phone.R; import java.lang.Override; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Base class for CDMA and GSM connections. */ abstract class TelephonyConnection extends Connection { private static final int MSG_PRECISE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED = 1; private static final int MSG_RINGBACK_TONE = 2; private static final int MSG_HANDOVER_STATE_CHANGED = 3; private static final int MSG_DISCONNECT = 4; private static final int MSG_MULTIPARTY_STATE_CHANGED = 5; private static final int MSG_CONFERENCE_MERGE_FAILED = 6; private static final int MSG_SUPP_SERVICE_NOTIFY = 7; /** * Mappings from {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection} extras keys to their * equivalents defined in {@link android.telecom.Connection}. */ private static final Map sExtrasMap = createExtrasMap(); private static final int MSG_SET_VIDEO_STATE = 8; private static final int MSG_SET_VIDEO_PROVIDER = 9; private static final int MSG_SET_AUDIO_QUALITY = 10; private static final int MSG_SET_CONFERENCE_PARTICIPANTS = 11; private static final int MSG_CONNECTION_EXTRAS_CHANGED = 12; private static final int MSG_SET_ORIGNAL_CONNECTION_CAPABILITIES = 13; private static final int MSG_ON_HOLD_TONE = 14; private static final int MSG_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY_ON = 15; private static final int MSG_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY_OFF = 16; private final Handler mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_PRECISE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED: Log.v(TelephonyConnection.this, "MSG_PRECISE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED"); updateState(); break; case MSG_HANDOVER_STATE_CHANGED: Log.v(TelephonyConnection.this, "MSG_HANDOVER_STATE_CHANGED"); AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; com.android.internal.telephony.Connection connection = (com.android.internal.telephony.Connection) ar.result; if (mOriginalConnection != null) { if (connection != null && ((connection.getAddress() != null && mOriginalConnection.getAddress() != null && mOriginalConnection.getAddress().contains(connection.getAddress())) || connection.getState() == mOriginalConnection.getStateBeforeHandover())) { Log.d(TelephonyConnection.this, "SettingOriginalConnection " + mOriginalConnection.toString() + " with " + connection.toString()); setOriginalConnection(connection); mWasImsConnection = false; } } else { Log.w(TelephonyConnection.this, "MSG_HANDOVER_STATE_CHANGED: mOriginalConnection==null - invalid state (not cleaned up)"); } break; case MSG_RINGBACK_TONE: Log.v(TelephonyConnection.this, "MSG_RINGBACK_TONE"); // TODO: This code assumes that there is only one connection in the foreground // call, in other words, it punts on network-mediated conference calling. if (getOriginalConnection() != getForegroundConnection()) { Log.v(TelephonyConnection.this, "handleMessage, original connection is " + "not foreground connection, skipping"); return; } setRingbackRequested((Boolean) ((AsyncResult) msg.obj).result); break; case MSG_DISCONNECT: updateState(); break; case MSG_MULTIPARTY_STATE_CHANGED: boolean isMultiParty = (Boolean) msg.obj; Log.i(this, "Update multiparty state to %s", isMultiParty ? "Y" : "N"); mIsMultiParty = isMultiParty; if (isMultiParty) { notifyConferenceStarted(); } break; case MSG_CONFERENCE_MERGE_FAILED: notifyConferenceMergeFailed(); break; case MSG_SUPP_SERVICE_NOTIFY: Log.v(TelephonyConnection.this, "MSG_SUPP_SERVICE_NOTIFY on phoneId : " +getPhone().getPhoneId()); SuppServiceNotification mSsNotification = null; if (msg.obj != null && ((AsyncResult) msg.obj).result != null) { mSsNotification = (SuppServiceNotification)((AsyncResult) msg.obj).result; if (mOriginalConnection != null && mSsNotification.history != null) { Bundle lastForwardedNumber = new Bundle(); Log.v(TelephonyConnection.this, "Updating call history info in extras."); lastForwardedNumber.putStringArrayList( Connection.EXTRA_LAST_FORWARDED_NUMBER, new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(mSsNotification.history))); putExtras(lastForwardedNumber); } } break; case MSG_SET_VIDEO_STATE: int videoState = (int) msg.obj; setVideoState(videoState); // A change to the video state of the call can influence whether or not it // can be part of a conference, whether another call can be added, and // whether the call should have the HD audio property set. refreshConferenceSupported(); refreshDisableAddCall(); updateConnectionProperties(); break; case MSG_SET_VIDEO_PROVIDER: VideoProvider videoProvider = (VideoProvider) msg.obj; setVideoProvider(videoProvider); break; case MSG_SET_AUDIO_QUALITY: int audioQuality = (int) msg.obj; setAudioQuality(audioQuality); break; case MSG_SET_CONFERENCE_PARTICIPANTS: List participants = (List) msg.obj; updateConferenceParticipants(participants); break; case MSG_CONNECTION_EXTRAS_CHANGED: final Bundle extras = (Bundle) msg.obj; updateExtras(extras); break; case MSG_SET_ORIGNAL_CONNECTION_CAPABILITIES: setOriginalConnectionCapabilities(msg.arg1); break; case MSG_ON_HOLD_TONE: AsyncResult asyncResult = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; Pair heldInfo = (Pair) asyncResult.result; // Determines if the hold tone is starting or stopping. boolean playTone = ((Boolean) (heldInfo.second)).booleanValue(); // Determine which connection the hold tone is stopping or starting for com.android.internal.telephony.Connection heldConnection = heldInfo.first; // Only start or stop the hold tone if this is the connection which is starting // or stopping the hold tone. if (heldConnection == mOriginalConnection) { // If starting the hold tone, send a connection event to Telecom which will // cause it to play the on hold tone. if (playTone) { sendConnectionEvent(EVENT_ON_HOLD_TONE_START, null); } else { sendConnectionEvent(EVENT_ON_HOLD_TONE_END, null); } } break; case MSG_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY_ON: Log.d(this, "MSG_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY_ON received"); setCdmaVoicePrivacy(true); break; case MSG_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY_OFF: Log.d(this, "MSG_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY_OFF received"); setCdmaVoicePrivacy(false); break; } } }; /** * @return {@code true} if carrier video conferencing is supported, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isCarrierVideoConferencingSupported() { return mIsCarrierVideoConferencingSupported; } /** * A listener/callback mechanism that is specific communication from TelephonyConnections * to TelephonyConnectionService (for now). It is more specific that Connection.Listener * because it is only exposed in Telephony. */ public abstract static class TelephonyConnectionListener { public void onOriginalConnectionConfigured(TelephonyConnection c) {} public void onOriginalConnectionRetry(TelephonyConnection c) {} } private final