1//===--- BreakableToken.cpp - Format C++ code -----------------------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10/// \file
11/// \brief Contains implementation of BreakableToken class and classes derived
12/// from it.
16#include "BreakableToken.h"
17#include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
18#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
19#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
20#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
21#include <algorithm>
23#define DEBUG_TYPE "format-token-breaker"
25namespace clang {
26namespace format {
28static const char *const Blanks = " \t\v\f\r";
29static bool IsBlank(char C) {
30  switch (C) {
31  case ' ':
32  case '\t':
33  case '\v':
34  case '\f':
35  case '\r':
36    return true;
37  default:
38    return false;
39  }
42static BreakableToken::Split getCommentSplit(StringRef Text,
43                                             unsigned ContentStartColumn,
44                                             unsigned ColumnLimit,
45                                             unsigned TabWidth,
46                                             encoding::Encoding Encoding) {
47  if (ColumnLimit <= ContentStartColumn + 1)
48    return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
50  unsigned MaxSplit = ColumnLimit - ContentStartColumn + 1;
51  unsigned MaxSplitBytes = 0;
53  for (unsigned NumChars = 0;
54       NumChars < MaxSplit && MaxSplitBytes < Text.size();) {
55    unsigned BytesInChar =
56        encoding::getCodePointNumBytes(Text[MaxSplitBytes], Encoding);
57    NumChars +=
58        encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Text.substr(MaxSplitBytes, BytesInChar),
59                                      ContentStartColumn, TabWidth, Encoding);
60    MaxSplitBytes += BytesInChar;
61  }
63  StringRef::size_type SpaceOffset = Text.find_last_of(Blanks, MaxSplitBytes);
64  if (SpaceOffset == StringRef::npos ||
65      // Don't break at leading whitespace.
66      Text.find_last_not_of(Blanks, SpaceOffset) == StringRef::npos) {
67    // Make sure that we don't break at leading whitespace that
68    // reaches past MaxSplit.
69    StringRef::size_type FirstNonWhitespace = Text.find_first_not_of(Blanks);
70    if (FirstNonWhitespace == StringRef::npos)
71      // If the comment is only whitespace, we cannot split.
72      return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
73    SpaceOffset = Text.find_first_of(
74        Blanks, std::max<unsigned>(MaxSplitBytes, FirstNonWhitespace));
75  }
76  if (SpaceOffset != StringRef::npos && SpaceOffset != 0) {
77    StringRef BeforeCut = Text.substr(0, SpaceOffset).rtrim(Blanks);
78    StringRef AfterCut = Text.substr(SpaceOffset).ltrim(Blanks);
79    return BreakableToken::Split(BeforeCut.size(),
80                                 AfterCut.begin() - BeforeCut.end());
81  }
82  return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
85static BreakableToken::Split
86getStringSplit(StringRef Text, unsigned UsedColumns, unsigned ColumnLimit,
87               unsigned TabWidth, encoding::Encoding Encoding) {
88  // FIXME: Reduce unit test case.
89  if (Text.empty())
90    return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
91  if (ColumnLimit <= UsedColumns)
92    return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
93  unsigned MaxSplit = ColumnLimit - UsedColumns;
94  StringRef::size_type SpaceOffset = 0;
95  StringRef::size_type SlashOffset = 0;
96  StringRef::size_type WordStartOffset = 0;
97  StringRef::size_type SplitPoint = 0;
98  for (unsigned Chars = 0;;) {
99    unsigned Advance;
100    if (Text[0] == '\\') {
101      Advance = encoding::getEscapeSequenceLength(Text);
102      Chars += Advance;
103    } else {
104      Advance = encoding::getCodePointNumBytes(Text[0], Encoding);
105      Chars += encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(
106          Text.substr(0, Advance), UsedColumns + Chars, TabWidth, Encoding);
107    }
109    if (Chars > MaxSplit || Text.size() <= Advance)
110      break;
112    if (IsBlank(Text[0]))
113      SpaceOffset = SplitPoint;
114    if (Text[0] == '/')
115      SlashOffset = SplitPoint;
116    if (Advance == 1 && !isAlphanumeric(Text[0]))
117      WordStartOffset = SplitPoint;
119    SplitPoint += Advance;
120    Text = Text.substr(Advance);
121  }
123  if (SpaceOffset != 0)
124    return BreakableToken::Split(SpaceOffset + 1, 0);
125  if (SlashOffset != 0)
126    return BreakableToken::Split(SlashOffset + 1, 0);
127  if (WordStartOffset != 0)
128    return BreakableToken::Split(WordStartOffset + 1, 0);
129  if (SplitPoint != 0)
130    return BreakableToken::Split(SplitPoint, 0);
131  return BreakableToken::Split(StringRef::npos, 0);
134unsigned BreakableSingleLineToken::getLineCount() const { return 1; }
136unsigned BreakableSingleLineToken::getLineLengthAfterSplit(
137    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned Offset, StringRef::size_type Length) const {
138  return StartColumn + Prefix.size() + Postfix.size() +
139         encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Line.substr(Offset, Length),
140                                       StartColumn + Prefix.size(),
141                                       Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
145    const FormatToken &Tok, unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned StartColumn,
146    StringRef Prefix, StringRef Postfix, bool InPPDirective,
147    encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style)
148    : BreakableToken(Tok, IndentLevel, InPPDirective, Encoding, Style),
149      StartColumn(StartColumn), Prefix(Prefix), Postfix(Postfix) {
150  assert(Tok.TokenText.endswith(Postfix));
151  Line = Tok.TokenText.substr(
