History log of /frameworks/base/rs/java/android/renderscript/Allocation.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
867ac4d57e3bacb5adb099adecb327e4eb58689b 28-Apr-2017 Yang Ni <yangni@google.com> Destroy Allocation right away on exception

Bug: 28053584

To avoid holding the resource (surface) for too long.

Test: CTS on x86_64 emulator
Change-Id: I2fdec107c2a16b7dadbf78a9aee79c33423a3676
(cherry picked from commit c48a09cce85cbaeeaa75f9697807773bb99487eb)
3231e8e0220614f7b1628493da5f276f19faab7c 02-Apr-2016 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> Update documentation about copyTo and copyFrom.

Bug: 23159764
Bug: 26862970

- Add detailed description of AutoPadding
- Add comments to all the copy related APIs.
- Fix typos in the comments.

Change-Id: I2d045e0d90efd94f1407f88d3e35bcd42ea93fb9
1b4df1697f0d9b5dadfa1aca6c50d845d701ed2c 21-Apr-2016 Yang Ni <yangni@google.com> Fixed BaseObj finalizer and destroy()

Bug: 28242626
Bug: 27972184
Bug: 27973681

This is resolving issues in ScriptGroup (V1) again.
In ScriptGroup.destroy(), we also need to consider the old API where
mClosures is not initialized.

Also cleaned up the finalizer for ScriptGroup and Allocation:
Since BaseObj.finalize() calls BaseObj.helpDestroy(), instead of
BaseObj.destroy(), there is no possibility that the finalizers of
child objects may race their parents finalizers. Note that
helpDestroy() does not try to recurse on child objects.

Change-Id: I9dbb2b60f8478f656f8a418c2b5fc8d6848aeef0
e1798e4284f5c886c280f7e439da8070cad6a915 07-Apr-2016 Yang Ni <yangni@google.com> Destroy Type created by Allocation.createSized()

Bug: 27972184
Change-Id: I4f80c74079087eab20b75a701c56cde141322462
(cherry picked from commit 3444dbe025ad78cae9fd77a4d2203a1a806ae1af)
0c6ed67c3ab80f406d31a2e4d666a680e62cb83c 01-Apr-2016 Yang Ni <yangni@google.com> Merge "Added CloseGuard for BaseObj" into nyc-dev
6484b6be5ca5233614d0a8991a5d909543824fc7 24-Mar-2016 Yang Ni <yangni@google.com> Added CloseGuard for BaseObj

Bug: 27719830

To turn on warnings, apps have to add to their Activity.onCreate() method
the following code.

StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder()

For Slang generated ScriptC derived classes, we assume their
constructors won't throw exceptions after calling the ScriptC
constructor. In addition, ScriptIntrinsic derived classes do not seem
to throw exceptions in their constructors either. Therefore, we can
leave the guard.open() call in the Script constructor. This may be
only an approximation, but allows us to add CloseGuard for script
objects without making changes to slang.

Change-Id: I77ed45239a60b85af5c811dee6c124fb53da9060
(cherry picked from commit eb4dd08ec132f83745b8b28fa7da58eb4478b5b9)
ab9ab56e3d4eadbc0e858544519f491b626d3c98 30-Mar-2016 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> Merge "[RenderScript] Update documentation for Allocation.setAutoPadding()." into nyc-dev
9ee7607615563c6b480968470e69cb58d0996cb8 30-Mar-2016 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] Update documentation for Allocation.setAutoPadding().

Bug: 26862970
Change-Id: Iaa88ac0266e5d2cac2837f1d13353aacc6177274
3934dadd58576cd269df4447ceadd27925174c1d 28-Mar-2016 Pirama Arumuga Nainar <pirama@google.com> [RenderScript] Fail with Exception from validateObjectIsPrimitiveArray

Bug: http://b/25982676

Instead of returning null from validateObjectIsPrimitiveArray, fail with
an exception. The callers of this function do not check for null.

Change-Id: Idd2b50a7b137e8d2db7a334bb9a48c1b19ee2403
f51bb356deeb8a22414fb44cede4b8618c4b57ba 26-Feb-2016 Pirama Arumuga Nainar <pirama@google.com> [RenderScript] Allow copyTo(short[]) etc for Float16 Allocations


Allow copyTo(short[]), copyFrom(short[]), and their 1D range and 2D
range variants to copy data between short[] arrays and Float16

Change-Id: I370584685c3b773c165bd718974ca736ed548339
c29bcd0dcd00225e0206d0ad7a374bc1766d2d5a 26-Jan-2016 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] Unhide new Allocation APIs

Bug: 23535524

- ByteBuffer getByteBuffer()
- long getStride()
- Allocation[] createAllocations(rs, type, usage, num)
- long getTimeStamp()

Change-Id: I0cad88c81f9f48c7aca59af159c49f506b234aee
8c1509249c5552270d8accc2c9512f499a8f5e2d 27-Oct-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] Implement APIs for better multi-frame process support.

Bug: 23535524

Two APIs added for multiframe processing:
- createAllocations(...): To create an array of Allocations sharing the
same Type and Usage. For USAGE_IO_INPUT Allocations, they also share
the same BufferQueue.
- getTimeStamp(): API to retrieve the time stamp associated with the
most recent buffer.

Change-Id: I6b7b35d7dca5e87ee2f3db2ee17cb9cf824bcfe1
0facf021ea1a0399d956372b9d3ad9025a9a04d2 25-Nov-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] Add API to map Allocation mallocptr to Java ByteBuffer

Bug: 25926361
Bug: 23535524

- Construct the ByteBuffer using the AllocationGetPointer.
- Add an API to query the stride of the allocation.
- Both ByteBuffer and Stride will be cached for normal Allocations.
if using USAGE_IO, since after each ioReceive, the mallocPtr will
change, getByteBuffer will always create a new one using the most
up-to-date mallocPtr.

Change-Id: I5e84b6690e83bb062c383043275524d0e51e46eb
a11ceb9e91a9471f0d1ef27cd72675eb103b79ed 04-Jun-2015 Chris Craik <ccraik@android.com> am 5fd0e46d: am 34a63ba4: Merge "Ensure RenderScript tracing is always balanced via try/finally"

* commit '5fd0e46d242f718de629ec07cf540fa24b4a72ec':
Ensure RenderScript tracing is always balanced via try/finally
06d2984871cd9b0989ad758592ba68e85b3ecd80 03-Jun-2015 Chris Craik <ccraik@google.com> Ensure RenderScript tracing is always balanced via try/finally


Change-Id: I6709b81636822135848c10adca8ba425f3c2212e
f77facd0b9eaa603aee44bbb331e73f45ea4a07f 01-Jun-2015 Chris Craik <ccraik@google.com> Fix RenderScript copy tracing sections


Change-Id: I3b44d04bd908d9549ef7ada5f48f5d94e239d186
48b01043747acab0c12122c3c7c2bbbf3d03ea28 02-Jun-2015 Chris Craik <ccraik@google.com> am e63136a3: am 8c1e287b: Merge "Fix RenderScript copy tracing sections" into mnc-dev

* commit 'e63136a36ec6e5f22d53654c85b8b3eb0b19cb27':
Fix RenderScript copy tracing sections
5c705d63d76eb29f55f3fb97d616baf664fbc162 01-Jun-2015 Chris Craik <ccraik@google.com> Fix RenderScript copy tracing sections


Change-Id: I3b44d04bd908d9549ef7ada5f48f5d94e239d186
8374e25a9ee53ba6faa8d5a20e92506ef74c15a1 19-May-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> am 77877609: Merge "[RenderScript] fix Allocation.copyToFieldPacker"

* commit '7787760961703239763afad9639517ce02259090':
[RenderScript] fix Allocation.copyToFieldPacker
bfa5e659e7b4cb49178d0e99712478b29f8301a7 05-May-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] fix Allocation.copyToFieldPacker

Change-Id: Iaba3333f9741238745fdb5c94f1b27b1015d50b2
3c61327fa990c2ea79527fd18fb9e448d39e1622 11-May-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] hide Allocation.copyToFieldPacker()

bug: 21027883

Change-Id: I122392bc5206ff19ea52712576d7f363e5915231
68e03ab998d97c224a59ee5c1edb312bb14c3948 16-Apr-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> am 13391109: am 2b300a99: am 782b4339: Merge "[RenderScript] typo fix in Allocation.java"

* commit '133911095ce0d9ef01766aa7b67a0a31b852e242':
[RenderScript] typo fix in Allocation.java
179e8b5351d9782ffd5e91e309fffdb77c4974ec 16-Apr-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] typo fix in Allocation.java

Change-Id: Id0eae76387d18c5bfed6cdbb52781b0dc3e4ae90
edea751f6416869ff08268d9aeec2f6b6e65f7f0 03-Apr-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> am 1327fa9e: am 511eb660: am 6aed9ec1: Merge "[RenderScript] update exception reporting for copyTo() after autoPadding added."

