Lines Matching defs:vendor

121 # vendor default.prop
161 # non-default dev keys (usually private keys from a vendor directory).
331 # vendor build.prop
333 # For verifying that the vendor build is what we think it is
346 @echo Target vendor buildinfo: $@
349 $(hide) echo`$(DATE_FROM_FILE)`>>$@
350 $(hide) echo`$(DATE_FROM_FILE) +%s`>>$@
351 $(hide) echo"$(BUILD_FINGERPRINT_FROM_FILE)">>$@
517 # tags that are part of the system (ie, not in a vendor/ or device/
524 $(filter-out vendor/% device/% out/%,$(all_event_log_tags_src)))
747 $(if $(filter $(1),xml_excluded_vendor),-e vendor --xml-output, \
748 $(if $(filter $(1),xml_vendor),-i vendor --xml-output, \
791 "Notices for files contained in the vendor filesystem image in this directory:", \
822 # Install the vendor html file at /vendor/etc/NOTICE.xml.gz.
1344 # Create symlink /system/vendor to /vendor if necessary.
1346 define create-system-vendor-symlink
1347 $(hide) if [ -d $(TARGET_OUT)/vendor ] && [ ! -h $(TARGET_OUT)/vendor ]; then \
1348 echo 'Non-symlink $(TARGET_OUT)/vendor detected!' 1>&2; \
1349 echo 'You cannot install files to $(TARGET_OUT)/vendor while building a separate vendor.img!' 1>&2; \
1352 $(hide) ln -sf /vendor $(TARGET_OUT)/vendor
1355 define create-system-vendor-symlink
1362 $(call create-system-vendor-symlink)
1436 $(call create-system-vendor-symlink)
1771 # vendor partition image
1781 INSTALLED_FILES_FILE_VENDOR := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/installed-files-vendor.txt
1790 $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,vendor)
1793 $(call pretty,"Target vendor fs image: $(INSTALLED_VENDORIMAGE_TARGET)")
1798 $(call build-image-kernel-modules,$(BOARD_VENDOR_KERNEL_MODULES),$(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR),vendor/,$(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,depmod_vendor)))
2039 $(hide) find device vendor -name \*.pk8 -o -name verifiedboot\* -o -name \*.x509.pem -o -name oem\*.prop | xargs zip -qryX $(abspath $@)>/dev/null || true
2087 # default to common dir for device vendor
2160 $(call create-system-vendor-symlink)
2222 @# Contents of the vendor image
2363 @# Run fs_config on all the system, vendor, boot ramdisk,
2367 $(hide) $(call fs_config,$(zip_root)/VENDOR,vendor/) > $(zip_root)/META/vendor_filesystem_config.txt
2763 -include $(sort $(wildcard vendor/*/build/tasks/*.mk))
2767 -include $(sort $(wildcard vendor/*/*/build/tasks/*.mk))