1// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "src/compiler/move-optimizer.h"
7namespace v8 {
8namespace internal {
9namespace compiler {
11namespace {
13struct MoveKey {
14  InstructionOperand source;
15  InstructionOperand destination;
18struct MoveKeyCompare {
19  bool operator()(const MoveKey& a, const MoveKey& b) const {
20    if (a.source.EqualsCanonicalized(b.source)) {
21      return a.destination.CompareCanonicalized(b.destination);
22    }
23    return a.source.CompareCanonicalized(b.source);
24  }
27typedef ZoneMap<MoveKey, unsigned, MoveKeyCompare> MoveMap;
28typedef ZoneSet<InstructionOperand, CompareOperandModuloType> OperandSet;
30bool Blocks(const OperandSet& set, const InstructionOperand& operand) {
31  if (set.find(operand) != set.end()) return true;
32  // Only FP registers on archs with non-simple aliasing need extra checks.
33  if (!operand.IsFPRegister() || kSimpleFPAliasing) return false;
35  const LocationOperand& loc = LocationOperand::cast(operand);
36  MachineRepresentation rep = loc.representation();
37  MachineRepresentation other_fp_rep = rep == MachineRepresentation::kFloat64
38                                           ? MachineRepresentation::kFloat32
39                                           : MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
40  const RegisterConfiguration* config = RegisterConfiguration::Turbofan();
41  if (config->fp_aliasing_kind() != RegisterConfiguration::COMBINE) {
42    // Overlap aliasing case.
43    return set.find(LocationOperand(loc.kind(), loc.location_kind(),
44                                    other_fp_rep, loc.register_code())) !=
45           set.end();
46  }
47  // Combine aliasing case.
48  int alias_base_index = -1;
49  int aliases = config->GetAliases(rep, loc.register_code(), other_fp_rep,
50                                   &alias_base_index);
51  while (aliases--) {
52    int aliased_reg = alias_base_index + aliases;
53    if (set.find(LocationOperand(loc.kind(), loc.location_kind(), other_fp_rep,
54                                 aliased_reg)) != set.end())
55      return true;
56  }
57  return false;
60int FindFirstNonEmptySlot(const Instruction* instr) {
61  int i = Instruction::FIRST_GAP_POSITION;
62  for (; i <= Instruction::LAST_GAP_POSITION; i++) {
63    ParallelMove* moves = instr->parallel_moves()[i];
64    if (moves == nullptr) continue;
65    for (MoveOperands* move : *moves) {
66      if (!move->IsRedundant()) return i;
67      move->Eliminate();
68    }
69    moves->clear();  // Clear this redundant move.
70  }
71  return i;
74}  // namespace
77MoveOptimizer::MoveOptimizer(Zone* local_zone, InstructionSequence* code)
78    : local_zone_(local_zone),
79      code_(code),
80      local_vector_(local_zone) {}
83void MoveOptimizer::Run() {
84  for (Instruction* instruction : code()->instructions()) {
85    CompressGaps(instruction);
86  }
87  for (InstructionBlock* block : code()->instruction_blocks()) {
88    CompressBlock(block);
89  }
90  for (InstructionBlock* block : code()->instruction_blocks()) {
91    if (block->PredecessorCount() <= 1) continue;
92    if (!block->IsDeferred()) {
93      bool has_only_deferred = true;
94      for (RpoNumber& pred_id : block->predecessors()) {
95        if (!code()->InstructionBlockAt(pred_id)->IsDeferred()) {
96          has_only_deferred = false;
97          break;
98        }
99      }
100      // This would pull down common moves. If the moves occur in deferred
101      // blocks, and the closest common successor is not deferred, we lose the
102      // optimization of just spilling/filling in deferred blocks, when the
103      // current block is not deferred.
