1import logging, os, signal
2from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
3from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
4from autotest_lib.client.virt import aexpect, virt_utils
6def run_netperf(test, params, env):
7    """
8    Network stress test with netperf.
10    1) Boot up a VM with multiple nics.
11    2) Launch netserver on guest.
12    3) Execute multiple netperf clients on host in parallel
13       with different protocols.
14    4) Output the test result.
16    @param test: KVM test object.
17    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
18    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
19    """
20    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
21    vm.verify_alive()
22    login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
23    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=login_timeout)
24    session.close()
25    session_serial = vm.wait_for_serial_login(timeout=login_timeout)
27    netperf_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['AUTODIR'], "tests/netperf2")
28    setup_cmd = params.get("setup_cmd")
30    firewall_flush = "iptables -F"
31    session_serial.cmd_output(firewall_flush)
32    try:
33        utils.run("iptables -F")
34    except:
35        pass
37    for i in params.get("netperf_files").split():
38        vm.copy_files_to(os.path.join(netperf_dir, i), "/tmp")
40    try:
41        session_serial.cmd(firewall_flush)
42    except aexpect.ShellError:
43        logging.warning("Could not flush firewall rules on guest")
45    session_serial.cmd(setup_cmd % "/tmp", timeout=200)
46    session_serial.cmd(params.get("netserver_cmd") % "/tmp")
48    if "tcpdump" in env and env["tcpdump"].is_alive():
49        # Stop the background tcpdump process
50        try:
51            logging.debug("Stopping the background tcpdump")
52            env["tcpdump"].close()
53        except:
54            pass
56    def netperf(i=0):
57        guest_ip = vm.get_address(i)
58        logging.info("Netperf_%s: netserver %s" % (i, guest_ip))
59        result_file = os.path.join(test.resultsdir, "output_%s_%s"
60                                   % (test.iteration, i ))
61        list_fail = []
62        result = open(result_file, "w")
63        result.write("Netperf test results\n")
65        for p in params.get("protocols").split():
66            packet_size = params.get("packet_size", "1500")
67            for size in packet_size.split():
68                cmd = params.get("netperf_cmd") % (netperf_dir, p,
69                                                   guest_ip, size)
70                logging.info("Netperf_%s: protocol %s" % (i, p))
71                try:
72                    netperf_output = utils.system_output(cmd,
73                                                         retain_output=True)
74                    result.write("%s\n" % netperf_output)
75                except:
76                    logging.error("Test of protocol %s failed", p)
77                    list_fail.append(p)
79        result.close()
80        if list_fail:
81            raise error.TestFail("Some netperf tests failed: %s" %
82                                 ", ".join(list_fail))
84    try:
85        logging.info("Setup and run netperf clients on host")
86        utils.run(setup_cmd % netperf_dir)
88        bg = []
89        nic_num = len(params.get("nics").split())
90        for i in range(nic_num):
91            bg.append(virt_utils.Thread(netperf, (i,)))
92            bg[i].start()
94        completed = False
95        while not completed:
96            completed = True
97            for b in bg:
98                if b.isAlive():
99                    completed = False
100    finally:
101        try:
102            for b in bg:
103                if b:
104                    b.join()
105        finally:
106            session_serial.cmd_output("killall netserver")