PostDialListener mPostDialListener = new PostDialListener() { @Override public void onPostDialWait() { Log.v(TelephonyConnection.this, "onPostDialWait"); if (mOriginalConnection != null) { setPostDialWait(mOriginalConnection.getRemainingPostDialString()); } } @Override public void onPostDialChar(char c) { Log.v(TelephonyConnection.this, "onPostDialChar: %s", c); if (mOriginalConnection != null) { setNextPostDialChar(c); } } }; /** * Listener for listening to events in the {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection}. */ private final com.android.internal.telephony.Connection.Listener mOriginalConnectionListener = new com.android.internal.telephony.Connection.ListenerBase() { @Override public void onVideoStateChanged(int videoState) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_VIDEO_STATE, videoState).sendToTarget(); } /* * The {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection} has reported a change in * connection capability. * @param capabilities bit mask containing voice or video or both capabilities. */ @Override public void onConnectionCapabilitiesChanged(int capabilities) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_ORIGNAL_CONNECTION_CAPABILITIES, capabilities, 0).sendToTarget(); } /** * The {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection} has reported a change in the * video call provider. * * @param videoProvider The video call provider. */ @Override public void onVideoProviderChanged(VideoProvider videoProvider) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_VIDEO_PROVIDER, videoProvider).sendToTarget(); } /** * Used by {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection} to report a change in whether * the call is being made over a wifi network. * * @param isWifi True if call is made over wifi. */ @Override public void onWifiChanged(boolean isWifi) { setWifi(isWifi); } /** * Used by the {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection} to report a change in the * audio quality for the current call. * * @param audioQuality The audio quality. */ @Override public void onAudioQualityChanged(int audioQuality) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_AUDIO_QUALITY, audioQuality).sendToTarget(); } /** * Handles a change in the state of conference participant(s), as reported by the * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection}. * * @param participants The participant(s) which changed. */ @Override public void onConferenceParticipantsChanged(List participants) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_SET_CONFERENCE_PARTICIPANTS, participants).sendToTarget(); } /* * Handles a change to the multiparty state for this connection. * * @param isMultiParty {@code true} if the call became multiparty, {@code false} * otherwise. */ @Override public void onMultipartyStateChanged(boolean isMultiParty) { handleMultipartyStateChange(isMultiParty); } /** * Handles the event that the request to merge calls failed. */ @Override public void onConferenceMergedFailed() { handleConferenceMergeFailed(); } @Override public void onExtrasChanged(Bundle extras) { mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CONNECTION_EXTRAS_CHANGED, extras).sendToTarget(); } /** * Handles the phone exiting ECM mode by updating the connection capabilities. During an * ongoing call, if ECM mode is exited, we will re-enable mute for CDMA calls. */ @Override public void onExitedEcmMode() { handleExitedEcmMode(); } /** * Called from {@link ImsPhoneCallTracker} when a request to pull an external call has * failed. * @param externalConnection */ @Override public void onCallPullFailed(com.android.internal.telephony.Connection externalConnection) { if (externalConnection == null) { return; } Log.i(this, "onCallPullFailed - pull failed; swapping back to call: %s", externalConnection); // Inform the InCallService of the fact that the call pull failed (it may choose to // display a message informing the user of the pull failure). sendConnectionEvent(Connection.EVENT_CALL_PULL_FAILED, null); // Swap the ImsPhoneConnection we used to do the pull for the ImsExternalConnection // which originally represented the call. setOriginalConnection(externalConnection); // Set our state to active again since we're no longer pulling. setActiveInternal(); } /** * Called from {@link ImsPhoneCallTracker} when a handover to WIFI has failed. */ @Override public void onHandoverToWifiFailed() { sendConnectionEvent(TelephonyManager.EVENT_HANDOVER_TO_WIFI_FAILED, null); } /** * Informs the {@link android.telecom.ConnectionService} of a connection event raised by the * original connection. * @param event The connection event. * @param extras The extras. */ @Override public void onConnectionEvent(String event, Bundle extras) { sendConnectionEvent(event, extras); } }; protected com.android.internal.telephony.Connection mOriginalConnection; private Call.State mConnectionState = Call.State.IDLE; private Bundle mOriginalConnectionExtras = new Bundle(); private boolean mIsStateOverridden = false; private Call.State mOriginalConnectionState = Call.State.IDLE; private Call.State mConnectionOverriddenState = Call.State.IDLE; private boolean mWasImsConnection; /** * Tracks the multiparty state of the ImsCall so that changes in the bit state can be detected. */ private boolean mIsMultiParty = false; /** * The {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection} capabilities associated with the * current {@link #mOriginalConnection}. */ private int mOriginalConnectionCapabilities; /** * Determines if the {@link TelephonyConnection} is using wifi. * This is used when {@link TelephonyConnection#updateConnectionProperties()} is called to * indicate whether a call has the {@link Connection#PROPERTY_WIFI} property. */ private boolean mIsWifi; /** * Determines the audio quality is high for the {@link TelephonyConnection}. * This is used when {@link TelephonyConnection#updateConnectionProperties}} is called to * indicate whether a call has the {@link Connection#PROPERTY_HIGH_DEF_AUDIO} property. */ private boolean mHasHighDefAudio; /** * Indicates that the connection should be treated as an emergency call because the * number dialed matches an internal list of emergency numbers. Does not guarantee whether * the network will treat the call as an emergency call. */ private boolean mTreatAsEmergencyCall; /** * For video calls, indicates whether the outgoing video for the call can be paused using * the {@link android.telecom.VideoProfile#STATE_PAUSED} VideoState. */ private boolean mIsVideoPauseSupported; /** * Indicates whether this connection supports being a part of a conference.. */ private boolean mIsConferenceSupported; /** * Indicates whether the carrier supports video conferencing; captures the current state of the * carrier config * {@link android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager#KEY_SUPPORT_VIDEO_CONFERENCE_CALL_BOOL}. */ private boolean mIsCarrierVideoConferencingSupported; /** * Indicates whether or not this connection has CDMA Enhanced Voice Privacy enabled. */ private boolean mIsCdmaVoicePrivacyEnabled; /** * Listeners to our TelephonyConnection specific callbacks */ private final Set mTelephonyListeners = Collections.newSetFromMap( new ConcurrentHashMap(8, 0.9f, 1)); protected TelephonyConnection(com.android.internal.telephony.Connection originalConnection, String callId) { setTelecomCallId(callId); if (originalConnection != null) { setOriginalConnection(originalConnection); } } /** * Creates a clone of the current {@link TelephonyConnection}. * * @return The clone. */ public abstract TelephonyConnection cloneConnection(); @Override public void onCallAudioStateChanged(CallAudioState audioState) { // TODO: update TTY mode. if (getPhone() != null) { getPhone().setEchoSuppressionEnabled(); } } @Override public void onStateChanged(int state) { Log.v(this, "onStateChanged, state: " + Connection.stateToString(state)); updateStatusHints(); } @Override public void onDisconnect() { Log.v(this, "onDisconnect"); hangup(android.telephony.DisconnectCause.LOCAL); } /** * Notifies this Connection of a request to disconnect a participant of the conference managed * by the connection. * * @param endpoint the {@link Uri} of the participant to disconnect. */ @Override public void onDisconnectConferenceParticipant(Uri endpoint) { Log.v(this, "onDisconnectConferenceParticipant %s", endpoint); if (mOriginalConnection == null) { return; } mOriginalConnection.onDisconnectConferenceParticipant(endpoint); } @Override public void onSeparate() { Log.v(this, "onSeparate"); if (mOriginalConnection != null) { try { mOriginalConnection.separate(); } catch (CallStateException e) { Log.e(this, e, "Call to Connection.separate failed with exception"); } } } @Override public void onAbort() { Log.v(this, "onAbort"); hangup(android.telephony.DisconnectCause.LOCAL); } @Override public void onHold() { performHold(); } @Override public void onUnhold() { performUnhold(); } @Override public void onAnswer(int videoState) { Log.v(this, "onAnswer"); if (isValidRingingCall() && getPhone() != null) { try { getPhone().acceptCall(videoState); } catch (CallStateException e) { Log.e(this, e, "Failed to accept call."); } } } @Override public void onReject() { Log.v(this, "onReject"); if (isValidRingingCall()) { hangup(android.telephony.DisconnectCause.INCOMING_REJECTED); } super.onReject(); } @Override public void onPostDialContinue(boolean proceed) { Log.v(this, "onPostDialContinue, proceed: " + proceed); if (mOriginalConnection != null) { if (proceed) { mOriginalConnection.proceedAfterWaitChar(); } else { mOriginalConnection.cancelPostDial(); } } } /** * Handles requests to pull an external call. */ @Override public void onPullExternalCall() { if ((getConnectionProperties() & Connection.PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL) != Connection.PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL) { Log.w(this, "onPullExternalCall - cannot pull non-external call"); return; } if (mOriginalConnection != null) { mOriginalConnection.pullExternalCall(); } } public void performHold() { Log.v(this, "performHold"); // TODO: Can dialing calls be put on hold as well since they take up the // foreground call slot? if (Call.State.ACTIVE == mConnectionState) { Log.v(this, "Holding active call"); try { Phone phone = mOriginalConnection.getCall().getPhone(); Call ringingCall = phone.getRingingCall(); // Although the method says switchHoldingAndActive, it eventually calls a RIL method // called switchWaitingOrHoldingAndActive. What this means is that if we try to put // a call on hold while a call-waiting call exists, it'll end up accepting the // call-waiting call, which is bad if that was not the user's intention. We are // cheating here and simply skipping it because we know any attempt to hold a call // while a call-waiting call is happening is likely a request from Telecom prior to // accepting the call-waiting call. // TODO: Investigate a better solution. It would be great here if we // could "fake" hold by silencing the audio and microphone streams for this call // instead of actually putting it on hold. if (ringingCall.getState() != Call.State.WAITING) { phone.switchHoldingAndActive(); } // TODO: Cdma calls are slightly different. } catch (CallStateException e) { Log.e(this, e, "Exception occurred while trying to put call on hold."); } } else { Log.w(this, "Cannot put a call that is not currently active on hold."); } } public void performUnhold() { Log.v(this, "performUnhold"); if (Call.State.HOLDING == mConnectionState) { try { // Here's the deal--Telephony hold/unhold is weird because whenever there exists // more than one call, one of them must always be active. In other words, if you // have an active call and holding call, and you put the active call on hold, it // will automatically activate the holding call. This is weird with how Telecom // sends its commands. When a user opts to "unhold" a background call, telecom // issues hold commands to all active calls, and then the unhold command to the // background call. This means that we get two commands...each of which reduces to // switchHoldingAndActive(). The result is that they simply cancel each other out. // To fix this so that it works well with telecom we add a minor hack. If we // have one telephony call, everything works as normally expected. But if we have // two or more calls, we will ignore all requests to "unhold" knowing that the hold // requests already do what we want. If you've read up to this point, I'm very sorry // that we are doing this. I didn't think of a better solution that wouldn't also // make the Telecom APIs very ugly. if (!hasMultipleTopLevelCalls()) { mOriginalConnection.getCall().getPhone().switchHoldingAndActive(); } else { Log.i(this, "Skipping unhold command for %s", this); } } catch (CallStateException e) { Log.e(this, e, "Exception occurred while trying to release call from hold."); } } else { Log.w(this, "Cannot release a call that is not already on hold from hold."); } } public void performConference(Connection otherConnection) { Log.d(this, "performConference - %s", this); if (getPhone() != null) { try { // We dont use the "other" connection because there is no concept of that in the // implementation of calls inside telephony. Basically, you can "conference" and it // will conference with the background call. We know that otherConnection is the // background call because it would never have called setConferenceableConnections() // otherwise. getPhone().conference(); } catch (CallStateException e) { Log.e(this, e, "Failed to conference call."); } } } /** * Builds connection capabilities common to all TelephonyConnections. Namely, apply IMS-based * capabilities. */ protected int buildConnectionCapabilities() { int