104      if (has_only_deferred) continue;
105    }
106    OptimizeMerge(block);
107  }
108  for (Instruction* gap : code()->instructions()) {
109    FinalizeMoves(gap);
110  }
113void MoveOptimizer::RemoveClobberedDestinations(Instruction* instruction) {
114  if (instruction->IsCall()) return;
115  ParallelMove* moves = instruction->parallel_moves()[0];
116  if (moves == nullptr) return;
118  DCHECK(instruction->parallel_moves()[1] == nullptr ||
119         instruction->parallel_moves()[1]->empty());
121  OperandSet outputs(local_zone());
122  OperandSet inputs(local_zone());
124  // Outputs and temps are treated together as potentially clobbering a
125  // destination operand.
126  for (size_t i = 0; i < instruction->OutputCount(); ++i) {
127    outputs.insert(*instruction->OutputAt(i));
128  }
129  for (size_t i = 0; i < instruction->TempCount(); ++i) {
130    outputs.insert(*instruction->TempAt(i));
131  }
133  // Input operands block elisions.
134  for (size_t i = 0; i < instruction->InputCount(); ++i) {
135    inputs.insert(*instruction->InputAt(i));
136  }
138  // Elide moves made redundant by the instruction.
139  for (MoveOperands* move : *moves) {
140    if (outputs.find(move->destination()) != outputs.end() &&
141        inputs.find(move->destination()) == inputs.end()) {
142      move->Eliminate();
143    }
144  }
146  // The ret instruction makes any assignment before it unnecessary, except for
147  // the one for its input.
148  if (instruction->opcode() == ArchOpcode::kArchRet) {
149    for (MoveOperands* move : *moves) {
150      if (inputs.find(move->destination()) == inputs.end()) {
151        move->Eliminate();
152      }
153    }
154  }
157void MoveOptimizer::MigrateMoves(Instruction* to, Instruction* from) {
158  if (from->IsCall()) return;
160  ParallelMove* from_moves = from->parallel_moves()[0];
161  if (from_moves == nullptr || from_moves->empty()) return;
163  OperandSet dst_cant_be(local_zone());
164  OperandSet src_cant_be(local_zone());
166  // If an operand is an input to the instruction, we cannot move assignments
167  // where it appears on the LHS.
168  for (size_t i = 0; i < from->InputCount(); ++i) {
169    dst_cant_be.insert(*from->InputAt(i));
170  }
171  // If an operand is output to the instruction, we cannot move assignments
172  // where it appears on the RHS, because we would lose its value before the
173  // instruction.
174  // Same for temp operands.
175  // The output can't appear on the LHS because we performed
176  // RemoveClobberedDestinations for the "from" instruction.
177  for (size_t i = 0; i < from->OutputCount(); ++i) {
178    src_cant_be.insert(*from->OutputAt(i));
179  }
180  for (size_t i = 0; i < from->TempCount(); ++i) {
181    src_cant_be.insert(*from->TempAt(i));
182  }
183  for (MoveOperands* move : *from_moves) {
184    if (move->IsRedundant()) continue;
185    // Assume dest has a value "V". If we have a "dest = y" move, then we can't
186    // move "z = dest", because z would become y rather than "V".
187    // We assume CompressMoves has happened before this, which means we don't
188    // have more than one assignment to dest.
189    src_cant_be.insert(move->destination());
190  }
192  ZoneSet<MoveKey, MoveKeyCompare> move_candidates(local_zone());
193  // We start with all the moves that don't have conflicting source or
194  // destination operands are eligible for being moved down.
195  for (MoveOperands* move : *from_moves) {
196    if (move->IsRedundant()) continue;
197    if (!Blocks(dst_cant_be, move->destination())) {
198      MoveKey key = {move->source(), move->destination()};
199      move_candidates.insert(key);
200    }
201  }
202  if (move_candidates.empty()) return;
204  // Stabilize the candidate set.
