1// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5class Binary extends Array {
6  emit_u8(val) {
7    this.push(val);
8  }
10  emit_u16(val) {
11    this.push(val & 0xff);
12    this.push((val >> 8) & 0xff);
13  }
15  emit_u32(val) {
16    this.push(val & 0xff);
17    this.push((val >> 8) & 0xff);
18    this.push((val >> 16) & 0xff);
19    this.push((val >> 24) & 0xff);
20  }
22  emit_varint(val) {
23    while (true) {
24      let v = val & 0xff;
25      val = val >>> 7;
26      if (val == 0) {
27        this.push(v);
28        break;
29      }
30      this.push(v | 0x80);
31    }
32  }
34  emit_bytes(data) {
35    for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
36      this.push(data[i] & 0xff);
37    }
38  }
40  emit_string(string) {
41    // When testing illegal names, we pass a byte array directly.
42    if (string instanceof Array) {
43      this.emit_varint(string.length);
44      this.emit_bytes(string);
45      return;
46    }
48    // This is the hacky way to convert a JavaScript string to a UTF8 encoded
49    // string only containing single-byte characters.
50    let string_utf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(string));
51    this.emit_varint(string_utf8.length);
52    for (let i = 0; i < string_utf8.length; i++) {
53      this.emit_u8(string_utf8.charCodeAt(i));
54    }
55  }
57  emit_header() {
58    this.push(kWasmH0, kWasmH1, kWasmH2, kWasmH3,
59              kWasmV0, kWasmV1, kWasmV2, kWasmV3);
60  }
62  emit_section(section_code, content_generator) {
63    // Emit section name.
64    this.emit_string(section_names[section_code]);
65    // Emit the section to a temporary buffer: its full length isn't know yet.
66    let section = new Binary;
67    content_generator(section);
68    // Emit section length.
69    this.emit_varint(section.length);
70    // Copy the temporary buffer.
71    this.push(...section);
72  }
75class WasmFunctionBuilder {
76  constructor(name, type_index) {
77    this.name = name;
78    this.type_index = type_index;
79    this.exports = [];
80  }
82  exportAs(name) {
83    this.exports.push(name);
84    return this;
85  }
87  exportFunc() {
88    this.exports.push(this.name);
89    return this;
90  }
92  addBody(body) {
93    this.body = body;
94    return this;
95  }
97  addLocals(locals) {
98    this.locals = locals;
99    return this;
100  }
103class WasmModuleBuilder {
104  constructor() {
105    this.types = [];
106    this.imports = [];
107    this.functions = [];
108    this.exports = [];
109    this.table = [];
110    this.segments = [];
111    this.explicit = [];
112    this.pad = null;
113    return this;
114  }
116  addStart(start_index) {
117    this.start_index = start_index;
118  }
120  addMemory(min, max, exp) {
121    this.memory = {min: min, max: max, exp: exp};
122    return this;
123  }
125  addPadFunctionTable(size) {
126    this.pad = size;
127    return this;
128  }
130  addExplicitSection(bytes) {
131    this.explicit.push(bytes);
132    return this;
133  }
135  addType(type) {
136    // TODO: canonicalize types?
137    this.types.push(type);
138    return this.types.length - 1;
139  }
141  addFunction(name, type) {
142    let type_index = (typeof type) == "number" ? type : this.addType(type);
143    let func = new WasmFunctionBuilder(name, type_index);
144    func.index = this.functions.length;
145    this.functions.push(func);
146    return func;
147  }
149  addImportWithModule(module, name, type) {
150    let type_index = (typeof type) == "number" ? type : this.addType(type);
151    this.imports.push({module: module, name: name, type: type_index});
152    return this.imports.length - 1;
153  }
155  addImport(name, type) {
156    return this.addImportWithModule(name, undefined, type);
157  }
159  addDataSegment(addr, data, init) {
160    this.segments.push({addr: addr, data: data, init: init});
161    return this.segments.length - 1;
162  }
164  appendToTable(array) {
165    this.table.push(...array);
166    return this;
167  }
169  toArray(debug) {
170    let binary = new Binary;
171    let wasm = this;
173    // Add header
174    binary.emit_header();
176    // Add type section
177    if (wasm.types.length > 0) {
178      if (debug) print("emitting types @ " + binary.length);
179      binary.emit_section(kDeclTypes, section => {
180        section.emit_varint(wasm.types.length);
181        for (let type of wasm.types) {
182          section.emit_u8(kWasmFunctionTypeForm);
183          section.emit_varint(type.params.length);
184          for (let param of type.params) {
185            section.emit_u8(param);
186          }
187          section.emit_varint(type.results.length);
188          for (let result of type.results) {
189            section.emit_u8(result);
190          }
191        }
192      });
193    }
195    // Add imports section
196    if (wasm.imports.length > 0) {
197      if (debug) print("emitting imports @ " + binary.length);
198      binary.emit_section(kDeclImports, section => {
199        section.emit_varint(wasm.imports.length);
200        for (let imp of wasm.imports) {
201          section.emit_varint(imp.type);
202          section.emit_string(imp.module);
203          section.emit_string(imp.name || '');
204        }
205      });
206    }
208    // Add functions declarations
209    let has_names = false;
210    let names = false;
211    let exports = 0;
212    if (wasm.functions.length > 0) {
213      if (debug) print("emitting function decls @ " + binary.length);
214      binary.emit_section(kDeclFunctions, section => {
215        section.emit_varint(wasm.functions.length);
216        for (let func of wasm.functions) {
217          has_names = has_names || (func.name != undefined &&
218                                   func.name.length > 0);
219          exports += func.exports.length;
220          section.emit_varint(func.type_index);
221        }
222      });
223    }
225    // Add table.