* commit '1327fa9eb155eb57fe24a8aa90a18f57d706e86b':
[RenderScript] update exception reporting for copyTo() after autoPadding added.
d9b6328509f7c4fe63ca0a46b8c19bc956f62d8a 03-Apr-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] update exception reporting for copyTo() after
autoPadding added.

- This CL fixes recent CTS failures about copyPadded after
lmp-mr1-dev changes pushed to aosp.

Change-Id: Ica1f4fd934cd83ca4357ea7e7c82dcc7f844b689
d7ecab1e875da3efc618e4458d2a1a20a956f9a3 27-Mar-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] Remove @hide for setAutoPadding(boolean).

Change-Id: I9e018436866989090be3896f894078ca0422189b
258db504bcd4265eeb95adbec04e131bcc8ec6c9 03-Mar-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] Remove @hide for the new APIs for Allocation.CopyTo

Change-Id: I9ef476ae3e659d98d21c9246aa8e4969e00c14f1
1e68bac5f80b64beceaa60e6c2d560ab26c8d72d 18-Mar-2015 Jason Sams <jsams@google.com> Avoid duplicate surface creation.

Change-Id: I43104c8b48dd26681735940e6b2e1ba902af2020
c1e2bf95ab77127ea21ebd44b8615eca85338af1 06-Mar-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> am 4b5af9bc: Merge "[RenderScript] Update the java API about Allocation copyTo & From FieldPacker"

* commit '4b5af9bce10dbb8b6d5ff27a5f0c49f3498a6245':
[RenderScript] Update the java API about Allocation copyTo & From FieldPacker
a61832c8fdff8cf086113f578032136c81935904 06-Mar-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> am 288e6f67: Merge "[RenderScript] AutoPadding & Unpadding for Vec3 Elements during copyTo & copyFrom."

* commit '288e6f67181ce74ec4b97b61def1b9510b1221d0':
[RenderScript] AutoPadding & Unpadding for Vec3 Elements during copyTo & copyFrom.
45cec0a9711f736df26fd097c6d74834e350f9bc 05-Mar-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] Update the java API about Allocation copyTo & From FieldPacker

Change-Id: I4e1b911d4cdfec8a841bc5a8bc615c64c50e8fc8
87e908dfdece91b5f504386d4901fa3342dc8083 03-Mar-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [RenderScript] AutoPadding & Unpadding for Vec3 Elements during
copyTo & copyFrom.

Change-Id: I10b6fb235717e181ebb30b92e4dbe23e6183a29c
411473de4a558747b003f27190f61c75bf9e12c7 03-Mar-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> am caa8a8fb: Merge "[Renderscript] JAVA API update for Allocation.CopyTo add the following functions to make it more symmetric to copyFrom()."

* commit 'caa8a8fb9849f1d44ffab3117950ac1e7b02cd4d':
[Renderscript] JAVA API update for Allocation.CopyTo add the following functions to make it more symmetric to copyFrom().
c8e237e27165c7f7855ed0b077cfe5f1e54908ef 21-Feb-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [Renderscript] JAVA API update for Allocation.CopyTo
add the following functions to make it more symmetric to copyFrom().

- copy1DRangeToUnchecked, copy1DRangeTo
- copy2DRangeToUnchecked, copy2DRangeTo
- copy3DRangeToUnchecked, copy3DRangeTo
- setFromFieldPacker, 2D and 3D variants
- copyElementTo, (1D, 2D & 3D)

Change-Id: I6b896123e1c00cead552aa5b31a701b15dd70f85
ec10f833b4276cef130a26d5e4d30935dcd3ef35 10-Feb-2015 Jason Sams <jsams@google.com> am 2a3cdf57: Merge "Implement array types"
automerge: 6e0ad25

* commit '6e0ad25ca8def88a48c9cc6436b12da7ff4600c2':
Implement array types
46ba27e3fdcf1ce3b940e8b2ec90fcd2c9b7fe43 07-Feb-2015 Jason Sams <jsams@google.com> Implement array types

Change-Id: I1b83f21ea2aeaa4b9f5934aadcb69d4a1c1fea20
4bd2c00d8d27d37c5e90a42ec2e39dd9fdd149eb 05-Feb-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> Merge "make Allocation.destroy() include setSurface(null) for USAGE_IO_OUTPUT (Native RS)" automerge: 9a55cbc
automerge: 58fd96c

* commit '58fd96c607de7f7f821a0b15fd37bc28323fcfde':
make Allocation.destroy() include setSurface(null) for USAGE_IO_OUTPUT (Native RS)
f0f6e80baee176b4608402d067a75c45be18d553 04-Feb-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> make Allocation.destroy() include setSurface(null) for USAGE_IO_OUTPUT
(Native RS)

Change-Id: I23041da03c2c928ceec76037804abb5dc7e6eb64
b590b354ef407c1c60288d2f8c3950d2f53d14fa 15-Jan-2015 Miao Wang <miaowang@google.com> [Renderscript] Add check for Allocation.copyTo(Array) and
Fix the input allocation type check for Histogram Intrinsic.

Bug: 19035242
Change-Id: I0ef2672bf816854db90fc92dc9ef51d1d231c246
b730d866a0f4f56c103420f818f7f5ec6b8fd618 19-Aug-2014 Tim Murray <timmurray@google.com> Fix IO_INPUT with 64-bit.

bug 16846318
bug 17006933

Change-Id: Ic13ef26875d8a6fab1ffb542d62038b768a536ff
cd38b763d530d80aab1075dfe3b01be83abed362 13-Aug-2014 Tim Murray <timmurray@google.com> Allocation.resize() should throw an exception in API 21+.

bug 16846318

Change-Id: I852331ec226e4cad8be79aa27c4b51183e97cc1d
3de3dc79e569bac3205e9af1ffe726964b845358 02-Jul-2014 Tim Murray <timmurray@google.com> Update copyFrom(BaseObj[]) for large objects.

Change-Id: I99cadbd1ad925cad0dd357c9abbd1a49c07785c9
7f22d0154532a2b65a3f300a25369bf66e3f6cf4 19-Jun-2014 Stephen Hines <srhines@google.com> am c5b11fcc: am ff83ed2d: am b02dadd4: Merge "Create FieldPacker.getPos() to get the actual amount of data used for FP."

* commit 'c5b11fcc1f4fc4fba988218d0a99a19690398a56':
Create FieldPacker.getPos() to get the actual amount of data used for FP.
fa1275a6e743c4661cc3d5e05bb89559a8e59727 18-Jun-2014 Stephen Hines <srhines@google.com> Create FieldPacker.getPos() to get the actual amount of data used for FP.

We need larger buffers to handle 64-bit RS object types, but 32-bit code
will never fill all of the getData().length bytes. This allows us to retain
our verification code.

We have to modify an existing use of FieldPacker that was doing partial
updates of the underlying buffer. This was really relying on the old data
to be implicitly selected and written back, but that is not guaranteed by
the original API. This also required a fix to the FieldPacker.reset() API,
which was not allowing the FieldPacker to ever point to the final entry in
its buffer.

Change-Id: Idcd52790ac2b0ab1eff3f043e7eec2832953f04b
1136bb91b42f6a0ae148b2ac5bcfa67a96d4d7ed 26-Nov-2013 Jason Sams <jsams@google.com> Generic object based data copy.

This change consolidates the copy paths to Object based.
The runtime now uses reflection to identify the type of
array present. This adds support for long/double and reduces
the amount of code present. We could also support arrays of vectors
or objects in the future with this mechanism.

Change-Id: I2297c1c01fbe6a64c375d6368f25d7db781ea788
e6eaaf6a8e491404c33aab5cd70444d2637df1bc 18-Dec-2013 Tim Murray <timmurray@google.com> Fix getBytesSize for YUV allocations.

bug 12134914

Change-Id: I128e75b756a5bd129077177e254f1db6c94182f1
355707e4f665904e31d9f5fcff1e3921f7db8cdd 17-Dec-2013 Tim Murray <timmurray@google.com> Move RenderScript from graphics/ to new fw/base subdirectory rs.

Change-Id: I30b6633578f063840e1bdbcc9ba513b727912a6d
04f0d6e3394ed8518db51307a9b66f9b44477a46 18-Dec-2013 Tim Murray <timmurray@google.com> Fix getBytesSize for YUV allocations.

bug 12134914

Change-Id: I128e75b756a5bd129077177e254f1db6c94182f1
d1576fb039f018ea4d55abbb2c03d542011be399 17-Dec-2013 Tim Murray <timmurray@google.com> Move RenderScript from graphics/ to new fw/base subdirectory rs.

Change-Id: I30b6633578f063840e1bdbcc9ba513b727912a6d