205  bool changed = false;
206  do {
207    changed = false;
208    for (auto iter = move_candidates.begin(); iter != move_candidates.end();) {
209      auto current = iter;
210      ++iter;
211      InstructionOperand src = current->source;
212      if (Blocks(src_cant_be, src)) {
213        src_cant_be.insert(current->destination);
214        move_candidates.erase(current);
215        changed = true;
216      }
217    }
218  } while (changed);
220  ParallelMove to_move(local_zone());
221  for (MoveOperands* move : *from_moves) {
222    if (move->IsRedundant()) continue;
223    MoveKey key = {move->source(), move->destination()};
224    if (move_candidates.find(key) != move_candidates.end()) {
225      to_move.AddMove(move->source(), move->destination(), code_zone());
226      move->Eliminate();
227    }
228  }
229  if (to_move.empty()) return;
231  ParallelMove* dest =
232      to->GetOrCreateParallelMove(Instruction::GapPosition::START, code_zone());
234  CompressMoves(&to_move, dest);
235  DCHECK(dest->empty());
236  for (MoveOperands* m : to_move) {
237    dest->push_back(m);
238  }
241void MoveOptimizer::CompressMoves(ParallelMove* left, MoveOpVector* right) {
242  if (right == nullptr) return;
244  MoveOpVector& eliminated = local_vector();
245  DCHECK(eliminated.empty());
247  if (!left->empty()) {
248    // Modify the right moves in place and collect moves that will be killed by
249    // merging the two gaps.
250    for (MoveOperands* move : *right) {
251      if (move->IsRedundant()) continue;
252      MoveOperands* to_eliminate = left->PrepareInsertAfter(move);
253      if (to_eliminate != nullptr) eliminated.push_back(to_eliminate);
254    }
255    // Eliminate dead moves.
256    for (MoveOperands* to_eliminate : eliminated) {
257      to_eliminate->Eliminate();
258    }
259    eliminated.clear();
260  }
261  // Add all possibly modified moves from right side.
262  for (MoveOperands* move : *right) {
263    if (move->IsRedundant()) continue;
264    left->push_back(move);
265  }
266  // Nuke right.
267  right->clear();
268  DCHECK(eliminated.empty());
271void MoveOptimizer::CompressGaps(Instruction* instruction) {
272  int i = FindFirstNonEmptySlot(instruction);
273  bool has_moves = i <= Instruction::LAST_GAP_POSITION;
274  USE(has_moves);
276  if (i == Instruction::LAST_GAP_POSITION) {
277    std::swap(instruction->parallel_moves()[Instruction::FIRST_GAP_POSITION],
278              instruction->parallel_moves()[Instruction::LAST_GAP_POSITION]);
279  } else if (i == Instruction::FIRST_GAP_POSITION) {
280    CompressMoves(
281        instruction->parallel_moves()[Instruction::FIRST_GAP_POSITION],
282        instruction->parallel_moves()[Instruction::LAST_GAP_POSITION]);
283  }
284  // We either have no moves, or, after swapping or compressing, we have
285  // all the moves in the first gap position, and none in the second/end gap
286  // position.
287  ParallelMove* first =
288      instruction->parallel_moves()[Instruction::FIRST_GAP_POSITION];
289  ParallelMove* last =
290      instruction->parallel_moves()[Instruction::LAST_GAP_POSITION];
291  USE(first);
292  USE(last);
294  DCHECK(!has_moves ||
295         (first != nullptr && (last == nullptr || last->empty())));
298void MoveOptimizer::CompressBlock(InstructionBlock* block) {
299  int first_instr_index = block->first_instruction_index();
300  int last_instr_index = block->last_instruction_index();
302  // Start by removing gap assignments where the output of the subsequent
303  // instruction appears on LHS, as long as they are not needed by its input.
304  Instruction* prev_instr = code()->instructions()[first_instr_index];
305  RemoveClobberedDestinations(prev_instr);
307  for (int index = first_instr_index + 1; index <= last_instr_index; ++index) {
308    Instruction* instr = code()->instructions()[index];
309    // Migrate to the gap of prev_instr eligible moves from instr.