callCapabilities = 0; if (mOriginalConnection != null && mOriginalConnection.isIncoming()) { callCapabilities |= CAPABILITY_SPEED_UP_MT_AUDIO; } if (!shouldTreatAsEmergencyCall() && isImsConnection() && canHoldImsCalls()) { callCapabilities |= CAPABILITY_SUPPORT_HOLD; if (getState() == STATE_ACTIVE || getState() == STATE_HOLDING) { callCapabilities |= CAPABILITY_HOLD; } } return callCapabilities; } protected final void updateConnectionCapabilities() { int newCapabilities = buildConnectionCapabilities(); newCapabilities = applyOriginalConnectionCapabilities(newCapabilities); newCapabilities = changeBitmask(newCapabilities, CAPABILITY_CAN_PAUSE_VIDEO, mIsVideoPauseSupported && isVideoCapable()); newCapabilities = changeBitmask(newCapabilities, CAPABILITY_CAN_PULL_CALL, isExternalConnection() && isPullable()); newCapabilities = applyConferenceTerminationCapabilities(newCapabilities); if (getConnectionCapabilities() != newCapabilities) { setConnectionCapabilities(newCapabilities); } } protected int buildConnectionProperties() { int connectionProperties = 0; // If the phone is in ECM mode, mark the call to indicate that the callback number should be // shown. Phone phone = getPhone(); if (phone != null && phone.isInEcm()) { connectionProperties |= PROPERTY_EMERGENCY_CALLBACK_MODE; } return connectionProperties; } /** * Updates the properties of the connection. */ protected final void updateConnectionProperties() { int newProperties = buildConnectionProperties(); newProperties = changeBitmask(newProperties, PROPERTY_HIGH_DEF_AUDIO, hasHighDefAudioProperty()); newProperties = changeBitmask(newProperties, PROPERTY_WIFI, mIsWifi); newProperties = changeBitmask(newProperties, PROPERTY_IS_EXTERNAL_CALL, isExternalConnection()); newProperties = changeBitmask(newProperties, PROPERTY_HAS_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY, mIsCdmaVoicePrivacyEnabled); if (getConnectionProperties() != newProperties) { setConnectionProperties(newProperties); } } protected final void updateAddress() { updateConnectionCapabilities(); updateConnectionProperties(); if (mOriginalConnection != null) { Uri address = getAddressFromNumber(mOriginalConnection.getAddress()); int presentation = mOriginalConnection.getNumberPresentation(); if (!Objects.equals(address, getAddress()) || presentation != getAddressPresentation()) { Log.v(this, "updateAddress, address changed"); if ((getConnectionProperties() & PROPERTY_IS_DOWNGRADED_CONFERENCE) != 0) { address = null; } setAddress(address, presentation); } String name = filterCnapName(mOriginalConnection.getCnapName()); int namePresentation = mOriginalConnection.getCnapNamePresentation(); if (!Objects.equals(name, getCallerDisplayName()) || namePresentation != getCallerDisplayNamePresentation()) { Log.v(this, "updateAddress, caller display name changed"); setCallerDisplayName(name, namePresentation); } if (PhoneNumberUtils.isEmergencyNumber(mOriginalConnection.getAddress())) { mTreatAsEmergencyCall = true; } // Changing the address of the connection can change whether it is an emergency call or // not, which can impact whether it can be part of a conference. refreshConferenceSupported(); } } void onRemovedFromCallService() { // Subclass can override this to do cleanup. } void setOriginalConnection(com.android.internal.telephony.Connection originalConnection) { Log.v(this, "new TelephonyConnection, originalConnection: " + originalConnection); clearOriginalConnection(); mOriginalConnectionExtras.clear(); mOriginalConnection = originalConnection; mOriginalConnection.setTelecomCallId(getTelecomCallId()); getPhone().registerForPreciseCallStateChanged( mHandler, MSG_PRECISE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED, null); getPhone().registerForHandoverStateChanged( mHandler, MSG_HANDOVER_STATE_CHANGED, null); getPhone().registerForRingbackTone(mHandler, MSG_RINGBACK_TONE, null); getPhone().registerForDisconnect(mHandler, MSG_DISCONNECT, null); getPhone().registerForSuppServiceNotification(mHandler, MSG_SUPP_SERVICE_NOTIFY, null); getPhone().registerForOnHoldTone(mHandler, MSG_ON_HOLD_TONE, null); getPhone().registerForInCallVoicePrivacyOn(mHandler, MSG_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY_ON, null); getPhone().registerForInCallVoicePrivacyOff(mHandler, MSG_CDMA_VOICE_PRIVACY_OFF, null); mOriginalConnection.addPostDialListener(mPostDialListener); mOriginalConnection.addListener(mOriginalConnectionListener); // Set video state and capabilities setVideoState(mOriginalConnection.getVideoState()); setOriginalConnectionCapabilities(mOriginalConnection.getConnectionCapabilities()); setWifi(mOriginalConnection.isWifi()); setVideoProvider(mOriginalConnection.getVideoProvider()); setAudioQuality(mOriginalConnection.getAudioQuality()); setTechnologyTypeExtra(); // Post update of extras to the handler; extras are updated via the handler to ensure thread // safety. The Extras Bundle is cloned in case the original extras are modified while they // are being added to mOriginalConnectionExtras in updateExtras. Bundle connExtras = mOriginalConnection.getConnectionExtras(); mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CONNECTION_EXTRAS_CHANGED, connExtras == null ? null : new Bundle(connExtras)).sendToTarget(); if (PhoneNumberUtils.isEmergencyNumber(mOriginalConnection.getAddress())) { mTreatAsEmergencyCall = true; } if (isImsConnection()) { mWasImsConnection = true; } mIsMultiParty = mOriginalConnection.isMultiparty(); Bundle extrasToPut = new Bundle(); List extrasToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); if (mOriginalConnection.isActiveCallDisconnectedOnAnswer()) { extrasToPut.putBoolean(Connection.EXTRA_ANSWERING_DROPS_FG_CALL, true); } else { extrasToRemove.add(Connection.EXTRA_ANSWERING_DROPS_FG_CALL); } if (shouldSetDisableAddCallExtra()) { extrasToPut.putBoolean(Connection.EXTRA_DISABLE_ADD_CALL, true); } else { extrasToRemove.add(Connection.EXTRA_DISABLE_ADD_CALL); } putExtras(extrasToPut); removeExtras(extrasToRemove); // updateState can set mOriginalConnection to null if its state is DISCONNECTED, so this // should be executed *after* the above setters have run. updateState(); if (mOriginalConnection == null) { Log.w(this, "original Connection was nulled out as part of setOriginalConnection. " + originalConnection); } fireOnOriginalConnectionConfigured(); } /** * Filters the CNAP name to not include a list of names that are unhelpful to the user for * Caller ID purposes. */ private String filterCnapName(final String cnapName) { if (cnapName == null) { return null; } PersistableBundle carrierConfig = getCarrierConfig(); String[] filteredCnapNames = null; if (carrierConfig != null) { filteredCnapNames = carrierConfig.getStringArray( CarrierConfigManager.FILTERED_CNAP_NAMES_STRING_ARRAY); } if (filteredCnapNames != null) { long cnapNameMatches = Arrays.asList(filteredCnapNames) .stream() .filter(filteredCnapName -> filteredCnapName.equals(cnapName.toUpperCase())) .count(); if (cnapNameMatches > 0) { Log.i(this, "filterCnapName: Filtered CNAP Name: " + cnapName); return ""; } } return cnapName; } /** * Sets the EXTRA_CALL_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE extra on the connection to report back to Telecom. */ private void setTechnologyTypeExtra() { if (getPhone() != null) { putExtra(TelecomManager.EXTRA_CALL_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE, getPhone().getPhoneType()); } } private void refreshDisableAddCall() { if (shouldSetDisableAddCallExtra()) { putExtra(Connection.EXTRA_DISABLE_ADD_CALL, true); } else { removeExtras(Connection.EXTRA_DISABLE_ADD_CALL); } } private boolean shouldSetDisableAddCallExtra() { boolean carrierShouldAllowAddCall = mOriginalConnection.shouldAllowAddCallDuringVideoCall(); if (carrierShouldAllowAddCall) { return false; } Phone phone = getPhone(); if (phone == null) { return false; } boolean isCurrentVideoCall = false; boolean wasVideoCall = false; boolean isVowifiEnabled = false; if (phone instanceof ImsPhone) { ImsPhone imsPhone = (ImsPhone) phone; if (imsPhone.getForegroundCall() != null && imsPhone.getForegroundCall().getImsCall() != null) { ImsCall call = imsPhone.getForegroundCall().getImsCall(); isCurrentVideoCall = call.isVideoCall(); wasVideoCall = call.wasVideoCall(); } isVowifiEnabled = ImsUtil.isWfcEnabled(phone.getContext()); } if (isCurrentVideoCall) { return true; } else if (wasVideoCall && mIsWifi && !isVowifiEnabled) { return true; } return false; } private boolean hasHighDefAudioProperty() { if (!mHasHighDefAudio) { return false; } boolean isVideoCall = VideoProfile.isVideo(getVideoState()); PersistableBundle b = getCarrierConfig(); boolean canWifiCallsBeHdAudio = b != null && b.getBoolean(CarrierConfigManager.KEY_WIFI_CALLS_CAN_BE_HD_AUDIO); boolean canVideoCallsBeHdAudio = b != null && b.getBoolean(CarrierConfigManager.KEY_VIDEO_CALLS_CAN_BE_HD_AUDIO); boolean shouldDisplayHdAudio = b != null && b.getBoolean(CarrierConfigManager.KEY_DISPLAY_HD_AUDIO_PROPERTY_BOOL); if (!shouldDisplayHdAudio) { return false; } if (isVideoCall && !canVideoCallsBeHdAudio) { return false; } if (mIsWifi && !canWifiCallsBeHdAudio) { return false; } return true; } private boolean canHoldImsCalls() { PersistableBundle b = getCarrierConfig(); // Return true if the CarrierConfig is unavailable return !doesDeviceRespectHoldCarrierConfig() || b == null || b.getBoolean(CarrierConfigManager.KEY_ALLOW_HOLD_IN_IMS_CALL_BOOL); } private PersistableBundle getCarrierConfig() { Phone phone = getPhone(); if (phone == null) { return null; } return PhoneGlobals.getInstance().getCarrierConfigForSubId(phone.getSubId()); } /** * Determines if the device will respect the value of the * {@link CarrierConfigManager#KEY_ALLOW_HOLD_IN_IMS_CALL_BOOL} configuration option. * * @return {@code false} if the device always supports holding IMS calls, {@code true} if it * will use {@link CarrierConfigManager#KEY_ALLOW_HOLD_IN_IMS_CALL_BOOL} to determine if * hold is supported. */ private boolean doesDeviceRespectHoldCarrierConfig() { Phone phone = getPhone(); if (phone == null) { return true; } return phone.getContext().getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_device_respects_hold_carrier_config); } /** * Whether the connection should be treated as an emergency. * @return {@code true} if the connection should be treated as an emergency call based * on the number dialed, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean shouldTreatAsEmergencyCall() { return mTreatAsEmergencyCall; } /** * Un-sets the underlying radio connection. */ void clearOriginalConnection() { if (mOriginalConnection != null) { if (getPhone() != null) { getPhone().unregisterForPreciseCallStateChanged(mHandler); getPhone().unregisterForRingbackTone(mHandler); getPhone().unregisterForHandoverStateChanged(mHandler); getPhone().unregisterForDisconnect(mHandler); getPhone().unregisterForSuppServiceNotification(mHandler); getPhone().unregisterForOnHoldTone(mHandler); getPhone().unregisterForInCallVoicePrivacyOn(mHandler); getPhone().unregisterForInCallVoicePrivacyOff(mHandler); } mOriginalConnection.removePostDialListener(mPostDialListener); mOriginalConnection.removeListener(mOriginalConnectionListener); mOriginalConnection = null; } } protected void hangup(int telephonyDisconnectCode) { if (mOriginalConnection != null) { try { // Hanging up a ringing call requires that we invoke call.hangup() as opposed to // connection.hangup(). Without this change, the party originating the call will not // get sent to voicemail if the user opts to reject the call. if (isValidRingingCall()) { Call call = getCall(); if (call != null) { call.hangup(); } else { Log.w(this, "Attempting to hangup a connection without backing call."); } } else { // We still prefer to call connection.hangup() for non-ringing calls in order // to support hanging-up specific calls within a conference call. If we invoked // call.hangup() while in a conference, we would end up hanging up the entire // conference call instead of the specific connection. mOriginalConnection.hangup(); } } catch (CallStateException e) { Log.e(this, e, "Call to Connection.hangup failed with exception"); } } else { if (getState() == STATE_DISCONNECTED) { Log.i(this, "hangup called on an already disconnected call!"); close(); } else { // There are a few cases where mOriginalConnection has not been set yet. For // example, when the radio has to be turned on to make an emergency call, // mOriginalConnection could not be set for many seconds. setDisconnected(DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCause( android.telephony.DisconnectCause.LOCAL, "Local Disconnect before connection established.")); close(); } } } com.android.internal.telephony.Connection getOriginalConnection() { return mOriginalConnection; } protected Call getCall() { if (mOriginalConnection != null) { return mOriginalConnection.getCall(); } return null; } Phone getPhone() { Call call = getCall(); if (call != null) { return call.getPhone(); } return null; } private boolean hasMultipleTopLevelCalls() { int numCalls = 0; Phone phone = getPhone(); if (phone != null) { if (!phone.getRingingCall().isIdle()) { numCalls++; } if (!phone.getForegroundCall().isIdle()) { numCalls++; } if (!phone.getBackgroundCall().isIdle()) { numCalls++; } } return numCalls > 1; } private com.android.internal.telephony.Connection getForegroundConnection() { if (getPhone() != null) { return getPhone().getForegroundCall().getEarliestConnection(); } return null; } /** * Checks for and returns the list of conference participants * associated with this connection. */ public List getConferenceParticipants() { if (mOriginalConnection == null) { Log.v(this, "Null mOriginalConnection, cannot get conf participants."); return null; } return mOriginalConnection.getConferenceParticipants(); } /** * Checks