226    if (wasm.table.length > 0) {
227      if (debug) print("emitting table @ " + binary.length);
228      binary.emit_section(kDeclTable, section => {
229        section.emit_varint(wasm.table.length);
230        for (let index of wasm.table) {
231          section.emit_varint(index);
232        }
233      });
234    }
236    // Add memory section
237    if (wasm.memory != undefined) {
238      if (debug) print("emitting memory @ " + binary.length);
239      binary.emit_section(kDeclMemory, section => {
240        section.emit_varint(wasm.memory.min);
241        section.emit_varint(wasm.memory.max);
242        section.emit_u8(wasm.memory.exp ? 1 : 0);
243      });
244    }
247    // Add export table.
248    if (exports > 0) {
249      if (debug) print("emitting exports @ " + binary.length);
250      binary.emit_section(kDeclExports, section => {
251        section.emit_varint(exports);
252        for (let func of wasm.functions) {
253          for (let exp of func.exports) {
254            section.emit_varint(func.index);
255            section.emit_string(exp);
256          }
257        }
258      });
259    }
261    // Add start function section.
262    if (wasm.start_index != undefined) {
263      if (debug) print("emitting start function @ " + binary.length);
264      binary.emit_section(kDeclStart, section => {
265        section.emit_varint(wasm.start_index);
266      });
267    }
269    // Add function bodies.
270    if (wasm.functions.length > 0) {
271      // emit function bodies
272      if (debug) print("emitting code @ " + binary.length);
273      binary.emit_section(kDeclCode, section => {
274        section.emit_varint(wasm.functions.length);
275        for (let func of wasm.functions) {
276          // Function body length will be patched later.
277          let local_decls = [];
278          let l = func.locals;
279          if (l != undefined) {
280            let local_decls_count = 0;
281            if (l.i32_count > 0) {
282              local_decls.push({count: l.i32_count, type: kAstI32});
283            }
284            if (l.i64_count > 0) {
285              local_decls.push({count: l.i64_count, type: kAstI64});
286            }
287            if (l.f32_count > 0) {
288              local_decls.push({count: l.f32_count, type: kAstF32});
289            }
290            if (l.f64_count > 0) {
291              local_decls.push({count: l.f64_count, type: kAstF64});
292            }
293          }
295          let header = new Binary;
296          header.emit_varint(local_decls.length);
297          for (let decl of local_decls) {
298            header.emit_varint(decl.count);
299            header.emit_u8(decl.type);
300          }
302          section.emit_varint(header.length + func.body.length);
303          section.emit_bytes(header);
304          section.emit_bytes(func.body);
305        }
306      });
307    }
309    // Add data segments.
310    if (wasm.segments.length > 0) {
311      if (debug) print("emitting data segments @ " + binary.length);
312      binary.emit_section(kDeclData, section => {
313        section.emit_varint(wasm.segments.length);
314        for (let seg of wasm.segments) {
315          section.emit_varint(seg.addr);
316          section.emit_varint(seg.data.length);
317          section.emit_bytes(seg.data);
318        }
319      });
320    }
322    // Add any explicitly added sections
323    for (let exp of wasm.explicit) {
324      if (debug) print("emitting explicit @ " + binary.length);
325      binary.emit_bytes(exp);
326    }
328    // Add function names.
329    if (has_names) {
330      if (debug) print("emitting names @ " + binary.length);
331      binary.emit_section(kDeclNames, section => {
332        section.emit_varint(wasm.functions.length);
333        for (let func of wasm.functions) {
334          var name = func.name == undefined ? "" : func.name;
335          section.emit_string(name);
336          section.emit_u8(0);  // local names count == 0
337        }
338      });
339    }
341    // Add an indirect function table pad section.
342    if (wasm.pad !== null) {
343      if (debug)
344        print("emitting indirect function table pad @ " + binary.length);
345      binary.emit_section(kDeclFunctionTablePad, section => {
346        section.emit_varint(wasm.pad);
347      });
348    }
350    // End the module.
351    if (debug) print("emitting end @ " + binary.length);
352    binary.emit_section(kDeclEnd, section => {});
354    return binary;
355  }
357  toBuffer(debug) {
358    let bytes = this.toArray(debug);
359    let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length);
360    let view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
361    for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
362      let val = bytes[i];
363      if ((typeof val) == "string") val = val.charCodeAt(0);
364      view[i] = val | 0;
365    }
366    return buffer;
367  }
369  instantiate(...args) {
370    let module = new WebAssembly.Module(this.toBuffer());
371    let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, ...args);
372    return instance;
373  }