310    MigrateMoves(instr, prev_instr);
311    // Remove gap assignments clobbered by instr's output.
312    RemoveClobberedDestinations(instr);
313    prev_instr = instr;
314  }
318const Instruction* MoveOptimizer::LastInstruction(
319    const InstructionBlock* block) const {
320  return code()->instructions()[block->last_instruction_index()];
324void MoveOptimizer::OptimizeMerge(InstructionBlock* block) {
325  DCHECK(block->PredecessorCount() > 1);
326  // Ensure that the last instruction in all incoming blocks don't contain
327  // things that would prevent moving gap moves across them.
328  for (RpoNumber& pred_index : block->predecessors()) {
329    const InstructionBlock* pred = code()->InstructionBlockAt(pred_index);
331    // If the predecessor has more than one successor, we shouldn't attempt to
332    // move down to this block (one of the successors) any of the gap moves,
333    // because their effect may be necessary to the other successors.
334    if (pred->SuccessorCount() > 1) return;
336    const Instruction* last_instr =
337        code()->instructions()[pred->last_instruction_index()];
338    if (last_instr->IsCall()) return;
339    if (last_instr->TempCount() != 0) return;
340    if (last_instr->OutputCount() != 0) return;
341    for (size_t i = 0; i < last_instr->InputCount(); ++i) {
342      const InstructionOperand* op = last_instr->InputAt(i);
343      if (!op->IsConstant() && !op->IsImmediate()) return;
344    }
345  }
346  // TODO(dcarney): pass a ZonePool down for this?
347  MoveMap move_map(local_zone());
348  size_t correct_counts = 0;
349  // Accumulate set of shared moves.
350  for (RpoNumber& pred_index : block->predecessors()) {
351    const InstructionBlock* pred = code()->InstructionBlockAt(pred_index);
352    const Instruction* instr = LastInstruction(pred);
353    if (instr->parallel_moves()[0] == nullptr ||
354        instr->parallel_moves()[0]->empty()) {
355      return;
356    }
357    for (const MoveOperands* move : *instr->parallel_moves()[0]) {
358      if (move->IsRedundant()) continue;
359      InstructionOperand src = move->source();
360      InstructionOperand dst = move->destination();
361      MoveKey key = {src, dst};
362      auto res = move_map.insert(std::make_pair(key, 1));
363      if (!res.second) {
364        res.first->second++;
365        if (res.first->second == block->PredecessorCount()) {
366          correct_counts++;
367        }
368      }
369    }
370  }
371  if (move_map.empty() || correct_counts == 0) return;
373  // Find insertion point.
374  Instruction* instr = code()->instructions()[block->first_instruction_index()];
376  if (correct_counts != move_map.size()) {
377    // Moves that are unique to each predecessor won't be pushed to the common
378    // successor.
379    OperandSet conflicting_srcs(local_zone());
380    for (auto iter = move_map.begin(), end = move_map.end(); iter != end;) {
381      auto current = iter;
382      ++iter;
383      if (current->second != block->PredecessorCount()) {
384        InstructionOperand dest = current->first.destination;
385        // Not all the moves in all the gaps are the same. Maybe some are. If
386        // there are such moves, we could move them, but the destination of the
387        // moves staying behind can't appear as a source of a common move,
388        // because the move staying behind will clobber this destination.
389        conflicting_srcs.insert(dest);
390        move_map.erase(current);
391      }
392    }
394    bool changed = false;
395    do {
396      // If a common move can't be pushed to the common successor, then its
397      // destination also can't appear as source to any move being pushed.
398      changed = false;
399      for (auto iter = move_map.begin(), end = move_map.end(); iter != end;) {
400        auto current = iter;
401        ++iter;
402        DCHECK_EQ(block->PredecessorCount(), current->second);
403        if (conflicting_srcs.find(current->first.source) !=
404            conflicting_srcs.end()) {
405          conflicting_srcs.insert(current->first.destination);
406          move_map.erase(current);
407          changed = true;
408        }
409      }
410    } while (changed);
411  }
413  if (move_map.empty()) return;
415  DCHECK_NOT_NULL(instr);
416  bool gap_initialized = true;
417  if (instr->parallel_moves()[0] != nullptr &&
418      !instr->parallel_moves()[0]->empty()) {
419    // Will compress after insertion.
420    gap_initialized = false;
421    std::swap(instr->parallel_moves()[0], instr->parallel_moves()[1]);
422  }
423  ParallelMove* moves = instr->GetOrCreateParallelMove(
424      static_cast<Instruction::GapPosition>(0), code_zone());
425  // Delete relevant entries in predecessors and move everything to block.
426  bool first_iteration = true;
427  for (RpoNumber& pred_index : block->predecessors()) {
428    const InstructionBlock* pred = code()->InstructionBlockAt(pred_index);
429    for (MoveOperands* move : *LastInstruction(pred)->parallel_moves()[0]) {
430      if (move->IsRedundant()) continue;
431      MoveKey key = {move->source(), move->destination()};
432      auto it = move_map.find(key);
433      if (it != move_map.end()) {
434        if (first_iteration) {
435          moves->AddMove(move->source(), move->destination());
436        }
437        move->Eliminate();
438      }
439    }
440    first_iteration = false;
441  }
442  // Compress.
443  if (!gap_initialized) {
444    CompressMoves(instr->parallel_moves()[0], instr->parallel_moves()[1]);
445  }
446  CompressBlock(block);
450namespace {
452bool IsSlot(const InstructionOperand& op) {
453  return op.IsStackSlot() || op.IsDoubleStackSlot();
457bool LoadCompare(const MoveOperands* a, const MoveOperands* b) {
458  if (!a->source().EqualsCanonicalized(b->source())) {
459    return a->source().CompareCanonicalized(b->source());
460  }
461  if (IsSlot(a->destination()) && !IsSlot(b->destination())) return false;
462  if (!IsSlot(a->destination()) && IsSlot(b->destination())) return true;
463  return a->destination().CompareCanonicalized(b->destination());
466}  // namespace
469// Split multiple loads of the same constant or stack slot off into the second
470// slot and keep remaining moves in the first slot.
471void MoveOptimizer::FinalizeMoves(Instruction* instr) {
472  MoveOpVector& loads = local_vector();
473  DCHECK(loads.empty());
475  ParallelMove* parallel_moves = instr->parallel_moves()[0];
476  if (parallel_moves == nullptr) return;
477  // Find all the loads.
478  for (MoveOperands* move : *parallel_moves) {
479    if (move->IsRedundant()) continue;
480    if (move->source().IsConstant() || IsSlot(move->source())) {
481      loads.push_back(move);
482    }
483  }
484  if (loads.empty()) return;
485  // Group the loads by source, moving the preferred destination to the
486  // beginning of the group.
487  std::sort(loads.begin(), loads.end(), LoadCompare);
488  MoveOperands* group_begin = nullptr;
489  for (MoveOperands* load : loads) {
490    // New group.
491    if (group_begin == nullptr ||
492        !load->source().EqualsCanonicalized(group_begin->source())) {
493      group_begin = load;
494      continue;
495    }
496    // Nothing to be gained from splitting here.
497    if (IsSlot(group_begin->destination())) continue;
498    // Insert new move into slot 1.
499    ParallelMove* slot_1 = instr->GetOrCreateParallelMove(
500        static_cast<Instruction::GapPosition>(1), code_zone());
501    slot_1->AddMove(group_begin->destination(), load->destination());
502    load->Eliminate();
503  }
504  loads.clear();
507}  // namespace compiler
508}  // namespace internal
509}  // namespace v8