to see the original connection corresponds to an active incoming call. Returns false * if there is no such actual call, or if the associated call is not incoming (See * {@link Call.State#isRinging}). */ private boolean isValidRingingCall() { if (getPhone() == null) { Log.v(this, "isValidRingingCall, phone is null"); return false; } Call ringingCall = getPhone().getRingingCall(); if (!ringingCall.getState().isRinging()) { Log.v(this, "isValidRingingCall, ringing call is not in ringing state"); return false; } if (ringingCall.getEarliestConnection() != mOriginalConnection) { Log.v(this, "isValidRingingCall, ringing call connection does not match"); return false; } Log.v(this, "isValidRingingCall, returning true"); return true; } // Make sure the extras being passed into this method is a COPY of the original extras Bundle. // We do not want the extras to be cleared or modified during mOriginalConnectionExtras.putAll // below. protected void updateExtras(Bundle extras) { if (mOriginalConnection != null) { if (extras != null) { // Check if extras have changed and need updating. if (!areBundlesEqual(mOriginalConnectionExtras, extras)) { if (Log.DEBUG) { Log.d(TelephonyConnection.this, "Updating extras:"); for (String key : extras.keySet()) { Object value = extras.get(key); if (value instanceof String) { Log.d(this, "updateExtras Key=" + Log.pii(key) + " value=" + Log.pii((String)value)); } } } mOriginalConnectionExtras.clear(); mOriginalConnectionExtras.putAll(extras); // Remap any string extras that have a remapping defined. for (String key : mOriginalConnectionExtras.keySet()) { if (sExtrasMap.containsKey(key)) { String newKey = sExtrasMap.get(key); mOriginalConnectionExtras.putString(newKey, extras.getString(key)); mOriginalConnectionExtras.remove(key); } } // Ensure extras are propagated to Telecom. putExtras(mOriginalConnectionExtras); } else { Log.d(this, "Extras update not required"); } } else { Log.d(this, "updateExtras extras: " + Log.pii(extras)); } } } private static boolean areBundlesEqual(Bundle extras, Bundle newExtras) { if (extras == null || newExtras == null) { return extras == newExtras; } if (extras.size() != newExtras.size()) { return false; } for(String key : extras.keySet()) { if (key != null) { final Object value = extras.get(key); final Object newValue = newExtras.get(key); if (!Objects.equals(value, newValue)) { return false; } } } return true; } void setStateOverride(Call.State state) { mIsStateOverridden = true; mConnectionOverriddenState = state; // Need to keep track of the original connection's state before override. mOriginalConnectionState = mOriginalConnection.getState(); updateStateInternal(); } void resetStateOverride() { mIsStateOverridden = false; updateStateInternal(); } void updateStateInternal() { if (mOriginalConnection == null) { return; } Call.State newState; // If the state is overridden and the state of the original connection hasn't changed since, // then we continue in the overridden state, else we go to the original connection's state. if (mIsStateOverridden && mOriginalConnectionState == mOriginalConnection.getState()) { newState = mConnectionOverriddenState; } else { newState = mOriginalConnection.getState(); } Log.v(this, "Update state from %s to %s for %s", mConnectionState, newState, this); if (mConnectionState != newState) { mConnectionState = newState; switch (newState) { case IDLE: break; case ACTIVE: setActiveInternal(); break; case HOLDING: setOnHold(); break; case DIALING: case ALERTING: if (mOriginalConnection != null && mOriginalConnection.isPulledCall()) { setPulling(); } else { setDialing(); } break; case INCOMING: case WAITING: setRinging(); break; case DISCONNECTED: // We can get into a situation where the radio wants us to redial the same // emergency call on the other available slot. This will not set the state to // disconnected and will instead tell the TelephonyConnectionService to create // a new originalConnection using the new Slot. if (mOriginalConnection.getDisconnectCause() == DisconnectCause.DIALED_ON_WRONG_SLOT) { fireOnOriginalConnectionRetryDial(); } else { setDisconnected(DisconnectCauseUtil.toTelecomDisconnectCause( mOriginalConnection.getDisconnectCause(), mOriginalConnection.getVendorDisconnectCause())); close(); } break; case DISCONNECTING: break; } } } void updateState() { if (mOriginalConnection == null) { return; } updateStateInternal(); updateStatusHints(); updateConnectionCapabilities(); updateConnectionProperties(); updateAddress(); updateMultiparty(); } /** * Checks for changes to the multiparty bit. If a conference has started, informs listeners. */ private void updateMultiparty() { if (mOriginalConnection == null) { return; } if (mIsMultiParty != mOriginalConnection.isMultiparty()) { mIsMultiParty = mOriginalConnection.isMultiparty(); if (mIsMultiParty) { notifyConferenceStarted(); } } } /** * Handles a failure when merging calls into a conference. * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection.Listener#onConferenceMergedFailed()} * listener. */ private void handleConferenceMergeFailed(){ mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CONFERENCE_MERGE_FAILED).sendToTarget(); } /** * Handles requests to update the multiparty state received via the * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection.Listener#onMultipartyStateChanged(boolean)} * listener. *

* Note: We post this to the mHandler to ensure that if a conference must be created as a * result of the multiparty state change, the conference creation happens on the correct * thread. This ensures that the thread check in * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Phone#checkCorrectThread(android.os.Handler)} * does not fire. * * @param isMultiParty {@code true} if this connection is multiparty, {@code false} otherwise. */ private void handleMultipartyStateChange(boolean isMultiParty) { Log.i(this, "Update multiparty state to %s", isMultiParty ? "Y" : "N"); mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_MULTIPARTY_STATE_CHANGED, isMultiParty).sendToTarget(); } private void setActiveInternal() { if (getState() == STATE_ACTIVE) { Log.w(this, "Should not be called if this is already ACTIVE"); return; } // When we set a call to active, we need to make sure that there are no other active // calls. However, the ordering of state updates to connections can be non-deterministic // since all connections register for state changes on the phone independently. // To "optimize", we check here to see if there already exists any active calls. If so, // we issue an update for those calls first to make sure we only have one top-level // active call. if (getConnectionService() != null) { for (Connection current : getConnectionService().getAllConnections()) { if (current != this && current instanceof TelephonyConnection) { TelephonyConnection other = (TelephonyConnection) current; if (other.getState() == STATE_ACTIVE) { other.updateState(); } } } } setActive(); } private void close() { Log.v(this, "close"); clearOriginalConnection(); destroy(); } /** * Determines if the current connection is video capable. * * A connection is deemed to be video capable if the original connection capabilities state that * both local and remote video is supported. * * @return {@code true} if the connection is video capable, {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean isVideoCapable() { return can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.SUPPORTS_VT_LOCAL_BIDIRECTIONAL) && can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.SUPPORTS_VT_REMOTE_BIDIRECTIONAL); } /** * Determines if the current connection is an external connection. * * A connection is deemed to be external if the original connection capabilities state that it * is. * * @return {@code true} if the connection is external, {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean isExternalConnection() { return can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.IS_EXTERNAL_CONNECTION) && can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.IS_EXTERNAL_CONNECTION); } /** * Determines if the current connection is pullable. * * A connection is deemed to be pullable if the original connection capabilities state that it * is. * * @return {@code true} if the connection is pullable, {@code false} otherwise. */ private boolean isPullable() { return can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.IS_EXTERNAL_CONNECTION) && can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.IS_PULLABLE); } /** * Sets whether or not CDMA enhanced call privacy is enabled for this connection. */ private void setCdmaVoicePrivacy(boolean isEnabled) { if(mIsCdmaVoicePrivacyEnabled != isEnabled) { mIsCdmaVoicePrivacyEnabled = isEnabled; updateConnectionProperties(); } } /** * Applies capabilities specific to conferences termination to the * {@code ConnectionCapabilities} bit-mask. * * @param capabilities The {@code ConnectionCapabilities} bit-mask. * @return The capabilities with the IMS conference capabilities applied. */ private int applyConferenceTerminationCapabilities(int capabilities) { int currentCapabilities = capabilities; // An IMS call cannot be individually disconnected or separated from its parent conference. // If the call was IMS, even if it hands over to GMS, these capabilities are not supported. if (!mWasImsConnection) { currentCapabilities |= CAPABILITY_DISCONNECT_FROM_CONFERENCE; currentCapabilities |= CAPABILITY_SEPARATE_FROM_CONFERENCE; } return currentCapabilities; } /** * Stores the new original connection capabilities, and applies them to the current connection, * notifying any listeners as necessary. * * @param connectionCapabilities The original connection capabilties. */ public void setOriginalConnectionCapabilities(int connectionCapabilities) { mOriginalConnectionCapabilities = connectionCapabilities; updateConnectionCapabilities(); updateConnectionProperties(); } /** * Called to apply the capabilities present in the {@link #mOriginalConnection} to this * {@link Connection}. Provides a mapping between the capabilities present in the original * connection (see {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection.Capability}) and those in * this {@link Connection}. * * @param capabilities The capabilities bitmask from the {@link Connection}. * @return the capabilities bitmask with the original connection capabilities remapped and * applied. */ public int applyOriginalConnectionCapabilities(int capabilities) { // We only support downgrading to audio if both the remote and local side support // downgrading to audio. boolean supportsDowngradeToAudio = can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.SUPPORTS_DOWNGRADE_TO_VOICE_LOCAL | Capability.SUPPORTS_DOWNGRADE_TO_VOICE_REMOTE); capabilities = changeBitmask(capabilities, CAPABILITY_CANNOT_DOWNGRADE_VIDEO_TO_AUDIO, !supportsDowngradeToAudio); capabilities = changeBitmask(capabilities, CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_REMOTE_BIDIRECTIONAL, can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.SUPPORTS_VT_REMOTE_BIDIRECTIONAL)); capabilities = changeBitmask(capabilities, CAPABILITY_SUPPORTS_VT_LOCAL_BIDIRECTIONAL, can(mOriginalConnectionCapabilities, Capability.SUPPORTS_VT_LOCAL_BIDIRECTIONAL)); return capabilities; } /** * Sets whether the call is using wifi. Used when rebuilding the capabilities to set or unset * the {@link Connection#PROPERTY_WIFI} property. */ public void setWifi(boolean isWifi) { mIsWifi = isWifi; updateConnectionProperties(); updateStatusHints(); refreshDisableAddCall(); } /** * Whether the call is using wifi. */ boolean isWifi() { return mIsWifi; } /** * Sets the current call audio quality. Used during rebuild of the properties * to set or unset the {@link Connection#PROPERTY_HIGH_DEF_AUDIO} property. * * @param audioQuality The audio quality. */ public void setAudioQuality(int audioQuality) { mHasHighDefAudio = audioQuality == com.android.internal.telephony.Connection.AUDIO_QUALITY_HIGH_DEFINITION; updateConnectionProperties(); } void resetStateForConference() { if (getState() == Connection.STATE_HOLDING) { resetStateOverride(); } } boolean setHoldingForConference() { if (getState() == Connection.STATE_ACTIVE) { setStateOverride(Call.State.HOLDING); return true; } return false; } /** * For video calls, sets whether this connection supports pausing the outgoing video for the * call using the {@link android.telecom.VideoProfile#STATE_PAUSED} VideoState. * * @param isVideoPauseSupported {@code true} if pause state supported, {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setVideoPauseSupported(boolean isVideoPauseSupported) { mIsVideoPauseSupported = isVideoPauseSupported; } /** * Sets whether this connection supports conference calling. * @param isConferenceSupported {@code true} if conference calling is supported by this * connection, {@code false} otherwise. */ public void setConferenceSupported(boolean isConferenceSupported) { mIsConferenceSupported = isConferenceSupported; } /** * @return {@code true} if this connection supports merging calls into a conference. */ public boolean isConferenceSupported() { return mIsConferenceSupported; } /** * Whether the original connection is an IMS connection. * @return {@code True} if the original connection is an IMS connection, {@code false} * otherwise. */ protected boolean isImsConnection() { com.android.internal.telephony.Connection originalConnection = getOriginalConnection(); return originalConnection != null && originalConnection.getPhoneType() == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_IMS; } /** * Whether the original connection was ever an IMS connection, either before or now. * @return {@code True} if the original connection was ever an IMS connection, {@code false} * otherwise. */ public