Lines Matching refs:result

497    * @brief Multiplies 32 X 64 and returns 32 bit result in 2.30 format.
1735 * @param[in] shift number of bits to shift the result by
1751 * @param[in] shift number of bits to shift the result by
2639 * @param[in] shift number of bits to shift the result by
2656 * @param[in] shift number of bits to shift the result by
2673 * @param[in] shift number of bits to shift the result by
2743 * @param[out] *result output result returned here
2751 float32_t * result);
2758 * @param[out] *result output result returned here
2766 q31_t * result);
2773 * @param[out] *result output result returned here
2781 q63_t * result);
2788 * @param[out] *result output result returned here
2796 q63_t * result);
3055 * @param[out] *pDst points to the location where the output result is written. Length srcALen+srcBLen-1.
3096 * @param[out] *pDst points to the location where the output result is written. Length srcALen+srcBLen-1.
5118 * Thus, if the accumulator result overflows it wraps around rather than clip.
5164 * Both Gains and state variables are represented in 1.15 format and multiplications yield a 2.30 result.
5168 * Lastly, the accumulator is saturated to yield a result in 1.15 format.
6711 * @param[out] *realResult real part of the result returned here
6712 * @param[out] *imagResult imaginary part of the result returned here
6728 * @param[out] *realResult real part of the result returned here
6729 * @param[out] *imagResult imaginary part of the result returned here
6745 * @param[out] *realResult real part of the result returned here
6746 * @param[out] *imagResult imaginary part of the result returned here
6806 * @param[out] *result is output pointer
6814 q7_t * result,