152      Prefix.size(), Tok.TokenText.size() - Prefix.size() - Postfix.size());
156    const FormatToken &Tok, unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned StartColumn,
157    StringRef Prefix, StringRef Postfix, bool InPPDirective,
158    encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style)
159    : BreakableSingleLineToken(Tok, IndentLevel, StartColumn, Prefix, Postfix,
160                               InPPDirective, Encoding, Style) {}
163BreakableStringLiteral::getSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
164                                 unsigned ColumnLimit) const {
165  return getStringSplit(Line.substr(TailOffset),
166                        StartColumn + Prefix.size() + Postfix.size(),
167                        ColumnLimit, Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
170void BreakableStringLiteral::insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex,
171                                         unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
172                                         WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
173  unsigned LeadingSpaces = StartColumn;
174  // The '@' of an ObjC string literal (@"Test") does not become part of the
175  // string token.
176  // FIXME: It might be a cleaner solution to merge the tokens as a
177  // precomputation step.
178  if (Prefix.startswith("@"))
179    --LeadingSpaces;
180  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
181      Tok, Prefix.size() + TailOffset + Split.first, Split.second, Postfix,
182      Prefix, InPPDirective, 1, IndentLevel, LeadingSpaces);
185static StringRef getLineCommentIndentPrefix(StringRef Comment) {
186  static const char *const KnownPrefixes[] = {"///", "//", "//!"};
187  StringRef LongestPrefix;
188  for (StringRef KnownPrefix : KnownPrefixes) {
189    if (Comment.startswith(KnownPrefix)) {
190      size_t PrefixLength = KnownPrefix.size();
191      while (PrefixLength < Comment.size() && Comment[PrefixLength] == ' ')
192        ++PrefixLength;
193      if (PrefixLength > LongestPrefix.size())
194        LongestPrefix = Comment.substr(0, PrefixLength);
195    }
196  }
197  return LongestPrefix;
201    const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned StartColumn,
202    bool InPPDirective, encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style)
203    : BreakableSingleLineToken(Token, IndentLevel, StartColumn,
204                               getLineCommentIndentPrefix(Token.TokenText), "",
205                               InPPDirective, Encoding, Style) {
206  OriginalPrefix = Prefix;
207  if (Token.TokenText.size() > Prefix.size() &&
208      isAlphanumeric(Token.TokenText[Prefix.size()])) {
209    if (Prefix == "//")
210      Prefix = "// ";
211    else if (Prefix == "///")
212      Prefix = "/// ";
213    else if (Prefix == "//!")
214      Prefix = "//! ";
215  }
219BreakableLineComment::getSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
220                               unsigned ColumnLimit) const {
221  return getCommentSplit(Line.substr(TailOffset), StartColumn + Prefix.size(),
222                         ColumnLimit, Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
225void BreakableLineComment::insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
226                                       Split Split,
227                                       WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
228  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
229      Tok, OriginalPrefix.size() + TailOffset + Split.first, Split.second,
230      Postfix, Prefix, InPPDirective, /*Newlines=*/1, IndentLevel, StartColumn);
233void BreakableLineComment::replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex,
234                                             unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
235                                             WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
236  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
237      Tok, OriginalPrefix.size() + TailOffset + Split.first, Split.second, "",
238      "", /*InPPDirective=*/false, /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0,
239      /*Spaces=*/1);
242void BreakableLineComment::replaceWhitespaceBefore(
243    unsigned LineIndex, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
244  if (OriginalPrefix != Prefix) {
245    Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(Tok, OriginalPrefix.size(), 0, "", "",
246                                         /*InPPDirective=*/false,
247                                         /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0,
248                                         /*Spaces=*/1);
249  }
253    const FormatToken &Token, unsigned IndentLevel, unsigned StartColumn,
254    unsigned OriginalStartColumn, bool FirstInLine, bool InPPDirective,
255    encoding::Encoding Encoding, const FormatStyle &Style)
256    : BreakableToken(Token, IndentLevel, InPPDirective, Encoding, Style) {
257  StringRef TokenText(Token.TokenText);
258  assert(TokenText.startswith("/*") && TokenText.endswith("*/"));
259  TokenText.substr(2, TokenText.size() - 4).split(Lines, "\n");
261  int IndentDelta = StartColumn - OriginalStartColumn;
262  LeadingWhitespace.resize(Lines.size());
263  StartOfLineColumn.resize(Lines.size());
264  StartOfLineColumn[0] = StartColumn + 2;
265  for (size_t i = 1; i < Lines.size(); ++i)
266    adjustWhitespace(i, IndentDelta);
268  Decoration = "* ";
269  if (Lines.size() == 1 && !FirstInLine) {
270    // Comments for which FirstInLine is false can start on arbitrary column,
271    // and available horizontal space can be too small to align consecutive
272    // lines with the first one.
273    // FIXME: We could, probably, align them to current indentation level, but
274    // now we just wrap them without stars.
275    Decoration = "";
276  }
277  for (size_t i = 1, e = Lines.size(); i < e && !Decoration.empty(); ++i) {
278    // If the last line is empty, the closing "*/" will have a star.
279    if (i + 1 == e && Lines[i].empty())
280      break;
281    if (!Lines[i].empty() && i + 1 != e && Decoration.startswith(Lines[i]))
282      continue;
283    while (!Lines[i].startswith(Decoration))
284      Decoration = Decoration.substr(0, Decoration.size() - 1);
285  }
287  LastLineNeedsDecoration = true;
288  IndentAtLineBreak = StartOfLineColumn[0] + 1;
289  for (size_t i = 1; i < Lines.size(); ++i) {
290    if (Lines[i].empty()) {
291      if (i + 1 == Lines.size()) {
292        // Empty last line means that we already have a star as a part of the
293        // trailing */. We also need to preserve whitespace, so that */ is
294        // correctly indented.
295        LastLineNeedsDecoration = false;
296      } else if (Decoration.empty()) {
297        // For all other lines, set the start column to 0 if they're empty, so
298        // we do not insert trailing whitespace anywhere.
299        StartOfLineColumn[i] = 0;
300      }
301      continue;
302    }
304    // The first line already excludes the star.
305    // For all other lines, adjust the line to exclude the star and
306    // (optionally) the first whitespace.
307    unsigned DecorationSize =
308        Decoration.startswith(Lines[i]) ? Lines[i].size() : Decoration.size();
309    StartOfLineColumn[i] += DecorationSize;
310    Lines[i] = Lines[i].substr(DecorationSize);
311    LeadingWhitespace[i] += DecorationSize;
312    if (!Decoration.startswith(Lines[i]))
313      IndentAtLineBreak =
314          std::min<int>(IndentAtLineBreak, std::max(0, StartOfLineColumn[i]));
315  }
316  IndentAtLineBreak = std::max<unsigned>(IndentAtLineBreak, Decoration.size());
317  DEBUG({
318    llvm::dbgs() << "IndentAtLineBreak " << IndentAtLineBreak << "\n";
319    for (size_t i = 0; i < Lines.size(); ++i) {
320      llvm::dbgs() << i << " |" << Lines[i] << "| " << LeadingWhitespace[i]
321                   << "\n";
322    }
323  });
326void BreakableBlockComment::adjustWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex,
327                                             int IndentDelta) {
328  // When in a preprocessor directive, the trailing backslash in a block comment
329  // is not needed, but can serve a purpose of uniformity with necessary escaped
330  // newlines outside the comment. In this case we remove it here before
331  // trimming the trailing whitespace. The backslash will be re-added later when
332  // inserting a line break.
333  size_t EndOfPreviousLine = Lines[LineIndex - 1].size();
334  if (InPPDirective && Lines[LineIndex - 1].endswith("\\"))
335    --EndOfPreviousLine;
337  // Calculate the end of the non-whitespace text in the previous line.
338  EndOfPreviousLine =
339      Lines[LineIndex - 1].find_last_not_of(Blanks, EndOfPreviousLine);
340  if (EndOfPreviousLine == StringRef::npos)
341    EndOfPreviousLine = 0;
342  else
343    ++EndOfPreviousLine;
344  // Calculate the start of the non-whitespace text in the current line.
345  size_t StartOfLine = Lines[LineIndex].find_first_not_of(Blanks);
346  if (StartOfLine == StringRef::npos)
347    StartOfLine = Lines[LineIndex].rtrim("\r\n").size();
349  StringRef Whitespace = Lines[LineIndex].substr(0, StartOfLine);
350  // Adjust Lines to only contain relevant text.
351  Lines[LineIndex - 1] = Lines[LineIndex - 1].substr(0, EndOfPreviousLine);
352  Lines[LineIndex] = Lines[LineIndex].substr(StartOfLine);
353  // Adjust LeadingWhitespace to account all whitespace between the lines
354  // to the current line.
355  LeadingWhitespace[LineIndex] =
356      Lines[LineIndex].begin() - Lines[LineIndex - 1].end();
358  // Adjust the start column uniformly across all lines.
359  StartOfLineColumn[LineIndex] =
360      encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Whitespace, 0, Style.TabWidth, Encoding) +
361      IndentDelta;
364unsigned BreakableBlockComment::getLineCount() const { return Lines.size(); }
366unsigned BreakableBlockComment::getLineLengthAfterSplit(
367    unsigned LineIndex, unsigned Offset, StringRef::size_type Length) const {
368  unsigned ContentStartColumn = getContentStartColumn(LineIndex, Offset);
369  return ContentStartColumn +
370         encoding::columnWidthWithTabs(Lines[LineIndex].substr(Offset, Length),
371                                       ContentStartColumn, Style.TabWidth,
372                                       Encoding) +
373         // The last line gets a "*/" postfix.
374         (LineIndex + 1 == Lines.size() ? 2 : 0);
378BreakableBlockComment::getSplit(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
379                                unsigned ColumnLimit) const {
380  return getCommentSplit(Lines[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset),
381                         getContentStartColumn(LineIndex, TailOffset),
382                         ColumnLimit, Style.TabWidth, Encoding);
385void BreakableBlockComment::insertBreak(unsigned LineIndex, unsigned TailOffset,
386                                        Split Split,
387                                        WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
388  StringRef Text = Lines[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset);
389  StringRef Prefix = Decoration;
390  if (LineIndex + 1 == Lines.size() &&
391      Text.size() == Split.first + Split.second) {
392    // For the last line we need to break before "*/", but not to add "* ".
393    Prefix = "";
394  }
396  unsigned BreakOffsetInToken =
397      Text.data() - Tok.TokenText.data() + Split.first;
398  unsigned CharsToRemove = Split.second;
399  assert(IndentAtLineBreak >= Decoration.size());
400  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
401      Tok, BreakOffsetInToken, CharsToRemove, "", Prefix, InPPDirective, 1,
402      IndentLevel, IndentAtLineBreak - Decoration.size());
405void BreakableBlockComment::replaceWhitespace(unsigned LineIndex,
406                                              unsigned TailOffset, Split Split,
407                                              WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
408  StringRef Text = Lines[LineIndex].substr(TailOffset);
409  unsigned BreakOffsetInToken =
410      Text.data() - Tok.TokenText.data() + Split.first;
411  unsigned CharsToRemove = Split.second;
412  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
413      Tok, BreakOffsetInToken, CharsToRemove, "", "", /*InPPDirective=*/false,
414      /*Newlines=*/0, /*IndentLevel=*/0, /*Spaces=*/1);
417void BreakableBlockComment::replaceWhitespaceBefore(
418    unsigned LineIndex, WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces) {
419  if (LineIndex == 0)
420    return;
421  StringRef Prefix = Decoration;
422  if (Lines[LineIndex].empty()) {
423    if (LineIndex + 1 == Lines.size()) {
424      if (!LastLineNeedsDecoration) {
425        // If the last line was empty, we don't need a prefix, as the */ will
426        // line up with the decoration (if it exists).
427        Prefix = "";
428      }
429    } else if (!Decoration.empty()) {
430      // For other empty lines, if we do have a decoration, adapt it to not
431      // contain a trailing whitespace.
432      Prefix = Prefix.substr(0, 1);
433    }
434  } else {
435    if (StartOfLineColumn[LineIndex] == 1) {
436      // This line starts immediately after the decorating *.
437      Prefix = Prefix.substr(0, 1);
438    }
439  }
441  unsigned WhitespaceOffsetInToken = Lines[LineIndex].data() -
442                                     Tok.TokenText.data() -
443                                     LeadingWhitespace[LineIndex];
444  Whitespaces.replaceWhitespaceInToken(
445      Tok, WhitespaceOffsetInToken, LeadingWhitespace[LineIndex], "", Prefix,
446      InPPDirective, 1, IndentLevel,
447      StartOfLineColumn[LineIndex] - Prefix.size());
451BreakableBlockComment::getContentStartColumn(unsigned LineIndex,
452                                             unsigned TailOffset) const {
453  // If we break, we always break at the predefined indent.
454  if (TailOffset != 0)
455    return IndentAtLineBreak;
456  return std::max(0, StartOfLineColumn[LineIndex]);
459} // namespace format
460} // namespace clang