boolean wasImsConnection() { return mWasImsConnection; } private static Uri getAddressFromNumber(String number) { // Address can be null for blocked calls. if (number == null) { number = ""; } return Uri.fromParts(PhoneAccount.SCHEME_TEL, number, null); } /** * Changes a capabilities bit-mask to add or remove a capability. * * @param bitmask The bit-mask. * @param bitfield The bit-field to change. * @param enabled Whether the bit-field should be set or removed. * @return The bit-mask with the bit-field changed. */ private int changeBitmask(int bitmask, int bitfield, boolean enabled) { if (enabled) { return bitmask | bitfield; } else { return bitmask & ~bitfield; } } private void updateStatusHints() { boolean isIncoming = isValidRingingCall(); if (mIsWifi && (isIncoming || getState() == STATE_ACTIVE)) { int labelId = isIncoming ? R.string.status_hint_label_incoming_wifi_call : R.string.status_hint_label_wifi_call; Context context = getPhone().getContext(); setStatusHints(new StatusHints( context.getString(labelId), Icon.createWithResource( context.getResources(), R.drawable.ic_signal_wifi_4_bar_24dp), null /* extras */)); } else { setStatusHints(null); } } /** * Register a listener for {@link TelephonyConnection} specific triggers. * @param l The instance of the listener to add * @return The connection being listened to */ public final TelephonyConnection addTelephonyConnectionListener(TelephonyConnectionListener l) { mTelephonyListeners.add(l); // If we already have an original connection, let's call back immediately. // This would be the case for incoming calls. if (mOriginalConnection != null) { fireOnOriginalConnectionConfigured(); } return this; } /** * Remove a listener for {@link TelephonyConnection} specific triggers. * @param l The instance of the listener to remove * @return The connection being listened to */ public final TelephonyConnection removeTelephonyConnectionListener( TelephonyConnectionListener l) { if (l != null) { mTelephonyListeners.remove(l); } return this; } /** * Fire a callback to the various listeners for when the original connection is * set in this {@link TelephonyConnection} */ private final void fireOnOriginalConnectionConfigured() { for (TelephonyConnectionListener l : mTelephonyListeners) { l.onOriginalConnectionConfigured(this); } } private final void fireOnOriginalConnectionRetryDial() { for (TelephonyConnectionListener l : mTelephonyListeners) { l.onOriginalConnectionRetry(this); } } /** * Handles exiting ECM mode. */ protected void handleExitedEcmMode() { updateConnectionProperties(); } /** * Determines whether the connection supports conference calling. A connection supports * conference calling if it: * 1. Is not an emergency call. * 2. Carrier supports conference calls. * 3. If call is a video call, carrier supports video conference calls. * 4. If call is a wifi call and VoWIFI is disabled and carrier supports merging these calls. */ private void refreshConferenceSupported() { boolean isVideoCall = VideoProfile.isVideo(getVideoState()); Phone phone = getPhone(); boolean isIms = phone.getPhoneType() == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_IMS; boolean isVoWifiEnabled = false; if (isIms) { ImsPhone imsPhone = (ImsPhone) phone; isVoWifiEnabled = imsPhone.isWifiCallingEnabled(); } PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle = isIms ? PhoneUtils .makePstnPhoneAccountHandle(phone.getDefaultPhone()) : PhoneUtils.makePstnPhoneAccountHandle(phone); TelecomAccountRegistry telecomAccountRegistry = TelecomAccountRegistry .getInstance(getPhone().getContext()); boolean isConferencingSupported = telecomAccountRegistry .isMergeCallSupported(phoneAccountHandle); mIsCarrierVideoConferencingSupported = telecomAccountRegistry .isVideoConferencingSupported(phoneAccountHandle); boolean isMergeOfWifiCallsAllowedWhenVoWifiOff = telecomAccountRegistry .isMergeOfWifiCallsAllowedWhenVoWifiOff(phoneAccountHandle); Log.v(this, "refreshConferenceSupported : isConfSupp=%b, isVidConfSupp=%b, " + "isMergeOfWifiAllowed=%b, isWifi=%b, isVoWifiEnabled=%b", isConferencingSupported, mIsCarrierVideoConferencingSupported, isMergeOfWifiCallsAllowedWhenVoWifiOff, isWifi(), isVoWifiEnabled); boolean isConferenceSupported = true; if (mTreatAsEmergencyCall) { isConferenceSupported = false; Log.d(this, "refreshConferenceSupported = false; emergency call"); } else if (!isConferencingSupported) { isConferenceSupported = false; Log.d(this, "refreshConferenceSupported = false; carrier doesn't support conf."); } else if (isVideoCall && !mIsCarrierVideoConferencingSupported) { isConferenceSupported = false; Log.d(this, "refreshConferenceSupported = false; video conf not supported."); } else if (!isMergeOfWifiCallsAllowedWhenVoWifiOff && isWifi() && !isVoWifiEnabled) { isConferenceSupported = false; Log.d(this, "refreshConferenceSupported = false; can't merge wifi calls when voWifi off."); } else { Log.d(this, "refreshConferenceSupported = true."); } if (isConferenceSupported != isConferenceSupported()) { setConferenceSupported(isConferenceSupported); notifyConferenceSupportedChanged(isConferenceSupported); } } /** * Provides a mapping from extras keys which may be found in the * {@link com.android.internal.telephony.Connection} to their equivalents defined in * {@link android.telecom.Connection}. * * @return Map containing key mappings. */ private static Map createExtrasMap() { Map result = new HashMap(); result.put(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_CHILD_NUMBER, android.telecom.Connection.EXTRA_CHILD_ADDRESS); result.put(ImsCallProfile.EXTRA_DISPLAY_TEXT, android.telecom.Connection.EXTRA_CALL_SUBJECT); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result); } /** * Creates a string representation of this {@link TelephonyConnection}. Primarily intended for * use in log statements. * * @return String representation of the connection. */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[TelephonyConnection objId:"); sb.append(System.identityHashCode(this)); sb.append(" telecomCallID:"); sb.append(getTelecomCallId()); sb.append(" type:"); if (isImsConnection()) { sb.append("ims"); } else if (this instanceof com.android.services.telephony.GsmConnection) { sb.append("gsm"); } else if (this instanceof CdmaConnection) { sb.append("cdma"); } sb.append(" state:"); sb.append(Connection.stateToString(getState())); sb.append(" capabilities:"); sb.append(capabilitiesToString(getConnectionCapabilities())); sb.append(" properties:"); sb.append(propertiesToString(getConnectionProperties())); sb.append(" address:"); sb.append(Log.pii(getAddress())); sb.append(" originalConnection:"); sb.append(mOriginalConnection); sb.append(" partOfConf:"); if (getConference() == null) { sb.append("N"); } else { sb.append("Y"); } sb.append(" confSupported:"); sb.append(mIsConferenceSupported ? "Y" : "N"); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } }